A keresés eredménye oldal 8
Találatok száma: 333
First Love
Early in the morning
I wake up from the sound of the alarm going off
I've made a habit
Of starting my day with the thought of you
I wonder what your heart says
In a day, I think of you tens of times
Just like today
Throughout my busy day
I wait for you to contact me
At the words of others
I draw your image in my head
Even when my heart grows nervous
And I suddenly feel tired and lonely
I still think of you, just like today
Sometimes, I find myself strange but
I like you a lot, I think it’s love
I've gained a secret
That I can't share with anyone
If you, too, have the same heart as me
Please confess the truth to me
Tell me that you love me
Just facing you
Makes everything puzzling
The trivial texts you send to me
The face you make when you look at me
I want to try approaching you
But even if I spend time by your side
Against my wishes, our relationship
Remains the same
I like you a lot, I think it’s love
I've gained a secret
That I can't share with anyone
If you, too, have the same heart as me
Please confess the truth to me
Tell me that you love me
Sometimes, I think I'm being greedy
I've only ever experienced disappointment
So the fact that we end like this
With me lingering near you seems fitting
Right, at first
I thought that I would be fine
Whenever you came to mind
I thought it was just a passing thought
Never again
Will I dare to have a hope like this
Still, I must ask you once
If I tell you now, can you love me?
If you feel the same way
Can you confess to me
That you love me?
First Blood Hard Drive
You've got letter head
I've got sixteen gear
You live in a birdhouse
I carry a ginger ale
You've got a silkbook
I've got a mind boiling
Oh my God
Did we install a scart plug
From my first blood hard drive
And to yours
Your earth is loose and crass
My earth is drum and bass
Your time nobody should take
I've got a Bornholm wrist
Your chock is extra grim
My look is extra dumb
Oh my God
Did we install a scart plug
From my first blood hard drive
And to yours
A fitter
What if we ask a fitter
About a little more cableblood
Against some liquidated damages
What if it comes
Oh my God
From my first blood heart
Playing With fire
I was always told by mama
take care around certain guys
Because love wants to see you burn
You can get hurt
I guess my mama was always right
Because it gets hotter as you approach me
But I'm not afraid, I just want
You even more Eh
This shivering romance doesn`t stop
On and on and on
I want to dedicate
My all to you
Look at me look at me now
Because of you, I am burning
I can´t erase it
This love is Playing with fire
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Playing with fire
My love is on fire
So don’t play with me boy
Playing with fire
Oh no, now I can´t look back
Love doesn`t feel like a fun game anymore
Got me fired up we burnin’
I don’t need no water can’t stop its urgent
I ain’t never had nobody do it better but oh no
Your bad meaning bad but boy I’m loco
Showin’ out lets smoke them out
Match scratch light up
Kiss him will I diss him I don’t know but I miss him
Flame in my vein this love is like crack
Can you feel my heart go black
This shivering romance doesn`t stop
On and on and on
I want to dedicate
My all to you
Look at me look at me now
Because of you, I am burning
I can´t erase it
This love is Playing with fire
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Playing with fire
My love is on fire
So don’t play with me boy
Playing with fire
I can´t hold it in much longer
The fire is spreading at a tremendous speed
Fighting it is of no use enymore
Jus let our love burn to ashes … Whooo
The sun will give us fire.
The sun will give us fire.
Sun give us fire-fire.
give us fire-fire
give us fire-fire
I’m Django unchained.
Smoke was a gift given by blunt.
Hitted our heads. Ah! Gang!
I stir up for you, shake, hoax.
Puff of smoke, man, for you!
I give you all I have.
We catch the light of new day, love adults and kids.
Of course, complete chaos is everywhere.
Don’t you dare touch ours!
At the helm of fucking ship is appetizing noggin.
Juicy sound will dissolve as pollen from heaven.
Forest of hands. Here I am cool so much.
You’ll find me and you in theses styles.
Let it rain, brother, smoke a dobbie, wait a bit.
I’ve picked myself and go staight right way.
This music is mine. Not a single ruble was invested in us.
The very juice like hemp. It’s obvious.
I will make that sound despite everything.
Years say “Fly”, and I together with them.
During time on beats the voices became gruff.
Minimum of kind words about Bob and miracles.
I’ll get my invisible message fast.
This world is not sweet for dirty and evil, don’t blame me.
We’ve hunkered down, the fuss is on the block.
We’ve come a long way with splinters in our heels.
Angry niggers, walls, faces, Shakur and Biggie.
Music - honey trap - leaded me to itself.
I for the ages certainly – it closed the door behaind me.
Mama, I am on a roll now, Extravaganza is in the soul,
But pedestrains are stabbed, time is just hardcore.
