Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 56

Találatok száma: 3280



You talk, you talk, you talk too much
It's better
Each time you open it, you come up short
Close your mouth a little
I tire, you annoy me, I swear you're embarrassing
All these words that sting me, respect yourself now
Silence, silence, show me the example
Your idiocy is great, I don't know how to say...
Go ahead, ahead, before I sample you
You don't have the shoulders to carry this empire
Silence, silence ah ah ah ah
Silence, silence ah ah ah ah
You spit, you spit, you spit too much
On us
All this trouble you show yourself
You don't know how ashamed I am
It's so hard, this uneasiness, I swear I feel it
It's crazy, you're huge but your tone is indecent
Silence, silence, show me the example
Your idiocy is great, I don't know how to say...
Go ahead, ahead, before I sample you
You don't have the shoulders to carry this empire
Silence, silence ah ah ah ah
Silence, silence ah ah ah ah
If you saw, you saw your head
You're just a child, really
It's fried, you're so scared of being attacked
You're not armed, you have stage fright
Silence, silence, show me the example
Your idiocy is great, I don't know how to say...
Go ahead, ahead, before I sample you
You don't have the shoulders to carry this empire
Silence, silence, show me the example
Your idiocy is great, I don't know how to say...
Go ahead, ahead, before I sample you
You don't have the shoulders to carry this empire
Silence, silence ah ah ah ah
Silence, silence ah ah ah ah
Silence, silence ah ah ah ah
Silence, silence ah ah ah ah


A bőröndben, ahol az el nem feledett emlékeket tartom
Ott vagy te, életem
Ott vagy te, életem
Anya azt mondta: 'Vigyázz, mert egy nap elveszted azt amit elhanyagolsz'
Milyen igaza volt
Milyen igaza volt
Fájdalmas szeretni, és olyan messze vagy
Hittem abban, hogy együtt öregszünk meg
Úgy tettem, mintha erős lennék, pedig bonyolult
Ha a szomorúságom vissza tükröződik a tükörből
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Gyertyát gyújtok a szentemnek, nem bírok állni
Nagyon fáj, nevetésről sírásra váltottam
Rágondolni arra a távoli napra amikor vissza jössz
A barátaim azt mondják, hogy nem akkora szám, rengeteg szerelem van
Miközben próbálok nem elesni
De mindig elbotlok ugyan abba a sziklába
Esküszöm, hogy nem láttam előre ezt az ütést
Nem tudtam aludni mert arra gondoltam, hogy elvesztettelek
Vannak dolgok amiket nem adtam neked, de már késő elmondani
Oda adtam, ahol fáj, és nekem még jobban fáj
Fájdalmas szeretni, és olyan messze vagy
Hittem abban, hogy együtt öregszünk meg
Úgy tettem, mintha erős lennék, pedig bonyolult
Ha a szomorúságom vissza tükröződik a tükörből
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok
Ma az eddiginél is jobban fájnak a tanácsok

Békét kötni

Egy módot, egy helyet keresek, arra, hogy visszakérhessem a szívemet
Az árat, az adósságom a távolságtartásommal megfizettem
Csak adj egy esélyt, talán így jobban meg tudom értetni veled,
Mit is teszek, hogy békét kössek veled
Megérinthetlek, foghatlak?
Csak így köthetünk békét
Hozzám fogsz érni, ragaszködni fogsz hozzám?
Hogy másképp köthetünk békét?
Köthetünk békét
Mindent megpróbáltam, hogy rendbe hozzam veled a dolgokat
Meztelen vagyok, rosszul vagyok, egy férfi sem bírja ki egyedül ezt az érzést
Csak adj egy esélyt, talán így jobban meg tudom értetni veled,
Mit is teszek, hogy békét kössek veled
Megérinthetlek, foghatlak?
Csak így köthetünk békét
Hozzám fogsz érni, ragaszködni fogsz hozzám?
Hogy másképp köthetünk békét?
Köthetünk békét
Megérinthetlek, foghatlak?
Csak így köthetünk békét
Hozzám fogsz érni, ragaszködni fogsz hozzám?
Hogy másképp köthetünk békét?
Köthetünk békét

