Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 57

Találatok száma: 3280


Hob XXI 3 II, 9. Behold! In the sultry air.

Behold! In the sultry air,
a pale cloud of mist and vapours
rises the high rim of the mountain-range.
Forced upwards, the cloud extends
and soon covers the whole sky
of black darkness.
Hark! From the valley a hollow rumble
heralds the raging storm!
See, how the baleful black cloud
slowly expands
and threatening sinks toward the plain!
Nature’s life stands still
in fairful apprehension

After the Thunderstorm

The lightning struck me once.
My steely, left-sleeved cufflink
had disappeared, and there was a buzzing
in my head as if I'd many a drink.
And Doctor Berninger remarked,
so naughty, with wicked pride,
that my buzzing story was typical,
my lightning story was a lie.

With a Painted Ribbon

Little flowers, little leaves
scatter me with a light hand.
Good young Gods of spring
toying on a rosy band.
Zephyr, take it on your wings.
Twine it 'round my beloved's dress.
Then she'll stand before the mirror,
there in all her cheerfulness.
With roses all surrounding her,
she seems like a rose in youth.
Just one glance grant me my dear!
For I have enough reward.
Feel what this heart will find.
Freely lend me your light hand.
May the bond that us will bind
be not a feeble rosy band!

I Am Free

Versions: #1
In the falling rain,
'fore night then turns into day,
we stand firm before the storm
together, just you and me.
In the wind that blows,
that is where we catch our breath.
Manne leam joiker stikk
Manne leam frijje, frijje

Award for Best Supporting Actor

We’re Best Supporting Actor Award nominees
Rushing to the venue
But we’re expecting in the back of our minds
Dreamer-like boys, middle-school mentality
We’ll someday take over the leading roles
So we make them say bow wow
The howling hangs on in the air
Memory triggered, count down to 3, 2, 1, 0
Hold on What’s that? Where we’re at?
Same old gym, same old afternoon
Same old club, same old bar
Same old class, ain’t nothing but hicks
We once were extras live on stage
Expected to be ones to turn the tables
In hindsight, we’ve been laughing stocks for long
Come on, keep it up
Standing with their mouths shut
And singing make them picture perfect
With one verse we’ll kick the hell out of them
By all means we'll make them bounce bounce
We’re all outsiders, sorry for bothering you
Raging warfare, domination over them
Both a good talker and a good worker
We’re the experts of Check-it-out-yo
Desperado with turntables instead of guitars, let’s go!!
So many tries, it’s no use
We’re not made for the main actors
But give us a chance
We’ll someday take over the leading roles
Sixth Man’s fine, Best Supporting Actors
All-round performers, rushing to the venue
Hey Party People, everybody watch it!
As classic bench warmers, we’ll always score a come-from-behind victory
la la la la
Hey c’mon! Do it like this
Main actors gave us a favor
They passed it on to me like “take it, it’s your share”
So I don’t wanna let them down
What’s more, we’ve got three points at final match
Uncertain factors that Taoka missed out
Don’t mock us, don’t scorn us
We’re master of turning minus into plus
We are Katsu bawl rice at Soba shop, curry dish at Gyudon shop
Or you can call us lesser panda in Bananawani
In Dark knight, we’re Joker
In Black Rain, we’re Matsuda Yusaku
At Rock Festival, we’re Creepy Nuts
Sometimes we’re head and shoulders above them main actors
Brothers, let that kind of music play
Sincerely, unsung heroes, snubbed and ostracized
Left in the cold, join us!
A bright future, or a dim one?
If I was Moriyama, I’d choose the latter
You really can’t expect a period where you’ll get popular
Stopping at every station, the Drudgery Train, let’s go
So many tries, it’s no use
We’re not made for the main actors
But give us a chance
We’ll someday take over the leading roles
Sixth Man’s fine, Best Supporting Actors
All-round performers, rushing to the venue
Hey Party People, everybody watch it!
As classic bench warmers, we’ll always score a come-from-behind victory
la la la la
We’re aiming for a big shot
We’re prepared for it all
“You’re an expendable lot”
That’s what we’re used to hearing
Having waited patiently for this one shot
I finally got a chance to stand here and sing
Nobody gives a shit or anything
Here we go
With lit attitude and middle-school mentality
We’re not made for the main actors
Hey Party People, to tell you the truth
We’ll someday take over the leading roles
Sixth Man’s fine, Best Supporting Actors
All-round performers, rushing to the venue
Hey Party People, everybody watch it!
As classic bench warmers, we’re gonna fly high!
Sixth Man’s fine, Best Supporting Actors
All-round performers, rushing to the venue
Hey Party People, everybody watch it!
As classic bench warmers, we’ll always score a come-from-behind victory

