Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 30

Találatok száma: 1397


I loved you

It looks that you were right again when you told me to forget you,
but I didn't want to listen and kept you in my heart.
I was still hoping you'll come back, but I didn't knew
that you were really wanting to break from the past.
I didn't knew, oh, no, no, no...
I loved you
If you knew how I loved you!...
Can you imagine the love
from minus to plus-infinilty?...
I loved you
If you knew how I loved you!...
Can you imagine the love
from minus to plus-infinilty?...
I was sitting hours and hours looking at the window
and I only had our image in front of my eyes.
I knew that you were with someone else and I wished that I could hate you
but it couldn't work...
I couldn't, oh, no, no, no...
I love to believe tha, actually, you didn't deserve me
and in my life I'd love somebody else more
And then, every day I'm thinking of you
and I'm afraid of the thought that maybe I still love you!...

Into the I-LAND

Versions: #1
I got pushed, I came here by being pushed
At the front of the door of my dreams that I wandered and found for a long time
Inside of me, that small song
That small song brought me here
Even though I'm lonely, there's no place to lean on
Even though I'm distressed, there's no stopping
the meaning of the time that I just held back and endured
now that I, after meeting you
After holding hands, I realized that reason
Yeah I’m scared even though I'm afraid
Run powerfully let's just try
It’s our chance, the countless engraved
The passed footprints know
Woah oh
Becoming friends, walk together with me
Let’s just run for our lives
Woah oh
Hold our your hands and promise
Let’s just run for our lives
Woah oh
The door of the future opens and the day of promise can be seen
You & I
We can fly
You too different me, I too different you
Let’s just run for our lives
Woah oh
You and my dreams of I-LAND
Run for your heart run for your life
You and my dreams of I-LAND
Run for your heart run for your life
Even though I'm lonely, there's no place to lean on
Even though I'm distressed, there's no stopping
To me, the earth was just like an island
But right now, you are at my side right now
You are running together at my side right now
Yeah I’m scared even though I'm nervous
Go without stopping, let's just try
It’s our chance, the countless engraved
The passed footprints know
Woah oh
Becoming friends, walk together with me
Let’s just run for our lives
Woah oh
Hold our your hands and promise
Let’s just run for our lives
Woah oh
The relationship between the island and island called 'I'
Connecting a small line and building a strong bridge
Now I & I & I & I are I-LAND
You and I, You and I, You and I, became as one
Woah oh
You and my dreams of I-LAND
Run for your heart run for your life
You and my dreams of I-LAND
Run for your heart run for your life
Woah oh
Becoming friends, walk together with me
Let’s just run for our lives
Woah oh
Hold our your hands and promise
Let’s just run for our lives
Woah oh
Dream flowers bloom in reality, and flowers shine in the flames
You & I
We can fly
You too different me, I too different you
Let’s just run for our lives
Woah oh
Run for your dream


Ki ragadta el álmainkat
S tette őket nevetséggé?
Ki teremtett kinket hozzá hasonlóvá
S szított haragot bennünk?
Miért oly könnyű az ujjakat
Ökölbe szorítani?
Miért van az, hogy a mi ajkaink
Kígyók nyelvén beszélnek?
A szépség múlandó
Rút, s kőszerű
Ki e boldogsággal henceg
Annak bűnhődnie kell
A kárhozat gyermekei énekelnek
Egy gyönyörű, fekete zsoltárt
Az eke dühösen előre rohan
S a vérvonal hátramarad
Ki adott jogot
A Világon az erőszakra?
Ki mondta ki a leggyengébbre
A megsemmisítő halálos ítéletet?
A szépség múlandó
Rút, s kőszerű
Ki e boldogsággal henceg
Annak bűnhődnie kell
A kárhozat gyermekei énekelnek
Egy gyönyörű, fekete zsoltárt
Az eke dühösen előre rohan
S a vérvonal hátramarad
A szépség múlandó
Rút, s kőszerű
Ki e boldogsággal henceg
Annak bűnhődnie kell
A kárhozat gyermekei énekelnek
Egy gyönyörű, fekete zsoltárt
Az eke dühösen előre rohan
S a vérvonal hátramarad
Mögöttünk megmarad
Mögöttünk megmarad
Mögöttünk megmarad
Mögöttünk megmarad

BWV 248 VI, 9 Air T: Now, you arrogant enemies.

