Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 54

Találatok száma: 3280



Those people are indifferent to right and wrong (Uh)
The madness caused by the frightened ones (Uh)
The children underneath it get tired of white and remind (Uh)
I live in a fearful dream with a well-made expression (Uh)
Crumbles and everyone covets the king's position
Only the royal veins take the throne
Even if I'm not that vein, I'm in my place
Your way up with a snake-like tongue
They're so mad as if they were possessed by something
Among those trapped in that blood, I am also a people
The mother who raised me while sweating
You raised a son, Raemi, my mom
The result of my rebellion, after not listening to my mother
The result of fighting while watching my tears swallow
Achievement of growing up at the price of that weight
I'll wipe those tears off, mom just health
Take it, I'll go up that high place and be in a big position
It'll be the moon that brightens the darkened darkness
It will be a sharp dagger-like window
Even if you finally fall, you will become a walking king
Loyalists' recognition is comforting
No irrefutable comments required
This song is comforting for someone
This swollen place is a maze
Tighten the broken knee
I walk up without fear
I'm the king, big wings behind me
You have to squat for a while, the world is the power of the devil
The warmth of the whole body radiates from the cold
I just keep my own shit Ea a
Yohae greenhouse
I do my thing, thing, thank you fam
I love you, thank you, my fam
I am the king, you, the king, these are the kings, they are the king, all the kings
Each person's strength is born, feel don't you know shit
With my broken wings, I'll go without fear
Let's go, damn, I don't know
Man, please let me know
Keep going and go
Just do yourself, just do yourself
Just do me, just do myself, just do myself
Once again, I'm making the king culture
Shout to the sky for the sake
Once again I'm the king, tighten my broken knee
Go up further and shout
Loyalists' recognition is comforting
No irrefutable comments required
This song is comforting for someone
This swollen place is a maze
Tighten the broken knee
I walk up without fear

Samba do Soho

When I walk around Soho
I remember Gamboa
Ai, ai, ai, what a crazy thing
Oh my god, what a good thing
There behind the Cais do Porto
On the Ladeira da Preguiça
Where fools are born dead
Where it only gives good people
Who doesn't know what longingness is
Doesn't know this dilemma
Doesn't taste this poison
Has never had a Morena
Ah, my god, how nice
Meeting you in this city
When I turn the street corner
I'm met with longingness
Ai, ai, ai, what a crazy thing
Oh my god, what a good thing
Ai, ai, ai, what a crazy thing
Oh my god, what a good thing
When I walk around Soho
I remember Gamboa
Ai, ai, ai, what a crazy thing
Oh my god, what a good thing
There in Peo
Donga made the samba
In the beat of the people
From Angola, from Luanda
Who doesn't know what longingness is
Doesn't know this dilemma
Doesn't taste this poison
Has never had a Morena
Ah, my god, how nice
Meeting you in this city
When I turn the street corner
I'm met with longingness
Ai, ai, ai, what a crazy thing
Oh my god, what a good thing
Ai, ai, ai, what a crazy thing
Oh my god, what a good thing

I’m Neither From Here… Nor From There

I like the sun, Alicia and the doves,
A good cigar and the ladies of easy virtue,
Jumping over walls, opening windows
And, when I’m crying, a woman…
I like wine, as well as flowers,
And rabbits, but not tractors,
The homemade bread, Dolores’ voice
And the sea wetting my feet.
I’m neither from here nor from there,
I have no age, no future
And being happy is my identity colour.
I like always lying down on the sand,
Going after Manuela with my nag,
And all the time watching the stars
With Maria, in the wheat fields.
I’m neither from here nor from there,
I have no age, no future
And being happy is my identity colour.

