Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 21

Találatok száma: 693


Inneres Auge

Like a pack of wolves
descending from the plateaus waving
or a swarm of bees
deviously devouring odorous petals
they swing as boulders from
very high mountains in ruins.
One says, what's wrong in organizing private parties
with beautiful girls
to cheer primary and state servants?
We did not understand each other
And why we should pay
also the extras to the ridge-runners?
what can do laws
where does money only reign?
Justice is nothing more than a public commodity ...
With what they would live
charlatans and scammers
if they had no sounding coin to be thrown as a fishing hooks among the people.
The horizontal line
pushes us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
With closed eyelids
there is a glimpse of it
that with time - and it takes patience
it opens to the inner look:
inneres auge das innere auge 1
The horizontal line moves us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
the horizontal line moves us towards the matter
the vertical one towards the spirit.
but when I return to me
on my way to reading and studying
listening to the great past ...
I just need a sonata of Corelli 2
because I wonder of creation!
  • 1. interior eye, or the third eye
    for the Tibetans, that can see the aura of people
  • 2. Arcangelo Corelli, musician and violinist-lived in the '700
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Ήσυχη νύχτα! Άγια νύχτα

Ήσυχη νύχτα,άγια νύχτα
Όλα είναι ήρεμα ,όλα είναι φωτεινά
Γύρω απο την Θεομήτωρ και το Παιδί
Το άγιο βρέφος τόσο τρυφερό και απαλό
Κοιμάται σε επουράνια γαλήνη
Κοιμάται σε επουράνια γαλήνη
Ήσυχη νύχτα,άγια νύχτα
Ο Γιός του Θεού, το αγνό φως της αγάπης
Αστραφτερές ακτίδες απο το πρόσωπό Σου
Με την αυγή της λυτροτηκής μεγαλοπρέπειας
Ιησού, Κύριε, στην γέννησή σου
Ιησού, Κύριε, στην γέννησή σου
Ήσυχη νύχτα, άγια νύχτα
Οι βοσκοί σείονται στην όψη
Η μεγαλειότητα αναβλύζει μακριά, απο τους ουρανούς
Επουράνιοι οικοδεσπότες τραγουδούν αλληλούια
Ο Σωτήρας γεννήθηκε
Ο Σωτήρας μας γεννήθηκε
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.


Maybe it's autumn
That makes me feel this melancholy.
It's pouring,
My Ninetta.
It's almost October but it seems to be winter.
The days are cold, the nights are sad.
I'm always waiting for one word,
Only, just one word
That you'll send to me,
That you'll send to me.
And you, what will you do?
Are you happy or sad these days?
Do you think of me? Will you come back?
Yes, you do well, stay far away!
A whole year has passed
And you haven't written me any word,
Any, any word.
Yes, you are always the same!
Yes, you are always the same!
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


It's four to six, he's ready to hang out
He's waiting for the taxi in te ground floor, traffic and the city
The years pass through like this and he is there and here
Looking for an easy life, he just wants to sing
A little poet and artist, he makes his own song
Always has Beatles playing on his tape player, his love
And dreaming about a thousand of scenarios while he waits the signal
Changing from red to green there's no much time to dream
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
On his shoulders: Wife and children to sustain
But there's nothing who prevents Louis from dreaming
Long hair on his shoulders, whether he uses it or not
It doesn't matter to Louis, he just wants to sing
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
Louis... Is fool and romantic
Louis... Fighting against the traffic
And dreaming about a thousand of scenarios while he waits the signal
Changing from red to green there's no much time to dream
One day Louis woke up concerned
While was looking the mirror, he wasn't the same anymore
The time pass through fast by the poor Louis too
Who waits to hear he and his people singing a day
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
Louis... Is fool and romantic
Louis... Fighting against the traffic

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

We'll do travels
My love if you're good
I'm your Romeo
And you're my Juliette
In the movies the heros
Are never very above-board
You were only a tourist
At the foot of London's tower
By the Tamise
You were only a tourist
At the foot of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Waiting for it to collapse
To spice up my gin-fizz
You added a zest
Of tears in the shaker
You lost your shirt in it
And I, I took a jacket
In your heart's closet
I was your Romeo
You werre my Juliette
In the movies the heros
Were looking very honest
That's love
We say that it's always flowing
Twenty-four very blurry images of crazy love per second

