Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 39

Találatok száma: 1938


You Will See

With great sacrifice I let you go,
my eyes bleeding from crying so much,
two years of waiting seemed like a thousand,
but when you come back, no, you are not leaving.
You sill see how I am going to love you,
You will see how I am going to kiss you,
You will see how with my trills,
I will make you so happy.
You will see how I am going to love you,
with the craziest and most heartfelt passion,
come back, by God I am dying
just for you.
You will see how I am going to love you,
You will see how I am going to kiss you,
You will see how with my trills,
I will make you so happy.
You will see how I am going to love you,
With the craziest and most heartfelt passion,
Come back, by God I am dying
just for you,
just for you,
just for you.

Wonderful World

Do not awaken me while I am dreaming of you.
I see a sweet world where you are alone with me.
At sunset, the flowers tell thousands of love stories.
All of those flowers resemble you.
Do not awaken me—close your eyes with me
and my great dream to which this world will transport me.
At sunset, the flowers tell thousands of love stories.
All of those flowers resemble you.
Do not awaken me—close your eyes with me
and my great dream to which this world will transport me.

You Lie So well

Versions: #3
That you will stay with me a whole lifetime
That with you goodbye winter only spring
That the waves are made from magic and not salty water
I believe everything from you but you give me nothing
You give me nothing
That if I follow your path I’ll get to heaven
You lie to my face and I become blind
I swallow your words and you play a game
And the world shines on my face when you say later
When you say later
When you say feel I feel like your everything
When you say life I’ll be with you
You take my hand and I cry inside
Even though they’re lies you make me feel alive
Even though the air is fake, I feel like I’m breathing
You lie so well
That everything you give me
Tastes like the truth
And I’m already loving you
You lie so well
That I’ve come to imagine
That you fill your skin with my love
And although everything is from paper
You lie so well

Mental, yourself

So you want to break me
It won't be a pretty sight
A grown man on his knees
Shirt in snot and tears
Before you cock your gun for good,
There was a couple things I wanted to say
Surely, you cannot have gotten
Any hugs and kisses in some time
There are those who destroy,
Who make deep wounds
I know of several rotten eggs
Who only think about themselves
There are gold and precious gems,
Heroes in secret who stay quiet,
Who always stand on own feet,
Who never get their applause
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it
And you've disappointed me
Now I hold grief in my heart
Pressed me against
My most inner gate
The load goes on your back
The load goes in the water
I miss Mom
And the cat from before
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it

I don't know

Spring, summer, snow or rain
When I'm with you it doesn't matter, ay
You are priceless
I don't know why we are not, no
And even tho we got much love, yes
Nothing is the same
Babe only you are for me, nobody else
I want to be with you all my life
Because you are my type, baby be my type
I be by your side
I don't know why you are not with me
When you know how much I love you
When you know how much you love me
Got that money, money, money
But that mean nothing, nothing, nothing
Because you are my type, baby be my type
I be by your side
I need that lovin', lovin', lovin'
Keep that comin', comin', comin'
Because you are my type, baby be my type
I be by your side
I don't know why you are not with me
When you know how much I love you
When you know how much you love me
I said I love you
I saw in your eyes
The best feeling
When I touched your lips
You was inside of me
I was inside of you
Now I'm yours
If you want me to say it, say it
I don't know why you are not with me
When you know how much I love you
When you know how much you love me
When you know how much I love you
When you know how much you love me

Mom the paper came

Just as I was done with studies and schools
The letter came 1 to serve the army
Leave what I was doing, take two things with me
Because soon I'll be a soldier
Mom the paper came
To wear khaki
Serve the army
Make my country proud
I must shave my beard, my hair
They call me a fish 2 and my heart is getting tough
Push-ups, bad manners, reports, watchtowers and chores
And keeping Calliope 3 clean, who is this lady
Mom the paper came...
  • 1. The letter informing someone that he must serve in the Greek army
  • 2. How the older soldiers call the new ones in the army
  • 3. Slang for the army toilets


Versions: #2
Mindazok után, amin keresztül mentem miattad
Azt gondolhatnád, hogy megvetlek téged
De végül szeretném megköszönni neked
Mert ennyivel erősebbé tettél engem
Hát én, én azt hittem, ismerlek téged, azt gondolván őszinte voltál
Azt hiszem én, én nem bíztam benned, rájöttem a hazugságodra, lejárt az időd
Mert nekem ebből elég volt
Te ott voltál mellettem, mindig benne voltál mindenben
De a pályafutásod itt véget ért, mert a kapzsiságod eladott engem szégyentelenül
Minden lopás és csalás után, talán azt gondolod megvetlek téged
De uh uh, oh nem, tévedsz
De ha te nem tetted volna meg mindezeket, akkor nem tudnám
Mire vagyok képes, hogy túl legyek ezen
Szóval szeretném megköszönni
Mert ez
Ennyivel erősebbé tesz engem
Egy kicsivel keményebben dolgozom miatta
Ez ennyivel bölcsebbé tesz engem
Szóval köszönöm, hogy harcossá tettél engem
Elérted, hogy egy kicsit gyorsabban tanuljak
Egy kicsit vastagabbá tetted a bőrömet
Ennyivel okosabbá tettél engem
Szóval köszönöm, hogy harcossá tettél engem
Sosem láttam előre, minden hátba támadásodat
Csak, hogy valami jó dolgot is tegyél, mielőtt rájövök a kis játékodra
Azt hallottam mostanában az áldozat szerepét játszod
De el se kezd úgy érezni, hogy engem kellene hibáztatnod
Mert te ástad meg a saját sírodat
Minden veszekedés és hazugság után, mert kísérteni akarsz engem
De ez nem fog működni többé, többé már nem,
Vége van
Mert ha a te kínzásaid ne lettek volna
Nem tudnám, hogyan viselkedjek úgy ahogyan most és sose hátráljak meg
Szóval szeretném megköszönni
Mert ez
Hogyan lett abból a férfiból, akiről azt hittem ismerem
Ennyire kegyetlen személy
Csak a jót láttam benned
Tetettem, hogy nem látom az igazságot
Te próbáltad elrejteni a hazugságaidat, elrejteni önmagad
Tagadásban éltem eddig
De végül meg fogod látni
Én egy harcos vagyok és én
Én nem fogok leállni
Nincs lehetőség visszafordulni
Elegem volt
Azt hitted, el tudom felejteni
De én emlékeztem
Mert én emlékeztem
Én emlékeztem
Azt hitted, el tudom felejteni
Én emlékeztem
Mert én emlékeztem
Én emlékeztem

