Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 109


Sic transit...

There, where there is no one,
Not even shadows,
there to where
multitudes of years go,
and the din of the day,
and the silence of the night …
Where all things are known …
There, say travelers,
Only outbursts of fire
Denounce themselves
dismally, metallically,
From minute to minute.
There, where there is no one
and no more need
For any words.
And look, we've been surprised by evening,
Which is nothing by day.
Just like
So many times before.
Tales …
of work,
the banquet in the shadows,
Or a time of happiness.
And look, we've been surprised by evening,
which is nothing by day.


Bánatos tenger partján
Elidőztem egy szikla láttán
A víz borzong az égalján
Mélyzölden ’s madár-árván.
Kihűlt szerelem súlya
Szétterül lelkemen
Békétlen passzátját fúja
keresztül testemen.
Mint óriásrétisas
zsákmányát szárnyalva hajtja
át kalandor hullámokon,
holt terhét KARMÁban tartja.

Téged Hívlak

Egy elhagyatott út Vegastól a semmibe
Egy hely, ami jobb, mint ahol voltál
Egy kávégép, amit meg kellene csinálni
Egy kis kávézóban, pont a kanyar körül
Téged hívlak
Nem hallasz?
Téged hívlak
Téged hívlak
Nem hallasz?
Téged hívlak
Egy elhagyatott út Vegastól a semmibe
Egy hely, ami jobb, mint ahol voltál
Egy kávégép, amit meg kellene csinálni
Egy kis kávézóban, pont a kanyar körül
Forró, száraz szél fúj rajtam keresztül
A baba sír, így nem tudok aludni
De mindketten tudjuk, hogy változás jön
Gyere közelebb, édes felszabadítás
Téged hívlak
Nem hallasz?
Téged hívlak
Ooch... ne, ne...
Elhagyatott út Vegastól a semmibe

Nem Vehetlek Rá, Hogy Szeress

Kapcsold le a lámpát
Hajtsd be az ágyat
Halkítsd le ezeket a hangokat a fejemben
Feküdj le velem
Ne mesélj hazugságokat
Csak tart közel
Ne oltalmazz
Ne oltalmazz
Mert nem vehetlek rá, hogy szeress, ha te nem akarod
Nem veheted rá a szíved, hogy érezzen valamit, amit nem fog
Itt, a sötétben, ezekben a végső órákban
Le fogom fektetni a szívemet
És érzem az erőt
De te nem fogod, nem, te nem fogod
Mert nem vehetlek rá, hogy szeress, ha te nem akarod
Becsukom majd a szeme, aztán nem fogom látni
A szerelmet, amit nem érzel, mikor engem tartasz
El fog jönni a reggel és azt fogom tenni, ami helyes
Csak eddig adj időt, aztán feladom ezt a harcot
És fel fogom adni ezt a harcot
Mert nem vehetlek rá, hogy szeress, ha te nem akarod
Nem veheted rá a szíved, hogy érezzen valamit, amit nem fog
Itt, a sötétben, ezekben a végső órákban
Le fogom fektetni a szívemet
És érzem az erőt
De te nem fogod, nem, te nem fogod
Mert nem vehetlek rá, hogy szeress, ha te nem akarod