For ever now

Versions: #2
This tale begins with you
with you sat among my words
the light on, the door half-shut
let me come in that out it's raining
Looking at the world from another distance
between the day at the corner and those better
The hands know that is forbearance
And the Eyes learn the seasons
There is a place that I hold hidden for you
a place that stays here since ever
there was already of me and there is still
it is opened for us for ever now
Oh oh oh for ever...
This my time keeps with you
peace in waiting after much noise
you are the good water on the top of the rise
a barrister to lay the heart
And this night spreadsscatters stars
precious than is never been
will be a shelter for you my skin
and I lose myself if you lose yourself
There is a place that I hold hidden for you
a place that stays here since ever
there was already of me and there is still
it is opened for us for ever now
Oh oh oh for ever
Oh oh oh for ever
For ever
For ever now
For ever
For ever now
There is a place that I hold hidden for you
a place that stays here since ever
there was already of me and there is still
it is opened for us for ever now
Oh oh oh for ever
Oh oh oh for ever

You who don't cry

What beautiful the mountain is tonight!
Such beautiful I never saw it!
It looks like a meek and tired soul,
Under the cover of this white moon.
You who don't cry and make me cry,
Where are you tonight?
I need you!I need you!
My eyes want to see you, once again.
What quiet the mountain is tonight!
Quieter than now I never saw it!
Everything sleeps, sleeps or dies down
Only I stay awake, because love stays awake.
You who don't cry and make me cry,
Where are you tonight?
I need you! I need you!
My eyes want to see you, once again.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

France, France

I buy me a baguette
And meet with Jeanette
Claudette is coming, too
Claudette also is very lovable
Baguette, Jeanette, Claudette, so nice, and me
Then we go to the beach
And lie there in the sand
I smoke a cigaret
With Jeanette and Claudette
Baguette, Jeanette, Claudette, a cigaret, and me
France, France
France, France
France, France
I wake up and I am shocked:
My cigarets are gone!
And so is the baguette.
Where are Jeanette and Claudette?
Cigarets, baguette, Jeanette, Claudette are gone!
Good evening, mister police inspector!
O-la-la - You have arrived already!
Do you already know who has done it?
Umm, so the case is solved.
Hey inspector, is already here, aha, all solved, and me,
France, France
France, France
France, France
Hey, hello mister peeper!
Let's go, we'll have a police questioning!
Are you willing to return the things?
Then it won't be so bad. (If you please)
Baguette, Jeanette, Claudette, a cigaret, police inspector, all right?
Peeper, police questioning, and me
France, France
France, France
France, France

Kiáltásként élni

Kiáltásként élni
Csak élni, hogy meghaljunk
Élet – mit jelent az? – élet.
Sosem törődve azzal, amit mondanak
Azzal, amit rólam gondolnak.
Sosem kérdezni, mi lesz holnap, vagy egy másik napon.
Kiáltásként élni
Csak élni, hogy meghaljunk.
Kiáltásként élni
Csak élni, hogy meghaljunk
. . .
Ez lehet egy mosoly
Ami csak egy darabig visz engem.
Egy kéz, ami engem tart
Egy álom, ami vezet engem.
Kiáltásként élni
Csak élni, hogy meghaljunk
Az élet felemelkedést jelent.
Kiáltásként élni
Csak élni, hogy meghaljunk.
Kiáltásként élni
Csak élni, hogy meghaljunk.
. . .
Ez lehet egy mosoly
Ami csak egy darabig visz engem. . . .

Milk Teeth, Wolf teeth

(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
You are just a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
You have milk teeth
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Yes, I am a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
Yes, I have milk teeth
Wolf milk teeth
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Milk teeth
(Serge Gainsbourg)
Wolf teeth
Yes, you are just a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
You have milk teeth
Wolf teeth
(France Gall)
Yes, I am a baby
Nothing but a baby wolf
Yes, I have milk teeth
Wolf milk teeth

