Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 71

Találatok száma: 2605



For so much time
I keep this feeling
I feel united with you
I see you and I feel like I´m dying
I know what I should feel
and I can´t say it
my love, I don´t want to pretend anymore
I´m stupid if you escape me
For so much time
I keep this feeling
I feel united with you
I see you and I feel like I´m dying
I know what I should feel
why you can´t say it
you would make me so happy
i you could share that with me
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
always together
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
you and me and the love
together both of us
For so long
I keep this feeling
I feel united to you
I see you and I feel like dying
I know what I should feel
I can not say
Love I do not want to pretend anymore
Silly I am if you leave me
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
together both of us
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
together both of us
you and I and the love
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
always together
together and distant when there is so much to live
together dreaming the two of us, a magical moment
we´re together , you and me and the love
Together in the silence when there is so much to say
together both of us
together and distant when there is so much to live
together both of us

Romeo and Juliet

You know that it isn't the first
nor will it be the last time
that we left our clothes
next to the front door.
I suppose that all of history
isn't written without knowing how to speak (oh no)
I love you even though they don't understand
and we kill ourselves without thinking, by loving
You know you're the muse
of my truth
The protagonist of a dream
that is reality
Even though I'm imperfect
I never wanted
to hurt you
or do you wrong.
You only need to understand
that being your man is my role
I want a love like those of the past
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Write on me a story
and we'll change the ending
We only have this life
to give ourselves, without thinking, to love.
From this legend, we will make
a special chapter
that everything ends and begins
and there is no way back (way back)
You know that you are eternal
and I, mortal
We both know the story
will not end
Because I'm imperfect
I never wanted
to hurt you
or do you wrong.
You only need to understand
that being your man is my role
I want a love like those of the past
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
If you die, I will too
then we can be reborn (reborn)
so we can meet again
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet(oh)
Romeo and Juliet
You only need to understand
that being your man is my role (my role)
I want a love like those of the past (those of the past)
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
If you die, I will too (I will too)
then we can be reborn (reborn)
so we can meet again (again)
like Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet

Higgy a szerelemben

Higgy a szerelemben
és tőle ne félj
higgy a szerelemben
nélküle ne élj
higgy a szerelemben
és őrizd meg azt
higgy a szerelemben
lásd a rosszat s igazt
higgy a szerelemben
és őrizd meg azt
higgy a szerelemben
lásd a rosszat s igazt
add a kezed most nekem
összetartson a szerelem
add a kezed most nekem
mint ritka virágot
add a kezed most nekem
igaz szerelem a miénk
vezessen egy boldog világ felé
Higgy a szerelemben...

Town of Camariñas

Versions: #2
When sailing by Camariñas,
I passed by Camariñas, singing.
The girls from Camariñas
were left behind in the river, washing.
Camariñas, Camariñas,
oh you are already appealing me.
For one girl from Camariñas
I live in the world, I live in pain.
My little Virgin on the mount
who always looks after the sailors.
do not let me die
far from the land, the land of mine.

I am a pirate, I am a gentleman

At times I'm a bastard and at times a good one
sometimes I do not even know who I am
I relish anything prohibited
but I also like the simple things, I live live
I've had many women who've understood me
and others who in bad faith hurt me
but the moment has arrived just for me
to say how I am, how I feel
I'll tell you
I imprison the soul or the heart
I am a pirate and a gentleman
More self-love than modesty
I'll tell you
I love the moon and I love the sun
I am a pirate and a gentleman
An expert in love
There are those who now tell me how I am nicer
Forgiving now even if I used to condemn
I am eager whenever I go on dates
but I know the difference between a fling and true love
I am eager whenever I go on dates
but I know the difference between a fling and true love
I'll tell you
I imprison the soul or the heart
I am a pirate and a gentleman
More self-love than modesty
I'll tell you
I love the moon and I love the sun
I am a pirate and a gentleman
An expert in love
I'll tell you
I imprison the soul or the heart
I am a pirate and a gentleman
More self-love than modesty


Whenever at night I want love,
there's only one woman I can
think of: Manuela
Yours is a world where
innocence never entered, Manuela.
You never say anything,
hate the wind and the sun
That is how Manuela is.
Eyes big like the sea,
To take or to leave:
this is her, Manuela.
And whenever I'm on a date,
I never think about anything else
because she, Manuela,
is a part of infinity
perhaps only I have understood
the importance of her kisses
and the immense love
that she gives me, Manuela.
Such is my adventure:
A game from the beginning,
now it's her turn, Manuela.
I only live, only think,
only know I exist
because I have her, Manuela.
And whenever I'm on a date,
I never think about anything else
because she, Manuela,
is a part of infinity
because only I have understood
the importance of her kisses
and the immense love
that she gives me, Manuela.
She is a part of infinity
because only I have understood
the importance of her kisses
and the immense love
that she gives me, Manuela.

