Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 20

Találatok száma: 697


Flemmingrad the Troll

There was a troll, perhaps the biggest,
Exemplary of honor with the best fungus.
The story of Flemmingrad the Troll,
Anyone from around here could tell it.
He ate with gusto and a voracious appetite.
No one else could consume what he would.
He became the great Flemmingrad.
A troll primed for his own well-being.
Rolling was his gift, gift, gift.
We loved his gift, gift, gift.
One day, the humans showed up.
And the trolls tried to flee through the gap.
But giant Flemmingrad
Got stuck trying to go through.
One frightened man drew his sword.
Flemmy remained in that fjord.
We lost our Flemmingrad.
And now our sadness makes us reminisce.
(He still hasn't been forgotten.)
Without Flemmi, without his gift, gift, gift.
Rolling was his gift, gift, gift.
(And that's why we have this tradition.)
Every December it's our duty
To pay homage and give thanks
To that friend who only ever gave*
The troll known as Flemmingrad
We dig down deep in every garden.
In its nostrils we lay tufts of grass.
It's our way of remembering
Of recreating Flemmingrad.
To the fungus that he made for us.
To Flemmi, the great troll.

That Song

It's late and the city seems to be asleep
But I want to stay up
You ask me the reason I'm laughing
I have the best kept secret
And in a tight hug
We sing that song
Like the force of the sea on an ordinary port
You're the calm of a river on that womanly skin
Like a breeze that blows on a summer afternoon
You're the voice in the silence
You are that song
Between the rush and desire
Our secret passion
We spin around between four walls
With the power of one kiss
You sweep me off the ground
Your dry body quenches my thirst
And we giggle like children
There might not even be a tomorrow
Like the force of the sea on an ordinary port
You're the calm of a river on that womanly skin
Like a burning flame that comes to burn itself out
You're the past, the present
You're the future that's yet to come
Like the air that I need and feel tightening in my chest
You're the right word in the perfect poem
Like a breeze that blows on a summer afternoon
You're the voice in the silence
You are that song

Tree cats lost their gloves

Tree cats lost their gloves
So they cried
'Dear mommy, we think that we lost our gloves'
'What?! Lost your gloves,
You bad cats,
So, no pie for you'
We do not eat pie
The tree cats found their gloves
Fallen on the floor
'Dear mommy, look!
We found our gloves!'
'What?! Put on your gloves
My little cats and
You can eat the pie'
We will eat pie!

When The Perfect Time Comes

Versions: #4
I know you don't notice it
I hope that someday you will.
Waiting for you to love me.
I'll still be hoping until that time comes.
I hope someday you'll see-
My love is real.
I know you don't see it
I hope that someday you will.
Waiting for you to love me back
I'll still be hoping until that time comes.
That you'll accept my love, I know you will, someday.
When the perfect time comes
Maybe it's really you and me.
Maybe you'll feel the love
I feel for you, and that's when you'll see.
And I hope my dreams do come true.
Just want to spend my life with you.
You and me 'till eternity.
When the perfect time comes.
I know that you didn't know.
I hope that someday you will.
My love is a certainty,
dreaming about you 'till eternity.
I hope someday you'll feel,
That my love is real.
Maybe not tomorrow
Maybe not today
But hoping someday
We're together everyday


[Primer verso]
Hay una llama encendida en el interior.
Es un instinto que nunca miente,
El objetivo está tatuado entre nuestros ojos.
Posiciónate y pelea
Bajo las luces del alto escenario.
Puede llevarse una parte de tu vida
Así como la sangre que corre por tus venas.
Todos estás mirando a través de tus ojos.
Sólo hay dos opciones.
Ganar o morir, ganar o morir.
Ganar o morir, morir, morir, morir, morir.
Pasó de una chispa al fuego abierto.
Ahora el destino te está llamando,
Así que responde, así que responde.
Y enciéndete
[Segundo verso]
Hay un poder que está dentro1
Y no podrás verlo hasta que lo creas
Al borde del infinito.
Siente la adrenalina
Bajo las luces del alto escenario.
Puede llevarse una parte de tu vida
Así como la sangre que corre por tus venas.
Todos estás mirando a través de tus ojos.
Sólo hay dos opciones.
Ganar o morir, ganar o morir.
Ganar o morir, morir, morir, morir, morir.
Pasó de una chispa al fuego abierto.
Ahora el destino te está llamando,
Así que responde, así que responde.
Y enciéndete
Pasó de una chispa al fuego abierto.
Ahora el destino te está llamando,
Así que responde, así que responde.
  • 1. Literal: 'por debajo'
Mis traducciones son de uso libre, pero por favor, no las reclames como tuyas. Si tienes alguna petición (de traducciones inglés - español), puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

