Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 133


Detective Conan opening arabic

Always in this life
We face danger at times death
We overcome it only by endurance
With patience, determination and endurance
We implant glory and we inscribe immortality
We eliminate fear and we eliminate mystery
Conan the secrets exposure
He goes on towards the good
Towards victory with no confusion
With patience, determination and faith
We create the never impossible glory
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.....
A small sized human
But hes mind is an older mind(1)
He thinks, achieves and reveals the thrilling
Conan the secrets exposure
Knows that the good
Is the winner in the face of the evil
Conan the criminals hunter
Reveal the hidden everytime

An eagle is flying above the sea

An eagle is flying above the sea* -x3
And talking with the falcons.
An eagle is flying above the sea
And talking with the falcons.
Fly, eagle, -x3
To my homeland.
Find, eagle, -x3
My parents.
Do they miss me or grieve -x3
For me? I'm an orphan.
I'm an orphan -x3
In a strange far land.
I don't dare cry -x3
And I'm not allowed to be sad.
An eagle is flying above the sea -x3
And talking with the falcons.

Rendben lesz

Felnézek a földről, hogy lássam a szomorú és könnyes szemeidet
Elnézel tőlem
És látom, hogy valamit próbálsz elrejteni, és én
Elérem a kezedet, de hideg, elhúzod megint
És kíváncsi vagyok, mire gondolsz?
És akkor azt mondtad nekem, hogy hülye hibát követettél el
Elkezdesz reszketni, és a hangod elkezd fékezni
Azt mondod, hogy a cigaretták a pulton nem voltak a barátaid, hanem a társaid
És érzem, hogy a szín lefolyik az arcomról
És a barátom azt mondta
'Tudom, hogy szereted, de vége van, haver
Nem számít, tedd el a telefont
Soha nem könnyű elmenni
Engedd el, rendben lesz'
Ezért megkérdtem, hogy nézze vissza az összes elküldött üzenetet
És tudom, hogy nem volt igaza, de kibaszott a fejemmel
És mindent törölve lett, mint a múlt, igen,eltűnt
És amikor megérintettem az arcodat, elmondhattam, hogy tovább haladsz
De nem a tény, hogy tegnap megcsókoltad
Ez az árulás érzése, hogy nem tudok táncolni
És minden, amit tudok, azt üzeni, hogy el kell mennem
De maradni akarok
És a barátom azt mondta
'Tudom, hogy szereted, de vége van, haver
Nem számít, tedd el a telefont
Soha nem könnyű elmenni
Engedd el, rendben lesz
Egy ideig fájni fog
Így hát hajrá, felejtsük el ma este
Találsz másikat, és jól leszel
Engedd el'
Semmi sem gyógyít
A múlt mint az idő
És nem lophatnak
A szerelem, azért születtél, hogy megtaláld
De semmi sem gyógyít
A múlt mint az idő
És nem lophatnak
A szerelem, azért születtél, hogy megtaláld
'Tudom, hogy szereted, de vége van, haver
Nem számít, tedd el a telefont
Soha nem könnyű elmenni
Engedd el, rendben lesz
Egy ideig fájni fog
Így hát hajrá, felejtsük el ma este
Találsz másikat, és jól leszel
Engedd el'
Rendben lesz
Rendben lesz
Rendben lesz
Rendben lesz
Rendben lesz
Dana Kósa