New Day

The darkness and its sorrows
Are fleeing from the day, up to the stars
The first light is calling for the morning
And the sun is rising
New day, I'm asking you:
What's your gift for me?
Will you bring me back yesterday's tears
Or new love and new happiness?
Turn around and show your face
New day, don't disappoint me!
My dreams are flying through time and space
And they're still fighting with the shadows of the night
But there's sunlight coming through the trees
And the Earth is awakening
New day, I'm asking you:
What's your gift for me?
Will you bring me back yesterday's tears
Or new love and new happiness?
Turn around and show your face
New day, don't disappoint me!
New day, what will the wind carry along
Once a new light comes up?
Will it bring me back yesterday's tears
Or new love and new happiness?
I'm asking you, tell me
New day, then I'll trust you!
New day, then I'll trust you
New day, then I'll trust you!

For you

Oh Lord Jesus, with your greatness,
Oh Lord,
you made heaven and earth,
oh Lord
rivers, seas and stars
o Lord
you are the Verb, and your word is strength
You can do anything!
There's nothing impossible for you
There is no evil or storm for you
Neither problems nor diseases, nothing
There's nothing impossible for you
You took Noah out of the waters
oh Lord
you freed Daniel from the beasts
oh Lord
you opened the Red Sea for Moses
oh Lord
and Sara gave birth at ninety
You can do anything!
There's nothing impossible for you
Nothing impossible
There's no evil or storm for you
No evil or storm, no
Neither problems nor deseases, for you
There's nothing impossible for you
There's not!
You made manna rain from the sky
oh Lord
the bread and the fish, you multiplied
oh Lord
the good Lazarus, you brought back to life
oh Lord
I'd like a miracle for myself
You can do anything!
There's nothing impossible for you
Nothing impossible
There's no evil or storm for you
No evil or storm, no
Neither problems nor deseases, for you
There's nothing impossible for you
There's not!
Yes... nothing impossible, aha
There are no problems, nor diseases
for you, for you
no divorce, nor drug in the streets, no
for you, for you,
there's no more cancer, no more AIDS, no more ills
for you, for you
and no, no, no, there's no storm, nor calamities
for you
You can do anything, aha
Nothing impossible, oh no
But there are no problems nor diseases, yeah
for you, for you
there's no divorce, nor drug in the streets, oh no no
for you, for you
there's no more cancer, no more AIDS, no more ills
for you, for you
no no no, there's no storm, nor calamities
for you
You can do anything!
There's nothing impossible for you
Nothing impossible
There's no evil or storm for you
No evil or storm, no
Neither problems nor deseases, for you
There's nothing impossible for you
There's not!
Nothing impossible
for you

Tell me

Tell, tell me.
Tell me how your life is going now, tell me
if you remember me or you long for me, tell me, tell me, tell me.
Tell me about that twilight at the river, tell me
of kisses of you and me, tell me, tell me, tell me.
Tell me anything you want,
tell me even if they're lies, tell tell tell me,
tell me anything you want, tell me.
Love, love me.
Love me like lovers do, love me
who give it all in an instant, love me, love me, love me.
Love me because your love broke my soul, love me
and only you give me calmness, love me, love me, love me.
Love me anyway you want,
tell me even if they're lies, tell tell tell me,
tell me anything you want, tell me.
Take, take me.
Take me to where time and memories, take me
make a single big wheel, take me, take me, take me.
Take me to the heaven of your dreams, take me
where I'm your only owner, take me, take me, take me.
Take me anywhere you want,
tell me even if they're lies, tell tell tell me,
tell me anything you want, tell me.
Love, love me.
Love me and tell me quietly, love me
that people can murmur, love me, love me, love me.
Love me and give me that stolen kiss, love me
that neither flowers could steal from me, love me, love me, love me.
Love me anyway you want,
tell me even if they're lies, tell tell tell me,
tell me anything you want, tell me.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A hideg veríték

