Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 169


When you damn need me

Come on, look into my eyes,
you will find everything which I didn't say or complain,
in this look which I bid farewell with old truths,
covered in dust coming from I time which never dies,
and leaves as behind, to catch and overtake us.
And I don't want to know,
no, I don't want to know.
When other eyes will look at us
with false smiles and a deep contempt comes into our mind
that we are random and too small
for the destiny to send us such a big present.
No, no, I don't want to know,
I don't want to know,
I don't want to know,
I don't want to know.
No, I don't want to know
that you will be alone
when you damn need me
and I don't want to know
if someone will look at me
when I die for you.
I don't want to know,
no, I don't want to know.
I don't want to be scared anymore,
nor to believe in pink dreams of strangers,
I pass all pains
and old poisons in velvet dresses.
I start on this road with you
without taking the old suitcases with me.
No, no, I don't want to know.
No, I don't want to know.
No, I don't want to know
that you will be alone
when you damn need me
and I don't want to know
if someone will look at me
when I die for you.
I don't want to know,
no, I don't want to know.

Stay mine

Stay mine,
at the end give me a shine
of a paradise flower on my palm.
Stay mine,
and after everything you will be inside of me,
inside of my silver dream,
only you will be whispering verses to me,
come on, give me eternal shine as a giftm
stay mine.
Although everything hurts without you,
tell me goodby,
I have memories of you.
Although everything burnis inside of me,
stay in my dreams, my dearest.
Stay mine,
and after everything you will be inside of me,
inside of my silver dream,
only you will be whispering verses to me,
come on, give me eternal shine as a giftm
stay mine.
Although everything hurts without you,
tell me goodby,
I have memories of you.
Although everything burnis inside of me,
stay in my dreams, my dearest.
Stay mine at the end.

We have one Name

Besides Vardar Macedonians,
besides the Aegean Sea Macedonians,
underneat of Pirin also Macedonians,
glorious, disobedient name.
We have one name,
we carry it in our soul,
we give our life for you,
oh, Macedonia.
Underneath Pirin a valley
and mountains until the sky.
The rivers carry Gold
and the lakes are pearls.
Mother Macedonia,
you Balkan beauty,
who was born in you
gives his life for you.

Happiness and Sadness

I have no happiness, it is travelling.
Life keeps going, goes away and doesn't stop.
Everything that I need is a bit of truth
so that I can live my life.
It is pouring with rain from the skies,
some are gray, others are light pink.
Everything that we need are sincere words.
if there are gone, noone of us exists.
Happiness and sadness
are sisters born by the same mother.
Happiness and sadness,
while the one is sleeping, the other is wandering awake.
I have no happiness, it is travelling.
Life keeps going, goes away and doesn't stop.
Everything that I need is a bit of truth
so that I can live my life.
Everything that we need are sincere words.
if there are gone, noone of us exists.

My home

Just close your eyes
and give me a strong hug.
Don't give up,
this love is your home.
Noone is asking from you
tears for remorse.
Neither this way from within
nor in reality, nor in dream.
As every pain which hurts,
as your breath which burns me,
now admit everything clearly to me.
As every lie
which is smoldering.
It is not a shame to be week, oh no,
you are not just a guest
for me.
In my home,
my home,
there are millions of doors,
but just one of them
brings you to me.
And paradise ringing
as from a dream,
golden sky for you.
Now open the door
and find me there.
Come on, close your eyes
and give me a strong hug.
Don't give up,
this love is your home.
Noone is asking from you
tears for remorse.
Neither this way from within
nor in reality, nor in dream.
As every pain which hurts,
as your breath which burns me,
now admit everything clearly to me.
As every lie
which is smoldering.
It is not a shame to be week, oh no,
you are not just a guest
for me.
Refrain x 2

I know

I know that this is a crazy game
which stays in Memory
and that the pain in my heart
as not a sin.
And as long as I am singing tonight
warm rains are rushing through me,
I am again in my thoughts on your side
in that time where I would not have given you away.
Don't forget, we are staying underneath the same sky.
Don't forget who is looking at us from above,
that smell in the early mornings when you used to wake me up,
when you sank into me, but you didn't have me.
Don't Forget...
I know, I know...


