Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 69

Találatok száma: 2605


Never say your name

fall over me hard in the hand
do it, do it one last time
forget that fairness isn't your way of playing
and this isn't our song
fucking hell you were so ugly last Friday
what are you doing this fall?
how many do you have on the list?
one day you will become the greatest
bitch I give up
I'm so tired, so tired of trying
from now on I'll do it on my own
bitch I'm tired, so tired of trying
I'm never gonna ask for your help
and never say your name again and ask(?)*
from now on I'll do it on my own
bitch I'm tired, so tired of trying
do you remember all those cool bands?
remember you changed your jargong
in what way? in what way?
remind me because I've forgotten
that this, this is never our song
behind your door you're safe
a worse version of yourself
if the key breaks in the keyhole
running out of air soon my friend
bitch I give up
I'm so tired, so tired of trying
from now on I'll do it on my own
bitch I'm tired, so tired of trying
I'm never gonna ask for your help
and never say your name again and ask(?)*
from now on I'll do it on my own
bitch I'm tired, so tired of trying
behind your door you're safe
a worse version of yourself
if the key breaks in the keyhole
running out of air soon my friend
fucking hell you were so ugly last Friday
what are you doing this fall?
how many do you have on the list?
one day you will become the greatest
bitch I give up
I'm so tired, so tired of trying
from now on I'll do it on my own
bitch I'm tired, so tired of trying
I'm never gonna ask for your help
and never say your name again and ask(?)*
from now on I'll do it on my own
bitch I'm tired, so tired of trying
If you want me to translate something else than lyrics from a song, feel free to ask me in a private message. It might take some time however, as I don't know how often I will remember to log in here.

Children of the Rainbow

Steffi had a row with her parents
She ran away, she couldn't stand it anymore
So she met Rolf who said: 'Come join us'
And they moved into a condemned house
So Tom hung wallpapers
And Mike repaired the windows
Katja painted the hallway in all colours
And when they ran out of money
They accepted any job
The house was done when winter began
They called themselves children of the rainbow
Because they believed in the good on Earth
They wanted to live in peace together
Each one of them as he thinks best
When Astrid stayed away one night because she was in a huff
They kept searching her until they found her
And when they were disconnected from electricity and water
There was nothing they didn't overcome together
One morning, people came
They burst all doors
They wrecked the beautiful house, brick by brick
And they were standing in the cold
But their dream wasn't over yet
Because they've all just learned a lesson from it
They called themselves children of the rainbow
Because they believed in the good on Earth
They wanted to live in peace together
Each one of them as he thinks best

He built a bridge across Drina river

He went away across the blue ocean a long time ago
His soul got stuck in throat, and Promised land was calling him
He was keeping in mind mother with her outspread white hands, rough Drina river, and people crossing it by ferry.
There was no day and night he suspended to pray to God and to live his Motherland.
Since youth his main desire was to build the bridge across Drina river and to found a new city.
He built the bridge across the Drina river, constructed palaces and helped people to pray to God.
He built the bridge across the Drina river, his name is firm, and united hearts in love in one whole.
A star of happiness was leading him that he always believed
He met a woman of his life and gave her his heart.
They were seeing the same dreams, he had a vision.
His desire to bring a dream into life was significant.
He was coming across with a great amount of people, rich and aglitter but images of his native region remained in his heart.
He became a spititually rich person
He never allowed somebody to destroy his marvelous dreams.
There were also hard days when he experienced sufferings.
His soul was telling him he would come back home.
He is not sorry about spent years and youth left in the world.
Old dreams came true now
There were great people, and now they exist who are ready to spend all their wealth to help people.
He visited all cities on Earth
Slobomir will become better, it will become a world center.

Today, I haven't done anything

Today, I haven't done anything,
but several things have been done to me,
non-existent birds,
found their nests.
Shadows that might exist,
found their bodies.
Existing words,
regained their silence.
Not doing a single thing
sometimes saves the world's equilibrium,
this way, making one thing to weigh down
in the empty balance's pan.
Just learning.

