Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 465



Ébredj, kapkodom a levegőt, ülök a székemben, és küzdök az érzéseimmel - de még mindig szeretlek ...
Kiengedem a hajam, és igyekszem nem rád gondolni ... de érzem hogy, szeretlek ...
Igen, még mindig szeretlek.
És mindaz, amit mondtál nekem ... Amit elmondtál nekem: „hazugság”,
És az álmomban az arcuk - fehér és jégtől megdermedt
mint a szívem darabja, amit művészetként lógattál vissza a paradicsomba.

Négybetűs szó

Én mondom
Hogy pokoli
Mikor a szerelem elköszön, ez egy négybetűs szó
Mert a szíved felismeri
Mikor a szerelem távozik
Rossz érzés - a világon a legrosszabb
Szomorú, de igaz
Mikor semmit nem tehetsz hogy visszakapd
Csak áll az esőben
Ő elkezd sírni
Ez most egy játék?
Ő is erre gondol
Miért kellett elkezdődnie
Miért kell véget érnie hogy szétszedje őt
Mert ő kimutatja
Ő tudja
De mit tudna tenni, ez egy négybetűs szó
Mert felráz
És mikor véget ér, a legrosszabb amit hallhatsz
Vége van
És semmit nem tehetsz hogy visszakapd
A nevét kiáltod
Ő elkezd sírni
A férfiak mind ugyanolyanok
Ő meg akar halni
Elrejti könnyeit
Senki se látja és senki ne hallja
De jaj
Miért ilyen becstelen a szerelem amit érez
Hogyan lehet valami, ami ilyen gyönyörű
Ennyire Jeckyl és Hyde jellegű?
Annyira szomorú
Én mondom
Hogy pokoli
Mikor a szerelem elköszön, ez egy négybetűs szó
Mert a szíved felismeri
Mikor a szerelem távozik
Rossz érzés - a világon a legrosszabb
Szomorú, de igaz
Mikor semmit nem tehetsz hogy visszakapd
Csak áll az esőben
Ő elkezd sírni
A semmibe kiáltja
A négybetűs szót
Én mondom
Hogy pokoli
A négybetűs szó
Mert a szíved felismeri
Mikor a szerelem távozik
Négybetűs szó

Tánc a sötétben

táncoltunk a sötétben.
Édes romantika,
valami elkezdődik.
Belépett az éjszakába
kitárt szívével,
én csak álltam ott
és sehová sem tudtam bújni.
Rám nézett, akár egy árnyék
mely az éjszakában mozog,
aztán megfogta a kezem
a Hold lágy fényében.
És csak táncoltunk,
táncoltunk a sötétben.
Édes romantika,
valami elkezdődik.
Hallhattam a szívét,
ahogy zakatol az éjszakában.
Érezhettem a testét,
ahogy barátivá válik.
A puha, piros ajkaival
megváltoztatta a gondolataimat,
a nyugtató csókja volt minden
amire vágytam.
És csak táncoltunk,
táncoltunk a sötétben.
Édes romantika,
valami elkezdődik.
Csak csókoltuk és érintettük egymást,
de ez nem volt elég ahhoz,
hogy megállítsuk ezt a tűzkarikát.
Egy lépés
és tudtam, hogy ő az enyém,
elvesztünk a vágy tüzében.
És csak táncoltunk,
táncoltunk a sötétben.
Édes romantika,
valami elkezdődik.
semmi sem volt képes arra,
hogy megállítson minket.
Minden pillantás a szemeiben
megdobbantotta a szívem
újra és újra és újra és újra.
És csak táncoltunk,
táncoltunk a sötétben.
Édes romantika,
valami elkezdődik.
És csak táncoltunk,
táncoltunk a sötétben.
Édes romantika,
valami elkezdődik.


I desire
Like everyone on this planet
A desire
To escape from my box
I want to fly higher
Than my depression
I want to escape
To the broken rhythm of a guitar
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
No one
Can live enchained
I least of all
I've found
A child who never plays
I won't forget those eyes
I want to sing higher
To make him smile
I want to find a new sound
Something to tell him
Oh, freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
Oh, freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
I need you
To sing, to dance
Oh, Freedom
Take me in your arms
To dream, to love
Oh, Freedom
I need you
To sing, to dance
No one
Can live enchained
I least of all
Freedom, freedom, oh
Oh, oh
I need you
To sing, to dance
Freedom, freedom, freedom!


Ladybeetle, caterpillar, rhinocerous beetle
Ladybeetle, caterpillar, rhinocerous beetle
It's been so long since I haven't thought about them
So we went to Kilimanjaro
Poison mushroom, elephant, lotus flower of a rock
Bug bug bug bug bug bug bug
Bug bug bug bug bug bug bug
Bug bug bug bug bug bug bug
Bug bug bug bug bug bug bug

Type 7

1st type, 2nd type, 3rd type, 5th type, 6th type, 7th type
1st type, 2nd type, 3rd type, 5th type, 6th type, 7th type
Your type is 7w8.
You cannot do the same work to completion.
Is that the reason you complain?
Is that the reason you complain?
No no no no no no no no no
My problem is that I don't love myself!