Be Good If You Can

It's finally over, this has ended too
The school yard is empty
The year is over, that's the point
My package is ready, it's sitting on the treshold
Being good is so hard right now
You couldn't even imagine
There's so much to do
But I won't promise to be good
Don't leave me out of anything good now
The seventh summer doesn't last long
Even if the game was sometimes rough
I didn't show it but it hurt me too
Being good is so hard right now
You couldn't even imagine
There's so much to do
But I won't promise to be good
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
Is it true that it won't hurt
When I finally grow up?
Is it true I'll think of
Grownups differently?
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
Don't leave me out of anything good now
The seventh summer doesn't last long
Even if the game was sometimes rough
I didn't show it but it hurt me too
Being good is so hard right now
You couldn't even imagine
There's so much to do
But I won't promise to be good
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!

Night Monologue

The nightfall has hidden the end of the road
So close your eyes and carry on forward
Tomorrow never arrived
Melancholy is freedom
Spring comes slow but goes in a flash
I'm still hiding the regrets in my life
Only blue vibes waking from tomorrow's dreams
I'm lonely, I'm a coward, I don't know where to go
Spring comes slow, spring brings forth romance
White clouds in the sky but the phantoms are in my heart
Wishing to forget the pondering but can't keep thinking back


Where did you get my phone number from?
Where did you get it from? It's nowhere to be found
But you fantasize about me right now
A twisted fantasy
(Which I don't want to be in)
You-you-you're shadowing me day and night
You-you-you're playing a sick game of tag
Psycho, stop your voodoo show
You've just shoved a letter under my door
Your astrologist is wrong, it won't ever be the two of us
It's fucked up, how could you believe
That there'll be more
(When I don't know who you are?)
You-you-you're shadowing me day and night
You-you-you're playing a sick game of tag
Psycho, stop your voodoo show
I know that you're out there
I see your face in every window
It's giving me paranoia
You're giving me paranoia
I'm going nowhere now
I've locked my door with a thousand chains
It's giving me paranoia
You're giving me paranoia
Is it me who's going crazy?
I'm being followed by a sick[?]1
Psycho, stop your voodoo show
You-you-you're shadowing me day and night
You-you-you're playing a sick game of tag
Psycho, stop your voodoo show
  • 1. I can't quite here this part. It might be 'Jeg bli'r forfulgt af enzymer, yeah', (I'm being followed by enzymes), but that just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, so I'm assuming he's singing something else.

John Doe

My name is
Pedro, Antonio, Someone
One without a name
Without time, without a plan
One that listens to you and goes silent
But that never tells you how better it is to live
Than waiting to see
I'm anyone
I'm whoever you want me to be
Even a John Doe
Means more to you
Fill me with whatever you have
And I'll be the one you'll want
Just please
Don't let the past me die
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
I know there still is a part of me
You don't even need to give back
Just don't let it be the end
I'm no longer the one you once met
I'm another man, a better one, who grew up
But if you want
My name is
Pedro, Antonio, Someone
One without a name
Without time, without a plan
One that looks for you and finds
But always disguises
The burden of not having you
Even without noticing
I'm anyone
I'm whoever you want me to be
Even a John Doe
Means more to you
Fill me with whatever you have
And I'll be the one you'll want
Just please
Don't let the past me die
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
Inside of you
I know there still is a part of me


The human is evil (x2)
The human is evil
The human must become better and more evil
The human is evil
The human must become better and more evil
So I teach
Even for the good, a noble [one] stands in the way
and even if they call him a good [man],
they want to put him
Even for the good, a noble [one] stands in the way
and even if they call him a good man
they want to put him aside
The human must become better and more evil
The human must become better and more evil
The human must become better and more evil
The human


