Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 77



Hogy tovább menj, fordítsd kifelé a lelked
A város megsemmisült, a város lélektelen
Imádkozom az Istenhez, hogy jobb legyen
A város megsemmisült, a város felesleges
Na, na, na, nem érdekel
Igen, igen, igen, ti senkik vagytok nekem
De a nyelv méreg
Látom a szemüket (ahogy néznek)
Az a sok hülye k*rva jár a fejemben
Azok a hülye k*rvák járnak a fejemben
Baby én vagyok felül készen állsz vagy sem?
Baby én vagyok felül, felül
Készen állsz?
Készen állsz?
Mindenki a zöldet nyomja meg, én a pirosat
A város alárendelt, a város boldogtalan
A ti összes bajotok nem a hatalmunkban van
Nem értetek egyet, nincs beleszólásotok
Na, na, na, nem érdekel
Igen, igen, igen, ti senkik vagytok nekem
De a nyelv méreg
Látom a szemüket
Aj, aj, aj, nem viselek Gucci-t
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Meglátjuk, ki a menőbb
Az a sok hülye k*rva jár a fejemben
Azok a hülye k*rvák járnak a fejemben
Baby én vagyok felül készen állsz vagy sem?
Baby én vagyok felül, felül
Készen állsz?
Készen állsz?


Veled táncolok, táncolok.
Nem ismerlek és csókollak.
Számodra én teljesen idegen vagyok,
Nem akarok éjjel egyedül lenni.
Előtted egészen idáig nem értettem, nem fogok hazudni.
Mostmár mással vagy, de nem érdekel.
Törd meg a szabályokat, játssz velem!
Tépd szét a lelkemet,
Szórd szét az összes ruhát,
Ölj meg a tekinteteddel,
Lassan emelj meg engem,
Majd ejts vissza le.
Találj nekem egy órát, add nekem azt egy régen halott rózsa helyett.
Gyere ide hozzám most, komolyan mondom.
Még a csillagok is vigyázni fognak ránk éjszaka.
Mostantól a tiéd vagyok.
Megtörjük az álmot, készen állunk a játékra.
A szavak felét csak röviden ejtettük ki.
A tánc nyelvén fogok beszélni rólad.
Elveszítjük ezt a gravitációt az éjszaka.
Megtörjük az álmot, készen állunk a játékra.
A szavak felét csak röviden ejtettük ki.
A tánc nyelvén fogok beszélni rólad.
Elveszítjük ezt a gravitációt az éjszaka.
Kicsim, csukd be a szemed és repülj.
Hagyj illatot
a testemen.
Igazán akarlak téged,
És így nem ér véget, baby.
Rám nézel
S megfogod kezem
Érzem te vagy a mindenem,
Megtörjük az álmot, készen állunk a játékra.
A szavak felét csak röviden ejtettük ki.
A tánc nyelvén fogok beszélni rólad.
Elveszítjük ezt a gravitációt az éjszaka.
Megtörjük az álmot, készen állunk a játékra.
A szavak felét csak röviden ejtettük ki.
A tánc nyelvén fogok beszélni rólad.
Elveszítjük ezt a gravitációt az éjszaka.
Megtörjük az álmot, készen állunk a játékra.
A szavak felét csak röviden ejtettük ki.
A tánc nyelvén fogok beszélni rólad.
Elveszítjük ezt a gravitációt az éjszaka.

Golden toy

Oh, children
Oh, children are gruesome*
Children need gold
Children need silver
Children need gold
Oh, give us our gold!
Give us gold!
Oh, give us gold!
Oh, give us toys!
Oh, beautiful toys!
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Children need gold
Children are gruesome
Give us our gold!
Oh, give us gold!
Oh, give us toys!
Oh, give us beautiful toys!
Oh, give us golden toys!
Oh, give us beautiful clothes!
Toys of silver, toys of gold
Give us gold!
Give us our gold!
Oh, children are gruesome
Give us gold!
Oh, give us gold!
  • *. possible pun with 'grey'

