Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 47

Találatok száma: 3280



I wish you all the happiness in the world
Someone holding you at night
I wish the spotlight
To come back on you — finally on you
I wish you curiosity on the way
Stretch out your wings and fly
So that the entire world opens up
In the most beautiful colors for you
It's crazy
When you fall from the highest point in the world
Into darkness overnight
Deep as the Marianas Trench
We were so close
From no single piece of paper to a fucking ocean
It hurts so much
That after such a long time
Nothing's left of us
Every summer passes
And yeah, the winter hurts
I wish you someone
Who stays with you in lonely times
It's crazy
When you fall from the highest point in the world
Into darkness overnight
Deep as the Marianas Trench
We were so close
From no single piece of paper to a fucking ocean
It hurts so much
That after such a long time
Nothing's left of us


I feel a little excited
Like a star like a star
Everyone is watching my steps
Even if you’re pretending not do
You look at me, too
Ever so slightly
I still don’t know
where my heart is headed
I can’t hide my feelings anymore
Pleas follow me, GLASSY.
So bright, eyes gleaming with all kind of lights
Opening my eyes to a fluttering movie
You and I, Someday
Let’s start, My baby
La La La La La La
Where my two feet will lead, My journey
La La La La La La
My whole body is trembling Like dreaming
Don’t hesitate
Don't Stop don't stop
I don’t have time to wait
If you hesitate, tick tick tick tock
In the end, well miss each other again.
The tip of my toes are tingling.
Wherever I go,
Beyond the pure imagination,
Take me there GLASSY
So bright, eyes gleaming with all kind of lights
Opening my eyes to a fluttering movie
You and I, Someday
Let’s start, My baby
24/7 (Twenty Twenty Twenty Four Seven)
24/7 (Twenty Twenty Twenty Four Seven)
It's about time
Take a step back, repeating myself again
It’ll become a habit. Hug me more
Now, fill up the hot air
Fly higher and higher
So bright, eyes gleaming with all kind of lights
Opening my eyes to a fluttering movie
You and I, Someday
Let’s start, My baby
La La La La La La
Where my two feet will lead, My journey
La La La La La La
My whole body is trembling Like dreaming

The Blame

There is no excuse for what I did to you
I don't deserve your forgiveness
I'm an asshole and you saw that
I know I shouldn't be calling
You're with him while I look at our pictures
I've lost count of the days
In which I couldn't sleep, thinking about how I'd do it do you
I miss your kisses, that's why I'm begging
This pain has stayed
Drowning in my tears, without your taste
This pain has stayed
Without you I don't know how to keep going on
Because I miss your kisses, that's why I'm begging
I remember when you were mine
You'd like it against the wall
The world didn't matter, I'd just caress your skin
It's impossible to forget your small face as we'd wake up
I broke what made you love me
'Leave, leave,' the last thing you said to me
And good luck, good luck, I hope you regret it
I hope you suffer and cry, that you're always ignored
And you think of me
This pain has stayed
Drowning in my tears, without your taste
This pain has stayed
Without you I don't know how to keep going on and I beg you
This pain has stayed
Drowning in my tears, without your taste
This pain has stayed
Without you I don't know how to keep going on
Because I miss your kisses
'Leave, leave,' the last thing you said to me
And good luck, good luck, I hope you regret it
I hope you suffer and cry, that you're always ignored
And you think of me
I have lost count of the days
In which I couldn't sleep, thinking about how I'd do it do you
I miss your kisses, that's why I'm begging
This pain has stayed
Drowning in my tears, without your taste
This pain has stayed
Without you I don't know how to keep going on and I beg you
This pain has stayed
Drowning in my tears, without your taste
This pain has stayed
Without you I don't know how to keep going on
Because I miss your kisses


Rémlik, hogy nemrég
Még sétálhattunk a járdán?
Ártatlanul, emlékszel?
Semmivel sem törődtünk csak egymással
De az este meleg volt
Mi meg merészek és fiatalok
Körülöttünk mindenütt fújt a szél
Csak azért kapaszkodunk, hogy elengedhessünk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Csak kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Csak kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Mihez kezdünk majd ha megöregszünk?
Végigmegyünk ugyanazon az úton?
Ott leszel majd mellettem?
Szilárdan állsz majd a hullámokkal szemben?
Mikor az éjszakák hosszúra nyúlnak
Sóvárgok, hogy gyere haza
Körülöttünk mindenütt fújt a szél
Csak azért kapaszkodunk, hogy elengedhessünk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Csak kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Csak kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Csak kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Csak kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Támaszkodhatunk, támaszkodhatunk, támaszkodhatunk, támaszkodhatunk
[Ének nélküli rész]
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Csak kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk
Dobj egy csókot, süss el egy fegyvert!
Csak kell valaki, akire támaszkodhatunk

