Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 14



Na, most rájöttem.
Lehet, hogy meg vagyok kicsit zavarodva.
Néztem a világot
és így elképzeltem (/visszatekertem).
Talán kifordítva vagyok
vagy pedig láttam az egész világot hibásan.
És így döntöttem el.
Így most feltűrtem az inge ujjamat.
Kártyáztam mindent,
felfedtem a legnagyobb titkaimat.
És erővé befogtam azokat,
Vigyázzatok, felfedtem egy hazugságot.
A tündérrózsán meztelenül lebegve,
énekelve, dolgozva.
Sem nem szorítja az övemet,
sem a gyíkok nem zavarják az éjemet.
Saját erői befoghatók,
ha hiszel, hogy erre képes.
Nem számít, honnan jöttem,
hanem milyen vagyok.
És készen állok-e? Készen állok.
Nem számít, hogy egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Tudtam, amit nem tudom.
A szellemeket láttam.
A meztelen lábujjak cipőkként jártam.
Magam, az én saját béresemként.
Jézusnek magam tettettem,
az örömhírt terjesztettem.
Mindig sok mondanivalóm,
de ezek is csak szavak.
Nyitott vagyok a lelkem idejéről.
Nyitotton meg vagyok a zavarodva.
Azért talán olyan gondatlan vagyok.
Tudom, hogy halhatatlan vagyok.
A tündérrózsán meztelenül lebegve,
énekelve, dolgozva.
Sem nem szorítja az övemet,
sem a gyíkok nem zavarják az éjemet.
Saját erői befoghatók,
ha hiszel, hogy erre képes.
Nem számít, honnan jöttem,
hanem milyen vagyok.
És készen állok-e? Készen állok.
Nem számít, hogy egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Egy őrült vagyok.
Saját erői befoghatók,
ha hiszel, hogy erre képes.
Nem számít, honnan jöttem,
hanem milyen vagyok.
És készen állok-e? Készen állok.
Nem számít, hogy egy őrült vagyok.


[Első rész: Juju]
Emlékszel még arra a tengerparti napra?
Baby, mennyi ideje már annak
Amikor azt mondtad, soha nem mész el?
És a tengernek sója barna bőrödön még jobban fénylett
Mint a szemünk, mert olyan fair volt velünk az élet
Dugtunk és az égbolt csillagoktól égett
Hiányzol, hiányzik, ahogy súlytalanul lebegtünk
A magasban együtt, és úgy fájt, amikor leestünk
Másra kell gondolnom, muszáj megint zenélnem
Csak figyelj, mától egyedül keresem a pénzem
'De ugyan mit írok?', önmagamtól kérdezem
Ez a lakás nélküled olyan nagy lett hirtelen
Minden vágyunkat összetörtük darabokra
Az ingedet szagolom, mikor felszállok a túrabuszra
Lássuk, kitart-e addig az illata
Míg fellépek újra a színpadra
[Refrén: Juju & Henning May]
Hogy lehet valakit ilyen őrülten hiányolni
Ahogy most én téged ebben a rohadt pillanatban?
Érzem magam darabokra hullni
Talán írjak neked megint, vagy inkább feladjam?
Hogy lehet valakit ilyen őrülten hiányolni
Ahogy most én téged ebben a rohadt pillanatban?
Érzem magam darabokra hullni
Talán írjak neked megint, vagy inkább feladjam?
[Második rész: Henning May]
Nem akarom már tudni, milyen volt
Nem akarom már tudni, miért lett vége
Nem akarom már tudni, milyen volt
Nem akarom tudni, mit csinálsz, mikor be vagy tépve
Részegen ücsörgök random kocsmákban
És rájövök, hogy nélküled nincs senkim
Táskás szemem tükröződik vissza a pohárban
Gyáva voltam és hagytalak menni
És várok egy jelre
És még egyszer utoljára, de nem változik semmi
Mert tudom, ugyanolyan már úgyse lenne
Éjszaka van, ébren vagyok és csak rád tudok gondolni
[Refrén: Juju & Henning May]
Hogy lehet valakit ilyen őrülten hiányolni
Ahogy most én téged ebben a rohadt pillanatban?
Érzem magam darabokra hullni
Talán írjak neked megint, vagy inkább feladjam?
Hogy lehet valakit ilyen őrülten hiányolni
Ahogy most én téged ebben a rohadt pillanatban?
Érzem magam darabokra hullni
Talán írjak neked megint, vagy inkább feladjam?
[Outro: Juju & Henning May]
Hogy lehet valakit ilyen őrülten hiányolni?
Hogy lehet valakit ilyen őrülten hiányolni?