Pile up the smoke - the music of heaven.
We have to shake the heads, to light you with bong hits.
Pile up the smoke - the music of heaven.
We have to shake the heads, to light you with bong hits.
You’re blinding me, but I can still see the dumb silence
Slowly lying back next to us on the bed
We watch silently as, enclosed by the walls of the past,
Our memories are fading away and the distance just keeps increasing
I don’t bear a grudge, I just regret that
We’ve drifted too far away and the dream came to an end
In vain do I keep in mind that if you stay here
It'll be too hard for me to exit through yesterday's door
For no one cautioned me
That you were all my faults
But still, but still
How many more times do I have to watch
As we pass away hand in hand?
If it burns, let everything burn to dust!
It’s a pity that no one cautioned me
That you were all my faults
But still, but still
You could give me another minute
You could cheat me once more
If it burns, let everything burn to dust!
You're not moving, I'm not going either, there’s only
Hope that winter will end some time
In your cold arms the poison of the lying looks
Is slowly spreading through and now I’m attracted by absence
For no one cautioned me
That you were all my faults
But still, but still
How many more times do I have to watch
As we pass away hand in hand?
If it burns, let everything burn to dust!
It’s a pity that no one cautioned me
That you were all my faults
But still, but still
You could give me another minute
You could cheat me once more
If it burns, let everything burn to dust!
Many words have fallen on me
More words that I could say
More words that I could say
But there’s no point in it any more
We’ve long since passed away
Let everything burn to dust!
It’s a pity that no one cautioned me
That you were all my faults
But still, but still
You could give me another minute
You could cheat me once more
If it burns, let everything burn to dust!
A tűz és a puffanás
Megmutattad nekem a jövőt
Egy doboz gyufa mellett
Várva várt, de félelmetes felbolydulás
A reményeim, hogy majd elvisznek
Talán valóra válnak
Attól függ, te mire vágysz
Ha igaz, hogy elmész
Mond hová, és ott találkozunk
Elrontanám az izgalmat
Ha nevetgélés helyett, az érzéseimről vallanék?
És tehernek éreznéd
Ha megkérdezném, milyen számodra 'az álompasi'?
Miután magaddal vitted a szívem
Bármi amihez értem, azt sugallta ezt inkább veled kéne megosztanom
És most ott rejtőzöl a levesemben
A könyvben is a te arcodat látom
Ott vagy a szemhéjaim alatt
És állandóan megtörik a koncentrálás
A nyom amit hagytál bennem mégsem gyógyul olyan gyorsan
A csendben is a te hangodat hallom
Vajon a tűzzel való incselkedést puffanás követi majd?
A lökdösődő tömegben
Nem tudod
Az igazat mondani
És a fényképek is mind hazudnak!
Van rá megfelelő magyarázat
De nincs rá oka, hogy megkérdezze
Úgy szeretném kibökni a kíváncsi szemüket azokkal a dolgokkal
Amit akkor se vennének észre, ha pofonként csattana az arcukon
Ha egymást elpusztítanánk
Ha egymást elpusztítanánk
Szemeinket övező
Pilláink töviskoronánk
Mely bármely pillantást
Véglegesen glorifikál,
Halált osztó szempillantás után
Határtalan szeretettel szemünkben,
Ismervén téged mondanám:
Halj meg,
Halj meg babám,
Pompás lesz ezután.
Te, az igéből született
Csak velem maradsz,
Megismered a föld izet
Gyökerek gyönyörét leled
Átszőve kezeid párjával
A nemlét örökkévalóságának
Felfoghatatlan mámorával…
És simogatva mondanád nekem
Halj meg, kedvesem
Ősz homlokú szerelmesem
Ikonokén beragyogva
Halálkör nimbuszokba
Halj meg,
Hagyd a virágokra színeid
Ösvényekre a fürtjeid
Tengereknek szemcsillogásaid
És ne felejtsd
Honnan vedd majd elő
Mikor tested és lelked vissza jő…
Ha egyszerre, együtt elmúlnánk
Gyilkosként és áldozatként hullnánk
Megmentő és feloldozott volnánk
Egymás szemébe nézve mindvégig
Vakon (is) bízva a végtelenségig…
Hellfire Summoning Spell
Black fire whose smoke is fulvous,
Thou I summon, so that you show your power,
Hot flames, come hither,
Under this sky, consume that tree,
Reveal thy light and thy darkness,
I evoke thy onslaught so that you devour
That tree and all its guests.