Ne feledd, Moralito, azon a napon,
amikor te Urumitában *1 jártál
és nem akartál tivornyát rendezni,
te korán reggel elfutottál.
Valószínűleg ugyanazzal a haraggal.
Te korán reggel elfutottál,
Valószínűleg ugyanazzal a haraggal.
Az én nótáimban már elterjedt,
nincs senki hozzám mérhető.
Az én nótáimban már elterjedt,
nincs senki hozzám mérhető.
Megyek játszani Lorenzo-val
holnap, szombaton,
A Szent Szűz napján.
... megyek játszani Lorenzo-val
holnap, szombaton,
A Szent Szűz napján.
Hagyjál le engem, vagy én foglak lehagyni,
Hogy végére járjunk az ügynek *2.
Hagyjál le engem, vagy én foglak lehagyni,
Hogy végére járjunk az ügynek
Ó, Morales, te engem nem fogsz lehagyni,
mert én azt nem kívánom.
Ó, Morales, te engem nem fogsz lehagyni,
mert én azt nem kívánom.
Milyen művész, micsoda művész lehet
egy Yumeca indián *3, mint Lorenzo Morales *4?
Milyen művész lehet az,
aki Los Cardonales *5 -ben született?
Milyen művész lehet az,
aki Los Cardonales-ben született?
Aj, ja jaj!
Aj, ja jaj!
Morales szidta az anyámat
Csak azért hogy megsértsen.
Morales szidta az anyámat
Csak azért hogy megsértsen.
Azért hogy ő is megsértődjön
Most én is szidom az övét.
Azért hogy ő is megsértődjön
Most én is szidom az övét.
Hagyjál le engem, vagy én foglak lehagyni,
Hogy végére járjunk az ügynek.
Hagyjál le engem, vagy én foglak lehagyni,
Hogy végére járjunk az ügynek
Ó, Morales, te engem nem fogsz lehagyni,
mert én azt nem kívánom.
Ó, Morales, te engem nem fogsz lehagyni,
mert én azt nem kívánom.
Moralito, Moralito azt hitte, hogy ő engem,
hogy ő engem, igen, hogy engem legyőzhet,
és amikor hallotta, hogyan játszom
a hideg verejték elcseppent.
... és amikor hallotta, hogyan játszom
a hideg verejték elcseppent.
A hideg veríték leesett,
neki a dobás rosszul esett
Végül is, megérdemelte,
neki a dobás rosszul esett.
Hé, Morales, te engem nem fogsz lehagyni,
mert engem nem hagysz le, Morales,
Engemet senki sem hagy le, senki sem ...

A woman can change your world

If you put yourself in my place
We'll then see what you'll do
Unrequited love will make you go mad, you know
Only a little is needed
To love at any age
You'd need only say a word and walk away
A beautiful vacation
in a tropical land
Fervent love we desire
So let's fly to Santo Domingo
final destination
and a woman.
A woman can change your world
Make you say how you're now in paradise
Make the love rhythm flow through your veins
From everything around us (2x)
You torture yourself
You would not be who you are
what an interesting destination it would have been
had I met another and not her
You are an angel devil
A pretty angel
War peace
Heart mind
Your infidelity
has made faithful
him who was not faithful
A woman can change your world
A woman rises way high
The things you dare not say
yet again
you'll fall in love.
A woman can change your world
Make you say how you're now in paradise
Make the love rhythm flow through your veins
From everything around us (4x)

He created Andalusia

God made the world in six days,
and He rested in the seventh
God made the world in six days,
and He rested in the seventh
And in the rest he dreamed that it lacked joy
And from the dream, and from the dream, He created Andalusia
He created Andalusia, He created Andalusia
He created Andalusia, He created Andalusia.
Lean out on the Mediterrean,
on the heart of Triana
Like a nest of white towns,
with flowers in the windows
Land of impossible dreams,
of Caliphs and Romans
Whim of nature,
between divine and human
Between divine and human,
between divine and human
Lights and colors wave
they come with the morning
A white and green hall
of the Doñana reflex
Where simple people,
sits in a chair
at the door of their house
Where having a friend,
where love is gifted
Where having a woman,
that makes you fall in love by looking at her.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The cold sweat

