Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 249


I want more

How my eyes are glued to you.
How the stars were extinguished one by one,
our clocks stopped
and our hearts together.
Your kisses like a drink to drink,
and on the lips to put out fires,
in your warm embrace I'll stay,
until morning...
I want more and more and more and more caresses and kisses,
I want it to beat like a crazy heart,
Make me reach for the sky,
And in your body I'll lose myself.
I want more things I've never told you,
Summer, my sea and my sky,
Make me reach for the sky,
And in your body I'll lose myself.
How the caresses travel tonight,
And like flames the bodies dance,
The moments near you enchant me,
And all I have is you...
Your kisses like a drink to drink,
and on the lips to put out fires,
In your warm embrace I'll stay,
Until the morning.
I want more and more and more and more caresses and kisses,
I want it to beat like a crazy heart,
Make me reach for the sky,
And in your body I'll lose myself.
I want more things I've never told you,
Summer, my sea and my sky,
Make me reach for the sky,
And in your body I'll lose myself.

May we have enough life

May we have enough life,
May we have enough will,
May the world come to its senses,
May children not suffer
May the masks disappear from our faces,
May people wake up,
May the system not hurt us,
May we have enough strength
By itself nothing will happen,
By itself nothing will ever come,
By itself emptiness only weighs
By itself only creates the guilty
We will form a procession great
We will form in the shape of a heart
Falsehood and fears flow away
So that evil will not take place
May we have enough life,
May we have enough will,
May the world come to its senses,
May children not suffer
May the masks disappear from our faces,
May people wake up,
May the system not hurt us,
May we have enough strength
We have much to do,
We have ourselves without divisions,
We have hearts to change the course
Of history for the Poles
For Poles, for nations,
For humanity and for the world
For freedom without exception
It is time for the rag to fall down
May we have enough life,
May we have enough will,
May the world come to its senses,
May children not suffer
May the masks disappear from our faces,
May people wake up,
May the system not hurt us,
May we have enough strength

Raspberry tree

Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine!
In the garden there is a berry-little raspberry, raspberry of mine!
Ah, under the pine, the green one,
Lay me down to sleep!
Oh-swing, sway, oh-swing, sway,
Lay me down to sleep!
Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine!
In the garden there is a berry-little raspberry, raspberry of mine!
Ah, little pine, little green one
Don’t rustle above me!
Ay-lyuli, lyuli, ay-lyuli, lyuli,
Don’t rustle above me!
Chorus :
Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine!
In the garden there is a berry-little raspberry, raspberry of mine!
Ah, you beauty, pretty maiden,
Fall in love with me!
Oh-swing, sway, oh-swing, sway,
Fall in love with me!
Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka of mine!
In the garden there is a berry-little raspberry, raspberry of mine!

Hey, the Sich is marching on (pretty poppies are blooming)

Hey, the Sich is marching on,
Pretty poppies are blooming,
Some frown upon our cause –
But for us it's holy!
Hey, the Sich is marching on,
Our axes chime,
Some like to stay in the dark,
We prefer daylight!
Hey, the Sich is marching on
Buzzing like a bee,
Allied in arms, allied at heart –
So we'll be just fine!
Hey, the Sich is marching on
And the horseshoes clank,
Our home bends to our will,
And never – to intruders!

On the roads of five-year-plans

1.Perhaps I don’t remember all who come with me
But I greet them with this song
Because together we traversed the roads of the country
There where the five-year-plans take shape and grow.
- Refrain 2x
The roads call us to go
Be it night or day, at the plant
New constructions today in our country
From the comrades hands are to come.
2.You will always see me on road
And on the long endless drives
And each new day brings into my cabin
Other friends that erect deeds all around the country.
- Refrain 2x