Sklupcanog Jezika

Tu si sasvim sam
Bez nade da ces ikada imati nesto na sta ces biti ponosan
Nesto zaradjeno bez prosjacenja
Da, ja znam da si ti osoba, osoba bliska meni
Sta mislis ko si ti? I sta vise hoces od mene?!
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Skinuo si muskarace, mislim da cu im smetati
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Krpa koju nosim, mi smo opravdani
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Cestitam, upravo si mi sjebao sminku, sranje
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Sta si ucinio za mene?!
Zasto si kod kuce zakopan u svom samo-sazaljenju?
Zasto insistiras na zivljenju zivota ociscenog od mene?
Da, ja znam da si ti osoba, osoba kojoj je trebalo vremena sa mnom
Da li ti to daje pravo da ocekujes da ce tvoj zivot da se vrti oko mene?!
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Dosao si da uzmes to od svog drugara
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Nikada nisi bio tako fanki
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Ovoj pogodbi je muka od mene
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Ahh, kurac je dovoljan za dan
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Tvoj brat je uzeo to od mene
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Neindentifikovani neprijatelj
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Jebeno se vratio da nas spasi a onda se predao
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Dosli su da me isporuce
Ti si mi bio brat, Gde se prijateljstvo zavrsava (x3)
Ti si mi bio brat, Necu da se prepustim
Kako mozes da jebeno sumnjas u mene, ali neces vise (ponovljeno)
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Pravedno su vodjeni od strane mojih prijatelja
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Uzeli su ulov iznad mene
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Ti si psiho majmun
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Dosli su da me porobe
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Izdrkali su se po meni
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Vasi jebeni gangsterski znaci
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Nisu dosli da ih spasu, ali uzimaju
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Jebena smrt me jebe
Jer ja sam psiho-picka (ponovljeno)
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Berom je mrtav u tehnodromu
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Upravu si, on je mrtav, suzavac je bacen, ali ko je to bio?
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-On nema ritam ni obicnog huskaca
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Mogu li da umrem?! Mogu li da umrem?!
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-I onda je covek nastavio da me sutira
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-On se slaze sa njim, oni su kul
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-On nije bio mrtav, a onda su ga udarili po glavi
Sklupcanog Jezika!
-Nema te vise, on se otarasio tebe. Ti si Muskaraca!
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Tränen in mein (Kopf-)Kissen

Du erinnerst Dich nicht an mich,
aber ich mich an Dich.
Es ist noch nicht so lange her,
als Du mein Herz entzwei brachst.
Tränen in mein Kopfkissen, Schmerz im Herzen
und schuld daran bist Du, Du.
Wenn wir von vorne anfangen könnten,
ich würde nicht zögern,
ich würde Dich glücklich wieder zu mir nehmen
und die Hand des Schicksals ergreifen
Tränen in mein Kopfkissen, Schmerz in meinem Herzen
und schuld daran bist Du.
Liebe ist keine Spielerei, Liebe ist kein Spielzeug
wenn man den (die) eine findet, den(die) man liebt
sie (er) wird Dein Herz mit Freude erfüllen.
Wenn wir von vorne anfangen könnten,
ich würde nicht zögern,
ich würde Dich glücklich wieder zu mir nehmen
und die Hand des Schicksals ergreifen
Tränen in mein Kopfkissen, Schmerz in meinem Herzen
und schuld daran bist Du.
Tränen in mein Kopfkissen, Schmerz in meinem Herzen
und schuld daran bist Du
und schuld daran bist Du
und schuld daran bist Du
und schuld daran bist Du.