Moralito, recall that day
when you were in Urumita
and you didn’t want to play on the party.
You left at the daybreak.
It must have been because of the same rage.
You left at the daybreak.
It must have been because of the same rage.
When I play the accordion my notes are extensive,
nobody needs to correct me.
When I play the accordion my notes are extensive,
nobody needs to correct me
to let me play with Lorenzo
tomorrow on Saturday,
the day of the Virgin Mary.
…to let me play with Lorenzo
tomorrow on Saturday,
the day of the Virgin Mary.
He’ll defeat me or I’ll defeat him,
so that this annoying case ends.
He’ll defeat me or I’ll defeat him
so that this annoying case ends.
Oh! Morales, you won’t defeat me,
‘cause I don’t feel like giving in.
Moralito, you won’t defeat me,
‘cause I don’t feel like giving in.
What kind of arts, what kind of arts could
a Yumecan dumb like Lorenzo Morales present?
What kind of arts could
the one who was born in the cactus desert present?1
What kind of arts could
the one who was born in the cactus desert present?
Ay, ya yay!
Ay, ya yay!
Morales curses my mommy
just to offend me.
Morales curses my mommy
just to offend me.
To offend him too,
I curse his mommy.
To offend him too,
I curse his mommy.
He’ll defeat me or I’ll defeat him,
so that this annoying case ends.
He’ll defeat me or I’ll defeat him
so that this annoying case ends.
Oh! Morales, you won’t defeat me,
‘cause I don’t feel like giving in.
Moralito, you won’t defeat me,
‘cause I don’t feel like giving in.
Moralito, Moralito believed that he,
that he, yes, he, that he could win
and when he heard me playing
he shed the cold sweat.
…and when he heard me playing
he shed the cold sweat.
He shed the cold sweat,
it all went wrong for him.
After all, he deserved it
and it all went wrong for him.
Listen, Morales, you wont defeat me,
‘cause you won’t, Morales.
No one will defeat me, no one...
  • 1. Or: “…was born in the middle of nowhere…”.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Love is fragile

Setbacks in love
Setbacks in love
It's neither the rain, nor the beautiful weather
Neither joy, or sorrow
It's never really
The image of happiness
But these words return so often
That I know them by heart
A fling
That isn't true love
It's a simple game
Great, true love
You must hold onto it
Yet it's so fragile
Love is fragile
Whenever you are in love
For a yes, for a no
That might last one day or two
It's never too long
Without the shadow of remorse
Without the shadow of regret
The air around you can change
It's already over!
A fling
That isn't true love
It's a simple game
Great, true love
You must hold onto it
Yet it's so fragile

Dawn of the Alba

Where are you going dawn of the Alba? Where are you going far from here?
if your home is in Seville close to the Guadalquivir.
Where are you going dawn of the Alba? Where are you going far from the south?
far from the willows and the Santa Cruz neighbourhood.
Eugenia, Eugenia today you get dressed long
and the drumb welcomes you in Seville.
Eugenia how giypsy are your arms
when you dance the way the ones here dance.
Gift your smile,
to the MAria Luisa park,
while you dream and dream
in your Palacio de las Dueñas.
Eugenia, Eugenia your Gypsy Christ is
at the doors of your temple in San Román
Eugenia it's Holy Friday night
cross of guide, full moon and orange blossom.
Eugenia, Eugenia Seville is having a fair
and the horse ride will begin.
Eugenia, Curro in the armory
will embroider a poster with his cape.
Eugenia, Eugenia the whole Spain waits for you
to feel your presence in its garden.
Eugenia no matter how much they love you
they won't love you the half of what we love you here.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Life passes

Life passes, life passes.
Life passes
and you haven't noted that you lived when life passes,
and you haven't noted that you lived when life passes.
Life passes.
Your illusions and your beautiful dreams, it's all forgotten
your illusions and your beautiful dreams, it's all forgotten.
Life passes, like the flow passes
when the river searches for the sea
and I walk indifferently where they want to take me.
Love passes, love passes.
Love passes
we swore an endless love and then love passes,
we swore an endless love and then love passes.
Love passes
and we barely understand that there was a time when we loved each other
and we barely understand that there was a time when we loved each other.
Love passes, like the flow passes
when the river searches for the sea
and I walk indifferently where they want to take me.
Glory passes, glory passes.
Glory passes
greed blinds us, but one day glory passes,
greed blinds us, but one day glory passes.
Glory passes
and you see that neither the memory remains of your work
and you see that neither the memory remains of your work.
Glory passes, like the flow passes
when the river searches for the sea
and I walk indifferently where they want to take me.
Years pass, years pass.
Years pass
youth goes away quietly, years pass,
youth goes away quietly, years pass.
Years pass
life passes with its sad load of disillusions
life passes with its sad load of disillusions.
Years pass, like the flow passes
when the river searches for the sea
and I walk indifferently where they want to take me.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Two Yesterdays

