Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 46

Találatok száma: 3280


I fall in love with your eyes

I take off my uniform, I tie my ponytail
I put on a leather jacket. There's a dance party tonight
I got the chance to call dibs on that girl
Putting on secretly mom's perfume
Shaking suggestively the hem of my flared skirt
In the mirror I put a sexy smile
When my friends invite me
By the city in sunset I'll ride my bike to the party
I love you baby
When I pout a little, baby
I love you, I call you on purpose
Oh pretty baby, with another name
But love, baby, is yours
I want you to believe me with your eyes
I'm too close that your sighs reach my ears
Say pick up words in a gallant way please
Even if I pretend at the beginning to not be interested
Don't be serious. My heart burns and beats
I love you baby
I pout a little, baby, I love you,
No matter who gets close to me
Love, baby, is yours
That's why baby, a little lie
Discover with your eyes
I love you baby
When I pout a little, baby
I love you, I call you on purpose
Oh pretty baby, with another name
But love, baby, is yours
I want you to believe me with your eyes

Perfect erratum

Meat, fire, game, hmm
Suspicious curves of your beliefs
You were the one who magnetized this empty jazz
I don’t want to be too salty nor sweet a vampire
I want to be the night
Make a bet
On that meeting that was neither chance nor luck
If luck were to trip on your little foot
God would be a friend and deliver us from the danger
Of getting lost and finding myself in your belly button
If you’re going to steal my peace
Set fire to, ignite,
Our lives, that place.
Be the perfect erratum
I bite myself willingly
It burns
To feel your furs, poles, gravity
Know the chemistry of our tongues
Fights are blessings of astrology
Even a little attack of jealousy
Does good
Oh man, oh my god, what’s so wrong?
If at the end everything works out
An eye for a tooth, a tooth for affection
And a loss and a finding of self
With no nexus

Siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!

Remélem, hogy megtalálod, amit keresel, mikor az egész lezúdul
Remélem, hogy megtalálod feketére festve az ablakodon, vagy a grimaszoló szeretőd ajkain
Mert ha meghal1a hidegben, amikor a felhők nekilendülnek
Akkor lesz az, hogy a lelked vérezni kezd?
Láttad-e valaha az Elnököt, aki megölte a sebesült gyermekedet?
Vagy az embert aki miatt lezuhant a nővéred2repülőgépe és azt mondta, hogy őt Isten küldte?
És mikor ő3meghalt a karjaidban, aznap késő este a sötétben
Imádkoztál-e az istenedhez, hogy jöjjön haza?
Mert nem igazságos azt állítani, hogy ezek a vágányok4ugyanazok
Úgyhogy Isten, ha hallasz, siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!
Azt mondtam, Isten, ha hallasz, siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!
És most egy megjegyzés az Elnöknek, a Kormánynak és ennek a helynek a Bíráinak
Még mindig arra várunk, hogy hazahozzátok a katonáinkat, hogy eltakarítsátok a kuplerájt, amit csináltatok
Mert szerte az iraki földön vértől és pénztől és olajtól bűzlik minden
De itt olyan könnyűnek tűnik elvakítani minket az 'Egységben az Erő'-vel5
És nem nehéz meglátni, hogy ez az Ország nem szabad
Úgyhogy Isten, ha hallasz, siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!
Azt mondtam, Isten, ha hallasz, siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!
Az anyáknak és az apáknak, akik minden tőlük telhetőt megtettek
Mert porontyokat felnevelni egy ilyen zavaros világban, nem olyan világos dolog
Úgyhogy én befogom a fülem és a szemem és úgy csinálok mintha a szeretet nem változott volna
Mert elég egy aláírás a bíróságtól és eltöröltetik az egész
És nem nehéz megmondani
Amikor a szeretetet adjuk el
Úgyhogy Isten, ha hallasz, siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!
Azt mondtam, Isten, ha hallasz, siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!
Azt mondtam, Isten, ha hallasz, siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!
Azt mondtam, Istenem, ha hallasz, siklasd ki ezt a vonatot!
  • 1. Semleges nemű személyes névmás.
  • 2. Vagy 'húgod'.
  • 3. Nőnemű személyes névmás.
  • 4. Vagy 'ösvények, utak'.
  • 5.