La Belle Dame Sans Merci

Mi ütött beléd te lovag?
Sápadt magányban ácsorogsz
száraz medernél és a szél
síri csöndet hoz.
Mondd mi baj gyötör jó lovag?
Lám lelked feldúlt, tűnt kedved.
A mókus odva telve már,
s elmúlt a szüret.
Szemedbe árnyékliliom
könnyet harmatoz lopva,
orcádon lázrózsa tüzel.
Enyhet mi hozna?
Egy hölgy jövel a réteken
angyali lányka, gyönyörű,
hosszú hajú, karcsú léptű,
vad tekintetű.
Koszorút kötöttem, fontam
karjára virágillatot,
szemében szerelem, ajkán
pihe sóhajok.
Sétára hívtam s napestig
néztem őt, ahogy kecsesen,
ringó derékkal énekel
tündér dalt nekem.
Gyógyított édesgyökérrel,
és kínált mannát, vadmézet,
különös szép nyelven szólott,
mondván, hogy szeret.
Tünde barlangba csábított,
hol kínzó sóhajokkal sírt,
négy puha csókkal zártam be
buja szemeit.
Hangja álomba ringatott,
mily káprázat -jaj, hogy esett -
álmot álmodtam e dombon
utolsót, lehet.
Halovány királyok, hercegek,
árnyéklovagok sorjáztak,
sírtak - 'La belle dame sans merci
magával ragad.'
Ott álltak vágytól szomjasan
a szörnyű homály peremén,
és e hideg domboldalon,
itt ébredtem én.
Magányos szívem napra nap
gyötrődni erre kódorog,
e szikkadt tóhoz, hol a szél
síri csöndet hoz.

The Bandit

Ole, lace making woman
Ole, lace woman
You teach me how to make lace,
I teach you how to make love.
Lampiao came down from the hills
Invited to a bandit's dance
Ole, lace making woman
Ole, lace woman


I don’t want to decide on
the churchyard, the state.
On Vasilevsky Island,
for my death, I will wait.
I won’t locate that dark-
blue façade after all,
in-between faded marks,
on the asphalt, I’ll fall.
And my soul, in a rush
to dissolve in night’s cloak,
over bridges will flash
in the Petrograd smoke,
in the April’s cool haze,
as the light snowflakes melt,
I’ll make out a phrase:
- See you later, dear friend.
Past the river, two distant
lives will come into sight,
cheek to cheek with indifferent
motherland by their side,
- like two sisters from vibrant
unlived years, cast away,
running out on the island,
sending him on his way.

My Slice of Sin

My slice of sin
Come dance tight with me
I wanna be your lover
Be by your side
Whisper in your ear
You're the prettiest
A slice of a happy life
Come kill my desire
Make this cowboy truly happy
Come kill me from kissing
When I see you I feel better
Wanna kiss you again
Your kiss made me go crazy
All we've done is too little
I wanna feel your body on mine

Those things

Where are you?
Tell me if it's gonna happen, cuz I'm in the mood
I know it's late, I've walked the whole city
But you're still tryna hide
Please reply to my texts
You're so being mean
I wanna be with you
When you remember us taking our clothes off
Then you'll want to kiss me
You'll call to do those things out of the blue
You know it's the cowboy who makes you crazy

We have everything

Try it now
Try it now once again,
Try it now.
Do it as if it had no end
Try it now
'Co' the kids copy it
Let the kings bow and the old people freak out.
Try it now,
Let yourself be heard on the street
Try it now
Posters aren't needed
Try it now
dust off your rifle, and once you've done it
We have everything, we have everything, we have everything.
We have everything, we have everything, we have everything.
Try it now
Let the secret break out
Try it now
Don't suffer for them
Try it now
Yell and jump off the train
and do it once again in case tomorrow it's not here.
Try it now
Run across the field
Try it now
Dance as if it was raining
Try it now
Bury your pain, and once you've done it,
We have everything, we have everything, we have everything.
We have everything, we have everything, we have everything.
You'll see 10000 horses coming, galloping in between the dust and yells.
You'll see 10000 horses coming, galloping in between the dust and yells, you'll see how rich.
We have everything, we have everything, we have everything.
We have everything, we have everything, we have everything.
Try it now
Try it now once again,
Try it now.
Do it as if it had no end
Try it now
Try it now,
Let yourself be heard on the street
Try it now
Posters aren't needed
Try it now
Try it now
Try it once again.