Now, you arrogant enemies, may try to scare me
What sort of fear can you arouse in me
My treasure, my refuge, is here with me
Though you may appear ever so fierce
And threatened to cast me down once and for all
Yet see! My saviour lives here

Ballad of the youngest son

On the plain, in the distance, a farm seems
In it's little garden a widow sitting, her face is wet from tears
Her husband, and two of her sons can be seen only in the heaven
She is begging to the youngest, but he wishes the fight
I know son, you want to go, but do not go, please
I lost so many things, please at least you, stay with me
Your father, two of your brothers are resting in the deep,
You are the dearest for me, my most beautiful child
I have to go, my dear mother, this is my only hope,
I have to save my poor, orphan homeland
We will beat the romanians, through shrubberies, forests and fields
We will take back that has been ours for thousand year
I know son, you want to go, but do not go, please
If you go now, you will not come back to me,
You have a nice lover, she has been waiting for you for a long time,
You will see her, dressed in black, on a new funeral
I have to go, my dear mother, this is my only hope,
I have to save my poor, orphan homeland
We will beat the romanians, through shrubberies, forests and fields
We will take back that has been ours for thousand year
You see son, you did not, you did not listen to me,
I have lost everything, only sadness remains,
You died for your beautiful fatherland, you are in the skies now
I am in the graveyard, last time as a mother

Chained by One Chain

Frankpledge is greasy like soot
I take someone’s hand but feel an elbow
I look for the eyes but feel a look
Where above the heads there is a butt
The red sunrise is followed by the pink sunset
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one...
Here, the joints are frail, and the spaces are huge
Here, the trains were crumpled to make columns
Some words are for kitchens, others are for streets
Here, the eagles were dropped, to give space to broiler chickens
And even when kissing, I keep my eyes on...
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
One can believe in the absence of faith
One can do when there is nothing to do
Beggars are praying, praying that
Their poverty is guaranteed
Here you can play trumpet for yourself
But however you play, you always play taps
And if there are those who come to you
There will be those who come for you
As you..
chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one...
Here, women are seeking, but they only find age
Here, fatigue is considered as the measure of work
There are no villains in leather cabinets here
Here, the first ones look like the last ones
And no less than the last ones they are probably tired
To be...
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal
Chained by one chain
Bound by one goal

BWV 248 VI, 5 Recitative T: When they had heard the king.

Recitative T (Mt. 2, 9-11)
When they had heard the king,
they went on their way. And behold the star,
which they had seen in the East
went before them, until it came and stood
over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star,
they were highly delighted,
entered that house,
found the child with Mary his mother,
So they fell down and worshiped him,
opened their treasures
and presented him gold, incense and myrrh.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio VI, 1 Chorus: Lord, when our boastful foes blow fury.

Lord, when our boastful foes blow fury,
Help us to keep our faith unshaken
And to thy might and help to look!
We would make thee our sole reliance
And thus unharmed the cutting talons
And clutches of the foe escape.

When We Were Us

Times that were so far back that I can’t reach
We were so beautiful then
Each word I said with a hushed breath
Made your face red
During those beautiful times, you and I
It took such a long time for us
The memories are too painful for me
So I hid the memories of you
You, who used to love walking on the street
That was filled with the scent of flowers
Our shining season couldn’t be stopped
Along with the beautifully fallen rain in our hearts
I go back several times
To hold you and hold you
During those blue summer days of crying and laughing
I long for it
Our fingertips were filled with warmth
On that night we couldn’t let go of each other’s hands
The warm breeze blew over
In that blue season, in that place
But now I’m there alone
Our shining season couldn’t be stopped
Along with the beautifully fallen rain in our hearts
I go back several times
To hold you and hold you
During those blue summer days of crying and laughing
Flying through the rough nights
We stayed together
If only I could go back to those times
And see you again
It was only you
Who made me breathe
You shined so beautifully in my heart
I loved you several times over
When I held your hand
During those blue summer days of crying and laughing
I long for it

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio VI, Recitative T: Then Herod secretly summoned the Wisemen.

Recitative T B (Mt. 2, 7-8)
Then Herod secretly summoned the Wisemen,
and with diligence he learned from them
when the star was to appear.
And he sent them forth to Bethlehem and said:
Go there and look diligently for the baby,
and when you find him, bring me word,
that I as well may come and worship him.