All against all

Your clothing is too black
Your boots are too black
At left the red lightning bolt
At right the black star
Our dance is so wild
Our dance is so wild
At right the red lightning bolt
And at left the black star
All against all (x3)
Our colours are too loud
Our screams are too loud
At left the red lightning bolt
At right the black star
A new evil dance (x3)
All against all (x3)
Your clothing is too black
Your boots are so beautiful
Our dance is so wild
Our dance is full of power
At left the lightning bolt
And at right the star
All against all (x3)
Your clothing is too black
Your boots are too black
At left the red lightning bolt
And at right the black star
Our dance is so wild
Hey! Hey!
Our dance is full of power
At left the red lightning bolt
And at right the black star
Our colours are too loud
Our screams are too loud
All against all (x3)
All against all (x3)
All against all (x3)


You laid next to me in the bed
Every night
You whispered into my ear
You won't get to heaven
I heard your laughter every time I looked in the mirror
I hoped I was enough
I went to the railing of the balcony
You've been transferred from generation to generation
In silence reborn
This is your stop
You'll get off here
It's time for me to be who I am
Without shame
This is your stop
You'll get off here
I can already feel how much lighter it is
Without shame
I always turned off the lights before we took everything off
What you light aflame I can't reveal to you
I realized I wasted years in your lies
To false truths that put the breaks on my journey
I've already carried all of your stuff out
Don't worry I've forgiven you
This is your stop
You'll get off here
It's time for me to be who I am
Without shame
This is your stop
You'll get off here
I can already feel how much lighter it is
Without shame
From the rear-view mirror I see your figure
It's lost in the dust cloud
You've always been and you'll always stay there
You won't get an invitation to my parties anymore
This is your stop
You'll get off here
It's time for me to be who I am
Without shame
This is your stop
You'll get off here
I can already feel how much lighter it is
Without shame
It's time for me to be who I am
Without shame
I can already feel how much lighter it is
Without shame

The ground is distant

He1stood at the station2
Tightening his coat
The summer is gone
The wind has swept it away
Sunshine was shining on him
But the poor guy was still cold
I encouraged him that a distant world awaits him
That big statue and the neon torch-flame
He kept holding both my hands but I knew
He won't be mine
The ground is distant
Words are distant
The big bird is flying to distant lands
Happiness flew away
He flew away with it
He is far away now
Tell me, where will you go?
And why won't you arrive anywhere?
I was headed home on the Margaret Bridge3
By that time he was flying above the sea
He called me at night, I barely understood his words
The ground is distant
Words are distant
The big bird is flying to distant lands
Happiness flew away
He flew away with it
He is far away now
Tell me, where will you go?
And why won't you arrive anywhere?
It was strange, that in the dark night
Even the Moon is asleep, but he wishes me a good morning
Do you think of me? - he asks from far away
But he can not hear my answer
The ground is distant
Words are distant
The big bird is flying to distant lands
Happiness flew away
He flew away with it
He is far away now
Tell me, where will you go?
And why won't you arrive anywhere?
  • 1. Or she, the 3rd person pronoun is gender neutral in Hungarian.
  • 2. Could be a railway station or a bus stop.
  • 3. A three-way bridge in Budapest, Hungary.

Table of the sinners

When you don't have the strenght to pretend anything anymore
When you can't keep your mouth shut
Come to us, the table is already set
Here you don't have to be afaid of the apocalypse
And the eyes will quickly adjust to the darkness
We have hidden here before from the prying eyes
The offering is the forbitten fruit
What happens here stays here
There are those who are stranded, betrayed, divorced, those who have escaped
Those who have sinned, are torn, those who have hidden their inner being
I promise that for us, who found our way to the table of the sinners, we will have more fun
The teased, the condemned, those who have partied away their inheritance
Ones who have hit the rock bottom, the cursed, the wastrels
I promise that for us, who found our way to the table of the sinners, we will have more fun
When you don't want pity or a sermon
Or you refuse to continue to carry the burden of perfection
Come to us, the bread has already been broken
There's a mixed congregation here
And just the way you are, you must come here
There's a place next to me reserved for you
If one of you is so sinless and righteous
Then throw the first stone on us who are here
There are those who are stranded, betrayed, divorced, those who have escaped
Those who have sinned, are torn, those who have hidden their inner being
I promise that for us, who found our way to the table of the sinners, we will have more fun
The teased, the condemned, those who have partied away their inheritance
Ones who have hit the rock bottom, the cursed, the wastrels
I promise that for us, who found our way to the table of the sinners, we will have more fun
If I had your power, I wouldn't turn anyone away from the gates
I can only get the answer once we meet again
There are those who are stranded, betrayed, divorced, those who have escaped
Those who have sinned, are torn, those who have hidden their inner being
I promise that for us, who found our way to the table of the sinners, we will have more fun
The teased, the condemned, those who have partied away their inheritance
Ones who have hit the rock bottom, the cursed, the wastrels
I promise that for us, who found our way to the table of the sinners, we will have more fun

