A keresés eredménye oldal 47
Találatok száma: 3062
Gyerünk, gyerünkNem látok változást, felkelek reggel, és azt kérdem magamtól:
Érdemes élni? Vagy inkább fejbe kéne lőnöm magam?
Unom már, hogy szegény vagyok, és ami még rosszabb: fekete
A gyomrom fáj, úgyhogy egy lenyúlható retikülre vadászok
A rendőrök nem foglalkoznak egy négerrel
Meghúzzák a ravasz, belehal a nigger, és rögtön hősök lesznek
A cracket meg a gyerekeknek adják, ki a fenét érdekel?
Legalább eggyel kevesebb éhes száj él segélyen
Először küldjünk nekik drogot, aztán hagyjuk, hogy terítse a tesók közt
Adjunk nekik fegyvert, lépjünk hátra, és nézzük, ahogy megölik egymást
Itt az idő, hogy küzdjünk ez ellen, ezt mondta Huey
Két lövés az éjszakában, és mostanra Huey halott
Szeretem a testvéreimet
De soha nem jutunk sehová, ha nem kezdünk el megosztani egymással dolgokat
El kell kezdenünk változásokat hozni
Hogy úgy tekintsünk egymásra, mint testvérek, ahelyett, hogy idegenek lennénk
Ennek így kell lennie
Hogy a fenébe ragadná el az ördög a testvérem, ha közel áll hozzám?
Jó lenne visszamenni régre, amikor még gyerekekként játszottunk
De a dolgok megváltoztak, ez van
(Refrén 2x)
Gyerünk, gyerünk
Ez van
A dolgok már sosem lesznek ugyanolyanok
Ez van
Aww yeah
Nem látok változást, csak rasszista arcokat
A célt tévesztett gyűlölet lealacsonyítja a rasszokat
Azon gondolkozom, hogy mibe kerülne
Egy jobb világot alapítani, töröljük ki a bűnösöket
Távolítsuk el a gonoszt az emberekből, és helyesen fognak viselkedni
Mert ma mind a feketék, mind a fehérek cracket szívnak
És az egyetlen alkalom, amikor nyugalom van, amikor egymást öljük
Tehetség kell ahhoz, hogy magunkat adjuk, és idő, hogy meggyógyítsuk egymást
És bár úgy tűnik, mintha áldás lenne,
De egyelőre még nem állunk készen egy fekete elnökre
Nem titok, ne rejtsd el a tényt
A börtönök tele vannak, főleg feketékkel
De néhány dolog sosem változik
Próbálsz példát mutatni, de maradsz a drogos világban
Most mondd meg, mit tehet egy anya
Az őszinteség nem hat a testvériességre benned
Mert inkább a könnyebb utat választod
'Ma ezer dollárt kerestem', de bűnös módon kerested
Cracket árulva a gyerekeknek. 'Valamiből meg kell élnem'
Mert hey, ez van
(Refrén 2x)
Változtatnunk kell
Itt az idő, hogy végre változtassunk
Változtassunk azon, amit eszünk, ahogy élünk
És változtassunk azon, ahogy bánunk egymással
Mivel a régi módszer nem vált be, szóval rajtunk a sor, hogy megtegyük,
Ami a túléléshez kell
És még mindig nem látok változást, nem kaphatna a tesó egy kis békét?
