Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 123


Haragos tenger

Mit szeretnél, hogyan kezdjem
Mit próbáljak meg elmondani magamról
Ezer hullám egy lélekben
Az örvényben
Keresgélek, hogy nyugalmat és szerelmet találjak
Tarts meg engem biztonságban egy kegyetlen világban
Egyetlen csókoddal
Minden mély félelmem megváltoztathatnám
Hogy ne legyen többé a lelkem haragos tenger
Mondd, hogy 'szeretlek',
És legyőzhetetlenséget tettetek
Az ideáloddá válok
A hullámok között születtem
Érzelmekből áll az egész életem
Szelídíts meg a kezeid között
A nyári napsütésedben
Haragos tengernek születtem
A káoszom közepette mégis téged választottalak
Hogy megszelídíts a szerelmedben
Hogy a rózsád és a tüskéd lehessek
Hogyan folytassam
Mit próbáljak meg elmondani magamról
Hogy te és én ugyanolyan mélyek vagyunk
Téged kerestelek, ahogyan
Az éjszaka hideg vízként megérkezett
Tarts meg engem, valódi torony a homokban
Egyetlen csókoddal
Minden mély félelmem megváltoztathatnám
Hogy ne legyen többé a lelkem haragos tenger
Mondd, hogy 'szeretlek',
És legyőzhetetlenséget tettetek
Az ideáloddá válok
A hullámok között születtem
Érzelmekből áll az egész életem
Szelídíts meg a kezeid között
A nyári napsütésedben
Haragos tengernek születtem
A káoszom közepette mégis téged választottalak
Hogy megszelídíts a szerelmedben
Hogy a rózsád és a tüskéd lehessek

The oil lamp

With an oil lamp
With an oil lamp
With an oil lamp
and an army blanket.
And a body without any concerns
And a body without any concerns
And a body without any concerns
this is my portrait.
Don't you talk to me about living big
Don't you talk to me about living big
Don't you talk to me about living big
dude, please don't.
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
This other man too, lived into a large ceramic jar
but he was happy.
Meanwhile, King Midas
Meanwhile, King Midas
Meanwhile, King Midas
starved to death.
whatever he touched
whatever he touched
whatever he touched
turned into gold
..but he starved to death.


Let me,
to live in the happiness
of my anonymity,
to remain a nightingale without
a marked earring
to be able to be
what i want,
just an illiterate
in the society of 'knowledge'
a deaf mute
in the salons of Babylon
an hermit
in the forests of 'passions'.
Leave me alone
to be the one who decides
for me
to be the one who chooses
for me.
I am afraid of the handshake of your 'clean' hand
and your unreadable thought
terrifies me.
Leave me alone,
i want to remain
a perfumed branch
in the park of love,
an artesian water
in the backup wells
of your thought.


They allowed us
to salute you
that they think
that your ideas
are on the verge
of death.
that they think
that we ran out
of bread and dough
and in our steps
are settled
malicious relapses
ready to expel
the winged image
of the young man
with his companion
They allowed us
to salute you
that they think that
the memories
have become
harmless ashes
on the walls of Santiago
and the students
carnivorous dads
in the rest rooms1
of markets.
  • 1. places to relax

The Cats of Saint Nicholas

But deep inside me sings the Fury's lyreless threnody

Set fire

Tonight I want to escape my thoughts
And I'm wondering all night long without a purpose
Not to think about her even for a single moment
To do something for me tonight
My friend, let me get lost with you
I know how you feel and that you're afraid
I've felt your loneliness as well
And remember only the things that hurt you
Set fire to the night
Burn whatever you can
Whatever we loved
Light a fire and tell me
That you'll always be here
So I can hold by your hand
Set a fire to the night
Pour me a drink
Find me a reason so I can forget things tonight
So her lies won't cut me like broken glass
And if it was a mistake that I gave my soul
Let it be, let everything be hers
Set fire to the night
Burn whatever you can
Whatever we loved
Light a fire and tell me
That you'll always be here
So I can hold by your hand
Set a fire to the night
Pour me a drink

Ηeart Look

I looked down on earth
As thunder hit it
And l walked far away
From a love l was capable of
Words and purposes got erased
Like a broken bridge
And my heart was hiding a hug
An old photo of yours
Heart, look to tear apart again
Deeply, in an abyss of silence l shipwreck
Because all got erased where you don't lead me
Because noone taught you to love
I have the windows closed
In front of so many miracles
I go wherever sky wants
A purpose in vain
I write your name in papers
But that burns me like fire
The horizon was full of smoke
Mind cannot come and go
Heart, look to tear apart again
Deeply, in an abyss of silence l shipwreck
Because all got erased where you don't lead me
Because noone taught you to love

What, what?

