Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 36



When evil comes in
Choose the same
Path through the darkness
Path through the darkness
Go through the walls
The bones will show
Where to run and where to pray
To pray
Shot after shot
Is that a heart or guns
Doesn't let go to sleep
It is like that for too long
If there's no other way
We are okay like that
Shooted freedom
They told us
You cannot be strong
You don't know how to be free
But we know better
Because it is about us
About everything we believe
About fire and blood
About our children
Oh oh oh freedom in our yard
Oh oh oh freedom, waited for
Oh oh oh brother, sister, let's go let's go
Let's meet it
Oh oh oh freedom in our yard
Oh oh oh freedom, waited for
Oh oh oh brother, sister let's go let's go
Let's meet it
Once spoken
We won't shut up
Truth is washing up
Bringing hope back
Hands and hearts
They flown to the sky
That's how our blood is burning
They told us
You cannot be strong
You don't know how to be free
But we know better
Because it is about us
About everything we believe
About fire and blood
About our children
Oh oh oh freedom in our yard
Oh oh oh freedom, waited for
Oh oh oh brother, sister, let's go let's go
Let's meet it
Oh oh oh freedom in our yard
Oh oh oh freedom, waited for
Oh oh oh brother, sister let's go let's go
Let's meet it
Freedom in our hard
Let's meet it

The planet, that is created for happiness

Listen - dew is ringing in the meadows,
The nature is singing at the morning dawn,
Look - the world bathes in sunlight,
And everything is flashing because of dawn radiance.
People, look, how beautiful the world is,
Whether the sun will rise or not - it's within your power,
Don't let turn into rocket shooting range
The planet, that is created for happiness!
What, what will everyone answer to the appeal?
Who, apart from us, can prevent a black explosion?
What, what do you do to keep safe the world,
Where our children are to live?
The constellations with a variety of colors
Glow, like a reflection of the Universe,
And let in this pure world of children's dreams
Only paints have absolute power.
Kindness will overpower the borders,
And reason will rebel against insanity,
Let beauty triumph in the world,
And let sunrise come again tomorrow!

Where the Mountains are

I shall perish there
where rise mounts
coated with forests.
There, my life will end.
I'll start to drink and die of dread.
There, my life will end.
I'll start to drink and die of dread.1
Soon blizzards will come,
Oy, yes frosts will come,
I'll not get warm, be perished,
I'll not get warm, be perished,
I'll start to drink and die of dread.
  • 1. Repeats at the end

A Dream For All (The Chimney-Sweeper)

The Chimney-Sweeper's passing by,
do not step aside frightened!
Look, still he is being joshed
by smiling kids and enamoured.
A wonderfuly black, funny,
sentimentally antiquated
like a fiction he was walking,
covered by smoke as if with a scarf.
With black cheeks, with black brush,
absurdly funny silhouette,
but (you can) touch him stealthily
just for fun and to have luck
Becoming a Chimney-Sweeper is
being all little boys' dream.
Even I, being a girl,
dreamed about it secretly.
Oh dream, do not become old,
for maybe many years later
the chimney-sweepers will be selling
clovers with four leaves.
With black cheeks, with black brush,
absurdly funny silhouette,
but (you can) touch him stealthily
just for fun and to have luck

It’s a different epoch I live in

It’s a different epoch I live in,
And the country is different too,
Just the little kids and the pets that are giving
Me the strength and the wish to come through.
And people are people, they’re asses,
On them, I am just giving up
I haven’t got rose-colored glasses,
It’s the only world, no backup.