Háború van az utcákon, és háború van a közel-keleten
Amit ahelyett, hogy a szegénység ellen vivnának
Inkább a drogok ellen teszik, így a rendőrség zaklathat engem
És soha nem követtem el bűnt, hacsak nem volt muszáj
De most visszatértem a tényekkel, és eléd tárom
Ne hagyd, hogy megakasszanak, hogy elsodorjanak,
Hogy bedrogozzanak, hogy a stricik megverjenek
Meg kell tanulnod kitartani
Irigyek lesznek, amikor meglátják, hogy van egy mobilod
De azt mondják a zsaruknak, hogy ettől távol tartják magukat
Nem bízok benne, ha megpróbálnak siettetni, kitálalok
Ez az eszközöm hangja, amire azt mondod, nincs rendben
Az anyukám nem nevelt idiótát
És amíg fekete vagyok, fegyvert kell hordanom
És soha nem dőlhetek hátra
Mert mindig számítanom kell a bosszúra
Néhány olyan embertől, akiket elvertem régebben
Akik visszatérhetnek évekkel később
Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat, ez van
Néhány dolog sosem változik
House entrance
[Intro]Ay, Pasha, Stickle
Ay, (Stickle), ay, ay
Ayo i count small bills in my house entrance
She says „call me when you can come outside“
I easily rock a blue tracksuit
Symba Doublecup, RB smokes two grams
I count small bills in my house entrance
She says „call me when you can come outside“
I easily rock a blue tracksuit
Symba Doublecup, RB smokes two grams
Ayo, curls peeking out of the tn- cap
Lacoste tattoo on my leg, nike tattoo on my stomach
Long night in the hood, at some point I’ll come to your place
Canim, please pray that nothing will happen to me tonight
RB smokes two grams, Cano counts money
Only getting on my knees when i drop a bill
Backyard in the hood, chilling with Shabab
We listen to 22Gz, OFB everyday
Asics and Tns at the door when we chill
Berlin crime wave, people feel our movie
Scars on the skin, Prada bag from the bazaar
Old love in my dream, new love in my arms
We’re angels but we’re fallen, 2000 in berlin, today we’re driving through hoods and want to make thousands
Wings broken and souls getting cold
I won’t make it past thirty, Canim, no, i won’t become old
Ayo i count small bills in my house entrance
She says „call me when you can come outside“
I easily rock a blue tracksuit
Symba Doublecup , RB smokes two grams
I count small bills in my house entrance she says „call me when you can come outside“
I easily rock a blue tracksuit
Symba Doublecup , RB smokes two grams
Oh, if only I could tell someone
I'm looking around, but you're not thereI'm counting the days, but it's hard
They won't seem to pass
Even less so the hours
I live, but my life is empty
I'm keeping my mouth shut, but
The others are talking much, they don't stop
That's the state I'm in
Does anybody understand my troubles
Oh, if only I could tell someone
I'm still with you
Of course that's not really possible, oh, I can't be saved
The memories are buried in the cage inside my breast
Are you worth it, is it possible to be dead with out dying
Oh tell me, my heart, are you angry with me
I can't remember the last time I laughed
Behind the woman
How much bitterness there is behind a woman's back, but she is silent in front of peopleIn the depths of my heart, it looks as if I have waited for the beautiful day
Eventually there will be a bright sun to shine
But I woke up at midnight for no reason and found myself alone
And the loneliness around you is only lonely and the more you cry, the easier it is to get tired
But still try to stop preferring to live with you
Everything that was once done to stay was left behind and waited one more time to try not to ask the difficulty
But please let you know how much a woman's tears are really autonomous
Endure and how to deal with it, you know I don't know what I want most in the end
Will wait until the happy days but the future will always be at midnight
I miss the tenderness and honey that you are like before
What a woman should know is unknown
Just think of the day you say you know
Give me the vodka , AnushkaAnd then leave me be
Vodka is nice to me
But you are so mean
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And be good to me again
Because when you are not good to me
I become even angrier
I spend the whole week curing
Ham again and again
And now I would like to drink another time
Just a tiny , little glass
You should really be ashamed of yourself
For taking the vodka away from me
Do you have no heart at all?