This World

So many people want to see the world
But so many fall to the ground
Nobody ever makes it alive in here
And you can't know how it feels to be me
That's the most beautiful thing about it
Often plans need to be completely remade
Even if I did everything to accomplish them
Someone is throwing away another person's treasure
And some power is moving us here
That's the most beautiful thing about it
We only have this one world
This planet turning around the sun
One can't but wonder about the beauty
We only have this one world
Flowers bloom and then wither away
How can you not fall in love
Someone walks along the road, someone else gets lost
Is it a coincidence or on purpose
That's the most beautiful thing about it
Full of feeling or completely numb
Tsunami wave crushing everything
Into pieces on the ground, need to rebuild
An ant works hard till the end
That's the most beautiful thing about it
We only have this one world
This planet turning around the sun
One can't but wonder about the beauty
We only have this one world
We only have this one world
This planet turning around the sun
One can't but wonder about the beauty
We only have this one world
Just when things started going well
I lose my job and my grandma dies
Pants down and licking my empty fingers 1
But no need to worry
That's the most beautiful thing about it
We only have this one world
This planet turning around the sun
One can't but wonder about the beauty
We only have this one world
We only have this one world
This planet turning around the sun
One can't but wonder about the beauty
We only have this one world
  • 1. Meaning: you have nothing

Winter in Berlin

Winter in Berlin
I count to three
All lakes are frozen suddenly
All hipsters are out of town suddenly, ice
Look, how it snows
[Part 1]
I realize it immediately if you're from Berlin
I don't fucking care if you're nice
I was born here and I love it
Move here if you want war
Move away or smoke with (us)
Move away, if it's too loud
No wonder, if you're on (drugs)
The devil got his headquarter right here, drink with us
And enjoy the view
Hang yourself or jump, dude, c'mon
I wear a black outfit
And wait until the sky is blue again
[Bridge 1]
Until the sky is blue again
Until the sky is blue again
Until the sky is blue again
I count to three
All lakes are frozen suddenly
All hipsters are out of town suddenly, ice
Look, how it snows
[Bridge 2]
Kids in Berlin drink booze
Kinds in Berlin, shattered dream
Winter in Berlin feels like one night to me
It's winter in Berlin
Kids in Berlin mug you
Kids in Berlin coke themselves awake
Winter in Berlin feels like one night to me
It's winter in Berlin
[Part 2]
Winter in Berlin, it's like another millennial
Next to the mosque at Görli you can buy weed
Until the refugees run from the cops
U7 (there) you can buy crack
U8 heroin, drink away problems
Oranienburger Straße trade your money for sex
There are no friendly looking people outside anymore
No one wants to get out of bed anymore
Depression in every head
Depression in every block
Little money, little jobs
I drink punch until I throw up
I count to three
All lakes are frozen suddenly
All hipsters are out of town suddenly, ice
Look, how it snows
[Hook 2]
I am high
The tip of the spliff is still hot
Look, the sun, it shines, shines
But it snows
Winter in Berlin
Winter in Berlin
Winter in Berlin
Winter in Berlin

