Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 249


We came into the world

We all entered this world naked
Without knowing which gift fate would give us
You will choose your path
One day you will reach a crossroad
Many choose to walk down the easy path
Which is trodden, where not a single leg stumbles
Heart, soul and mind torment you constantly
Not for purity and happiness, but merely for money
Аre we born into this world just for the sake of money?
Learn to listen to your friend – your heart,
Opening your eyes for you, trying to direct you to the true path
But you are not listening to him, you are not trying to change
Wisdom reaches us very late,
When real truth shoots like a bullet:
We all arrived naked to this earth
And leaving it, we’re leaving everything behind
One day you will reach a crossroad
You will choose your path
Learn to listen to your friend – your heart
Dignity and honour do not rush to sell

Song for Bulgaria

Traveler dear, traveler young,
who set off to see the bright world,
wherever you go, sing and dream,
but do not forget your native land
For it is only one in the world -
our dear native land
There are many homelands in the world
There are valleys with marvelous flowers
But you won't find there the native Balkan,1
full of daydream and haidouk songs
For it is only one in the world -
our dear native land
You will go through many countries
Get to love all the nations
But do not forget, proud traveler,
your glorious hardworking people
For it is only one in the world -
our dear native land
  • 1. = Balkan Mountains -

There`s no money, so what

There`s no money, so what, so what, so what
When I`m loving you
There`s no dibs, so what, so what, so what
Kisses are for free
Some girls are dreaming of a gold, chasing ritch men
And on white yachts they are lonely under sheets
And for so much gold an accordion is enough
And that party never ends, be the dragon and start singing
There`s no money, so what, so what, so what
When I`m loving you
There`s no dibs, so what, so what, so what
Kisses are for free
Everybody needs a good friend, sip of a wine, happy end
`Cause to return the time there`s no pay up
And for so much treasure an accordion is enough
And that party never ends, be the dragon and start singing
There`s no money, so what, so what, so what
When I`m loving you
There`s no dibs, so what, so what, so what
Kisses are for free

A Plane Ticket

Twenty thousand feet
above a black ocean
without a smiling shadow of the moon
listening to a Walkman
no room for my legs
i would want to die for an hour,
or just to sleep
A scented Italian shoulder wakes me
he's sure that i'm French
so i pretend completely
mumbling 'Oui'
i weave for him a new identity
You bought me a plane ticket
i needed something strong in order to forget
two weeks there, it's like a month here
you said 'from there, it'll be easier for you to forgive...'
Roberto introduces himself
invites me to a drink after the landing
i don't have the strength to refuse
when lonely i was never very strong
Slaps on the bar, my knees are trembling
on television it seems less painful
he hurries to pour me more wine
waving like a conductor
in the key of my heart
You bought me a plane ticket...

We both are dancing

Under the moon and in the moonshining
I'm dancing with you,
It's like being at sea on a ship
We got into a little pitching.
As if in a light blue haze
We arrive at the bay.
This dance is with you today
We're opening the party.
Well, what so makes you to dance?
I don't understand,
I don't understand,
I don't understand you.
When ithis demon has moved into you?
And do, re, mi,
Fa, sol, la, si
And F-sharp.
Sounds are calling me again.
Why do they need me?
This dance, with a guitar ringing,
will spin us like a whirlpool..
And I'll lift you up easily,
With a feeling unknown to me/ .
Why, I don't understand in any way,
Have we become weightless?
Well, what so makes you to dance?
I don't understand,
I don't understand,
I don't understand you.
When ithis demon has moved into you?
And do, re, mi,
Fa, sol, la, si
And F-sharp.


From here, from my home
I see the empty beach
I was already there, a few days ago
Now, it's full of rain
And you over there continue without an umbrella
Without your clothes, going for a walk
Like an afternoon in July
But with cold and thunder
How can one know what you hope for?
That I watch you and dry you?
That I see you and that I stay taking the moon together
The moon, you and me expectedly
When any comet passes or a flying saucer comes down
And the beach crys and crys
And from my house I yell
That although I think of hugging you
That although I think of going with you
The doctor recommends
That I don't take off my coat
That I don't go any farther with you anymore
And I can not refuse, well
The type I am myself
I studied while you would sleep
And still I review the lessons
One after another, every day
I can not advise you
Now it is very hard that I burden it
Let us have some space
And say good bye to each other
Although you continue yearning
For something that was not true
They say it in the bars
It is something you carry inside
That you did not let them love you
You only want them to hug you
And you say that I did not have
Even courage to stay
I ripped all of your photos
You will not stop calling me
Who does not have the courage to leave?
Who does not have the courage to leave?
Who does not have the courage to leave?
Who prefers to stay and endure?
Leave and endure