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And then leave me be
Vodka is nice to me
But you are so mean
Give me the vodka , Anushka
And finally be smart
Otherwise i will go to Igor
He has a lot of it
I Am the Dust Beneath the Feet of
My heart is intoxicated with the omnipotent one's heady brewMy body throbs with joy at the Beloved's company
I am not the only one intoxicated in this tavern
For I count Junaid Baghdadi (RA), Abu Bakr Al Shibli (RA), and Fariduddin Attar (RA) among my fellow inebriates
Due to the enchanting effect of Shamsuddin Tabriz's blessed visage
Even the clerics in the marketplace walk around in a state of intoxication
I am the dust beneath the feet of the inebriates of the Kharabaat
May my life be sacrificed for the ruby red lips of the beauteous beloved's of the Kharabaat
My prayers comprise nothing but tormenting my heart and destroying my Self
I offer my prostrations towards the arched eyebrows of the beauties of the Kharabaat
I am a mirror, a reflection of my Beloved, a treasure-chest of secrets
Smitten by the wonder of love, I am now the pride of Kharabaat
I am a reflection of all that is real and true
I do not claim to be God but I am a manifestation of His majesty
I have lost my bearings in this curious search for answers
If I do not exist, why am I here? And if I do, what am I?
Like a mirror, whenever I come before Him
All I see within me is a reflection of His being
Look at my face and tell me, whose reflection do you see?
I am a reflection of my Beloved, for I have lost myself within Him
Whoever wishes to catch a glimpse of You, should observe me instead
For You are reflected in me, just as I am a reflection of you
Word for word, whatever you heard in that realm, you shall hear here
There isn't one hair breadth of a difference between here and there, it's plain to see
It is the very essence of 'Believe, for this is a narration of true events'
The face of mine that you see, it's the spitting image of the Beloved's visage
The same feature, the same complexion
Encampment night
Encampment night with sound of things, loughter, curses,In the bustle of crafts he got up, here he is
Like a city face the face of the slaughter field is built,
While the camp extending, condemned
To be the human blood shedder and his defender.
Encampment night, singing night, beaten sky night
Night of many hurried crafts, vapor night rising from the boilers,
A night that stirs the spell of friendship spirit
While building a kingdom, a night of wanderings
Standing spread over the individual and the battalions.
From the first night shift, among shore and hill
The sight of the war is suddenly visible,
Like gypsies manner, peg and rope tied,
Within, freedom of travels and emergencies
Within, tools and constitutions are stripped off.
Encampment night, singing night ...
Within, old slogan words, pure poetry is not to be engaged with, G-d forbid
And only popular songs, whose value and preciousness are low, could be fully carried on,
Through shrieking sharp colors of a flute.
He talks about love (in which he opens)
On duty, battle and toil, all in all
He doesn't say this with all the subtleties
Of poetry, but says it loud,
Without complacency or fear of regularity.
Encampment night, singing night ...
Wartime, this is its image too,
Image of sounding stray chorus,
They shall be drawn here like a thread from milk,
To the souls of a whole generation, whom in fields are sawed,
To remember, not only for badness, these bad days.
This too is combined in the war altogether,
Like a hit of spring time stirred in night and blackness.
All this from a mound and river banks will
Ascend in flight to be cut down again with a howl
Of a man leaping and a man shooting and a man falling,
Of a man leaping and a man shooting and a man falling ...
Girl From The Coast (Polka Music)
When an ilussion is a water hyacinthFlowing through those waters
Bowing adrift...
When hope is an islet
Where crows and caracaras1
Immediatly make their lair...
The girl from the coast asks, crying:
'Where is my love, praying mantis?'
And the praying mantis, as if nodding 'no'
Sways his body
In the willow branch
Girl from the coast
Blooming ceibo2 of the shore
Woodcutter and laundress
Faithful Paraná's3 daughter
Girl from the coast
Don't wait at the breakwater
'Cause the boat of the woodcutter
May never come back
Boats carrying4
Woods and fruit trees
Go by echoing in silence
Wakes left behind4
Shine, play with the current
Kissing the reed beds
The girl from the coast asks, crying:
'Where is my love, praying mantis?'
And the praying mantis, as if nodding 'no'
Sways his body
In the willow branch
I might be lost,but I perfectly know where I am.
I am in the crowd again
alone once again.
I am talking to you,
but you are not here,
you left me alone,
because my stupidity is for two.