Hat láb mélyen

De miért aggódsz
A holnapi háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
Közben bosszantasz engem
Kis ribi vagy a magasztosságod alatt
Na na na na na
Szerencsés vagy, hogy a nővéreiddel élsz
Nézd a boldogságos arcodat
Na na na na na
De miért aggódsz
A kis háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
Manipulatív érzésekkel csapod be
De csak magadnak hazudsz
Na na na na na
A követői erkölcsöddel
Csak akkor lesz részed örömben ha megállapodsz
Na na na na na
De miért aggódsz
A kis háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
Az idő múlik
És mielőtt zsákutcába érnénk
Mielőtt áthaladnánk azt
Hadd tanuljunk meg bölcsek lenni
Ismerem a gyengeségét
A bántó szavaimnak
Ezt akarom
Az idő rövid
Visszautasítás nélkül
A félelmem bátorít
Ahhoz hogy felemésszen a méreg
Egy utolsó kifogás
És a falak bezárulnak
Ezt akarom
Tükörbe néztél de
Túl sokat takarsz ahhoz, hogy meglásd magad
Na na na na na
A tükrödben te egy senki vagy
Csak egy kis picsa tükröződése
Na na na na na
De miért aggódsz
A kis háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
De miért aggódsz
A kis háborúink miatt
A levegőben leszünk
Hat láb mélyen
Na na na na na

The Peranton

When I wanted you, you didn't wanted me,
and now that you want me, I don't want.
Bear the grief of love,
I bore it first
You, who has neither
a bed1 nor clothes2,
put a leg
over the other.
I'm not as I was before,
dear master.
I'm not as I was before,
since I'm wounded.
-So, how are you?
-I'm at your disposal,
dear master.
Tantarantán, María,
tantarantán, José,
the little girl has a tooth,
I saw it yesterday.
All the ladies
go to the flowers
with their lovers,
you go, too.
When I see them,
I sway myself,
I get witty
and a little bit more.
  • 1. It probaly means that the young lady is not married.
  • 2. It probably refers to underwear. At this stage, boy dancers bend over pretending to look up the girls' skirts.

A thousand and one evenings

No you don't belive in blue fairies anymore
No carpet can fly you to the sky anymore
I'm going to have a thousand and one evenings
I'm going to live so many new fairy tales with you
A bit of nostalgia, and magic is within us
The puppet is not going to speak to you
The bottle you have no longer contains a genie
But inside you
A doubt remains
Already your thought is trembling
And everything seems real
You no longer live
Inside these fairy tales
And who is going
To wake up Snow White?
I'm going to have a thousand and one evenings
I'm going to live so many new fairy tales with you
A bit of nostalgia,
and magic is within us
No you don't belive in blue fairies anymore
No carpet can fly you
to the sky anymore
You no longer
Believe in these fairy tales
You no longer
Believe in these fairy tales

Fragmented innocence

Every time we arrange for a date it's raining
It was fun to stare deeply at our faces
The first day of that love
I want someone to bring it here
The man who was staring at me passionately
I want to meet him again
They always make me hear a requiem on that clubroom
I'm prosperous even of my clumsy way of grabbing the tea
Why I wake up on an unexpected moment
Love me this way
It's still incredible
That you put on a goodbye face
I always end up without ripen anything
Even if I can shed one or two young tears
The first day of that love
I want someone to bring it here
Like his chest throbbing
I'd understand the one I love
The first day of that love
I want someone to bring it here
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

ΟΚ Father

Everything's fine, father
Down here on earth
I have death as a mother
And only one wish
I gather memories
So that I have something to remember
I tell no one
That I'm scared at night
Everything's fine like in a fairytale
I'm telling you, father
But some people told me that
You hear me when I cry
And like all stories
That finally end
I'll write melodies
That stand still at night
I'll be leaving here
I'll be wandering the stars
I'll be waking up again
With bloody hands
I'll be killing
My old self all the time
I never managed to become
A different me
Don't be sorry, father
People forget easily
You see whatever comes (to us)
Always goes away quickly
Don't tear up, father
She's fine
But is afraid like everyone else
Of being alone