Elbuktam és ezáltal szabad lettem

Nézz rám,
Vagy inkább mégsem.
Néha fáj arról énekelni,
Hogy ki vagyok
Hogy ki akarok lenni,
Mert a kettő ugyanazt jelenti.
Ez az álarc olyan szűk, nem kapok levegőt,
Félek, vajon mit rejt.
Énekem hamis lesz a magas hangnál,
Ujjam rosszul fogja le a húrt,
Elfelejtettem a második versszakot,
Mert túl sokat vedeltem,
Ki mondja, hogy minden arannyá válik,
Amihez hozzáérek?
És ezáltal lettem szabad.
Mikor ideköltöztem,
Ebbe a nagyvárosba,
Nem hagytam el a szobám hetekig,
Úgy hittem, hogy
Biztonságosabb, ha
Nem beszélek senkivel.
A színpad vált a börtönömmé,
És én a kotta mögé rejtőztem.
Énekem hamis lesz a magas hangnál,
Ujjam rosszul fogja le a húrt,
Elfelejtettem a második versszakot,
Mert túl sokat vedeltem,
Ki mondja, hogy minden arannyá válik,
Amihez hozzáérek?
És ezáltal lettem szabad.
Szétrepedt bőrcsizmák, és fésületlen haj,
Moly rágta pulcsi, és egy csaló tekintet.
Törött gitár mindig hamis akkordokkal,
Senkinek semmi köze ahhoz, ha délig alszom.
Egy csomó hibám van, amiket körbe-körbe cipelek,
És talán kész vagyok letenni őket végre.
Mély levegő, benntart, majd kifúj,
Talán végre ihletet kaptam az énekléshez.
Amúgy meg a legnagyobb félelmem, hogy
A világ véget ér, de én még mindig itt leszek.

Его двадцать четвертая весна

A cold evening. It's not uncommon. Spring.
A high, deep, bottomless evening.
Heavy dream from fragrance of wet pine trees
In a dewy, star night,
Get out of the house alone,
You'll find yourself in the arms of frosty silence.
The evening whispers in a young grove,
Full of silver sparks of dew.
Pure, cold crystal cutter
From the marble of dreams, imagination, thoughts.
The reed sways, all in dew,
Stars mixed up into a strange ball,
One of them will fell quietly into the grass.
A cold evening. It's not uncommon. Spring.


Johnny is a responsible guy
waits for the train every morning at six thirty
he is not afraid of stifling normalcy
even if it costs him his soul
Johnny is living the moment for the benefit of the future
he is not built to chase dreams
wants love, a family and a house
and still longs for Dorit from the 11th grade
And i am not like Johnny, i want to dream
i burn another cigarette, start the day
want to see landscapes and the world
to feel that in every moment, i am living fully
Johnny is starting to get tired of the normalcy
his stomach is turning over and over
the landscapes are winking and also the old dream
money is not making his happy
Johnny decides to get up and change
it is never too late to be yourself
forty years old, an apartment, a dog, a fine modest Jaguar
decided to abandon everything that he built
Suddenly Johnny is like me, wants to dream
he burns another cigarette, starts the day
want to see landscapes and the world
to feel that in every moment, i am living fully
Suddenly Johnny is like me, wants to dream
he burns another cigarette, starts the day
want to see landscapes and the world
to feel that in every moment, i am living fully

The World Of Poet Aum

'A long, long time ago'
A poet who hated the world
Lived deep in the woods
For a girl who died young
He wrote verses
Those words flew in the wind
Out of the woods, falling in the town
Turning into a flutter of butterflies
The flutter of butterflies
Covered the sky In a purple colour
Every person who was touched by the purple
Lost their minds
The frightened people banished the poet
Leaving the woods, the poet went to the sea
And got on a boat
Aum (Aum)
With my eyebrows shaved off
Aum (Aum)
Without rest on a crescent moon night
Aum (Aum)
I'll write a poem
Aum (Aum)
A poem about my hatred for the world
'The poet washed ashore in a small island
A dog, a cat, a bat, and a clown
Welcomed him
'I hate everything in this world
I hate, hate it so much
I want to set what's left of everything
on fire with my words
Please help me out'
But, the frightened clown secretly reported this
And the poet was shot dead by police
That night, the dog barked, 'woof woof'
The cat meowed, 'meow meow'
And the bat was silent
There was nothing left to say'
But those words flew in the wind
Reaching several towns
Turning into flutters of butterflies
Aum (Aum)
The poet's body
Aum (Aum)
Crossed the ocean to a northern country
Aum (Aum)
By a fisherman of that country
Aum (Aum)
The poet was respectfully buried.