La Canción de Funeral

6 a.m. del domingo
Cuando vinieron
Se pusieron sus ropas más negras
Y trataron de mezclarse entre la multitud
Ojalá pudiera,
Derramar una lágrima,
Decir que tan genial estaba
6 a.m. del domingo
Tráeme flores
Entonces di adiós, por favor
Ponme a descansar
La vida es un desastre que te hace mal
Tratas tanto de hacer que cuente
Por eso es que un funeral es tan jodidamente triste
Porque al final te das cuenta
Que ya has pasado por el infierno
A veces debí haber sido un poco más honesta conmigo misma,
Me atoré en todo el drama
Chico, era demasiado agradable
Tantas cosas que quiero decir
Pero mantendré mis sentimientos bajo tierra
Ahora sí solo estoy siendo honesta
(Sólo desearía que lo hicieras)
Tráeme flores
Entonces di adiós, por favor
Ponme a descansar
La vida es un desastre que te hace mal
Tratas tanto de hacer que cuente
Por eso es que un funeral es tan jodidamente triste
Porque al final te das cuenta
Que ya has pasado por el infierno
La vida es un desastre que te hace mal
Tratas tanto de hacer que cuente
Pero ahora que estoy acabada,
Sé que no es tan triste
Porque al final
Me di cuenta
Que ya no tengo problemas


A szívem lángol,
csendben, így senki sem hallja a fájdalmat.
Mint a csend, ami hangosabb egy kiáltó tömegnél,
amikor én kiáltok, senki sem hallja a hangot.
Próbálj nem a szemembe nézni,
megdicsérni az álruhámat,
a részemet, amit nem rejtek el.
Mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Megmutatom a gyönyörű hazugságaimat,
sosem a csúnya sírásomat,
úgyhogy nem kell aggódnod,
amikor búcsú nélkül mész el.
Nem, nem kell a segítséged,
már így is keresztül mentem a poklon,
visszatértem és megtaláltam az Ördögöt az elmémben,
úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
A szívem megáll,
mint egy álló mutató egy összetört órán.
Az idő nem számít, amikor nem érzek semmit,
amikor zuhanok, hang nélkül fogom tenni.
Próbálj nem a szemembe nézni,
megdicsérni az álruhámat,
a részemet, amit nem rejtek el,
Mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Megmutatom a gyönyörű hazugságaimat,
sosem a csúnya sírásomat,
úgyhogy nem kell aggódnod,
amikor búcsú nélkül mész el.
Nem, nem kell a segítséged,
már így is keresztül mentem a poklon,
visszatértem és megtaláltam az Ördögöt az elmémben,
úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felemet.
Oh, oly hideg,
a fejem a földön pihen,
amíg a szél átsuttog a padlólapok repedései alatt
és hidegrázást küld a testemen keresztül.
Most itt az ideje, hogy behunyd a szemed,
a rosszabbik felem felemelkedik,
hogy megmentsen egy darabka poklot.
Úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felem.
Úgyhogy mondd, hogy szereted a jobbik felem.

Oh, in rows are lining up the Kochani gendarme

1. Oh, in rows they are lining up, mother, in rows they are lining up,
the Kochani gendarme, dear mother, the Kochani gendarme.
Oh, they will go, mother, they will go,
by the Kriva Reka, dear mother, by the Kriva Reka.
Oh, they will search for, mother, they will search for,
Iljo the bandit, dear mother, Iljo the bandit.
2. Oh, he wasn’t, Iljo, he wasn’t,
by the Kriva Reka, dear mother, by the Kriva Reka.
Oh, but he was, Iljo, but he was,
in the city of Thessaloniki, dear mother, in a cold tavern.
3. Oh, Iljo was drinking, mother, Iljo was drinking,
wine and brandy, dear mother, wine and brandy.
Oh, he was served by, mother, he was served by,
a Macedonian girl, dear mother, a Macedonian girl.
4. Oh, they understood him, mother, they understood him,
the wretched spies, dear mother, the wretched spies.
Oh, they surrounded, mother, they surrounded,
the cold tavern, dear mother, the cold tavern.
5. Oh, when he saw, mother, when he saw,
Iljo the bandit, dear mother, Iljo the bandit.
Oh, so he took out, mother, he took out,
bombs and cartridges, dear mother, bombs and cartridges.
Oh, so he beat them, mother, he beat them,
all the pursuers, dear mother, all the pursuers