Forgetting you again

The hundreds of stairs to heaven
Leave behind a new rain -
There are gardens of paradise and lost trails there,
Only you're not waiting for me.
Light spills out after the rain,
Following the night is another dawn,
All the usual things, reflected in mirrors
There, where we aren't.
I'm forgetting you again.
The last day of summer slips away.
I'll never know,
Somewhere out in the crowd,
How he hugs you,
What you'll call your children,
How he'll write poems about her.
Night's falling, it's getting darker.
Sometimes I meander along
The alleys of our days,
There, where my soul sleeps,
And a barely-breathing memory
Sketches us together.
And it's long been easy
To see off those days.
Other voices are there now

A Flower

Perhaps you've seen - in shady wood,
Amidst a youthful, springtime mead
A flower - simple, humble, good?
(Alone in distant lands you tread.)
Awaiting you - in dewy fields
Alone it bloomed, flowered, grew...
And now its purest scent it yields,
The scents of spring it's saved for you.
The fragile stem you rip from earth.
And gently place it on your shirt
And you admire, with growing mirth,
The flower, which you've badly hurt.
You walk along a dusty path

For what should we attempt to speak?...

...For what should we attempt to speak?
A soul, where love and dreams abound,
To grasp a human heart we seek -
With what? Alas, by words we're bound!
If only in the words of man,
Not every term was so banal!
Don't ever think - their meanings can
Be found - they're lost, and not recalled!
And who will listen to our tales?
With even most sincere desire,
A man without exception fails
To grasp another's pain entire!

Northern Lights

It was cold outside, I was so in love
There were three of us
We weren't alone
He was so handsome, compared to me
But I was strong, simply held on
Knowing you didn't see
How I far I was gone
Or something could be wrong with me
You were in love, stupidly absorbed
That's what love will do
You didn't know, how much I love you
That's what love will do
That's what love will do
Shivering, but not from me
Though I was there, you didn't see
I cursed when all my flowers flew
It was Monday and I already knew
That you never did see
How much I love you
Or something could be wrong with me
You were in love, stupidly absorbed
That's what love will do
Or something could be wrong with me
That's what love will do
I was in love, but
You didn't notice me.

My band plays Rock music

Versions: #1
My band plays rock music,
and everything else when it's needed,
we know well that for us,
doing everything is a necessity.
It's a baby rock,
just a bit latin,
a music made of hope,
a music made of patience
It's like a train which passed
loaded with fruits,
we were at the station, that's right,
but we were all asleep
And my band plays rock music
for those who saw it and for those who weren't there
and for those who, that particular day,
were chasing their own pipedream
Oh, don't wake up,
oh, not yet,
and don't stop us,
oh no, please, no
My band plays rock music
and it changes face when it's needed,
since Transformism
has become a necessity,
You'll see us in crinoline
like ugly ballerinas,
you'll see us dance
like young mosquitos,
You'll see us at the border,
our car stopped,
but he will have made it,
music managed to pass!
It's a baby rock,
a little Latino,
hetravels with no passport,
and we chase it, out of breath,
He pierces through walls,
breaks through your door,
but in the end, he comes to tell you
that your soul isn't dead
So, don't wake up,
oh, not yet,
and don't stop us,
oh no, please, no
My band plays rock music
and it's always a departure,
it travels well at medium-wave,
at frequency modulation
It's a baby rock,
just a bit latin,
a music made of hope,
a music made of patience
It's like a train which passed
loaded with fruits,
we were at the station, that's right,
but we were all asleep
And my band plays rock music
for those who saw it and for those who weren't there
and for those who, that particular day,
were chasing their own pipedream
Oh, don't wake up,
oh, not yet,
and don't stop us,
oh no, please, no