Money of America

Oh, just, (you both) sold me
For money
For America's money
Sold me to strangers
You had no pity mom
For me
You had no pity dad
To me
Oh, just, I have one husband
Who beats me
And the father-in-law drives me away
To the streets of America
They had no pity mom
For me
They had no pity daddy
To me
Oh, yes, and he (husband) beats me
And they scold me
Mom, they don't give me peace
Oh, yes, and for days
And at night
Rise I up and humiliate me
With tears
Rise I up and humiliate me
With tears
Oh, just, help (you both) mom
Help dad
Don't let me die/perish
They come to take me away
And to strangers mom
Don't let me go
And to strangers dad
Don't let me go

Little White Lies

How many words were left us crossed in the throat
how much truth because I let the pride escape the little white lies
and we preferred to follow the farce and not to let the soul tell the reality, the reality
To apologize was a meaning that didn't exist in your dictionary and
forgiving you was as hard as ignoring what you had caused
because I overstep the pain, the line that distinguishes forgiveness and forgetfulness and I, my love, don't know how to forget
For that, I told you that I didn't love you and I made a mistake because today knowing
that you are absent, I don't know what to do and every night, dear, I dream that you turn back with me, I need you so much that without wanting it I forgave you
You swore in vain that you would forget and I know very well (I know very well) that
even though you deny it as much as I do, you die for coming back if it's that you keep being
regretful that everything is said is left behind maybe there's still time to
fix yesterday's fault ... Come back that my eyes are begging me to see you again
Still, I seem to be listening to your voice in the middle, cut off, avoiding the crying, saying that sad, cruel goodbye when we gave everything up for good and while I disguised my pain I wanted to be strong like a stone and I asked for you to not to come back anymore
For that, I told you that I didn't love you and I made a mistake because today knowing
that you are absent, I don't know what to do and every night, dear, I dream that you turn back with me, I need you so much that without wanting it I forgave you
You swore in vain that you would forget and I know very well (I know very well) that
even though you deny it as much as I do, you die for coming back if it's that you keep being
regretful that everything is said is left behind maybe there's still time to
fix yesterday's fault ... Come back that my eyes are begging me to see you again


It's useless to teach me to sit with my legs crossed
I was born as a sinner, sorry if it bothers you
When you want something, you've got to stay it out loud
You can pass the line if you wear shining white
I don't need love
I need proper touching
Take a tight hold of me
When some beautiful day I shall come to you
Not even wearing a nun gown will save me
Nor the whole Argentina crying after me
If you've lived like Cicciolina
I put a flower crown on my head on behalf of pleasure
And if I order, you'll kneel before me
You can see the world as such a beautiful place
If you've lived like Cicciolina
I caress my teddy bear, I'm full of love
Yeah, I'm turned on by attention, I don't need to hide it
Being free and lewd is beautiful
Too many people here are strangers even to themselves
I don't need rings
Not baby pink dreams
Take a tight hold of me
When some beautiful day I shall come to you
Not even wearing a nun gown will save me
Nor the whole Argentina crying after me
If you've lived like Cicciolina
I put a flower crown on my head on behalf of pleasure
And if I order, you'll kneel before me
You can see the world as such a beautiful place
If you've lived like Cicciolina
When there's currency under the shirt
I'll always have the upper hand in a situation
Glares and commenters are horrified: 'No, not like that!'
If I were a man, I'd be an envied playboy
When some beautiful day I shall come to you
Not even wearing a nun gown will save me
Nor the whole Argentina crying after me
If you've lived like Cicciolina
I put a flower crown on my head on behalf of pleasure
And if I order, you'll kneel before me
You can see the world as such a beautiful place
If you've lived like Cicciolina
translated by milo, do not use outside lyricstranslate

My Kyiv!