I come to those countries
with the marmot
and always found something to eat
with the marmot
with as if, with as that,
with as the marmot
with as if, with as thatm
with as the marmot
ich even saw some men
with as the marmot
it likes the virgin even too much
with as the marmot
also so the beautiful virgin
with as the marmot
who would look after me, little one
with as the marmot
now, dont let me alone, you guys
with as the marmot
the adolescents like to eat and drink
with as the marmot

I Like You Just The Way You Are

[Verse 1]
Never change just to please me
For wanting to keep me with you
Never imagine what'd happen to you
If I stopped loving you
Never think that I'd abandon you
Don't fear my ingratitude
As much as during the good times as the bad ones
I like you just the way you are
[Verse 2]
Don't try new fashions
Nor dye your hair new colors
During my whole life you were always
Who I handed my entire love to
No longer try to impress me
You can make me annoyed
That's the way I accept you, that's how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
I want to know if you'll always be
The same one that I knew
I hope you have faith in me
As I have had faith in you
I said I love you and it's forever
Because I'll never leave you
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you
[Saxophone Solo]
I told you I love you and it's forever
Because I'll never leave you
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
The way you are is how I'll love you

The battle of the North

Grab the weapons, oh the warriors of the North!
On our fathers' holy land
an enemy against us
will be crowned only with it's death.
Christians will be exiled.
On their heaven's gates
will be christened with blood.
You poor, weak converters
who are stepping on our path.
To damnation, heaven's children,
eternal death is waiting.
Grab the swords!
We don't allow you a drop.
Soon the ground will turn red, blood will run!
Go away from our land
and endure your punishment.
Heirs of godly images
won't steal our land to destroy it.
A son of Jehova doesn't deserve honor.
And when blood stops flowing
you know we have won.
Dead is that halo
which surrounds them.
Lethal is that sword's blade
which seals the victory.
Freezing is that cold
which is embracing us.
Forests, vast of the North
are thanking for their freedom.
Ice fields are glistening,
bloody they are beaming.
The lakes are beaming their shine
in their winter empire.

My Calmness

You are my calmness, you should know
...where your place is in my life
Love and its craziness and its ceaseless fever are always together
I want you to be here, but I don't want you incompletely (I don't want a share of you)
I'm staring at your eyes, I'm stuck in your eyes (can't stop looking at your eyes)
Your eyes are sealed secret
I'm thinking about you, thoughts of you are great
They're sweet like an afternoon nap
My sweetheart1, imagine I could stand
...that you don't be for a moment (but I never can stand your absence)
Sweetheart, imagine I could sleep
...not thinking about you (but I never can)
My sweetheart1, I'm crazy and intoxicated
I'm having you but I can't get enough of you
Sweetheart, in my heart and blood
...I swear to you that there is no one but you
I closed my eyes and took my heart in my hand (to give it to you)
Make me love you more than I do
By kindness and sweetness
...make me love you more in any way you can
My sweetheart1, imagine I could stand
...that you don't be for a moment (but I never can stand your absence)
Sweetheart, imagine I could sleep
...not thinking about you (but I never can)
My sweetheart1, I'm crazy and intoxicated
I'm having you but I can't get enough of you
Sweetheart, in my heart and blood
...I swear to you that there is no one but you
  • Literally means: may your pains come to me


Through this path chosen by my past
My future now wavers
The map of righteousness
I'm holding it in my hands, so what do I do?
One key
Is all that I have
I'll follow it, though it's quite far
The reason why I'm alive
Will die off in Eden
I know my fate
So if I lose my way
Without purpose in that unknown distant place
I'll roam about
The path that I advanced through once before
Is now far in the distance, out of sight
If I read horoscopes
In intermittent repetition
Written in an unfolding signpost
I'd dance by myself
My will to live
Is frozen

