A keresés eredménye
Találatok száma: 9
Mellettem, azt mondod, másnak egy ilyen hős tán sosem akad,
De ha már folyton ezt sugallja minden egyes szavad
Tégy hát valamit, hogy végre igazold önmagad!
Most csak egy dologra kérlek, csak egyetlen egyre,
Képes vagy-e végre az igaz szeretetre?
A megannyi keserűség helyett, ha csak egyetlenegy percre...,
Mert most csak ezt kapom belőled, de sajnos..., vesztemre.
Sosem kértem, hogy bármitől is ments meg,
Vagy hogy a világ egészét elhozd ide nekem
Csupán annyit kértem, hogy adj egy kis szerelmet,
s a békét vágytam megélni veled.
Folyton úgy teszel, mintha értem óriási áldozatot hoznál
Azt mondod, más soha sem volna erre képes
S hogy te többet érsz minden kis dolognál
De most, hogy egyetlen dolgot kérek tőled csupán:
őszinte szerelmet, de ne csak látszat legyen,
Annyit mondasz erre, reám nézve, bután:
'Dupla árat kell fizetned ezért nekem...'
Sosem kértem, hogy a megmentőm legyél,
vagy, hogy a csillagokat hozd le ide nekem,
Hiába esedeztem igaz szerelemért,
S, hogy köztünk mindenkor béke legyen.
Little Green Bough
It was here in the summer we were betaking
Ourselves to sit on this bench 'til late,
And a little green bough above us shaking
A greeting to us, it seemed, conveyed.
A greeting to us, it seemed, conveyed.
Little green bough, little green bough,
We remember it so frequently now.
We remember, but summer will commence
And the little green bough will swing again.
Under the weight of snow sorrows withered
Over the white bench the boughs were glazed with rime,
Maybe we found ourselves here by chance
But maybe summer called us in winter time
But maybe summer called us in winter time.
Little green bough, little green bough,
We remember it so frequently now.
We remember, but summer will commence
And the little green bough will swing again.
But not forever does winter arrive
And it won't be forever sad to the heart.
Look, the downcast boughs newly spring alive,
And, look, already ours has a greening start.
And, look, already ours has a greening start.
Little green bough, little green bough,
We remember it so frequently now.
We remember, but summer will commence
And the little green bough will swing again.
Succumbing to the Charm
Like the tightrope walker
Breaks their balance pole
And to challenge fate
Walks with their eyes closed
I was looking without seeing
The stopped clocks
I had lost track
Of the words on the paper
I blew on the black water
Of my inkpots
My cheeks, my eyes
and my heart were stained
I no longer hurt anywhere
I slept without dreaming
I followed without believing
The thread of my history
Succumbing to the charm
As if under a hail of bullets
Laughing at the sight of my life
Abandoning its tracks
Savoring on your skin
The rediscovered time
Teaching you and forgetting everything
Like a poet dreams
On his stray lines
A child of theatre
Playing prison ball
I walked in the streets
Of a frozen world
An injured person who entertains himself
By watching his blood flow
I watched myself live
As an enlightened voyeur
I wanted to be without hate
And without pity
I was no longer mindful of pain
A laughing doll broken inside
Succumbing to the charm
As if under a hail of bullets
Spread out, surrendering
Understanding everything again
Discovering by surprise
Water under my eyelashes
Admitting to being fragile
Being amazed by it
Succumbing to the charm
As if under a hail of bullets
Laughing at the sight of my life
Abandoning its tracks
Savoring on your skin
The rediscovered time
Teaching you and forgetting everything
Forgetting everything
Exceeding the limit
Of the recommended doses
Without ever getting close
To the promised paradises
I ran way too fast
To fall
You alone knew
How to catch me
And you captured me
In the naked light
As one picks up
An exhausted warrior
You came to me
When I didn't believe anymore
Like a sob
Held in for too long
Succumbing to the charm
As if under a hail of bullets
Spread out, surrendering
Understanding everything again
Discovering by surprise
Water under my eyelashes
Admitting to being fragile
Being amazed by it
Succumbing to the charm
As if under a hail of bullets
Laughing at the sight of my life
Abandoning its tracks
Savoring on your skin
The rediscovered time
Teaching you and forgetting everything
Forgetting everything
Chicka Chicka Egy, Kettő, Három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Lesz nekem hely?
Az egyik kettőnek, kettő pedig a háromnak mondta,
Megvetem az almafa tetejére.
Mássz fel mondta négy-öt és hat
fényes kis számok, amelyek csatlakoznak a keverékhez.
Siet! hétet kiáltott a nyolcadik számra,
lassan piszkáló fickó, aki mindig késik.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Itt jön kilenc az almafához.
Következik tíz, majd tizenegy.
Hű, ezeknek az almáknak mennyei íze van!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Forró rózsaszín tizenkettő, szerencsés tizenhárom,
piros és zöld almát szedni.
Tizennégy, tizenöt, nem látod?
Mindannyian fel akarnak mászni az almafára.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Tizenhat következik a helyszínre,
ágakat mászni tizenhét.
Tizennyolc, tizenkilenc, még egy húsz.