Nehéz Nap

Ne bánts
Ne bánts
Ne bánts
Sosem szerettem
Játékokat játszani
Jártathatod a szádat örökké
De a szavak ugyanúgy hangzanak
Valahogy mint
Bumm, bumm, halott vagy
Nem szeretkezhetnénk inkább
Mondj igent, mert ezt csináljuk a legjobban
És olyan nehéz napom volt
Vigyél oda, ahol a szemeik nem találhatnak meg
Nélküled, én is lehet csak
Mennyit - kell mondanom
Mi többet - kell még látnod
Mibe kerül, hogy rávegyelek, szeress engem
Nos, nem te vagy az első
Nem te vagy az utolsó
Még csak nem is te vagy, aki a legjobban szeret
De én csak rád tudok gondolni
Vigyél oda, ahol a szemeik nem találhatnak meg
Nélküled, én is lehet csak
Vigyél oda, ahol a szemeik nem találhatnak meg
Nélküled, én is lehet csak
Ne bánts
Ne bánts
Ne bánts
Kérlek, ne kóborolj el az ajtómtól
Sosem szerettem
Játékokat játszani
Jártathatod a szádat örökké
De a szavak ugyanúgy hangzanak
Bumm, bumm, halott vagy
Nem szeretkezhetnénk inkább
Mondj igent, mert ezt csináljuk a legjobban
És olyan nehéz napom volt
Szóval ne bánts
Nem adnál egy kis szünetet
Valaki nem adni egy kis szünetet most!
Ne bánts
Ne bánts
Ne bánts
Édes kisfiú, ó, micsoda nagy szájjal
Nyers szavak nehéz helyzetekbe sodorhat
Mikor az emberek nem értenek, bébi
Én mindig itt leszek neked
És én
És én sosem foglak bántani, bántani, bántani, babám
Bízz bennem
Azt akarom, hogy bízz bennem
Ó bízz bennem
Mert nem foglak bántani
(Ne bánts)
Nem foglak bántani
Bízol bennem

The blue sleigh

We meet it passing by
without getting old
but we know it's with us only when we're in love
In a dream, whenever it will call us
with the soul, wishing
to not be forgotten by its restlessness
The blue sleigh
is actually our love
it turns us and guides us
and puts us at the crossroad
The blue sleigh
is actually our love
it guids us and turns us
looking for a silent place
The blue sleigh
We meet it passing by
without getting old
but we know it's with us only when we're in love
In a dream, whenever it will call us
with the soul, wishing
to not be forgotten by its restlessness


Rich man, poor man, naive or smart
as long as you live, it's good and it's right
to enjoy as long as you can enjoy
the light inside the man, his warmth...
Sometimes, you think that it's all in vain
and you wait resignedly a year to pass by
maybe tomorrow will be better than yesterday
and then, your heart urges you to hope....
And believe,
in yourself and the ones around!
Yeah, yeah, believe!
In the power of love
and 'specially, in the good God above!
You don't wanna hear of war and needs
and everyday, you accuse the bad ones
but it's better to know that it ain't late yet
for planet Earth to be deserted
The world that we live in would be better
if you won't hate, if you'll love.
The neat and good thought will always lighten
all that you will build, all that you will create...
Chorus x2

If it will happen...

I go with the infinite thought
I go close to the end
and learn to begin from thoughts,
lonely and sad, a man that was a poet
I go with my thought to the sky
I go at a moment of truth
and see a star that dies
and another crying her love whispering
It will happen that the last man left will die, I wish
that two lovers as us would remain, it that can happen.
Both to disappear suddenly in their silence
for no one of them
to cry of longing
if that last man left will happen to die...
It will happen that the last man left will die, I wish
that two lovers as us would remain, it that can happen.
Both to disappear suddenly in their silence
for no one of them
to cry of longing
if that last man left will happen to die...
It will happen that the last man left will die, I wish
that two lovers as us would remain, it that can happen.
Both to disappear suddenly in their silence
for no one of them
to cry of longing
if that last man left will happen to die...
If it will happen...


Gyere közelebb,
Tudom hogy ez a megfelelő pillanat, hogy elmondjam neked amit érzek és talán
Te igazat adsz nekem
Amikor azt mondom, hogy senki és semmi nem választ el minket
Kipirult arccal
Csak te adsz nekem bátorságot
Melletted tudok önmagam lenni
Egy hazugságvizsgáló
Mikor eljön a végső számadás
Mikor tényleg számít hogy rátalálok-e a szerelemre
Egy hazugságvizsgáló
Mikor eljön a végső számadás
Mikor tényleg számít hogy rátalálok-e a szerelemre
Újra átélünk mindent,
Elfeledett álmainkat, egyiket a másik után
Ki tudná elhitetni velem hogy senki sem tökéletes
Mikor olyan közel vagyok hozzád
Kipirult arccal
Csak te adsz nekem bátorságot
Melletted tudok önmagam lenni
Egy hazugságvizsgáló
Mikor eljön a végső számadás
Mikor tényleg számít hogy rátalálok-e a szerelemre
Egy hazugságvizsgáló
Mikor eljön a végső számadás
Mikor tényleg számít hogy rátalálok-e a szerelemre
Geørge feat. Amna .
Amit mi ketten együtt véghezvittünk
Gyógyír vagyunk egymás számára
Újjávarázsoltuk mosolyunkat
Mert egy új kezdet vár ránk
Egy hazugságvizsgáló
Mikor eljön a végső számadás
Mikor tényleg számít hogy rátalálok-e a szerelemre
Egy hazugságvizsgáló
Mikor eljön a végső számadás
Mikor tényleg számít hogy rátalálok-e a szerelemre.