Youth, you hurt us
What are you dissatisfied with?
Sometimes I miss you so much
In the cold you will cover with a blanket
Youth, you hurt us
What are you dissatisfied with?
Sometimes I miss you so much
In the cold you will cover with a blanket
People get poisoned, people change like that
But people fall in love, lost, like, in a movie
Everyone was the best, everyone seemed simple
It is sad, but sometimes they leave us young
We are so temporary, but so confident
We believe in ourselves and we move forward on purpose
It happens, this life throws down back
We fly these doors with tears
Youth, you hurt us
What are you dissatisfied with?
Sometimes I miss you so much
In the cold you will cover with a blanket
Youth, you hurt us
What are you dissatisfied with?
Sometimes I miss you so much
In the cold you will cover with a blanket
Young night, young we, young our thoughts
We fly to where, the lights are burning, burning our lives
Take me, take us all, to where eternity is
Youth, you are my infinity
We are so temporary, but so confident
We believe in ourselves and we move forward on purpose
It happens, this life throws down back
We fly these doors with tears
Youth, you hurt us
What are you dissatisfied with?
Sometimes I miss you so much
In the cold you will cover with a blanket
Youth, you hurt us
What are you dissatisfied with?
Sometimes I miss you so much
In the cold you will cover with a blanket

My Breath to Your Breath

Versions: #1
She lies like rose threshing floor
Like cure for my heart
Flowers blossom on her grave
Like Binboğa Forest
For what darling, for what
I die for her voice
I wish mix to my breath to your breath
One more time
Dear, did you come to voice
Did you walk to here
You wasn't come here if i was alive
I'm died, did you come for mourn?
For what darling, for what
I die for her voice
I wish mix to my breath to your breath
One more time
Your hair curtain to your face
My heart fall into trouble
I can't able to stand
When I see your face
For what darling, for what
I die for her voice
I wish mix to my breath to your breath
One more time

Modern Vampires

Dressed in black
Covering the streets
With bat wings
Huge canines
That attack when it's night
As you sleep
These no longer exist
Those that do exist
Are modern vampires
Trending vampires
Royal vampires
Have you ever noticed that the happier you are
The more you bother others?
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
The more you bother others
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
They put you in their wheel
Who got red eyes
With a shadowy figure
That you can't see in the mirror
That we kill
With a silver bullet
With the point of a stake
No, no
These no longer exist
Those that do exist
Are modern vampires
Trending vampires
Royal vampires
Have you ever noticed that the happier you are
The more you bother others?
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
The more you bother others
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
They put you in their wheel
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
The more you bother others
It ain't easy! It ain't easy!
They put you in their wheel

Természetesen újra egyedül

Versions: #1
Ha rövidesen
egy kicsit sem leszek vidámabb,
megígérem magamnak, hogy
megjutalmazom magam,
és meglátogatom a közeli tornyot
Felmászok a tetejére,
és levetem magam,
erőfeszítésként, hogy megmutassam akárkinek
hogy hogyan néz ki, amikor darabokra törsz
Bennehagytak a pácban
A templomban, mondták a népek hogy
'Istenem, ez kemény. Jól átverte a menyasszony
nincs értelme itt maradnunk,
akár haza is mehetünk'
Csakúgy mint én, egyedül
Természetesen újra egymagamban
Ha csak arra gondolok, hogy tegnap
még örömteli voltam, derűs és vidám
Alig vártam - hisz ki ne tenné? -
a szerepet, ami rám várt
De mintha letaglózott volna,
rámtalált a valóság
És még anélkül, hogy mégcsak hozzám is ért volna
darabokra szabdalt,
Kétségbe taszítva
Istenről és a kegyelméről beszélünk,
de ki is az Isten, ha létezik egyáltalán
Miért hagyott el?
És a legnagyobb szükségemben
persze teljesen egyedül vagyok
Úgy tűnik hogy több megtört szív
van a világon, mint amennyit meggyógyíthatnánk
Magukra vannak hagyva
Mit tehetnénk?
Mit tehetnénk?
Természetesen, újra egyedül
Most hogy visszanézek az elmúlt évekre,
minden más mellett emlékszem
mennyire sírtam, amikor meghalt az apám
nem is rejtve könnyeim
És hatvanöt évesen
az anyám - Isten nyugosztalja -
nem értette hogy miért ragadták el tőle
az egyetlen férfit, akit valaha szeretett
És szörnyen összetört szívvel kellett
újrakezdenie az életét
Habár támogattam,
soha többé nem szóltunk erről
És amikor meghalt,
csak sírtam és sírtam egész nap
Természetesen, egymagam
Természetesen, egymagam