Your name

I have written a book
I have written a book
On the first page of that book
I have written your name, your name, your name. Your name
I have written a book
On the first page of the book
I have written your name, your name, your name.Your name
I have written your name, your name, your name. Your name
On the second page, I wrote some plain and straightforward words
From these words, I can hear a melody
On the second page, I wrote some plain and straightforward words
From these words, I can hear a melody
...I can hear a melody
This melody that I have heard...
This melody that I have heard...
In the first notes of this melody
I have heard your name, your name, your name.Your name
I have heard your name, your name, your name. Your name
I had barely written the third page when galaxies started opening up
Centuries-old secrets all became revealed to me
I had barely written the third page when galaxies started opening up
Centuries-old secrets all became revealed to me...became revealed to me
The universe has been revealed to me
The universe has been revealed to me
At the very start of this journey of the universe
I have discovered your name, your name, your name. Your name
I have discovered your name, your name, your name. Your name

Bim bam boum

Egy nő vagyok, félig hold és félig ember
Egy anagramma, egy erratum
Terveznek, formálnak
Lenyűgözlek téged, ez elképeszt téged
Van egy szívem, amely bizonytalanul ver
Adrenalint adagol
Miközben veri a ritmust
Bim bam bim boum
Bim bam bim boum
Bim bam bim boum
A szívem suttogja
Bim bam bim boum
bim bam bim boum
Az egész lényem repedezik
Egy álom vagyok, egy ektoplazma
Csak egy hazugság, egy szóhalmaz
Mozdulatlan maradok a görcsökön keresztül
Nem találom helyem a fantáziádban
A vas maszkom alatt
A könnyek fájnak
A régi sebeim
A szívem suttogja
A lelkem zúgja
A páncélom alatt
Bim bam bim boum
Bim bam bim boum
Bim bam bim boum
A szívem suttogja


I never opened my heart up in front of you
I never said what was in my heart
I was afraid of losing everything
The night's in loneliness, and filled with love's tears
That have now become a light
I'm telling you listen, you never loved me
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And now I'll cross my new path without you
Whatever was, I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your present anymore
I never opened my heart up in front of you
I never said what was in my heart
I was afraid of losing everything
The night's in loneliness, and filled with love's tears
That have now become a light
I'm telling you listen, you never loved me
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And now I'll cross my new path without you
Whatever was, I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your present anymore
Returning to my regular life gave me strength
I'm far away, I'm free
From the locks of love
You told me someone else was in your heart
Now I return your words to you and I'm saying
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And now I'll cross my new path without you
Whatever was, I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your present anymore
I'm not in your present anymore
In your present
Copywrite (©) Lyrical Myrical
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.


Emlékszem, mikor azt mondtad
'Együtt a legvégéig'
Együtt mondanánk
Kergetjük az örökkévalóságot
Mégis egyedül állok itt
Ezen a törött úton
A darabokra tört szívemet keresve
Szétszóródtak a darabok
Minden megígért megtört ígéret
Versengésre ösztökél, hogy keresztül jussak a fájdalmon
És harcolni fogok a sötétséggel
Minden fénnyel, ami bennem van
Minden oldalt ezelőttről
Most kitörlök az emlékezetemről
Újra fogom írni a gyengeségeimet erővé
Bár az emlékeimet kísértik
A reményem rettenthetetlen marad
Erősebb, mint valaha
Minden kimondott hazugságodon keresztül
Érintetlen maradok
Erősebb, mint valaha (erősebb, mint valaha)
Ott hagytál elveszve a tengeren
A hullámok átcsapnak a fejem felett
Az árulástól felborulok
Nem hittem, hogy túlélhetem
A tökéletes viharral harcoltam
Most újjászülettem
A szél és eső végtelennek tűnt
De a bátorságom könyörtelen
Minden megígért megtört ígéret
Versengésre ösztökél, hogy keresztül jussak a fájdalmon
És harcolni fogok a sötétséggel
Minden fénnyel, ami bennem van
Minden oldalt ezelőttről
Most kitörlök az emlékezetemről
Újra fogom írni a gyengeségeimet erővé
Bár az emlékeimet kísértik
A reményem rettenthetetlen marad
Erősebb, mint valaha
Minden kimondott hazugságodon keresztül
Érintetlen maradok
Erősebb, mint valaha (erősebb, mint valaha)
Bár az emlékeimet kísértik
A reményem rettenthetetlen marad
Erősebb, mint valaha
Minden kimondott hazugságodon keresztül
Érintetlen maradok
Erősebb, mint valaha (erősebb, mint valaha)
Ó, erősebb vagyok, mint valaha

Today, tomorrow, or now?