France is afraid

I switch on my TV
I see a smartly dressed little guy
He tells me it’s dreadful
That it’s best to not to out
That if I want to feel OK
And for my safety too
Well, I’d better stay home
Today I’ve no choice
I tell myself it’s cold out
That’s perhaps he’s right
He looks so serious in his twatty clothes
France is afraid
Every evening at eight
The police talk to you
Every evening at eight
France is afraid
(Oh Oooooooh)
Every evening at eight
(Oh Oooooooh)
The police talk to you
(Trust us)
Every evening at eight
And then they get this guy to talk
Who doesn’t seem short of a bob or two
He tells me that if I want to breathe easy
Well, I’d better vote for him
Take my party membership card
Slip him a few notes
He tells me that if the air is polluted
If the French are stressed
That’s the fault of the immigrants, the tramps and the gays
France is afraid…
Well, listen closely my little friend
You, sitting enthroned on the TV
If one day you’re dying of cold
Don’t come knocking at my door
And also if one miserable day
The fascists take power
Tell yourself that it’s not the fault
Of all the people who think gloomy thoughts
In any case don’t worry yourself
They’re sure to have a nice little place
For you somewhere
You’ll have really shot your mouth off
You’ll have really shot your mouth off
France is afraid…
Hi it’s PPD here and I’m gonna tell
You a funny story
So, right you see in Sudan there are
150,000 dead, but we don’t give
A toss about Sudan because there’s
Germaine here and she’s cut her finger
And that hurts like hell, cutting your
Finger, and there’s Marcel, he make shoes
out of wood, They’re so cool
Wooden shoes
So you see the guys dying in
Sudan, we don’t give a toss, but
So there, nothing doing, we don’t give a

Mountains out of everything

My treasure you’ve truly got a heart of gold
But you make mountains out of everything
A few crumbs forgotten under the table
And yesterday evening in fact, where were you?
My treasure you emptied out my mobile phone
You hoped to find what, words of love?
The quiet little life
At least that’s not our lot
It’s always a little war
For a word out of place
A cloudburst a flash of lightning and it’s off
But I know what to do
You know what I prefer
And everyone know how that ends up
My treasure I’m going to plead guilty
But to what I have no idea
The news, the awful weather forecast
Fine, Pompeii as well, that was me I admit it
My treasure you’ve got a heart of gold but even so
Let’s not get carried away
The peaceful little life
At least that’s not our lot
It’s always a little war
For a word out of place
A cloudburst, a flash of lightning, to the shelters
But I know what to do
You know what I prefer
And everyone know how that ends up
My treasure ones like you must be won
Ones like you are not found everywhere
You mustn’t think that all this pushes us apart
On the contrary, on the contrary between us
My treasure
On the contrary
On the contrary between us
My treasure
It’s always a little war
A cloudburst a flash of lightning
But I know what to do
And everyone knows how that ends up

The only son

He’s got his little shop
He multiplies the loaves wrapped in plastic
He’s a decent guy, a little bit eccentric
As only sons often are
He has his little business
He gives brollies to girls in rain showers
Offers his arm to the lady crossing the road
A modern guy, in jeans and Converse
But as he knows what’s going on
As he’s neither blind nor deaf
Under his linen jacket
He wears his bullet-proof vest
And as he’s well understood
The world we live in
He never goes out without
His elegant little Colt
He’s loaded with class
He speaks bewitching words, words that take flight
Over the roofs, parables
He says “Above all, you mustn’t panic”
He speaks with his hands clasped together
Of his father in the sky, of his sainted mother
Who could walk without leaving a footprint
He says “Be cool, have no fear”.
But as he knows what’s going on
As he’s neither blind nor deaf
Under his linen jacket
He wears his bullet-proof vest
And as he’s well understood
The world we live in
He never goes out without
His elegant little Colt
He’s not at all who you think
Him, he’s lived through 35 years
His fiancée Marie Marlene
He sees her every weekend
He has friends well placed
At the bar of certain cafes
The gang he hangs out with
They throng around him by the dozen
He tells them that everything will change in the end
That everything will turn out well
That everything will change in the end
He tells them that everything will change in the end
That everything will turn out well
That everything will change in the end
But as he knows what’s going on
As he’s neither blind nor deaf
And as he’s very, very well understood
He’s a decent guy, a little bit eccentric
As only sons often are