A könnyeim kijózanodnak

Remek, érzem, hogy a fejem átveszi az irányítást
Tíz déjà vu naponta
Egyre jobban elhidegülök
El kellene engednem a fájdalmat
A hazugságaid cukorként égetik a sebeimet
Idővel a sebem beheged majd
Kimerülve, de a könnyeim most kijózanodnak
Átéltem ezt már egyszer, úgyhogy
A súlyt, ami a vállamra nehezedik
El fogom engedni
Életemben először próbálkozom ezzel
Nézd, fordult a kocka
Itt van ez a szenny bennem
Van némi helyem a növekedéshez
A hazugságaid cukorként égetik a sebeimet
Így a zúzódásaim édesek
Idővel elfelejtem, amit tettél
Idővel a sebem beheged majd
Hamarosan vége a kínjaimnak
Ó, fordult a kocka
A könnyeim kijózanodnak
Van némi helyem a növekedéshez
A hazugságaid cukorként égetik a sebeimet
Így a zúzódásaim édesek
Idővel elfelejtem, amit tettél
Idővel a sebem beheged majd

Amikor megöregszünk

Tudom, hogy sose fogom elfelejteni
Azt a napot, amikor először találkoztunk
Hosszú utat tettünk meg azóta
És újra megismétlünk mindent
Az első mosolyodtól
Tudtam, hogy mérföldeket sétálnék
Látod, ezt igazából tudod is
Te sose akartál elereszteni
Ezek azok az okok
Szeretném ha tudnád, oh oh oh
Te teszed olyan otthonossá ezt a helyet
Ezek azok az okok
Amiért nem tudlak elereszteni, oh oh oh
Énekeljük el a dalt, amit mi írtunk
Amikor megöregszünk, ah ah oh
Amikor megöregszünk, ah ah oh
Nem számít, hogy milyen bajok jönnek az utunkon
Úgy érzem itt maradok
Te voltál az igazi a kezdetektől
És a szívedbe engedtél
Ennyi idő után
Utálom a viszlát hangját
És ha te hagyod el ezt a szót
Ezek azok az okok
Szeretném ha tudnád, oh oh oh
Te teszed olyan otthonossá ezt a helyet
Ezek azok az okok
Amiért nem tudlak elereszteni, oh oh oh
Énekeljük el a dalt, amit mi írtunk
Amikor megöregszünk, ah ah oh
Amikor megöregszünk, ah ah oh
Az első igazi csókunktól
Tudtam, hogy ez így fog végződni
Nem félek az öregedéstől
Amennyiben a kezedet fogom


Versions: #2
I was just a little girl that year
We saw my brother off to the Afghani war
I gave my brother a mystic medallion
To keep him safe from the enemy's well-aimed rounds
Drying her tears, (our) mother said:
'Dear son, your mom will wait for you,
You (go) be a man...I love you,
I pray that The Almighty will protect you'
Glory...to those slain sons
Glory...to those that passed through Afghanistan
Glory...to our mothers
Glory, honour and glory to you
The days they drug on, and a month,..as though a year
And (our) mother was at the doorway waiting for her son
But her son was slain by the mujahedin in battle,
The medallion clenched in his blood-drenched hand
And there, that was war, because that was Afghanistan
And so there arose our black tulip
But in the butchery they always do, so it is in a war
They all have served their country
Glory...to those slain sons
Glory...to those that passed through Afghanistan
Glory...to our mothers
Glory, honour and glory to you
Glory...to those slain sons
Glory...to those that passed through Afghanistan
Glory...to our mothers
Glory, honour and glory to you

God of the Autumn

Rains of the autumn washed the streets
I walked through the fog in searching of you
Day after day, night after night
With the winds of the autumn - lost the hope
Between the falling leaves searched the eyes
Believing didn't stayed, I want to be the God
Between the falling leaves searched the eyes
Believing didn't stayed, I want to be the God
That like the God - in infinity of persons I would exist
Throughout the world would wander at one time.
That would in every bus to drive
That would in every crowd to explore
When to the swimming boat of the autumn dream you would ascend
In the grey, dreary stop.