Don't wake me up tonight
if you plan to go,
don't wake me up tonight,
let me dream.
Under a dark blue light
where angels sing for me,
and your small oblique eyes
smile to me.
I was your honey flower,
I gave you everything mine,
all good and bad, all ugly and beautiful things.
Big as Asia is the wish
to tell you tonight
how many stars I hug.
Asis is huge, but bigger is the thought about you
which burns me without leaving wounds.
As Asia.
Please don't bother
that you go away from me.
It is perhaps also good this way,
better than too late.
I will be one flower of yours,
I will erase everything which is not mine,
all bad, all ugly things.

For Whom do I Exist

Assign to me the tears of your sin,
assign me everything possible from your bitter world,
assign me also truths which I don't know,
so that I have the feeling that I exist.
And don't have even little mercy for me,
I already forgot everything about me a long time ago,
I forgot about all prayers to God,
about early sunny mornings and sky without clouds.
For whom do I exist and who needs me,
so that I believe, you can't escape from this sky.
For whom do I exist, I would like to know,
for whom is all my past, and it's not just a lie.
(So that I believe)
So that I believe
(For whom do I exist)
For whom do I exist
I didn't think about me even for a day,
I didn't feel joy even for my birthday,
but after all I had the force to wake up,
to be part of this world, so that I can discover.
For whom do I exist and who needs me,
so that I believe, you can't escape from this sky.
For whom do I exist, I would like to know,
for whom is all my past, and it's not just a lie.

To whom do I belong

I used to be silent for a long time, covered with tears,
I gave myself without pain, with a laugh,
and you even don't ask me how I feel
if I am well or not.
I pretended blind for all your delays,
in early mornings after infidelities at night,
I was stronger than everything, but something is dying
deep in me, I know.
But to whom do I belong,
for whom do I exist, beg and cry
mute, without voice?
So tell me sweetheart, look into my eyes
o how strong, strong, strong is the pain to be without you.
But to whom do I belong,
for whom do I live for a long time
in the shadow of restlessness and fear.
So tell me sweetheart, look into my eyes
o how strong, strong, strong is the pain to be without you.
But to whom do I belong?
All your glances are in a shadow,
they haven't reached my smiles yet.
But never mind, it is not important anymore,
your touch causes pain, you should know that.
I don't wish to hear your words anymore
as sources of poisonous lies.
I kill myself with questions,
so tell me...

Tears and kisses

If tonight you don't have
to whom to pray,
I will be with you
as icon which can erase
all your dark thoughts
and take away all of your pain,
at least for a Moment.
You are hiding your fatigue under black feathers,
you are washing your face from old cheap make-up,
but you know that there is no such water which can wash away
the mud which got together in you,
when you understand.
Tears and kisses,
you always have to love someone else,
tears and kisses,
he pays for you and you offer yourself.
Tears, but noone sees them,
tears and kisses,
who do you give yourself to now?
Please look at the moon,
it will be the mirror of all of your Beauty,
look at it and please don't hide,
just start discovering good things in you.

White Day

A white day is every happy day,
also if it is the last one,
just let it be hapyy.
A whit day is every single day
which comes late
so that it reaches you on time.
If you are big, also be small,
if you are weak, be strong,
if there is storm, cheer up,
chase the clouds, smile for me.
Hey, if I could just once
prepare the bed on a white day,
there I will warm up heart and Soul
for millions of hearts on a single day.
Hey, if I could just once
prepare the bed on a white day,
there I will warm up heart and Soul
for millions of hearts on a single day.
You will have a white day for yourself
as soon as you think about someone else
and give him a white angel as a present.
A white day and it doesn't matter
if nothing or everything,
just let it be white.
If it is dark, make light,
make two out of one,
if you are poor, don't be sad,
your wealth is in your soul.

Only for one day

Over the paths you walked along
I spreaded white roses
and believed as a hungry bird
that south wind also reaches the west.
For each word you said to me
I dreamed long in me
and I did not want to wake up,
and open my eyes so that I do not lose you.
Only for one day
only for one hour
I would give my whole life
so that I am on your side
With each single day
that I spend with you
everything that shriveled will blossom again.
For one breathing glance of yours
I would give everything. To kiss
your emerald eyes
these warm eyes which bring me old memories.
I coursed myself
because I stole days
to hide you at night
not to discover in me
for whom I exist
so that I do not lose you.
Only for one day
only for one hour
I would give my whole life
so that I am on your side
With each single day
that I spend with you
everything that shriveled will blossom again.