This world is a woman

Gypsy paths in the end of summer
will attract your eyes for a long time.
Sun and wind change places
and smile at photo enthusiasts.
Insane herrings, crazy over the sunset
madly call after someone.
Children's faces next to sand castles
believe and pray for something imagined.
A thousand more notes and a thousand more words
will quietly be hidden by hot beaches
dedicated to such simple insanity-
this world is a woman, the sea is her element
Sea wolves, sunny oldies,
slowly tell of who they've loved.
In their eyes can be seen naked
blonde girls born from the foam
A thousand more notes and a thousand more words
will quietly be hidden by hot beaches
dedicated to such simple insanity-
this world is a woman, the sea is her element.
This world is a woman, the sea is her element. (x2)
Dedicated to such simple insanity-
this world is a woman, the sea is her element (x3)

Another Mouth

Here I am trying to fool myself in this room
With another skin and another body that I just finished meeting
Ay here I am in a strange bed paying my mistake
Well I confess to you that I
I am kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
I am kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Tell me what I have to do
I do what you ask me
Tell me what I have to do
If this way you come back to my life
Here I am trying to fool my poor heart
It's that I know you are the one that quenches my thirst
Ay here I am in this strange skin paying my mistake
Well I confess to you that I
I am kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
I am kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Forgive me and don't be bad
Baby I don't want to be with another
I want to be with you
Mami I can't tell
That I'm sorry
I don't want to be with another
I want to be with you
Baby I can't tell
That I'm sorry
I'm kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
I'm kissing another mouth
But yours is the one that matters to me
Forgive me and don't be bad

You on the day when it all started

You on the day when it all started
We came from the same party
The night was beautiful and quite cold
You on the day when it all started
You told me about your crazy mom
As we counted stars above the city
You on the day when it all started
We were young and blind
In this story nothing goes wrong
We took a last-minute trip to Italy
Oh how I loved you
You on the day when it all started
Then from summer to winter and from lies to anger
From the party to workdays and swings in the yard
Oh how I loved you
You on the day when it all started
You on the day when
You on the day when
You on the day when it all started
You on the day when
You on the day when
You on the day when it all started
We didn't know how to anticipate
How fragile love's skin is
You on the day when it all started
And how time can fade
That which is said each evening
Even though one would want so much that
In this story nothing goes wrong
We took a last-minute trip to Italy
Oh how I loved you
You on the day when it all started
Then from summer to winter and from lies to anger
From the party to workdays and swings in the yard
Oh how I loved you
You on the day when it all started
Swings sway in the yard like rust in the breeze
And I don't know what I should regret
Since in these things there are no rulebooks
You have to just be crazy and believe that
In this story nothing goes wrong
We took a last-minute trip to Italy
Oh how I loved you
You on the day when it all started
Then from summer to winter and from lies to anger
From the party to workdays and swings in the yard
Oh how I loved you
You on the day when it all started
You on the day when
You on the day when
You on the day when it all started
You on the day when
You on the day when
You on the day when it all started

Komsomol marching song

Trumpeters sounded the alarm.
Equipped with everything for the battle in the proper way,
The Komsomol consolidated battalion
Was going on a long journey.
Goodbye, my mother, don't grieve,
Kiss your son in farewell

I believed in her love

I believed that her love
Would shine my life in gold
Why did she have to
Bring back the old pain again
She gave her love to someone else
And I'll remember it, I know she's making a mistake
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
I believed in her love
She was my entire world
But just a moment was enough for her
To destroy my dreams
She gave her love to someone else
And I'll remember it, I know she's making a mistake
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself
That she left something
To the empty heart, to comfort herself

You got too much

You should see
You should hear
You, jester, should smell
You should know
You should dig
You should understand
You got got got got too much again
And you got got got got even me
And you got got got got something evil
And you got got got got more
You should ponder
You should bow
You, jester, should think
You should forbid
You should turn
You should object
You got got got got too much again
And you got got got got even me
And you got got got got something evil
And you got got got got more
You should change
You should steal
You, jester, should fry
You should be moved
You should be removed
You should be driven
You got too much again...