Versions: #2
Today, tomorrow, or now?
Let's clear things up sooner rather than later
The time of our separation has come,
it might be better for both of us this way
Let's clear things up sooner rather than later
Today, tomorrow, or now?
And if we wait, what are we gonna get out of it?
Since nagging broke like a storm,
down that path we will both become miserable
And if we wait, what are we gonna get out of it?
Today, tomorrow, or now?
Since it's impossible for us to live together
and since we're only going downhill,
it's better to break up now
Since it's impossible for us to live together


A hazugságok szaga a levegőben van ma éjjel
A hazugságok szaga a levegőben van ma éjjel
A hazugságok szaga a levegőben van ma éjjel
Táncolunk a vágy bűvöletében
A szemeidnek nem tudok hinni
A hazugságok szaga (a hazugságok szaga) a levegőben van ma éjjel
Táncolunk a vágy bűvöletében
A szemeidnek nem tudok hinni
Olyan ártatlanul viselkedsz, még ha megláttuk az igazi arcod is
Ne hazudj magadnak
Nem vagy más csak egy kibaszott szégyen
Egy kibaszott szégyen vagy
Hogyan hihetsz bárkinek, ha még a barátaidnak sem hihetsz?
A hazugságok álarca végül megöl mindannyiunkat
A legrosszabb rész az egészben, hogy én pontosan ugyanez vagyok
Körbenézek a szobában
Én leszek az első akit megvádolnak
A hazugságok szaga a levegőben van ma éjjel
Táncolunk a vágy bűvöletében
A szemeidnek nem tudok hinni
A hazugságok szaga (a hazugságok szaga) a levegőben van ma éjjel
Táncolunk a vágy bűvöletében
A szemeidnek nem tudok hinni
Vess még egy pillantást magadba
Nézz rá a mocsokra amit csináltál
Vess még egy pillantást magadba
Ne élj egy álarcban
Te csak egy kétszínű szardarab vagy
Biztos leszek benne, hogy ti gyávák mind elmentek
Szóval rejtsd el magad egy álarc mögé
Egy kétszínűekkel teli szobában
Soha nem rejtheted el mi van a múltadban
Semmi sem változik, én pontosan ugyanaz maradtam
Körbenézek a szobában
Én leszek az első akit megvádolnak
A hazugságok szaga a levegőben van ma éjjel
Táncolunk a vágy bűvöletében
A szemeidnek nem tudok hinni
A hazugságok szaga (a hazugságok szaga) a levegőben van ma éjjel
Azok a szemek (azok a szemek), azok a szemek
Mindenki, aki támogatott, és mindenki, aki gyengített,
Soha nem fogom elfelejteni az arcotokat, a hangotokat
Mindenki, aki támogatott, és mindenki, aki gyengített,
Soha nem fogom elfelejteni az arcotokat, a hangotokat
Kacsintasz és mosolyogsz egy ideig a maszk mögött
Egy kétszínűekkel teli szobában
Soha nem rejtheted el mi van a múltadban

I've been praying for years (O Medina)

I've been making Du'a1 for years,
To go to Hajj2 one day.
To perform the Ka'bah Tawaf3,
To utter 'Labbayk Allah4!'
At the Maqam-e-Ibrahim5,
To perform Namaz6,
To drink Zamzam7 water,
To heal my Iman8.
O , o Medina,
Will I get to see your beauty?
Will I be granted Naseeha9,
To be your Musafir10?
All the Hajjis11 which were there,
Utter the same words:
Medina is the most beautiful,
And Nur12 is coming out of it.
O Allah, when will I see,
All the places of our Rasul13,
And pray two Rakat14
In his Jami'a15?
Every night I'm getting up,
To pray Qiyamu-l-Layl16.
While crying in Sajdah17, I say:
O Allah, make me one of your Hajjis.
The Mecca and Medina,
To see with my own eyes,
To die, and not regret,
And that my eyes remain open.
  • 1. 'Du'a' [Arabic: دعاء] = 'invocation / prayer' ()
  • 2. 'Hajj' [Arabic: حج] = 'pilgrimage' - to Mecca, holiest city in the religion of Islam. ()
  • 3. 'Ka'bah Tawaf' [Arabic: كعبة طواف] = lit. 'circling the Cube'. - the ')
  • 4. 'Labbayk Allah' [Arabic: لبيك الله] = literal translation is 'I am here to Your service, o God!' or 'I am responding to you, o God!' - this invocation is known as the 'Talbiyah' and it is the prayer said during the Hajj pilgrimage. ()
  • 5. 'Maqam-e-Ibrahim' [Arabic: مقام إبراهيم] = 'Station of Abraham' - a stone in Macca which is, according to Muslim belief, considered to contain an imprint of )
  • 6. 'Namaz' [Persian: نماز] - 'prayer' - also known as 'Salah' [Arabic: صلاة]. 'Namaz' is the word of Persian origin, while 'Salah' is of Arabic origin. Both words signify the same thing. ()
  • 7. 'Zamzam' [Arabic: زمزم] = Name of a well located in Mecca. ()
  • 8. 'Iman' [Arabic: إيمان] = 'Faith'. ()
  • 9. 'Naseeha' [Arabic: نصيحة] = 'advice' / 'recommendation' / 'guidance' - in this case, it's used with the latter meaning, as 'guidance' or 'leading', in the sense of 'Will I be lead towards being your guest?' ()
  • 10. 'Musafir' [Arabic: مسافر] = 'traveller' or 'guest' - in this context, it means 'guest'. ()
  • 11. 'Hajji' [Colloquial Arabic: حجي or حاجي], also 'Haaj' [Formal Arabic: حاج] = 'pilgrim' ()
  • 12. 'Nur' [Arabic: نور] = 'Light'. ()
  • 13. 'Rasul' [Arabic: رسول] = the 'Messenger' (of God Almighty). In this case, refering to the )
  • 14. 'Rakah' [Arabic: ركعة‎] = one 'cycle' or 'unit' during prayer in Islam. Each prayer consists of a certain number of Rakat. ()
  • 15. 'Jamia' [Arabic: جامعة] - also known as 'Masjid' [Arabic: مسجد] = ')
  • 16. 'Qiyamu-l-Layl' [Arabic: قيام الليل] = 'Standing of the Night' - the nightly prayer - a Muslim prayer performed late in the night - it is a voluntary prayer, and not one of the five obligatory prayers. Also known by the name 'Tahajjud' [Arabic: تهجد‎] - whose meaning is close to 'vigilance', or, 'staying awake at night'. ()
  • 17. 'Sajdah' [Arabic: سجدة] - also known as 'Sujud' [Arabic: سجود] = 'prostration' during prayer. ()