Herbal Nurse

Kukukukukuku if you have a heasache (x2)
I'll give you the medicine, to live 100 years (x2)
I wear a skirt with two pockets
I became a Herbal Nurse
I cure diseases, I heal wounds
Because the governmenet doesn't forbid me to do so
If someone needs medicine, I'm the pharmacy to go to
I raise the stomach, fold the naval
And I give a dry shave
Moulin Rouge, Moulin Rouge,
My 5th husband has died
I gave all them the herb
Of Hellebore, Hellebore
I copy the recipes
I'm already cooking up the cure in my head
I recognized every illness
Even when you have cancer
I cured Stanimir
He had ulcers in his stomach
And rheumatism still on his bones
God, please forgive his soul
Recipe, Recipe
To the black cat, I say shoo
Cuz when it passes you by
You too, will die
Boil tea just like eggs
And don't worry about misfortunes
You'll feel an increased heartrate
You'll be faster than a pig
When I mix different herbs
I raise many heads
When you bond different herbs
Even the handicapped can move
Raskovnik, Raskovnik
I'm familiar with every trick
By the recipe I go step by step,
One two, One two
When a woman isn't fertile
And she can't have anymore kids
Let her just drink some grass
And she'll be back to the way she was
When your wife is nagging you
Just give her some nerium
Yes, that plant is worth money
It stops every fight
Neirum, Neirum
Every womam isn't fair
That's why her husband beats her
Left and Right
If someone asks me
Stone-soup is for every woman
And the most beautiful, just like a Goddess
Approach him just like a shruberry
Juice from radish and whey
Has been known to extinguish every illness
If it still persists after that
Then it's necessary to pray
Black coal, green dish
You cannot hide from your faith
You've stepped on the track
Poor you, poor you
I cook grass and hyoscyama
And municiple tax-collectors
Cuz they need soemthing from me
So my tax becomes lower
I left behind a thick furrow
From my teas I buy a mazda
And from hay and blossoms
I have 5 cottages
Hahaha, hahaha
From the hyoscyama I make tea
When you drink that tea
The crazy runs around confused
If your peer listens to you
Then your throat sings
And if he doesn't listen
He will end up doing penance
I even heal doctors with my tea
When they battle an illness for long
When the illness has gotten so severe
That not even the needle will help
Squeeze, Squeeze
When the cigarette burns out
Not even I can help
Oh, fate is cruel
Kukukukukuku if you have a headache
I'll give you the medicine, to live 100 years...

Csak csókolj meg, és mondd: viszlát

Eljött életem legszomorúbb napja
Ma kissé rossz hírekkel kereslek fel
Ezután sajnos többé nem láthatlak
A kötelességeim és a te kapcsolataid miatt.
Itt kezdtünk el találkozni minden nap
És mert ez az utolsó együtt töltött napunk,
Szeretnék veled lenni még egyszer utoljára.
Amikor megfordulsz, és elmégy
Kérlek ne nézz többé hátra
Úgy szeretnék emlékezni rád hogy:
Csak megcsókolsz, s azt mondod: viszlát
Most, hogy én ma veled újra találkozom
Oly sok dolgot kell még mondanom
Kérlek ne szólj közbe, amíg nem végzek
Ez az egy valami, amit utálok.
Itt kezdtünk el találkozni nagyon rég
Azt hiszem, ami velünk történt, mind rossz volt
Kérlek drágám, hogy ne sírjál
Csak csókolj meg, és mondd: viszlát
Sok hónapot töltöttünk el együtt
(Hiányozni fogsz) Hiányozni fogsz, nem hazudhatok
(Hiányozni fogsz), Én kötődöm hozzád, és te viszont
Úgy hiszem, ennek így kellett megtörténni.
Engem az bántani fog, nem hazudhatok,
Ha találkozol, találkozol egy másik fickóval
Érts meg engem, meg ne próbáld, (próbáld 6x...)
Csak csókolj meg, és mondd: viszlát
(Hiányozni fogsz) Hiányozni fogsz, nem hazudhatok
(Hiányozni fogsz) Érts meg, nem próbálkozol
(Hiányozni fogsz) Engem bántani fog, nem hazudhatok.