Head Size

You were totally surprised
You were totally surprised
That I have a bigger head than you
You were totally surprised
It's alright, it's alright, da da da da da
It's alright, it's alright, da da da da da
It's alright, it's alright, da da da da da
It's alright, it's alright, da da da da da

If I Confess, You'll be Totally Surprised

If I confess
You'll be totally surprised, totally surprised
Mukimukimuki muki, man manseh!
If I confess
Your eyes will become large and round
Is love something like this?
Should I believe this in this heart?
I wonder if anyone will see through my heart
If you ask to break up
I'm going to be surprised, totally surprised
Mukimukimuki muki man manseh
If you ask to break up
I'm going to cry, cry with utter sadness
Is farewell something like this?
I cannot know this kind of heart
To whom do I have to relay my heart?
If I confess
Your eyes will become large and round
Is love something like this?
Should I believe this in this heart?
I wonder if anyone will see through my heart
If you ask to break up
I'm going to be surprised, totally surprised
Mukimukimuki muki man manseh
If you ask to break up
I'm going to cry, cry with utter sadness
Is farewell something like this?
I cannot know this kind of heart
To whom do I have to relay my heart?


It's not easy saying goodbye
Even though you're smiling, I can't get near you
I'm slowly fading out, about to vanish
Oh I'm falling into the darkness
It has no intention of letting me go
The reflection inside your pretty eyes
That shabby smile
Why are you scared?
Why are you scared?
Even if I cry, nothing is going to change
No matter how hard I try, the laughter is still there
All the things you said
Always stays in my head
Oh I'm falling into the darkness
It has no intention of letting me go
The reflection inside your pretty eyes
That shabby smile
Please tell me that all of this is going to pass
Tell me now tell me now
Oh tell me now
Oh I'm falling into the darkness
It has no intention of letting me go
The reflection inside your pretty eyes
That shabby smile
Why are you scared?
Why are you scared?
Oh I'm falling into the darkness
It has no intention of letting me go

Big mountains are high

Big mountains are high, but
They are the mountains under the sky
If someone keeps going
Perhaps one day he will rise to the top
But he continues to say
The mountain is too high

I planted chrysanthemums

Out the window
I planted chrysanthemums
Under the chrysanthemums
I put a pot in to ferment Korean Sul(Sake).
When alcohol ferments well
And the chrysanthemums bloom
My friends come
Then the moon rises
Boy, please play the Komungo lyre for Us
Let's enjoy all night long together

Holo (eng title: Break up)

