Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 59


Your life

[Verse 1: Shkurte Gashi & Bruno]
I don't feel alive
Even though I breathe
How hard it is to love only from a distance
You choose another person, but call me your love
You have a reason, but I don't want to know it
[Chorus: Shkurte Gashi & Bruno]
Don't ruin your life
It's not worth getting divorced because of me
I want to see you happy
Could you not cry for me
[Verse 2: Shkurte Gashi & Bruno]
I understand because I know exactly what hurts you
I didn't decide, you decided yourself
You choose another person, but call me your love
You have a reason, but I don't want to know it
[Chorus: Shkurte Gashi & Bruno]
Don't ruin your life
It's not worth getting divorced because of me
I want to see you happy
Could you not cry for me

I am being walked

I tumbletower
Wilted winded leaf
Houses eyeing people cliffs
Huddle tumble wind
People stoning houses cliffs
Tumbletower blooded leaf.

For Anna Flower

O you, beloved of my twenty-seven senses, I
love you! – You your you you, I you, you me.
– We?
This (by the way) does not belong here.
Who are you, uncounted dame? You are
– – are you? – The people say you were – let
them say, they don't know how the steeple stands.
You wear the hat on your feet and wander on
the hands, on your hands you wander.
Hello, your red dresses, sawed up in white folds.
Red I love Anna Flower, red I love you! – You
your you you, I you, you me. – We?
This (by the way) belongs in the cold embers.
Red flower, red Anna Flower, how do the people say?
Prize question:
1. Anna Flower has a bird1.
2. Anna Flower is red.
3. What colour is the bird?
Blue is the colour of your yellow hair.
Red is the coo of your green bird.
You plain girl in everyday wear, you dear green
animal, I love you! – You your you you, I you, you
me, – We?
This (by the way) belongs in the box of embers.
Anna Flower! Anna, a-n-n-a, I trickle your
name. Your name drips like soft beef tallow.
Do you know, Anna, do you know yet?
One can read you backwards, too, and you, you
most marvellous of all, you're the same, forwards and backwards:
Beef tallow trickles caress my back.
Anna Flower, you drippy animal, I love you!
  • 1. 'einen Vogel haben', to have a bird = German idiom meaning to be crazy, have a screw loose

Én vár6666

Én vár6666
Én vár6666
Sokáig próbálkoz6ok várni
De eltart6 egy ideig bármi
Csalód6ok, lehet
De egy hátsó ajtó kinyil6 nekem
Én vár6666
Tart6atlan, ez így meddig mehet?


Egyszer ült négy tetőfedő együtt egy tetőn.
Így kezdte az első: Ó, menő!
Aztán a második: Honnan van az erő, Dezső?
A harmadik: Hogyan tud tartani a tető?
Negyedik: Miért, talán nem tartótető?
Egyszercsak mint a mennykő, reccsenés rettentő
Aztán merő porfelhő,
Beszakadt a tető, sejthető.