Nyári romanc

Odapillantott és engem függővé tett.
Felmosolygott egy kicsit, mintha kihívta.
Akartam közelébe, amikor az ajakból megharapta.
Szavak, mik akarok súgni, pörögtek a fejben.
Ő mint éjfél nappal volt.
Egy szép mosoly, mi engem megtudott ledönteni.
Nem vártam, hogy odabújna hozzám.
Szavak nem kijöttek, sem tudok belekezdeni.
Amikor susogta, megijesztettem.
Sem vártam olyan jó zajt.
A társalgás utána elkísért.
Kiválasztottam a lehetőséget, és fogdogáltam.
Gondoltam, csak kellek.
Őt megcsókoltam, csak egyszer élek.
Egész nyáron rá gondoltam.
Találkozom vele? Meddig kell várnom?
[Refrén, Mikkel:]
Nézlek a szemedbe,
szétrepülök a csillagogik.
Te vagy az, akiről álmodom,
te vagy az, akit hiányzom.
Ott én és te,
és rajtad énekeldegélem
a románcom, nyári románcom.
A szívem keményen kezdett zakatolni,
amikor először rajtad pillantottam.
A fejben az angyalok énekelik, közben első szavakat
mondtad. Éreztem egy közös belső békét.
Semmi sem volt úgy,
ahogy szándékoztam.
Azt mondtam, de sem volt úgy,
ahogy azt a fejemben értettem.
De csókod volt, mint a selyem.
Gondolataim a felhőkbe mentek szállni.
A mennyországon voltam, amikor átöleltél
és a szelíd hangoddal fülembe súgtad.
Magam megint könnyűvé éreztem,
amikor a mosolygó szemedre pillantottam.
A szelekhez nehézségek eltűntek
és újra a viselkedésed engem meleggé tett.
Még eddig a napig hiányzom a közelséged,
remélem találkozunk jövő nyáron.
[Refrén, Mikkel:]
Nézlek a szemedbe,
szétrepülök a csillagogik.
Te vagy az, akiről álmodom,
te vagy az, akit hiányzom.
Ott én és te,
és rajtad énekeldegélem
a románcom, nyári románcom.
Kaplak, magammal viszlek,
a szívért összefonódva ragaszkodott.
Nézz a szemembe, mondd el, mit látsz.
Azt gondolom: majd összetartozunk-e?
Mielőtt őrültté válok, nálad fogok jönni.
Azért csak rád gondolok.
Közelíts meg, gyere ott több,
te vagy, mint egy ág kötelék a sílécemnek.
Te vagy a rendkívüli virág rajtam,
különleges is, de valahogyan megsértve.
Meg kellett csak átfutnom a körmöd,
de megfogtál venni egy jobb tapintást.
Most vagy Évám, az az egyetlen lány.
Olyan fényes mosoly, mint a nyári szél.
Szeretődként akarlak imádni,
a prémjén szerelmet mutatnod.
[Refrén, Mikkel:]
Nézlek a szemedbe,
szétrepülök a csillagogik.
Te vagy az, akiről álmodom,
te vagy az, akit hiányzom.
Ott én és te,
és rajtad énekeldegélem
a románcom, nyári románcom.
[Megszűnés refrén, Mikkel:]
Nézlek a szemedbe,
szétrepülök a csillagogik.
Te vagy az, akiről álmodom,
te vagy az, akit hiányzom.
Ott én és te,
és rajtad énekeldegélek egy joika,
a románcom, nyári románcom.