Without being defeated, I raise my face to the sky that's stopped raining
Your back disappears into the evening crowd of people
No matter how much we like each other
There will come a day when we must embrace and walk our respective paths
I won't forget that we were born and able to meet in the same era
On the other side of the response you've decided, there is a future just for you
It suddenly fills my heart Your dazzling smile
Don't forcibly lock it up in a corner of your heart
Set down your heavy burden
Enjoy the passing season
Let's start running
I won't forget that we looked at the same world and walked our path
The parting that we chose while hesitating Become the you that can face each other
I won't forget that we were born and able to meet in the same era
No matter what tomorrow comes Let's become the pair that shined more than anyone else
The painful memories overflowing in your heart
Will one day be reborn as precious fond memories
That day will come...
I won't forget that we looked at the same world and walked our path
The parting that we chose while hesitating Become the you that can face each other
I won't forget that we were born and able to meet in the same era
No matter what tomorrow comes Let's become the pair that shined more than anyone else
Don't say goodbye...

I'll Throw It Into The Well

I'll throw it into the well
My soul
I'll throw it into the well
I'll throw into the well
As well as the carnation you gave me
And, oh, woman, oh
The carnation you gave me
Mi soul
I'll throw it into the well
I'll throw it into the well
I don't want to see carnations
Oh, woman, oh
I don't want to see carnations
My soul
I'll throw into the well
And it's because it grieves me
And the short while I had it with me
And the short while I had it with me
My soul
In my mind

I dreamt love

I dreamt that I love you
I dreamt that we are children, laughing in City Center,
Your face is hiding a smile
The sky offers promises,
and we embraced, warm, summery
I dreamt that we are happy.
I dreamt love
i dreamt happiness,
I dreamt summer,
I dreamt. I dreamt all this.
I dreamt love
You and me in happiness
hearts that we know,
I dreamt, I only dreamt.
I dreamt that you love me
For ever and that is easy
we walk the wire of the world
all is swinging upside down.
I dreamt that we are brave
that we are fighting for tomorrow,
I dreamt a new beginning
I dreamt our mornings
I only dreamt...

I made an oath

I did the best I could have done
I was willing
I made an oath time ago
It's not a book I've read
time ago
my memories have life
my memories
We saw how the sun setted
prettily in the winter
it was prettier in my thoughts
I was opening windows on the floor
Every minute a memory returns
I still want
to forget, forget, forget the suffering
I made an oath time ago
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Am I jewish?

Nazis are after me
What's going on? Am I jewish?
Yankees are after me
What's going on? Am I latino?
England is watching me sideways
Help!! Am I Argentinian?
They put a video camera
Two blocks away from my house
They put hidden microphones
On the floors and the sheets
It's very important
They feel the smell of burnt fat
It's very important
They feel the smell of burnt fat
I'm getting tired of their looks
I'm getting tired of their looks
The earth is moving and doesn't stay
This is the real dance
The one that moves with the earth
And not the rude, rigid and formal
Dance of the rudes, rigids and formals
And not the rude, rigid and formal
Dance of the rudes, rigids and formals
Nazis are after me
What's going on? Am I jewish?
My mom sees me crying
What's going on? Am I adopted?
England is watching me sideways
Help!! I am Argentinian
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Break Of Dawn

Behind the windows the day is already breaking
The bar is deserted and quiet
And across the piano, across the keys
Glides the hand of dawn
The dreamy tune of silence
Is played by its hand
Under it, the silent saxophone
Is shining like gold
Soundless footsteps
Are gliding across the dancefloor to and fro
Like an echo, like memories of two people
Who loved each other and then parted ways
Behind the windows the day is already breaking
The bar is quiet and deserted
Last night here for the last time
You and me danced
Soundless footsteps
Are gliding across the dancefloor to and fro
Like an echo, like memories of two people
Who loved each other and then parted ways
Behind the windows the day is already breaking
The bar is quiet and deserted
Last night here for the last time
You and me danced