You Will Sing Tomorrow

Listen well—this is better than a story.
It is advice for people today.
Reserve a spot in your memory for it.
This is advice that can help your friends.
If your life is upside down,
you will sing tomorrow.
If summer seems more like winter,
you will sing tomorrow.
If peace is mistaken for war,
you will sing tomorrow.
In the meantime, to help pass the time,
you can clap your hands.
If you missed your subway train,
you will sing tomorrow.
If your heart fell from great heights,
you will sing tomorrow.
If this melody shatters into pieces,
you will sing tomorrow.
But until then, to avoid the cold,
you can clap your hands.
If you lost your balloons,
you will sing tomorrow.
If you dream of buying a new house,
you will sing tomorrow.
If the earth stops turning,
you will sing tomorrow.
In the meantime, you know it by now,
when the end of the chorus arrives—
in the meantime, to help pass the time,
you can clap your hands.
La la la la la la la la
You will sing tomorrow.
La la la la la la la la
You will sing tomorrow.
La la la la la la la la
You will sing tomorrow.
In the meantime, you know it by now,
when the end of the chorus arrives—
in the meantime, to help pass the time,
you can clap your hands.

Lakes And Ponds Were Sold At Auction

Lakes and ponds were sold at auction,
Creeks and land were sold as well.
We will soon run out of options,
No more water's left to sell.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

On the familiar side of the sky

[Verse 1]
Yo, L.O.
Fuck it all, fuck it all, fuck it all
My foot on your head in the turnstile
Stay in your room, contemplate what I accomplish
My genius is no longer misunderstood
Their hope of success compressed into a tupperware
Nothing has changed, I'm superior
I'm thinking about what those assholes took from me
While another octagen losesher reason in this tablet
I won't just be the first seeing what my words generate
Scrutinized by Orwell's eyes
The competition is wearing sarouels
I'm gonna love you in the bathroom, why not?
Essential, like King Heenok
L.O.R.D. is the future on track
Spit on your filthy graves
I'm the favorite rapper of your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
Afraid you've bloomed that I'm going to scare you and I'll end up with Les Enfoirés
[Verse 2]
The child of the century is the only one
Another sealed destiny
Revenge is eaten salty
I benefit from celestial weapons
Only mix with souls that rise
I'm going to make all my people famous
This is the team you selected
We'll cut them off
Another career in the spotlight
A single wheel on the design like a benzer on the seleçao
It's the villains I intend to accelerate
I look back, I think it's light, it's light, I see you've given up
Another son of a bitch who made a mistake
I cover them with sperm and Dom Pé'
Let it count, let it count, let it count
My music tells the story of the expected, expected, expected effect
Are you good? If not, know that we're going to leave each other
You just got out of the nightclub, you'd like to discuss
But you see, it's only between two cars that I show you my promiscuity
I didn't come from the hood, but I surprise you
She stirs all her fat on reggaeton
I'm the favorite rapper of your favorite rapper's favorite rapper
Afraid you've bloomed that I'm going to scare you and I'll end up with Les Enfoirés
[Verse 3]
I'm in this shit just like the double M
Speaks in ruble, yen or Bitcoin
Let your silence speak when the beat hits
I'm on your TV, I'm in the heads of these little bitches
Flash news: Internet kills emos
We'll crush your ego on Death Boulevard
All will is flattened under our ten tons
You hear my words that strike you
Their future is to post emoticons
What wouldn't you do for likes?
Cause the lens flare, the lens ignites or I killed your Leika
I feel like Michael J, their hearts implode when I take the mic
Your last memory of me is the sole of my Nike
We've copulated your female, we're going to copulate your femen
Talk Thai in your beard, know we're gonna make you eat your nems
The price of featuring is three times the GDP of Yemen
Tell me what's going on?
I'll break your head in the Plexiglas
'L.O.R.D., your text is hitting'
I just send a message, I end up in your slut in a classy textile
Ya, L.O.
Sku, sku
We want to be on the same page as the sky, not the flames of hell, sku
I'm fucked up, do you know what's in my firm hands?
Sku, sku, sku
On the familiar side of the sky, not the flames of hell, L.O.
On the familiar side of the sky
Fuck your fairy tail
Black flag, it was the draft among the least brilliant draft of my embryo
You see me screaming, yeah, I'm brilliant
The Church comes out of the mouths of children, do not deny this truth
Listen 'Keep your mojo', I'm the bug in your SCART socket
Manipulates the audience as a TV series editor
She knows my name, bitch does blowjob
Who can tell me that my success is not deserved?
Go down the black slope and I'll tie you to the skis
I make love to her on Tchaikovsky
I just want you to know that we're making history as in Emily Ratajkowski
L.O, L.O, L.O
A star on the jersey, two in the sky if she wants three on her mouth and four on Uber
Five in the hoste, hostel, hostel
Beep my phone, phone, phone
Condensed purchasing power in cello', cello', cello'
I'm going to revive Bercy
Youth loses its neurons in an air supply
I'm in Milan, the salesman assimilates all my requests
I answer grazie mille then arrivederci
We want to be on the same page as the sky, not the flames of hell, sku
I'm fucked up, do you know what's in my firm hands?
Sku, sku, sku
On the familiar side of the sky, not the flames of hell, L.O.
On the familiar side of the sky