Under the storm!(By Neagu Catalin )

Versions: #2
CHORUS :He who wants can
And he who can makes the bet
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds!
And if the sky falls DANCE under the storm
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds out!
That anywhere I go with my spear
after that mountain
how you go how you rest
the rain rains away
And while I am scratching my destiny
Drawing my foot on the road.
I will seek that which is mine
only because I've been born
CHORUS :He who wants can
And he who can makes the bet
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds!
And if the sky falls DANCE under the storm
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds out!
If you say to yourself that you cannot what you can
Shut your mouth and start walking already
Against the current alone swims a fish
and his scales we do not see
Go and put your heart (in it)
Remove the wine's cap
that nothing is easy look upon,
if you want lemonade
squeeze out the lemon, (my) family !
If with me come you win!
If with me come you win!
CHORUS :He who wants can
And he who can makes the bet
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds!
And if the sky falls DANCE under the storm
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds out!
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds!
Don't lose your hope
Your luck will change tomorrow
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds out!
What you need in your life
Is possitive attitude!
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds out!
everything has an end
So good for your problems
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds out!
I tell you that I ,for you
walk slowly
to follow and keep the party
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds out!
follow the stepsof this guy
that if you know what he wants
(The nr 1 of Salsa Giants)
I have postive attitude
I am La India do not stop
he who searches finds out!
he who searches finds out!
if the rain of the sky
get wet under the storm
he who searches finds out!
to you,to you,to you
i do not care
he who searches finds out!
look,you do not pay this bill
he who searches finds out!
nothing will succed if you do not try
he who searches finds out!
i have good salsa
lift you flag up
and represent where you are from
CHORUS :He who wants can
And he who can makes the bet
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds!
And if the sky falls DANCE under the storm
The problem is bad,bad
I assure you that he who searches finds out!
CHORUS :He who wants can
And he who can makes the bet

Farewell, Paris

Farewell paris, I'm withdrawing to the country.
Boredom sets in, enough champagne already,
I chicken out of dining and wining chicks1,
feeling the pavement wave and swell2 on my way home.
Farewell Paris, I've had it up to there.
Partying, oh, that's such a bore.
I'm off to the country, to live like a wild animal,
sleep early and drink nothing but water.
But still,
before I take my leave
and live like an hermit,
so far away from you,
O city of wonders,
let's empty one,
then two, then tree bottles
once more.
What do you know?
No sooner a cork popped
than you see la vie en rose.
Let's make the most of it. Waiter!
Bring me the menu.
We simply must enjoy
a nice casual dinner
before I go.
Farewell Paris, city of dreams and terror,
naughty city, charming city.
The bill of your happiness is quite stiff3,
but we forgive you with our loving dying breath4.
Farewell Paris, farewell Montmartre and Notre-Dame
and pretty women and nasty drama.
We hand you our souls for all eternity,
their paradise is the sky of Paris! (bis)
  • 1. lit. 'I've had enough going to dinner with [dating] the chicks'. I did a rather lame attempt to replace the pun on 'souper' with one on 'poule' (hen / chick)
  • 2. lit. 'as if the pavement was swelling (like a sea)
  • 3. lit. 'You make [us] pay so dearly for the happiness you give'
  • 4. lit. 'as we die, we love you so much that we forgive you'