Bloom, bloom

As beautiful as a rose!
Come on, come on Malinë!
Bloom, bloom you violet!
Let me look at your eyes and face.(2x)
The partridge came out onto the hillside.
It's taking the road, looking for its home.
In those pans of silver,
A rainbow eye looking inside.(2x)
As beautiful as a rose!
Come on, come on Malinë!
Bloom, bloom you violet!
Let me look at your eyes and face.(2x)
Like a butterfly her mother made her.
How delightful was her song.
The hair that descended to her feet.
Washed and dressed in the French style.(2x)
As beautiful as a rose!
Come on, come on Malinë!
Bloom, bloom you violet!
Let me look at your eyes and face.(2x)
Blessed is what her mother raised.
A forehead shining bright as the moon
She gave me what my heart wanted,
like she still had me.(2x)
As beautiful as a rose!
Come on, come on Malinë!
Bloom, bloom you violet!
Let me look at your eyes and face.(2x)

Make it halal for me

Young girl you troublemaker
You have all those delights
Only don't open trouble for me
O troublemaker because I'm at the end of my tether(x2)
Make it halal for me, make it o make it
Not tonight, but tomorrow evening
Make it halal for me, make it o make it
So I can stay with you forever(x2)
Make me for yourself,
You, my ally, you, my troublemaker.
Don't leap from corner to corner
But tell me black and white. (x2)
Make it halal for me, make it o make it
Not tonight, but tomorrow evening
Make it halal for me, make it o make it
So I can stay with you forever(x2)
Please don't take a long time
Jump and don't look back
Forget what they say, sticks and stones,
I have loved you and I love you (x2)
Make it halal for me, make it o make it
Not tonight, but tomorrow evening
Make it halal for me, make it o make it
So I can stay with you forever(x2)

Little fight

Here, take this lesson that I have now
Smell the perfume and cry
Remember the roads and leave
Only don't think of coming back
Go to the other one tomorrow, alone
You will go, but she won't be waiting for you
She doesn't know how to touch you the way I do
She doesn't know how to swear, she's cultured
Little fight, little fight, little fight
Walk away please, leave
Little fight, little fight, little fight
Fight, don't forget me
Fight, don't forget me
You've tired me
You've tired me
It would be better if I had never met you
You're agony, you've said enough
Little fight, you're tired me (x2)
Tomorrow won't be like yesterday
Today you don't understand, but things are bad for you
Don't ask for more when you still have words to say
I can live without you, you can't survive without me
Little fight, little fight, little fight
Walk away please, leave
Little fight, little fight, little fight
Fight, don't forget me
Fight, don't forget me
You've tired me
You've tired me
It would be better if I had never met you
You're agony, you've said enough
Little fight, you're tired me (x2)
Little fight, little fight, little fight(2x)
Little fight, little fight, little fight (2x)
Walk away please, leave
Little fight, little fight, little fight
Don't forget me
She doesn't know how to swear, she's cultured
You've tired me
You've tired me
It would be better if I had never met you
You're agony, you've said enough
Little fight, you're tired me (x2)

Oh my friend, oh my enemy

A small shepherd
Come from Gramoz
In the middle of summer
How it froze us (2x)
Oh my friend oh my enemy
Oh my you're making me ill
Oh my friend oh my enemy
Oh my you're making me ill
Oh my friend oh my enemy
You put me in a never-ending cycle
Opo Oh my friend oh my enemy
You put me in a never-ending cycle
A small shepherd
Came like mayaya
How she burned my darling
With her whining (2x)
Oh my friend oh my enemy
Oh my you're making me ill
Oh my friend oh my enemy
Oh my you're making me ill
Oh my friend oh my enemy
You put me in a never-ending cycle
Opo Oh my friend oh my enemy
You put me in a never-ending cycle
Come so we can stay together
Because missing you is burning my soul
Give me your honey lips
To extinguish the fire
Oh my friend oh my enemy
Oh my you're making me ill
Oh my friend oh my enemy
Oh my you're making me ill
Oh my friend oh my enemy
You put me in a never-ending cycle
Opo Oh my friend oh my enemy
You put me in a never-ending cycle