BWV 248 VI, 4 Air S: Just a wave of your hand.

Air S
Just a wave of your hand
Casts down the powerless strength of men.
Here all might is derided
If the highest speaks one word
To put an end to the pride of his enemies,
Oh, then at once must
Thoughts of mortals be changed.


My eyelids are shaking
It's ok! I'm alright!
Here's how we separate
Your steps on the asphalt ...
We get lost and it's not easy
It's a fight of pride.
An unforgivable skid
It's a repeated rhythm.
And it hurts to forget
You will forget to wish
And the sea hurts me too
I want you to find me
My soul is empty of you
Like my weakness, it's you!
It's empty of you in my world
Yes, you are my weakness
I'm alone at night
I want you! Yes I'm sure!
Let's reconcile,
we're leaving again!
It's all distorted
Out of nowhere,
What are we arguing about?
I forgot to dream!
Yes, it hurts to forget
You will forget to wish
And the sea hurts me too
I want you to find me
My soul is empty of you
Like my weakness, it's you!
It's empty of you in my world
Yes, you are my weakness
Throw the coin in the air and choose.
It's time to leave or get along!
How was it? 'Let no one untie!'

Meteor Shower

The loving starry sky should make you feel touched. I'm here by your side, decorating a piece of heaven for you.
I wouldn't allow you to feel sad, I'll chase away your loneliness. The weight of your unfufilled dreams, let me bear them all.
Leading you by the hand. Doesn't matter how strong the wind becomes. For you have me now, you'll never lose your way again.
Watching the meteor rain fall onto Earth with you. Letting your tears fall on my shoulder.
I want you to believe my love will brave everything solely for you. And I'll show you where Happiness lies.
If you have too much sadness, leave your heart for me to protect. The tired fireworks, I'll chase them away for you.
Flowery words is only decorative. If I am silent, that's because I love you too much.
Leading you by the hand. Doesn't matter how strong the wind becomes. For you have me now, you'll never lose your way again.
Watching the meteor rain fall onto Earth with you. Letting your tears fall on my shoulder.
I want you to believe my love will brave everything solely for you. And I'll show you where Happiness lies.
The rain has stopped, the clouds have parted. Leaving behind a lovely warmth. I want to share the tears in your eyes.
Watching the meteor rain fall onto Earth with you, Letting your tears fall on my shoulder.
I want you to believe my love will brave everything solely for you, And I'll show you where Happiness lies.
Watching the meteor rain fall onto Earth with you. Letting your tears fall on my shoulder.
I want you to believe my love will brave everything solely for you. And I'll show you where Happiness lies.
And I'll show you where Happiness lies.

I don't believe that I ever loved you

It's too late to remember or too early
I'm happy that I'm living without your eyes
You'd take it all away if you could
but you can't take my hope
You can't see that I'm still living, I'm OK.
I'm leaving you in my mind for the thousand time
I'm out of your game and I don't regret
You'd take it all away if you could
you can't take my freedom
I'm doing what I want with my life!
I don't believe that I ever loved you
Maybe I've dreamed, but I woke up
Why would I tell you what I took with you
I'd love to believe that you never existed
Over the dying loves, time is lying
but mistakes are hurting us, oh, God, how they hurt!
Healing is coming slowly
but I don't repeat the mistake
So long, my love!
It's too late to remember or too early
I'm happy that I'm living without your eyes
You'd take it all away if you could
you can't take my freedom
I'm doing what I want with my life!
Chorus x2

(Never) tell love stay

What can I tell you so you won't go?
What word, of all that is?
It's no leaf in the wind...
What looks can make you?
Just a step
that's left of it...
What can I do so you won't wanna chose
when you let a tear under your steps
from the coward eyes?
It's late, but I want you to understand
that it's never a begining of a road
the moment of now...
Never tell love 'stay'
if it forgets the first truth easily.
Never tell love 'stay a little more'
if you don't have forgiveness in your soul to give
What can I tell you so you won't go?
What word, of all that is?
It's no leaf in the wind...
What looks can make you?
Just a step
that's left of it...
Loves are getting born and are dying
So hard or so easy
Only the ones that are caught in them
are remaining unreached by others
Chorus x3

BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 4 Air S: Does your name instil, my saviour.