Az ablakon kívül a köd elrejti a kábeleket1
De a ragyogó lámpák színét semmi sem rejti el
Az elektromosság oly szép
Nézd és töröld meg a szemed!
Olyan fáradtak vagyunk az életünkben levő sötétségtől
Így, hogy elfogytak a dühös szavak
Életre kelhetünk
Beszállhatunk egy kocsiba és mehetünk
A túloldalra
Én bébi, kilépek
Az éjszakába
A fénybe
Te bébi, kilépsz
Az éjszakába
A fénybe
Fiatalok vagyunk de megöregszünk mielőtt eljönne az időnk
Magunk mögött hagyjuk a tévét és a rádiót
Hát nem izgatja a fantáziád, hogy mit fogunk találni?
Amikor ma este kilépünk
Öltözhetsz rózsaszínbe és kékbe, mint egy gyerek
Hogy felém fordulj egy sárga taxiban és elmosolyodj
Nemsokára ott leszünk
Ha követsz engem
Én bébi, kilépek
Az éjszakába
A fénybe
Te bébi, kilépsz
Az éjszakába
A fénybe
  • 1. Nem 100%, hogy kábelek, lehetnének valamilyen 'vonalak' is.

Never say never

It was in May, when I gave you a ring,
maybe I knew you too little then,
but my heart fell in love,
it wanted to have this girl.
A lot of years are behind us,
I know, that you felt bad a lot,
but there was no happiness for us,
we were too young for love.
Never say, that you didn't love me,
never say, that it was all just dreams,
I only wish that you lived with me,
I want to believe, at least that should stay with me.
Loving someone is like in a fairytale,
but fairytales only live in books,
let a fairy carry us there forever,
because real love is home there.

Mi is a szerelem

Még sosem éreztem magam így
Ahogy most érzek
Még sosem voltam ilyen közel
A szívemet mindig
Titokként őriztem
De többé már
Meg nem tarthatom
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok szerelmes vagyok
Egészen biztos, hogy szerelmes vagyok
Mélyen az vagyok, mélyen az vagyok, mélyen az vagyok
Nincs efelől semmi kétség
Hiszem, hiszem, hiszem
Hogy a Mennyből küldtek téged
Hogy megmutasd nekem
Hogy mi is a szerelem
Minden egyes gyengéd érintéssel
Tanítod nekem
Hogy milyen érzés átadni a szívem
Valaki másnak
Én az egészet teljesen át akarom adni
Mert nem tudom magamnak
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok szerelmes vagyok
Egészen biztos, hogy szerelmes vagyok
Mélyen az vagyok, mélyen az vagyok, mélyen az vagyok
Nincs efelől semmi kétség
Hiszem, hiszem, hiszem
Hogy a Mennyből küldtek téged
Hogy megmutasd nekem
Hogy mi is a szerelem
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok szerelmes vagyok
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok szerelmes vagyok
Egészen biztos, hogy szerelmes vagyok
Mélyen az vagyok, mélyen az vagyok, mélyen az vagyok
Nincs efelől semmi kétség
Hiszem, hiszem, hiszem
Hogy a Mennyből küldtek téged
Hogy megmutasd nekem
Hogy mi is a szerelem
Szerelmes vagyok, szerelmes vagyok szerelmes vagyok
Egészen biztos, hogy szerelmes vagyok
Mélyen az vagyok, mélyen az vagyok, mélyen az vagyok
Nincs efelől semmi kétség
Hiszem, hiszem, hiszem
Hogy a Mennyből küldtek téged
Hogy megmutasd nekem
Hogy mi is a szerelem
Hogy megmutasd nekem
Hogy mi is a szerelem
Hogy megmutasd nekem
Hogy mi is a szerelem
Hogy megmutasd nekem
Hogy mi is a szerelem