Guelder rose

Evening has touched the roofs
I run to the well to get water
Hear me with your heart, my young man
Wait for me by the guelder rose
I'll run to you
The flowers by my face are like
A white haze on the river bank
Oh, you colour of the guelder rose and fog on the water
Why do the hours of dawn
Hurry us to get home?
A spring thunderstorm has begun
It's raining cats and dogs
We feel so good together till the morning
Wait for me by the guelder rose
I'll run to you
The flowers by my face are like
A white haze on the river bank
Oh, you colour of the guelder rose and fog on the water
Why do the hours of dawn
Hurry us to get home?


Egyedül vagy, kis rémálmom, nem maradhatsz itt,
Ez túl ragyogó neked,
Ha megtámadnak, csak feküdj oda,
Tettesd magad halottnak, kedves, ez az egyetlen reményed, hogy átvészeld!
És a másodpercek egy egész életnek tűnnek,
Egy visszatérő álom, egy álom, ami nem válhat valóra,
És mindet rád fogják fogni,
azok után, amiken keresztül mentél.
'Sadie G., ő őrült, látod?'
Ezt mondják az orvosok.
Most ms. Susan A., elvesztesz
minden lehetőséget arra, hogy elintézz minket.
Most fuss el, kis rémálmom, elvégezted a dolgod.
Halálra rémítetted mindannyiukat.
Ha felélesztik őket, csak ülj ott.
Csak mosolyogj, drágám, tedd őket hálássá minden lélegzetért.
Az ítélet élethossznek tűnhet,
egy sikolynak, ami megfagyasztja a vért, amit rajtad,
A késeiden, a ruháidon
és Charlie törött .22-én találtak.
'Sadie G., ő őrült, látod?'
Ezt mondják az orvosok.
Most ms. Susan A., elvesztesz
minden lehetőséget arra, hogy elintézz minket.
Nos, most megtaláltak, és lehajóztattak a folyón
Ugyanúgy, ahogy te megkötözted és megfojtottad,
Lelőtted és leszúrtad őket.
Te megpróbáltad kiszabadítani őket, de eldobták a kulcsokat.
'Egy Istent jelentett a számomra, ami olyan gyönyörű volt, hogy bármit megtennék érte.
Bármit megtennék érte.
Akár gyilkolnék is, ha úgy érzem, helyesen tenném.
Hogy ne lett volna helyes, ha szeretettel csinálták?
Nincsen lelkifurdalásom, amiért olyan tettem, amit helyesnek tartottam.
Nincs bennem bűntudat.'
Whoa [x4]

I'm So Glad

Everything is mutual
Noone is invincible* but god
who you wish and what you get
If one door is closed, another one opens
Justice smiled at my face
Come on then
Watch your miserable situation, everyone get what they deserve with their acts, watch
Walk then
Someone stronger than me you've met finally
I couldn't punish you myself but
My curse took affect finally, oh oh oh oh
I'm so glad
Dont think that world turns around you
Ok, you are the king lets say, look what's happened
Always, you made show of on the stages
You thought that it wouldnt end, look what's happened
oh oh oh oh
I'm so glad
oh oh oh oh
And this is for you

We Didn't Talk

We didn't talk
nor did we say: let's not
separate from each other
And now we separated and found no peace
And whose fault is it?
We don't know
But what I'm sure of
is that we both lost
We made a mistake when we believed
that we will find peace in our separation
And now time passed and slipped away
And we didn't come back
We made a mistake when we lost
the sweetest thing we had by leaving each other
There was a voice inside us that tried to stop us
And we didn't listen to it
I live in isolation/loneliness
Her love didn't leave me
And the nights of my life
are slipping away in front of my eyes
I'm lifeless and without a soul
I live in pain
If I could turn back time
I would never let her go
We made a mistake when we believed
that we will find peace in our separation
And now time passed and slipped away
And we didn't come back
We made a mistake when we lost
the sweetest thing we had by leaving each other
There used to be a voice inside us that tried to stop us
And we didn't listen to it
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Farewell, Rocky Mountains