The Night We Let Go

My love,
My love,
My love,
My love,
It was the sweetest night of our night and we let go
for each other,
The night we let each other
Because we are Hossein the depositor of our hearts
For years, lost
Because we are Hinaa farewell farewell to us
For years, lost
Peace, be upon you
I handed over to you and gave you a gift
It was as if I was not between your hands
It was as if I were sitting between your hands
And you, with your tenderness, have fallen for me
I felt my love I was lost without you
For a few seconds I would not hold your hands
Madit Adia hugged Adik
And tears returned Obeida
I will be back, from your feast day
You are the one who sees me in my eyes
Peace, be upon you
I handed over to you and condemned you and scolded me
As if it is not between your hands, as if it were not enough
Between your hands
And you, with your tenderness, have fallen for me
I love you, Omri
A word from you you heard it
I forgot all my words
And with tears I returned to Obeida
Tani Eidak
You are the one who sees me in my eyes
Peace, be upon you
As if I were sitting between your hands as if I were not
Between your hands
And you in your tenderness to me

Song For Her

She doesn’t make love,
she loves.
She doesn’t walk,
she dances.
She doesn’t speak,
she sings.
She doesn’t make love,
she loves.
La la la la la...
She doesn’t make love,
she loves.
She doesn’t lend herself,
she gives herself entirely.
She doesn’t cry,
she hurts.
She doesn’t make love,
she loves.
La la la la la…
She doesn’t make love,
she loves.
She doesn’t dream,
she floats on air.
She doesn’t feign living.
She doesn’t ask,
she helps herself.
La la la la la…

Ballad to the Moon

Versions: #2
It was, in the dark night,
On the yellowed steeple,
The moon, the moon
Like a dot on an i.
Moon, what dark spirit
Walks at the end of a leash
Through the gloom,
Your face and your profile?
Are you the one-eyed heavens’ single eye?
Which bigoted cherub
Peers at us
Beneath your pale mask?
Are you merely a ball?
A big fat daddy-long-legs
That rolls, that rolls
Without legs and arms?

Love is a Rebellious Bird

Versions: #6
Love is a rebellious bird
That no man knoweth how to tame
And 'tis convenient for it to refuse
So 'tis in vain you call its name.
Nothing moves it, menaces or prayers,
One speaks well, the other saith naught
'Tis the other whom I prefer
He pleases me, though keeps his peace.
Love! Love! Love! Love!
Love is the child of a gypsy
Of the law it never was aware
If you love me not, I love you,
If I love you, you must beware!
If you love me not
If you love me not, I love you!
But if I love you
If I love you, you must beware!
The bird you have thought to be caught
Hath beat its wings and flown away
Love is far, you await it at night,
You wait no more, it catches you by day!
It spins 'round you, quickly, quickly,
It comes and goes, as much as you
One tries to hold it, it rejects him,
You try to turn it out, it holds you
Love! Love! Love! Love!
Love is the child of a gypsy
Of the law it never was aware
If you love me not I love you,
If I love you, you must beware!
If you love me not,
If you love me not, I love you!
But if I love you,
If I love you, you must beware!

I got drunk

I got drunk
I played and went all in
at life's roulette.
You hit the jackpot, I lost everything.
And so I got drunk.
I got drunk.
I said the words that went through my soul,
but in your little woman's head
you didn't realize I was lost.
I got drunk.
And, crazed,
despite my sorrow I knew
in the warmth of my drunkenness
that you were lying.
I got drunk.
And yet my love for you was sincere.
But one day, despite my begging,
you left me, enough said.
And so I got drunk.
Fine champagne, whisky, gin,
I can indulge in all kinds.
What makes me sad though,
if I am every barman's friend,
lampposts are my enemies.
On the landing,
the lock plays hide-and-seek
with the key.
My home has a funny look to it,
all the items are too fast for me1
I got drunk
I played and went all in
at life's roulette.
You hit the jackpot, I lost everything.
And so I got drunk.
I got drunk.
I said the words that went through my soul,
but in your little woman's head
you didn't realize I was lost.
I got drunk.
And, drunk,
I soon forgot your caresses.
I'm far better off in my drunkenness
and far away from you.
I'm being drinking.
The sidewalk is no longer wide enough for me.
Staggering, I scream on the top of my voice.
The coppers are my best buddies.
Dear oh dear, how drunk I got.
I got drunk.
An Ave Maria is playing on the radio.
A really funny one, that song.
The lyrics are in Scottish2.
I got drunk.
I'm being drinking.
I'm happy, and the cause of it
is that I'll never think of you again.
Shoo be doo
And that's why
I'm drinking.
  • 1. from an ancient child game of speed
  • 2. originally, Auvergne patois