Love Bird

Set fire in the heart
establish hundreds passion
break! inflaming! punching!
take another bowl
from this night and this morning
demand a crazy soul
to me (to me)
you are a stranger (you are a stranger)
name me relative and be quiet (name me relative and be quiet)
her poison in my blood shall be always cure
In a mourning silence
the love bird and me
It tells me the broken heart
Why are you sitting lonely
I have a love in my heart
It hurts me evermore
as long as I have complaints
I run from disgrace
I fight with loneliness
I have curing bowl to my lips
O Love bird come on, come on
Witness my sad cry
with a song at days and nights
sing along with my sorrowful heart
O wind, if you have heard
my broken heart secret tonight
Send her a message
walk along with my sad heart
O sky take a glance
at my purple face
My spring of youth became fall because of her love grief
O sky take a glance
at my purple face
My spring of youth became fall because of her love grief
Set fire in the heart
establish hundreds passion
break! inflaming! punching!
take another bowl
from this night and this morning
demand a crazy soul


Ma nyugodt és üres a ház,
Éppen olyan, mint tegnap,
És én egy délibábban sétálok körbe-körbe
A fotóink még mindig a falon vannak
És még mindig itt vannak a szineid,
A cipőid itt vannak még az ágy mellett és a szekrényben
És előveszem a csészéket,
Egy kávét főzök két főre,
De az emlékeim foglya vagyok, és rájövök, hogy már nem vagy itt
Hiányoznak a kezeid a testemről
Hiányoznak a szemeid, ahogy rám néznek
És a légzésed a mellkasomról
Erre vágyom
Még mindig látom, ahogy előttem állsz,
Hallom a hangod, ahogy a nevemet hívod,
És próbálok továbblépni,
Mert hiányzol
Még mindig ott vagy az álmaimban,
És még mindig képes vagyok beszélni veled,
De aztán felkelek, milőtt megérinthetnélek
És mindig, mikor rád gondolok,
Az olyan érzés, mint só a sebben,
Mely egyre nagyobbra nő, ahogy telnek a napok
És hallom, ahogy mindenki azt mondja,
Az idő gyógyítja a sebeket,
De az idő sem fog visszahozni téged,
És az idő, amit együtt töltöttünk, túl rövid volt
Hiányoznak a kezeid a testemről
Hiányoznak a szemeid, ahogy rám néznek
És a légzésed a mellkasomról
Erre vágyom
Még mindig látom, ahogy előttem állsz,
Hallom a hangod, ahogy a nevemet hívod,
És próbálok továbblépni,
Mert hiányzol
És tudom,
Ha itt lennél, ahogy szerettem volna
Fel kellene állnom és továbblépnem,
És aztán hajlandó leszek elmondani neked
Hiányoznak a kezeid a testemről
Hiányoznak a szemeid, ahogy rám néznek
És a légzésed a mellkasomról
Erre vágyom
Hiányoznak a kezeid a testemről
Hiányoznak a szemeid, ahogy rám néznek
És a légzésed a mellkasomról
Erre vágyom
Még mindig látom, ahogy előttem állsz,
Hallom a hangod, ahogy a nevemet hívod,
És próbálok továbblépni,
Mert hiányzol
Mert hiányzol

I miss you

The house is calm and empty today
It's like it was yesterday
And I walk around in a false dream
Our photos still hang on the wall
And your colors are still here
Your shoes are next to the bed and in the closet
And I pick mugs out
I make one coffee for two
But I'm stuck between my memories and I realize that you're no longer here
I miss your hand from my body
I miss your eyes looking at me
And your breathing from my chest
This is what I long for
I can still see you stand in front of me
I can hear your voice as you call my name
And I'm trying to hold on
Because I miss you
And you're there in my dreams
And I can still talk with you
But I wake up before I could touch you
And all my thoughts about you
Are like salt in a wound
Which grows as the days pass
And I hear everyone say
Time can heal all the wounds,
But time will never bring you back
And our time together was way too short
I miss your hand from my body
I miss your eyes looking at me
And your breathing from my chest
This is what I long for
I can still see you stand in front of me
I can hear your voice as you call my name
And I'm trying to hold on
Because I miss you
And I know,
If you were here just as I wanted
I'd have to stand up and go on
And then I will willingly tell you
I miss your hand from my body
I miss your eyes looking at me
And your breathing from my chest
This is what I long for
I miss your hand from my body
I miss your eyes looking at me
And your breathing from my chest
This is what I long for
I can still see you stand in front of me
I can hear your voice as you call my name
And I'm trying to hold on
Because I miss you
Because I miss you