In The Middle Of The Abbey

Versions: #2
In the middle of the abbey, there's a pool
Good old pool
This dormitory's girls, all of them are resolute
We play and rollick
In the middle of the abbey, there's a fountain
Good old fountain
This dormitory's girls, all of them are noble
We play and rollick
In the middle of the abbey, there's a fount
Good old fount
This dormitory's girls, all of them are sycamore
We play and rollick

Please, Leave Me Alone

Just what made you decide
That you can have me just like in the movies,
That I should be the same as your wives,
That I would be a picture you've hidden away?
I, too, can have the troubles
Like every other person – and I do,
So pray to your god
For me to be your living truth.
Please, leave me alone!
Let me be by myself tonight
And when the dawn comes
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
I didn't hide from anyone,
I opened all curtains in front of me.
Please, leave me alone!
I'm happier in my solitude.
Just what made you decide
That you can have me just like in the movies,
That I should be the same as your wives,
That I would be a picture you've hidden away?
Please, leave me alone!
Let me be by myself tonight
And when the dawn comes
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
I'll even give you my heart.

Oh, early on Kupala night

Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
By Kupala the nights are short.
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
Where did Kupala sleep?
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
Spent the night in the open field
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
What did Kupala have for dinner?
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
Dined with white cheese
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
What did Kupala wash it down with?
Oh, early on Kupala night.
Oh, early on Kupala night (2x)
Washed it down with vodka
Oh, early on Kupala night.

Song to Stalin's good health

Accept, Great Stalin, our Father,
The love of hearts devoted to the homeland,
Accept the deference of your people
On your joyous birthday.
We all sing praise to your deeds,
Live, our Leader, live to make us happy!
You illuminated our epoch with clear light,
You are the closest person to us all,
With you, we went the glorious, difficult road,
Fighting for the honour of our native land.
You lead us on Lenin's path,
You call us all to new exploits,
With you, we entered sunny life,
Fighting for peace and building communism!
We all sing praise to your deeds,
Live, our Leader, live to make us happy!

Your Name

The night of the relentless sleep, your name,
Few minutes and the fire started.
Let it be spring:
The city made of stone burned down to the ground.
Along the garages there is smashed glass,
We left the steps on the damp ground.
Dusty concrete is turning into a fence,
Your name on my hand
The night of the relentless sleep, your name,
Few minutes and the fire started.
Let it be spring:
The city made of stone burned down to the ground.
Your name, your name, your name
Into these thin arms fell stones,
In your eyes reflects the fire
Into these thin arms fell stones,
In your eyes reflects the fire
Into these thin arms fell stones,
In your eyes reflects the fire
Your name, your name, your name
Your name, your name, your name
Into these thin arms fell stones,
In your eyes reflects the fire
Into these thin arms fell stones,
In your eyes reflects the fire
Into these thin arms fell stones,
In your eyes reflects the fire

Keep your word

Versions: #1
Keep, keep your word,1word...
Keep, keep your word, word...
I will, will, be taken away...
I will, will, be taken away...
  • 1. lit. 'answer your word', as in 'keep your promise'


When you will grow up and become a woman
with experience gained along the way1
perhaps there is a chance that you will remember me
we had beautiful times together
We met at a party, you were wonderful
flowing hair and innocent eyes
i approached, you said: not tonight
love you between the lines
If you remember me Sivan
perhaps you will give me some time
now that you are far away from here
we separated with hopes that you would return
a year passed, i did not hear from you
you left me a picture of a framed smile
perhaps mine is left also with you
If you remember me Sivan...
  • 1. lit: purchased