Versions: #2
The sea of greenery is trembling. The peaceful day is ending.
The slopes of banks of Dnieper became dear for me.
Here I have dearest hopes...
Impossible not to love you, my Kyiv!
The pleasant evening is like a coming of happiness.
Impossible not to love you, my Kyiv!
The cannas are in sight of me. I will give them my heart.
Let my darling see how I can love.
I will dream and live on the wings of my dream.
Impossible not love you, my Kyiv!
The tired city is going to restful sleep.
The chain of lights over Dnieper is turned on.
The pleasant evening is like a coming of happiness.
Impossible not to love you, my Kyiv!
The pleasant evening is like a coming of happiness.
Impossible not to love you, my Kyiv!

Good Morning, Columbus

Versions: #2
Good morning, Sir ('teacher'). I know that I'm late,
But I got stuck in a dream.
It happens, Sir, that dreams take me away.
Trying to teach me how.
I want to understand your dream geography.
Lend me your time, all of your time.
I look around when I'm dreaming
And sleep well, map in hand.
Just like Christopher Columbus,
I awake near the land of dreams.
I dream myself away.
Good morning, Columbus. Are you here in my dream?
These are friends of mine:
Rebecca, Fredrika and that one is called Jim.
I dozed off, so we met.
I look around when I'm dreaming
And sleep well, map in hand.
Just like Christopher Columbus,
I awake near the land of dreams.
I dream myself away.
Good morning, Sir, it's me again.
Stuck in the dream. Teach me to master your geography.
Dreaming. Lost
I look around when I'm dreaming
And sleep well, map in hand.
Just like Christopher Columbus,
I awake near the land of dreams.
I dream myself away.
Still in a dream.
I'm taking a look around...

Két ég alatt

Hold, mond meg nekem, miért kell neked ő? És mire kellek én?
Kérlek, csak adj nekem pár percet,
Hogy elmagyarázhassak neki mindent.
Így amikor felébred, közel lehetek hozzá,
És a nap felemelkedik az égen, számunkra.
Ref. :
Az ég kettészakadt a holdfényben.
Látlak téged, de elkéstem... már nem tudok áttörni ezen, nem tudlak megérinteni, megölelni.
A mi utunk két különböző irányba szakadt- két megtört szerelmes.
Ez  lehet a kezdet, de a vég is, a két ég alatt.
Sem itt, sem máshol nincs már hely a számunkra,
A hold elválasztott minket egymástól.
Mi a csillagok között állunk az éjszaka porában,
Oly messze a földtől.
De abban a pillanatban amikor ő felébred, közel leszek hozzá,
És a nap felemelkedik az égen, számunkra.
Ref. :
Az ég kettészakadt a holdfényben.
Látlak téged, de elkéstem... már nem tudok áttörni ezen, nem tudlak megérinteni, megölelni.
A mi utunk két különböző irányba szakadt- két megtört szerelmes.
Ez  lehet a kezdet, de a vég is, a két ég alatt.


They've already told me a lot about America
in an old dream shop.
There money buys you a house,
maybe a dog,
in the end a family.
So I pack and fly until America.
Let go of truth, at least a comfort
there happiness flows with the water,
moves the dollar, seduces you*
And each time I get comfortable
you always lead me to the edge.
I close my eyes,
I waited for you two thousand years,
for America of light,
for America of gold**
I sail in a taxi in a America,
on the radio a seductive girl sings.
She'll make eyes at us,
tomorrow we'll make her a protest symbol.
And I am in between the towers of America,
She*** reminds me a bit of an old story
about people who climbed up until the sky.
Today they are fighting over a piece of land.
And each time I get comfortable
you always lead me to the edge.
I close my eyes,
I waited for you two thousand years,
for America of light,
for America of gold.**
Each time I get comfortable-
You're not true love but you are a stormy night.
I close my eyes,
I waited for you two thousand years,
for America of light,
for America of gold.**