Samimiyeti Kaybettik
Elvesztettük az intimitást
Bu Aşkta İkimizede Yer Kalmadı
Ebben a szerelemben nincs hely mindkettőnknek
Hep Gururdan Vazgeçtik
Mindig feladtuk a büszkeséget
Ama Mutlu Son Diye Bir Şey Olmadı
De nem volt boldog befejezés
Ne Kara Kaşına Gözüne
Milyen fekete a szemöldököd
Nede Yılanı Deliğinden Çıkaran Sözüne
Mi az a szó, ami kicsalja a kígyót a lyukból
Kendime Söz Verdim
Megígértem magamnak
Kanmayacağım Bile Bile
Még csak nem is fogok vérezni
Bu Sefer Dönüş Olmayacak
Ezúttal nem lesz visszatérés
Bil Ki Yanına Da Kalmayacak
Tudod, hogy ő sem marad vele
Yetmedi Gücüm
Nem volt elég energiám
Sana Son Sözüm Öptüm
Az utolsó szavam hozzád megcsókollak
Hiç Acımayacak
Egyáltalán nem fog fájni
Bu Sefer Dönüş Olmayacak
Ezúttal nem lesz visszatérés
Bil Ki Yanına Da Kalmayacak
Tudod, hogy ő sem marad vele
Yetmedi Gücüm
Nem volt elég energiám
Sana Son Sözüm Öptüm
Az utolsó szavam hozzád megcsókollak
Hiç Acımayacak
Egyáltalán nem fog fájni
Samimiyeti Kaybettik
Elvesztettük az intimitást
Bu Aşkta İkimizede Yer Kalmadı
Ebben a szerelemben nincs hely mindkettőnknek
Hep Gururdan Vazgeçtik
Mindig feladtuk a büszkeséget
Ama Mutlu Son Diye Bir Şey Olmadı
De nem volt boldog befejezés
Ne Kara Kaşına Gözüne
Milyen fekete a szemöldököd
Nede Yılanı Deliğinden Çıkaran Sözüne
Mi az a szó, ami kicsalja a kígyót a lyukból
Kendime Söz Verdim
Megígértem magamnak
Kanmayacağım Bile Bile
Még csak nem is fogok vérezni
Bu Sefer Dönüş Olmayacak
Ezúttal nem lesz visszatérés
Bil Ki Yanına Da Kalmayacak
Tudod, hogy ő sem marad vele
Yetmedi Gücüm
Nem volt elég energiám
Sana Son Sözüm Öptüm
Az utolsó szavam hozzád megcsókollak
Hiç Acımayacak
Egyáltalán nem fog fájni
Bu Sefer Dönüş Olmayacak
Ezúttal nem lesz visszatérés
Bil Ki Yanına Da Kalmayacak
Tudod, hogy ő sem marad vele
Yetmedi Gücüm
Nem volt elég energiám
Sana Son Sözüm Öptüm
Az utolsó szavam hozzád megcsókollak
Hiç Acımayacak
Egyáltalán nem fog fájni
Kimse Dokunamaz Benim Gibi Sana
Senki sem érhet hozzád úgy, mint én
Sevemezssin Bi Daha
Nem lehet újra szeretni
Unut Beni
Felejts el engem
Yada Vazgeçtim
Vagy feladtam
Asla Unutma…
Soha ne felejtsd el
Bu Sefer Dönüş Olmayacak
Ezúttal nem lesz visszatérés
Bil Ki Yanına Da Kalmayacak
Tudod, hogy ő sem marad vele
Yetmedi Gücüm
Nem volt elég energiám
Sana Son Sözüm Öptüm
Az utolsó szavam hozzád megcsókollak
Hiç Acımayacak
Egyáltalán nem fog fájni
Bu Sefer Dönüş Olmayacak
Ezúttal nem lesz visszatérés
Bil Ki Yanına Da Kalmayacak
Tudod, hogy ő sem marad vele
Yetmedi Gücüm
Nem volt elég energiám
Sana Son Sözüm Öptüm
Az utolsó szavam hozzád megcsókollak
Hiç Acımayacak
Egyáltalán nem fog fájni

Like a dream

Take a look at love sometime before you die
Like you, I have a wound too
Take a look at old pictures sometime
Take my clothes and burn them sometime
Don't add any more meaning to words
It has been 5 years, don't do this to me
Stop weighing the rights and wrongs
Don't hold my hand and gaze at me
Don't feel melancholic about me, light a cigarette
Don't tell your new lovers about me
It's not I who's old, don't call me
You may go down on one knee for me
Imagine for a moment that you don't die
You don't pay attention to my calls
I'm in your head and you don't know
Or you're listening to me secretly
Don't stop when I say my nights mix up with my days
All the words come to me like a dream carved in my mind
Open up your streets, world, as today I start being without you
You come as a dream but when you're not around I can't breathe
To me, having patience is to lose meaning of emotions
Like ditching Istanbul, but dancing away as time goes by
Or pulling me to you with our last glance
My lips are dry, a last breath
stop loving me, the thrill is gone
Choose love that's with someone else
Imagine for a moment that you don't die, you don't pay attention to my calls
You pick up (the phone) but you don't hear me, or you do but you cry all night
I'm in your head and you don't know or you're listening to me secretly
Maybe you miss me too, you're like me but you don't love me
Don't stop when I say my nights mix up with my days
All the words come to me like a dream carved in my mind
Open up your streets, world, as today I start being without you
You come as a dream but when you're not around I can't breathe