Hogy te nem egy Acélembert keresel
Mert te szeretetre vágysz
Nem egy hőst szeretnél, aki csak úgy elvisz
Egy tündérmeséből
Egy tündérmeséből
Mert nem egy,
Nem egy lovag vagyok
Nem egy lovag fehér lovon
Csak egy férfi vagyok, de a tied
De megígérem, hogy a halálomig harcolni fogok érted
De nem vagyok lovag
Csak egy férfi vagyok
Egy férfi, aki a szívét követi
És addig követem, amíg el nem érlek,
Még akkor is, ha megváltoztatsz és hagysz elveszni
A tündérmeséidben
A tündérmeséidben
Mert nem egy,
Nem egy lovag vagyok
Nem egy lovag fehér lovon
Csak egy férfi vagyok, de a tied
De megígérem, hogy a halálomig harcolni fogok érted
De nem vagyok lovag
Igen, nem vagyok
Nem egy lovag vagyok
Csak egy férfi vagyok, de a tied
De megígérem, hogy a halálomig harcolni fogok érted
De nem vagyok lovag
Mert nem egy,
Nem egy lovag vagyok
Nem egy lovag fehér lovon
Csak egy férfi vagyok,
De a tied
De megígérem, hogy a halálomig harcolni fogok érted
De nem vagyok lovag
Igen, nem vagyok
Nem egy lovag vagyok
Csak egy férfi vagyok,
De a tied
De megígérem, hogy a halálomig harcolni fogok érted
De nem vagyok lovag

Little red eyes

I sing like dogs bark
I bark like men sing
I live like a funeral's protagonist
and I die at a sperm's wedding
I waste checks that don't have any money
and I drink alone
for being abstemious
I suffer like the last big prize
I enjoy like the last big man without a prize
and I see you
with my eyes closed
I dream of you
with my eyes open
I go up to heaven
with a thousand sins
and I pray to get down to hell
I back out if you glance over me
out the corner of your eye
from a distance, I grab a jug
and I get wet
'cause my little red eyes get turned on
I back out if you glance over me
out the corner of your eye
from a distance, I grab a jug
and I get wet
'cause your little red eyes turn me on
I work in thinking a great thought
I think about working a great job
I cry like the last iron man
and I crack up1like I've just been castrated
I get dirty drug money
I give a dealer clean money
'cause a fish like me
won't drown in the water
unless it has a noose around its neck, yes!
I untie the knot inside your throat
I tie you to the front leg of your bed
I bury myself in the oven that's in your blankets
and unbury my sharp hatchet
I back out if you glance over me out the corner of your eye
from a distance, I grab a jug and I get wet
'cause your little red eyes turn me on
they turn me on because you're so hot
and my head's so bad
because sometimes it doesn't think
sometimes it gets overwhelmed
from time to time it's in the dark
from time to time it lightens up
I mix up bowling pins with bullets
I blend in with my guitar case
I shut up and say it all
and I open my mouth and don't say a thing
  • 1. ('tronchar' also means 'to cut off')


I can promise you
You look for mor than a Man of Steel
With a need for love
Not only a hero who is picking you up
From a fairy tale
From a fairy tale
Because I'm not
I'm not a knight
A knight on a white horse
I'm just a man but I'm yours
But I promise I will fight for you till my death
For you
For you
But I'm not a knight
I'm just a man
I'm just a man who wants to follow his heart
And I just follow it towards you
Even if you change me and let me get lost
In your fairy tales
In your fairy tales
Because I'm not
I'm not a knight
A knight on a white horse
I'm just a man but I'm yours
But I promise I will fight for you till my death
For you
For you
But I'm not a knight
Yes, not a knight
A knight on a white horse
I'm just a man but I'm yours
But I promise I will fight for you till my death
For you
For you
But I'm not a knight
Because I'm not
I'm not a knight
A knight on a white horse
I'm just a man
But I'm yours
But I promise I will fight for you till my death
For you
For you
But I'm not a knight
Yes, not a knight
A knight on a white horse
I'm just a man
But I'm yours
But I promise I will fight for you till my death
For you
For you
But I'm not a knight