A szemeidben

Azt hiszem, végre megismertelek
A mosolyod mögé látok
Azt hiszem, hogy meg tudom mutatni neked
Hogy amink van, az még mindig megéri a fáradtságot
Nem tudod, hogy a szerelem olyan, mint a cérna
Ami folyamatosan kibogozódik, de aztán
A végén újra összeköt minket
A szemeidben, látom az álmaim tükörképét
A szemeidben, megtaláltam a válaszokat a kérdéseimre
A szemeidben, láthatom az okokat, amiért a szerelmünk él
A szemeidben, biztonságban visszasodródunk a partra
Azt hiszem, végre megtanultam, hogyan szeresselek jobban
És figyelmeztettél, hogy az élet változik
És hogy senki sem tudja igazán
Hogy az idő vajon idegenekké változtat
Vagy pedig segít felnőnünk
Annak ellenére, hogy az idő szele meg fog változni
Egy világban, ahol semmi nem marad ugyanaz
Ezeken keresztül a szerelmünk meg fog maradni
A szemeidben, látom az álmaim tükörképét
A szemeidben, megtaláltam a válaszokat a kérdéseimre
A szemeidben, láthatom az okokat, amiért a szerelmünk él
A szemeidben, biztonságban visszasodródunk a partra
Azt hiszem, végre megtanultam, hogyan szeresselek jobban
A szemeidben, láthatom az okokat, amiért a szerelmünk él
Te és én, biztonságban visszasodródunk a partra
Azt hiszem, végre megtanultam, hogyan szeresselek jobban

The Panties

Hey, what do you got
inside your panties,
is it flea or tick?
I wonder what it is.
But what is there?
Ah, it itches like hell,
it makes you scratch,
it drives you crazy.
Why, why
the itch torments you?
You stick your finger in there
to relieve it.
Yolanda’s hair
inside her panties
has to be trimmed
with pruning shears.
So you knew why
Take off your panties
So you knew why
Have a wash in the bidet 1
If you pull out your finger
from your panties
you get a lot of hair
altogether ruffled
What does it matter
if it looks bad?
It has left a dust stain
in the bottom.
She hid quickly
her panties
in colour of chestnut,
quite not something to show.
And thank goodness
you used to say: cleanness
reigns in my house!
Come on, go wash yourself!
So you knew why
Take off your panties
So you knew why
Have a wash in the bidet
All the neighbourhood
already knows
that you didn’t wash
your shat butt.
And I tell you:
have you no shame?
You’ll get a scabies,
go run and hide.
So you knew why
Take off your panties
So you knew why
Have a wash in the bidet
Take off your panties
Have a wash in the bidet

who will understand me?

昂然踏著前路去 追趕理想旅途上
前行步步懷自信 風吹雨打不退讓
無論我去到那方 心裡夢想不變樣
是新生 是醒覺 夢想永遠在世上
前路那怕只要自強 我繼續獨自尋路向
常為夢想發狂 耐心摸索路途上
懷自信我永不怕夜航 到困倦我自彈自唱
掌聲我向夢想裡尋 盡管一切是狂想
途人路上回望我 只因我的怪模樣
途人誰能明白我 今天眼睛多雪亮
人是各有各理想 奔向目標不退讓
用歌聲 用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞
懷自信我永不怕夜航 到困倦我自彈自唱
掌聲我向夢想裡尋 盡管一切是狂想
昂然踏著前路去 追趕理想旅途上
前行步步懷自信 依照心中那正確方向
懷著愛與恕的心 充滿夢想的笑匠
用歌聲 用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞
用歌聲 用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞

Coming For You

Coming for you and missing you
Calling you to tell you
Accept this word from me
Stuck in a dough
God know the end of it
If i spend it dreaming about your love
It was the sweetest dream to come true
I have no clue
I was and i remain
Not alone i mean
Suffering like everyone
I don't want to leave
Here i stay
Not alone i mean
Suffering until i find a solution
Excuse me if i told you that
This country is a planter and because of you
Don't say it's not my business
There's a lot on me and i don't have
Here we were born and here we die
No one is living happily
Where are you where did you go Beirut
I would give you my life, come back to me