Don't let go

[Bridge: Jairzinho]
I don't know what I should do
Babe if I didn't have you with me
Hold me and let me, don't let me go anymore, oh nana
And even though I am not always there
I want you to know that I think of you
Hold me and let me, don't let me go anymore, oh nana
[Verse 1: Jairzinho]
Pretty girl, my girl
Let me direct what I feel for you
You don't know what you do with me
Merci that you are there
Let me get lost in your eyes
And mami I don't need a compass
In love with the way you think and laugh
O and mami can you believe me
Ey when I told you
So many women want to fall in my time
[Hook: Jonna Fraser]
You are the proof of a better life
You are the proof you are so amazing
You are the proof, the right reason
You are the proof how it's supposed to be
You are the proof you don't need to prove anything
You are the proof you don't need to prove anything
Let me be with you I will make you mine
You are the proof how it's supposed to be
[Bridge: Jairzinho]
I don't know what I should do
Babe if I didn't have you with me
Hold me and let me, don't let me go anymore, oh nana
And even though I am not always there
I want you to know that I think of you
Hold me and let me, don't let me go anymore, oh nana
[Verse 2: Jairzinho]
Wanting to hear all those things, want to slide in my direction
I can look, but I won't slip
Enough fish in the see but I won't fish
Eyes are only on you, I'm not mistaken
Pretty face, good body match
Super fly, without you I think I'll crash
I live fast, no stress, know what you mean to me
When I kick and I steer steadily, ay, hold the steering wheel tight, pedal
[Hook: Jonna Fraser]
You are the proof of a better life
You are the proof you are so amazing
You are the proof, the right reason
You are the proof how it's supposed to be
You are the proof you don't need to prove anything
You are the proof you don't need to prove anything
Let me be with you I will make you mine
You are the proof how it's supposed to be

Distance lead the way

Versions: #1
Distance let me know now lead my heart, what is in my soul you know.
My distance wish me strenght, give me
I have brave wish, I know, oh my distance I need a lead
Distances of hapiness that should bloom.
World seems to be big, I’m afraid in one moment, I want to believe in this dream I have
Choose the right way, in this is my chance, maybe even I have my home,
My desire will lead me from now on.
Distances of joy, which should bloom.
Simply wishes just home, love, joy, full table.
Simply wishes just to know who I belong to, where is my home.
Strictly far and far, my journey is turning, my steps just go on and on.
Farther away just me and my dog to the open arms of following distances with hope of surviving this voyage.
Just to know the next hapiness, walk on to where my home is.
I'm still longing to know my home


[Verse 1: Joy Huerta]
I can feel it, yours are lies
And even if you try to pretend, I know that I'm another on your list
I also know how to have fun and here you are my conquest
[Pre-Chorus: Jesse Huerta]
Be careful, be careful
You don't know where you are stepping
Be careful, be careful
You don't know that you're burning
[Chorus: Joy Huerta]
Although I also have fun
Baby, I just pretend
You think I need you,
But I have no owner
[Post-Chorus: Joy Huerta]
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire
[Verse 2: Joy Huerta]
I won't ignore that you are in my thoughts
You know how to set fire with the flame that I carry inside,
But to clarify, I'm not talking about feelings, no
[Pre-Chorus: Jesse Huerta]
Be careful, be careful
You don't know where you are stepping
Be careful, be careful
You don't know that you're burning
[Chorus: Joy Huerta]
Although I also have fun
Baby, I just pretend
You think I need you,
But I have no owner
[Post-Chorus: Joy Huerta]
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire
[Bridge: Joy Huerta]
Take precautions, you are not the only one who has options
Whoever plays with candle is sure to burn one day
Take precautions, you are not the only one who has options
Whoever plays with candle is sure to burn one day
[Chorus: Joy Huerta]
Although I also have fun
Baby, I just pretend
You think I need you,
But I have no owner
[Post-Chorus: Joy Huerta]
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire
And you're playing with fire
You're playing with fire

Under the sky's flowers

So many different people,
the bare feet and the music
and your weird dress,
the burning fire and someone close to you.
The changing sky, he looks for you
You look so beautiful, and you continue the game
He loves you and it's night time again.
So many different people,
the sound of voices and the music
He comes looking for you, there's no afterwards
you run fast to me.
Under the sky's flowers
you look for me, you look so beautiful
and you continue the game, as always,
it's just you and me.
Under the sky's flowers
people sing, people love,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
Under the sky's flowers
people suffer, people wait,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Under the sky's flowers
people suffer, people wait,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.