Ma éjjel egyedül is tudsz aludni

Egy év után ugyanabba a hotelbe,
Visszavittem ugyanabba a szobába,
És nem beszéltünk sokat,
Visszajárt minden nap,
Egy délután kétszer is.
És nemcsak a belsőnk, de a testünk is
Oly könnyedén összegabalyodott,
Sokat nevettünk ezen,
Előtte és utána,
De néha közben is.
Fel akarom hívni, és megkérdezni, hogy hogy van,
Hogy minden rendben van vele?
De egy halk hang azt súgja,
Rendben van,
Ma éjjel egyedül is tudsz aludni.
És fogkefémet kikészítettem a mosdókagylóra,
Talán adok neki egy esélyt,
Aztán bemászok az ágyba és novellát olvasok,
Vagy kinézek egy TV műsort.
Ne gondolj a vállaira, az ajkaira vagy a mosolyára,
Már messze jár a taxival,
Lehet már megházasodott, vagy elköltözött,
Vagy csak nem akarja látni a nyomi arcodat.
Mégis ha felhívnám, lehet elbűvölném,
És megkérdezném, hogy emlékszik-e kettőnkre... Micsoda boldogság,
De egy halk hang azt súgja,
Rendben van,
Ma éjjel egyedül is tudsz aludni.
Elmondhatnám, hogy a függönyöm el van húzva,
És, hogy ma biztos bámulná a csillagokat,
De egy szent hang azt súgja,
Rendben van,
Ma éjjel egyedül is tudsz aludni.
Ma éjjel egyedül is tudsz aludni.


Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
But even until now
I'm still here
Here my heart goes again
Believing your excuses
Just following your wishes
And I just act blinded
I don't know why it's like that
You're always hurting me
But on the other side of this mess
Here I am still, holding onto you
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
But even until now
I'm still here
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
Your heart is a liar
And yet I believe you
My love for you is true
But my emotions are struggling
Will I just have to pretend?
Wondering if this is right
I don't know why it's like that
You're always hurting me
But on the other side of this mess
Here I am still, holding onto you
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
But even until now
I'm still here
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
Your heart is a liar
And yet I believe you
With each and every thing that your sweet lips say
Little by little, it pulls me back to you
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
But even until now
I'm still here
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
Your heart is a liar
And yet I believe you
Here my heart goes again

One day, one day

Everything that in man has been grand and sublime,
His protest, his anthems,
heroic characters,
Over this body and against its torturers
In Granada today arises before crime
And this absent mouth and Lorca now quiet, still,
Filling the universe suddenly with silence,
On all violent men turn back the violence.
My God, what a din makes
a poet who gets killed.
One day, yet, one day will come the colour orange,
A day of palms, a day of leaves brushing the brows,
A day of naked shoulder when people will love
A day looking like a bird on the highest branch.
Ah, I felt so desperate about my wild brethren,
I could see, I could see a future on our knees,
The Beast triumphing and the stone on us shutting,
And the soldiers' fire reaching our sweet blue seas.
What,? There should always be through a horrid bargain
That same restless sharing of the earth made between
Those killers by whom even panthers are frightened,
whose knife still shakes after it's been touched by their hand.?
One day, yet, one day will come the colour orange,
A day of palms, a day of leaves brushing the brows,
A day of naked shoulder when people will love
A day looking like a bird on the highest branch.
What, ? there should always be, war, feud, quarrel and fight,
About kings' behaviour
and bowing-down shoulders
And the unuseful birth of any woman's child,
The corn always eaten away by grasshoppers.?
What ? Always have those gaols , the flesh under the wheel,
The ever-justified slaughter of some idols,
This coat woven with words thrown away to the dogs,
And the gag on the mouth and for the hand a nail?
One day, yet, one day will come the colour orange,
A day of palms, a day of leaves brushing the brows,
A day of naked shoulder when people will love
A day looking like a bird on the highest branch.
To Federico Garcia Lorca.