He Stole (Stolen Heart)

The heart of mine Sultan stole
He stole
The sky quite often looks me in the eyes,
You'll become part of my life.
It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all your words,
You rather listen to your heart.
Your gentle touches, your fairy tales drive only the others crazy
You will comprehend that a fairy tale is not a lie
I won't desguise: what's going on with me, I myself cannot find out...
You take a knife to your heart!
How to forbid so that nobody steals my heart?
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.
He stole
A bright sun, the grape vine turned into red,
You took without asking - therefore you stole.
Everything's fine, you agree look into my eyes,
Who told you so about me?
The heart beats, it will get broken, I'll keep it safe with me,
You will become part of my life
Smile and fall in love trust your lot,
Then steal the heart right away
After all since ever people were stealing hearts
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
'Everything's fine, you agree while looking into my eyes
'It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all my words'
'Everything's fine, you agree while looking into my eyes
'It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all my words'
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.

I will

I will, I will, will be yours,
Аnd you just let me.
I will, I will, will be yours,
And you just trust me...
Stop, wait,
Hold my breath.
Among the gray days,
Mom, I'm going crazy with desire.
Open your secrets,
I so want to know about you.
I can not forget,
Night before the morning to remember with you.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just let me.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just trust me.
I will, I will, I will be more gentle,
If only you were just pleased.
I will, I will, I will be stronger,
And my love is in your hand.
I embody my dreams,
I turn into reality.
When you are not around,
You are my virtuality.
Yau, yau
Many talk, and you listen to me,
I'm ready to be the best husband for you.
Through the thorn to the stars together,
you and I will be more interesting.
Secret moments and joys
We will carry with you to old age.
Forever young, in our reality...
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just let me.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just trust me.
I will, I will, I will be more gentle,
If only you were just pleased.
I will, I will, I will be stronger,
And my love is in your hand.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just let me.
I will, I will, I will be yours,
And you just trust me.
I will, I will, I will be more gentle,
If only you were just pleased.
I will, I will, I will be stronger,
And my love is in your hand.

While I love

We don’t need to talk anymore
I can already promise
Through that long road
I’ll go with you.
From one smile
The whole world will stop for me
Because when you love so strong
It seems you could die
And everything else is not important
While I have your hand
I know I can’t do mistakes
While I love.
Whatever will happen
Just know, you have me
I could forgive anything
And let you inside of my heart - would never let go
Just hug tighter
And remember me that you love
And everything else is not important
While I have your hand
I know I can’t do mistakes
While I love.
I feel it from the start
We’ll go through everything together
And when the end will come
It’s important that you would be close

Overture Requiem

Though Ferdinand has been killed
He will forever be alive
If anyone things different
They'll stay cold and stiff
Mourning ribbons flutter in the streets
The morning dawns in dark tones
*Even the dogs howl
Along the sorrowful nation
Oh, Austria, Oh, Austria
Stop drinking beer at pubs
Hurry up and load the cannons
And blow everyone up in the air
Mourning ribbons flutter in the streets
The morning dawns in dark tones
*Even the dogs howl
Along the sorrowful nation
Because Ferdinand is dead
He was our bastion
To guns, wives and men
The kaiser's country must be saved