I have been waiting so long

I die everyday on my way there
and when i get there, what can I do?
I am what you call strange, don't wake up anymore,
my head is wandering, i cant sleep at night
Attacks and black Mondays
I am not a child anymore, I cannot ask my daddy anymore
I have dreams that chase me, follow me,
Like thunder and lightning form the sky
i like being a wolf, but earlier I was a sheep
But the snake and the rat inside me knew advice
put me in my place, because i knew it all along
How can it go wrong if you smell money
Between crazy, genius, everyone
You read my book and I write the story
with the blood from my pen to the end of the hallway
I am done, come get me, because I have been waiting for so long
I've been waiting for so long
for an answer nobody knows
I've been waiting for so long
But in vain, I am dying from life
I am tired of waiting
Can't keep quiet and drive myself crazy with thoughts anymore
Will I ever realise it?
I am lightheaded, numbed by dark forces
As a child I thought everything was good
I had no questions, so I never asked,
I believed in fairytales and in people
I was happy, I wished for nothing,
But now the time without sorrows is over
I ask myself what is the reason for me
that i am here, pffft what does it matter
what does it matter that I do what I do
And now as the time passes quicker than it used to
I ask myself wat is at the end
Does it matter that I do what I can?
Give me a sign, because I've been waiting for so long
I've been waiting for so long
for an answer nobody knows
I've been waiting for so long
But in vain, I am dying from life
I've been waiting for so long, but what for?
And why? I will see when it comes to it
But when death comes knocking and your world falls apart
Things must be done now before it is too late
And that is why I am busy, everything must be done fast
floating through life, looking for your purpose
You are looking for rest and test your happiness
You build something but suddenly it is broken
Perhaps I will reach 80 or stop at 40
But please no sooner because i still enjoy it
and so many things that i still want to do
I must let them know before I fall away into silence
Death goes hand in hand with life
and for the next -of -kin life goes on
I can only hope that I won't be forgotten
and that I end up on the right side of the gate to heaven.

My friend the rose

Versions: #5
We are but so very little
And my friend the rose
Told it to me this morning
At dawn was-I born
Baptized by the dew
I have blossomed
Happy and in love
Under the sunshine beams
By night I was closed
And woke up old by morning
However I was very beautiful
Yes,I was the most beautiful
Flowers in your garden
We are but so very little
And my friend the rose
Told it to me this morning
See the God that created me
Made me bent my head
And I feel I am falling
And I feel I am falling
My heart is almost bare
My foot is in the grave
I am already history
You admired me yesterday
But I will be ashes
Forever tomorrow
We are but so very little
And my friend the rose
Dies this morning
Last night the moon
Watched over my friend
In my dreams I saw her
Sparkling and bare
Her soul was dancing
Way over the clouds
And smiling at me
Believe or not as you wish
Hope I myself need
Otherwise I am nothing
We are but so very little
It's my friend the rose
Who told it to me yesterday.

The Reconciliation

Versions: #3
It was an unfamiliar road I travelled
to the light in search of the dark
Longing for longing, shedding the restriction of remorse,
jealousy and concerns.
On the way the know-it-alls spew their gall.
they never achieved anything, I remained self-willed
And then, then I saw you
You have been so much to me,
a mother, a daughter, the fairest woman.
But as is usual with someone who is never too sure of anything
my doubt got over our happiness but tonight I'm back here
and I'm asking you …
Love me, love me, love this body.
Make love to me, liberate me of the darkness in my head,
my street end in a cul-de-sac
What followed me here,
was it the price of fame,
or the longing to trust somebody for just one night.
Or was it that hyena, that jackal, waiting for my downfall
and whom I considered to be a friend.
But aren't we both stronger than everything that threatens me,
I am ready for the fight, with the truth as a weapon
and that is
Love me, love me, love this body.
Make love to me, liberate me of that guilty feeling
betray me with a kiss
Love me, love me,
I know I cannot ask for more
We will reconcile tonight
make love to me,
caress me,
heal me,
love me.
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