I'm falling into longing and it hurts me so much,
It's your longing that hurts me,
I wish you were in my place,
I'm closing my eyes to forget again,
But it's difficult to forget you,
I have your image on my eyelids.
Nai na, nai na, there's nothing you can do about it,
The longing is paining me,
I wish you were in my place,
Nai na, nai na, there's nothing you can do about it,
The longing is paining me,
I have your image on my eyelids.
The fragrance is the one to blame,
The one which is presented in my mind,
My eyes need only your photo,
I'm drinking vine without you,
The silence is calling you,
The glass is empty like the heart.
Tell me where, among the shadows,
Where I should leave you,
Longing, you catch me at every step,
Among dumb silhouettes
Give me the last dance,
Longing, tell me goodbye.
I'm falling into longing and it hurts me so much,
It's your longing that hurts me,
I wish you were in my place,
I'm closing my eyes to forget again,
But it's difficult to forget you,
I have your image on my eyelids.
Nai na, nai na, there's nothing you can do about it,
The longing is paining me,
I wish you were in my place,
Nai na, nai na, there's nothing you can do about it,
The longing is paining me,
I have your image on my eyelids.
I don't see you, I'm scared,
The memories are calling me,
What should I do
When goodness hurts us,
The souls of others won't relieve
Our longing that remains
When you go away on your own.
Tell me where, among the shadows,
Where I should leave you,
Longing, you catch me at every step,
Among dumb silhouettes
Give me the last dance,
Longing, tell me goodbye.

Foolish Wolf

Once upon a time there was a Bad Wolf
Who decided to dine with someone
He didn't have any money
But he took a chance
And soon was in over his head
A Little Hood in a swimsuit
Heard the car horn and didn't stop
But the Bad Wolf insisted
And made a sad face
But Little Hood listened
To grandmother's advice
Say no to the Wolf,
That with the Wolf you won't go out alone
The Wolf sang, asked,
Promised everything, even love
And said that Wolf's weakness
Is to see a Little Hood in a swimsuit
But Little Hood realized
That the Bad Wolf was melting
'Cause you see that Wolf
Was also making a fool of himself
So, I can tell you
Little Hood now brings
The Wolf on a collar
Who doesn't dine any more!
Foolish Wolf

Things are difficult, Layla

Things are difficult, Layla,
So there's no engagement
And you're rich, Layla,
And we're drifters.
Every moment takes us further apart..
Our floors don't even have carpets,
And you're used to walking on feathers.
They were confused by you,
And they confused you
They adorned you with a crown,
Till you forgot those who wear a fez.
Remember when you and I were?
When you'd visit me and I'd visit you
It seems that whoever lives besides you
Finds it very hard to go back to living alone

Dried Tamarind Tree

Just as the watermelon's flower sways
That's how the woman of Barranquilla sways
Dried tamarind leaves fall off
There's no way to pick up spilled water
Dried tamarind leaves fall off
There's no way to pick up spilled water
Window over window, over window a flower
Over the flower, Nicolasa, over Nicolasa, the Sun
Dried tamarind leaves fall off
There's no way to pick up spilled water
I'm not from around here I'm from the black land
Where the northern screamer sings and the mermaids answer to it
Dried tamarind leaves fall off
There's no way to pick up spilled water
In the valuables chest of your house they want to ask me for a veil
Where they say I'm going and if they don't say I can't go
Dried tamarind leaves fall off
There's no way to pick up spilled water
Ay ehhh, scratchy scratch (with the tick)
That's a scratchy scratch (with the tick)
And how do I make it up (with the tick)
That's the tick that bit Felipe
And it left him a wheal, and that's his scratchy scratch
And that was the tick that bit Felipe
And it left him a wheal, how do I make it up, ay-ehh
Scratchy scratchy (with the tick)
That's a scratchy scratch (with the tick)
And how do I make myself up (with the tick)
Oh but look there on the ground
So that you see that we found it
And he was left with a wheal, ay-ay-ay and ay-ay-ay, ehh
Scratchy scratch (with the tick)
And that's a Scratchy scratchy (with the tick)
And how do I make myself up (with the tick)
That's a scratching scratch (with the tick)
Just as the watermelon's flower sways
That's how the woman of Barranquilla sways
Ce, ce, ce
Is that I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce)
That I play it with my feet (ce, ce, ce, ce)
I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Oh, I dance it with my feet (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Just like the bush sways in the hammock
That's how the woman from Santa Marta sways
Ce, ce, ce, ce
I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce, ce)
That I move on one foot (ce, ce, ce, ce)
I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Oh, I dance it with my feet (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Just like the lily flower sways
That's how the woman of Cartagena sways
Ce, ce, ce, ce
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce)
That I move on one foot (ce, ce, ce, ce)
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Oh, I dance it on one foot (ce, ce, ce)
Just like the sea sways the sail
That's how the woman of Venezuela sways
Ce, ce, ce, ce
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce)
That I move on one foot (ce, ce, ce, ce)
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Oh, I dance it on one foot (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Just like the marten sways on its back
That's how the woman of Bocatombo sways
Ce, ce, ce, ce
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce)
That I move on one foot (ce, ce, ce, ce)
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Oh, I dance it on one foot (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Ce, Ce, Ce
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce)
That I move on one foot (ce, ce, ce, ce)
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce, ce)
That I dance it with my feet
Just like the lily blossom sways
That's how the woman of Cartagena sways
Ce, ce, ce, ce
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce)
That I dance it on one foot (ce, ce, ce, ce)
That I play the clarinet for you (ce, ce, ce, ce)
Ce, ce, ce, ce
Ce, ce, ce, ce
Ce, ce, ce, ce