Balaghal Ula

I've always been living and longing
in the Love of my beloved Prophet ﷺ
since i was a young child
my heart and my soul are sacrificed for his sake ﷺ
He ﷺ reached exaltation by his perfection
He ﷺ eliminated darkness with his beauty
All his ﷺ qualities are perfect
Blessings be upon him ﷺ and his family رمضي الله عنه
He ﷺ is my master and the chosen one
He ﷺ is my role model and enough for me
He ﷺ is whose praise has become
the melody on every lip
Whenever I hear his ﷺ name
'Taha', my tears begin to flow
my longing for him ﷺ begins to overflow
and his love ﷺ resides deep within me
you filled my heart with sacrifice
and you have enlightened my path with your guidance
you have always been for me, my master
a light that aluminates the most distant horizons


Anya, köszönöm, hogy az vagyok, aki
Nagyon sok dolog van, amit el akarok mondani
Ha elfelejtenéém,
Bocsáss meg
Anya, mindig ott voltál
Te tanítottál, te óvtál
Ha visszakaphatnám az életem
Kérlek anya
Maradj mellettem, maradj mellettem
És tudom, hogy rólam álmodtál
És tudom, hogy hittél bennem
És sajnálom, hogy nem voltam mindig szem előtt
De ott vagyok, ahol, mert anya szenvedett
Hiányzol, hiányzol
Anya, talán tévedtem
Sosem fogom elfelejteni a könnyeid
Ma bocsánatot fogok kérni
Bocsáss meg, bocsáss meg
És tudom, hogy rólam álmodtál
És tudom, hogy hittél bennem
És sajnálom, hogy nem voltam mindig szem előtt
De ott vagyok, ahol, mert anya szenvedett
Hiányzol, hiányzol
Anya, remélem, büszke vagy rám
Remélem, ma rávehetlek arra, hogy maradj
Ha visszakaphatnám az életem
Kérlek anya,
Maradj melettem
Mert, tudom, hogy hittél bennem, hogy rólam álmodtál
Ez a dal csak neked szól, anya

The Perfect Woman

So beautiful,
That she makes the sky jealous
Whatever she wears looks good on her
And she doesn't do her hair.
They criticise her
Because she hates wearing heels
She doesn't like going to parties
And she reads books for sport.
I want her to show up
And show her off to my friends
Like the first girl
That stole my heart.
Let me explain to you that I love you, oh
I don't know you, I don't have you, oh
Let me tell you that I dream of you, oh
The perfect woman for me.
She gifts me
Records and smiles
She doesn't make me wait for her
And she doesn't choose my shirts.
I want her to show up
And show her off to my friends
Like the first girl
That stole my heart.
Let me explain to you that I love you, oh
I don't know you, I don't have you, oh
Let me tell you that I dream of you, oh
The perfect woman for me.
Let me explain to you that I love you, oh
I don't know you, I don't have you, oh
Let me tell you that I dream of you, oh
The perfect woman for me.

By Chance

İf I was been running uphill
İf I was been looking back from the crest
İf someting were been coming out of me
İf it were climb rolling down
İf it were been getting enormous by turning but if it not became broken
Are you and me who saw?
Are they red thorns?
Or the ones who passed by chance?
Let's not stop while it ends
Let's not ask to the night
Let's tour this park together for the last time if you want
İf I close my eyes
İf I climb to the forests
İf I suddently moved my the heart from in the midst
İf someting were been coming out of me
İf it a tiger who is roaring
While it take the road alone,it is on the waking up
Are you and me who saw?
Are they red thorns?
Or the ones who passed by chance?
Let's not stop while it ends
Let's not ask to the night
Let's tour this park together for the last
time if you want