He has a way

He has a way to say 'you' I didn't think existed
His wardrobe follows no simple rules of imbalance
He has small wrinkles from laughter and traces of silver in his hair
He is a man I've waited a long time for but never before seen anywhere
He has a way of keeping his torso still when he walks
He has a way of smiling that only I, only I can understand
And it is him, and it is me
And I can't really remember who I was
Before the day he came and stayed
And I know, I know a human is nothing that you have1
But he is mine
And ask how it's going to be later, I don't think I will
It never ends up the way you thought or planned anyway
There is no-one else who bothers me and affects me like him
There is no world I can think of where we don't have each other
And it is him, and it is me
And I can't really remember who I was
Before the day he came and stayed
And I know, I know a human is nothing that you have
But he is mine
And it is him, and it is me
And I can't really remember who I was
Before the day he came and stayed
And I know, I know a human is nothing that you have
But he is mine
He is mine
  • 1. possibly have could also be translated to own in this case


Answer me, tell me how life treats you
Deceive me with the words I want to hear
Dream up that you feel nostalgia
And tell me lowering your voice
That I'm still all your love
Confess that your heart is an empty nest
That far from me you have not been able to feel happy
I'd rather believe your lies
Dreaming is better than suffering
With the truth I cannot live
I want to think that your love is not fantasy
That I have you every day and that I never lost you
Despite the pain I want to love you more than before
And come back for a moment to feel you next to me

Life Goes On

Seeing you far is what makes me happy
You are worth nothing to me
You were once everything I ever wanted
Now you are just everything I don't want
You don't have to ask me, no
If I'm doing well, peace out
If you didn't think twice before
Disrespecting me
I'm too young to waste time
With your indecision
Relationship problems
Sorry, not with me, no
Now I just want to enjoy
Live life, have fun
If it was good or bad
I've already forgotten
If they ask about you
I don't know anymore
I'm onto something else
I'm good
Because life goes on baby
Goes on baby
Goes on baby
I'm not a saint
To forgive your sins
I gave you so much
But for me the past is the past
Everything is all right
I'm not anybody's (I'm not, no)
Today I'm in the game
I just wanna play around
Now I just want to enjoy
Live life, have fun
If it was good or bad
I've already forgotten
If they ask about you
I don't know anymore
I'm onto something else
I'm good
Because life goes on baby
Goes on baby
Goes on baby
I just wanna play around
Cruisin’ in my BM
I'm doing me
And they are falling in my DMs
You still call to know if I'm OK
When today you're the one who belongs to everybody
And I'm nobody
They speak about you
I'm cool because I don't ask
In my life it's been a while since you were relevant
You wanted a ring and my surname
But today you're just a number in my phone
Well-adjusted to my past
I'm in the game, living good
In good company
Baby you know the deal
If you want to see me it's only on Insta
Have a look at my profile
'Cause I'm gone
If they ask about you
I don't know anymore
I'm onto something else
I'm good
Because life goes on baby
Goes on baby
Goes on baby

Hob XXI, 3 III,3: See how the swift youth rush.

See how the swift youth rush
To the hazel bush
the cheerful group of children swing
On every branch
And from the swaying bush
The ripe fruit rains like hail
The young builder climbs here
along the tall trunk,
nimbly up the ladder.
From the top that covers it
he sees his sweetheart drawing nigh,
and meet her step
then flies in a sweet joke
the edge of the nut.
Stand around every tree in the garden
the girls big and little
the fruit that they pick
same fresh color.

Éjszakai hivások

Dolgára indult az éjszakai banda
Egy mérföldnyire járnak a Déli úttól
Séta közben azon morfondirozom
Soha nem jössz te már haza
Minden gondomon átsuhanva szerettelek
Nem volt semmi, amit elvettél
Hogy segítséget kapjak abban, hogy elérjelek
Éjszakai hívásokat kezdeményezek
Éjszakai hívások, éjszakai hívások
Éjszakai hívások, éjszakai hívások
megfeszülök, hogy elérjelek téged
De te biztosan gyorsan haladsz
Minden jövőbeli reményem
Tovább él majd a múltamban
Tudod, hogy ez nem könnyű
És a szürkület kezd álarcot ölteni
Voltak évek, amikor szeretted a reggeleket
Hamis szerelmünk a terveket, 'miket szövögettünk, megcsaltak
Ó, éjszakai hívások, éjszakai hívások
Hadd csörögjön!
Ó, éjszakai hívások, éjszakai hívások
Ó, éjszakai hívások, vége mindnek
Éjszakai hívások voltak
És én még élek és okulok