Don't kill them, don't hurt them

The husband returned from the foreign country
He came and didn't find me where he left me
They say he didn't drink, he didn't sleep
He's crying by the empty cradle
Life oh life you wretched thing oh
Don't kill him, don't hurt him
Not the husband by the empty cradle
Undiluted grief oh
Life oh life you wretched thing oh
Don't kill them, don't hurt them
Not the husband by the empty cradle
I can't kiss him, I can't rock the cradle
The husband arrived, black fated
His eyes on the door he built
But who was there to wipe his tears?
When he was crying like a child
Life oh life you wretched thing oh
Don't kill him, don't hurt him
Not the husband by the empty cradle
Undiluted grief oh
Life oh life you wretched thing oh
Don't kill them, don't hurt them
Not the husband by the empty cradle
I can't kiss him, I can't rock the cradle
God, o God lift him onto his feet
Wipe his tears and don't let him feel the pain
Give him another son, give him another wife
Let the earth digest me
Life oh life you wretched thing oh
Don't kill him, don't hurt him
Not the husband by the empty cradle
Undiluted grief oh
Life oh life you wretched thing oh
Don't kill them, don't hurt them
Not the husband by the empty cradle
I can't kiss him, I can't rock the cradle

The Bride's Song

Darling bride that you've become
The heart and soul of your mother o
Who was married on Sunday
And left her mother and her father o
The veil that your mother threw over you
The cheeks that spilled tears
How did you grow up this fast?
To be a bride today! (2x)
She kissed that beautiful forehead,
She said a few words!
To have a daughter and a son
A sister and a brother!
The veil that your mother threw over you
The cheeks that spilled tears
How did you grow up this fast?
To be a bride today! (2x)
I will miss you a lot!
The door is open for you
Come with grandsons and granddaughters
Make my soul rejoice o
The veil that your mother threw over you
The cheeks that spilled tears
How did you grow up this fast?
To be a bride today! (2x)

Amiről nem tudsz

Amiről nem tudsz, az nem fájhat
Talán igazak a hazugságok
Próbálj emlékezni, próbáld elfelejteni
Azokat a felszínre szivárgó tegnapokat!
Sosem fogod észrevenni, amikor támadok
Sosem fogod tudni, milyen névre hallgatok
Próbálj emlékezni, próbáld elfelejteni
De többé már nem leszel ugyanaz
Bármit megtehetek
Bárhova mehetek
Bármit megtehetek
Bárkivel ma éjjel
Bármit megtehetek
(Csak egy kicsit aludnom engedjetek!)
Bárhova mehetek
(Csak aludni akarok egy keveset!)
Bármit megtehetek
(Csak egy kicsit aludnom engedjetek!)
Bárkivel ma éjjel
Már megyek is
Már el is tűntem
Egy idegen vette át a helyem
Sosem találsz rám
De nekem nem lesz problémám
Mert az angyalok ismerik az arcomat
La la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la laaaa
La la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la laaaa

Mmm-Bah Dah

Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
They inherited from the night the colour that is the colour of mystery
But they had white hair and a white soul
They had in their eyes the certainty that exists in seriousness
And in their smile a sweetness and a calmness
Their arms were my favourite cradle
Their song was the desired spell
That lulled me and I, a sleeping boy
Listened dreaming
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Their black hands came together asking:
Lord Jesus, look after the boy, my Lord
Make it so that the demon does not come to pursue him
Lord Jesus, show him peace and love
It is me now that asks no in my prayer
For God to show you my gratitude
I did not forget you nor did I forget your song
That I sing for you
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Ay mmm-bah dah, mmm-bah day oh mmm-bah dah
Mmm-bah dah