Fortune-teller told my fate to me
By her hand pointed on my hand
Though I kept the silence, she told everything
That I promised my love for both
That I promised my love for both
Embosomed gently to the heart
That did not have a strength to choose
And there can be a misfortune
Chorus (2):
My heart breaks in two
Fortune or misfortune
I'm one and two of them
Should not go, should not fall in love
The heart would not have to choose
Two loves and two sorrows
Tell me, please, my fortune
With whom should I connect my live
And for whom I should say no
Who should I say goodbye to
With who should stay forever
Look on my hand without deceit
Show me the way to my happiness
Chorus (2):
My heart breaks in two
Fortune or misfortune
I'm one and two of them
Should not go, should not fall in love
A heart would not have to choose
My heart !
Should not go, should not fall in love
The heart would not have to choose


You're like a ribbon on the gift in maiden's dreams
And inside these walls you're really the brightest
You're the most modern and desired man
At the parties
But I come out on the stage in stilettos
And my reflection walks in your glasses
And you stop breathing
I know and warn you
You've barged into the scope of my attention, it means you're hooked
I whisper to you, that I want you so much
I touch you lips with the tips of my fingers
I'll tell you, you simply play along
Deep breath, casual moan, your eyes don't lie
You're caught and smitten with another touch of lips
Last step, movements up
And there is no way back
You assured me, that breaks are failed
And you're surprised, that you're unable to refuse
And I lose consciousness
I'm melting, I don't understand
I got caught in the scope of your attention
It's driving me crazy

Me And Reality

Me and me in the real life
Me and me in reality
Me and me in the real world
I feel so strange
Reality is coming

Russians and Americans

It's an ordinary day, and the same I'm like I'm
walking in my boots on a frosty morning.
The nose becomes blurred, and the wind, the bitch, the cheek prick, The
brown bear stomped on the rope next to it.
From his muzzle sweep a couple of bread crumbs,
I'll remember the Bells and press the matryoshka,
I'll tighten my ear-flap with ear-flaps and the song will be tightened.
When the nightingale answers me from the birch.
The balalaika does not have a string, but it makes so much sense.
As in that woman, that meets the rocker,
Pour fire to me and nuddai park -
In Hollywood, they gave the role to the Russian peasant.
The nightingale will tell me the birch.
The nightingale will tell me the birch.
Even if I fasten my shirt,
My soul is still open.
In it, everything was mixed, as on the screen,
Russians and Americans.
Even if I fasten my shirt,
My soul is still open.
In it everything is mixed, as on the screen,
Russians and Americans
My mom made porridge, made cabbage soup,
But Anton 1 left Rashi, like fuckin 'shit.
And then the sun somehow became a stove,
Expiring afterwards, I scream: 'Son of a bitch'.
White white just a bit to chew for Adam's apple.
Negro Negro says: 'Get on my dick'
And then every second straight hooligan.
At every corner the cops shout: 'Put your gun down.'
I tell the taxi driver: 'Do not drive, you bastard.'
He to me pokes a gun in a forehead: 'Nigga, nigga'.
I take one ticket 'New-York-Moscow',
So that I will give Oscar for my soup and mush.
Even if I fasten my shirt,
Still my soul wide open,
In it, everything was mixed, as on the screen,
Russians and Americans.
Even if I fasten my shirt,
Still my soul open,
In it, everything was mixed, as on the screen,
Russians ...
Is it true that banknotes will soon disappear?
Is it true that airplanes will cease to fall?
What did the rovers find there? (ah?)
Where I come from, it's all myths,
Forbidden routers and there is no information.
Where are the artificial organs, what is there with immortality?
Who will become the best rapper of the millennium?
What are you standing there like, where is this information?
Or maybe you have also been kept secret?
Where I come from, people do not really like
Something to invent, except for old guns.
Fine tuning of the machine by hitting the sledgehammer,
Tilting the glass with the impact of the chimes.
A paratrooper, capable of making a somersault from a horizontal bar,
Talents are like weeds on the asphalt.
Itself, I look, you stand slightly guilty,
After all, the facts will come up for sure tomorrow.
Even if I fasten my shirt,
My soul is still open.
In it, everything was mixed, as on the screen,
Russians and Americans.
Even if I fasten my shirt,
My soul is still open.
In it everything is mixed up, as on the screen,
Russians and Americans.
The nightingale
will answer me, The nightingale will tell me the birch.