It's four to six, he's ready to hang out
He's waiting for the taxi in te ground floor, traffic and the city
The years pass through like this and he is there and here
Looking for an easy life, he just wants to sing
A little poet and artist, he makes his own song
Always has Beatles playing on his tape player, his love
And dreaming about a thousand of scenarios while he waits the signal
Changing from red to green there's no much time to dream
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
On his shoulders: Wife and children to sustain
But there's nothing who prevents Louis from dreaming
Long hair on his shoulders, whether he uses it or not
It doesn't matter to Louis, he just wants to sing
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
Louis... Is fool and romantic
Louis... Fighting against the traffic
And dreaming about a thousand of scenarios while he waits the signal
Changing from red to green there's no much time to dream
One day Louis woke up concerned
While was looking the mirror, he wasn't the same anymore
The time pass through fast by the poor Louis too
Who waits to hear he and his people singing a day
Louis... It's his artistic name
Louis... The people scream when they see him
Louis... Is fool and romantic
Louis... Fighting against the traffic

Don't Come Back [Si tú no vuelves]

Don't come back, don't...
The sky will be nothing but clouds
And I'll remain there
Devoid of will power, contemplating my dark luck
Don't come back, don't...
I will really become very small
And I'll remain there
With my dog, lurking around your door
Don't come back, don't ...
My life will be like a desert
I'll wait for the sun
Yes, something to tell me that I must have faith
(I will suffer) an abandonment such as the one when I used to breathe
The perfume of the pleasure I gave you
You were so pretty and this immense happiness
Just couldn't end
And like before,
Every night our star will lean on you
She will tell you all about me, of my love for you
Tell me, my love, my love, my love
I'm here, though -- you know that
Come back to me or I don't know
What I'll become
Don't come back, don't...
There won't be any life, there will nothing
I shall have to leave without you
With the rain as my only suitcase
Abandonment such as the one when I used to breathe
The perfume of the pleasure I gave you
You were so pretty and this immense happiness
Just couldn't end
And like before,
Every night our star will lean on you
She will tell you all about me, of my love for you
Tell me, my love, my love, my love
I'm here, though -- you know that
Come back to me or I don't know
What I'll become

Luna Park

Luna Park, loneliness.
People come and go
I walk around in silence
Walled off inside of me
What did I come here for?
Tell me... Have you seen her?
Do you know where she is?
She left a year ago,
a year ago, Luna Park
She'll come back, she'll come back today
In between noisy sounds and colors,
She'll come back today
She'll come back... slowly, she goes
She goes up to the sky
And up, and up, and up
Until she becomes a dot lost up there
Sir, do you want to try this out?
Do you know how to shoot?
It'll bring you good luck, good luck...
Luna Park, give love to whom
gives no love.
The eagerness of years past
Will never come back.
She'll come back... slowly, she goes
She goes up to the sky
And up, and up, and up
Until she becomes a dot lost up there
Luna Park, poetry,
you must not stop.
An old shadow of the wheel
that keeps on turning.

Madrid, Madrid

A spot, a shadow and in the desert
Traces of powder and saffron
White taxis, slamming doors
A true mix of feelings
Madrid, Madrid
The price that I pay
It is still a few hours without sleep
For you to remember me
Puerta del Sol, train station
Exit towards the Plaza Mayor
I am on time, I even believe that I am doing too much
A true understudy in the scenery
Madrid, Madrid
You can give me a sign
You can blur my words on the line
When i will speak to you
Good evening
(And good morning)
And until the last detail
(If you have to be my spy)
Her eyes behind a fan
Madrid, Madrid
The things that i think
Are a slight air of Morse accordion
When she is not with me
Madrid, Madrid
The price that I pay
It is still a few hours without sleep
For you to remember me
All afternoon in El Retiro
Throwing stones at a streetlight
This love that has melted
From so much light and so much sun
Madrid, Madrid
I get sad
Seeing how well you dress
If they have to laugh at you
Good evening
(And good morning)
And until the last detail
(If you have to be my spy)
Her eyes behind a fan
A spot, a shadow and in the desert
Traces of powder and saffron
White taxis, slamming doors
A true mix of feelings
Madrid, Madrid
You make me despair
From moving both hips
They will laugh at you