You came here with all of your dramas - from whom are they?
I've got my own dramas, why should I bear someone else's?
Don't touch my feelings with your dirty hands - I've hidden them behind glass.
Your hands are leaving prints which remain.
No one is guilty - I should have reached to the conclusion -
if you repeat a mistake, then it's a choice.
I can't fool myself and fall in love,
I can't allow myself to lose it all.
If I lose myself, then I lose everything.
I don't want your excuses - things are fine.
I believed in dreams which you sold to me,
but I got tired of loving myself on behalf of both of us.
Seems like someone should teach you a lesson.
You won't believe what's about to happen to you.
You aren't ready, you aren't ready, let me teach you a lesson,
I must teach you a lesson.
You don't know how to love, so you pretend to be someone else.
You may deny it but I drove you crazy.
Yeah, I know and you know that after us you won't be the same.
I will be kind enough to see myself out.
You don't know how to love, so you pretend to be someone else.
You may deny it but I drove you crazy.
Yeah, I know and you know that after us you won't be the same.
I will be kind enough to see myself out.
Late night calls with a sense of guilt in your voice.
You're telling me about our photos in your phone.
Clichés, quotes - please tell me you're joking.
I know what you're aiming at, but you're wasting your time.
I know that nobody likes going to sleep alone.
In the late hours, while you're thinking, I promise that is when
you'll understand how we had it all
and that if you don't have me, you've got nothing.
After thousands of 'I love you's said just like that
in your fantasies you fail again.
You believe in dreams that you sold to yourself,
take the change and love yourself on behalf of both of us.
Seems like someone should teach you a lesson.
You won't believe what's about to happen to you.
You aren't ready, you aren't ready, let me teach you a lesson,
I must teach you a lesson.
You don't know how to love, so you pretend to be someone else.
You may deny it but I drove you crazy.
Yeah, I know and you know that after us you won't be the same.
I will be kind enough to see myself out.
You don't know how to love, so you pretend to be someone else.
You may deny it but I drove you crazy.
Yeah, I know and you know that after us you won't be the same.
I will be kind enough to see myself out.

Indifferent God

(Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever and ever
Lord, I am indifferent
Lord, I am indifferent
Lord, I am indifferent
Lord, I am indifferent
I’ve committed sins and carelessly, without principles
In my defective conscience I don’t fix anything
Lord, I am indifferent
Lord, I am indifferent
Lord, I am indifferent
Lord, I am indifferent
I fall to the ground, onto my pillow, I am forever exhausted
My prayers are empty, boring, but you forgive, for the likes of me are plentiful, nameless
Are those people dearer to you, whose lives are monotonous
With no challenges and dirty sheets?
Do you value the meek and pagans
Who do not understand your grace?
Lord, I have abandoned myself, only your attention still remains
At least help me get out
Of my staged, unpredictable circus of reality which is meant only for myself
Lord, I am indifferent
Lord, I am indifferent
Why don’t I see you?
I am a stone fortress
Have mercy on me!
Let me into your fortress!
My heart will hold out
I will stand on my feet
Look into my eyes!
I want your attention!


This is unbelievable, this is unbelievable
The fact that you like me, oh yeah
This is really unbelievable, this is unbelievable
The fact that you like me
I can’t believe it, baby
I think about it again but it’s still unbelievable
The fact that you came to see me
It’s seriously unbelievable, baby
Oh yeah
Eh this is unbelievable
Anyone can see you have high standards
Not anyone can just go up to you
Yeah yeah, it’s unbelievable
I don’t even want to see our fortune
Instead of my body, my heart goes to you
I’m stealing glances at you
But you stare at me like it’s nothing
When you appear
When we meet eyes in this big crowd of people
This is really unbelievable, this is unbelievable
The fact that you like me
I can’t believe it, baby
I think about it again but it’s still unbelievable
The fact that you came to see me
It’s seriously unbelievable, baby
This is unbelievable
This is unbelievable
This is a weird situation (already)
I’m not used to this yet (you ready)
I like the decibel of your voice
Today is day 1 so celebrate the day
I think about you every day, babe
Relaxed, calm and laid back
Girl, I like the decibel of your voice
Let’s celebrate today, yeah
Every time I see you, you get more attractive
When you come to me
When we meet eyes from far away, eyez
This is really unbelievable, this is unbelievable
The fact that you like me
I can’t believe it, baby
I think about it again but it’s still unbelievable
The fact that you came to see me
It’s seriously unbelievable, baby
My heart keeps pounding as if it’ll explode
When we are together
I can’t believe it, no need to say it twice
You feeling the same way as me
This is unbelievable (no way)
This isn’t a dream (all day)
The fact that I like you, the fact that you like me too
Singing yayaya
This is unbelievable (no way)
What are we? (what)
The fact that I like you, the fact that you like me too
Singing yayaya, baby
This is unbelievable
This is unbelievable