I want you to know

You came into my life when I didn't see it coming
There was a great void in my life
That I couldn't cover
I want your word be fulfilled in me
I never want to get away from you
You died here for me
And you gave life to me
I want to be the light
Who bears your cross
And it does not move away from you
I want to serve you
Thank you lord for your love
I want to love you
I want you to know
I want to be with you
You know how I feel
I want to love you
My life to you I surrender
I want to give you my life forever
And about you
I never want to get away
You know how I feel
I want to adore you
And my life forever I always want to give you
To you be the glory lord
To you be the honor
I ask you, I don't want to get away, I want to serve you
You are the best thing that happened to me
I want to love you
And give you my life oh my lord
Thank you lord for your love
I want to love you
I want you to know
I want to be with you
You came into my life when I least expected it
And now I am another
And now I am another
That sacrifice you made on the cross
It is not erased from me
It is not erased from me
You planned my life from my childhood
I don't want to be a Christian 5 I want to be a 10
I know that you are my judge
And that you forgive my sins
I want to adore you
I don't want to get away from you
I'm going to pray to the father
And forever I will love you
Thank you lord for your love
I want to love you
I want you to know
I want to be with you
Thank you lord for your love
I want to love you

Bájos angyal

Olvastam az összes hírt,
Ismerem az összes nézőpontot,
És el is ment a kedvem.
Ideje lefeküdni,
A ház teljesen csendes,
Csak az agyam zakatol.
Éjjel három,
És nem tudok aludni,
Mert még mindig szomorkodok,
A dolgokért, amik már nem az enyéim.
Kérlek altass el altatóddal,
Te bájos angyal,
Már nem tudok több bárányt megszámolni,
Segíts Te bájos angyal.
Már nincs menekvés,
A hibáim elől,
amiket újra és újra elrontok.
Miért mondtam azt,
Bárcsak vissza mehetnék,
Miért félek cselekedni?
Hajnali négy,
És szemeimre még nem jött álom,
Így negyvenen túl,
Az élet már csak ilyen.
Altass el altatóddal,
Te bájos angyal,
Már nem tudok több bárányt megszámolni,
Segíts Te bájos angyal
Hajnali öt,
És türelmem fogytán,
Talán ez egy intő jel,
Hogy a félelem összetöri a reményt.
Kérlek altass el altatóddal,
Te bájos angyal,
Lassan eltörik a mécses,
Segíts Te bájos angyal.
És a reggel eljött,
végre nyugovóra térhetek.


Ha a szavaid
El tudnák mondani nekem, honnan hiányzik a szerelem
Még megpróbálnálak
Megérteni téged
Te figyelmet keresel, én téged
Eljött az idő
Csak az maradt, hogy elmondd
Hogyan, hogyan lehet az enyém a szerelmed
Adj nekem szavakat, hogy megválthassam
Azokat a helyeket, ahol nem volt szerelem se neked, se nekem
A szavaiddal felvivdítod a szomorú szíveket
Még akkor is, ha el kell hagynom téged, te még beszélni tudsz velem
Fel kell adnom
Nincs többé esélyed
Bárcsak itt tudnék maradni
Csak egy dolog fog itt maradni,
Ahova a válaszok nem érhetnek el
Adj nekem szavakat, hogy megválthassam
Azokat a helyeket, ahol nem volt szerelem se neked, se nekem
A szavaiddal felvivdítod a szomorú szíveket
Még akkor is, ha el kell hagynom téged, te még beszélni tudsz velem
Nana nana na na
Na nana na na
Nana nana na na
Na nana na na
Adj nekem szavakat, hogy megválthassam
Azokat a helyeket, ahol nem volt szerelem se neked, se nekem
A szavaiddal felvivdítod a szomorú szíveket
Még akkor is, ha el kell hagynom téged, te még beszélni tudsz velem
Adj nekem szavakat, hogy megválthassam
Azokat a helyeket, ahol nem volt szerelem se neked, se nekem
A szavaiddal felvivdítod a szomorú szíveket
Még akkor is, ha el kell hagynom téged, te még beszélni tudsz velem
Ó óó óó

Ruhába öltözve

Minden nőnek van valamije, amit titokban akar tartani
Meg szeretne házasodni, de ezt a dolgot nem akarja hordani
És a férfiak a Marsról, a nők pedig a Venusról származnak
Ezért nem veszi észre senki
Ha szeretnéd,
gyere, megmutatom, miben különbözünk
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?
Egyik férfi sem akar egész nap az ajkaidon csüggni
Ez megijeszt?
Mert egy szívdobbanás alatt lecserélhet
És a férfiak a Marsról, a nők pedig a Venusról származnak
Ezért nem veszi észre senki
Itt van egy terv:
Megmutatom neked, hogy vadászhatsz le egy férfit
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?
Mindenki csodálkozik rajta, mégse tudja senki
Olyan ez, mint egy nagy mágnes, ami egymás felé húz minket
Ha hallanád, mi folyik a fejemben,
Talán sosem kéne találgatnod
Mi a legkirályabb dolog, amit csinálhatsz?
Mi lehet jobb, jobb egy csóknál?
Mi az, amire vadászunk
És amire sóvárgunk,
A legkiráklyabb dolog, amit ruhába öltözve megtehetsz?