Haîku 12. The Jewel-wasp

The Jewel-wasp
With her blue-green body
Alights near me too late
In the year
In my winter-garden
Tell me tell me when
And where, solitary
Chiseller of red and blue
You're going to Bury
You, lost and beautiful,
Your tiara far from us?

Dancing Failures

Singing silly songs
If I do say so myself, I'm a bit popular
But the masked man in my heart
Is always shouting at me from the lighthouse
'Don't be arrogant,
I'll tell you what you really think'
This world so rampant with failures
Should be detonated with dynamite!
(3 2 1 0!)
Useless useless useless useless humans
Useless! Humans, humans
Maybe I should ask the Ouija?
Can I become a seagull someday?
But if I can't be a seagull
I'm fine with being a silent statue
'Have you gone mad?
I'll give you a piece of your own mind'
This world so rampant with failures
Should be sunk with a torpedo!
(3 2 1 0!)
Useless useless useless useless humans
Useless! Humans, humans
Like a dream...
'Is this really the time to dance?!
I'll tell you what you really think'
Even if this world is burnt to ashes
I, the worst failure of them all, still remain!
(3 2 1 0!)
Useless useless useless useless humans
Useless! Humans, humans
Oh, the foolishness of living as a failure
I want to let every single person know of it
And then, I shall create the kingdom of useless humans
I'll be the king, and all of you shall be servants
(And despite it all, there's no choice but to live!)


Sitting on a bench
Waiting for the teco 1 guacamole
There´s meat with kidney beans, meat with kidney beans
Waiting for the sun to shine
Hoping for the chicken yakisoba 2
I hope there's some leftover, hope there's some leftover.
Oh girl 3, what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy 4, I don´t know, just go already
Even when the bread 5 dips on a holey,
Your guacamole
Samaranch 6, Havelange 7 UEFA 8 FIFA 9,World Cup,
just like Queen Latifah
I hope she got some reefah 10
Solitaire, happiness, joy of life just' like a Lola 11
I hope she' there alone, hope she' there alone.
Your guacamole, your guacamole, oh yes boy
Oh girl, what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy, I don´t know, but there I´m going
Even when the bread dips on the marinade
Oh, milk coffe.
Let´s go eat at Beto´s, he made us guacamole.
Meat with kidney beans, meat with kidney beans.
Cuchufrito 12, french beans, hot tamales 13, marinaded trout
with milk coffee, with milk coffee.
Chimichurri 14, woosh-woosh with a bit of deng-a-deng 15, Caraguatatuba 16
and a caipiruva, and a caipiruva 17
A bit of lard, four spoonfuls of breadcrumbs 18
Cheese with raspberry, set the table now.
(Please set the table.
Stay calm, there´s enough for everyone)
(Sit down, guys)
And two, and three, and four.
Boca Jrs, River Plate 19
Chacarita 20, Diego Maradona.
Diego has no mercy, Diego has no mercy.
Solitaire, happiness, joy of life just' like a Lola.
I hope she' there alone, hope she' there alone.
Oh girl, what are you doing, where do you go
Oh boy, I don´t know, but there I´m going
Even when the bread dips on a lilly
Don't be so silly.
Your guacamole, your guacamole, yes boy.
  • 1. Unsure about this. Might refer to the city of Teco in Michoacán del Campo, Mexico
  • 2. Fried noodles with chicken
  • 3. Literaly 'mommy', but term usually employed to woo women of any age
  • 4. Same as the previous verse for the opposite sex
  • 5. If this word even exists, it´s too local for me. I guess it´s a play on words with 'pan', bread and 'pompa' (bubble, but also a term for the backside) or just mimicking a drumming sound
  • 6. Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the International Olympic Commitee from 1980 to 2001
  • 7. Joao Havelange, FIFA President from 1974 to 1988
  • 8. Union of European Football Associations
  • 9. Fédération Internationale de Football Association, the ruling body actually in charge of th World Cup. UEFA was thrown in for rhythm and rhyme reasons
  • 10. reefer, a cannabis cigarette
  • 11. Short for Dolores, common Spanish female name
  • 12. pork meat fried in olive oil and garlic
  • 13. dough steamed in a corn husk or banana leaf.
  • 14. meat sauce made from parsley, minced garlic, olive oil, oregano and red wine vinegar
  • 15. The words in themselves do not exist. In Argentina, 'zucundún' is an onomatopeic sound to represent the sound of the waves or the wind, so is 'chengedengue' which represent a typical sound made while dancing (e.g. as seen in Boney M´s 'Brown girl in the Ring')
  • 16. City in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 17. Colloquial name for the caipirinha, a Brazilian drink made from cachaça, sugar, and lime
  • 18. it refes to the preparation of 'milanesas', or breaded meat cutlets
  • 19. Football teams based in Buenos Aires, which have probably the best known feud of the Argentina football league
  • 20. Another Buenos Aires football team