If I could forget you

If I could forget you.. forget you..forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love
Your beautiful eyes made me crazy
How could I betray you and your imagination followed me?
If I could forget you.. forget you..forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love
No matter how much you play with my heart, I will stay loyal to you
And if I didn't go crazy, your imagination followed me
If I could forget you.. forget you..forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love
My sweet heart, please don't go away and increase my pain more and more
Tell me your secrets, and let your imagination follow me
If I could forget you.. forget you..forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love
Oh, If I could forget you.. forget you
I can't forget your love
Forget your love

Hősök vagyunk

Egész életünkben elbújtunk az árnyékban,
És néztük, ahogy elszáll minden lehetőség
És egész életünkben hátat fordítottak nekünk az emberek,
És időről időre cserben hagytak minket
De elég volt, mert hiszem, hogy semmi sem lehetetlen számunkra
És hihetetlen, de mi eljutottunk idáig, nézz most ránk, nézz most ránk
Hősök vagyunk
Hősök vagyunk, és követjük egymást tűzön-vízen át
Hősök vagyunk
Hősök vagyunk, és semmi sem szakíthat szét minket
Idővel minden sebünk összeforrt, de egyetlen pillanatot sem feledünk
Mert tudom, akkor érzed igazán, hogy élsz, amikor fáj
De elég volt, mert hiszem, hogy semmi sem lehetetlen számunkra
És hihetetlen, de mi eljutottunk idáig, nézz most ránk, nézz most ránk
Hősök vagyunk
Hősök vagyunk, és követjük egymást tűzön-vízen át
Hősök vagyunk
Hősök vagyunk, és semmi sem szakíthat szét minket
És éjjel megint elemünkben vagyunk, senki sem érhet hozzánk
Mert mi leszünk azok, akik egyenes állnak, míg mindenki más megadta magát
Mert mi, mert
Hősök vagyunk, hősök vagyunk, és követjük egymást tűzön-vízen át
Hősök vagyunk, hősök vagyunk, és semmi sem szakíthat szét minket
És éjjel megint elemünkben vagyunk, senki sem érhet hozzánk

My heart, why do you stay

My heart, why do you stay
awake during the nights of love,
if your master rests
in the arms of another?
My heart, why do you stay
awake during the nights of love?

Those Days

I still remember those days
when I carried the sky in my heart,
if it was Spring, I can't remember,
I only recall the love that brought us together.
The time that passed couldn't kill
the love that I insist on remembering,
I know it isn't dead, what you and I
in a sweet dream let bloom!
So much love lost in the moment
that my heart understood
that goodbye came like a lamentation,
[and] suddenly the sky turned dark.
The time that passed couldn't kill
the love that I insist on remembering
I know it isn't dead, what you and I
in a sweet dream let bloom!
Now that winter has come to me,
a sad winter memory,
I leave this longing in the haven
that I made within my heart.
The time that passed couldn't kill
the love that I insist on remembering
I know it isn't dead, what you and I
in a sweet dream let bloom!
Now that distance separates us
and so much time has passed,
whoever looks at me pityingly will only see
that the love within me has not diminished.
The time that passed couldn't kill
the love that I insist on remembering
I know it isn't dead, what you and I
in a sweet dream let bloom!