Mamma Mia

You played with me and you were unfaithful to me
Eventually I said 'We're through'
But now you come walking through my door
Staring at me like bright sunshine
And I don't know what to do
Suddenly a thousand voices are yelling
'You're mine and mine alone, you have no choice'
Mamma mia! Here I go again
What can I do? Will this never end?
My love is much too strong
And that's why my hands are tied
[Chorus 2:]
You promised me happiness
And broke my heart
Why can't I just let it be?
[Chorus 3:]
Mamma mia! Here I go again
Just because I can't forget
I've dated and kissed other guys
I really believed we were through
But out of the blue comes you
You look at me and the noose tightens
And I don't know what I'm doing anymore
(Chorus 2)
(Chorus 2)
(Chorus 3)
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.

When I was in love with you

When I was in love with you, you were at the dentist’s
When I was in love with you, you went shopping
When I was in love with you, you lost weight
When I was in love with you, you became a vegetarian
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you, you went to Jūrmala
When I was in love with you, you counted your freckles in front of the mirror
When I was in love with you, you filed your nails
When I was in love with you, you engaged in fortune telling
When I was in love with you, you were fighting for women’s rights
When I was in love with you…
You truly had a very bad cold and really needed to stay at home, for else it would have gotten even worse, and besides, people who take penicillin get so weak that they just want to sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep or, at best, read some once-popular novel which they picked up cheap when it was on sale last spring
When I was in love with you, you complained about the hot weather
When I was in love with you, you would just listen to Beatles records
When I was in love with you, you painted your lips pink and your nails purple
When I was in love with you, you were wasted twice
When I was in love with you…
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you
Was in love with you

I want to shout I love you

Starting my run in the middle of town, bright sunlight at my back,
as always, you tapped my shoulder
I'm so enthralled by you yet for reasons unknown,
your arm won't be linked to mine.
Before I realized it, you stole my gaze, and it began.
I won't let you go. I won't have any doubts. Crazy for you.
*I want to shout 'I love you.' Let's try to change tomorrow.
I want to smash this freezing moment in time.
I want to shout 'I love you.' Let's be brave and take a step forward.
I want you to receive these warm emotions.
On the noisy floor, across from me at the crowded table,
I'm lost in your casual glance.
It feels like I'm in love with you, yet it's like I'm being toyed with.
I can't lie to my soaring heartbeat anymore.
When will it change, this frustrating friendship?
I want to tell you. I want to make sure. I take you away.
I want to shout 'I love you.' Let's leave everything behind.
I want to find the words to melt your heart.
I want to shout 'I love you.' I won't let you leave me tonight.
Let's end the days we don't get past just gazing at each other
I wanna cry for you
I wanna cry for you

I would fall in love

I let my eye to choose
happiness by itself.
I thought that so
I can't go wrong.
I would fall in love, would fall in love
but my soul hurts.
My eye spoiled me,
this woman loves someone else.
I would fall in love, would fall in love
but my heart hurts.
My eye spoiled me,
this woman, this woman loves someone else.
I let my eye to choose
happiness by itself.
I thought that so
the heart will find peace.
I let my eye to choose
happiness by itself
but my dreams
turned to a nightmare.

A fragile man

You've turned me into a fragile man
Stone has become clay
That's how a man
Can one day beg
Only one person
That's me a fragile man
[To whom] love hangs by a thread
The thread was used
Before breaking
The instant you left me
With you I was capable
Of standing up to everyone
And look at me [now] a sandcastle
That just wave wave overturned
You've turned me into a fragile man
As the unloved...
Will I get over it?
Tell myself: 'I continue'?
The day I lose everything?
And look at me a fragile man
Without a tear at the tip of the eyelashes
My life as if in exile
Hangs by a thread
And that's me a fragile man
If the line between
Power and weakness is invisibile
I feel it again as if a great emptiness
And I don't even have your address
You've turned me into a fragile man
As the unloved...
Will I get over it?
Tell myself: 'I continue'?
The day I lose everything?
And look at me a fragile man
Without a tear at the end of the eyelashes
My life as if in exile
Hangs by a thread
And that's me a fragile man

There are words we don't say...