Summer in Berlin

It's summer in Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
[Part 1]
When you are looking into the sun, your eyes look like honey
How do I deserve this? Baby, yes
Just stay for three, four hours and they are gleaming like moon light
You are my medicine, yes, yes
No, I don't have obligations
I can celebrate my self for the whole night and skin up constantly
(skin up)
Wearing a crown made of hibiscus
In addition a summer dress, white sneakers, tanned skin
And everybody is dancing like in strip clubs
They don't give a fuck about everything, they know everything is permitted (yes, yes)
And you get on a FlixBus1
Because you heard, there are gorgeous women only in Berlin
Grape and mint flavour in every street
Look at Sonnenallee2
In summer you do so good, in winter it hurts
I can go to Prinzenbad3 only during nighttime, because I'm too fame, yes
On the park bench, on which we're sitting, there was snow yesterday, yes
And now it's still warm everywhere, but it's already late, yes
Please let me draw on the joint again before I go, yes
It's summer in Berlin, and your heart is made from ice
But you feel, it's getting soft and melts
Because the toughest time
Is over, let's get out and chill
Summer in Berlin, and your heart is made from ice
But you feel, it's getting soft and melts
Because the toughest time
Is over, I'm inside my film
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
[Part 2]
Do you still remember, when we clandestinely had joints in the schoolyard (schoolyard)
Large break4 and now we are hanging out on festivals in the summer or in the studio (studio)
Sunset and everything around Fernsehturm5 is getting red like blood (red like blood)
We're drinking a vodka mixture, coffee mug, hipsters are drinking their Hugo6 (Hugo)
It's first of May again, and they're throwing a stone
And the coppers are having stress, they can't cope with Berlin
Hermannsplatz7, stabbing, tourists in front of Berghain8
They are up to snort some noses
But I'm chilling with the girls in Görli9, Görli
It's hot, without doubt, and I have fallen totally in love
Yes, with the sun, because I missed it so much
Yes, it had pissed off and now it is warming my face
Finally again, but -
I can go to Prinzenbad only during nighttime, because I'm too fame, yes
On the park bench, on which we are sitting, there was snow yesterday, yes
And now it's still warm everywhere, but it's already late, yes
Please let me draw on the joint again before I go, yes
It is summer in Berlin, and your heart is made from ice
But you feel, it's getting soft and melts
Because the toughest time
Is over, let's get out and chill
Summer in Berlin, and your heart is made from ice
But you feel, it's getting soft and melts
Because the toughest time
Is over, I'm inside my film
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin
It's summer in Berlin
  • 1. German brand offering intercity bus service in Europe and the USA
  • 2. street in Berlin
  • 3. nickname of open air swimming bath Sommerbad Kreuzberg
  • 4. usually German schools have a larger break between lessons in the morning
  • 5. the Berlin television tower
  • 6. type of cocktail
  • 7. public place in northern Berlin
  • 8. night club in Berlin
  • 9. nickname for Görlitzer Park, public park in Berlin

To miss

Versions: #1
[Part 1: Juju]
Do you remember when we were by the sea?
Baby, how long has it been,
since you meant you will always stay with me?
And the sea salt glittered on your brown skin,
even more than both our eyes did, because life was so fair to us.
We fucked and the sky was so starlit,
I miss you, miss floating around with you without gravity.
The fall was so painful,
I must let go, must make music again.
Watch me, from today on I'll fill my wallet alone
'But what do I write?,' I ask myself.
This apartment is suddenly so big without you,
we shattered all of our wishes.
I board the tourbus again and smell your shirt,
let's see if the smell lasts
until I get off the bus again.
[Hook: Juju, Juju & Henning May]
How can one miss another so badly,
like I miss you in this shitty moment?
I'm so deeply torn right now,
should I just message you again or not?
How can one miss another so badly,
like I miss you in this shitty moment?
I'm so deeply torn right now,
should I just message you again or not?
[Part 2: Henning May]
I don't want to think about how it was anymore,
I no longer want to know why it's over,
I don't want to think about how it was anymore,
I no longer want to know what you do when you're high.
I hang out drunk in random bars,
and I realize that without you I'm alone
My glass reflects the dark circles under my eyes
I have let you go like a coward
and I wait for a signal
one last time, but nothing changes,
because I know that it will never be how it was again.
It's night, I'm awake and thinking of you.
[Hook: Juju, Juju & Henning May]
How can one miss another so badly,
like I miss you in this shitty moment?
I'm so deeply torn right now,
should I just message you again or not?
How can one miss another so badly,
like I miss you in this shitty moment?
I'm so deeply torn right now,
should I just message you again or not?
[Outro: Juju & Henning May]
How can one miss another so badly?
How can one miss another so badly?