© Vladímir Sosnín
Először szerelmesek voltunk
Átszaladtunk a piroson
A középső ujjunk volt a béke jelünk, igen
Kortyoltuk az érzelmeket
Kifújtunk és belélegeztünk minden pillanatot
Ez vakmerő volt, de a miénk, igen, igen
Be voltunk állva és voltunk józanok
Voltunk lent és voltunk fennt
Fiatalok voltunk, most már idősebb vagyok
De ismét megtenném mindezeket
Berúgtunk a vonatsíneken
Amikor kipróbáltuk az első cigarettát
10 dollár egy rakás pénz volt nekünk
Ismét megtenném mindezeket
Bomberdzseki és sapka
Apád fekete Hondája Mayback (Mercedes) volt
Újra: rakás pénz a visszajátszáson
Ismét megtenném mindezeket
Vadul szerelmesek voltunk
Gyorsítva a célvonalnál
Gyerünk az időnk végezetéig, igen
Futótűzként indulva
Felégetni a hidakat a birodalmunkban
A szerelmünk valami olyan volt, amit csodáltunk, igen, igen
Be voltunk állva és voltunk józanok
Voltunk lent és voltunk fennt
Fiatalok voltunk, most már idősebb vagyok
De ismét megtenném mindezeket
Berúgtunk a vonatsíneken
Amikor kipróbáltuk az első cigarettát
10 dollár egy rakás pénz volt nekünk
Ismét megtenném mindezeket
Bomberdzseki és sapka
Apád fekete Hondája Mayback (Mercedes) volt
Újra: rakás pénz a visszajátszáson
Ismét megtenném mindezeket
Rakás rakás, rakás rakás, oh oh...
Gyors gyors, gyors gyors, oh oh...
Rakás rakás, rakás rakás, oh oh...
Gyors gyors, gyors gyors, oh oh...
Rakás rakás, rakás rakás, oh oh...
Gyors gyors, gyors gyors, oh oh...
Rakás rakás, rakás rakás, oh oh...
Gyors gyors, gyors gyors, oh oh...
Rakás rakás, rakás rakás, oh oh...
The Rose
The rose, where does it come from?
Out of what blueness and from what cloud
It is the sun and it sighs
It's passion and flight
What have you given me, o rose?
It enchanted me with its scent
And in last night's dream
It also called me to love
Last night's rose
Smiled to me from its petals
And cheeks in the snow
At once reddened
What have you give me, o rose?
It enchanted me with its scent
And in last night's dream
It called me to the same with you
[Verse 1]
Volt egyszer egy fiú,
aki túlságos is különbözött ahhoz hogy valahová is tartozzon,
túlságosan magányos volt ahhoz hogy erős legyen. (megállíthatatlan, megállíthatatlan, oh)
A földön feküdt,
az mondta hogy egyre csak zuhan,
egy hangot sem ejtett. (megállíthatatlan, megállíthatatlan, oh)
Hát most megmutatom neked
az idők végezetéig, az idők végezetéig. (megállíthatatlan, megállíthatatlan, oh)
Hát most majd megtudod, yeah
hogy miért fogok ragyogni, miért fogok ragyogni.
Tűzben égek, megállíthatatlan vagyok,
itt állok és megszelidítem a lángokat.
Többé már nem érdekel, nem kell az oxigéned,
úgy lángolok ahogyan még soha senki.
Itt vagyok, lángokban állva,
többé már nem félek, erős vagyok akár egy harcos.
És amikor a padlóra kerülök
újra felállok majd
és felragyogok akár egy lobbanás.
Tűzben égek majd, égek.
És amikor a padlóra kerülök
újra felállok majd
és felragyogok akár egy lobbanás.
Tűzben égek majd, égek, égek.
[Verse 2]
Volt egyszer egy lány,
egy tönkrement családból származott,
csendes fantáziája volt. (megállíthatatlan, megállíthatatlan, oh)
Fantáziavilágban élt,
a szíve csillagokból készült,
s a bőre sebekből. (megállíthatatlan, megállíthatatlan, oh)
Hát most megmutatom neked
az idők végezetéig, az idők végezetéig. (megállíthatatlan, megállíthatatlan, oh)
Hát most majd megtudod, yeah
hogy miért fogok ragyogni, miért fogok ragyogni.
Tűzben égek, megállíthatatlan vagyok,
itt állok és megszelidítem a lángokat.
Többé már nem érdekel, nem kell az oxigéned,
úgy lángolok ahogyan még soha senki.
Itt vagyok, lángokban állva,
többé már nem félek, erős vagyok akár egy harcos.
És amikor a padlóra kerülök
újra felállok majd
és felragyogok akár egy lobbanás.
Tűzben égek majd, égek.
És amikor a padlóra kerülök
újra felállok majd
és felragyogok akár egy lobbanás.
Tűzben égek majd, égek, égek.
Oh, tűzben égek, megállíthatatlan vagyok.