Ask me how am I,
watch my stories,
I know everyone keep talking about me,
everyone knows me,
who loves me.
I think about you, but taking off the clothes of another.
I drank all my tears,
I am switching to vodka now.
I said, I am yours, however I became everyone' street cat.
I often wake up
around six
And find myself at your address
I ring the bell,
then I begin to run.
It's time to go back to sleep *(dream).
Whatever I touch I break it.
I started with myself.
Now I look like a zebra
from all the scars.
(Maybe the problem is in me.
Maybe I am insane.
But I am just learning to breath again...
To breath without you.)
I put on all these carats,
I gave up my body to strangers.
I was with women that I dreamed
to say I f****d with.
But all this just made me lose myself
You are like a coffee (caffein) - you keep me awake
Where I keep being inlove with you.
I drink too much,
at night I am never there
if I was a female,
I wouldn't be a lady.
Guilt hangs over me like a crucifix
My curse now is to be alone in the crowd
(Maybe the problems is in me,
Maybe I am insane.
But I am just learning to breathe again...
to breathe without you.)
20 carat gold on a ring,
ever since I am named after a German,
I lead the world thinking I am cool,
just so they don't see I am actually a loser.
And when I take a breath I let myself believe that maybe I feel you,
maybe I taste you,
I allowed myself to lose you,
but I don't allow myself to let you go.
12 empty bottles on the table
I fall asleep at the terrace once again
I look at myself in the mirror and I think
When did you lose your class?
Hanging over a toilet I am praying to you,
but If I was you I wouldn't have answered either.
(Maybe the problems is in me,
Maybe I am insane.
But I am just learning to breathe again...
to breathe without you.)
The tangomaniac
She was the daughter of the daughter of the daughter of the daughter of the daughter ofSomeone very famous
She wasn't the duaghter of the vegetable seller
She wasn't the daughter of guys like you and me
She wasn't the daughter of good money
Even if maybe her great-grandson sweated
They called her the tangomaniac
'I go from milonga to milonga', she said
And when she took classes
She went from tutor to tutor
She was the daughter of...
She came from a fine family
From the fifth generation
She came from a good family
Of those you read about in the newspaper La Nación
She was the daughter of someone influential
I'm not a good boy
I'm more of a bad boy
But if you want it so much
I can be your glam boy
Hey, tangomaniac, tangomaniac
How much more do you want to spend?
Tangomaniac, tangomaniac
Buy us another round!
She was the daughter of...
Don't Want to Understand
When the world changed unknowinglySometimes I miss the way I used to be
Even though my dreams are far fetched
Just thinking about it is a kind of happiness
After gaining something, what have I lost at the same time?
And longing for love will actually bring out my weakness
You've allowed me to grow up in the mist
My hearts starts to feel complicated
I don't want to let go, I don't want to understand
Regardless of who provoked who, we didn't mean it in our words
Hurting each other with lies, is all due to our feeling of insecurity
Because we are afraid of not being able to grasp something
I don't want to let go, I don't want to understand
Who said that giving up your love will be more memorable?
Relying on each other is love not burden
Caring for each other is happiness.
When the world changed unknowingly
Sometimes I miss the way I used to be
Even though my dreams are far fetched
Just thinking about it is a kind of happiness
After gaining something, what have I lost at the same time?
And longing for love will actually bring out my weakness
You've allowed me to grow up in the mist
My hearts starts to feel complicated
I don't want to let go, I don't want to understand
Regardless of who provoked who, we didn't mean it in our words
Hurting each other with lies, is all due to our feeling of insecurity
Because we are afraid of not being able to grasp something
I don't want to let go, I don't want to understand
Who said that giving up your love will be more memorable?
Relying on each other is love not burden
Being able to hold our hands together is the most touching moment
I'm willing to give up the whole universe in one second
and cuddle close together on a small planet with only us.