I'll do whatever you want
One 'no' of yours, will kill me.
Whatever you want, babe, just tell me
What, what, what, what, what, what, what, hey what?
What, what, hey What, what, hey hat, what hey what, what?
I see you and i get excited, i can't stand it anymore
You blow my mind away, you've burnt me, you are fire
What do you want me to do for you, come on, tell me
What, what, what, what, what, what, what, hey what?
What, what, hey What, what, hey hat, what hey what, what?
My heart stopped, has zero beats
I'll freeze, i'll be dead, if you say ' don't, don't'
Come on, tell me what happens now
What, what, what, what, what, what, what, hey what?
What, what, hey What, what, hey hat, what hey what, what?
Devil put you on, i am gonna lose my mind
I got sick, i want to get lost from this world
What do you want, you had me melted down, come on, say it
What, what, what, what, what, what, what, hey what?
What, what, hey What, what, hey hat, what hey what, what?

Bitter words

With my anger, with my part of the anger, I drink coffee in the cafe and then much ouzo
I'll tell you bitter words, if you were a hard liquor, if you were a cigarette, I would drink you - I would light you up at this moment.
You are a strong love and I can't handle you
How to imprison the wind in a hatch
Young gypsy at dawn, with his broken violin
Playing old zeibekiko
I'm going for a slow death


Slowly you pull the train on its rails, an iron trunk filled with souls, tell me where you found such a haunted post, and you serve a contract without signatures
The caldera's lava overflowed, the jaws of the weather smell of sulfur, you become the coal that feeds the monster
You don't hit the brakes alone, and you go at random
Screams are heard from the fields, the invisible people 1of the earth shout silently
Those that perished in the stone ages
They seek their take from the ignorant
And they are the plaques without faces or names, unknown soldiers in some trenches
  • 1. Could also be translated as 'Unsung' (like in heroes, Αφανείς ήρωες - Unsung heroes)

Egy űr

Ma éjjel nem alszom
az álmaimban elveszek
magányom teljesen eltemet.
Ki vagyok? Önmagam keresem,
ha tovább már nem ölelhetlek,
az árnyékomtól is félek.
Ma éjjel utam egymagam járom
és egy nagy óceán mélye lesz,
ahová leránt a fájdalom.
Szerelmünk egyik fele te voltál
itt őrizlek szívemben már,
te, bűntől sápadó holdsugár.
Egy űr, egy űr, mely növekszik egyre
a többi ember és közötted
ellenségnek látom mindőjüket…
Egy űr, egy űr, melytől érzem, meghalok
köztem s közted húzódik egyre
s mintha minden a semmibe hullna
nincs más, csak az űr, az űr maradt.
Hirtelen minden megváltozott
nincs szükségem hamis szavakra
nem kellenek magyarázatok,
egyedül bóklászom ott
az emlékek folyosói közt
válaszokért kutatva egyre
s mikor újra eljön a reggel
minden álmom elég, lángra kap
az új nap első sugarával.
Most, hogy már lelked sincs, se évszakok
jóvátétel és bűntudat nélkül hagysz el
úgy mész messze tőlem, akár a szél.
Egy űr, egy űr, mely növekszik egyre
a többi ember és közötted
ellenségnek látom mindőjüket…
Egy űr, egy űr, melytől érzem, meghalok
köztem s közted húzódik egyre
s mintha minden a semmibe hullna
nincs más, csak az űr, az űr maradt.


You are wearing a new dress, again
Pillars are collapsing as you are walking by
I will sneak into a galleon
and i will found myself in Benghazi.
In Benghazi and in Indonesia
in order not to see you again, Loukia.
You will ride a board
and you will come to Benghazi
But i will be somewhere else
I will be as far as Kathmandu.
In Kathmandu and Asia
in order not to see you again, Loukia.
No matter how hard you would try to find me
Even if you climb up Himalayas
in order for me to find peace
i'm willing to go as far as the moon.
Up in the stars and in Galaxy
in order not to see you again, Loukia.