Oh, tűzben égek.
Tűzben égek, megállíthatatlan vagyok,
itt állok és megszelidítem a lángokat.
Többé már nem érdekel, nem kell az oxigéned,
úgy lángolok ahogyan még soha senki.
Itt vagyok, lángokban állva,
többé már nem félek, erős vagyok akár egy harcos.
És amikor a padlóra kerülök
újra felállok majd
és felragyogok akár egy lobbanás.
Tűzben égek majd, égek.
És amikor a padlóra kerülök
újra felállok majd
és felragyogok akár egy lobbanás.
Tűzben égek majd, égek, égek.
Tűzben égek, megállíthatatlan vagyok,
itt állok és megszelidítem a lángokat.
Többé már nem érdekel, nem kell az oxigéned,
úgy lángolok ahogyan még soha senki.
Itt vagyok, lángokban állva,
többé már nem félek, erős vagyok akár egy harcos.
És amikor a padlóra kerülök
újra felállok majd
és felragyogok akár egy lobbanás.
Tűzben égek majd, égek.
És amikor a padlóra kerülök
újra felállok majd
és felragyogok akár egy lobbanás.
Tűzben égek majd, égek, égek.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
We will be winning again
We will be shining right here
You can’t do anything without me forever
We will be walking again
We will be taking over
You can’t do anything without me
Are you ready?
In a distant darkness, I’m screaming alone.
I kept waiting for the moment.
Carved deep in my memory,
I looked for my determination.
Let’s take everything that there is in here now and make them our own.
You don’t have to hold back! Our mind is made up!
The party isn’t over yet. Come on! Make some noise!
Isn’t the “present” an unsettled situation?
There’s no meaning yet!
Let’s take everything away before it’s lost.
Isn’t the “dream” speaking about this era?
There’s no victory in those voices.
The last thing in my hand…
This is my own way!!
Every time my heart was unhappy,
looking at the sky, I cried.
I didn’t expect it to arrive so suddenly,
I was perplexed.
We will be winning again
We will be shining right here
You can’t do anything without me forever
There’s no meaning in hunting “love”,
I want to be my own lover,
even if I have to ignore all our good times.
There’s no time to uncover the “lie”,
I just want you to see it.
Even if it will result in a total darkness…
This is my own way!!
Even if “me” loses “you”,
this breath can’t stop
until I find the real “answer”.
Isn’t the “present” an unsettled situation?
There’s no meaning yet!
Let’s take everything away before it’s lost.
Isn’t the “dream” speaking about this era?
There’s no victory in those voices.
The last thing in my hand…
This is my own way!!
Api Neraka (Hellfire)
I confess to almighty God.
To Blessed Mary ever-virgin.
To Blessed Michael the Archangel.
To the holy apostles, to all the saints.
Blessed Maria, you know I am righteous
I am proud of my wisdom
And you, Father...
Blessed Maria, you know I am true
The people are immoral!
That I have greatly sinned!
Tell me, Maria,
Why I see her eyes scorching the soul!
In thought...
I think I see the sun in her hair, blazing and uncontrollable!
Word and deed!
Like hellfire!
Burning my skin
Desire festers,
Falling in sin...
It's not my fault! Do not blame me!
The Gypsy girl made this fire!
It's not my fault! It's God's plan!
He made the Devil stronger than man!
Help me, Maria,
From the woman's spell
Don't let the fire scorch me!
Destroy Esmeralda!
Let her taste the fires of hell
Or make her mine!
Minister Frollo, the Gypsy girl has escaped.
She isn't in the Cathedral. She is lost.
How could it be? Oh, nevermind. Get out of here, you idiot! I'll find her even if I have to burn down all of Paris!
Hellfire, darkness
Now, Gypsy, it's your turn!
Choose me, or burn
Belong to me or burn!
Lord, have mercy...
Have mercy on her,
Have mercy on me,
She is mine, or I burn!*
Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti,
Beatae Mariae semper Virgini,
Beato Michaeli Archangelo,
Sanctis apostolis, omnibus sanctis.