Hob XXI, 3 The seasons, Part One: The spring.

Largo - Vivace
(The introduction depicts the passage of Winter to Spring)
See how stern Winter flies,
he goes to the distant pole.
The blasting host of furious tempests
follows it, at its call,
howling awfully.
See how the melted snow runs down
in muddy streams in front of the steep rock!
See how she comes from the south,
sweetly attracted by the lukewarm winds,
the herald of the spring.
Come, gentle spring!
Gift of heaven, come!
Awaken nature
From her death sleep!
Lasses and women
Gentle Spring is near,
already we feel the soft breath,
Son shall everything return to life.
Do not rejoice too soon,
often the winter, surrounded by fog,
creeps back and scatters
its black poison on bloom and germ.
Come, gentle spring!
Gift of heaven, come!
Upon our meadows descend,
oh cone, gentle spring, oh come,
and delay no longer.
From Aries now the bright sun
shines down upon us.
Now frost and fog give ground,
mild vapours hover all round

No One Like Me

Versions: #1
So many lies that love hides
I don't know
So many secrets without being resolved
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
I was in a place where the loneliness (affected me)
Trying to heal this pain
And I never knew how to walk (with effort)
of being able to be who I always wanted to be
Even though I am without you
And I tried, I tried, tried, tried
To get into your heart
Your skin, I penetrated, making you my woman
But it didn't work
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl

Beyond the Agreement

I accepted all the conditions
I agreed and crossed the lines
I even shredded all the photos, and obeyed your wishes
Between estrangement and longing
I am not sure what to do about my love
There's something beyond the agreement: I can't control my heart!
I agreed to keep my distance
To pretend to be happy
To cover my tears with a smile, to hide my weakness with strength
I acted as if I can bear the separation
As if I was the one who wanted it
Between estrangement and longing
I am not sure what to do about my love
There's something beyond the agreement: I can't control my heart!
I forgot that I forgot... I once imagined your phantom and cried
Keeping me awake with wounds like tears, crying over what came and went
I endured something unbearable
I accepted and I don't know why
There's something beyond the agreement: I can't control my heart!