There are words we don't say,
and without saying, we write them in stuff.
And the stuff keeps them
and one day, it answers with them,
and saves our world,
with a secret love
in which two sides,
there's only one entrance.
Isn't there a word,
of those we don't say,
that we have put
accidentally, in the middle of nowhere?
Just learning.

It's not the same a smile...

It's not the same a smile,
by night,
locked at home
than this smile of you, or mine
sour already from nothing.
And however,
both are bounded,
in two faces
or perhaps two mouths,
in just one face.
Just learning.

Found a man writing

I found a man writing in his bones,
and me, who never saw a god before,
I know this man looks like one.
There was in his gesture something
equivalent to the norm, or a suicidal's scent,
an abyss, or a silence,
which divides the whole universe in two exact nocturnal parts.
He wrote in his bones,
like the sand from a perforated beach, from the top,
with the integrity of an eye,
that locks in himself the thought as well.
But I couldn't look over his shoulder,
to see what was he writing,
because he was writing on his soulder as well.
Just learning.

We must fall...

We must fall, and we can't determine where,
but there's a wind form in the hair,
certain pause of the blow,
certain corner in the arm,
that we can bend as we fall.
It's just the extent of a sign,
the top of a thought without thinking,
but it's enough, to avoid the greedy bottom of a pair of hands,
and the blue misery of a desolated god.
It's all about folding more than a comma,
in a text that we can't select.
Just learning.

There are dots of silence...

There are dots of silence surrounding the heart
they're the heart itself, but in front of it
lying among its various arrows,
not undone in its own death, but dealing with it.
It's not a scripture of silence looking for its eye,
or a God secured outside himself,
or a coward rain,
or a chased dog, by its own bark.
The heart is a silent hand,
which fingers are in front of it,
He imitates the beats,
but they can't be seduced.
Just learning.

We all are going to die...

We all are going to die,
we all, that have looked at each other, face to face or sideways,
touched, or talked or forgotten.
We will die, one by one, frankly
from this great impossible which is Death.
My dog's color black will die too,
the white of your voice,
this day's empty color.
And meanwhile,
we'll do a thing or another,
not so frankly anymore,
but, why does it matter what we'll do?
perhaps it's all the same,
if my dog had a white color,
if your voice was black,
or if this day stained us of God,
or perhaps it's not all the same,
and there, the question would start again.
Just learning.

Sometimes, my hands wake me up...

Sometimes, my hands wake me up,
they do and undo one thing, without me
as I sleep.
Something terribly human,
concrete as the back, or the pocket of a man.
I hear them in my dreams
during their outside work,
but while opening my eyes, they are already calm.
I've thought, maybe, I am the man
and due to what they do,
with their gesture, not mine
with their god, not mine
with their death, if they die too.
I don't know how to make a man,
perhaps my hands do the job as I sleep,
and when it's over,
they will wake me up,
and show it all to me.
Just learning.

You don't listen to rock

For you looking a little bit sad
I want you to listen to this song
Clapping hands is the signal
What a sloppy surprise
This is the most I can do
In the record single covered with dust
My dream of those days dances
Solemnly, I drop the needle on it
Holding my breath too long
Why don't you sit down?
Sounds of youth gush out one after another
Let's dance to the dry melody
While thinking you don't listen to rock
I want you to open up a little more to me, so
I think you don't listen to rock, though
This song and that song helped me heal from heartbreaks
My heart rate reached 190bpm
I wonder if you'll notice it
Why are you laughing?
You totally make me lose my composure
Sounds of youth are being played interminably
The dry melody is endless
While thinking you don't listen to rock
I want you to open up a little more to me, so
I think you don't listen to rock, though
This song and that song made me pine for love
I know you don't listen to rock, though
I want you to get close to me like a couple, so
I think you don't listen to rock, though
This song and that song make my heart ache again
While thinking you don't listen to rock
I want you to open up a little more to me, so
I think you don't listen to rock, though
This song and that song helped me heal from heartbreaks