Trust me

Baby, trust me
Baby, trust me
[Part 1]
They talk to me when I come in
About me when I leave
It revolves around my income or appearance
Crack one open hard, think that I care about it
Everyone’s filming because I only see you in the room
Look, your neck so wide, you’re nice (nice)
You are a man, your pants are wide (wide)
You’re so big, next to you I’m small (small)
They look on speechless, they’re earning a punch in the face
Or they’re earning a stabbing
But you’re not silent, you’re never in court
All the other boys don’t interest me
Baby, a little more vodka, then I’m losing myself, so
Baby, trust me (trust me, trust me)
Baby, trust me, this isn’t a dream
Baby, come dance (dance, dance)
Baby, come along, you want it too
Baby, trust me (trust me, trust me)
Baby, trust me, this isn’t a dream
Baby, come dance (dance, dance)
Baby, come along, you want it too
[Part 2]
Baby, trust me, this isn’t a dream
Screw the people, come on and let’s roll one up
Baby, trust me, I’m getting undressed
Or would you rather dance the whole night? I’ll do that too
You’re what I want, you’re a machine
Please touch me, baby, show me your love
You’re my guy, yeah, I want to take you too far
I can’t wait anymore, baby, come into my suite
With you I mean “yes” even if I say “no”
Call me up, if you have time, call me up, it’s Friday
I want you and no one else, man
Baby, everything in harmony, because you’re mine
You and I, that’s scandal
Like you—ah, it’s not normal, Baby, different
Get me high on Saturday
Kiss me awake on Sunday
Baby, trust me (trust me, trust me)
Baby, trust me, this isn’t a dream
Baby, come dance (dance, dance)
Baby, come along, you want it too
Baby, trust me (trust me, trust me)
Baby, trust me, this isn’t a dream
Baby, come dance (dance, dance)
Baby, come along, you want it too

Isn't it pitiful?

'Isn't that girl just so pitiable?' I always sneered behind her back.
Worthless clothes, worthless chatter, worthless smile.
'I really don't want to end up like that' I spoke out.
'Isn't that girl just so pitiable?' I always tried to make fun of her.
A casual dream, casual nails, and a casual lover.
I did not wish for things that could be found anywhere.
To become the chosen woman, I even adored solitude.
However, in the closet, there is a dress from two years ago.
There are no longer things others can do while I can't.
The only one who is hollow is nobody but my unsightly self.
Aah, the pitiable one wasn't that girl .. it was me.
'Isn't that girl just so pitiable?' I always said while looking down at her.
A normal hobby, a normal room, and a normal photograph.
'I really don't want to end up like that' I spoke out.
'Isn't that girl just so pitiable?' The reflection on the mirror murmured out.
Righteous lie, righteous past, and righteous pretentious courage.
I only walked paths that couldn't be found anywhere.
I wonder what would my past self say if she saw me now ..
However, in the closet, the only thing that embellishes me is a mere piece of cloth.
There are no longer things others can do while I can't.
The only one who is hollow is nobody but my miserable self.
Aah, the pitiable one wasn't that girl .. it was me.
In the closet, there is a dress from two years ago.
There are no longer things others can do while I can't.
The only one who is hollow is nobody but my unsightly self.
The pitiable one wasn't that girl .. Aah
You spilled out everything that's in my heart.
There are no longer things others can do while I can't.
In lonesome and everlasting nights, i gazed at the floor's dust.
Aah, the pitiable one wasn't that girl ... Aa .. Aa .. It was me.
'Am I not just so pitiable?'

Long Live Jujuy

Long live Jujuy, long live the Puna, long live my beloved.
Long live the painted hills of my ravine.
From my ravine, Humahuaqueña
do not separate yourself from my loves
you are my owner.
Long live Jujuy and the beauty of the jujeñas
Live the well-blackened braids
of my brunette.
From my brunette, coyita mine,
do not separate yourself from my loves
You are my owner.