A Hit With Kurt

This is for all the toffs and fops,
for all the wrecks with no future,
for all those who don't wanna live off others' past,
and don't wanna be mere puppets.
[Verse 1:]
We're suspicious individuals, why not call a spade a spade
At the borders, we're clear targets for preventive checks.
Prototypes of lazy hellions
that in their eyes have no goals.
Well they have different ideas and even different peace.
The bureau has an eye on us,
they ask what are we on other than batteries,
apparently we are bastards with no respect,
but everytime they speak, flies fly down to their mouth.
Bellies pouring from washed out jackets,
battling for the fairest chin collection.
And opinion is just a dress that you can change,
when keys rattle they change the stamps.
Wow, big politics...
huge insecurity over small dick.
[Hook:] 2x
This is for all the toffs and fops,
for all the wrecks with no future,
for all those who don't wanna live off others' past,
and don't wanna be mere puppets.
[Verse 2:]
On my morning tram,
downright strange woman
has yelled at me that the youth has no manners.
I'm staring at her, mistress, listen up,
how come that they babble this much.
Right when I was still a tadpole, I could make a mess,
maybe that's why I, unlike my brother, am. now MC while he's MD.
They wanted me to study,
to go to school.
To listen to someone else's opinions and do homeworks.
To suffer outbursts of teachers whose wifeys gave them none last night,
or teachers that got their periods.
Formulas, definitions,
lessons and equations.
More and more characters have keys to everything.
And the most important man in the house is always the doorman,
he's on me,
well yikes, I am the bastard, crook number one,
he's the boss here, he's the one.
Everyone knows me right away
without me saying a word.
Well, talk is cheap,
so what,
the cashier is sure my pockets are full of yogurt.
[Hook:] 2x
This is for all the toffs and fops,
for all the wrecks with no future,
for all those who don't wanna live off others' past,
and don't wanna be mere puppets.
[Verse 3:]
I'm also just an animal,
smashed my piggy bank over the a buckwheat clerk's head.
Zero perspective,
lost case,
sentenced to stand in queues at the offices, grinding my teeth.
I have no job and surely do drugs,
and god knows what else (No, boy, I'm sorry).
Hmm, well thank you very much,
oh god how I love this system,
everywhere I go I fight with the rules,
and everywhere I find someone who's convinced they're right.
Load of arguments and terms but can't understand
that I don't walk their way.
I have my own little truth and I don't force it onto anyone.
But I know we can walk together and yet each on their own path,
but it's also possible I don't know anything at all,
I am just a toff and fop
who hopes that one day I'll find more
than just a pile of slips
in my mailbox once a month.
[Hook:] 2x
This is for all the toffs and fops,
for all the wrecks with no future,
for all those who don't wanna live off others' past,
and don't wanna be mere puppets.

Just in the first evening of your absence

While you were saying goodby silently that night
I felt the past days in my tears
Your longing grew like a mountain suddenly
Just in the first evening of your absence
Just in the first evening of your absense
While you were saying goodby silently that night
I felt the past days in my tears
Your longing grew like a mountain suddenly
Just in the first evening of your absense
I turned back with my each step
Believe me I become insane because of my sorrow
I saw your shadow on every street corner
Just in the first evening of your absense
Just in the first evening of your absence
I was a reed played by you
Believe me you were a song in my lips
I wrote your name on the the smokey glasses of window
Just in the first evening of your absence
Just in the first evening of your absence...

Kut Cobain

The first time I saw Kurt Cobain, it was tilting in me
But what does it say about such a person as me
About such a person as me, about such a person as me?
That I can do anything for you
You can crush me, just say sorry and write a song about me
Write a song about me, write a song about me
When you go home, because I want to stay
I go to the front if you are at the back
Please give me more, I'm so good
So be fine, have a good time
In what queue can I avoid seeing you?
In which queue do you get one, 'No, no, no, no'?
In what queue can I get past you?
In which queue can I get special treatment?
In what queue can we go there, there, then?
In what queue can I avoid seeing you?
Take me there, oh-oh-oh-ooh
Sunglasses and a cigarette
And so nail polish, super arrogant
You got me really happy, you got me really happy (You got me really happy)
And I want to see it as an experiment
Both day and night, where I thought
I did everything right, I did everything right
When you go home, because I want to stay
I go to the front if you are at the back
Please give me more, I'm so good
So be fine, have a good time
In what queue can I avoid seeing you?
In which queue do you get one, 'No, no, no, no'?
In what queue can I get past you? (Ooh-OH-OH-OH ooh)
In which queue can I get special treatment?
In what queue can we go there, there, then?
In what queue can I avoid seeing you? Take me there
Everyone wants home, but I asked, 'Well'
When I want to go on you get off
It's not my fault, when did you become a slave?
You sleep in your grave
In which queue, in which queue, in which, in which
In what queue can I avoid seeing you?
In which queue do you get one, 'No, no, no, no'?
In what queue can I get past you? Aah aah
In which queue can I get special treatment?
In what queue can we go there, there, then?
In what queue can I avoid seeing you?
Take me there, oh-oh-oh-ooh