The Child of the Century Pt. III

[Verse 1]
Why are you talking about my color? What's wrong with my color?
Tell them that the new white guy will sodomize their sire in pain (yes, yes)
You have to tick the box, tick it, fill it with twenty-three centimetres (ouh) of envious people's mouths
For you, I have few feelings, don't ask me if I'm ready, I was already ready when I felt born
Come to the world at war but I propagate nothing but this love
Failure is impossible like Marcelo in Barcelona
My head in the city, all the walls overlap while a brother is being judged for skin color
The happiness of the rich is the misfortune of the poor, only in the danger that true nature is discovered
The limit is the sky and the sky is infinite (ohlabanks)
All human stupidity in the curves of the bikini
Get into the game with hostile verses on a front salto
I respect my counterparts but I want their heads cut off with a sword on a silver platter
We do our things in silence, young freelance entrepreneur
Paramour in finance, my sister is the president
Does our things in silence, young freelance entrepreneur
Paramour in finance, success is only a matter of course
This is the child of the century there (skula), olup, no time
Crown on my head, I'm calm, I'm preparing for the storm
I only hear the sky, you got it, olup
To success, I'm doomed, it's been my year for three years
[Verse 2]
If you're counting on luck, honestly, I can't do much for you, surrounded under my glasses
Ask yourself what you think you know, I warned you I'd build the empire by singing a song, no
Weed in the mouth, difficult to articulate
I succeed the day I buy a private mansion from the woman who gave birth to me
Every new flow can wake the dead, I've come to change the norms
It's hard to believe he's from this world, I went from kebab to salmon fillet
I listen only to my primitive instinct (ohlabanks)
I arrive all in leather in slow motion like Trinity, under weed, under lean, in loss of speed, an accident is quickly avoided
I create rappers, I do a new business, I fill out their loyalty card
I write the story in italics on glossy paper (yes, yes)
Young aspiring artist, keep going, if you haven't made it, it's because you haven't done enough
We do our things in silence, young freelance entrepreneur
Paramour in finance, my sister is the president
Does our things in silence, young freelance entrepreneur
Paramour in finance, success is only a matter of course
This is the child of the century there (skula), olup, no time
Crown on my head, I'm calm, I'm preparing for the storm
I only hear the sky, you got it, olup
To success, I'm doomed, it's been my year for three years

A Heart of Stone in an Empty Body

I can't quantify the ambition in my hands
I was stupid to think that my success would make my people proud
Another heart of stone in an empty body
The fates dance on the roads out of the firmament
The sky cries to erase our deformities
But formally forbid us to approach the sordid souls
[Verse 1]
I don't know where I'm going I just know where the effort is leading me
In Paris at night I saw her, put on her dress
I couldn't have thought that the devil was taking on human form
Love died in a street without a lantern
Why make history without doing so in the long term?
We want water on Mars
We don't know what our brains contain
Melancholy makes me firm
I felt so good thinking of hurting you
Whatever the content, whatever the form
Nobody cares, it's not just about reform
Nothing is clarified
As our dignity fades into a handkerchief full of chloroform
Another heart of stone in an empty body
Another heart of stone in an empty body
[Verse 2]
Hope or prestige? Huh?
God is a patient artist
In this grey world my reflection freezes like Dorian Gray
Remnants of the first regrets without a second degree
I can't do it without the admiration in the eyes of passers-by
The past taunts us by erasing itself
I spent nights but I didn't give in
I felt possessed
Black wings overhang me
I feel the breath of the *sht* in my neck
I saw his eyes reddened with blood in the night
Without signing the invalid contract
When you have, you lose
When you lose, you cry
The stars drown in the blood of the viaduct
My hip-hop is sizzling
I grew up in those laughable times
And I'm just a symbol he embodies
History is written in the bark
But is not credible
I didn't predict that hypocrisy
It's the devil without the horns
I'm just an unwanted kid, I'm not miraculous
You were born at midnight, but what time do you die?
We'll just have to let them kill each other on an immaculate red sky
The shadow that follows me keeps getting bigger and bigger
In the image of my ambition
I had dark desires, boundaries to cross
I saw the abyssal emptiness reflecting my condition
Gastric ring dies on the President's little finger
My brain smokes, the steam escapes from the laboratory as molecular food
I use public speaking, they look at me hesitantly
Jealous of my labor wrongly
Dream of a life of opulence, will end popular
Crows eat worms from their eyeballs
So I take a selfie since it's obvious
Another heart of stone in an empty body
Another heart of stone in an empty body
[Verse 3]
An empty body, a heart of stone under a rampart of tears
I'm not afraid of losing what separates my wounds
I will end up displeasing like the departure of an educated father in error
I'm here for the money and erogenous zones
Open my chest if you want mi corazon
Corrosive feeling, how to cauterize?
I grew up on the tarmac in kerosene vapors
It made it more seated, know that we're not there
Then we ended up in acid rain
I had my lungs blackened as the background of Etex Street
Your criticisms will be valid when you have read my texts
Close to the gods of nature as an Aboriginal person
Pride is just a pretext
Public stunned by my range of tessitura
The world is not so dull but it crushes our bones
I'm in a taciturn mood, your reflection lasts forever
I feel like Copernicus in front of Saturn's ring
Leave them in troubles with glock in the windpipe
I don't swallow words, I'd rather spit
Our reflections fade like old stencils
And I'm just a fisherman of hindering sins
I should judge our choices, but the sky will do it
Another umpteenth night where darkness wades over me
If the Bible teaches you humility, why do you shout about your presence in church?
My ambition is the size of her desire I was alone in the desert in the depths of my grey matter
I was just a rotating soul
My feelings are defenestrated
Lost in fears that my youth creates
There are very few witnesses to my early days
The heart pierced by two bullets of cement
You forget I'm coming down from the sky
L.O.R., just a divine testimony from the child of the century
Another heart of stone in an empty body
Another heart of stone in an empty body
L.O, L.O
Another heart of stone in an empty body
Hey, hey, hey