Farewell, rocky mountains,
For heroic deed the homeland calls.
Out to the open see we sailed,
On a harsh and distant route.
But the waves moan and groan,
And splash aboard the ship.
Slightly Rybachy* vanished in the distant fog
The dear land of ours.
My ship stubbornly is shaken by
Steep sea wave,
That pitches up and down again and again
Into the boiling abyss
I won`t be back that soon,
But the power / fire is sufficient for the fight.
I know, fellows, I cannot make it without the sea,
Just like the sea is dead without me.
With an unsteady sailor`s steps
I am ready / go the enemies to face.
And then with a heroic triumph
Back to the rocky shores will I return.
Even though the waves moan and groan,
And splash aboard the ship,
Jubilantly will be welcomed the heroes of Rybachy* -
The dear land of ours.


Into my dreams they insert yesterday
Some old parchment
Dust and fog buried temples
Old buried treasures
Two singers without voice
Lutes muted without strings
Empty flutes without breath
They testified what have been lost
From our songs, kids , is missing one voice
Like from, like from a passionate kiss
From our songs, kids , is missing one voice
Siren it'll be, little magical voice
In my dreams they inserted yesterday
Old ghosted writings
Good and bad in one line
Poor planet quake
Make silently a prayer
Put on voice put on soul
And this that now is going to be lost
It could,who knows, to be saved
From our songs, kids , is missing a voice
Like from, like from a passionate kiss
From our songs, kids, is missing a voice
Siren it'll be, little magical voice

When We're Hugging

Dude you don't know what it means to love in silence
To think about the musts and the don'ts
And what the world will say
But when we're hugging
We feel like two young children
When I look her in the eyes
Just one smile from her is enough
But when we're hugging
We feel like two young children
What a shame it is for that love to be lost
For a 'must' and a 'don't'
Dude I know I mustn't
But my want takes over me
I know I'm wrong
But in between lies passion
But when we're hugging
We feel like two young children
When I look her in the eyes
Just one smile from her is enough
But when we're hugging
We feel like two young children
What a shame it is for that love to be lost
For a 'must' and a 'don't'


You lighted up a fire and you're burning my life
what do you want, why don't you let me forget you?
I should have never met you
your love was bad me
and now I'm trying to move on
having you day and night on my mind
You lighted up a fire and you're burning my life
what do you want, why don't you let me forget you?
I can't get you out of my mind (x2)
When you put your arms around me
a big fire surrounded me
everything was alight in your kisses
(my) body, soul and heart
You lighted up a fire and you're burning my life
what do you want, why don't you let me forget you?
I can't get you out of my mind (x2)
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.


Oh, they gave me to a young man
To a foreign family
Oh, my vibernum, oh they gave me up.
Red girl, oh I'm not willing!
Oh, my vibernum, oh they gave me up.
In someone else's home
There's no one to hold me,
Amongst those named
Everything is strange, everything is strange here.
Oh, they gave me to a young man
To a foreign family
Oh, my vibernum, oh they gave me up.
Red girl, oh I'm not willing!
Oh, my vibernum, oh they gave me up.
Headscarves cover their heads,
They have broken my willpower
I don't want to wear a headscarf,
I just want to love!


Versions: #2
(Demet Akalın)
I have mistakes too,
for example loving you.
There is one thing that saves me,
Erasing you early.
Who knows how many loves I have lost?
Only, only me.
Just because it's love, I insisted on it blankly, blankly.
Because of you,
I returned from the dead.
Get out of my way,
Oh, are you trouble?
Will you throw me out of the heart? Please?
Go far away from me,
with binoculars,
and look at me from there?
I have mistakes too,
for example loving you.
There is one thing that saves me,
Erasing you early.
Who knows how many loves I have lost?
Only, only me.
Just because it's love, I insisted on it blankly, blankly.
Because of you,
I returned from the dead.
Get out of my way,
Oh, are you trouble?
Will you throw me out of the heart? Please?
Go far away from me,
with binoculars,
and look at me from there?
Oh, are you trouble?
Will you throw me out of the heart? Please?
Go far away from me,
with binoculars,
and look at me from there?
Oh, are you trouble?
Oh, are you trouble?
Will you throw me out of the heart? Please?
Go far away from me,
with binoculars,
and look at me from there?
Oh, are you trouble?