(Yeah, uh, uh)
See our grace, our traditions and pride
We are Punjabi, and see how we stand in your way like a mountain
See how we get recognized for our bravery in any battle ground
See how the enemies fear us and cry out
Who dares to come and stand in our way
Cause the place where they live has our army
So forget all the delusions you have in mind, and stop giving yourselves false hopes
When Punjabi pride comes down your road and you are helpless
Even death fears when it looks in to the eyes of a Punjabi
No mother has given birth to a child that can stop me
The aftermath is fatal where Punjabis rock your place
We grow up playing with danger since childhood
Don't be mistaken to think that I ever get scared of anything
I have thirst of blood and I don't drink nothing else 5 rivers,
Sutlaj, Beas, Jhelum, Ravi, Chanab
Flow in my veins as the spirit of Punjab
Chorus: x 2
Punjabi Boys rule wherever we go
The biggest of difficulties we deal with ease
We are the Nation of Lions,
We are the Nation of Lions,
Our spirits will rise!
One day as a Lion is better than 10 years as a jackal
Jackals can attack 100 times but a lion's single attack is fatal
I am a proud Punjabi and I am the pride of the Punjabis
I have pride and honour as great as Hanuman
My attack is deadly when I hit you with the warhammer
I break bones and I challenge you to step up to me once to find out what happens next
All you haters remember this
This Punjabi will defeat you all
We fear none, we never back down
No matter how difficult the path- we never back out
I am a gangster, I'm a player, you're a rookie
Learn from me how to live like a Lion
Sarkar Raj! (this is a movie) I rule all the townsI rule the world, I m a hustler, you are a beggar
I would rather be beheaded then bow down
Let me remind you of my visciousness
I will eat you like Lions eats flesh!
Chorus: x 2
Punjabi Boys rule wherever we go
The biggest of difficulties we deal with ease
We are the Nation of Lions,
We are the Nation of Lions,
Our spirits will rise!

In the Heart of Autumn

This golden workshop, madame,
if you loosen your tresses,
your corset, your ample breasts,
will go up in flames.
Death is dressed up,
a skull with an old hat,
with duck feathers on the back of the neck

New land

It pulls and it drags
Know that it's waiting
The ocean retrieves
It pulls and it drags
Know that it's waiting
The ocean retrieves
Earth counts for everything
Leaving it nontheless
The inner song
Resounds with travel and evening
The bow is embraced by sand
Distant is now near
Heart in a new land
A feeling of here
The bow is embraced by sand
Distant is now near
Heart in a new land
A feeling of here
Earth counts for everything
Leaving it nontheless
The inner song
Resounds with travel and evening
Childs laughter in summer night
Tears by a first grave
Made itself by itself again
Carried forth by koast and ocean
Childs laughter in summer night
Tears by a first grave
Made itself by itself again
Carried forth by koast and ocean
The bow is embraced by sand
Distant is now near
Heart in a new land
A feeling of here
The bow is embraced by sand
Distant is now near
Heart in a new land
A feeling of here

If you're a brother

Versions: #1
There's no soldiers
Only mothers weeping
And how empty my heart is
Even though I've barely began my song
At all
And if you're a brother
Would you give me a little bit of bread
And if you're a sister
Would you pity me, at least a little bit
I heard a drowning man
yelling in the waves
'I'd like to have some time to think
And something that even time can't wear down'
And if he's a brother
Would he give me a little bit of bread
And if she's a sister
Would she pity me, at least a little bit
I used to know a poor fisherman
Whose eyes burned with longing
Later when I heard about him
They had nailed him unto a tree
But if he was a brother
Then surely he'd give me a little bit of bread
And if she was a sister
She'd surely pity me, at least a little bit

You saw, my gentle ladies.

You saw, my gentle ladies, when
my sweetheart came to talk with me,
how he insisted endlessly
until I offered him my belt.
Now he´s demanding something else.
You also saw (I wish you hadn´t!)
how, ladies, he kept insisting
until I removed my shirt´s string
and handed it over. Now he´s demanding
something absolutely damning.
Sir João de Guilhade will always obtain
presents from me, if that´s his pleasure,
for he gives me good things as well,
and my loyalty will never wane,
but now he´s demanding something insane.