minden megint jó lesz

hagyd most a gondot, nyugtasson álmod
az éjszaka átölel
bíz úgy ám
minden megint jó lesz, minden megint jó
mi álmodban vigyázunk rád
hadd forduljon a föld útján
feledd a bút simítsd a gondot aludd át az éjszakát
minden megint jó lesz, minden megint jó lesz
aludj el mostan bekenlek balzsammal
mi megnyugtat, ellágyít
érzed majd
minden megint jó lesz, minden megint jó
máris hat, édesen lágyan
csodát tesz fejben lábban
csukd le szemed és
pihenj egész éjjen át
minden megint jó lesz, minden megint jó lesz
asszony ezt a drága szert szórod
segíthettél volna másokon
adtad volna árát a szegényeknek
csöppje is egy vagyont ér
népek éheznek népek szenvednek
ők fontosabbak mint holmi láb kenés
hagyd most a gondot, nyugtasson álmod
az éjszaka átölel
bíz úgy ám
minden megint jó lesz, minden megint jó
mi álmodban vigyázunk rád
hadd forduljon a föld útján
feledd a bút simítsd a gondot aludd át az éjszakát
minden megint jó lesz, minden megint jó lesz
nem válthatjuk meg a szegényeket
egy üveg gyógyszerrel
nem ezen fordul meg a világ
szegénnyé gazdaggá közületek lesznek
én nem soká megyek
nem leszek köztetek
fájó szívvel válok meg tőletek
aludj el mostan bekenlek balzsammal
mi megnyugtat, ellágyít
érzed majd
minden megint jó lesz, minden megint jó
máris hat, édesen lágyan
csodát tesz fejben lábban
csukd le szemed és
pihenj egész éjjen át
minden megint jó lesz, minden megint jó lesz
csukd le szemed megint minden jó lesz
fordította Gaál György István

Palestine crown on the head

Palestinian crown on the head
In the eyes and hearts of our people
My love is now wounded
The face of her soul
Is protected by Allah SWT
No matter how relieved I feel
I put my hand on the Qur'an and say
Everyone of you gave a bad name
To the one God has said
I love you, I see my country in your eyes
I see your name engraved on the country's forehead
Your love is like faith
And every place is proud
Our homeland's name is high
Your land is like men shaking the mountains
Just to keep you
Win the soulmate
God gives us our evidence
In your beauty, they read the poems
A row
Of voices read it out
Nice and long
My country is free
Him and his gang
Come and join us
They said it
Oh beautiful
And this land is blessed by God
God blessed them
A Palestinian woman went out to her yard
The disbelievers with their hands to the oasis
The sound of wood heard us and called


Bolshoi party crocodile x4
aircraft vrtaljot crocodile crocodile
hard bass and hip hop crocodile, crocodile x2
desomorphine-permonide crocodile, crocodile
amphetamine ketamine crocodile, crocodile
Moscow, Prague and Berlin crocodile, crocodile
Budapest, Chernobyl crocodile, crocodile
Bolshoi party crocodile x4


Turn, my dear horse, toward the sunset,
we will never return here anyway.
I’m going to a far away land, I’ll live in exile,
I will never see my beautiful homeland again.
Blow away, dear wind, blow away the dust of the long journey,
the dust of my long journey, the trail of my dun horse.
My dun was a good horse, good its behavior,
God bless whoever raised it.
Dawn is inviting a dream, promising a quietly ringing song,
the wind follows me from one road to another.
A new day is a new promise, lost in exile
in great sadness I retire to bed.
Bones crumble under the pressure of black earth,
my sad heart is being destroyed by sorrow.
I’m an orphan, an orphan like the stubble on the field
whose ornament was taken away by the sickle.
Foreign people in a foreign country,
I walk in the streets but I don’t know anyone.
I would speak to them but they wouldn’t understand,
which is sorely bitter to my heart.
Dawn is inviting a dream, promising a quietly ringing song,
the wind follows me from one road to another,
a new day is a new promise, lost in exile,
in great sadness I retire to bed.