Long Live the Great Love

I also would like to learn...
Not to love you
Who knows if you then
Would love me some more
Try to defend myself, love,
Would be deceiving you
And that will hurt me even more and I think that...
Long live the great love I feel for you
Long live this pain I keep inside of me
Long live all that little more that I wish
And you cannot give me.
Because you are that person that I
Don't know how to replace
And I couldn't do that
Losing you now will mean
Go back again to look for someone that
Probably won't exist... another like you.
I'm studying you for knowing some more about you
But I don't get
And then I regret
And think that it's better that way
I could discover that one
Doesn't love as the other loves
And that will hurt even more
And I think that...
Long live the great love I feel for you
Long live this pain I keep inside of me
Long live all that little more that I wish
And you cannot give me.

If This is Love

Softly, sadly
Loneliness snows in my heart
If you take your love away from me, I'm cold
You my refuge, you my medicine
If this is love, I don't know what scares me
If this is love, I don't know what is hurting
If it is just love.
Stairs that get lost
I become a bird, I go up flying towards you
Like an island in the sea... of your belly.
Emotions, sensations
They have the power of getting me close to you
Oh, give me strength, much strength
That an instant like this... don't come to an end.

The Moira

The mysterious Moira,
Like a spider versed in subtle arts,
Empties her distaff time and time again,
Creating the threads for our lives.
As one of Parcae, she is deep in thought
As she weaves tomorrow's fabric:
The Moira spins and spins,
The Moira shall keep spinning.
Like a Fate, she is deep in thought
As she weaves tomorrow's fabric:
The Moira spins and spins,
The Moira shall keep spinning.
Turning her sight back
The looks into the shadows of the past
And finds out where next Spring's
Seed, lies hidden.
She knows that a tree grows taller
The deeper its roots can go:
The Moira spins and spins,
The Moira shall keep spinning.
She knows that a tree grows taller
The deeper its roots can go:
The Moira spins and spins,
The Moira shall keep spinning.
Out of old traditions and brand new hopes
She weaves the flag of tomorrow's youth,
As one who would weave a bridal veil
With gold and silver hair.
For childhood, which is rising,
For old age, which is fading,
The Moira spins and spins,
The Moira shall keep spinning.
For childhood, which is rising,
For old age, which is fading,
The Moira spins and spins,
The Moira shall keep spinning.

Make up your mind

We were left alone,
they all had gone,
and there was hardly
light in my room.
I kissed you in the face,
I kiseds you in the lips,
you felt frightened
and you looked at me without words.
Make up your mind, don't hesitate any more,
make up your mind, that I can't stand
not having you,
damn luck of mine!
Just make up your mind, my love,
make up your mind
and let's fly to faraway places
holding hands, make up your mind.
Like every night
I accompany you, again,
at half past nine
to give you back to your mom.
Then, alone at home
looking at your photo
I dream about your eyes,
in silence, without your love.
Make up your mind...

Portuguese Fado of us

Born of being Portuguese
Lived life of being Portuguese
Did his life around the world
Went by the vagabond dream
Went by the earth hugged
//: Well deared or badly loved
The Fado.://
Lived of being Portuguese
Was cheerful or gingerly
For being a Fado, it's a song
For being the future, it's the past
//: Badly deared or well loved
The Fado.://
Every time more Portuguese
Walks in the wings of the wind
Sometimes is lets out a lament
And asks to be found
//: He's a dear, he's loved
The Fado.x3//

Sweet little face

Drowned in our beds,
we make our way through life.
It all goes so fast.
On my lips you read
We used to be in love, we avoid each other.
It was you, it was us.
There was you and your sweet little face.
It was you, it was us,
and nothing remains except your sweet little face.
Clinging to time,
to these child dreams
that get so often forgotten.
And so I write,
through the ordeal of these nights,
like a magnet for love1
It was you, it was us.
There was you and your sweet little face.
It was you, it was us,
and nothing remains except your sweet little face.
  • 1. 'aimant' (magnet) is also the gerund of 'aimer' (to love), which can lead to puns like here
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.