Jump Up

When the sound bang we are going to party
Until the sun comes up, oh aye!
We go all night when we raving
And we don't stop, no way!
The place turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang the bass
The place turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang
Major Lazer mash up the dance!
Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump!
Oh yea, fall over me
Tell the girls to come over there
Drink some rum, (they) might fall over there
Party time, (they) can fall over me
Boy, same, put on the bounce
This place on, can turn up my song
Tell the boy the wind on the low
Jump into the place
Turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang the bass
The place turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang
Major Lazer mash up the dance!
When the sound bang we are going to party
Until the sun comes up, oh aye!
We go all night when we raving
And we don't stop, no way!
Boy, turn up the bass
Tell the girls they turn up the place
Drinks around, man, mash up the place
Wind now, wind now, woke up the rest
Oh! Say wind them about
This place on, can turn up my song
Tell them, boy they wind on the low
Jump into the place
Turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang the bass
The place turn up when the sound bang
Turn up when the sound bang
Major Lazer mash up the dance!
When the sound bang we are going to party
Until the sun comes up, oh aye!
We go all night when we raving
And we don't stop, no way!

If You Stay There (If You Were There)

Why do such days exist?
days that hurt my feeling
my feelings a lot
past people, memories
days I miss you hotly
when I'm doing something or
when I have nothing to do
As I falter over memories
I fall asleep while looking at you
At the end of this waiting
if I go over this hill
it would be nice if you were there
it would be nice
it would be nice
Even if it is only for once
when I will hug you again and meet you
if you trued to smile
it would be nice
it would be nice
You were on the end of a hard day
only you made me smile
I endured those days only for you
if only i could change my future
At the end of this waiting
if I go over this hill
it would be nice if you were there
it would be nice
it would be nice
Even if it is only for once
when I will hug you again and meet you
if you trued to smile
it would be nice
it would be nice
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


I know: it will rain tonight again
Air and warmth slowly fills my chest
A 100 seas will overflow
Dismantling highways and bridges
I know: it will rain again tonight
You won't be here and it will only get colder
Why are we so afraid of the new?
Are we afraid that we won't be able to tell good from bad?
It rains, and while I count the drops,
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
A 100 seas will rush you to me
While waiting
You can be silent in so many ways,
Be silent just to save your voice
When a 100 seas will overflow
All borders and countries between us will be dismantled
It rains, and while I count the drops
A lifetime seems like a short moment
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
Seas will overflow
It rains, and while I count the drops
A lifetime seems like a short moment
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
A 100 seas will rush you to me
And even if it rains again tonight
And even if the seas overflow
A 100 seas will rush you to me
It rains, and while I count the drops
A lifetime seems like a short moment
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
Seas will overflow
A lifetime seems like a short moment
Seems, while waiting for you, waiting,
Seas will overflow
A 100 seas will rush you to me
While waiting for you, while waiting for you, while waiting for you

For Latvia

Fatherland Latvia, you
Mother, who protects and believes
Land with a tough destiny
When the enemy is defeated, another one arrives
Like that, year after year
Step over each pebble
Until you become free
Step after Step
You are punched and beaten
But do not fall to your knees
The Latvian folk
From you I draw [strength]
We have our language
And our land to build
We aren't allowed to lose it
When it has been given the chance to flourish and thrive
Like that, year after year
Step over each pebble
Until you become free
Step after Step
You are punched and beaten
But do not fall to your knees
The Latvian folk
From you I draw [strength]
Like that, year after year
Step over each pebble
Until you become free
Step after Step
You are punched and beaten
But do not fall to your knees
The Latvian folk
From you I draw [strength]

Even Just a Little Bit

Thoughts flow, madness wakes
But still, everything is so calm
Every step seems like
It's been taken a 100 times before
Words flow and so loudly
Absolutely nothing has been said
Everything that has been, everything that would be
Suddenly becomes small
[I wish] I could understand even a little bit what I still feel
Even just a little bit, but nobody hears
What I'm screaming so quietly
Why, why
Hours go by, but still
The moment does not dissapear
My words
In your palm
In silent pain disappear
[I wish] I could understand even a little bit what I still feel
Even just a little bit, but nobody hears
What I'm screaming so quietly
Why, why
[I wish] I could understand even a little bit what I still feel
Even just a little bit, but nobody hears
What I'm screaming so quietly
Why, why