Ydk blras

حبك يدق بالراس... ماليني حب و احساس.
غير انت تاج الراس... وهذا مكانك.
حبك سوالف ليل... و شفاك طعم الهيل...
بقلبي عادي تعيش هذا مكانك...
واريدك يا غالي ياللي منور الليالي...
و اريدك حبيبي غيرك ولا يحلالي...
يا اولي و اخيري بس انت شاغل بالي...
ولا تصدق انا عوفك بس انت عندي غالي...
غيرك ابد ما اريد... حبك الي تعويد...
ضحكتك چنها العيد... ذبت بحنانك...
هي هي هي... هي هي هي...
حبك نقش بالروح... من بالي ابد ما تروح
شتسوي لك مسموح... زيد بدلالك...
غيرك صعب اختار... بقلبي مكانك صار... عاجبني بيك احتار... زيد بدلالك...
و احضنك حبيبي و بقلبي اريد اضمك...
من غيرك احسك مثل الهوا و اشمك...
اعوفك بعيدة كل عمري ابقى يمك...
ما اسوى انا بدونك لك فدوى روحي ل اسمك...
غيرك ابد ما اريد... حبك الي تعويد...
ضحكتك چنها العيد... ذبت بحنانك...
هي هي هي...
Please translate يدك بالراس

True fire

Among snow-covered tombs
I'm seeking words of days gone by.
Some departed, some gave up
but others carried on, maybe for them too.
Words became songs, voices became chants,
tears turned into smiles, faint memories
again and again, on and on, up, set out
to keep carrying years we shared.
It might have been a dream and remained a dream,
true fire, maybe flames of tales.
See, tears well up in my eyes
and now its voice is fading away
In the midst of gorges and mountain ranges
until our souls find a new path
to fly up to the sky like a breeze,
like a sad bird fearing for its treasure.
Someday, somewhere, in a dream maybe,
on the lake of our tears we never shed
sad memory will come to an end,
having forgotten the long years,
in the soft song of our shared world
together again, in the words of our chant
recounting Fate, life,
everything I would like to say to you.

E bine

Când te simţiu rău, eu am grijă de tine.
Dacă ai nevoie de un prieten, ştii că sunt aici.
Dacă te-ntristezi, sunt aici pentru tine
şi voi face tot ce pot mai bine.
Doar sună-mă şi voi fi aici.
Cel mai bun prieten căruia să-i pese.
Cine te va iubi ca mine?
Cine-ţi va fi alături când ai nevoie?
Am să-ţi stau de veghe în fiecare zi şi noapte.
E bine, e bine.
Cine te va iubi ca mine?
Cine-ţi va fi alături când ai nevoie?
Am să-ţi stau de veghe în fiecare zi şi noapte.
E bine,
e bine.
Dacă vrei să spui cum te simţi acum,
spune-mi şi te voi ajuta cumva.
Sunt aici pentru tine dacă ai nevoie
şi voi face tot ce pot mai bine.

The other number

not once nor twice.. you're betraying
I'm double-faced like you.. you're going to see my other one
you're going to see how hard it is to get hurt.. and forgetting about it is harder
even when the hurt goes silent.. another one wakes up in its place
taste betrayal for once.. and be a victim of betrayal even for seconds
feel how it is.. to be the other number in my life
you're going to feel the suffering of the heart.. when its arteries bleed
and the strings of love are cut.. and its tenderness waste away before you
taste betrayal for once.. and be a victim of betrayal even for seconds
feel how it is.. to be the other number in my life
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


All The Best Friends

Everybody needs a friend
A very best friend
A friend you can play with
Does not matter who she is
She may come from America
Or from Mexico
She can have brown eyes
But they can also be blue
The important is not who she is
Without what she is
Everybody needs a friend
A very best friend
A friend you can play with
Does not matter who she is
Everybody needs a friend
A very best friend
A friend you can play with
Does not matter who she is
One should be able to tell
Hemlisar for a friend
Without telling her
Them for a single one
To a friend you can go
And always trust
Everybody needs a friend
A very best friend
A friend you can play with
Does not matter who she is
Everybody needs a friend
A very best friend
A friend you can play with
Does not matter who she is
Do you have a sad day?
Or do you just want to talk
A friend is always good to have
And makes you happy
Everybody needs a friend
A very best friend
A friend you can play with
Does not matter who she is
Everybody needs a friend
A very best friend
A friend you can play with
Does not matter who she is