Stay Beside Me

Hide me in your eyes
Don’t dare say that I don’t ask about you
My life
I cant believe that time passes by and I'm around you
Stay beside me
Don’t run and leave leaving only your spirit here without you
I feel my heart’s wounds without you here
Come back to me my love, bring me back my spirit
My life.. I love you
In my heart I will hide you, you’ll never be afraid
I will protect you from this world
My life
I’ll be waiting my whole life till the day I meet you
Stay beside me
Don’t run and leave leaving only your spirit here without you
I feel my heart’s wounds without you here
Come back to me my love, bring me back my spirit
My life.. I love you

There was a garden

Versions: #2
This is a song for the children
Who are born and who lives between steel
And bitume between concrete and asphalt
And who might never know
That the earth was a garden.
There was a garden that we called the earth
It shined under the sun like a forbidden fruit
No it was not paradise nor hell
nor something already seen or heard.
There was a garden, a house, trees
With a little bed of foam to make love on it
And a little creek rolling without any wave
Came to refresh it and went on his course.
There was a garden as big as a valley
We could feed ourselves in every season
On the hot land or on the frozen grass
And discover flowers that didn't have name.
There was a garden that we called the earth
It was big enough for millions of kids
It was once inhabited by our grand-fathers
Who kept it from their grand-parents.
Where is this garden where we could have been born,
Where we could have lived carefree and naked?
where is this house with all its doors open
That I still look for and that I no longer find?

Love is a Sultan

Love is a sultan
Love is a sultan
Oh lovers, love is a sultan
I complain to time
And so time tells me
Love is a sultan ruling over hearts
Oh my heart's dearest
Oh my darling
Oh, love
It deprives my eyes of sleep
Its heart is filled with joy
when I have sleepless nights
To be tortured for it comforts me
And honestly
In all honesty,
My heart is very happy being tortured by it
Love is a sultan, love is a sultan
ruling over hearts, love is a sultan
I call upon its shade
Oh, my eyes
If it goes away
I complain about my passions to my lover
I miss its torture
And the cruelty of its youth
To be tortured for it comforts me
And honestly
In all honesty,
My heart is very happy being tortured by it
Love is a sultan, love is a sultan
ruling over hearts, love is a sultan
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I love you to death

oh the love of my soul, after you
where would I go?
hold me in your arms, your arms
and don't go...
If you leave how can I live?
my heart melted when you were away
a bird without its feathers cannot endure this torture
oh baby come back
I am lost
while you are away
I love you to death
I am crazy in love with you
may your kind heart remain.
when you are away from me
my nights turn into days
Im crazy in love with you
I will never be anyone else's but yours
I am lost in your eyes
let me in your heart
melt me with your looks, do not leave my side
your touches kill me
oh baby come back
i am lost
while you are away
I love you to death
I am crazy in love with you
may your kind heart remain
when you are away from me
my nights turn into days

Good Girl, Margot

Versions: #2
Little Margot, the shepherdess
Finding a kitten in the grass -
A kitten who had just lost his mummy -
Adopted it.
She half-opened her collar
And lay it against her chest
It was all the poor thing had
For a pillow.
The cat, taking her for his mother
Started suckling straight away
Moved, Margot let him carry on
Good girl, Margot
A local fellow passing by
Finding this unusual scene
Went off to tell everyone
And the next day
When Margot undid her blouse
To give a little feed to her cat
All the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
And Margot, who was simple, but a very good girl
Presumed that it was to see her cat
That all the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
The schoolteacher and his pupils,
The mayor, the verger, the bartender,
All completely neglected their duties
To see the scene,
The postman, normally so deft,
To see the scene, delivered no more
Letters which no-one
Would have read anyway
To see the scene, God forgive them,
The altar boys ran out from church
in the middle of
the Holy Sacrifice,
The policemen, even they,
Blockheads that they are,
Let themselves be touched by the charm
Of the sight
When Margot undid her blouse
To give a little feed to her cat
All the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
And Margot, who was simple, but a very good girl
Presumed that it was to see her cat
That all the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
Even the other local women,
Deprived of their husbands and their beaux,
Accumulated rancour
Then one day drunk with rage
They armed themselves with sticks
And wildly they burned
The little cat
The shepherdess, after crying her tears,
Took a husband as consolation
And never again revealed her charms
But for him
Time passed and the memory faded
The event was forgotten
Only the old folks still told
Their grandchildren
When Margot undid her blouse
To give a little feed to her cat
All the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there
And Margot, who was simple, but a very good girl
Presumed that it was to see her cat
That all the lads, all the lads, from the village
Were standing there, there, there, there, there, there
Standing there, there, there, there, there