Under The Old Tamarind

How to remember those moments
Where I played with my old friends,
I used to do my accumulated homework
Or just sit during the hot afternoons.
Countless times I climbed on your branches
To eat your fruit, something astringent
Or prepare drinks, jams and sweets
That delighted and made the family happy.
Your branches, so strong and leafy,
Gave shelter and pleasant shade,
You adorned the ground with flowers and leaves
Like a vivid carpet under my bare feet.
Over the years, many of the trees
Have been ripped off, felled and replaced.
But you're still there, immovable and unbreakable,
So much so that I know your harvest days.
You know my story, joy and tears,
But every day I am learning from you.
In every morning when I wake up
I see you and I feel like you say 'hello!'

Hob XXI, 3 II, 3: The dawn begins to shine.

The dawn begins to shine
little clouds dissolve like smoke,
the sky’s resplendent in bright blue,
the mountain-peaks in fiery gold.
The sun is rising, rising.
Jane, Lukas:
He is near, he is coming.
Jane, Lucas, Simon:
He is beaming, he is shining.
He shines resplendent on high
in flaming majesty
Hail to thee, o sun!
Thou source of light and life, all hail!
O thou, the soul, the eye of all the world,
fairest likeness of the Deity!
We gret thee tankfully!
Jane, Lukas, Simon:
Wo could express the joy
That in effusion from thee flow?
Wo could number all the blessings
thy goodness shovers upon us?
The joy! Wo could express it?
The blessings! Wo could number it?
Wo could express it?
Wo could number it? Who?
We thank thee for giving joy.
We thank thee for giving life.
We thank thee for giving health.
Jane, Lukas, Simon:
But firstly let us praise the Lord who gave thee power and might.
Hail to thee, o sun!!
Thou source of light and life, all hail!
Every voice acclams thee,
the Nature acclams thee.

Videotape eyes

I have no hot water in the heater
I don't need to write love songs
Don't you see? I hope to resurrect,
While you stare at those videotape eyes
Here comes that exam of good and evil
Here come the news crossing the sea
Don't you see? The world revolves backwards
While you stare at those videotape eyes
This world will miss forever
The movie I saw once
And this world will always tell you
That is better to stare at the wall
You have now the Paraguay postcards
You have now the suitcase on the couch
You leave. The world revolves backwards
While you stare at those videotape eyes
This world will miss forever
The movie I saw once
And this world will always tell you
That is better to stare at the wall

Hob XXI, 3, 4: All around the folk now comes alive and move.

All around the folk now comes alive and move

You Are Always On My Heart

You are always on my heart
Adrift within my soul
I never hesitate, I never worry much
I'll be true to your promise
Blooming inside my heart
The cure for a broken heart
To you I give the stars, to you I give the moon
The eternal witness
As you welcome my hand
You must caress it tenderly
Your love is only meant for me
Until the very end of time
You are always on my heart
Blossoming inside my mind
From the beginning until the end
My love is what I can give

On your side of the bed

It is in vain that you are selling me that scattered verses
I have figured out your old tricks long time ago
I've become tired of your stupid stories
You are just a charmer without the cover
Some guy really important
My darling I am neither a pearl but neither a fake one
Now some other woman is sleeping on your side of the bed
Love me,keep kissing me until it dawns
It is warm on your side of the bed
Like you have never been there
It is in vain that you are buying me that unnecessary gifts
I am not in love with you anymore, for a long time, figure it out, that is how things stand
I've become tired of your stupid stories
You have been and still are just a charmer without the cover
Some guy really important
My darling I am neither a pearl but neither a fake one
Now some other woman is sleeping on your side of the bed
Love me,keep kissing me until it dawns
It is warm on your side of the bed
Like you have never been there
And it is better this way

Hob XXI, 3 II, 7 Welcome now, o shady grove.