Beata Maria,
You know I honour the laws
I higly value my virtue
Et tibit, Pater
Beata Maria,
You know that I am purer
Than the common crowd who needs to be led
Quia peccavi nimis
So listen, Maria
Her eyes are taking my breath away
While she is dancing her dark dance
It stabs my soul
And the beam in her dark hair is scorching
Hopefully it´ll make her insane one day
Verbo et opere
There´s flame inside me
Which touches the roofs
This is my end
This is my sin
I´m innocent
Mea culpa
I have my honor
Mea culpa
That black witch wants to make me sinful
Mea maxima culpa
I have nothing to do with that
Mea culpa
God has his plan
Mea culpa
He knows why the devil rules upon us now
Mea maxima culpa
I beg you Maria
Do not renounce me
Protect me from the hellfire
This bad Esmeralda
Should go to hell
Or else let her be mine
Let her be mine
As the hell is burning
And cross is my witness
Either you´ll be mine
Or you´ll burn in hell
Kyrie Eleison
Don´t forsake her, Lord
Kyrie Eleison
Don´t forsake me, Lord
Kyrie Eleison
Either you want me, or you´ll burn in the fire
my consciousness flies
like a rocket towards the sun
it's not worth it to fear me
not worth it to fall in love with me
you're a very nice guy
but there's no one else like me
let's make an agreement
be with me
watch, i'll show you miracles
and we'll flow like rivers
into neon pharmacies
in the familiar crossings
lie our ice drifts
your still childlike skin
and young firm veins
the success of our ventures
what a crazy couple
be with me
watch, i'll show you miracles
babe, watch, i'll give you miracles
tell me about Australia
i find it awfully interesting
maybe in that very place
i'll decide to throw my anchor
and conversing with the ocean
under the rain or while on pot
it will reveal to me its secrets
i'll understand and become lighter
and with transparent hands
i'll get up by my shoulders
tell me about Australia...
we'll chat about irony
i find it awfully interesting
is it stupid or honest?
i'll take a risk and get closer
your scents kind of disturb me
i don't know how to describe them
i don't know you at all
you see me for the first time
i forgive you in advance
on the other hand, you hate it
we'll chat about irony
tell me about Australia...
Tüzes csókok
Tedd a fejed a mellkasomra, hogy hallhasd minden szívdobbanásom
Most nincs semmi, ami elválaszthatna minket
Érintsd meg az ajkaim, csukd be a szemed, és lásd az ujjhegyeiddel
mit teszel velem, tudod, hogy megőrülök érted
Tüzes csókok, égnek, égnek
Innen nincs visszafordulás
Tüzes csók, édes odaadás
Beleragadtam ebbe az érzelmi földcsuszamlásba
Már elmondtam minden szerelmi ügyem
És ehhez képest azok semmik voltak
Ó, magasabban járok mint az ég
És tűz van mind csókban
Tüzes csókok
Tüzes csókok
Amikor mellettem alszol, biztonságban érzem magam, és tudom, hogy ide tartozom
Mégis, megijeszt, hogy mennyire erős a szerelmem
Elveszíteni téged, egy rémálom, babe, és számomra ez új
Ezelőtt nem láthattál engem többért könyörögni
Tüzes csókok, égnek, égnek
Innen nincs visszafordulás
Tüzes csók, édes odaadás
Beleragadtam ebbe az érzelmi földcsuszamlásba
Már elmondtam minden szerelmi ügyem
És ehhez képest azok semmik voltak
Ó, magasabban járok mint az ég
És tűz van mind csókban
Tüzes csókok
Tüzes csókok
Tüzes csókok, égnek, égnek
Innen nincs visszafordulás
Tüzes csókok, édes odaadás
Beleragadtam ebbe az érzelmi földcsuszamlásba
Tüzes csókok, égnek, égnek
(Innen már nincs visszaút)
Tüzes csókok, édes odaadás
Ó, magasabban járok mint az ég és tűz van minden csókban
(Beleragadtam ebbe az érzelmi földcsuszamlásba)
Tüzes csókok, égnek, égnek
Innen nincs visszafordulás
Tüzes csókok, édes odaadás
Beleragadtam ebbe az érzelmi földcsuszamlásba
Finally, At Last And At Length
Anna: I can see an open door!
I didn't know that that would happen now!
Surely we don't really have a thousand plates?
I used to roam the empty hall here,
living in this way without guests/housemates.
Finally they're publicly opening the gates!
There'll be people who aren't imaginary!
The entire world will be changed.
How this seems to me like luxury!
Because - finally, at last, and at length -
there'll be music, there'll be speech.
Finally, at last and at length -
the whole night will know movements.
Perhaps I ate too quickly
but I can feel it in my stomach
because - finally, at last, and at length -
I'll talk to an ally.
Everyone will be here, and every man!
What if my husband / the man for me is here?
Tonight imagine me adorned
myself being elegant against the wall,
the role-model wearing a gown/curtain so publicly.
I suddenly see him standing
beautiful though I don't know him.
I'll want to eat him up like an apple!
But we'll laugh together the whole night.
That'll be such a novelty!
I'll know that I never knew tomorrow.
Finally, at last and at length -
there'll be change, there'll be fate.
Finally, at last and at length -
someone will perhaps see me.