Murderer United States

Get out of my country
Murderer, murderer United States
You have used up us for years
Murderer, murderer United States
She antagonizes a state to another
She lies down in an ambush like a dog
She makes them shed their blood, she sells guns
Murderer, murderer United States
The brat who ate Japan
The only regret of the world
Hypocrite prostitute nation
Murderer, murderer United States
She fools people by saying that ice is water
We became unwary submissively
The world's nastiest
Murderer, murderer United States
The contemptible contagion of the human
The half of the world is vexed with her
The filthy wife of Vietnam
Murderer, murderer United States
Mahzuni Şerif, don't sleep through
The time is up, it got dark
Greetings from us to Vietnam
Murderer, murderer United States

Goodbye, America!

Versions: #3
When all the songs quiet down,
The songs I've never heard of,
[Then] my last paper steamboat
Will screech in pungent air in dismay.
Goodbye, America, oh,
Where I have never been.
We're parting for good,
Pick banjo uke
And play farewell for me!
La-la-la-lai-la-la-la-lai-la, La-la-la-lai-la-la-la-lai-la,
La-la-la-lai-la-la-la-lai-la, La-la-la-lai-la-la-la-lai-la...
Your tattered jeans grew too small,
[And] too tight for my liking.
We've been taught for a long time
To love your sweet and ripe forbidden fruits.
Goodbye, America, oh,
The place where I will never be.
Will I ever hear
Your song that I'll remember evermore?
Goodbye, America, oh,
The place where I will never be.
Take heed of my sad song,
Resembling mournful knell of churchyard bells.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

We love you America

I came to New York City, I danced one night
with pale transvestites who death will soon take.
They wanted to beat me happy with leather whips.
This is another thing than to be flirting with the little girls from Karlstad.
We love you, America. As well as your syndrome:
To want to come first and never give up.
To compete to win, that style suits me.
It is said that if you have the right components, things will solve themselves..
I met Miss Fonda, the unredeemed mother.
It was at Three Mile Island, where terror still lives.
She stood there with the detector among the half burned cows.
It is another thing, little Karin, than your own childhood faith!
I traveled down to Florida and went to Disneyland,
where Goofy became president and Mickey Mouse the right hand man,
and Pluto looked after the books in Black Pete's stable.
It is another thing Mr. President, than our own Chapparall!
Then we flew home to Sweden, I dozed in my seat
when the priest at my side completely suddenly drew out his gun.
Then he shot down the captain, and smiled at me and said
'Everything under us is yours, I am taking everything over us.'
We love you, America. As well as your syndrome:
To want to come first and never give up.
To compete to win, that style suits me.
It is said that if you have the right components, things will solve themselves..

The place which saw my birth

If I go back in time, it rains memories on my mind, once more
and I find the memories in which I could reach happiness,
as also moments in which I knew very well what was crying,
and I learnt to be brave... to go on.
I had to grow up, even though, maybe
there was immaturity in me
I had to become strong and face what I never imagined
and here I am, no scratches, despite what I had to suffer
but, while remembering,
you live again.
Despite I got through a thousand barriers,
I can't part with 1 what my frontiers lock up,
I have my sould attach to every detail, evey full-moon,
I'm the tree that even though it grows, it's still part of its land
and despite I found a new world out of its borders,
that I learnt to survive and to be happy my way
I still have the dream to come back...
to the place which saw my birth.
Life has taught me why to win you have to lose,
also what it feels like when you have to start again once more,
and here I am, no scratches and willing, as always, to continue,
but, while remembering... you live again.
Just learning.