For a while, I had a hard time because of a breakup
I was in a lot of pain, it's alright, girl
The love I trusted in so much left
I cried a lot, but now
Don't worry worry
Don't worry uselessly, now
Don't hurry hurry
Don't hurry uselessly
For once, like someone who's never been hurt
I want to love like that, if I can love you
I feel love, oh love
My heart is being colored blue
Alright, alright, baby it's alright
Feel love, oh love
I feel love as hot as the summer sun
Alright, baby it's alright
The sky is colored pink
The wave called you rolls in
Hug me without a word
Cuz now I'm your lady
Alright, baby it's alright
I know love isn't like sweet candy
But kissing you
Is bittersweet, like a strong espresso
Love is bitter but you're so sweet boy
No one, ain't nobody like you boy
Don't worry worry
Don't worry uselessly, now
Don't hurry hurry
Don't hurry uselessly
For once, like someone who's never been hurt
I want to love like that, if I can love you
I feel love, oh love
My heart is being colored blue
Alright, alright, baby it's alright
Feel love, oh love
I feel love as hot as the summer sun
Alright, baby it's alright
The sky is colored pink
The wave called you rolls in
Hug me without a word
Cuz now I'm your lady
Alright, baby it's alright
Ooh I'm a bit scared of this new beginning
But baby it's alright
Alright, alright, it's alright
Everything's gonna be alright
I feel love, oh love
My heart is being colored blue
Alright, alright, baby it's alright
Feel love, oh love
I feel love as hot as the summer sun
Alright, baby it's alright
The sky is colored pink
The wave called you rolls in
Hug me without a word
Cuz now I'm your lady
Alright, baby it's alright

Chicks Dig Giant Robots (Megas XLR Theme Song)

Giant Robots
Gives a superior style.
You can sit and steer them
Right in your car
You like, giant robots
I like, giant robots
We like, giant robots
Girls like, giant robots
(Megas XLR)


Calmly, calmly for me
Take my heart very slowly
Take my hand for the sake of love
Slowly, and calmly
You are the one to whom my happiness flew on our date
Calmly, calmly for me
Take my heart very slowly
Make me happy, and water me with your preciousness
And water me, so that no one else shall quench me
And none but you shall take my heart, and in your hands it shall open
May your tranquility be upon me like so, slowly and calmly
Calmly, calmly for me
Take my heart very slowly


Intertwined strong bonds make pupae reborn
Being completely melted, I hum the continuation of my naive dream
Growing antennae, extending legs, making wings
I slip off silk like dodging traps
Let's take off when the petals are dyed with blood
I'll never let you go
The creatures of God called human beings fool with us, spoil everything
Who do they imitate?
Is it an evidence that they came from monkeys?
Making bones, fleshing out, applying sauce, shutting the lid
My beating soul burns fiercely
I'll never forget the cobalt sky and the sea breeze
Being in your embraces, getting dirty with you, growing into one
Being divided into two parts
Spread your wish hidden on your back and fly again
Alright, we're ready for tonight!
The fact that we're here together seems the most miraculous thing to me
I know life ends someday, but we've had the best encounter ever
Time goes by
We'll concentrate our abilities, focus on one thing
Parting from you, wanting you so badly, growing into one
Being divided into innumerable parts
Let's look up at the night sky and set our fate timers again
Alright, we're ready for tonight!
Alright, we're ready!
Alright, we're ready!