And I'm certainly totally crazy
in being passionate for passion,
but - finally, at last and at length -
the opportunity has been given to me.
Elsa: May you not let them in!
May you not show it to them!
May you always be the good girl as is custom!
Let hidden things be!
Cover your power!
If you err once, they all will know.
But it's only for today.
Anna: But it's only for today.
Elsa: We wait miserably.
Anna: We wait miserably.
Elsa: Guards, open up the gates!
Anna: Look, hope!
Finally, at last and at length -
Elsa: May you not let them in!
May you not show it to them!
Anna: I'm actually getting what I'm hoping for:
Elsa: May you always be the good girl as is custom!
Anna: perhaps I'm not alone anymore,
Elsa: Let hid-
Anna: perhaps I'll complete my heart / I'll let my heart go.
Elsa: Let hidden things be!
May they not know!
Anna: Tomorrow the holidays will come to an end
so let it happen today
because - finally, at last and at length -
finally, at last and at length -
nothing will be in my way!
Chico Malandro
I love you much, my sweetheart
You are my prettiest little thing
You are my flower, my world
You are my rascal, Chico
You're the love of my life
I like you so much
I think of you
Because of the love you give me
I love you much, my sweetheart
You are my prettiest little thing
You are my flower, my world
You are my rascal, Chico
You are my guy
My Cape Verdean man
You are my pirate
You can steal me
I love you much, my sweetheart
You are my prettiest little thing
You are my flower, my world
You are my rascal, Chico
If you steal my heart
I won't care, my rascal
You are my baby
I will steal you too
I love you much, my sweetheart
You are my prettiest little thing
You are my flower, my world
You are my rascal, Chico
Kissing You
My whole heart loves you
My heart beats like crazy
Loving you
I can only see you
Until always, I’ll only look at you
So look at me, who only loves you
Kissing You
It’s all you for me
Since the beginning
I was like that when I’m with you
My heart pounds, my face turns red
When I’m bringing you home
I keep thinking weird thoughts
Our sweet first kiss
Say that it’s me,
open your lips,answer me
Say that you only believe in me and that you only love me
My whole heart loves you
My heart beats like crazy
Loving you
I can only see you
Until always, I’ll only look at you
So look at me, who only loves you
Kissing You
It’s all you for me
Say that it’s me,
open your lips,answer me
Say that you only believe in me and that you only love me
My whole heart loves you
My heart beats like crazy
Loving you
I can only see you
Until always, I’ll only look at you
So look at me, who only loves you
Kissing You
It’s all you for me
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
First Express
The dawn’s hazy wave dashes
Washing the first express, washing its dreams
Washing my heart and leaves
Leaving you far, far away
If it’s love that can’t be love
Then I should leave first
Times that seemed like dreams, of short happiness
Even if I remember them
Wistful feelings, wistful lingering
I’ll forget them all
The dawn’s hazy wave dashes
Washing the first express, washing its dreams
Washing my heart and leaves
Leaving you far, far away
As you leave far far away
My heart hurts and becomes weary
Leaving a sore scar as it is
I entrust the load to the first car’s form
As time gradually passes, forgetting
That you were the one I loved
Even if I’m wanting more, even if I love you, you have to leave
Thinking of you as you become further away
Past memories that soak my heart
For someone I have to forget anyway
Will I become sadder?
If it’s love that can’t be love
Then I should leave first
Times that seemed like dreams, of short happiness
Even if I remember them
Wistful feelings, wistful lingering
I’ll forget them all
The dawn’s hazy wave dashes
Washing the first express, washing its dreams
Washing my heart and leaves
Leaving you far, far away
Leaving you far, far away
First sign of Spring
When winter long remains
you're waiting for a sunny moment
A sign and you already know -
the time is close
Night and cold a memory remain,
when your world smiles
With you together until the end
We'll forget all sorrows
When spring blooms again
The sun warms us with gentle caress
and life follows it's plan
When spring within us blooms
Warm wind caresses you
No ice or snow
You've turned the page,
And the forest awakes
The clouds disappear and the sky is glowing
With you again together we'll be
When spring within us blooms
- When will I grow antlers?
- Very soon, if we're really alike.
- Are we?
- There is only one way to find out!
When spring within us blooms,
A new season has warmed
The father and son -
Everything around them grows with joy
Every minute they are closer,
The feeling becomes stronger
Together till the end
We'll forget all sorrows
When spring again blooms
And the sun warms us with gentle caress
Life follows it's plan
When spring within us blooms
When spring within us blooms
When spring within us blooms
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
Don't worry so much about me, I'm not scared!
Please, don't leave this way!
Don't shut the door
The days of loneliness don't have to return anymore...