The little birds of the mountain

The nightingale and the spotless lark
And the little birds of the mountain,
Wilt thou go as messenger to summer's colour
Which is suffering from a new illness?
I have no gifts
Nor expensive jewels to send
To remind you of him who loves you,
But a pair of white gloves.
The little birds did go
On their distant journey they flew
And then facing Gwen's bed
On the tree they sang.
Said Gwen the colour of the foam
Ah me, what thing is the bird
Which is here warbling now so prettily
And I terminally ill?
We are messengers please believe
Sent on behalf of the one who loves you
To let him know how you are faring
Whether you are growing hale or not.
Tell him softly
That short will be my lifetime,
Before this summer ends sadly
I am going to be among soil and gravel.

Heartland (terra del cuore)

quando senti 'Twin Fiddles' ed una chitarra americana
stai ascoltando il suono del cuore americano
e un opera di musica un sabato sera
porta un sorriso sul tuo viso ed una lascrima nei toui occhi
canta una canzone sualla 'Heartland'
l'unico poste dove mi sento a casa
canta di un brav'uomo
che lavora finchè c'è luce
canta la pioggia sul tetto in una notte d'estate
quando distinguevano il giusto dallo sbagliato
canta una canzone sulla Heartland
canta una canzone sulla mia vita

ho una macchina

lei si stava avvicinando alla ferrovia in un vestito di cotone
bella abbronzata d'estate, in un piccola perfetta confusione
con una storia che nessuno potrebbe indovinare
e pensavo probabilmente di non avere una possibilità
ma mi sono rimboccato le maniche e sono andato da lei e le ho detto
hey, lo so, non ti conosco, ma mi piacerebbe offrirti da bere
lei ha detto ti ho visto arriviare, ci ho già pensato sopra
e va bene, adesso
e io ho detto, beh ho una macchna, lei ha detto è qualcosa,
almeno parte, ho detto è meglio di niente
non ho fretta ma sono pronto quando tu lo sei
e lei ha detto, dove pensi di andare
ho detto, non c'è modo di saperlo
non pensavo di arrivare cosi lontano
ma ho una macchina
così habbiamo lasciato correre le route e abbiamo abbassato i finestrini
siando andatti in ogni via attraverso la città
lei non ha mai detto di fermarmi e io non le ho mai chiesto perchè
abbiamo guidato nella notte, quando fummo fuori dal niente
lei ha detto, darei qualunque cosa per non tornare mai lì
e i voglio che questo giorno non finisse mai
lei ha detto vorrei fare un cambiamento ma non so da dove iniziare
io ho detto beh hpo un macchina, lei ha detto è qualcosa
almeno parte, io ho detto, è meglio di niente
non ho fretta ma sono pronto quando tu lo sei
e lai ha detto, dove pensi di andare
ho detto, non c'è modo di saperlo
davvero non pensavo di arrivare così lontano
e non posso prometterti la luna e le stelle
ma ho unna macchina
ci siamo persi nelle miglia, abbiamo perso il conto dei giorni
quando finalmente abbiamo trovato un posto dove fermarci
quando il dottore ha detto lei sa di essere in conta?
e ci siamo ritrovati in una piccola casa bianca
una mattina d'estate, la piaggia stava cadendo
lai ha detto, penso che sia giunto il momento, ma tutte le linee sono occupate
e i suoi occhi si riempirono di lacrime e disse, cosa facciamo adesso?
io ho de beh ho una macchina, lei ha detto, è qualcosa
pensi che parta, ho detto, sta già andando
ho le tue cose nel baule e sono pronto quando tu lo sei
lei ha detto, sei sicuro do dove stiamo andando?
ho detto, c'è una cosa che so ragazza, siamo arrivati così lontano
e non penso di metterti fretta ma sono ronto quando tu lo sei