The night is about to close upon you

The night is about to close upon you
you dive into deepest, deepest of love.
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
you leave me and go to foreign lands
isn't it an oppression for you and a decease for me?
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
Nightingale, why are you jugging? Have you lost your nest?
Or, are you in love like me?
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
I wish to have a yellow gold made to my love's neck.
I swear there are plenty of enemies to who are beautiful
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
Her room covered with dust, her closet in the smoke.
Wake up my coal-black eyed, wake from your sleep.
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.
when your hands touched to my hands
No matter comes death or separation,
Oh bride, bride, the bride in love, you have killed me.

A Matter of Life and Death

Ah, you were a matter of life and death ...
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
Keep away!
No, after all this time the farewell wouldn't be enough
I can't tell anything to the heart without you
No, it doesn't end just with one word
Love isn't enough for the leaver, never-ending excuse
Maybe I should have understood, I should have seen that love was over
Did I force you to stay? I understood it too late. Forgive me!
Ah, I was the inhabitant of the sealed doors
I was the listener of their silence
I was waiting for the one that never comes
Be it so
Ah, you were a matter of life and death ...
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
Keep away!
No, after all this time the farewell wouldn't be enough
I can't tell anything to the heart without you
No, it doesn't end just with one word
Love isn't enough for the leaver, never-ending excuse
Maybe I should have understood
I should have seen that love was over
Did I force you to stay? I understood it too late. Forgive me!
Ah, you were the reason of wrecked dreams
You were the shadow of dead-end roads
You were a matter of life and death
Keep away!
Ah, you were a matter of life and death ...
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
A matter of life and death
Keep away!


A tricky inspiration - now it shows up, then it's gone again.
Even though sweat is rolling down the brows like a moraine
Consumed by jitters, I'm thinking of things I shouldn't,
In this very moment I think I'm gonna keel over.
The heat is up, in hand - a trembling pen,
The work began but something's jammed.
And what about all those years that passed since it all started
A revolution like from mono to stereo.
Other ideas battering on imagination
Like meteor storms, boy, do you want some more?
Well, why not, there are some who crave for it and some who don't
For years being popular like Gummy Bears
HIP HOP is to grow like a huge oak in front of a bungalow
All the time giving fun and luring like sweats
I'm fixing beats, dialing it like waves on a radio
The notes toeing the line like an honor guard.
Just try to stand out and I'll cut you down to size
A fig for you, you've just met your match
If ill-intentioned, you're gonna pay the price
Follow the voice of your heart, the sooner the better
Cause what's important is in each and every one,
But deep inside
Rocket science ain't needed here
Shaping oneself and developing
Seeking excellence while minding the limits
Possessing both skills and morals
Since life's not only thrusts, but sidesteps too.
A tricky inspiration - now it shows up, then it's gone again
I'm teasing it, cause that is my domain
Both HIP HOP and the stage belong to me
And what's yours - you have to ask yourself
A tricky inspiration - now it shows up, then it's gone again
I'm teasing it, cause that is my domain
Both the microphone and the stage belong to me
And what's yours - you have to ask yourself, yourself

A hold kalimbája (afrikai hangszer)

A napsütés földjén
Az emberek tudják, hogyan kell a ritmusra mozogni
Érzelmeket elöhozni
Hinni abban, amit csinálnak
A hold kalimbája
Vigyél el ma este
Mutasd meg hogy kell
Pontosan táncolni
E.O.U.A - ritmusra
Gente li ta los
E.O.U.A. - ritmusra
Gente li ta los
Ná ná ná ná ná ná
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája
A nap kalimbája
Kérlek, szólj hozzám
Hazugság az életem
Hiszem, amit mondasz
Héj he he he héj ó ó ó
E.O.U.A - ritmusra
Gente li ta los
Ná ná ná ná ná ná
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája
Donga donga tenge popopopop....
Ná ná ná ná ná ná
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája
A hold kalimbája