Számok, számok, rengeteg van.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Kanyargós harminc, lapos lábú negyven
felmászni, hogy csatlakozzon a partihoz!
Ötven rendben van, hatvan pedig dandy.
A Hetven haja hosszú és homokos.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Másszunk tovább mondja a nyolcvanéves fafejű
egyre magasabb, akár kilencven,
míg végül kilencvenkilenc van
és minden szám jól érzi magát,
nulla kivételével, aki sírni kezd.
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Óh ne!
Zümmögés közel! Darázsok!
Zero elrejtőzik a fa mögött.
a darázs kiabál,
és az összes szám kidől.
Kilencven, nyolcvan, hetven esik,
mindenki számára ingyen érje a földet.
Hatvan, ötven, negyven futás.
Nincs több mászás, nincs több móka!
Harminc következő, aztán édes húsz.
Számok, számok, már nem sok!
Tizenkilenc és tizennyolc, én, jaj!
A rémült számok ugranak és repülnek!
Még tizenhét, tizenhat, tizenöt.
Most tizennégy érte a padlót.
És tizenhárom is, szerencsétlen fickó!
Tizenketten majdnem megérintették az eget!
Hajlított tizenegy.
(Várj! Hol van tíz?)
Akkor kilenc, nyolc, hét következik.
Hat és öt cilinder csavarása,
Négy, három, kettő, egy, merülj el!
(Menjünk!) Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Most már tudom a helyet nekem!
Nulla ugrik az égre.
Bátor kis szám, nem szégyenlős.
Nulla leszáll a fa tetejére.
Csatlakozik tízhez, most százan látod!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Itt a hely, ami csak nekem való!
Minden szám kijön,
Egyre magasabbra, ahogy kiabálnak. (Hé!)
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
A számfa nulla hőse!
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három, lesz-e hely számomra?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Chicka chicka egy, kettő, három
Lesz nekem hely?
Ben Fero, (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Furkan nigga at the beat)
Babafingo! (brrrrrah)
Let's get crazy yo
Ok that's a bingo
One morning billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy like Kimbo hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Get crazy yo
That's a bingo too
Let's go billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy boy
Know my name hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
[Verse 1]
Our goal isn't seriousness bro
Like okay until now you've asked 'Who's that?'
You keep getting on and off since you can't afford
I do fitness, I don't sleep until mid-afternoon
Your perspective is narrow, have some fun
Don't touch me
And what would I do
Sad music and your stash of tears
I won't cry into the microphone like ''I have so many troubles'' (normal)
Okay? I've sent you IBAN (get it)
I won't even give you one of my cigarettes (no)
The one who is messing with me has arms like a sapling (trash)
Look at me now look at you
Let's get crazy yo
Ok that's a bingo
One morning billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy like Kimbo hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Get crazy yo (yea)
That's a bingo too (okay)
Let's go billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy boy
Know my name hoe (yes)
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
[Verse 2]
Our job isn't by change bruh (lan*)
Didn't happen to you because you kept laying around (no)
We've got influence (we got)
Our forehead is clear* (yes)
Had a fast entry to trap* and had a taste of it (taste)
Just go ahead mind your own business (you)
We are the only true niggers (we)
Just like MMA tough elbow knee (knee)
We put it to Trap too, our city is İz... (mir)*
Furkan and Can Volkan boss (boss)
They said do this the stage is empty (empty)
Our mind is at ease everywhere is dim (dim)
We are the boss lion come and run
Let's get crazy yo
Ok that's a bingo
One morning billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy like Kimbo hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Get crazy yo (yea)
That's a bingo too (okay)
Let's go billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy boy
Know my name hoe (yes)
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Rest in peace Kimbo Slice
King of the streets
Ben Fero
Rules of the forest
Güzelbahçe İzmir*
Let's get crazy yo
Ok that's a bingo
One morning billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy like Kimbo hoe
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Get crazy yo (yea)
That's a bingo too (okay)
Let's go billboard
Ben Fero King Kong
I'm crazy boy
Know my name hoe (yes)
Forget about dildo
There is babafingo
Lucifer, That Day
Versions: #1
Lucifer, on that day,
just as you would have,
that malicious air
to the afterlife returns!
Those weary sighs,
are like a cruel celebration
like that which awaits
in Heaven.
Dead, is that fierce desire,
now, more than a year has passed...
love is a fleeting dream.
Oh, Lady!
my life runs out,
oh, Lady!
now the light kills me.
Dead, is that fierce desire...
trembling all over, what do I hope for?
She - the venomous one - slithers [away],
she springs out of bed,
she smooths her scales,
without making sound.
The false lover
embraces me in vain,
may the heart drip,
for the sky is empty.
Dead, is that fierce desire,
now, more than a year has passed...
love is a fleeting dream.
Oh, Lady!
my life runs out,
oh, Lady!
now the light kills me.
Dead, is that fierce desire...
trembling all over, what do I hope for?