Coffee with cream, the color of a mulatto girl
she's an artist, her face's a poem
she gracefully dances to the serenade
the dancer makes me forget my problems
Tequila shot dawn
'Photographist' with a light pose
with her friends she lights up the park
but home alone, her soul is lost
That's why she wanders alone through the avenue
she sits in Café de Ipanema, waiting
coffee with liquor, saccharine
looking back on the past, stone heart
If you give me a taste, I'll give you a taste
I keep you in my mind, I'm a fool
I think about you a lot, but I wouldn't want
you to walk away out of my life
And it's just that you've got me in love, momma
you look at me with those pretty little eyes
and I want to go there and have to eat you up
I take a look at your ass everytime you leave
And it's just that you've got me in love, momma
you look at me with those pretty little eyes
and I want to go there and have to eat you up
I take a look at your ass everytime you leave
I'm bussy, pussy, I'm bussy, basa
grease ball, filled with fat
the fire goes out and there's nothing left but hot coal
but she kisses me, touches and hugs me
Ill timed times, inappropriate place
things never turn out the way I thought they would
I think about you a lot, but I wouldn't want
you to get away from my side
Time passes, problems are heavy
assholes step on, watch your steps
it's what happens, feet trip over
if you walk quickly and, to make matters worse, barefoot
But let's go forward, this won't decline
you want war and won't agree on a truce
you're set for me, I can see it from a mile away
see you tomorrow, a little french kiss
And it's just that you've got me in love, momma
you look at me with those pretty little eyes
and I want to go there and have to eat you up
I take a look at your ass everytime you leave
And it's just that you've got me in love, momma
you look at me with those pretty little eyes
and I want to go there and have to eat you up
I take a look at your ass everytime you leave


Ne légy magányos,
Mondta Édesanyám.
Magányosnak lenni, a legrosszabb dolog, amit választhatsz magadnak.
Találj egy kedves lányt,
Alapíts családot,
Hogy mikor a fények kihunynak legyen melletted valaki.
És találtam egy lányt,
Aki most már anya lett,
Egy kis ház, egy régi hinta, egy juharfa,
Vedd kézbe a gyermekem,
Érintsd meg a szerelmem,
De késő éjjel csak a magány és én vagyok.
És még csak most tanulom, milyen magányosnak lenni,
Megtanulom, hogy ez így rendben van,
Hogy magányos vagyok.
Ne félj fiam,
Figyelmeztetett Édesapám,
Soha nem viszed valamire ebben a világban, ha félsz,
Légy férfi, kölyök,
Hagyd abba a sírást,
Szerettem Édesapám, szükségem volt rá, ezért szót fogadtam.
Szerezz egy jó állást,
Csak a felszínt mutasd másoknak,
Ne érdekeljen,hogy egyszer minden véget ér,
És napközben,
sohasem mutattam gyengének magam,
De a félelem minden éjjel 3-kor összezúz.
És megtanulom, hogy félhetek,
Megtanulom, hogy ez rendben van,
Rendben van, hogy félek.
Az összes régi barátom,
Mind olyan boldogok,
Követtem őket városról városra,
Szomorú voltam, mert
Nem tudtam nekik megmutatni,
Hogy olyan régóta viselem ezt a maszkot, hogy eggyé vált az arcommal.
De ez most más,
A gleccserek olvadnak,
A férfi kezelni tudja a dolgokat, amit egy kölyök még nem.
És most sötét van,
Ezen a korai órában,
Vezess haza Uram, ez az egyetlen kérésem.
És megtanulom, milyen szomorúnak lenni,
Megtanulom, hogy ez rendben van,
Rendben van, hogy szomorú vagyok,
Hogy szomorú vagyok, hogy félek a magánytól,
Hogy szomorú vagyok, hogy félek a magánytól,
És hogy félek önmagam lenni,
Akinek érzései vannak.
De tanulom,
Még mindig tanulom ezt az utat.

This is not going to change the world

Why do I feel you if I know you're no longer here
And everything tells me about you
Your perfume, your voice, memories itself
I can't believe your goodbye
But you're gone, what can I do?
And the world keeps rolling, nothing will change it
The sun will keep shining and the waves in the sea
What can a love that is over do to change the world?
Why talk if at the end life stills the same?
And the world keeps rolling, even if you change home
And if you're playing, it doesn't have to stop
If star dust lasts an eternity
Why talk if at the end life stills the same?
And the world keeps rolling, nothing bothers it
Even if I still love you nobody cares
What can a love that is over do to change the world?
Why talk if at the end life stills the same?