A Rozmár vagyok

John Lennon – Paul McCartney
A Rozmár vagyok1
(I am the Walrus)
The Beatles – 1967
Én is ő, meg te is ő, meg
te is én, mindnyájan együtt vagyunk.2
Nézd, futnak mind! 3
Hekus, sose fuss!
Nézd, szállnak mind!
Én sírok!
Zabpehelyre ültem, várom, kocsim érkezzen!
Céges egyeningben4, buta véres kedden5
rossz fiú voltál, haver, az állad leesett!6
Én a Tojásfej!7
ők a Tojásfej!
Vagyok a Rozmár!8
Gu-gú gu-dzsúb!9
Nínó-nínó, rendőr-autó.10
Icipici rendőrsorfal áll.
Magasba száll,
mint Lucy in the Sky.11
Nézd, futnak mind! 3
Én sírok, én sírok!
Én sírok, én sírok!
Döglött kutyaszemből sárga pite tészta folyt.12
Halaskofazárkány13, pornótáncos papnő.
Rossz kislány voltál, fiam, letoltad a bugyit!
Én a Tojásfej!
ők a Tojásfej!
Vagyok a Rozmár!
Gu-gú gu-dzsúb!
Angol kertben ülve várom, kisüt rám a nap.
De az se baj, ha nem süt ki a nap,
Az angol eső lebarnít.
Én a Tojásfej! [Nos hát, uram, ki vagy te?] 14
ők a Tojásfej! [Én nagyon szegény ember,
megbénitott a sors.] 14
Vagyok a Rozmár!
Gu-gú gu-dzsúb!
Gu-gú gu-dzsúb! ! [ …irgalmas.] 14
Kegyes vegyes büdös bagós,
nem látod, hogy Joker15 nevet rád?
Nézd, hogy röhög, mint disznó16 röfög!
Nézd, hogy hörög!
Én sírok!
Búzadara Kishal17 az Eiffel-tornyot mászta meg.
Kisiskolás pingvin18 Hare Krisnát énekel.
Látnod kellett volna, megrugdalták Allan Poe-t.19
Én a Tojásfej,
ők a Tojásfej!
Vagyok a Rozmár!
Gu-gú, gu-dzsúb!
A gu-gú gu-dzsúb!
Gu-gú, gu-dzsúb!
A gu-gú gu-dzsúb, a gú!
Dzsúbi, dzsúbi, dzsúbi…
Umpa, umpa, ruhaujjba dugta.
Umpa, umpa, ruhaujjba dugta.
Mindenkinek egy van! 20
Mindenkinek egy van!
[Megöltél, szolga. Vedd, zsivány, ez erszényt,
Ha Istent félsz, temesd el testemet
S amely leveleket nálam találsz, add
A glosteri grófnak, Edmundnak: keresd őt
A brit seregnél. Rosszkor jött halál - ó!
Ismerlek jól: egy szolgalelkü gaz!
Úrnője bűneinek oly hű eszköze,
Hogy jobbat nem kivánhat a gonoszság.
Ülj le, apó, és pihenj meg.] 21

I Don't Know How to Do It

I don't know how to fall in love
How to be the one who intrudes, how to tickle or to seduce
I just don't know how to do it
I don't know how to live
To not be afraid, to be in love, to be seen
I just don't know how to do it
I don't know how to leave
To dare to get up and go, not stand there and stare
I don't know how to do it
I don't know how to breathe
To breathe in and breathe out, to believe in something until the end
I just don't know how to do it
But I know what I want, I want to live a life worth dying for
I know what I want, I want to live a life worth dying for
I want to live a life worth dying for, I want to live a life worth dying for
I want to live a life, live a life, live a life worth dying for
I know what I want, I want to live a life worth dying for
Yes, I know what I Want, I want to live a life worth dying for
Live a life worth dying for, I want to live a life worth dying for
I want to live a life, live a life, life a life worth dying for
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Proofreading and corrections are encouraged// Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Sorry to ask