Tears of an angel

Make way for a goddess
Today, she carries a thirst for evil,
Of blind love, she was imprisoned,
Searching for the truth.
Tears of an angel
Broken in the air, they will rain.
Tears of an angel
They fly in the air, tears.
Make way for a queen
Exiled from hell,
She rose stitching her veins
With grief in her gaze.
Tears of an angel
Broken in the air, they will rain.
Tears of an angel
They fly in the air, tears.
I danced on the edge of the abyss,
I jumped, condemned to be reborn,
I bled, buried so far from him
I cut the veil of my nightfall,
I danced barefoot with death
I broke the ties of my luck.
Tears of an angel
Broken in the air
Tears of an angel will rain.
Tears of an angel
Broken in the air
Tears of an angel will rain.

Dirty thoughts

Look me straight into the eyes,
when I truthfully lie to you,
that you aren't the one, that awakens in me
all those dirty thoughts.
In our rythm we dance,
Venera plays with Mars.
Let's be careful, that we don't lose the night
and those dirty thoughts.
Dreams are of your taste,
morning smells like you.
Compass doesn't listen to me anymore,
my lost soul
is only searching in a path, where you are.

I Ain't

I ain't
Never walked on the moonglade
I surely ain't
Never let fear get in my way
I just ain't
The time, I won't heal
I ain't
Fishy, ain't no catch
I surely ain't
The smoke without fire
I just ain't
Never let my troubles take five
At dawn, starts the day
A new hope, so blissful
Early to bed, early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
Hard work pays off
Saves a lot of trouble
Life goes by leaving me baffled
Days go by scratching my head
It's easy to take credit
But who will do the work?
Stick to your guns
And justice will prevail
A working man won't get in trouble
A busy man won't have to beg
Promise them the moon or nothing,
Either way you're bound to fail
I ain't
Born yesterday
I surely ain't
Been holding back
I just ain't
The worst that could happen
I ain't
Getting any wiser
I surely ain't
I just ain't
Never eaten my words
At dawn, starts the day
A new hope, so blissful
Early to bed, early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
Hard work pays off
Saves a lot of trouble
Life goes by leaving me baffled
Days go by scratching my head
It's easy to take credit
But who will do the work?
Stick to your guns
And justice will prevail
A working man won't get in trouble
A busy man won't have to beg
Promise them the moon or nothing,
Either way you're bound to fail

If the love is pure

You can't fake love
it always reflects the truth.
That truth shows in the eyes
they retreat into the mind.
Hidden seeds of doubt
and you bear the guilt
so let's be genuine
we can't read thoughts.
But if the love is pure
happiness finds its way home
appearing over the two of us.
Yeah, if the love is pure
then it's never too late
for the heart to lead the way.
No one controls the rhythm
that echoes in your chest.
Everyone knows that one day
we'll both know all about it.
You promise to listen to me
face to face
we find peace and quiet
together our own sound.
But if the love is pure
happiness finds its way home
appearing over the two of us.
Yeah, if the love is pure
then it's never too late
for the heart to lead the way.
oooo-o-o-o, o-o-o-oooo
oooo-o-o-o, o-o-o-oooo
But if the love is pure
happiness finds its way home
appearing over the two of us.
Yeah, if the love is pure
then it's never too late
for the heart to lead the way.
Yeah, if the love is pure
then it's never too late
for the heart to lead the way
for the heart to lead the way.

Eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz

Nézem, ahogy hívsz
Nem akartalak így elhagyni
Hajnali 5 óra van, igen, igen
A műszerfalon száz (sebesség)
Mert a kerekeim forognak
Nem tudom levenni a lábam a gázról
És csak egy éjszakába telt
Látni a sor végét
Mélyen bámulni a szemeidbe, szemeidbe
Táncolni a szélén, amivel túl messzire jutsz
Ez szétrombolta a fejemet, hogy romboljam vele a szívedet
Amikor felébredsz az ágyban, egyedül a sötétben
Sajnálom, el kellett jönnöm, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Ay, ay, eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Ay, ay, eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Ay, ay, eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Ay, ay, eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Jó vagyok már a felismerésben
Amikor magad mögött hagyod a partit
Nem érdekelnek a megjegyzések, igen, igen, nem
Gyorsan fogok egy fuvart
Inkább leszek magányos, igen
Mint, hogy körbeöleljen túl szorosan a tested
Igen, olyan típus vagyok, aki lemeztelenedik
Nem adom a szívem ahhoz, hogy összetörjön
Mert inkább elmegyek, minthogy maradjak
(Táncolni) Táncolni a szélén, amivel túl messzire jutsz
Ez szétrombolta a fejemet, hogy romboljam vele a szívedet
Amikor felébredsz az ágyban, egyedül a sötétben
Sajnálom, el kellett jönnöm, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Ay, ay, eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Ay, ay, eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Ay, ay, eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Ay, ay, eljönni, mielőtt belém szeretsz
Táncolni a szélén, amivel túl messzire jutsz
Ez szétrombolta a fejemet, hogy romboljam vele a szívedet
Sajnálom, hogy egyedül vagy a sötétben
Sajnálom, ay, ay, el kellett jönnöm, mielőtt belém szeretsz

Essence of God

The world will pass and all prophecy
The gifts, the languages and everything else
But like the one that was
Today and it is and forever will be
The love is the essence of God
And also forever will live
Kind and without rancor, faithful and conscious
Humble and sufferer, just wait
Fair and true, everything endure and everything believe
So pure and perfect is the love
It doesn't care about interests or favors
Mystery, expression, life and light of the Lord
If I could know destiny and future
Move montains with my faith
If I could speak any language
In anywhere
And give all my properties to the poor
Or die in favor of someone
If I didn't have love, it will worth nothing
If I didn't have love, it won't be of any use
Cold and useless life will pass
Empty will be the speak
A bell that insists on ringing
If inside me won't worth the love

The paradise for cattle

For the enactment of an animal welfare law
on November 12, 1933 by the
President of the Animal Welfare Association,
Hermann Göring.

They're issuing a law
for the protection of rats, cats and mice.
Torturing rabbits, frogs and pigs
should be prohibited in Germany.
Hands off God's creature!
Because they are leaders in culture!
In Germany, they create
a paradise for cattle.
A long time ago, they didn't
make laws for cattle.
It first came to humans
if reds can be called that.
Hand off God's creature?
Oh no, that was the other tour:
you are in the Third Reich!
We only protect the cattle!
Concentration camps are now being considered
For those who killed a bed bug.
On the other hand, it is customary
to beat up reds, Jews and Christians.
And who is best at beating
he is the most loyal German man.
In the pure culture, you can see it,
the paradise of cattle.
The cattle are delighted,
because their time has come.
They even breed animals:
for example the vampires.
They are under the special protection
of the state and they suck blood
as lush as never before,
in the paradise of the cattle.

Song of the travellers

It was along the travel
Without any weapons nor baggage
Nor the coats of arms of the crew
It was in the return
Moratory fatherland
In the heart of history
You who consumed the glory
In a dinner
It was as if Portugal
For its good and for its worse
Was searching for an end
To begin
Avid violence
Reverse of innocence
Salt of the inconscience
That there is in the sea
Impire so small
Pockets of sin and bell
In each hand
Imaginary fatherland
Of varied consistence
Daily affirmation
Of your no
The bags of the portuguese
Are like the eyes of the ????
That are munched three times
On each floor (?)
Candid ignorance
Great unimportance
Of the fruits of wandering
It’s in the past, long gone
Oh our lady of the sailors
Of Africa, from the salt and the sea only I was spared
It was in order to find myself that tomorrow I lost myself
Long is the time in which I’m no longer here
Oh our lady of the Maybe-Many-More-Signs
Rescue this colonial waste
It was in the cold night that the day blinded me
I went just now, just now I’m no longer here
Oh our Lady of the Forgotten Ones remind me
The way that comes to here and from here
Blah blah blah and stuff, Portugal is us in the Sea
I’ve come just now and I’m still far from arriving
Oh our Lady of My Equals that I subtracted
If it’s so big the soul in the palm of my being
Someday I will finally happen
Why not try another point of view
The history of the others who will tell
If any colony without colonist
Is the ones who were already there
Let’s try then to see the thing from the opposite way
From the point of view of those who did not arrive
Because if I was a black man called Zé Mário
I would not be who I am
The sailors arrived here at home
And everything was new for them and for me
The cross and the sword and the burning eyes
Why did you treat me like this?
It’s not our fault if those who came here
Were not bothered when they knew of the horror
History doesn’t look at those who get in the way
And what was belongs to whoever it is