Riding To The West

A red sun rising over
the chrome of an
A leather jacket you keep wearing in your dreams
and Brando in your saddle bags.
Somewhere, the ,
chicks and real guys1
I've got all I need in my mind
to show me the way.
That's all I need
to ride to the west.
An hotel in the desert
The destination is nowhere
From El Paso to the Grand Canyon
just a bowl of green chile.
Warm sand in my boots,
snow on my hair,
turquoises in my eyes,
I've got a full tank in my head
That's all I need
to ride to the west
Alabama, Arizona, Nevada
Riding to the west
Highway 40. Texas City. Route 66
Riding to the west
Yeah, riding to the west
Oh, riding to the west
A girl said to me, 'brother,
a bed's ready for you in Del Rio'
A Navajo traded his pancho
for a burger.
I feel like a tequila
between salt and lemon,
between sky and water
as the V-twin echoes in my head.
That's all I need
to ride to the west
A pristine white house
and Scarlett flashing me a smile
In a New Orleans cemetary
Easy Rider following me.
I'm part of the scenery
and Norman Rockwell himself
drew tatoos all over my body.
A hell of an engine in my head
That's all I need
to ride to the west
Riding to the west
Riding to the west
Riding to the west
Riding to the west
Oh, riding to the west
Oh, riding to the west
Riding to the west
  • 1. That's the French title of ''. 'souris' can also mean 'chick' so that could be read as 'chicks and real guys'

Love Advice

Versions: #1
If I have to choose between seeing you again
Or accept that you left
I prefer to pretend that I'm happy for you
Even though you didn't choose me
If I have to break my whole heart
To tie you to my life
I will have to understand that in love wars
There are always stray bullets
Don't force me to hide
That maybe I didn't see you if I see you
'Cause you know I promised
Although if I were you, I do not believe
If I have to erase each mark
That their kisses left you
I prefer to write to them
With the missing of ours
I could have been the one who has your heart saved
But someone ruthlessly stole it from me
When I finally thought I caught him
Was that she got away
It could have been me
The one who always wakes up by your side
But the future never came to us
I promised myself that I would never lose you
And I don't know what happened
It could have been me
If you had only asked me for a love advice
If you had only asked me for a love advice
[Tini y Morat:]
If I have to wait for you
I will and I won't fade with the hours (I won't fade)
And even if someone else comes and can't talk to you,
It's just like being alone
I know it's hard for me to see
That in the end I will be the one who ends up hurt
But I must understand that in love wars
There are always stray bullets
I could have been the one who has your heart saved
But someone ruthlessly stole it from me
When I finally thought I caught him
Was that she got away
It could have been me
The one who always wakes up by your side
But the future never came to us
I promised myself that I would never lose you
And I don't know what happened
It could have been me
If you had only asked me for a love advice
If you had only asked me for a love advice
It could have been me
But you left a crazy in love
Looking for a kiss from you at the station
And there is no worse misfortune than missing what never happened
It could have been me
The one who always wakes up by your side
But the future never came to us (it didn't come)
I promised myself that I would never lose you
And I don't know what happened
It could have been me (It could have been me)
If you had only asked me for a love advice
If you had only asked me for a love advice
If you had only asked me for a love advice


As a bird rocking it's white feathers by the sea
Is looking up to the blue sky with sorrow
That sigh of yours that I had dreamed of before
Feels colder than the coldest winter
The powdered snow is like a music box in my ear
Repeating the words 'I love you'
'It would help you to remember to wait',
someone whispered in my ear...
※I don't wanna forget it - it can't be forgotten
Our love that vanished without a word
I'll forget about it eventually, I'll want to forget about it
As a beautiful camellia flutters in the snow...
I can see a stain on that person's big white shirt
Left from a one-night-only lover
And his childhood
With the shadow of his father written all over it
Even a bird flapping in the winter winds
Doesn't end up reaching the shore
As the birds wander and drift in the air
Watching upon this love of ours
If I'm forgiven while I can be forgiven
I'd love to fly into your embrace
The days that could be forgiven remain unforgiven
As the beautiful feathers flutter in the snow...
※ repeat

Today Human - Tomorrow Soil

There are those who are afraid of the water
Some, some are afraid of the night
Others (afraid) of the laughter
There are things here no one can explain
You let it be that way so you don't have to answer
There are sounds that some can hear
They can give to one but usually, they want to disturb(?)
There are people here no one wants to know about
A house I want to burn & a rope I want to tighten
Thoughts are spinning
Thoughts are flowing
I hope I have the time
Before the chance disappears
This can be my last moment
But, so be it
If you only understood
To dare, courage is required
I wanted to disappear
I wanted to disappear
But (have gotten) resurrected

Hob XXI, II, 11: The dark clouds are parted.