Don't Cry, Love

Don't cry, my love...
Soon I'll return...
Don't cry, my love...
Soon I'll return...
Someone will have
Don't cry, my love...
spoke to you about me
Soon I'll return...
Saying how I'm not
Soon I'll return...
Worthy of you
Soon I'll return...
If at night I then tell you
Me crying over ?
You always answer that
It's not true, it's not true
At the casino we found each other
In those days we loved each other
And those days did not change
Believe me
Don't cry, love
Because you want to be alone
In that way I could
Stop crying about her
I know everything about you
Don't cry, my love...
You know everything about me
Soon I'll return...
So I won't be able to
Don't cry, my love...
never ?
Soon I'll return...
But if one day I'll err
And ask for your pardon
I know you'll pardon me
The pardon is always love
At the casino we found each other
In those days we loved each other
And those days did not change
Believe me
Don't cry, love
Because you want to be alone
In that way I could
Stop crying about her
Don't cry, love
Because you want to be alone
In that way I could...

Elm Square

Back in '39, that year
people started to wage war.
As for me, I was too little, I couldn't understand
what war was.
I watched the flowers and the water in the river,
or I played hide-and-seek on Elm Square.
On Elm Square.
There were no more celebrations, no more sunday dances,
only a few elderly were left on Elm Square.
On Elm Square.
We listened to the in secret, behind
the shadow of our curtains
while .
And then, at last
the year '45 came.
Back in '45, that year
people were ending the war.
As for me, I had grown up, still I couldn't understand
why people wage wars.
I watched the flowers and the water in the river,
boys kissed me on Elm Square.
On Elm Square.
There were balls everywhere, lots of sunday dances.
Mariages were celebrated on Elm Square.
On Elm Square.
We basked in the sun, we got drunk on sunlight,
we drew the curtains
while Europe was sorted into several parts.
The war was over.
And, all the same, since then
Since then, all that while
people keep on waging wars.
As for me, I'm an adult now, and I still can't understand
why people wage wars
while there are flowers, birds, rivers
and children loving one another on Elm Square.
The weather is nice today.
It is today, but could it be that tomorrow on Earth
a paradise would die and elude us,
elude us forever and ever?
No more children in the sun, no more peace on Earth.
No more flowers, no more birds.
But that's couldn't happen, the weather is so nice
today, so nice
on Elm Square.
So nice...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Voice Actor

From a studio where nobody is present
I can hear his voice through the repeating lines
Packed in a bag full of love
The memories I dreamed that day are suddenly being resurrected
Let's run and keep going until our passioned palpitations ends
Let's put enthusiasm into this white-lit screen
For you
I'll go ahead according to my pace
Although the reality of the monochrome can't rest
On my own, on my way
Believing the chance will shine in my heart
Let's run and keep going until we catch our passioned future
The encouragement is overflowing from this white-lit screen
When you get lost in solitude without a way out
You are able to remember your first daring dreams
Let's run and keep going until our passioned palpitations ends
Let's put enthusiasm into this white-lit screen
For you
♫Reprint it, spread it to the world!
If this was useful to you, please consider supporting me!♫

They say men shouldn't cry

When I lost you
I didn't understand your ingratitude
So I remained
Without conforming to the loneliness.
My injured soul and my life lost
I just tripped
All my friends always used to tell me
better to end
They say men shouldn't cry
over a woman that doesn't wish to love
and as I coudn't
hold my weeping,
closing my eyes,
I started to cry.
I tried to forget
Seeing you leave telling me 'good-bye'
For that reason I've made my [own] prison
My sad dream...