It's for the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I understand what and how
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
We have a chance to change the world
Today we'll get through this blizzard together
So you don't have to be scared anymore
Because for the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I'll stand by your side!
Go back home
Go on with your life
Open all doors,
Come out to the sun's light
Alright, but...
Yes, I know...
You wanna help
But you'd better go!
Yes, I'm alone - but free as well!
So leave, if you wanna be safe!
It's already too late!
For what is it too late?
Everybody already knows about it!
What does everybody know about?
In Arendelle it keeps,
keeps, keeps, keeps heavily snowing...
How come?
Well, you've made a total winter in the whole country
In the whole country?
But that's cool, just make spring now!
You don't understand.
I... I can't!
Oh, come one, you can, believe me!
Because for the first time I can pinpoint with my memory...
Oh, the dream about freedom beluded me!
You needn't be afraid
I won't escape from storms at the bottom of my heart!
When we'll stand hand by hand!
This curse wants sacrifices
We'll right a wrong!
Oh, I beg of you, don't say anything more, no more!
Easy there!
Fear surrounds us here!
You'll see that the fog will vanish!
There's death in tears!
We'll turn everything around together!
There won't be an eternal winter any longer!
And you'll stand in day's sunlight
Like me!
Not me!
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
It managed to open the windows, the doors
Hinges withstood rust years
There are no old stains on porcelain
I won't be alone among these walls
In the ballroom they'll start to dance
Finally, the gates will open
There'll be live people in here –
It's an impossible thought
But I want this variety today
It's the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
There'll be a ball and a power of lights
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I'll be dancing all night
And I feel joy and heartburn at once
No wonder, because for why
Today is the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I won't be alone anymore
You have no idea how many guests there'll be
And maybe some great guy?
And in a dress like from a beautiful dream
I'll tempt guests here –
Incarnate grace, subtle style and chic
Until suddenly I'll see that
There's a handsome young man standing alone
After a few chocolates, shame will pass
Then there'll be a conversation until the morning
Time will run away like crazy
I'll meet something like this for the first time
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
There'll be magic, there'll be laughter
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
Someone will finally notice me
Although it's just crazy
Making a love plan like that
But for the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
At least I have a chance
Nobody shall know
Don't give away anything
No emotions
You must live like that from that day on
Without words, without dreams
Not to surrender to tears
Because today I can't afford
On the smallest mistake
But it's only one day
It's only one day
What's next, who knows?
What's next, who knows?
Let them open the gates. I want like that!
I want like that!
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
Nobody shall know
Don't give away anything
The days of loneliness will pass away
No emotions
You must live like that from that day on
I wanna dream this sleep with someone
Without words
I wanna be in love
Without words, without dreams
Not to surrender to tears
I know, I'll wake up tomorrow
But I'm still dreaming today
It's the first time I can pinpoint with my memory
The first time I can pinpoint with my memory
I'm going where I want
Frollo: Beata Maria
You know well what kind of man I am
I'm worthy to call myself 'christian'
Beata Maria
Surely I'm the purest one
Between all these churls
But then, Maria
Why I see her dancing?
Looking at me with her lustful eyes
I feel her
I see her
The black of her hair
Takes me away from all Your wishes
It's the hellfire
Which burns my skin
A damned longing/intolerance
Which is the way to the sin
It's not my fault
What should I do
If that gypsy has bewitched my heart?
What have I got to do
If God
Made the Devil stronger than the pious man?
For pity's sake, Maria
Don't let this snake win
(This snake that) Would like to break the junctures of my bones, crawling
Lapidate Esmeralda
She must suffer the pains of hell
Or else let her be mine
Guard: Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped
Frollo: What?
Guard: No longer in the cathedral. She's gone
Frollo: But how? I...
Never mind
Get out, you half-stupid
I'll find her
I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris
The darkest flames
Will be your end
If in the future
I'm not your choice
God, help her
God, help me
But she will be mine or
She will burn
A babám tűzben ég
A szerelme forró vörös, mikor darabokra esik
Sosem gondoltam, hogy ilyen szórakoztató megégetni magam
Minden valami újat talál ki
Igen, az a nő megtanított egy-két dologra
Tűzben ég
A babám tűzben ég
Elmegyünk kocsikázni a 6.6 literesemmel*, igen
Kikerüljük a várost, egyenesen vidékre
Lekapcsolom a világítást, leállítom a motort
Amint elengedem a féket, rám ugrik
Tűzben ég
A babám tűzben ég
Most hagyd égni
Ooh, igen
Forrón szeretem
Tűzben ég
A babám tűzben ég
Nincs idő barátokra, nincs idő pihenésre
Amint hazaér a suliból, elkezd levetkőzni
Hideg van, de itt lent meleg, ooh
Mindig felforrósodom, mikor közelebb jön
Felizgultam a szerelemre, mintha ez lenne a legújabb trend
Azonnal válaszol egy pillantással és mosollyal
Olyan mint egy bomba, ami mindjárt robban
Csak egy érintés és elkezd kipakolni
Tűzben ég, whoo
A babám tűzben ég, oh igen
Még jobban felizgatsz
A babám tűzben ég, ow
Tűzben ég
A babám tűzben ég, igen, forrón szeretem
Tűzben ég, whoo
A babám tűzben ég
Oh, most hagyd égni, ow
Sunbreak over night fields
a creeping relative of the night, stealing my soul's peace.