Go On Without Me

Versions: #3
Forgive me
For my great mistake
Of holding you back
But I suffer to see that
You are not happy
Forget about me
I hold no resentment
I hope that God will bless you
That love and luck find you
Wherever you are
Go on without me
For my world is not so beautiful
And you now see it
You have no fault in everything turning out wrong in my life
Of fighting for no gain
My feet have tired
Go on without me
I will pray that you have a better life
You have suffered enough by my side and deserve only love
Meanwhile I'll remain here
Weeping for my mistake


This cannot be anything more than a song
I wish it were a confession of my love
Romantic, but without taking such literary forms
Which would restrain this torrent of feeling in me
I love you
I love you
Eternally, I love you
If you ever are separated from me, I will not die
Because if I must die, I want to die with you
I feel accompanied in my loneliness
That is why sometimes I know I need
Your hand
Your hand
Your hand, eternally
When I saw you I knew it was true,
This fear of finding myself defenselessly exposed
You make me bare with seven reasons
You open my chest every time you fill me to the brim
With love
With love
Eternally, with love
If I ever feel defeated,
And I give up on seeing the sun each morning,
Reciting the creed that you have taught me,
I look at your face, and by the window I say:
Forever, Yolanda
Forever, Yolanda

You women

You women, you charmers,
Your smiles attract and disarm us.
You adorable angels, we are,
We men, are poor devils.
Today you walked my way, without noticing or looking at me with other arms.
I didn't want to, or think of it, but I follow you like a lovestruck fool
Who could be with you and be the other?
I learnt how to keep you little by little.
We believe you, we think we know you.
We tell you always, and you say maybe.
You women, you are my drama,
You're so gentle, you are the source of our tears. Poor devils
and we are vulnerable,
miserable, us men.
Oh oh oh...
Poor devils, poor devils
Oh oh oh...
Poor devils, poor devils
Who could be with you and be the other?
I learnt how to keep you little by little.
And by the force of ignoring me, you have managed to make me love you like nobody has ever loved.
You women, you charmers,
Your smiles attract and disarm us.
Poor devils, and we are vulnerable,
miserable, us men.
Oh oh oh...
Poor devils, poor devils
Oh oh oh...
Poor devils, poor devils
Oh oh oh...
Poor devils, poor devils
Oh oh oh...
Poor devils, poor devils

You Are Everything to Me

I'd dry up the sea if you asked me to
I'd pull a blue star down from the sky
When we are together
Talking in a low voice
I'd move the whole world
I'd blind the sun itself
There are no words that can express
What you mean to me, and every day it's more
You are growing
In my very heart
Like the new stem
Of a hope that blossoms
You are everything to me
The years have been days at your side, with you
I've carried you so deep in me that
I'll never be able to live without your love, dearest
And even if you are far away
I will always have you near me
I always wait for the day
When you'll return
If you know about what's best in me
Why don't you try to live with me?
If you'd give me the time and the chance
To star off slowly on a similar path
Perhaps you would change your mind
Maybe with a brand new day we could love one another
(You are everything to me...)

como imaginar

como imaginar que la vida sigue igual
como si tus pasaso ya no cruzan el portal
como pretender esta realidad
como si hasta ayer brillaba el cielo en to mirar
como consolar al rosa y el jamine
como si tu risa ya no oye en el jardin
como he de mentirler que manana volveras
como despeertar si tu no estas
como consolar al roasa y el jamine
comomsi tu risa ya no oye en el jardin
como he de mentirler que manana volveras
como despertar si tu no estas