You were right

Lucio Battisti, Franco Battiato, Capparezza and
Negramaro, Pino Daniele, Daniele Silvestri,
Eugenio Finardi, Luigi Tenco, Fabrizio De André,
Morgan, Noemi, Neffa, Nek, Ron and Raf,
Tiziano Ferro, Luciano Ligabue, Lorenzo Jovanotti,
Gli Stadio, Le Vibrazioni, the Tiromancino, Luca Carboni,
Eros Ramazzotti, Laura Pausini, Nomadi,
Romina Power con Al Bano, Gigi d'Alessio and d'Angelo,
Simone Cristicchi and Biagio Antonacci, Giorgia, Zucchero,
Lucio Dalla, Francesco de Gregori, Arisa, Alex Britti,
Carmen Consoli, Enrico Ruggeri and Claudio Baglioni,
Valerio Scanu and Marco Mengoni, Fabio Concato and
Marco Masini, Fabri Fibra and Gianna Nannini.
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate*, look how many there are,
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are
Vasco Rossi, Umberto Tozzi, Giusy Ferreri, Rita Pavone,
Paola and Chiara and Malika Ayane, Mango and Negrita,
Zero Assoluto, Vinicio Capossela, Paolo Conte,
Irene Grandi, Fiorella Mannoia and Cesare Cremonini,
Francesco Renga and Francesco Guccini, Ornella Vanoni,
Celentano and Mina, Andrea Boccelli, Elisa and Karima.
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are,
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
how many there are, there are,
how many there are, there are,
Oh mom mom mom, you were right,
I had to graduate, look how many there are,
Great respect for all the singers whom I did
not succeed in mentioning, but with only one song
I could have never done it.

Night and dreams, D.827

Holy night, you sink down
The dreams flow down, too
Like your moonlight through the rooms
Through the people's silent chests
They listen softly with desire
They call, when day awakens
Come back, holy night
Sweet dreams, come back!


David Carreira!!!
You must let go, brothere,
you have to let her go, she's not made for you.
Like in an inactive action, zoom in.
The final picture, showing you running, is the stuff.
You took advantage, you left and I'm swurl.
After that, everything went gray, zoom to my sadness.
The taxi on the base point that begins and boom!,
my heart suddenly stopped beating, to my shock.
Our love story under the rain fades away.
I shouldn't think about you again very often.
I shall hang out and act as if I had the grip.
Yours memory pursuits me,
you haunt all my nights.
Who will help me to stop thinking about us forever ?
You are gone and it's too late,
you left without even noticing.
Who will assist to my erasing you from my mind ?
I tried to forget you (YEAH).
Whatever we may say or do, love is sometimes wrong.
I tried to avoid myself.
Whatever we might think, love is sometimes wrong.
(Don't cry.)
I think about you, I see you everywhere.
I dream about me, but I also dream about us.
On behalf of me, I go crazy,
I'm afraid of not knowing love anymore.(D. Carreira)
David, I get that this chick got you out of the blue !
But another day comes on, so promote yourself.
I've seen it on Mayback when she shook her body.
She rolls all over the place with her Audi car.
I had warned that you'd suffer and it would be too late.
Open your eyes and leave her before you go broke
to your heart one day while the other should wait.
She turned me on !
I wasn't smoking the same cigarette,
it was a teenage vice.
She wraps you up in a boat against your will.
Hold the horses and you'll thank me later for this !
I tried to forget you (YEAH).
Whatever we may say or do, love is sometimes wrong.
I tried to avoid myself.
Whatever we might think, love is sometimes wrong.
(Don't cry.)
I think about you, I see you everywhere.
I dream about me, but I also dream about us.
On behalf of me, I go crazy,
I'm afraid of not knowing love anymore.(D. Carreira)
I tried to forget you (YEAH).
Whatever we may say or do, love is sometimes wrong.
I tried to avoid myself.
Whatever we might think, love is sometimes wrong.
(Don't cry.)
I think about you, I see you everywhere.
I dream about me, but I also dream about us.
On behalf of me, I go crazy,
I'm afraid of not knowing love anymore.(D. Carreira)
Famous on the beat, drop drop on the beat, DC on the beat, DC on the beat.
I tried to forget you (YEAH).
Whatever we may say or do, love is sometimes wrong.
I tried to avoid myself.
Whatever we might think, love is sometimes wrong.
(Don't cry.)
I think about you, I see you everywhere.
I dream about me, but I also dream about us.
On behalf of me, I go crazy,
I'm afraid of not knowing love anymore.(D. Carreira)
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