Too bad for us

Light rain pours for days
Autumn calls for sorrow
Everything reminds me of you
Your hands seem to caress me
Suitcases full of memories
I'm silent about us
It kills me
We will never ex
Being when we meet
Life bound us
sad fate
What love such an end
I would cry out loud
pity, pity for us
Sometimes I walk past your gate
Just to see you
Life goes on for years
Everyone stays eager for someone
Suitcases full of memories
I'm silent about us
It kills me
We will never ex
Being when we meet
Life bound us
sad fate
What love such an end
I would cry out loud
pity, pity for us
We will never ex
Being when we meet
Life bound us
sad fate
What love such an end
I would cry out loud
pity, pity for us

I'll search until I find you

I'll search until I find you
I can't stop anyway
How restless I still am
Something is missing from me
Something that calms
My heartbeat could be
Like mornings, day and night
They kiss each other
We'll meet somewhere
I'll search until I find you
And I know my wish will come true
Without you there would be nothing of me
Wandering alone
Alone until tomorrow
I can handle it because I'll find you
You might also be hoping for a visit
Until the moment comes that
It beckons us
I'll search until I find you
I can't stop anyway
How restless I still am
Something is missing from me
Something that calms
My heartbeat could be
Like mornings, day and night
They kiss each other
We'll meet somewhere
I'll search until I find you
You give me meaning
You're the reason I don't give up
Although sometimes I feel like it
I want to believe in you
and I'll search until I find you
Like mornings, day and night
They kiss each other

Poem for Another's Love

You may go and it will not matter, since you remain with me
Like there remains a perfume where a flower has been.
You know that I love you, but I don't say it to you

Together we are many

Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Falsifications (No), machinations (No)
Little understandings (No), no to lies
Yushchenko (Yes), Yushchenko (Yes)
Is our president (Yes, yes)
Falsifications (No), machinations (No)
Little understandings (No), no to lies
Yushchenko (Yes), Yushchenko (Yes)
Is our president (Yes, yes)
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
We aren’t beasts of burden, we aren’t goats
We are Ukrainians, sons and daughters
It’s now or never, enough of waiting
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
We aren’t beasts of burden, we aren’t goats
We are Ukrainians, sons and daughters
It’s now or never, enough of waiting
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many, we can’t be defeated
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated (We can’t be defeated)
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated (Together we are many)
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated (We can’t be defeated)
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated (Together we are many)
Together we are many (Together)
We can’t be defeated

Give answer

I pack in a good dream
I accept the company that lends me
And in every step I take today
I keep this compass that I have left
I know I'm stubborn to the end
I'm tired of being pink I want to be garden
I tear off without guilt who wants to suck me
I waited at the window for more time
I pack in indecision
I'm not one to have courage but I already know how to pretend
Shoulders complain of lack of action
Because of C6 or never sleeping
It's not the end of the world to say no
I breathe much deeper after the collision
I ignore the phone that wants to suck me
Stuck in the window longer time
I'm tired of answering
I'm tired of answering
To the world around me
Lower your arms and the world does not fall
Sometimes I complain about the station
From the imperfect body to the light of the taster
If it never served tradition
It's time to assert another value
They demand me decency with disdain
From assignment to assignment I follow your laws
Today I'm the broth to pour
Lost by a hundred I meet my place
I'm tired of answering
I'm tired of answering
To the world around me
Lower your arms and the world does not fall

Right Now

Baby boo
Ooh I want you right now
Come a little closer
Baby boo
All the things we could do
Late summer nights
I'll do everything with you
Baby, just call when you're ready
'Cause you're so oohh
And I want you right now
I want you right no-o-ow
I want you right now baby
Yeah, I want you right now baby
It might seem a bit desperate
Look at yourself, it's obvious, yeah yeah
I'll give life now baby
And you don't have to worry baby
'Cause you hit from the start
It's difficult to act cool with you, yeah yeah
What now, do you have any plans next week
You and me at a cottage
You know what I mean
People think you're a good girl
But I know you
So don't call your dad
And say you'll sleep at mine
Ooh I want you right now
Come a little closer
Baby boo
All the things we could do
Late summer nights
I'll do everything with you
Baby, just call when you're ready
'Cause you're so oohh
And I want you right now
I want you right no-o-ow
Oohh ooh oo-oo-ooh
I want you right now
I want you right now baby
Oohh ooh oo-oo-ooh
So just come a little closer
Wind in your hair
I can't wait for your friends to leave
Feels like I've waited for a year
Feels like I've waited for a year for you
'Cause you're a hot girl
Your ass is powerful
Fresh like new bikes
Yeah, you're so ni-i-ice, yeah
People think you're a good girl
But I know you
So don't call your dad
And say you'll sleep at mine
Ooh I want you right now
Come a little closer
Baby boo
All the things we could do
Late summer nights
I'll do everything with you
Baby, just call when you're ready
'Cause you're so oohh
And I want you right now
I want you right no-o-ow
Oohh ooh oo-oo-ooh
I want you right now
I want you right now baby
Oohh ooh oo-oo-ooh
So just come a little closer
Oohh ooh oo-oo-ooh
I want you right now, right now, right now, baby
Oohh ooh oo-oo-ooh
So just come a little closer, yeah