3 2 1
3-2-1 finish a job, this my rap is good and finishing
Like like we're popular, you can't see Biggie Biggie
It would be lie your accumulation, one or two thousand can't unzip your job
I said 'hiphop' is good idea, good income is a two Mill
3-2-1 finish a job, this my rap is good and finishing
Like like we're popular, you can't see Biggie Biggie
It would be lie your accumulation, one or two thousand can't unzip your job
I said 'hiphop' is good idea, good income is a two Mill
It's over mine, you read (YOU) don't wince baby, come sit (COME)
Thoroughly grasp, hit the waist (WAIST) It's my job, give it (GIVE)
We'll run ahead, come (COME) catch train, train plartform (TRAIN PLARTFORM)
My man recognized the man, the madam hıdıdı hıdıdı he's Fero (YES)
Bro hi, you this music, rough
They'll says to you 'close', you'll say shut up motherfucker
Our house is remote,remote, our rap is mite, mite
Fifa Pes Africa Shakira Waka Waka
Rotten apple spoils the barrel* (LOOK)
I'm Fero, he's growing day a day (DAY)
Don't give no feeling to anyone, blindly (NO)
Respect to the person who deserves, go to death (GO)
Go to death, let's go to death (WHAT)
Always come out obstacle on your way (BOY)
Look at your work boy, trust the essence (ESSENCE)
Never mind others sentence (SENTENCE)
3-2-1 finish a job, this my rap is good and finishing
Like like we're popular, you can't see Biggie Biggie
It would be lie your accumulation, one or two thousand can't unzip your job
I said 'hiphop' is good idea, good income is a two Mill
3-2-1 finish a job, this my rap is good and finishing
Like like we're popular, you can't see Biggie Biggie
It would be lie your accumulation, one or two thousand can't unzip your job
I said 'hiphop' is good idea, good income is a two Mill
Dangerous' water, Los Angeles rules (HAH)
The most rickety dies, I don't care
I'm grateful who found the rap music (PRRRR)
Today Etiler, tomorrow Ankara Tunalı (SKRT)
Didn't come depressed, I'm Fero, my name (YES YES)
I will leave it without saying that 'Bald Fero become senile' (BALD BALD)
Seeing a rising black like a dollar
First personality nigga, fuck off hiphop (AHA)
I don't have a team, we have a lot of homie siblings (A LOT OF)
We're not hungry except protein (NO)
When compete with everyone, you can't be a shit
Marathon for you nigga jog for me (JOG)
3-2-1 finish a job, this my rap is good and finishing
Like like we're popular, you can't see Biggie Biggie
It would be lie your accumulation, one or two thousand can't unzip your job
I said 'hiphop' is good idea, good income is a two Mill
3-2-1 finish a job, this my rap is good and finishing
Like like we're popular, you can't see Biggie Biggie
It would be lie your accumulation, one or two thousand can't unzip your job
I said 'hiphop' is good idea, good income is a two Mill
But with you, I can make someone else happy*
And these things can't replace you
I know your reaction if you hear my name
Forgive me for the mistakes I made until yesterday
I can give you love and you give it back can't you see*
I know I say bad words/I speak in a bad way but nobody knows me
Today I don't want to know what person I was yesterday
In Kosovo, they care for euro
In Albania they care for lek (the national money)
But I care more about you
Because you're way too valuable
you are for me the best
I don't need for the right one
It's not enough I have to say more
I know you're way too valuable
Forget all the things that we have left
Forget all the things that we have said
Forget all the things that have happened
Be good because it is late*
Hey, hey, hey, it is late (x3)
Hey hey yeah
Here it is the guy from the poor neighboorhood
That wants to see your appearance (wants to see you)
Together to stay in the window
And for that reason, you should come *
I admit I love you very much, yeah
I can come and take you
Everything that I have, yeah
Everything I can give it to you
Don't say that (we/I) can't
Don't say that it shouldn't happen/it isn't good
For the time we have spent
I try to sleep at night
you appear even in my dreams
So even when I sleep, yeah
I see you in my dreams
It is irrelevant to me yeah I just want to see you from close (in real life)
I don't want any more words, I don't want any more problems
Before it gets late you came back
I want everything to go well for us, yeah hey
I want everything to go well for us, yeah hey
Nothing will go bad for us
You don't need any problems
Wanna be your babe, babe
So everything will go well for us
Forget all the things that we have left
Forget all the things that we have said
Forget all the things that have happened
Be good because it is late*
Hey, hey, hey, it is late (x3)
Hey hey yeah
I am in the mood to see you *
Because I miss you
All your mistakes I forgive them
For you, they are forgiven
Forget all the things that we have left
Forget all the things that we have said
Forget all the things that have happened
Be good because it is late*
Hey, hey, hey, it is late (x3)
Hey hey yeah
I'm suffering
I shipwrecked in the waters of your body
I broke my life like as if it was glass
I got locked up in your prison
I gave to you my blood,body and soul
I'm suffering for you, I'm suffering
for you , I know
I'll destroy myself
I'm suffering for you, I'm suffering
I'm getting crazy, I know
but I love you
I gave you myself one night like a kiss
and I got hurt badly from your lips
I got charged your loneliness
I gave to you my blood,body and soul
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
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