I still living for love

You know, tonight I feel so alone and lost because you are not here
And my memories are full of you, of your spring: a beach where I was sand to hold you
A sea where I was the wave that carried you
Your presence, little things
And now this emptiness
Can't look for the future alone, without you
Back, I can just look back and feel that I come to life to love
A voice that comes from a sunset
It makes me see that it can be true
Today I'm far away from all those memories
Where are you? Do you remember me or did you forget about me?
Maybe you think it was stupid to met me
And that sand and that sea were just memories
I close my eyes and I see you
I'll wait for you a month, a year, a lifetime
Because what I feel doesn't have time, it's called love
Back, I can just look back and feel that I come to life to love
A voice that comes from a sunset
It makes me see that it can be true

Whose fault is it?

This schottische used to play happily once
Even though you might not believe it now
It was when that young boy
Saw the eyes of his girl for the first time
During that night they spinned in schottische
Bustled in the euphoria of youth
It was then that the boy whispered to the ear of the girl
Gently smiling
Whose fault is it that there is only one that I love most
Even though there's thousands of others
Whose fault is it that my heart would still be broken
if I would take one of them
Whose fault is it that the boy came around the girl?
I guess it's the blue eyes!
Whose fault is it that this girl will accept no one else
Can you know the answer?
Days passed fast, turning into years
You saw the girl walk by sadly
You know about it, that young boy has already
Forgotten the eyes of his girl
Tonight you will not see them together
Although the schottische is playing already
But the girl will always remember the words
She only heard once
Chorus (2 times)


A csillagok alatt esküdtem meg neked,
Hogy szeretlek.
A szívemet kérte tőlem,
És én odaadtam.
A haja éjsötét mint az éjszaka,
és reménytelen voltam a bája előtt.
Azt mondta, tarts szorosan,
És én neki adtam a kezeim.
Csak egy fiú voltam akkor,
Semmit sem tudtam a világról,
Nem is sejtettem, hogy eltávolodtam
A dologtól amit szerettem.
A napfelkelte fényeinél,
Egy hangot hallottam odafentről,
És azt mondta: Talán
Ez nem is szerelem.
Énekelni akart,
Ezért neki adtam a hangom.
Egyre többet kért,
És nem tudtam nemet mondani.
El akart menekülni innen,
Ezért neki adtam a lábaim.
Itt hagyott az utcán,
A lábaim nélkül.
Csak egy fiú voltam akkor,
Semmit sem tudtam a világról,
Nem is sejtettem, hogy eltávolodtam
A dologtól amit szerettem.
A napfelkelte fényeinél,
Egy hangot hallottam odafentről,
És azt mondta: Talán
Ez nem is szerelem.
Csak egy fiú voltam akkor,
Semmit sem tudtam a világról,
Nem is sejtettem, hogy eltávolodtam
A dologtól amit szerettem.
A napfelkelte fényeinél,
Egy hangot hallottam odafentről,
És azt mondta: Talán
Ez nem is szerelem.
Azóta már férfi lettem,
Búcsút intettem a gyerekes dolgaimnak,
Nem hagyom többé,
Hogy csak úgy kihasználjanak,
És néha bizonyos reggeleken,
Még mindig hallom azt a hangot odafentről,
Ahogy azt mondja:
Időbe telik,
Hogy megértsd, mi is a szerelem.

Shine A Light

The darkness in my heart, the light of my dream
The moment I suddenly plunge into nothingness (that moment)
The light rises from the bottom of my heart
I recall the time that’s gone by
Don’t forget my wish
Until it all comes true
My miracle has come alive and
Opens my eyes
The downpour of starlight
Lights up my eyes
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
You’re the only one
Hey, have you noticed?
The planets that revolve around you
Keep shining on you every day (everyday)
I can’t stop these feelings
This world is overflowing with you
My racing heart goes on and on
A singular light
If I could be together with you
It would be the perfect dream
We can run and fly
Hold me in your arms, starlight
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
Your sweet scent fills the air
And shows me the way
Always and whenever
As I breathe in now
I’m pouring out gratitude
Because you give it to me
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
You’re the only one