The silence heavy as blood,
a cracked note once beautiful
Silence in the kingdom of winter.
The darkness softens the faint golden light,
cold endows the warmth as night falls anew,
the night heavy as lead.
The snowdrift chokes the summerscent
Winter takes over.
Hope comes with spring
but lives no longer here in the month of Góa,
died in service,
pride killed the sick hope.
Silence in the kingdom of winter.
Twilight over our lives,
from the distance is the beautiful love, the harbinger of spring
the heart's hope,
now buried in snowdrifts.
Winter takes over.
Soft sounds of moss sleep in the deep winterdusk,
the dark-soft clouds eaten up by biting cold snow.
It sleeps ill dreams, in what color do you dream?
Does the night maybe creep in your mind?
I didn't find God in the old books,
nor happiness in a bottle, nothing won on my path
The evil dreamwalkers cut down to the feet
The conscience gnaws on the carcass of the soul in deep distress.
To understand all the sorrows
and the dreams of men
but find no God
other than your rotting
I will neither bend nor beg
Because the dreams of my days
are ghosts of the night
The dusk-dark devil
rides a bloody, sick whale
Eternity spent in hell
is an ill death
We all to a one die,
Our scars like stitches
they hold us together
But the start of wretchedness is only wretchedness
And in death there is no glory
Not least of the soul
I stare at your gray gravestone
The silence of your cold heart was so heavy
Wounds run angrily anew
You were fire in my breast
So frozen and the frost bit
The end of hope the beginning of pain
I stare at your gray gravestone
The silence of your cold heart was so heavy
All of your ugly words echo
Echoes in my mind
What hour is your heart's murder, yes, murder
Your warm love was so strange
You look at me silent
And now I ask some devil's mercy
I strew salt in an old wound
Wounds run angrily anew
Which tear is here today
Your faith and tongue were poison
Wounds run angrily anew
The silence of your cold heart was so heavy
All of your ugly words echo
Echoes in my mind
What hour is your heart's murder, yes, murder
Your warm love was so strange
You look at me silent
And now I ask some devil's mercy
Under the glacier (dead flowers of winter)
The frozen ground breaks under my feet,
my cold pride burns in my heart
and old souls wander around here, under the glacier
like shadows of the past that died and live still.
They are the echoes of the mountains,
like sensitive summer flowers
on cold winter nights,
they wither, they wither and die.
They are the dead flowers of winter,
I lay frost roses on their path.
But the silence calls for my death
Did I come here to die?
Here until the sun is kold
and the wasteland endless,
here under the glacier
until the old souls wander,
here do I live
and here will I die.
Silver Fox
The voice. It whispers. The goblin,
prowling in the dark, that clever one,
threatens my soul. I never had hope.
Does he never tire, this idiot son of nothing?
He stomps on the floor, well-versed in the night
He never sleeps, he's never still
My mind bound in hell, I never had hope
A waking beast fathered this son.
It burns in my skin, the fury to end
My neck in a noose. I no longer fear faith.
My mind bound in hell, I never had hope
A waking beast fathered this son.
Black Mountain
Never saw death coming in your eyes
Never saw anything but death, reflected on me
It holds tight to me and don't let me go
It keeps on
I never saw it born in you
Never saw it prowling to me
It crawled to me like a scentless gas
It crawled...
Oh, since I'm terrified
Oh, since I'm rash
Oh, since I'm tormented
Awe takes charge
Oh, since I became a man
Oh, since courage grew in me
I've pierced through the fear
I've silenced death's call
Never found sickness in you
Never found a lack of spirit in you
I'm crazy, driving on the gravel out into the emptiness
Never saw death coming in your eyes
Never saw anything but death, reflected on me
It's beautiful to me, it mocks me
Oh, so crafty
I dreamed so often of rising from the rust
In the fjord I beheld anew
By the root of the mountains, and by the cure of the glacier
And woke a second time
Never saw death coming in your eyes
Never saw anything but death, reflected on me
It holds tight to me and don't let me go
It keeps on