A statue, stone in desert heat,
On bright white sand, with thirstburnt head,
I stand here, meaningless and dead

Three girls were singing of love.

Three girls were singing of love,
very beautiful young maids,
pining away for love were they.
And then one said, my lady:
-'Sing, my friends, with me
the song of my friend'.
All of the three were singing very well
like young girls so in love
and much grieving for love.
And the one who makes me lose my senses said:
-'Sing, my friends, with me
the song of my friend'.
What a great pleasure I felt
in listening to their chant at that time!
And it really pleased me fine
all that my lady said:
-'Sing, my friends, with me
the song of my friend'.
And the more I listened to them
the more delighted I was!
And it really pleased me so
how my lady said:
-'Sing, my friends, with me
the song of my friend'.

Days Long Gone

It’s so strange to think
on a day that should be about happiness and peace
In the window there are little shoes
that signify the passage of time
Christmas is back
Days long gone
come to life again
The songs we always sang
vibrating around me
This Christmastime
I think about the value of generosity
Trying to give my loved ones
everything you gave to me, this Christmas
See what they’re looking forward to
Having everyone together is magical to me
Fresh white snow
What brings me new paths, a way forward
Christmas is back
Christmas is back
Days long gone
come to life again
The songs we always sang
vibrating around me
This Christmastime
I think about the value of generosity
Trying to give my loved ones
everything you gave to me, this Christmas
The memories are still alive
You're in the front of my mind
And tonight, I think you're here
Days long gone
come to life again
The songs we always sang
vibrating around me
This Christmastime
I think about the value of generosity
Trying to give my loved ones
everything you gave to me, this Christmas
Days long gone
come to life again
The songs we always sang

Az eső

Hallgasd a zuhogó esőt!
Hallgasd, hogy zuhog
És minden egyes esőcseppel
Tudod, hogy még jobban szeretlek
Hadd essen az eső egész éjszaka!
Hadd nőjön erősre érted a szerelmem
Amíg mi együtt vagyunk
Kit érdekel, hogy milyen az idő?
Hallgasd a zuhogó esőt!
Hallgasd, hogy zuhog
És minden egyes esőcseppel
A hívásodat hallom
Hogy hangosan, egy az egyben szólítod a nevem
Hallom a felhők felett
És itt vagyok a tócsák között
Te és én összeölelkezünk
Hallgasd a zuhogó esőt!
Hallgasd az esőt!
Az öregember horkol
Ágyba bújt
És beütötte a fejét
Nem tudott felkelni ezen a reggelen
Hallgasd a zuhogó esőt!
Hallgasd az esőt!

Buff stud

I'm yours if I get to touch you
Im yours I'll guarantee your pleasure
You're mine you can touch my ass
You're mine we'll flee together
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
Splish splash
Let's have a little fun
Lick lick
I'll put my tongue in you
Huff puff
I'll push in a centimeter deeper
Gulp gulp
Mine's bigger than Pentti's
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
a buff stud
(I am) a buff stud!
(I'll get to touch your body) a suff btud
(I am) a buff stud!