eggyógyítom a szíved

Tudom, hogy szomorú vagy
Tudom, mert a szemeid elárulják,
Hogy mélyen benned hideg a tél
Semmi sem fájdalmasabb, mint
Ragaszkodni a fájdalomhoz
Tudom, hogy szomorú vagy
Tudom, de hagyd itt a bánatod nekem
Én megragasztom a szived
Olyan lesz, mint régen
Darabonként számolom a darabjaid
Újból felépítelek

about punk

Boy with an Iroquois was born, and said his first word
Not mommy, tittie or dady, but beer, bitches and binge
He was a bit strange since childhood, and often disregarded lesson
In the porch opposite the school
He drank vodka and listened rock
He drank vodka and listened rock
He drank vodka and listened rock
Mommy, there are such people, named as punks
Society doesn't like them, and they are nowhere recognized
But, you know, mommy, it will be their turn
After all, if you believe the rumors, then punk lives forever
Punk lives forever, punk lives forever
Punk lives forever, punk lives forever...
And now in the ninth grade he took the guitar in his hands
And on the porches he sang Aza's songs every evening
Scumbags afraided him, he often beated them with friends
Enemies have given him a very simple nickname - Vasya-kill
Very simple nickname - Vasya-kill
Very simple nickname - Vasya-kill
Mommy, there are such people, named as punks
Society doesn't like them, and they are nowhere recognized
But, you know, mommy, it will be their turn
After all, if you believe the rumors, then punk lives forever
Punk lives forever
And so he grew up, became more prestigious, fell in love with one punk-girl
And somehow driving from a punk concert, he planted three sticks on her,
Boy with an Iroquois was born, and said his first word
Not mommy, tittie or dady, but beer, bitches and binge

egy teli pohár belőled

egy nap hiányozni fog neked
ez, aki egyedül vár rád
aki várja, hogy megtaláld magad
mert úgy szeretlek, mint senki
és minden hibából kigyógyítalak
s vigaszt jelentek neked
félig a tiéd, félig senkié
ezen éjjeleken a bánat engem félbetör
kell nekem egy teli pohár belőled
hogy tújussak rajtad, az ördög nem engedi
örökre mérgezett leszek,
ha nem vagy nekem élő gyógyszer
kell nekem egy teli pohár belőled
de a büszkeségem az égből néz le
olyan könnyű lenne neked elárulni minket
de én védem a becsületedet
hiányozni fog minden este
az ajkam, mely a lelkedet gyógyítja
az enyém gyógyít, de mit csinál a tied?
mert én erős vagyok mindkettőnk helyett
és árnyékként követlek
de messze vagyok tőled, mint egy csillag
félig a tiéd, félig senkié
ezen éjjeleken a bánat engem félbetör

Other Half of Fireworks

The voice of your laughter far away
Carried along in the lukewarm wind
The voice is taking me by the hand
As I lose my way in the moon’s shade
Gunpowder burst through the clouds
As if carved into a brief summer
The next flower has come into blossom
Sooner than you forget about it
Your voice that I love the most
It's the song that gently caresses the stars
Beyond the memory, swaying shimmering glow
Those days like a pattern of dreams
Into the starry night where love like prose is scattered
All I wish for the night split in half is to drift and disappear
The voice of your laughter far away
Carried along in the lukewarm wind
The voice is taking me by the hand
As I lose my way in the moon’s shade
Into the starry night where love like prose is scattered
All I wish for the night split in half is to drift and disappear

Mélyebben beléd

Azt hiszem, akkor szeretem legjobban az estét,
Amikor egyedül vagyok a szobámban
De tudom, hgy akkor szeretem legjobban az estét,
Amikor minden rólad szól
Elég, ha elképzellek
Felettem, alattam, mellettem
És rögtön magamhoz nyúlok
Mert, bébi, egyszerűen leszívod az agyam
A szívem rohamba kezd
A kezem izzadni kezd
Mindig, mikor rád gondolok
A fejem sajogni kezd,
Olyan pucérnak érzem magam
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Bárcsak lenne bátorságom,
Hogy megmutassam, mit hozol ki belőlem
Bele akarok kóstolni valami valódiba,
Valamibe, ami több, mint valami édes kis fantázia
A puszta látványod
Eufórikus magasságokba repít
És mindig, mikor esélyt kapok,
Megint elkezdődik, mert olyan félénk leszek
A szívem rohamba kezd
A kezem izzadni kezd
Mindig, mikor rád gondolok
A fejem sajogni kezd,
Olyan pucérnak érzem magam
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Mélyebben, mélyebben
Mélyebben, mélyebben
Mélyebben, mélyebben
Mélyebben, mélyebben
Maradj nyugton
Ne mozdulj
Ötleted sincs, hogy mit váltasz ki belőlem,
Vagy hogy mit fogok tenni veled
A szívem rohamba kezd
A kezem izzadni kezd
Mindig, mikor rád gondolok
A fejem sajogni kezd,
Olyan pucérnak érzem magam
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem
Ahogy egyre jobban
Beléd esem