Forever Young

Snow melts, tides shift
Laughter conjures wrinkles in your face
Stars burn up and the clouds turn off
But our hearts are always beating at the same pace.
We live in our own world
without years and hours
No days and nights are counted here
This is only about the seconds.
Only with you I feel forever young
I found infinity
And time stands still
Only with you I feel forever young
Will sing old songs
And you are all I want oh oh.
Glass breaks and doors close
Water is drying up and the shadows are going out into the light
Fire burns and tears freeze
A rainbow turns to stone overnight.
We live in our own world
without years and hours
No days and nights are counted here
This is only about the seconds.
Only with you I feel forever young
I found infinity
And time stands still
Only with you I feel forever young
Will sing old songs
And you are all I want oh oh.
And we immortal in the wind with the clouds
Because we are destined for each other.
Only with you I feel forever young
I found infinity
And time stands still
Only with you I feel forever young
[And I] Will sing old songs
And you are everything I want oh oh oh.

You and Me

You and Me
Here on the windowsill
You and Me
The only ones in the world
Unusual images run around me
Not letting me leave for a moment
Thrown around dreams and the joy of hope
Makes me ask if I'm unnecessary here
But every time you're near me
It feels like you order the moment to stop
Everything that runs around us, disappears
And for a moment I feel
You and Me
Here on the windowsill
You and Me
The only ones in the world
Could be that I'm mixing up too much
Exaggerating everything that mixes my mind
But know - you can't deny what you feel for me
The night comes and you're calling me again
But every time you're near me
It feels like you order the moment to stop
Everything that runs around us, dissapears
And for a moment I feel
You and Me
Here on the windowsill
You and Me
The only ones in the world

Love And Hate

Love and hate1
Whatever you feel
Show me
Because if you're lukewarm
The day will be cloudy
And you'll remain alone
  • 1. These are imperative verbs, not nouns, so the meaning is 'I want you to love and to hate'

Another coward thursday

Another evening like the others
without broken loves by chance
another thursday of those that don't let be kissed.
Weren't the chips of remorse
were spiderwebs in the heart
a flower with eye boogers an affectionless lack of affection.
Today that I can't find my nose
Today that I can't sleep
Don't pour honey on the truth,
that if I'm dead is of resurrecting so much.
Another evening that doesn't burn, this evening without day after tomorrow.
Another very coward evening this evening that doesn't try apples.
Another thursday that can't even put its pants down.
Another thursday that gives pity on the corners
this evening with coma 2.
Another thursday like the others
very tuesday, very alike.
I don't declare war at you and you don't sign peace to me.
And the planet dances its gangrene,
and again they messed the party
the idiots on heat and the sopranos with cough.
And today I remain silent to hear what I never knew to say to you.
Don't perfume the truth so much,
that if I'm dead is of resurrecting so much.
Another evening that doesn't burn, this evening without day after tomorrow.
Another very coward evening this evening that doesn't try apples.
Another thursday that can't even fasten its pants.
Another thursday that gives pity on the corners
of this evening in minor FA.
And today that I can't find my nose
Today that I can't sleep
Don't pour honey on the truth,
that if I'm dead is of resurrecting so much.
Another evening that doesn't burn, this evening without day after tomorrow.
Another very coward evening this evening that doesn't try apples.
Another thursday that can't even put its pants down.
Another thursday that gifts pity on the corners
of this hangover without you.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Play tonight just for her

Everything in life is a passing thing my friend
Love, sadness and all of the happy days
Now when she's gone let the roses cry
Like the withered leaves on a autumn branch
Play tonight just for her
I will sing, mourn, and pay
Play tonight just like she is here
Even tho I'm bringing her back just in my toughts
I was just a bystander in that world
I was playing a boem,sang and drank
Sometimes i dreamed a happy dream for a moment
But hid a internal sadness deep in my heart
I'm protecting our love with memories tonight
And I'm returning to where I was happy
Next to overfilled glasses and a broken heart
When I could i would drink all the pain away