It feels good

Serenade for my baby
Joey montana
Mike bahia
Since last February
There is no day that I have not celebrated with you
Movie night, eat ice cream
All 'that' details that made you fall in love
I did not understand love, but by your side
Wine in Spanish and subtitled
There is nothing to talk about, everything is clear to me
Although they say that it looks strange to me
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
Hey, I would choose you again
If something is clear to me baby (I don't know)
Is that with you I had the chance to lose
But I suffered, I learned, then I won
I would do it again for you
If there is anything I want from you
Is that you never get away from me
And if you had to walk away, huh
Let me see you again (Let me see you again)
I like it a lot
Love you
I feel like a lucky guy
For giving you what you deserved (You deserved)
And that you hadn't given yourself yet
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
I danced a reggaeton
With a stranger
One of those days that are not forgotten
I am so insecure and you are so determined
You said make love to me for the love of your life
And I listened to you
Cupid scored a great goal
I changed the cold night for a hug
It was just a drink and I took up the glass
And from that day take me inside
Same feeling but pro version
Everything about you was what I liked the most
What I was looking for has finally found me
I did not understand love, but by your side
Wine in Spanish and subtitled
There is nothing to talk about, everything is clear to me
Although they say that it looks strange to me
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
It feels good
Want and be loved too
Let them say that this is not going to be possible
If I had to choose
I would choose you once, and again and again
Joey montana
Mike bahia


Szeretnél 'én' lenni?
Van rá egy receptem
Sz*rt se tudok főzni, de
Egy katasztrófa vagyok
Felgyújtom a konyhát
A füsttől elszállok
De rendben van, a torta tésztáját még így is meg tudom enni
Mert ilyen a showbusiness amiben élek
Én vagyok Mrs Plow
Ellopom a 'havat' amit felszívsz
Borotvaélen élem az életem
Sosem fogok visszavonulni
És ez rendben van, mert sosem fogsz tudni megtörni
Nem kell megváltoztatnod azt, hogy milyen vagy
(Milyen vagy)
Nincs fény, amikor visszafogod a sötétséged
De ne viselkedj úgy, mintha ismernél
Mintha birtokolnál
Birtokolnád NAOMI-t
Nem, köszi, inkább lennék az egyedüli
Az egyedüli, aki a királyságom irányítja
Nem hiányolok királyt
De ne viselkedj úgy, mintha ismernél
Eláraszt a forróság,
A sminkem is a toppon van
A dalaimat üvöltetem a hátsó ülésen
Duplázd a sebességet
Ess a térdeidre
Add ide a fiúkat a Backstreetről*
Így akarom csinálni
Mert egy rossz lány vagyok
És ez rendben van, mert sosem voltam egy szent
Viccelsz velem
Wanna-be-nak hívsz**
Nem az én bajom, hogy a szüleid nem etettek veled brokkolit
Tudod hogy csak bolondozok
Tudok édes és menő is lenni
Csak annyit akarok mondani, hogy
Nincs fény, amikor visszafogod a sötétséged
De ne viselkedj úgy, mintha ismernél
Mintha birtokolnál
Birtokolnád NAOMI-t
Nem, köszi, inkább lennék az egyedüli
Az egyedüli, aki a királyságom irányítja
Nem hiányolok királyt
De ne viselkedj úgy, mintha ismernél
(De ne viselkedj úgy, mintha ismernél)
Mintha birtokolnál
Birtokolnád NAOMI-t

Blessed are those that mourn

Blessed are those that mourn
For they shall be comforted
Those who sow tears
Shall reap joy
Go and cry
Taking precious seeds
And come with joy
Bearing it's sheaves 1
  • 1. The bundle of cereal-crop stems bound together after reaping the harvest i.e. a symbol of the hard work involved.