Throw Away

Yes, I got tired, I can't go on
You stepped too much
We only walk forwards
Life brings and takes away
The peace I want to have
So far away from you
I know it will be rough
But I have to get over it
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
Away on the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
Away on the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
Away on the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
Away on the trash can
I throw it away on the trash can
I throw it away
Throw it away on the trash can
I throw it away on the trash can
Aaway on the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Throw it away
On the trash can
I'm gonna throw it away
Away on the trash can
I throw it away on the trash can

Do You Still Think?

When you walked out of that door
You told me: 'My sweetheart, it's already late, it doesn't matter
You will meet with a new lover as well.'
When you walked out of that door
I looked at myself against the mirror, confused, exposed
And I cried out to the gods to take away my pain with you
I made the night my home
I loved millions of men, drank until dawn
Until you come back with eyes full of hurt and your cry, rá*!
Right now I want to see you look for me, regret yourself
(Right now I want to see)
Right now I want to see you look back, humiliate yourself
I already know why
Do you still think of me when you fuck him?
And do you still think of me, think of me
I know that you do, I know that you do, I know that you do
When you walked out of that door
You told me: 'My sweetheart, it's already late, it doesn't matter
You will meet with a new lover as well.'
When you walked out of that door
I looked at myself against the mirror, confused, exposed
And I cried out to the gods to take away my pain with you
I made the night my home
I loved millions of men, drank until dawn
Until you come back with eyes full of hurt and your cry, rá*!
Right now I want to see you look for me, regret yourself
(Right now I want to see)
Right now I want to see you look back, humiliate yourself
I already know why
Do you still think of me when you fuck him?
And do you still think of me, think of me
I know that you do, I know that you do, I know that you do
Right now I want to see, right now I want to see
Right now I want to see, right now I want to see, I want to see
Right now I want to see, I know that you do, I know that you do, I know that you do
Right now I want to see, right now I want to see

Being with You

Being with you
is like touching the sky with my hands,
like the sun on the first day of summer,
like in a tale, being with you.
Being with you,
keeping your secrets awake one by one,
figuring out everything you carry inside.
I leave everything for being with you for one moment.
I feel like your company
is the best gift that life gave me.
The strength that pushes me to keep going.
Of everything I have, it is the most important thing.
Being with you is like a dream
from which I don't want to wake up
if I open my eyes and you're not there.
Living with you is my wish.
It is everything I want to do
because by your side I can be
only myself.
(Only myself...)
Only myself.
(Only and just myself...)
Being with you
is making every day different.
There is always something that manages to surprise me.
It is like a game that amuses me, being with you.
I feel like your company
is the best gift that life gave me.
The strength that pushes me to keep going.
Of everything I have, it is the most important thing.
Being with you is like a dream
from which I don't want to wake up
if I open my eyes and you're not there.
Living with you is my wish.
It is everything I want to do
because by your side I can be
only myself.
(Only myself...)
I can be.
(Only and just myself...)
(Only and just myself...)
Girl, forever, to be with you.
Being with you is like a dream
from which I don't want to wake up
if I open my eyes and you're not there.
Living with you is my wish.
It is everything I want to do
because by your side I can be
only myself.
(Only myself...)
I can be.
(Only myself...)
(Only and just myself...)