I don't want to let go, I don't want to understand
Regardless of who provoked who, we didn't mean it in our words
Hurting each other with lies, is all due to our feeling of insecurity
Because we are afraid of not being able to grasp something
No matter how much I don't want to let go, no matter how much I don't understand
Who said that giving up your love will be more memorable?
Relying on each other is love not burden
Being able to hold our hands together is the most touching moment
Hurting each other with lies, is all due to our feeling of insecurity
Because we are afraid of not being able to grasp something
No matter how much I don't want to let go, no matter how much I don't understand
Who said that giving up your love will be more memorable?
Relying on each other is love not burden
Being able to hold our hands together is the most touching moment
Empty, the white sky has become tainted againWhat am I considered, awoken now, but still where I had began
White, the minerals of the soul, are easily fragmented
Fallen into my eyes, I want to cry, but there are no tears
I want to take everything, and break them into pieces
Only when it’s all destroyed, can I be given a bit of joy
You are an invisible wound
Without a reason, you took a bite
All the more love, is still not enough
Still not enough, not enough, absolutely perfect, this wound
Empty, the white sky has become tainted again
Who am I afraid of seeing? That useless comfort
White, the ashes of my naked heart, easily broken
Fallen into my eyes, I want to cry, but there are no tears
Even with myself, I want to break into pieces
Only when it’s all destroyed, can I be given a bit of joy
You are an invisible wound
Without a reason, you took a bite
All the more love, is still not enough
Still not enough, not enough, absolutely perfect, this wound
Still not enough, yet I still have.
Not enough, yet I still have
Empty, I won’t avoid it, I’ll let you become crushed
Only when I have you, can I be given that bit of joy
You are an invisible wound
Without a reason, you took a bite
All the more love, is still not enough
Still not enough, not enough, absolutely perfect, this wound
You are an invisible wound
Without a reason, you took a bite
All the more love, is still not enough
Still not enough, not enough, absolutely perfect, this wound
We have all lost love onceFrom you I got to know what is to leave a deep impression
The flower season that was missed, my heart too knotted and frozen to ice
We have all put in a lot of effort once, but we’re always sighing
Always having questions, so I leave
Occasionally very awake, but occasionally resist
Occasionally sleepy, occasionally very heartbroken
When we practice repeatedly
Wanting to reset our love to zero, but there’s nothing we can do
Occasionally very happy, but occasionally it rains
Occasionally there’s a dream, occasionally I miss you much
Now we are both in silence
And made that decision, but I don’t want to see you again
We have all lost love once
From you I got to know what is to leave a deep impression
The flower season that was missed, my heart too knotted and frozen to ice
We have all put in a lot of effort once, but we’re always sighing
Always having questions, so I leave
Occasionally very awake, but occasionally resist
Occasionally sleepy, occasionally very heartbroken
When we practice repeatedly
Wanting to reset our love to zero, but there’s nothing we can do
Occasionally very happy, but occasionally it rains
Occasionally there’s a dream, occasionally I miss you much
Now we are both in silence
And made that decision, but I don’t want to see you again
Occasionally very awake, but occasionally resist
Occasionally sleepy, occasionally very heartbroken
When we practice repeatedly
Wanting to reset our love to zero, but there’s nothing we can do
Occasionally very happy, but occasionally it rains
Occasionally there’s a dream, occasionally I miss you much
Now we are both in silence
And made that decision, but I don’t want to see you again
I deserve you
Your love is a fantasy.You are the joy of my lifetime.
Once I see you, my heart trembles.
And my pulse becomes not stable.
I got true love
At time a love became a lie.
Stay close, I want you alone
In my breath like perfume
I live for you .. I deserve you .. In my pulse I meet you
In love hug .. We don't part .. I will stay always with you
Your love taught me to forget my soul in your hands.
My eyes don't see anyone but you, and I see my world with you.
Everything inside me says I love you
My heart has found no one like you
My life is sweet when I am near you
Together forever, we will be
If I tell you about the feelings
That make me fly to the sky
I become addicted to you so much
You became the most valuable things in my life
When you came .. Near you I found .. My life completed
You are my destiny .. My heaven .. With your love I live
With you my life, my mind, and without you I would not be.