Welcome now, o shady grove,
where the roof of an ancient oak
provides a cool umbrella,
and where the slender aspen’s leaves
whisper a soft rustle!
Near soft mosses the brook
runs here in bright waves,
And swarm of burring insects
dance gaily and confusely in the air.
The Zephir’s wing bears
the fragrant woodbine’s balmy scent,
and from from the nearby bush sounds
the sheperd-boy’s flageolet.
What refreshment for the senses!
What a rest for the heart!
Flows through every vein,
and in every nerve runs
a refreshing feeling.
The soul awakes
to delightful enjoyment,
and new strength arises
by mild urge the chest.

Mister Sommer and the polar bear

He has grown old too many times
Having supper alone in the dining room,
without a cake or a song
or one simple drawing
that his kid used to make.
The coldness of the lake kept him
and he lives closed in the past.
But there's a moment during the night
when he sees his little boy again
and he smiles happily.
Dreaming that he is a polar bear in a windbreaker
and with four fishes tied to a golden belt.
And he comes out swimming from inside the lake
and they play puppets and talk like grown ups do.
The calm goes away and the storm comes
and the nightmare comes back when he opens his eyes.
And with the aftertaste under the tongue he decides
that he doesn't want to wake up again.
The silhouette in front of the lake.
Dressed with boots, a hat on the head.
It keeps walking in without a doubt.
It keeps drowning without swimming.
No one comes to stop him either.
No one will ever know anyway.
He can no longer be seen and that hat
floats by itself to the south-west.
And now he's a polar bear in a windbreaker
and with four fishes tied to a golden belt.
And he comes out swimming from inside the lake
and they play puppets and talk like they used to.

When tenderness plays

If I leave before you do, don't mourn too much
and make yourselves an amazing dinner like it was New Years.
If I leave before you do, don't mourn too much
and make yourselves an amazing dinner like it was New Years.
And play that song
that made us feel, despite everything,
as strong as when the two of us, on that bridge,
counted three seconds
and let the body fall,
as strong as the hug at the airport
after losing everything.
If I leave before you do, don't mourn too much
and don't worry, someone has told me that it's great to live without the weight of the heart.
If I leave before you do, don't mourn too much
and dedicate those moments of not saying anything, those august nights
And be certain
that, stubbornly, I'll make them see
that maybe they counted wrong,
that it's too soon, that I have to go back.
As long as that song plays,
that made us feel, despite everything,
as strong as when the two of us, on that bridge,
counted three seconds
and let the body fall,
as strong as the hug at the airport
after losing everything.

X (ex)

Igen, oh la la
A medencénél
Énekeljük a “Bailando”-t
Két éjszaka
Szép kilátással
A sötétítőket behúzva hagyjuk
Azt mondta “szeretnék találni valakit
Oh na na
Lehetnél te az
Baby kedvellek
Nézve őt, ahogy mozog
Elvesztem a ritmusban
És közelebb húzott magához
A pillantásával
Nem tudom a nevét
De azt tudom, hogy szükségem van rá
Azt mondta
“Fiú, nem leszel magányos ma éjjel”
Azt mondta
“Oh oh oh
Csókolj meg, mintha az exed a szobában lenne
Ne félj valami újtól
Ha jól játszod, te lehetsz az a valaki
Igen, az a valaki
Aki nem hagy egyedül ma éjjel
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Oh la la
Igen baby
Teliholdas éjszaka
A fények lekapcsolva
Baby a szemeid ragyognak
Nem tudom miért
De úgy érzem megőrülök
Oh la la
Ha ez így jó
Igen baby
Nézve őt, ahogy mozog
Elvesztem a ritmusban
És közelebb húzott magához
A pillantásával
Nem tudom a nevét
De azt tudom, hogy szükségem van rá
Azt mondta
“Fiú, nem leszel magányos ma éjjel”
Azt monta
“Oh oh oh
Csókolj meg, mintha az exed a szobában lenne
Ne félj valami újtól
Ha jól játszod, te lehetsz az a valaki
Igen, az a valaki
Aki nem hagy egyedül ma éjjel
Ne félj attól hogy megélj valami mást
A vágy nem rossz
Tedd a nyelved a számba
Éld az életed őrültem
Egész éjjel veled táncolok
Lágyan és vadul, mint egy állat
Tudom hogy tetszik neked, de ez tiltott
Veled megyek, adj egy jelet
Azt monta
“Oh oh oh
Csókolj meg, mintha az exed a szobában lenne
Ne félj valami újtól
Ha jól játszod, te lehetsz az a valaki
Igen, az a valaki
Aki nem hagy egyedül ma éjjel
Uh uh uh
Ma éjjel
Valaki aki
Nem leszel magányos ma éjjel