Just Around the Corner

If I tell you that not everything looks
the way you're looking at it, the way you're looking at it.
Sadness goes with solitude.
Don't give it the air you breathe.
The colours of life
remind you that this tale isn't over.
And just around the corner,
you forget your sorrows
and you find a flower
on the road you're walking on.
And there are stars and there are songs,
new dreams and hopes.
Don't give up 'cause your hands
will receive what you imagine.
Just around the corner
we still have some steps to go up left.
Your smile is there, let it come.
Your smile is just around the corner.
It was your turn to suffer, it was your turn to cry.
I know that hurts, I know that hurts.
We're going to get out of the darkness.
You know nobody dies out of love.
I already swam through that river
and even though I miss what I lost, I'm telling you
That just around the corner,
you forget your sorrows
and you find a flower
on the road you're walking on.
And there are stars and there are songs,
new dreams and hopes.
Don't give up 'cause your hands
will receive what you imagine.
Just around the corner
we still have some steps to go up left.
Your smile is there, let it come.
Your smile is just around the corner.
Just around the corner,
the new colours of a new life.
Just around the corner,
you can find whatever you imagine.
Just around the corner,
a new life, new joys.
Just around the corner,
you can find whatever you imagine.

On the Wet Floor

If I were to be born again, I would fall again
in the same mistakes, I would learn again.
If I lived again and started over again,
I would again know where my place is.
If I discovered again
the abyss inside you,
I would let myself fall again.
If I could play with time and make
this night last forever.
If I could find a way to make
your life change colours.
If I wanted to forget your way of being,
I wouldn't be able, it's been engraved on my skin.
If I wanted to find better company,
I wouldn't be able to find it not even up in Heaven with God.
Because Heaven is your eyes.
I only want to look at them
now that I'm able to see them.
If I could play with time and make
this night last forever.
If I could find a way to make
your life change colours.
And to be born again, and to laugh again.
And to feel vertigo and let myself fall.
Now you're the sky that projects the light
that illuminates my steps on the wet floor.
And to be born again, and to laugh again.
And to feel vertigo and let myself fall.
Now you're the sky that projects the light
that illuminates my steps on the wet floor.

What Good Is Having Everything in Life?

Now nothing else matters
You went away, I was left so alone
I'm moving on without knowing my course
I can't get used to not having you here
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
I'm so free today
I can love whoever I want
But nothing interests me
Even if it offers me
The world at my feet
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
I know someone else loves you
You think you already forgot me
But when you feel him close
Everything is so deserted
You think of me
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?
What good is having everything in life?
What good is the beauty of the flower
If I don't have your affection anymore
If I don't feel your warmth anymore?

Conversing from the heart of a man (including dialogue)

No matter how much time changes, white is white and black is black
If I don't make it clear
There'll be no sense in this world
I want to be called old silly man
For me, only the reason of life
Is what I want to follow closely
If I'm stubborn, my sympathy withers
If I hang on to dreams, I'll collide
That's the world deliberately
I'm a man and I decided my way
Don't cry, don't wet, night rain
All humans have
In the body and the soul
One or two wounds they can't express
For this reason
I don't want to make
Someone else cry
For a woman, when she says she's in love
Is what she feels even if she's married off
If they ask me, I offer my live
Now the ferryboat of sorrows
Is carried and sinks in love
No matter how well I swim
Life is only one
If I don't use it as I thought
Coming to this world would be useless
Being only strong doesn't make me a man
A bamboo screen of rain blocks my way
Shaking a broken umbrella upside down
I abandon a memorized dialogue
If I don't do it, who will?

If I Don't Have Your Heart Anymore

I woke up
and what a disappointment
I stumbled upon.
I learned
that falsity is not an art,
it is a necessity.
But if I see him again downtown,
at the gym or on the train, I'll let him know.
'Cause there's no point in throwing away all we lived because,
my boy, listen well!
And what do I want the newest Ferrari for?
And what do I want to be fifteen again for?
And what do I want to stick myself to the radio for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want this silver moon for?
And what do I want to win this battle for?
And what do I want to dream with my Havana for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, no no no, I don't have, oh no.
Swear to me
that it is not only mere fascination,
that which can't be seen.
I discovered
stubbornness by chance,
by curiosity.
But if I see him again downtown,
at the market or on the train, I'll let him know.
'Cause there's no point in throwing away all we lived because,
my boy, listen well!
And what do I want the newest Ferrari for?
And what do I want to be fifteen again for?
And what do I want to stick myself to the radio for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want this silver moon for?
And what do I want to win this battle for?
And what do I want to dream with my Havana for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, no no no, I don't have, oh no.
And what do I want the newest Ferrari for?
And what do I want to be fifteen again for?
And what's the use of my first million bucks
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want this silver moon for?
And what do I want to win this battle for?
And what do I want to dream with my Havana for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, no no no, I don't have, oh no.
And what do I want Venice for, my love,
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want to lose myself in your laughter for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want millions of pesos for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
And what do I want to die over that for
if I don't have your heart anymore?
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, I don't have.
If I don't have your heart anymore.
I don't have, no no no, I don't have, oh no.
If I don't have your heart anymore.