Why do you complicate your life?
Why the sadness and despair?
If you forgot then remember…
The life of our Prophet, and contemplate…
Follow his advice and be optimistic
Give glad tidings, do not scare people away
And allow none but Allah in your heart
He has the power to turn your hardship into ease
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him (x2)
Stand up to pray and supplicate from your heart
He will take your worries away
As long as you believe in your Lord…
He will be as your good opinion is of Him
And say “O Lord, I am your slave - O Allah!”
“I am content with Your decree and Your justice - O Allah!'
Do your part and then rely on Him
And pin all your hopes on Allah, and pray
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him (x2)
Where did all this despair come from?
Tell me, where is your faith gone?!
Everything that happens is by the will of Allah
And hardship is always followed by ease
Where did all this despair come from?
Tell me, where is your faith gone?!
Everything that happens is by the will of Allah
And hardship is always followed by ease
Send blessings upon the Prophet and smile!
For the Prophet smiled and smiled
For the Prophet smiled
O Allah, send Your blessings upon him

My Last Exit

I had no choice,
Hopelessly, watched time,
I stayed away from the dream
I've lived what is served to me
Would you be the hope for me?
Would you be the peace that I've been looking for?
The one who changing colour of my night
The one who soothing my crazy winds.
Hold my hand, be my remedy
You're my last exit, my wish, from this city
The one who changing colour of my night
The one who soothing my crazy winds.
Hold my hand, be my remedy
You're my last exit, my wish, from this city
There must be a way out
My black clouds must disperse
While the sun is rising again
My heart must hug her
Would you be the hope for me?
Would you be the peace that I've been looking for?
The one who changing colour of my night
The one who soothing my crazy winds.
Hold my hand, be my remedy
You're my last exit, my wish, from this city
The one who changing colour of my night
The one who soothing my crazy winds.
Hold my hand, be my remedy
You're my last exit, my wish, from this city


We're suddenly showered by rain of the separation
Contemplate as well as you can, 'cause no way back, who's gone never comes back
Why have we got dirty this love
which's pure before?
Love for us was too difficult to have
Neither you nor I were able to continue relationship
One who loves by turning into mess can't forget, my dear
My heart in your hands is an exile
A sob in my throat is

Like a bomb(like a bomb)

Everything she does is so hot!
We aren't sober tonight
Everything she does is so hot!
Who knows what will happen?!
Everything she does is so hot!
I'm a bad man, and you are a bad gal
Hot like Africa, we're at out old address... Bomb!
Chorus 2x:
Your lips have a doctorate in me
and they decoded my brain
with you my lusts have exploded
Like a bomb, like a bomb!
You're the one, you're the ticking time bomb
abracadabra - you're already half-naked
Dance for me, dance so I can watch and roll
Your hot hips are my console!
That's life my friend, it's what I chose
I purposefully awakened the bomb in you
You'd want, afrobeat, Kurtovitez played
I slap your ass, it won't leave me alone
Chorus 2x:
Your lips have a doctorate in me
and they decoded my brain
with you my lusts have exploded
Like a bomb, like a bomb!
She's a bomb, I must have her
Bad, but she is so good to me
She's a bomb, know that I must have her
She is so round, bad
Bo-bo-bomb, she is not a drug
She's even better that that
She's a bomb that could
explode right now, o nooo!
Chorus 2x:
Your lips have a doctorate in me
and they decoded my brain
with you my lusts have exploded
Like a bomb, like a bomb!

We are Kurdish till death

We are Kurdish till death
We are Kurdish to the last
Believe, we miss friendship
We are human till death
We are human to the last
Believe, we miss peace
We are Kurdish till death
We are Kurdish to the last
Believe, we miss friendship


Save the World from my anger,
Save from my anger.
Save people from hate,
Save from violence.
Save my mind from my opinion,
Save from what i want.
Save people from hate,
Save from death.
If there's a litle bit hope,
Are not enough remaining days to go back,
To get better?
If there's a litle bit hope,
Remaining days are enough to go back,
To get better.
Save kids from poverty,
Save from hunger.
Save the animals from my enormity,
Save from people.
Save my mind from my opinion,
Save from what i want.
Save people from hate,
Save from death.
If there's a litle bit hope,
Are not enough remaining days to go back,
To get better?
If there's a litle bit hope,
Remaining days are enough to go back,
To get better.