The dark clouds are parted
the storms anger is stilled.
Before it sets,
the sun peeps out again
and, with the last ray
lights the fields bedecked with pearls.
The fattened calf
satisfied and refreshed
returns to his usual cowhouse
The quail is clamouring for his mate
The cricket chirps within the grass
The frog is croaking in the pool
The vesper-bell rings out.
On high, shines the evening star,
inviting us to sweet repose.
Lasses, lads and women, come!
Golden slumbers now await us
For a pure heart, a healthy body
And a day’s labour wouch for that.
We’re coming, we’re coming, we’ll follow you
The vesper-bell rings out.
On high, shines the evening star,
inviting us to sweet repose.

Love me / Lullaby for a stranger

Versions: #1
When you're no longer entertained
By the world of mechanical toys
When you struggle with pain
That isn't physical
Instead of listening to nonsense
Said by dumb phone fortune tellers from across the world
Ask yourself what do you want
Why do you lie saying that you had everything
When while pretending to sleep
You chase fairy tales from newspapers in your head
When you don't want to dream
Someone else's dreams anymore
Come to me barefoot
And without shame tell me what you want
Listen how two hearts are beating
It doesn't matter what other people think
Love me
Love me
Love me unconsciously
Like a lighter with a fire
Like a dry well with water
Love me so passionately
As if the world was about to end
Find your own place
And don't ask if this arrangement makes sense
Listen to what your body is saying
You won't drown in the well of love
Love me
Love me
Love me unconsciously
Like a lighter with a fire
Like a dry well with water
Love me
Love me
Love me unconsciously
Laugh and cry like the moon in the window
Dance on a line above the abyss
Until in a single short moment
You'll understand what you live for

So far, so close

He came to flourish
In my crystal eyes
The wind carried everything away
And once more he returns here at sunrise
So far, so close
To everything as it was
Deserted cities
Nature has covered up
Budding flowers
Your eyes so dark
I've come back here to wake up
So close and so far from
What once was
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from running so much behind the horses
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from running so much behind your brothers
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting from loving you so very much
My eyes are stinging
My eyes sting so much
A tear of deceit falls from my pupil and runs down slowly
One day it will arrive where it must arrive
Or it will remain lost between my lips
It was true
That I wanted to see you
It was true
That I wanted to love you
It was true
That I wanted very much to see you
It was true
That I wanted so much to love you, just you
That day I ate until I burst
And I couldn't stop talking
I tried to get over it but nothing worked
You carried me in your arms, I couldn't walk
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day I only wanted to dance with you
But I couldn't do it
I kept trying
I draped myself in your arms
I invented another story for myself
Then, the dance ended
And you carried me to a lover's couch
I made myself into a little ball of wool against you and fell asleep shattered
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day happiness was overflowing
I let myself be swept away
That day I thought I was going to burst
Flowers were coming out of my ears
That day happiness was overflowing
From each and every one of the corners
That day

The Idol's Religious Involuntary Manslaughter

A message pandering to popularity,
I laugh, I embellish, I sympathize,
and along to a topic-adorned subculture,
I’ll dance, I’ll sing into the morning!
I’m ignorant of any balls without written invitations.
I’ve put on my glass slippers!
“Ah, wait up. Can I upload that photo to Instagram later?”
I want you to look at me more.
My shattered individuality, the words of my life