Ey Divan
Ky-Many Marley
Even when you speak lies
I pretend to believe you
I don't care what you tell me
I just don't mind, if I can love you
Its because you say you're leaving and leave me
But in the end you always turn around
And that's the way I have to endure
ay ay ay
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
Always coming back after you're lost
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
A boomerang
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
Always coming back after you're lost
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
A boomerang
Hey babe, sometimes I lose you
And then you come back, I don't get you...
Night arrives, you knock on my door
And I always answer, its always open for you
Its because you say
You're leaving, and leave
But in the end
You always turn around
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
Always coming back after you're lost
Your love its a boomerang
You leave, always to come back
Your love its a boomerang
A boomerang
Your favorite baby
Ky-Many Marley
La oficina secreta
Planet Records

Question marks and answers

You watch while lying on the beach
As I, in the blue water of the sea
Get scared from the too large freedom
You say that you don't understand
Why is it good here, in the deep
And I only reluctantly swim back to you
I only reluctantly swim back to you
You are the law and I'm rebelling
You are the question marks and I'm the answers
I undulate even in a windfall
But while I'm speaking, you're only hearing yourself
You aren't interested anymore in what I have to say
I don't know what I'm waiting for
When on the blue-white sunbed
I'm watching that you have stopped watching me a long time ago
We're waiting for the fire to be put out
But still, we feel cold
And now I only reluctantly swim back to you
I only reluctantly swim back to you
You are the law and I'm rebelling
You are the question marks and I'm the answers
I undulate even in a windfall
But while I'm speaking, you're only hearing yourself
You aren't interested anymore in what I have to say
You are the law and I'm rebelling
You are the question marks and I'm the answers
I undulate even in a windfall
But while I'm speaking, you're only hearing yourself
You aren't interested anymore in what I have to say
You are the law and I'm rebelling
You are the question marks and I'm the answers
I undulate even in a windfall
But while I'm speaking, you're only hearing yourself
You aren't interested anymore in what I have to say

Sky Kisses

Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
[Verse 1]
In these gentle nets
We got tangled like children
We got tangled like children
In these gentle nets
In these gentle nets
In these gentle nets
And no one would’ve noticed
On the dancefloor, In these sweet shackles
That have burned on the dancefloor
In these sweet shackles
That have burned on the dancefloor
In these sweet shackles
That have burned on the dancefloor
On the dancefloor, on the dancefloor, on the dancefloor
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
Kissing in the sky
We’re in mysterious forests
You’re tired, I’m tired
You’re tired, I’m tired
You’re tired, I’m tired

By the mountain, walked a girl

By the mountain, walked a girl
And waited for a young boy
Ah, a young boy.
But when the young crazy boy didn't come,
The beautiful girl cried,
Ah, the beautiful girl.
Left alone in her pain,
Sobbing in her tears,
Quivering beneath the pale moon.
Never had happiness,
Her, who stole my love, she dealt me pain.
Never had happiness,
Her, who stole my love, she dealt me pain.
A sorrowful birch caressed her hair,
The river washed her face,
Ah, washed her,
To comfort the beautiful young babe,
To wipe away a scorching tear,
Ah, scorching tear.
Left alone in her pain,
Sobbing in her tears,
Quivering beneath the pale moon.
Never had happiness,
Her, who stole my love, she dealt me pain.
Never had happiness,
Her, who stole my love, she dealt me pain.

Rain Man

I'm at the place where the neon wind is the evening blues,
Where there are lonely reunions.
With me a purple evening of amusement,
Things you don't see in the world.
I'm right where no one can answer any questions,
And no one is talking about the dawn.
For the ladies out there, smiles and gossip are hidden in the roses,
And the first is the last.
And I show up alone
For the hundredth time I sit by the window
And I feel as if I could hear your voice
Out there somewhere or here somewhere
I know you're out there somewhere
My Rain Man
My Rain Man,
How are you without me?
But night is coming again.
My angel of September,
At the end of the day
You will come to me as if..
When this is over, it'll be morning,
Sleeping in the windows of advertisements.
All around will be a fog, and as if...
The soul is like empty pockets...
And I show up alone
For the hundredth time I sit by the window
And I feel as if I could hear your voice
Out there somewhere or here somewhere
I know you're out there somewhere
My Rain Man
My Rain Man,
How are you without me?
But night is coming again.
My angel of September,
At the end of the day
You will come to me as if..