Holy god

I need a drum and a kerchief for dancing,
a bonfire as a friend, and a night to love,
I need the forgiveness, and the time slipping by,
to take away my sorrows for me to forget.
Ae, ae, a woman to be good,
to have a good heart and to be my whole life,
Ae, ae, a woman to love me,
to fill me with illusions of summer and spring.
Let it be a love, to put my loneliness away,
a good partner to give me happiness,
let it be a love, all pure and loyal,
where my whole life is there to party.
Oh Holy God, get her down from heaven!
Years pass by and I still wait for her.
I look for her behind the door, I look through the crystal,
and she still doesn't come, I can't find her.
I look for her in the streets and in the sand
and difficulties can't stop coming.
Oh Holy God...heaven...by...
and I still wait for her.
How much I love you, how much I take you,
how much I feel you, I see you in me.
How much I love you, how much I take you,
how much I feel you, I see you in me.
Get down one of those who loves me,
get down one of those who adores me,
get down one of those, when you can,
so she falls in love with me
One of those who loves me,
one of those who adores me,
get her down when you can,
so she falls in love with me
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The party

People are coming to the ball
people are coming to the ball
and all those who come alone
start to look for a couple
some women say yes
some women say no
some women say yes
some women say no
and shortly after
the one that didn't dance
starts to move
and shortly after
she grabs to the ugliest
with mad pleasure
How good is the party mom
(come over here boy)
How good is the party mom
(come over here boy)
Esta noche vamos a tener una fiesta
El ritmo está lleno en todos
El compás se ha puesto apasionante
Bailemos, la música espera
Hagan lo que quieran
Bailen hasta el amanecer
Si buscan romance
Se que también lo encontrarán
Vengan todos y tomen una decisión que nunca lamentarán
Vengan todos y vengan a una fiesta que nunca olvidarán
Bailemos al ritmo, muevan los pies
(vengan todos, sientan el compás)
Bailemos al ritmo, muevan los pies
(vengan todos, sientan el compás)
Don't put the hand in the shoulder
don't look at me with deceit
what you gotta do is sing to me
la la la la la la la
If you look for charming
don't waste your time in words
what you gotta do is kiss
and then la la la la la la la
How good is the party mom
(come over here boy)
How good is the party mom
(come over here boy)
Come everybody change your couple, vamos
Come over (come over here)
a little more (come over here)
come over (come over here)
a little more (come over here)
The party
The party
Baila, baila, toda la noche
May the party never stop
Baila, baila, toda la noche
Vengan bailen mi ritmo
Baila, baila, toda la noche
Take the party night
Baila, baila, toda la noche
¡Vengan chicas!
Bailemos al ritmo, muevan los pies
(vengan todos, sientan el compás)
Bailemos al ritmo, muevan los pies
(vengan todos, sientan el compás)
Don't put the hand in the shoulder
don't look at me with deceit
what you gotta do is sing to me
la la la la la la la
How good is the party mom
(come over here boy)
How good is the party mom
(come over here boy)
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Mouth, sweet mouth

I know there's something beyond
that has me half out of control
more than your skin, more than your charm,
more than the fury I'm loving you with.
I know there's something you give to me
river water, soft breeze, sea and field.
More than finding myself caught in your lips,
there's something in you that is reaching very deep.
It's your sweet mouth, cane syrup.
Mouth, sweet mouth, your chalice and my trap.
Mouth, sweet mouth, cane syrup.
Mouth, sweet mouth, your chalice and my trap.
Mouth, sweet mouth. That tempts me and teases me.
Mouth, like honey jug.
Mouth that wants to drive me crazy.
You don't have to invent anymore,
Because in your mouth I don't rule my acts.
More than saying what I am in your arms
is this flame that burns me and I like so much.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


If you're not with me, nothing matters,
living without seeing you is dying.
If you're not with me, there's sadness,
and the sunlight doesn't shine the same.
Without your love, jealousy consume me,
and fear doesn't let me sleep.
Tell me, what should I do my dear,
without your love I'll go crazy.
Without your love, jealousy consume me,
and fear doesn't let me sleep.
Tell me, what should I do my dear,
without your love I'll go crazy.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