The Pawn

It's bu-bu-burning...
With words you've printed
the pain on my heart.
Only the one who have cried from love
Knows how I feel.
My connection with you is bad.
Did you call me? You're busy
I am always on night shift
to take the pain.
Write my name as 'The pawn'
first in your emergency numbers
when the pain hits you
call me and I'll take it
The bank is closed for love,
I'll write you as 'dead' when I fill the (bank) form.
You won again - I wake up sad
just burn me, just burn me with you.
I'm taking a bath with the tears,
at night instead of bath-foam.
I don't have any songs in my playlist
Only pure pain
The connection is ruined,
you're losing my signal.
I've cried a lot - as a reward
you'll get the end (of the relationship)
Write my name as 'The pawn'*
first in your emergency numbers
when the pain hits you
call me and I'll take it
The bank is closed for love,
I'll write you as 'dead' when I fill the (bank) form.
You won again - I wake up sad
just burn me, just burn me with you.
I want everything in you to burn me
How do you feel when you're losing me?
It's bu-bu-burning...
Write my name as 'The pawn'*
first in your emergency numbers
when the pain hits you
call me and I'll take it
The bank is closed for love,
I'll write you as 'dead' when I fill the (bank) form.
You won again - I wake up sad
just burn me, just burn me with you.
Write my name as 'The pawn'*
first in your emergency numbers
when the pain hits you
call me and I'll take it
The bank is closed for love,
I'll write you as 'dead' when I fill the (bank) form.
You won again - I wake up sad
just burn me, just burn me with you.

My little sea

Oh my bird, become a sea
And I'll become the seaside
So that you'll come with the waves
Straight to my embrace
I opened up an almond seed
And I drew you in its inner part
Leaving is saddening
The 'goodbye' makes me dizzy
And the 'welcome'
Brings so much joy.
Oh sea and salty water
I cannot hold it against you.
Drop after drop,
The marble is split apart.
And loving from afar
Must not exist to begin with.
Oh my sea, my little 'sea',
Bring my little bird back
Oh sea and salty water
I cannot hold it against you.

A song in the rain

My nights have been shipwrecked into a corner of the map
And i'm coming back home again in the morning
My eyes couldn't stand,
They drawed a map
And i went for East
I owe my breath and two lifes
Into your warm linen
I raise my glass
You make a grin and i follow you
My heart needs fire
A look into the cloody weather and sirens nowhere can be found
A song in the rain
Trees and birds listened to me
My memories open
And the sun rised up
I keep in my hand a thread, in my mind a responsibility
To break through the dreams from souls
The world was locked into a glass into a nonsense serenith
But wishes are flourishing when we meet

I will drink two bottles of alcohol

You're hanging around into the night away from me
And you're making trouble that's bothering me
I was hurt by your mistakes but i don't care about them anymore
I've changed myself and with you
I will drink two bottles of alcohol and whatever i have to tell
I will say it out loud about you
You have done many things that have hurt me but
I give my life for you, if you want
In the midnight you look for your past
You put strange fragrance on your neck
I was hurt by your mistakes but i don't care about them anymore
I've changed myself and with you
I will drink two bottles of alcohol and whatever i have to tell
I will say it out loud about you
You have done many things that have hurt me but
I give my life for you, if you want

From Kalinin to Tver

I came in here using the door,
I came in here using my legs,
I came to admire once more
The perfection of railways.
It's strange to think that people
Used to walk around the way they wanted. And now
Locomotive is pulling us forward as messiah
On our way from Kalinin to Tver.
The train hostess is plain as Gioconda,
She makes honey sweet drinks.
She's responsible for the quality of cross ties
and (takes care that) no one ever dies.
Between you and me, I've met her before:
Wild beast used to repose by her side,
And now she makes down-soft beds
On our way from Kalinin to Tver.
The train driver pumps Vivaldi up
And the music flies through the woods.
The blue-and-golden tank is filled with
Turgenev's damsels' souls instead of coal.
Framed by iron-cast icon setting of 100 poods
This god favoured train (check it if you want)
Sweeps forth like apostolic rank
On its way from Kalinin to Tver.
Nevermind my faltering speech
And my unauthentic garments -
I came (here) to please
And to honor my commitment.
If everything's ok, forget about it,
But I'm the only one who knows how to open the door,
fI us ask yourself why the hell
We're on the way from Kalinin to Tver

Oh my love

who's word gets accepted this way in life
every fate is a plaintiff and condemned to love
You know how they say time runs 
was it your dissolvable hope inside me
Years that were stolen away from me without you
If you only knew what sighs I made to the world
while lonliness brewed it gave you
I even forgave this cruel world
Oh my love, you are something else
From the first time I looked into your eyes
I understood you are the love