Air S
Does your name instil, my saviour, does it instil
Even the tiniest seed
Of that fierce terror?
No, you yourself say (No!)
Shall I now be afraid of death?
No, your sweet word is there!
Or should I rejoice?
Yes, you my saviour say it yourself (Yes !)

BWV 248 IV Cntata for New Year 2 And when eight days were passed.

Recitative T
And when eight days were passed
And the child was to be circumcised
He was given the name Jesus
as he had been called by the angel
Before he was conceived in his mother's body.

BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 6 Aria T: I will live only for Your honor.

I will live only for Your honor,
my Savior, give me strength and courage,
so that my heart can do it eagerly!
Strengthen me
to exalt Your mercy worthily
and with gratitude!

BWV 248 Cantata for New Year, 1.Chorus: With gratitude, with praise.

With gratitude, with praise,
fall before the Almighty's throne of grace!
God's Son
desires to become
the Savior and Redeemer of the world,
God's Son
suppresses the rage and fury of the enemy.

BWV 248 IV Cantata for new year 5 Recitative B S: O joy, thy name shall now alone.

O joy, thy name shall now alone
Within my bosom dwell!
Jesus, my true joy and pleasure,
My true treasure, share and hope,
Thus will I call thy name with rapture
When breast and heart for thee with love are burning.
My salvation, crown and health,
But, dearest, tell me now:
How thee to praise, how thee to thank.
King and shepherd, sun and radiance,
Ah, how shall I worthily,
My Lord Jesus, give thee praise?

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 10: Aludj, drágám, élvezd a nyugalmat.

Ária A
Aludj, drágám, élvezd a nyugalmat,
egykor majd felébredsz mindnyájunk üdvére.
Most légy boldog
anyád kebelén
szívünk örömére.

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 8: Nézzétek, ott fekszik a sötét istállóban.

8. Korál
Nézzétek, ott fekszik a sötét istállóban,
kinek uralma mindenre kiterjed!
Hol elébb egy jószág kereste táplálékát,
ott most a Szűznek gyermeke pihen.

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 9: Pásztorok, menjetek oda.

Recitativo B
Pásztorok, menjetek oda,
hogy lássátok a csodát,
ott találjátok majd Isten Fiát
kemény jászolban feküdni.
Énekeljetek bölcsőjénél
kedves hangon altató dalt,
együtt a kórussal.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 10: Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.

Air A
Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.
wake after this so that all may thrive!
Comfort the breast,
feel the pleasure
with which we make glad our hearts!

BWV 248 II, 8 Chorale: Look, there lies in the dark stable.

8. Chorale
Look, there lies in the dark stable
one who has dominion over all!
Where once an ox sought food
now rests the Virgin's child.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 9: Then go there, you shepherds, go.

Recitativ B
Then go there, you shepherds, go,
that you may see the wonder:
And if you find the son of the Highest
lying in a hard manger,
then sing to him in his cradle
in a sweet tone
and with the whole choir
this song for his rest!

BWV 248, II, 4 Recitative B: What God promised to Abraham.

What God promised to Abraham
He now allows to the band of shepherds
To be shown as fulfilled.
A shepherd had all beforehand
to learn from God.
And now also a shepherd must of the deed
that was promised in the past
first know of the fulfilment.

A filozófus barista

Az emberek olyanok ezen a világon
akár a kávébabok a darálóban:
ki előbb, mások utóbb, egyesek utánuk
de mindannyian haladnak egyazon sors felé.
Gyakran helyet változtatnak, sokszor
elnyomja a termetes bab a parányit
és betömörülnek a fém őrlőbe
ami majd finom porrá zúzza őket.
Így élnek az emberek a Földön
a sors keze által összekeverve
mely forgatja is őket körbe-körbe.
és mindenki ráérősen vagy fürgén mozog,
mindannyian süllyednek - anélkül, hogy észrevennék -
majd beleesnek a Halál torkába.