his name Jesus of Nazareth,
33 years old, Jewish origin,
He's accused of preaching the truth,
of calling himself son of God,
Of teaching to love the neighbour like oneself.
Reward, salvation and endless life
if you find him follow his steps.
Jesus loves you in spirit and truth
look for him, look for him
And you'll see in the end, you'll find peace
and everything will change... (x2)
People don't know, don't know where are they going...
guide them My Lord...
Show them the way
Truth and love,
listen to who claim his forgiveness...
Only you can help us...
Touching our poor heart...
To be able to feel, the need
of believing in you lord, ho, ho, ho, ho,...
Jesus loves you in spirit and truth
look for him, look for him
And you'll see in the end, you'll find peace
and everything will change... (x2)
People don't know, don't know where are they going...
guide them My Lord...
Show them the way truth and love,
listen to who claim his forgiveness...
ho, ho, ho, ho,...
Jesus loves you in spirit and truth
look for him, look for him
And you'll see in the end, you'll find peace
and everything will change... (x2)
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I'd have to cry for you

In a stupid way
you mocked me
In a stupid way
you lughed at me
in my face
before my eyes
with a very close friend
it seems that you didn't mind at all
I'd have to cry for you
and I laugh madly
I'd have to cry for you
and I have no tears at all
you've thrown our love by th window
And I laugh I laugh I laugh I laugh I laugh
I'd have to cry for you
and I laugh madly
I'd have to cry for you
and I have no tears at all
you've thrown our love by th window
And I laugh I laugh I laugh I laugh I laugh
In a comic way
you behaved with me
In a comic way
destiny behaved
I didn't expect it
it looks like I'm a fool
life has gambles
where some lose and some win
I'd have to cry for you
and I laugh madly
I'd have to cry for you
and I have no tears at all
you've thrown our love by th window
And I laugh I laugh I laugh I laugh I laugh
I'd have to cry for you
and I laugh madly
I'd have to cry for you
and I have no tears at all
you've thrown our love by th window
And I laugh I laugh I laugh I laugh I laugh
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

From head to toe

Leave the lights on, I want to see you naked
there's no hurry now and I'll love you from head to toe
inch by inch, kiss by kiss like that... how I imagined
both in silence, tangled in the bed.
I dreamed of this moment for so long
but this is the greatest, I'm getting into your body
I feel your breast shaking and your belly like fire
we're both trembling of passion and delirium, of love and desire.
Hold me! Squeeze me!
Caress me... and kiss me
let your skin and mine be melted
I want to love you over and over and over again.
Hold me! Squeeze me!
Caress me... and kiss me.
I want to drink in the sea of your body
until the last drop of love and pleasure.
Once again I caress you while your skin trembles
and the instinct wakes up and again I want to possess you.
I feel your breast shaking and your belly like fire
we're both trembling of passion and delirium, of love and desire.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Owner of nothing

I am not the one who makes you happier
and occupies a special place in your life
I am not the one who makes you dream of the moon
and see cristal drops in the rain
I am not the one you call 'my owner'
I am just a dog that you make jump,
And you look for when you feel like
having a man who makes you really feel
Owner of you, owner of what? owner of nothing
A harlequin who makes your soulless body tremble
Owner of air and the reflection of the moon on the water
Owner of nothing, owner of nothing
I am not the one who always shares your life,
pains and laughs and your reality
I am not the one who spends sleepless nights
when your sadness perturbs your home
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I am guilty

Stare at my eyes
And check for yourself that I say
The truth you always wanted
To hear love of my lips
I don't fool you by apologizing
For the harm I could cause to you
Don't turn around looking for a guilty
I am guilty
For having you forgotten
For letting the love die
For refusing my hand to you
I am guilty
Stare at my eyes
And try to understand me
It's not you only who loses
This hit hurts us both
But I don't lack the bravery
But I never stayed quiet before anyone
Please don't feel guilty
I am guilty
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Darling sweetheart

Darling sweetheart
I am tempted by a kiss
that is lit in the heat
of our great love, my love
I want to be a single being
a being with you
I want to see you in my desires
To dream
Of the sweet sensation
of a nibbiling kiss I would like
darling sweetheart
to tell you of my passion for you
Partners in the good and the bad
not even the years can weigh us down
darling sweetheart
you will be my love
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.