The Fish Song

If you came to have dinner with me tonight,
I would buy a fish and a bottle of wine.
I would put it in my secret sauce three hours before
and I would fill the house with some candles.
Because I know all that I have to risk.
Everything will be on the table without thinking.
I don't have to tangle myself up so much.
There's a party tonight because I am with you.
Today, it's going to be clear that we're not only friends.
There's a party tonight, it's not a mistake.
Tonight the neighbours are going to stay awake.
If you came to have dinner with me tonight,
there would be no need of talking with double-entendres.
And this time there won't be any reasons to stop
that which has been meant to happen for so long,
and postponing it is not worth it.
There's a party tonight because I am with you.
Today, it's going to be clear that we're not only friends.
There's a party tonight, it's not a mistake.
Tonight the neighbours are going to stay awake.
Tonight, tonight, tonight there's a party.
The best has yet to start.
From friendship to love, there's only half a metre to cross.
And if it's for real, why pretending?
There's a party tonight because I am with you.
Today, it's going to be clear that we're not only friends.
There's a party tonight, it's not a mistake.
Tonight the neighbours are going to stay awake.
There's a party tonight because I am with you.
Today, it's going to be clear that we're not only friends.
If you came to have dinner with me tonight,
I would buy a fish and a bottle of wine.

Rocket to Venus

As pale pink skies invite me into the night, I shall fly away
Sending my thoughts to the illusion, tearing the evening calm apart
Race through at the speed of one-thousandth second
Speed it up until Venus glittering in the night disappears out of sight
If there’s only one truth to see, you have to make it fly faster than anyone else
Monologue unfolds from the moment a land breeze blows
When it dies, you won’t be no longer here
One-thousandth second will last forever
The rocket vanishing o’er the stars above so fast that you can’t watch it
Amid the scenery that goes on accelerating, what do you reflect on at the end of life?
Speed it up until Venus glittering in the night disappears out of sight
If there’s only one truth to see, you have to make it fly faster than anyone else

Beautiful Angel

How good it feels to live like that
Feeling the gift of being happy
It can only be an angel
Touching my heart
Sometimes without a reason
My heart explodes, goes boom
You are a beautiful angel
Touching my heart
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
How good it feels to live like that
Feeling the gift of being happy
It can only be an angel
Touching my heart
Sometimes without a reason
My heart explodes, goes boom
You are a beautiful angel
Touching my heart
And when I think I'm alone
There's someone else around
The sound of that angel
Comes, touching my heart
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
And I live like that
Seeing angels celebrating
And with them I dance
Mixing up with them, I sing
Is it real, is it a dream?
Am I awake or only dreaming?
With a strong feeling
Getting through my heart
Sometimes without a reason
My heart explodes, goes boom
You are a beautiful angel
Touching my heart
And when I think I'm alone
There's someone else around
The sound of that angel
Comes, touching my heart

Hello my Tbilisi-city

1. A legend and fable for everyone,
Hello my Tbilisi city!
As long as we deserved to be here,
We your inhabitants are all of good feet*
2. You will not be short of chanting from me,
I will bles your unwilting maidenhood!
When we leave you, who earlier and who later,
We will wish your land for the grave too!
Harry, Harry, Haralale, Hari-hariae.**
Sweet legend of the pheasant and hunter,***
St. place of royal seat,
The heart-beat of Georgia, Tbilisi-city!
3. Mother, tired of wars,
Let me tell you one bold sentence:
I want to see you with a foreign eye
to know, are you really like this,
or due to blindness only to me seems
The blueness and beauty of your heaven.
A legend and fable for everyone,
Hello my Tbilisi city!
If the dream only seems to me
The blueness and beauty of your heaven
A legend and fable for everyone,
Hello my Tbilisi city!