I’m twenty three
Ah, I don't know if you'll get hurt
I’m twenty twenty three
But don't lose me
I’m twenty three
Ha, just only wait a night
I’m twenty twenty three
I bloom, bloom in your arms
Baby I'll go when the moon comes up
Leave the bright red candle lit on
Black and melty red
Don't think of wrapping me away
I am being very sensitive
I'll wear clothes that I've never wore 입은 적 없는 옷을 입을게요
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
I'll put on a face that I've never had before
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
Look at me
I’m twenty three
Ah, I don't know if you'll get hurt
I’m twenty twenty three
But don't lose me
I’m twenty three
Ha, just only wait a night
I’m twenty twenty three
I bloom, I'm blooming in your arms
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
I bloom, I'm blooming in your arms
Baby which flavour do you like?
Which colour do you want?
I want to know everything 다 알고 싶어
Where is your switch?
Can I visit that place, me
Show me a place that I've never been before
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
I'm okay if I'm panting when you are taking me
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
I like it
I’m twenty three
Ah, I don't know if you'll get hurt
I’m twenty twenty three
But don't lose me
I’m twenty three
Ha, just only wait a night
I’m twenty twenty-three
I bloom, I'm blooming in your arms
Black and melty red
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet
Black and melty red
Sweet, sweet, sweet
I’m twenty three
Ah, I don't know if you'll get hurt
I’m twenty twenty three
But don't lose me
I’m twenty three
Ha, just only wait a night
I’m twenty twenty three
I bloom, I'm blooming in your arms
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)


In the two letters'What are you doing?'
'I want to see you' with my inner heart
In each emoticon
I know my subtle psychology is changing
No, I'm not busy nothing no no
I'm not asleep insomnia nia nia
I'm not with other people now
Yes, I'm thinking of you too
Our square is bloom
Rose bloom with thumb
I think I'm going to smell
The secret garden of only two
I feel bloom I feel bloom I feel bloom
I send you one more
Updated with overnight work
The author of this interesting piece is’’ me me
How is this relationship climax
Good timing right now to move on to act 2
I know it's the same feeling realize la lize
Don't choose a word, just reply la la ly
In my metaphor a little mischievous
I'm curious about your interpretation
Our color is gray and blue
Open a balloon with your thumb
I think it will explode soon
I feel dizzy due to shortness of breath
I feel blue. I feel blue. I feel blue.
Fill it up with you
I think it's love to send without spaces
Would you like to bloom a million rose flowers with me?
Color the petals as you like
Even wither
Our square is bloom
Rose bloom with thumb
I think I'm going to smell it
The secret garden of only two
I feel bloom I feel bloom I feel bloom
I send you one more

last fantasy

I had a good dream.
More beautiful than any flower
Quilting on a cold wind
I opened my eyes today
The seasons have changed all of a sudden.
White sky and blue clouds
Where I was drawn at will
Can we meet again
Will you come to me again
It always looks beautiful
Closer to the world
What will you show me
I'm still scared,
Would it be if I were you
Could you open your heart a little more
You don't need someone
like me
Haven't you
It’s like having a very long sleep.
In the air slightly different from yesterday
When the day is unfamiliar
Somehow, when everything is strange
My morning is someone's night
Of course, that's true
Why is this lonely?
Why sad
It always looks beautiful
Closer to the world
What will you show me
I'm still scared,
Would it be if I were you
Could you open your heart a little more
You don't need someone
Like me
My last fantasy
Forever on my chest
If you can fly
I would go to you
However, the meaning of the dream last night
I believe
I still don't know much
Open that door
You can walk out
Can you wait for me slowly
Please pray for me not to fall
Believe me


Iuuuuu, iuuuuu
there are things that make me sick
and whatever I do I can't evoid them
Iuuuuu, iuuuuu
gross a dog saliva, iuuuu
all those things
iuuuuu, iuuuuu, iuuuuu, iuuuuu, iuuuuu
(iuuuuu, iuuuuu)
Iuuuuu, iuuuuu, Iuuuuu, iuuuuu
(Iuuuuu, iuuuuu)
Iuuuuu, iuuuuu
Iuuuuu, iuuuuu
there are things that make me sick
and whatever I do I can't evoid them
Iuuuuu, iuuuu
there are things that make me sick
and whatever I do I can't evoid them
Iuuuuu, iuuuu
gross a dog saliva, iuuuu
all those things
Iuuuuu, iuuuuu, iuuuuu, iuuuuu, iuuuuu
Iuuuuu, iuuuuu, iuuuuu, uwerkk