This is the first time I fall in love... and I crossed the limit of madness.
Love is a dramatic thingIt shakes the heavens and earth
Look at all the relationships that have been forged through conflict
See how exciting they are!
Love is a dramatic thing
It shakes the heavens and earth
Look at all the relationships that have been forged through conflict
See how exciting they are!
L'amour, l'amour (love, love)
L'amour, l'amour (love, love)
Have some courage, have some courage
Only then can you hope to win in love
Without courage, without courage
I urge you to save your energy and give up
Everyone wants to marry a hero
How can you love a good-for-nothing?
You should think about yourself
Can you satisfy people?
Satisfying people is easy,
You just need courage
You want to be a hero
You still have time to do so
If you still don't work hard
No woman is going to love you
Satisfying people is easy,
You just need courage
You want to be a hero
You still have time to do so
If you still don't work hard
No woman is going to love you
Be Grateful to our Parents
During the long night feeling emptiness I reminisce about the pastWhen the moon is clear I think about my mother
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
How can't you be sad when you miss them
During the long night feeling emptiness I sob on my cold pillow
The path is long, The blue ocean represents my heart
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
I always ask how can I repay my parents
We should repay kindness to our parents
We should fulfill our filial duties
However I have left
and can't be with them
Softly playing a melody and sending it in my dreams
During the long night feeling emptiness I sob on my cold pillow
The path is long, The blue ocean represents my heart
Parent's love
Soft and kind like the moon
I always ask how can I repay my parents
Fucking 80's
Left on the airportGrew up backstage but
Picks up at daycare
Nobody can flee, lives like everyone else
Somebody's messed with me
Remain on the pew
Forgotten trends, oh when
The sea beats against Gothenburg
Ya' cool but old
So ya cool but old
I'm young but got no clue
But you can keep on living
In your fucking 80's
Falls asleep, too busy eh
See ya after the weekend
More cash and parts
Gladly inside the customs
A game to come with
Too late in life, it's
Forgotten friends and when
The wind overthrows Gothenburg
Ya' cool but old
So ya' cool but old
I'm young but got no clue
But you can keep on living
In your fucking 80's
Please do take the cash with ya
Before you slam my door
Who cares 'bout what remains
I may be young n' quiet
But when I speak I mean what I say
Well how sensational
Without ever putting down ya foot
You see heads leaned against the pews
N' every Sunday in clothes someone else wants
You can fuck around in Vasa
Much as you want
As cranes are flying away
Gloomy morning, sorrowful callsAgain I hear in the distance.
The farewell greeting falls
From cranes in the bleak sky's instance.
Do you recall when in the spring
We used to meet them by the river.
How did it happen, I know not,
That I get to see them fly away
On my own…
On a bright morning in the spring,
With the song of joy and love,
To their old nests above the river,
Again, cranes will return.
Only to greet then upon that spring,
Another to the river you will bring.
How did it happen, I know not,
That with the beloved couldn’t nest
I alone…
I'm going around drunkEverything's true when I'm pulling all-nighters
She doesn't want to come back
She's turning me to ash, she doesn't want contact
I only want you, and I can't stand it
He'll come back to me
He's turning me to ash, he doesn't want contact
I'm watching your stories and I know you're pretending
Baby, you can't hide anything from me
You're playing as if you're doing okay, as if you forgot me
But I can see in your eyes that you're still thinking about me
After our first contact, I wanted to live it again from the beginning
But I can't rewind time, to go back and not know you
Never, never, as if it never happened
Never, never, the two of us are fading away
If I left you alone, you'd know how I feel
I never imagined that I'd miss you so much
I'm going around drunk
Everything's true when I'm pulling all-nighters
She doesn't want to come back
She's turning me to ash, she doesn't want contact
I only want you, and I can't stand it
He'll come back to me
He's turning me to ash, he doesn't want contact