Here to stay

Versions: #2
There’s someone else in the looking glass
Between the potions and the creams
All the little pots which pile up
You see, time has passed even so
We believed we were treading water
Ah that, we took some pain over it
We spend ourselves, we struggle
And even with a queen’s steps
The big hand moves
We’re going to target eternity
We are so comfortable here
We’re all going to act as if
We were here to stay
Between the bumps in the road
The set-backs, the dead-ends
The long nights, the short days
And all that scratches the surface
We fall each one in turn
Between the raptor’s claws
The only remedy is love
Besides, that’s why we run
From one end of space to other
We’re going to target eternity
We are so comfortable here
We’re all going to act as if
We were here to stay
Stay, stay, stay
We’re not even hurried
Stay, stay, stay
In a corner of my mind
A lifetime embracing you
A thousand times started over
And that’s why we’re going to stay
Stay, stay
I would have like to bring it to you
On a beautiful lace cushion
The nook where the keys are hidden
To the eternal mechanism
But the clock is out of reach
And it isn’t there that the essence lies
It can continue to turn
And it can take everything away
I find you more beautiful every day
We’re going to target eternity
We are so comfortable here
We’re all going to act as if
We were here to stay
Stay, stay, stay
We are far from worn-out
Stay, stay, stay
In a corner of my mind
A life embracing you
A thousand time started over
We’re going to stay, stay, stay
We’re not even hurried
Stay, stay, stay
For those that we’ve hurt
That we should have embraced
Might as well start all over again
We’re going to target eternity
We are so comfortable here
We’re all going to act as if
We were here to stay

She belongs to me (She's an artist)

She’s got everything she wants
She’s an artist don’t ever doubt it
She’s got everything she wants
She’s an artist don’t ever doubt it
She can make whole nights white
And cast a black shadow over your days
She never trembles
And nowhere can she fall
She never trembles
And nowhere can she fall
As she’s the child of no one
The law never touches her
She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles when she has to speak
She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles when she’s going to speak
She’s a high society collector
And you an old-fashioned passer-by
You’ll start on your feet
Proud to hear her least whisper
You’ll start on your feet
Proud to hear her least whisper
You’ll end up like the others
Kneeling in front of her key-hole
Go and bow down to her on Sunday
And make a detour for her party
Go and bow down to her on Sunday
And make a detour for her party
For Halloween buy her a trumpet
And for Christmas give her a drum
For Halloween buy her a trumpet
And for Christmas give her a drum

The shadow on the painting

Versions: #2
A Terracotta landscape
The sky that could be by Magritte
The barn covered with ivy
The lizard sleeping on the stone
The cat curled up on the step
The insect hidden under the leaves
The world is in its pure colours
Like in your boxes of paint
Coming from beyond the clouds
From the depths of times and the ages
A strange light falls
Of grass, of wind, of dust
On our two useless armchairs
This kite caught on the tiles
Things seem to be eternal
Like in your box of watercolours
In the blue sky between the branches,
The aeroplane leaves a white vapour trail
Like a ribbon, a long cloud
As if to say 'Everything is shared'
In the morning on the huge lake
It just take a boat to move forward
And the water trembles as if it’ll never stop
As if to say “Everything is torn”
Maybe you’re trying somewhere
To paint love from memory
To recompose the colours
Of a dying autumn on a heart 1
If you want to know how I feel about it
Things haven’t changed much since
That day when you turned your back
Except perhaps the shadow on the painting
In the blue sky between the branches,
The aeroplane leaves a white vapour trail
Like a ribbon, a long cloud
As if to say 'Everything is shared'
Like your first attempts in gouache
A mark upon your pretty canvas
All diluted in the white
As if to say “Everything comes undone”
In your favourite light,
The one that looks like Magritte
The barn covered in ivy
The lizard that sleeps on the stone
  • 1. the 'heart' here could be a pallette

Great people

We could be great people 1
Perfect beings
Charming and generous singers
Humble and discreet
Against all the injustices
And all the battles
But we are usually selfish
And it’s everyone for themself
We could make eternal songs
And in a few couplets
We would make the world more beautiful
Mankind less bad
That would make us into rare beings
And like immortals
But we make little songs that fade
And we fade with them
And we fade with them
We fade with them
We could make songs that are
Useful to society
To denounce its downward spiral
And the absurdities
Like shooting at a singing bird
Emptying a cartridge right into its heart
But we make timid little songs
And we look away
We could talk of essential things
And of things of great beauty
As we would be born with wings
It would not be complicated
We’d have words that strike and pierce through
The traitors and the liars
But we make little songs for profit
And we tremble with fear
We tremble with fear
And we tremble with fear
We could be huge artists
Seen as a ray of hope
For humanity
It would just take us appearing
To make everyone happy
But in fact, the people love us
And then leave us
And it is no doubt for the best
  • 1. This whole song uses the conditional tense throughout - We would be/we would make etc. However, it seems to me the meaning here is more expressing a possible and desirable future so I have used 'could be' to start each verse as that works rather better in English.