Nothing to say, nothing to hide,
we all want to drink.
Eyes are a bit tired,
throats are a bit flushed.
This night belongs to us today.
It doesn't matter if I die tomorrow
and have fun today
'cause in a while the day will dawn
Nothing's better than jump,
and everybody together,
nothing's better than jump,
a party at full blast.1
Those who are having fun, please stay here.
Hands up and one more time...
Monothematic lyrics.
Banality is the best here.
There's no use talking.
The party rules!
Everyone who agrees is with us.
This night belongs to us today.
It doesn't matter if I die tomorrow
and have fun today
'cause in a while the day will dawn
Nothing's better than jump,
and everybody together,
nothing's better than jump,
a party at full blast.
Those who are having fun, please stay here.
Hands up and one more time...
  • 1. idiom: at full blast: at full power, volume, speed

Tell me you'll cry

Tell me you'll cry,
when you lose me.
Tell me you can be so happy,
only me with me alone.
Just once I'd like to hear it from you,
and then will all my dreams come true.
Tell me that you too are happy,
[with] us living as a couple.
Then you'll never,
never need to cry
I will be near you.
What I am and what I have
should also from today belong to you,
but first I'd like
to know from you,
if you really love me.
Tell me you'll cry,
when you lose me.
Tell me you can be so happy,
only me with me alone.
Just once I'd like to hear it from you,
and then will all my dreams come true.
Tell me that you too are happy,
[with] us living as a couple.
Then you'll never,
never need to cry
I will be near you.
Then the sun
bright for us will shine,
and you won't be alone.

Sweet Water, Water of the Sea

With the passing of the years
I learned with life
either you live intensely
or I'll dream dies.
With the passing of the years
affection is more intense,
we live the present
one doesn't play with luck.
Sweet water, water of the sea
For water it comes for water it goes
Sweet water, water of the sea
Such is life, it takes and it gives.
[Sweet water, water of the sea
For water it comes for water it goes
Sweet water, water of the sea
Such is life, it takes and it gives]
You, the water that falls from the sky
and which the waves will carry away
I want to drink you sweet
but you taste like the sea
I want to drink you sweet
but you taste like the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.
With the passing of the years
we measure our steps
we go on a good path
to forget the failures.
With the passing of the years
so much one learns,
The heart is made strong
and feelings rise up.
Sweet water, water of the sea
For water it comes for water it goes
Sweet water, water of the sea
Such is life, it takes and it gives.
[Sweet water, water of the sea
For water it comes for water it goes
Sweet water, water of the sea
Such is life, it takes and it gives]
You, the water that falls from the sky
and which the waves will carry away
I want to drink you sweet
but you taste like the sea
I want to drink you sweet
but you taste like the sea.
[Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.
Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.]
Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.
Sweet water, water of the sea
Sweet water, water of the sea.

Love Is Bleeding

I'm repeating
Love is bleeding
Love is suffering
Love is on its death bed
Like a molested woman
Broken in spirit, alone
I'm shouting, I'm speaking
I'm desceding deep
For everyone to turn their eye
On the love that's not laughing
Love that doesn't feel well
Love is bleeding
Love is suffering
Love is bleeding
Love is on its death bed
Love is bleeding
That is the reality
That's how things are
And love is bleeding
The wound could be treated
Love would be with us again
The problem is that it doesn't have
Health insurance
And a miserable bureaucrat
Slowly pushes
Floor to floor
Cold basement door are
Closer by the day
Love is bleeding
It's already starting seeing things
Love is bleeding
Love is suffering
Love is bleeding
Love is on it's death bed
I'm ready for everything
And I'd give anything to save it
I'm ready for everything
But around me is silence
Wind and dust...
And in the dust - memories, bones
And I don't know, my brother, how much does it take
For people to understand that time will stop
Life will turn to dust
So I repeat
Love is bleeding
Love is suffering
Love is bleeding
Love is on it's death bed
Love is bleeding
Love is suffering
Love is bleeding
Love is on it's death bed
I repeat
Love is bleeding
Love is suffering
Love is on it's death bed
Love is on it's death bed