Two cards for the end

Who would go on a new path
when everything is left on the old one
we were the most beautiful only
when we enjoyed what we had
But we went bad
and pushed our love to the level of a dream
you still await for the same
mistakes to repeat themselves
But we went bad
and pushed our love to the level of a dream
you still await for the same
mistakes to repeat themselves
Two cards for the end
don't look at your gift in the face
it's from God
We were a flop
even if everything would have happened
The past cannot
be buried that easily
wave to your new happiness
neither is it easy for me
I won't be the first to say
that I wanted more
and I would return
without a moment's hesitation
Because I'd find myself how
I love and hate too much
still I await for the
feelings to rise again
I'd find myself how
I love and hate too much
still I await for the
feelings to rise again
Two cards for the end
don't look at your gift in the face
it's from God
We were a flop
even if everything would have happened
The past cannot
be buried that easily
wave to your new happiness
neither is it easy for me

Tired Years of Mine

You killed both me and that you inside of me
I wouldn't want this
I'm the loser but you've lost too
I've lost the life, you've lost me
Damn me, why did I
Love you that much
You're not worthy of my pure feelings
I've learnt, even if it's late
I'm a wound, which cannot get well, I bleed day and night
My years burned out for nothing
The rosebud gloomed in my heart faded before it becomes a rose
These tired years of mine are your creation
Damn me, why did I
Love you that much
You're not worthy of my pure feelings
I've learnt, even if it's late
I'm a wound, which cannot get well, I bleed day and night
My years burned out for nothing
The rosebud gloomed in my heart faded before it becomes a rose
These tired years of mine are your creation

I'm In Love, In Love

May everyone hears, may the whole world hears
I'm in love my friends, I'm in love, in love (x2)
I found the love which I look for finally
I love her my friends, I'm in love, in love (x2)
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, in love
I'm so happy, I love her
I'm in love, in love (x2)
My every day is more beautiful from each one, now
There isn't left any sorrow in my heart anymore (x2)
I hope you all will fall in such a love
I love her my friends, I'm in love, in love (x2)
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, in love
I'm so happy, I love her
I'm in love, in love (x2)

Other than you

I took my love and roamed the streets
Like crazy i have no will, no consolation, I`m tired
It doesn`t look like it will fade, this miserable condition of mine
my memories don`t let go of my neck
the only thing I can do is to get distracted from my memories
those beautiful years won`t happen anymore
I have no other life other than you
even the sun doesn`t shine my mornings
the world turns around, seasons come and go
my disappointment has no end again.



No, whatever you do is useless
when he/she goes a corner in your soul that you allowed.
Then its hard.
No matter what you do, when it settles there as he/she never leave again..
I am not, i am obviously not for seperation..
My heart turns into ashes by repeatedly burning no matter you are in it..
And i know, when my heart falls in love,
You can shout and scream behind, it'd never hear you..
Lover, stop and think a minute..
Listen, its not the rain falling outside..
It'd hurt, whatever you do it'd hurt when it ends.
When he/she chooses to hide in deep, in silence.
It'd break your heart, it'd break whatever you do,
When it ends suddenly, unexpectedly..
I am not, i am obviously not for seperation..
My heart turns into ashes by repeatedly burning no matter you are in it..
And i know, when my heart falls in love,
You can shout and scream behind, it'd never hear you..
Lover, stop and think a minute..
Listen, its not the rain falling outside..
Lyrics / Music: Selim Kurtcebe
Arranger: Özgür Bakkaloğlu
Director: Mete Kekilli

don't throw

it seems like the small mountains has created itself
while talking no ash stays nor brasier
it seems like the small mountains has created itself
while talking no ash stays nor brasier
he grew a beard to make money from his words
his aspect is like a friend but in fact it is weasel
he grew a beard to make money from his words
his aspect is like a friend but in fact it is weasel
don't do it my dear
plazas aren't empty
while the right words are standing lies aren't pleasant
don't do it my dear
plazas aren't empty
while the right words are standing lies aren't pleasant
if I say it's not your business it would be little
everything is mosquito and lute
for the world is pink and white dust
the candles of people like you blow out without being burned
write this on some edge in your mind
don't do it my dear
plazas aren't empty
while the right words are standing lies aren't pleasant
don't do it my dear
plazas aren't empty
while the right words are standing lies aren't pleasant