The sunless nights

The streets of Moscow fade into darkness
Wandering wind sweeps the sidewalks
The walls of the houses vault in the rain
There's no one left at the taxicab stands
The time's running out the time is too short
It already reached the last day
In the streets of Moscow, the last evening fades away,
The story ends at the bend of a train station.
Ira, don't you know that those sunless nights
That I live far away from you are sad and alike!
Ira, don't you know that this vast cold hallway...
Who takes me away from you freezes and marvels me
The streets of Moscow leave us in the dark
The wandering wind sweeps away our story
Behind the stars the day is about to dawn
And I'll come back to never leave you again
The time's running out the time is too short
It already reached the last day
But you can trust me in this upside down world
I'll know how to get back to your universe.
Ira, don't you know that those sunless nights
That I live far away from you are sad and alike
Ira, don't you know that vast cold hallway
Who takes me away from you freezes and marvels me

Ivan, Boris and I

And since we were kids I remember that
We were going for walks
Along the rivers in the middle of flowers
We were singing songs
Under a completely golden sun
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Then at the party in my town
We were dancing all day
We never got tired
And at school on Monday
We were still together
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
We were four women, but
There were three guys
I loved him
And another was in love with me
It couldn't work like this
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
All of this complicated
The sweetness of those days a bit
Then a few years passed
And school ended
And love separated us
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
We never got married to our friends
Because happiness
Was found here and there
We all still write to each other
But many, many more
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Saša, Mario, David and I
Barbara, Mimì, Nataša and I
Saša, Mario, David and I
Barbara, Mimì, Nataša and I

They don't let me love you

I'm pouring my eyes out tonight
Like a little child
What did i do to anyone
For them to take a revenge on me
Chorus 2x
They don'y let me love you
To kiss where your foot steps
I don't need this life
If i loose you
Tonight i'm searching only for you
Talking to myself
What did i do to anyone
Not to be with you
Chorus 2x
They don'y let me love you
To kiss where your foot steps
I don't need this life
If i loose you
Tonight i'm cursing my enemies
With the pain of my soul
What did i do to anyone
For them to crush my dreams
Chorus 2x
They don'y let me love you
To kiss where your foot steps
I don't need this life
If i loose you

The Good Weather Is Over Now

How the sidewalk is shining in the rain – like new!
Good afternoon, my old, healed love!
Stop for a while, let me see you – barely aged.
What an unexpected meeting, in this autumn mud!
And your eyes are still like velvet...
Listen, let's make a little escape, huh? There's a café across the way.
Yes, I see, you're in a hurry – come if you like.
No, I'm not crying, not tears, no – it's just raining again.
It's just that good weather is over
and the rain falls down, and the rain falls down.
It's just that we have to accept
that we hurt inside, that we hurt inside.
Well, at least I could see you – you have a white tuft.1
What an unexpected meeting – no, I'm not sorry.
And your eyes are still like velvet...
Let's make a little escape, huh? Let's sit down for coffee.
Yes, yes – I know you're in a hurry. Then I, suddenly...
No, I'm not crying, not tears, no – it's just that rain again.
And the sidewalk is shining in the rain, like new...
Farewell, farewell, my old, healed love!
The good weather is over now
and the rain falls down, and the rain falls down.
We just have to accept now
that we hurt inside, that we hurt inside. / x2
  • 1. of hair

Love me, Delilah

I'm totally mad
I'm mad
about your every gesture, and even
despite all
the taboos,
to the very end
I do love you.
You know nothing1
about the hidden secrets and the ties
of this endless love.
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
since my life
withers far away from yours
what do I care for a fate
that carries me away from yours?
You know how to say anything,
destroy anything
with a mere smile
you put me in chains.
You know how to lie,
and even worse,
curse me
with your hate.
you can do nothing
against this very love
that drives me toward you
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
Give me
the strength of a lawless love,
and despite all evidence
give us another chance
you know nothing
of what keeps me
in the garden of your loins
Love me, Delilah
Love me, Delilah
And with a scream
at the end of the night
in the hollow of your body
I want to sign
with love and its remorse
I am mad
Despite everything
love me, Delilah
  • 1. John Snow! Oops sorry...