How's the fight going, sister?
Are you diving into the fight, brother?
Let me know, how many sorrows you can stand to bear?
How much pain can you handle?
How will you ever be able to find that you're enough?
Are you starving yourself, are you cutting yourself?
Cutting your arms up cutting your face up
Drowning the anxiety with more pain?
Drowning the pain with more pills, more liquor?
How long can you keep this up, how long will it continue?
Sorry to ask, but I was just wondering
What have they done to you?
What have they done to you?
Sorry to ask, but I was just wondering
What have they done to you?
What have they done to you?
Were you just a kid when you started?
Did you ever get to be a kid?
Let me know, how many sorrows can you stand to bear?
How much pain can you handle?
Was it your parents who did it?
Or was it your classmates?
When did you understand that it was you who was guilty?
When did you take the blame?
Drowning the anxiety with more pain?
Drowning the pain with more pills, more liquor?
How long can you keep this up, how long will it continue?
Sorry to ask, but I was just wondering
What have they done to you?
What have they done to you?
Sorry to ask, but I was just wondering
What have they done to you?
What have they done to you?
When will you understand?
You don't have to go through this alone
When will you allow yourself to stand up and let go
And look around and discover, discover
That you aren't as lonely as you think
Sorry to ask, but I was just wondering
What have they done to you?
What have they done to you?
Sorry to ask, but I was just wondering
What have they done to you?
What have they done to you?
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Proofreading and corrections are encouraged// Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Night Flight ~Never Marry A Railroad Man~

Wearing in my body the toilet of darkness
I have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
Even if I love another woman
you'll turn around someday
My sinful wish is Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Even though my silent cold blue
look out for a hopeless love
My increasing thought is Fly To Your Night
A dream, a reflection and then an illusion
If they breathe on my chest
Will they become true? Fly To Your Night
Even if I spill tears
I already feel hurt enough
I like you more than anyone else Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Wearing in my body the toilet of darkness
I have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
No, No, No
My every night sleeping gets disturbed
of the tale of the dark night's land
Good night. Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Wearing in my body the toilet of darkness
I have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
No, No, No
My every night sleeping gets disturbed
of the tale of the dark night's land
Good night. Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No

This Soul

This soul misses you
This soul longs for you
And you've left as though separation appeals to you
And you've abandoned what's between us
and left it to burn in the fire
It is the soul
It is the soul
It is the soul
that longs...
This soul misses you
This soul longs for you
And you've left as though separation appeals to you
And you've abandoned what's between us
and left it to burn in the fire
It is the soul
It is the soul
It is the soul
that longs...
This soul misses you, this soul longs for you
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Logari Companion

Versions: #2
I am coming to you, bringing you with sharp sickles
You just sit on the embankment for me, my dear.
Allow me to serve as i am familiar with harvesting.
You just sit (for the purpose of resting) on the embankment for me, my dear.
These dainty hands of yours dear, lest get blisters
Soft and silky hands (of yours) dear, lest get blisters.
Better it be my rough hands that (get) blisters (than yours).
You just on the embankment for me, my love.
Let me serve you, i am familiar with harvesting.
You just sit on the embankment for me.
Come, leave the wheat and sing me Tapay*.
Quit worrying about work, sing me Tapay.
You have beauteous appearance, laboring is so unbecoming of you.
You just sit on the embankment for me, dear.
Let me serve you, i am familiar with harvesting.
You just sit on the embankment for me, dear.
Let me do the labor, I am Mehran* Logariai*.
Let me do the harvest, I am Mehran Logarai.
You sing along with my Ghazals*.
You just rest on the embankment for me.
Let me serve you as i am familiar with harvesting.
You just sit on the embanking for me.

This Soul

This soul longs for you
This soul, for you, it longs
And you left as if you liked [our] separation
And you left behind what was between us for fire and ashes
The soul...
The soul...
The soul...
This soul longs for you
This soul, for you, it longs

The Council Of Elrond

Out of darkness I understand the night:
Dreams flow, a star shines.
Ah! I desire Evenstar.
Having watched the day grow dark
I go into night - a place to dream.
Ah! I desire Elfstone.
Behold! The star of stars!
The song of the star enchants my heart.
Ah! I desire Evenstar.
The flame of the fire of the heart
shines, rises, endures.
Ah! I desire Elfstone.