The Homeland is Death

Versions: #1
Whoever is faster is right,
Whoever is roughest is living,
Whoever’s left is a saint,
Is it really necessary to live this way?
It's useless trying to love without hurting,
It's hopeless trying not to do evil,
Remembering yourself gradually in a dream,
Awakening in your memories...
Death, there's lots of room for the dead
Death, there's lots of room for the living
This is the meeting place for those who wandered
Barefoot on diamond rye.
This homeland is death
The homeland is death
Whatever doesn’t lead to death is a lie.
Whoever doesn't know will live,
Whoever knows gets a knife in the back,
Is it really necessary to live this way?
It's useless trying to love without hurting,
It's hopeless trying not to do evil,
Remembering yourself gradually in a dream,
Awakening in your memories...
Death, there's lots of room for the dead
Death, there's lots of room for the living
This is the meeting place for those who wandered
Barefoot on diamond rye.
This homeland is death
The homeland is death

sírni tudnék, ha csak rád gondolok

Most nyakig vagyok ebben a zűrzavarban
Sírni tudnék, ha csak rád gondolok
Minden sor, amit írok, rólad szól
Minden srác, akit akarok, ugyanúgy néz ki, mint te
Minden könyvet, amit olvastam, csak neked olvastam
Minden műalkotás csak rólad emlékeztet
Nem tudom, ki vagyok, veled vagy nélküled
De azt hiszem, azon vagyok, hogy megtudjam
Én, én, én

sírni tudnék, ha csak rád gondolok (Teljes verzió)

[1 vers]
Egyedül írtunk egy életet
Bárcsak visszarakhatnám a polcra
De van egy káprázatos hullám, ami távol tart veled, szerelmem
Ezt egyedül hajtom
Sírni tudnék, ha csak rád gondolok
Minden sor, amit írok, rólad szól
Minden srác, akit akarok, ugyanúgy néz ki, mint te
Minden könyvet, amit olvastam, csak neked olvastam
Minden műalkotás csak rólad emlékeztet
Nem tudom, ki vagyok, veled vagy nélküled
De azt hiszem, azon vagyok, hogy megtudjam
Igen, azt hiszem, megtudom
[2 vers]
Kirándultunk és a legjobbat hoztuk ki
Nevettünk és játszottunk, majd pihentünk
De az élet egy feketedő hullám, ami tovább sodor minket, mint amilyenek vagyunk
És most nyakig vagyunk ebben a zűrzavarban
Sírni tudnék, ha csak rád gondolok
Minden sor, amit írok, rólad szól
Minden srác, akit akarok, ugyanúgy néz ki, mint te
Minden könyvet, amit olvastam, csak neked olvastam
Minden műalkotás csak rólad emlékeztet
Nem tudom, ki vagyok, veled vagy nélküled
De azt hiszem, azon vagyok, hogy megtudjam
Én, én, én

Good things dont happen with force

1) You watch me in the eyes - you want me
and you long for my love
You are handsome and youre good, youre gold,
but youre not my heart
Good things dont happen with force 1
love cant be obtained by force
Good things dont happen with force
Love comes from the heart 2
2) You dont understand love,
it is a work of God
He will punish both of us!
If I say 'yes' to you without loving you?
Good things dont happen with force
love cant be obtained by force
Good things dont happen with force
Love comes from the heart
3) I better burn in flames,
burn and burn out
but straining myself to love
means sentencing myself to death
Good things dont happen with force
love cant be obtained by force
Good things dont happen with force
Love comes from the heart
  • 1. The expression is a bit hard to translate in English, it literally means 'beauty doesnt happen forcefully' which means roughly that you cant have good things happen when youre only forced to try, you have to want it yourself and work towards it
  • 2. another appropriate translation is 'love comes from within' and must have the soul as a source, its not something you buy or force from someone

Enver, our nightingale

1.Enver, nightingale song of the life
Raise your voice everywhere
You are the knight of the truth
The Party wants you that way.
- Refrain
We’ve called you a nightingale
A vocal speaker for all masses
Entire world ought to listen
Towards you they’ve turned their faces
The singing bird the world listens to
Was given birth by Albania
This forthright speaker is Enver Hoxha
At the head…
At the head the Party has him.
2. The commissar of the Party
You have been and will be
And a light for Albania
That emits rainbow beams.
- Refrain
3.All the world, the round globe
Today listens to your voice
You are a disciple of Lenin
That professes communism.
- Refrain