Eyes of a child

The entire sea is in the sad tears of a child
The entire sky stops in a frightened eye
There's a grain of hope in the middle of a flower
They spread their arms towards the sun, the eyes of a child
There is a song in them, deep as the sea
About a forever sky, about a warm sun
About a world where everything is okay
When a child is loved, when a child laughs
You can see everything with the eyes of a child, they know everything
The entire sea is interwoven in a small tear
A grain of hope is growing in the eyes of a child
Like a warm word fed by the sun
The eyes of a child
[Chorus 2]
The eyes of a child are protecting this entire world
With the most beautiful
Fairies, elves, dolls and spiders
They sparkle the most beautifully
And when the sun sets
And our world spinning like a spinning top
In the rhythm of all the planets, may a better day come
For the child's eyes to wake up joyfully
You can see everything with the eyes of a child, they know everything
The entire sea is interwoven in a small tear
A grain of hope is growing in the eyes of a child
Like a warm word fed by the sun
The eyes of a child
You can see everything with the eyes of a child, they know everything
The entire sea is interwoven in a small tear
A grain of hope is growing in the eyes of a child
Like a warm word fed by the sun
The eyes of a child

You're a Miracle

Close your eyes and listen
This song is for you
When you feel like you're all by yourself
In the world of lies
Jump up to the sky
Vast field full of flowers will welcome you
And the fresh breeze will greet you
The miracle that hasn't ended yet
Sometimes you can't see anything
But that doesn't mean the end of the world
Your precious heart
Reaches the stars and shines
Call them so they can hear you in the skies
Vast field full of flowers will welcome you
And the fresh breeze will greet you
The miracle that hasn't ended yet
This is all for you
Someday we can raise the hand
Held together and we’re
Making the miracles together
And forever long
Vast field full of flowers will welcome you
And the fresh breeze will greet you
The song will continue as long as


[Verse 1]
I'm out of control
I have a problem, and the sleepless dawns know it
The night is calling me
It's sick. there are no limits
I'm going wild like I need training
A real bitch, with nails and hair spot on
My state of mind has its own state of mind
Vicious and promiscuous, indomitable and crazy
I'm wild
Tame me, because I'm not calm
I make scenes like in movies
Oh, give me more adrenaline (w-wild)
I'm wild
Aggression and speed
I make scenes like in movies
Because only then I feel alive
[Verse 2]
There's an unrest in me
I'm out of my mind, so don't annoy me, fuck off
Go away
Because the Scorpio in me is fuming
I'm going wild like I need training
A real bitch, with nails and hair spot on
My state of mind has its own state of mind
Vicious and promiscuous, indomitable and crazy
I'm wild
Tame me, because I'm not calm
I make scenes like in movies
Oh, give me more adrenaline (w-wild)
I'm wild
Aggression and speed
I make scenes like in movies
Because only then I feel alive
[Bridge, Italian]
Oh you, immature and proud knight
surrender yourself humbly
in front of her indomitable soul
or you shall fall defeated
Proudly accept that
you do not possess her wild spirit
that cannot be reached at all
I'm wild
Aggression and speed
I make scenes like in movies
Because only then I feel alive (W-wild)


A gyengédséget bármikor
szerelmet, mi az élethez kell.
De ha őszinteségre vágysz,
talán észre sem veszed,
hogy mily kevesen adják meg neked.
Őszintén, oly magányos szó,
mindenki olyan hamis
Mi igaz, azt alig hallani,
ezt add, mert ezt adom én is.
Együtt érez, vagy kedvel,
ezt mondja sok ember,
ha a szívemet megmutatom.
De nem álmosolyt akarok,
hazug szép szavakat,
amit mondasz, én hinni akarom.
Őszintén, oly magányos szó,
mindenki olyan hamis
Mi igaz, azt alig hallani,
ezt add, mert ezt adom én is.
Találok szeretőt,
lehet barátom,
biztonságban lehetek,
de végül csalódom.
Bárkinél vigaszt lelek
várnak új ígéretek
Tudom, tudom.
Ha magam alatt vagyok
Te ne légy nyugtalan,
távolból semmit sem akarok.
De légy becsületes velem,
hova fordulhatnék még
egyedül te vagy, akihez tartozom.
Őszintén, oly magányos szó,
mindenki olyan hamis.
Mi igaz, azt alig hallani,
ezt add, mert ezt adom én is.