I never needed to buy views on the Internet (never)
Mom used to say to me, 'Make your money without interruption' (do it)
Of course, to succeed, you have to know how to afford it (yes)
No competition, I'm so bored that I'm going to give birth to it (sku sku)
[Verse 1]
Never, never sleep, yah
Never, never sleep, yah
Talk to my heart, talk to my manager
I'm turn-up the housewife, ah (yah)
Mom told me: 'Don't buy views' (young phenomenon)(yah)
The labels call, I gave them 'view', never disappointed
I'm so strong, I don't sleep well cause of it (yah)
I want 300k, it's normal (ouh)
All driven by their hormone (yah)
Prince of the trap, still out of the ordinary (ouh)
I'm so strong, I don't sleep well cause of it
I made the front page of your journal
Their future in formaldehyde
I'm the best and it's clear
I never needed to buy views on the Internet (never)
Mom used to say to me, 'Make your money without interruption' (do it)
Of course, to succeed, you have to know how to afford it (yes)
No competition, I'm so bored that I'm going to give birth to it
[Verse 2]
I'm the best, I know for sure
The fear I have in me calls me and wants to be reborn
I feel like Turner, I'm here to turn-up
I represent what youth want to embody
I'm gonna burn their net, now I'm in burn-up
I ended up taking the bull by the horns
In content and form, they play the strong guys
But I always get more juice at the end of the porn
I come first on the track (yah)
Only my brothers are on the list (ouh)
Many are asleep and others insist (yah)
I'm not a rapper, I'm an artist (ouh)
Every time a feat comes out, I hear 'Lord, you killed that' (sku)
The only mistake of my career: not being born in the USA
I never needed to buy views on the Internet (never)
Mom used to say to me, 'Make your money without interruption' (do it)
Of course, to succeed, you have to know how to afford it (yes)
No competition, I'm so bored that I'm going to give birth to it
Never, never sleep, level up, level up, level up
All my profit in an envelope
Yes, my network is growing
Never, never sleep (ya)
Never, never sleep (ya)
Talk to my heart, talk to my manager
I'm turn-up the housewife
I never needed to buy views on the Internet (never)
Mom used to say to me, 'Make your money without interruption' (do it)
Of course, to succeed, you have to know how to afford it (yes)
No competition, I'm so bored that I'm going to give birth to it

Another Music

The fire that I feel inside
Is a sweet music that cannot escape,
A voice that shouts silently,
and eager, wants not to leave me.
The fire that I feel burns me,
For time is a thief and steals our fancies,
and I cannot challenge what it tells me:
“you... you have to find a way!”
But I turn about with the hope of meeting you,
Your voice sounds on and makes me tremble,
and now that I’ve nothing left to tell,
I fall asleep without touching you.
If we are to be too far apart,
What burns me and wants me to live no more,
Is the desire of holding you another time,
And the fear of not having the chance!
Yet I turn with the hope of meeting you,
Your voice sounds on and makes me tremble,
And for me, who has nothing left to tell,
A song comes in dream to give me voice.

I'd like

Versions: #3
I'm your best friend
Your handkerchief of tears
Of lost love
You lean on my shoulder
Your crying won't stop
I only caress you
And you tell me why is life so cruel with your feelings
I only hug you and comfort you
You ask me for a thousand tips to protect you
From your next encounter, you know I take care of you
What you don't know is that..
I'd like to be the one who you stay up for and get desperate
I'd like to be your cry, the one that comes from your feelings
I'd like to be the one who you'd rise filled with illusion
I'd like for you to be living in love with me
You stay glaring at me
And you ask me
If something's going on
And I don't know what to do
If you knew that I'm dying
I'd like to tell you, how I feel
But I'm afraid that you'll reject me
And you'll only live in my mind forever
That's why..
I'd like to be the one who you stay up for and get desperate
I'd like to be your cry, the one that comes from your feelings
I'd like to be the one who you'd rise for filled with illusion
I'd like for you to be living in love with me
I'd like to be the one who you stay up for and get desperate
I'd like to be your cry, the one that comes from your feelings
I'd like to be the one who you'd rise for filled with illusion
I'd like for you to be living in love with me