아침에 눈을 떴을 때
Achim e nun’eul ddeot eul dde’
: when i woke up in the morning
텅 빈 방안에 나 홀로
Tung’bin bang’an e’ na’ holo
: in the room where is now empty i alone.
니 빈자리 거닐면서
Ni bin’jaril geonil’myeonseo
: strolling along your empty place.
많은 생각들에 잠겨
man’eun seng’gak deul’e jam’gyeo
: fall into many memories
지워질 수 없는 기억
Ji’weo zil su’eop neun gi’eok
:those memories which can’t be blotted away in my heart
돌이킬 수 없는 우리
dol’ieekhil’su eop’neun oo’ri
:those moments which we can never go back
헤어날 수 없는 나와
Hyeo’nal su’eop neun nawa
: and i which can never be overcome through it.
멀어져만 가는 너를 바라봐
Meol’eo jeo man ga’neun nu’reul bara’bwah
: and i see your back that leaves me behind.
누군가 한 말 처럼 언젠가 만날 거라
Nu’geun ga han’mal cheo’rum eon’jenga man’nal geo ra
: yeah, like they said, we left each other
그렇게 우린 헤어진 거야
Gruk’he oo’rin he’ojingeo ya
: so we can be get together in one day.  
집에 오는 길을 홀로
Jip’e o’neun gil’eul holo.
: in the street to going home, i alone.
텅 빈 방 침대에 홀로
Tung’bin bang’chimde’e holo
: in the empty bed in my room, i alone.
너와의 기억에 홀로
Neo,wae’ gi’eok e’ holo
: in the memory with you, i alone.
나 홀로 무뎌질 가슴 안고
Na holo mudyeojil ga’seum an’go
: i alone, holding together my heart which will get used to the pain.
추억 속에 살아 홀로
Cheu’eok sok’e sal’aa holo
: alone i live in the memory i once had with you.
방안에서 깨면 홀로
Bang’ann e’seo gge’myeon holo.
: alone i wake up in my room
늘 있던 니가 없어
Neul’it deon’niga eop’tseo
: and i can’t find you who was always there.
익숙해지겠지 나 홀로
Ik’sukhe ji’get’ji na holo
: think i’ll be get used to it, alone.
그 때를 기억하니 너와 내가 우리란 말로
Geu’de reul gi’eok ha’ni neo’wa ne’ga oori’ran mallo
: do you remember the day you and i was able to get together.
함께 할 수 있었던 그 날의 사랑들을
Ham’gge hal’su it’eot’deon geunal’eui sa’rang deul’eul.
: in the term of us and affection.
잠시 맞잡았던 두 손 차마 놀 수 없어
Jamsi matjap at’deon du’son chama nolsuga eoptseo
: can’t dare let go of you’re hand i once hold on.
붙잡았던 우리라 해도 그립고 그리워
But’jap at’deon oori’ra he’do geurip’go geuriweo
: miss you and i missed, though it was just a glimpse of a moment in my life.
그저 바라만 봐야 했어
Geu’jeo baramann’ bwaya’het eo.
: had to just look upon it
누군가 한 말 처럼 언젠가 만날 거라
Nu’geun ga han’mal cheo’rum eon’jenga man’nal geo ra
: yeah, like they say, we left each other
그렇게 우린 헤어진 거야
Gruk’he oo’rin he’ojingeo ya
: so we can be together in one day.  
집에 오는 길을 홀로
Jip’e o’neun gil’eul holo.
: in the street to going home, i alone.
텅 빈 방 침대에 홀로
Tung’bin bang’chimde’e holo
: in the empty bed in my room, i alone.
너와의 기억에 홀로
Neo,wae’ gi’eok e’ holo
: in the memory with you, i alone.
나 홀로 무뎌질 가슴 안고
Na holo mudyeojil ga’seum an’go
: i alone, holding together my heart which will get used to the pain.
추억 속에 살아 홀로
Cheu’eok sok’e sal’aa holo
: alone i live in the memory i once had with you.
방안에서 깨면 홀로
Bang’ann e’seo gge’myeon holo.
: alone i wake up in my room
늘 있던 니가 없어
Neul’it deon’niga eop’tseo
: and i can’t find you who was always there.
익숙해지겠지 나 홀로
Ik’sukhe ji’get’ji na holo
: think i’ll be get used to it, again alone.
지난 시간들이 그리워 힘든 건지
Jinan ci’gan deul’iee geuriwo him’deun geon’ji.
: Did you missed our past moments so hard?
내 손길만을 기다린 건지
Ne’son gilman’eul gidarin geon’ji
: Or you were waiting for me to hold you close baby?
다른 누군갈 만날 내 모습 바란 건지
Da’reun nu’goon gal’mannal ne moseup’eul baran geonji
: Or did you expected me to meet other guy?
그저 날 사랑한다 말해줘
Geu’jeo nal sarang han’da malhe’jwo
:just tell me you love me, baby.
집에 오는 길을 홀로
Jip’e o’neun gil’eul holo.
: in the street to going home, i alone.
텅 빈 방 침대에 홀로
Tung’bin bang’chimde’e holo
: in the empty bed in my room, i alone.
너와의 기억에 홀로
Neo,wae’ gi’eok e’ holo
: in the memory with you, i alone.
나 홀로 무뎌질 가슴 안고 살아
Na holo moo’dyeo jil ga’seum an’go sal’aa
: live in my pain alone, one day it will get used to me.
보고 싶어 매일 널 그리며 살아
Bogoship’eo maeill neol’geuri myeo sal’aa
: i miss you baby, everyday i see you’re silhouette
다시 아파한다 해도 내게 손 내밀어
Da’ci apahandaa hedo ne’ge son nemil eo
:baby will you stretch your hand to me even if it hurt you the same
그저 날 사랑한다고 말해줘
Geujeo nal sarang han’da mal’he jwo.
: will you just say me you love me.
(이제 더 이상) 잊혀질 그 날처럼
(iee’je deoiee sang) it’hyeo jil geuanl cheo’rum
: (can’t hold it anymore) like the day that will be forgotten
처음 날 만나서 설레었던
Cheo’eum nal manna’seo seolle’eot deon
: the day you meet me the first and you're heart was raced.
그 날 그 때로 다시 돌아와
Geu’nal Geu’dde’ro da’ci dol’a wha
: come back to the moment, baby.
나 하나만 바라보며 사랑한다고 말했던
Na hanaman barabo’myeo sarang handago malhet’deon
: to the day you say you love me in my eyes.
그 때의 우리로 돌아갈래
Geu’de’eui ooriro dol’a galle
: baby, will you come back to us in that days?
집에 오는 길을 홀로
Jip’e o’neun gil’eul holo.
: in the street to going home, i alone.
텅 빈 방 침대에 홀로
Tung’bin bang’chimde’e holo
: in the empty bed in my room, i alone.
너와의 기억에 홀로
Neo,wae’ gi’eok e’ holo
: in the memory with you, i alone.
나 홀로 무뎌질 가슴 안고
Na holo mudyeojil ga’seum an’go
: i alone, holding together my heart which will get used to the pain.
추억 속에 살아 홀로
Cheu’eok sok’e sal’aa holo
: alone i live in the memory i once had with you.
방안에서 깨면 홀로
Bang’ann e’seo gge’myeon holo.
: alone i wake up in my room
늘 있던 니가 없어
Neul’it deon’niga eop’tseo
: and i can’t find you who was always there.
익숙해지겠지 나 홀로
Ik’sukhe ji’get’ji na holo
: think i’ll be get used to it, again alone.
Translation : illias Heo
*feel free to fix the content ( ex, grammatical mistakes or the cheap expressions to more elegant one -lol- )