Amarillo di mattina

Amarillo di mattina, più su di San Anotonio.
tutto ciò che ho c'e l'ho soltanto adesso.
quando il sole è alto in quel cielo texano
io starò cercando la fiera del paese.
Amarillo di mattina, Amarillo sarò lì.
hanno preso la mia sella a hHuston, mi sono rotto una gamba a Santa Fe.
ho perso mia moglie e una ragazza da qualche parte lungo il cammino.
beh cercherò l'otto quando apriranno quel cancello.
e spero che il giudice non sia cieco.
Amarillo di mattina, Amarillo è nella mia testa.
Amarillo di mattina, più i alto di San Antonio.
tutto c'ò che ho ce l'ho soltanto adesso.
no ho un centesimo, but quello che ho è mio.
non sono ricco, ma dio sono libero.
Amarillo di mattina, Amarillo è dove saro
Amarillo di mattina, Amarillo è dove sarò


mi sento ancora venticinquenne la maggior parte del tempo
tuttavia sono cresciuto come un piccolo assassino con i ragazzi
divertimento è belle donne
ma signore sono ancora qui con loro
cantando sopra la folla ed il rumore...
qualche volta mi sento come Jesse James
sto ancora cercando di farmi un nome
sapendo che niente mi cambierà
ero un giovane cantastorie
quando l'ho scritto in una canzone
e sarò un vecchio cantastorie quando me ne sarò andato...
bhe la verità di uno specchio...
è che è un vecchio dannato specchio...
non dice veramente tutta la verità.
non mostra cosa c'è in fondo.
o legge tra le righe.
e non davvero non ha un riflesso della mia gioventù...
qualche volta mi sento come Jesse James
sto ancora cercando di farmi un nome.
sapendo che niente mi cambierà.
ero un giove cantastorie
quando l'ho scritto in una canzone.
sarò un vecchio cantastorie quando me ne sarò andato...
ero un giovane cantastorie
quando l'ho scritto in una canzone.
e sarò un vecchio cantastorie quando me ne sarò andato...
sarò un vecchio cantastorie quando me ne sarò andato
George Harrison - My Sweet Lord dalszöveg fordítás

én jó Uram

Versions: #2
jó Uram
én jó Uram
én jó Uram
mikor láthatlak
téged hol talállak
hol láthatlak téged
kérlek ne várass soká
jó Uram
én jó Uram
én jó Uram
hol keresselek téged
hogy kövesselek téged
hol a hely ahol elérlek
hisz oly távol vagy /alleluja
jó Uram/ alleluja
én jó Uram /alleluja
én jó Uram/ alleluja
hol kutassalak téged
méltó vagyok látni téged
méltó vagyok keresni téged
méltó vagyok kutatni téged
méltó leszek követni téged /halleluja
jó Uram/halleluja
én jó Uram /halleluja
én jó Uram /halleluja
méltó leszek követni /halleluja
tudlak-e majd követni /halleluja
hol reméljelek /halleluja
ne várass sokáig kérlek /halleluja
jó Uram /halleluja
én jó Uram /halleluja
én jó Uram /halleluja
jó Uram /hare krishna
én jó Uram / hare krishna
én jó Uram / krishna krishna
Uram / hare hare
mikor láthatlak /hare rama
téged hol talállak/hare rama
hol láthatlak téged /alleluja
kérlek ne várass soká /alleluja
jó Uram /hallelujah
én jó Uram /hare krishna
édes Uram /hare krishna
édes Uram /krishna krishna
Uram /hare hare
Uram /Gurur Brahma
én Uram /Gurur Vishnu
én Uram /Gurur Devo
jó Uram /Maheshwara
nagy jó Uram /Gurur Sakshaat
nagy jó Uram /Parabrahma
szíves Uram /Tasmayi Shree
édes Uram /Guruve Namah
jó Uram /Hare Rama
hare krishna
jó Uram /hare krishna
jó Uram /krishna krishna
Uram /hare hare
fordította Gaál György István