Don't tell her

I wouldn't wish,even to my enemy,
to spend nights like this
loneliness and cold,I don't have to explain
I mean destruction
Don't tell her that I'm in pain
that I don't have where to go
I run around
Don't tell her how I am
I prefer to die
than her feeling sorry for me
Don't tell her that I'm scared
that I don't eat,I don't sleep
But if it's brought up
tell her ''By the way
how's George?''
And let her answer
I wouldn't let,even my enemy,
to use me like this
I'll chill in my house,light up a fire
and then we'll see what she'll say
Don't tell her that I'm in pain
that I don't have where to go
I run around
Don't tell her how I am
I prefer to die
than her feeling sorry for me
Don't tell her that I'm scared
that I don't eat,I don't sleep
But if it's brought up
tell her ''By the way
how's George?''
And let her answer

Csak te

Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Csak látni akarom
Valahányszor rád nézek
Hogyan nevetnek a szemeim
A tükreim közül melyek törnek össze
Minden egyes szótag
Minden sejtem te vagy
A törékeny darabjaim
Tőled részegednek le
Csak szeretnék élni…
Oltsd el a lámpát
A szerelmem meztelen
Az égboltom másik fele
Mindig te voltál.
Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Bárhogyan jössz is, akarlak
Bármit mondasz, hallgatok
A te száladon függök
Az életben minden meg van írva
És talán érted születtem
Csak te létezel, csak te…
Mit mondhatnál, mit mondhatnék
Amikor istennek érezlek
És nem hiszek semmiben
És imádtam ezt
Így tudok élni
De még én is csodálkozom
Hogyan képes a kimondatlanból
Remény táplálkozni
Csak szeretnék élni…
Oltsd el a lámpát
A szerelmem meztelen
Az égboltom másik fele
Mindig te voltál.
Csak te gyógyítasz meg, csak te
A sebemre új bőrt növesztesz
Csak te hatolsz be a testembe
És áramként futsz rajtam végig
A lelkemhez beszélsz.
Bárhogyan jössz is, akarlak
Bármit mondasz, hallgatok
A te száladon függök
Az életben minden meg van írva
És talán érted születtem
Csak te létezel, csak te…

Early Hours

Versions: #1
Since I was a kid I was a body that had roots in the air
A leaving body, but I stayed and you went on
In vain, I'm searching for you
(you are) everything I longed for, wild bee
And I am left with the sting - in my hand - the wedding ring
Early hours in the darkness I frequently catch the pain
I want you tragically
In my troubled spirit, you will always be unsettled
like an open door
Your absence hits me hard, memories let me smolder
And I smelt like wax
And since Forgiving God is not what I am called
You shall burn like I burn
I know that the blue in my eyes is not a seashore
I shine like light, but I took aim for the darkness
If you see me, remember that you lived in me and that you defeated me
Sorrow caught me like a net tonight
Based on Translation by cvouts

Dream street

Every garden has
a nest for the birds.
Every road has
a heart for the children.
But you, my lady ,
what are you saying at dawn
and you are staring the stars
that keep falling like a rain.
Give me your hair
to make a prayer out of it,
to start again
the song from the beginning.
Every house hides
some love in the silence.
But a boy considers
love to be a shameful thing.

In the East of Eden

Ah, i'm asking nothing anymore
tonight this is enough for me
you tapping in the beat of heart
and me not knowing what shadow are you talking about.
Once upon a time
i was asking to know who my God was
and my mother was singing to me
at nights in the dark.
In the East of Eden
lived a bohemian type
who always wore a flower on his lapel
He was very habillé
he had a striped suit
he walked as if he had done ballet
He shared thousands of kisses
he paid for violins to come
and in the evenings he sang sweetly
a such sad melody
I love you, I love you
Amour, toujours
ca va

Simple lessons of dictatorship without a teacher

You take a dozen of tanks, a trowel* and a plate
and after exorcising Marx you establish a slogan
Choose a bird if possible with two heads*
you put it up on Hymettus with its wings like fans.
Greece of Greek Christians*
without parliament and elections
this is only how nations live
taratatzum taratatzum taratatzum
You put as the prime minister an expatriate from Chicago
in each sentence he says ten 'I' and you pretend to be a magician.
Gatherings are allowed at a maximum of one person
thus avoiding prison and dislocation of the shoulder.
Greece of Greek Christians
without parliament and elections
this is only how nations live
taratatzum taratatzum taratatzum
Arrests are allowed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday
but you can also do them from yesterday to keep them down.
A good day for all this, is one of the many in April*
you start early in the morning and end in the afternoon.