You're far away

1. I won't walk away anywhere,
you'll be my harbour.
You do harm to me
by leaving me alone.
Every hour
lasts more that usual.
I don't want to fall asleep
until you come.
You're far away,
I can't find you.
I feel this warmth
so perfectly.
I miss you,
I know you by heart.
I want to have you near,
I want to find you.
2. I will never leave
a mark of my weakness.
Now you're guilty
'cause you don't allow to replace you.
Every hour
lasts more than usual.
I don't want to fall asleep
until you come.
You're far away,
I can't find you.
I feel this warmth
so perfectly.
I miss you,
I know you by heart.
I want to have you near,
I want to find you.
Every hour
lasts more than usual.
I don't want to fall asleep
until you come.
You're far away,
I can't find you.
I feel this warmth
so perfectly.
I miss you,
I know you by heart.
I want to have you near,
I want to find you.

The cigar end collector

I'm a cigar end collector,
I collect the cigar ends thrown by the smokers who don't want anymore.
I'm a cigar end collector,
and I also collect the smoke of what people blew.
I collector rubbish, I collector rubbish,
I collector rubbish, I collector rubbish
I'm a cigar end collector,
I collect words after that smokers talked them
and breaking filters
I'm rescuing those things that people didn't blow,
but remained there, without fading like those that they blew
and that I'm gathering with the rest too.
I'm a cigar end collector,
but fortunately I am only from an intellectual point of view
I'm a cigar end collector,
in a figurated sense, I don't get hands nor feet dirty
Only the thought, only the thought
Only the thought, only the thought
I collect the left-overs,
after somebody thought about something that maybe forgot later.
I'm a cigar end collector,
I smoke the neurons that died and can't think,
I gather the ideas, that remained silenced by lack of voice,
of words or by the censorship of who thought about them.
I'm a cigar end collector,
I make songs with leftovers of used chords that are no longer useful.
I'm a cigar end collector,
and those songs that I write with the others ends
Are a good business, are a good business
Are a good business, are a good business
Because I register them
to my name and they can't say it's plagiarism for just a beat.
I'm a cigar end collector,
and to whoever blows this song I'll ask you please
if you don't mind, you keep the cigar end for me and so tomorrow it could be
that collecting it with another will outcome in a new song.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Come back to me

I don´t do anything else but think
in returning by your side
I just can´t forget
those nights of love
I´m the only one to blame
that I gave you sideways
and you fled like the hurricane
that nothing can´t stops when passing
Come back to me, you know, I´m like that
I´m the winter and the summer
do it today, tomorrow for you
you have to know to forgive
Nobody can ever steal
those stolen kisses
that you engrave without wanting
to fire on my skin
It´s not bad to look back
it´s not impossible to start over
could you give me a chance
and you won´t regret
come back to me, don´t be like that
I´m broken
come back to me
and I´ll change for you

Disco of our love

Look at the weather
Throw away this Internet of yours
The sun makes people feel free
And the whole world is wearing flowers
A small white dress
Pearls on the chest and on the ears
For me you are the happiness that came by chance
You are so good.
I'm calling you exactly at seven
And to the music of Boni M
Together we'll take a walk
Kissing and dancing
I'll return you sharp at five
Your mom will not sleep
Will be angry, but that's life
This is the disco of our love
Give me gentle nights
And it does not matter what's after
I need you, girl, very much
Without you everything became as if
the past wasn't somehow with us
Two in a black-and-white movie
The feeling is given to us by heaven
so that it may never end
She will be angry, but that's life
This is the disco of our love.

We All Know Juanita

We all know Juanita
The colors of her eye are bizarre
She has the teeth of a horse
and the chin of a wolf
Also her dress keeps getting dragged on the ground
[You changed the words!
We have underage company!]
Her hair is a kitchen sponge
Her legs are molokhia1 stalks
And if my looks were a bit better
She might have considered me
[You reminded me of the old times]
  • 1. A plant with extremely thin stalks, a traditional Egyptian soup is made out of this plant.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.