Madam don't like

Madam don’t like the guitar at all
Madam don’t like the guitar at all
Madam don’t like it but no problem
We’ll play the guitar anyway
It’s not Madam who’s in charge after all
Madam don’t like the bass either
Madam don’t like the bass either
Madam don’t like the low frequencies
We wonder what Madam’s thinking
For us, without the bass, we’re lost
Madam don’t like the drums I believe
Madam don’t like the drums I believe
Madam’s going to have to get used to it
And learn that nothing can replace
A good beat like this one
Madam don’t like the piano
Madam don’t even like the piano
I find Madam really difficult
We’ve got the best pianist in town
One does wonder what Madam needs
Madam don’t like the accordion
Madam don’t like the accordion
We don’t give a damn what madam likes
Or doesn’t like, he’ll play anyway
Us, it’s what we like
Madam don’t like what we play
Madam don’t like what we play
Madam says that it’s load of nonsense
That it’s played out of tune, that it’s played loud
So in advance Madam, sorry… Sorry…
Madam says that it’s load of nonsense
That it’s played out of tune, that it’s played loud
So in advance Madam, sorry… Sorry…

Born in the bayou

I was born in a swamp side bar
On a night with a slender crescent moon
I learnt to walk in the bottom of a canoe
Between the rifle butts
I was born in the bayou…
I can read the future in armadillos’ entrails
Afterwards I wipe the blood on my jeans
I was one of the best in the voodoo school
Of the black magicians of New Orleans
I was born in the bayou…
I was born in the bayou…
I’ve a heart as tough as an alligator
The one that’s drying out in the yard
I eat a bit of it
I dance around
They say it’s good for the love-life
I was born in the bayou…
Talking of that, I’m not phenomenal
But I manage to please the girls
I’ve got my swanky duds for the weekend
When Peggy slips on her flimsy dress
I was born in the bayou…
I was born in the bayou…
And I dance, I dance on the land that I love
This land that rises from the mud
And I walk, I walk in the beautiful
Green light of the bayou
And I dance, I dance on the land that I love
This land that rises from the mud
And I walk on, I walk on in the beautiful
Green light of the bayou
I was born in a swamp side bar
On a night with a slender crescent moon
I learnt to walk in the bottom of a canoe
Between the rifle butts
I was born in the bayou…
I was born in the bayou…

Roses and nettles

Towards what world, under which reign
and to which judge are we promised?
At what age, at which page
and in which box are we registered?
The same questions we ask ourselves
Where are we going and to whom?
And not much in the way of clues
Roses and nettles
The painted hands, the clasped hands
we bow down and give thanks
We beg, we worry
and it’s too late when we have understood
Despite all that we hope for
and sometimes achieve
We won’t leave much behind
Except for roses and nettles
We are heavy, trembling
like candle flames
We hesitate at each crossroads
In the speeches we have learnt
But as we are heavy
Heavy with love and poetry
Here’s the emergency exit
We come closer, we speak again
we pardon ourselves and rebuild
The only world which is worth the trouble
there’ll be everything that that reunites us
And from all that stands against us
we will emerge stronger
And if we don’t leave much behind
There will be more roses than nettles
We are heavy, trembling
like candle flames
We hesitate at each crossroads
With the speeches we have learnt
But as we are heavy
Heavy with love and poetry
Here’s the emergency exit

Miss adventure

Miss adventure
You alighted without a sound
Wrapping in her covers
A little sleeping angel
We were coming from nowhere
We hugged her close to us
What seems like chance
Is often an appointment
Miss mystery
Vanished for ever
You will always be the mother
We will always be love
It’s the book that we share
And here we are reunited
On the morning of each page
We thank you
You are at the age where one finds pleasure
In everything, in nothing, in your body
No witness I presume
Just the moon and suchlike
And this treasure this dove
That had slowed you down
You have placed it in the shadow
And the shadow has reclaimed you
This little white spirit
She will be born twice
The first time between your hips
The second between our arms
The strength that that gives her
It sparkles like a diamond
We don’t want to tell anyone
Just you
You are at the age where one finds pleasure
In everything, in nothing, in your body
No witness I presume
Just the moon and suchlike
And this treasure this dove
That had slowed you down
You have placed it in the shadow
And the shadow has reclaimed you
You are surely very beautiful
Like this little reflection of you
Who sleeps against my wing
She’s all that I know of you