Leather Shoes

That's not the first time
Of me being at dance parties
Today I came to the soiree
In my time-worn boots
And inside I'm told:
You can't go in those
And inside I'm told:
Leather shoes are esteemed here
Aha aha
Leather shoes
Are required for this discotheque
And for the other one you need
A blazer and a blue panama
Without leather shoes
Nothing worthwhile awaits me there
But when I'm wearing them
Any lady will say yes to me

And When You Will Be Here

With its tile roof,
with its clay walls,
she is there so fragile,
offered to the summer winds.
There is in the garden
some thyme, some rosemary—
and just a little further—
Judea trees.
She did not suffer too much
from the rigors of winter.
And you can see her from the sea
at the end of the path—
There it is: my house.
Far on the horizon,
there it is: my house.
She and I wait for you.
And when you will be here,
the sky will light up,
time will stop—
how good to be in love.
And when you will be here,
happiness will blossom
in the branches of lilacs—
in the leaves of orange trees.
You will take my hand
and you will say to me, 'come.'
And I will say nothing,
and then I will follow you.
Yes, when you will be here,
all will start over again.
So do not tarry—
I wait only for you.
I changed the curtains.
I put on top of your piano
old photos
of past vacations.
I arranged in one corner
your papers, your books.
And I will go starting tomorrow
to wait for you on the first train.
And when you will be here,
the sky will light up,
time will stop—
how good to be in love.
And when you will be here,
happiness will blossom
in the branches of lilacs—
in the leaves of orange trees.
You will take my hand
and you will say to me, 'come.'
And I will say nothing,
and then I will follow you.
Yes, when you will be here,
all will start over again.
So do not tarry—
I wait only for you.
And when you will be here,
the sky will light up,
time will stop—
how good to be in love.


Versions: #2
Indeed I too want to
Run before I crawled
To put makeup on and
Walk around in pretty dresses
Indeed I too want to
Speak without thinking first
To be the important person
In a small game
The words passing through my mind
The sounds coming from my heart
They all became a forest
With a match they were all lost
I, under the smoke of a cigarette
Kept burning until I was all ashes
You, at the never-burning end of a match
Ended up as someone who passed by someone's life

Indeed I too want to
Run before I crawled
To put makeup on and
Walk around in pretty dresses
Indeed I too want to
Speak without thinking first
To be the important person
In a small game
I collected good friends
They all became my family
I raised a little love
It was defeated by the system
I, under the smoke of a cigarette ...

Slightly Tipsy, Just Last Night

Slightly tipsy, just last night
I shagged every broad in sight.
Their names were Polly, Bonnie,
Heather, Jonathan, and Johnny.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


Erős, vadállat, vadállat, vadállat, vadállat, állat
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Mert mikor sétál, mérgez
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Miért szenved, amit akar
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Mint egy büntetés, megragadja a méregét
És megsemmisít téged a csókjaival
Nem érdekli, tudja, hogy jó
Ezért teszi, amit akar.
Tedd a szeretetet, mint egy fenevadat, fenevadat
Senki nem tud vele,
Esküszöm, ha meztelenül égetsz
Az ujjlenyomatait a bőrére hagyja
Mint egy pók a weben, azt szállítják.
Ez szexisebbé teszi az életet
És az ágyban nincs ember, aki irányíthat
Senki nem nyeri meg a szerelmes gyűrűt
Ez egy fenevad, az asszony nő.
Intézkedéseket kell tennie
Be kell állítanod az irányítást
De nagyon óvatosan jelölje meg a helyzetet
Gazdag, jó, ő a fejtől a lábujjig szexi
Ezért van az egész Liao környéke.
Szereti a pénzt és a jó életet
Szereti az éjszakát a barátaival
És a parri a másik napig tart.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Mert mikor sétál, mérgez
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Miért szenved, amit akar
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Tehát tedd az elemeket
Tegye be az elemeket
Tudom, hogy előbb-utóbb belekerülök a lábaiba
Senki sem mondhatja ezt a banditát
Nem tudom, mi van, de amikor vágyakozik, belekeveri az életébe.
Szívod a vért, mint egy vámpír, ami elhagyja a zsebedet
Otthon nélkül, autó nélkül, bankszámla nélkül hagyja el a pénzt.
Azt mondja neked, hogy szeretlek, szeretlek, de nem tud állni a laóban
És nem tudod, hogy pénzt akar!
Már átmentem, és neki kellett adnom neki egy laót
Szerelmes vagyok, mint egy őrült, amíg nem kapok trofiaót
Még mindig időben vagy, hogy elmenjen az oldaláról
És ahogy te és én van egy lista, amit nem tudok
De már elhagyod a játékot
Mutassa meg, hogy nem az egyetlen chip a táblán
Mondd meg neki, hogy először úriember vagy
Pa egyedül marad a házával és a pénzével
Szereti a pénzt és a jó életet
Szereti az éjszakát a barátaival
És a parri a másik napig tart.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Mert mikor sétál, mérgez
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.
Fiera, hevesen hívnak
Miért szenved, amit akar
Legyen olyan jó, és a szappanopera arcát.