The suited cardinals

Magyd sleeps in the light
The light of the headlamps and the ring road
One cheek against the ground
One hand on his knife
A man sleeps on the tarmac
That doesn’t seem to trouble
The suited cardinals
Behind the tinted glass
And Sabrina who hides herself
And who hopes for her daughter, something other
Than this money that she snatches
From the hands that undress her
She turns up the volumes
So as not to know who they are
Suited cardinals
And lesson givers
What a life! How sad!
What country is this
Not my one, no
It can’t be mine!
What a life, how sad ....!
And Mamadou who gets sent
To the back of the plane
And to o a place of which
He knows nothing but the name
He’s light as a feather
Unhappy as a child
The suited cardinals
Sit in the seats at the front
N’Guyen the illegal immigrant
There’s no trace of her
She came to work on a sewing machine
Those girls that lost are replaced
It’s for some steaming soup
It’s paid piecemeal
For the dresses and the suits
Of the impatient cardinals
What a life!
N’Guyen the illegal immigrant
And Mamadou who gets transferred
And Sabrina who works the street
and this Magyd who sleeps on the ground
When the lights go up
Everyone walk out silently
The suited cardinals
Weren’t at the showing
What a life! How sad!

With eyes closed (And clenched fists)

You only liked making love
There, in the pine forest,
There, you were never bored.
You felt fire in your vains
when I loved you,
when I held you close to me.
You only liked making love,
I was in love
and I never noticed
that with eyes closed,
with fire within
and with clenched fists
you never saw,
ever, ever, ever,
my love
my love
my love
poor love,
in your hands,
you suffocated it
with your hands,
your hands.
You only needed some days
to give the same speeches of yours
to someone else.
Close your eyes again
with the fire within,
you clench your fists again,
now it is his turn.
You only liked making love,
I was in love
and I never noticed
that with eyes closed,
with fire within
and with clenched fists
you never saw,
ever, ever, ever,
my love
my love
my love
poor love,
in your hands,
you suffocated it
with your hands,
your hands.
I went back there, to the pine forest
and I asked for forgiveness
Yes, I did it for you,
for the insults made to the green grass,
to the wind and the shadows
and to all the trees that you know.
My love,
my love,
my love,
my poor love,
my love,
my poor love.

Egy őrült naplójából

Bolond életem egy napja,
egy végeláthatatlan, mélabús, sivár nap
Poroszkálok a sugárúton
Remélem összefutunk
és találkozom
üdvözlő tekinteteddel.
Ajtódban meg-meg állok
de te sohasem vagy odahaza.
Visszatérek szobám
sötétjébe elhullajtani
a búcsú könnyeit .
Visszatértedig így telnek
bolond napjaim

One more year

I admit it today i'm crazy
My permanent fault is hurt myself
I rent my heart and there is no more
You are my only precious
In the middle of the emptiness
And these days that wasting with nothing
Today is yours
And one more year
I simply say
Heartfelt wishes
For everything we need in the world, love
Heartfelt wishes
Heartfelt wishes
For everything we need in the world, love
Heartfelt wishes
We are two flowers on the asphalt
Someone full of envy chews us
And this is all absurd
I don't want this anymore
Perhaps with our love
Holdin' onto
We can scream without a word
Today, one more year
I simply say
Heartfelt wishes
For everything we need in the world, love
Heartfelt wishes
Heartfelt wishes
For everything we need in the world, love
Heartfelt wishes
Heartfelt wishes
For everything we need in the world, love
Heartfelt wishes
Heartfelt wishes
For everything we need in the world, love
Heartfelt wishes
Heartfelt wishes
For everything we need in the world, love
Heartfelt wishes


In my big dark wood prison
Dreams of far away Fallen Girlfriends
Far from the field of memories, forgotten
But when at night come to visit me
They tell me: 'Francesco, I wanted to help you
I gave you everything, you only took half
Do not you believe in anything
Not in you
Do you let the day go next (door)
Do you live by night to see us half?
Dressed by night to see us half
The half that you like to take and leave '
But the most difficult happen for real,
not for whom of us who miss out his life, mamy