The wind caresses

O caress the wind Hhonha on your lover .. And mercy thirsty from the inability to drink wind
The sun and your future tomorrow your thief .. And increase the wound I am looking for a surgeon
The poor spring of bees and ambition racing .. After in God Akbar and you at the farmer
His dream shows you and rejoice with you and accompany you .. What rest only designed for you to stand
Your advice can not bear your fault on your shoulders .. And lower his humiliation and ask him to allow
Wondering your eyes and his way to gain your difference
Wad hug Fuadak before not hug you .. And taste the taste of joy and happiness and satisfaction
Sadiq and Sadqi frank and honest Sadek .. And told him of silk honesty with your hand scarf
Believe me I am my age I appreciate your differences .. In Wayne, I received your hair, prince of the navigator
O caress the wind Hhonha on your lover .. And mercy thirsty from the inability to drink wind

We're so much human driftwood

We're so much human driftwood
and we need each other
So many that would be happy
if you'd hold out your hand
And stuck inside yourself, is one of them
that sometimes cries
It's hard to talk about it
although it's true
Many have a hard time talking
Many have a hard time laughing
And talking about how each one
Has has to trample on others
before they trample on you
This has to be understood
If you'll be able to handle it
We're so much human driftwood
and we need each other
You became a pawn in the tough game of life
And your eyes have grown hard
Your glance has grown cold
But deep inside, you're still crying anyway
We're so much human driftwood
and we need each other
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

To face the pain

A tree is standing in a leaf fall
And it has neither warm moment nor shadow
But sometimes even it wants to feel safe
And not to be like a withering flower
And sometimes time tests us
Putting obstacles to our feet
But yet we have strength to ourselfs
To show it that we are still able
To face the pain and look into it's eyes
To grab onto the life tightly, not giving up
To believe with all heart that it's going to be all right
And despite everything, we shall overcome
God sees everything, watching from above
That we don't loose the hope
And even if it's painful sometimes, we have to go forward
Whatever happens, it's for the best

The man

I want to tell you something please take my advice
When the man speaks don't be stubborn and don't agree to something and the next day you forget..
Understand him and appreciate him if you want to carry on with him
If you treat him with kindness, tenderness, love and faithfulness.
You can take his eyes and he will be faithful taking care of you carrying you on his head as a queen.
And when you make mistakes he will forgive.
Seems you understand life wrong it's obvious you haven't learned..
When the man loves he loves with his all
And who understands comforts him and knows how to please him.
He doesn't be hard- heated and cold unless he feels she doesn't want to be with him
And who keeps her house and the secrets of the house is a real woman
Who be patient her problems gets solved right away, but who keeps making problems out of nowhere she's not real woman
The talk is done, so let's see how it ends..

يدك بالراس)

حبك يدق بالراس... ماليني حب و احساس.
غير انت تاج الراس... وهذا مكانك.
حبك سوالف ليل... و شفاك طعم الهيل...
بقلبي عادي تعيش هذا مكانك...
واريدك يا غالي ياللي منور الليالي...
و اريدك حبيبي غيرك ولا يحلالي...
يا اولي و اخيري بس انت شاغل بالي...
ولا تصدق انا عوفك بس انت عندي غالي...
غيرك ابد ما اريد... حبك الي تعويد...
ضحكتك چنها العيد... ذبت بحنانك...
هي هي هي... هي هي هي...
حبك نقش بالروح... من بالي ابد ما تروح
شتسوي لك مسموح... زيد بدلالك...
غيرك صعب اختار... بقلبي مكانك صار... عاجبني بيك احتار... زيد بدلالك...
و احضنك حبيبي و بقلبي اريد اضمك...
من غيرك احسك مثل الهوا و اشمك...
اعوفك بعيدة كل عمري ابقى يمك...
ما اسوى انا بدونك لك فدوى روحي ل اسمك...
غيرك ابد ما اريد... حبك الي تعويد...
ضحكتك چنها العيد... ذبت بحنانك...
هي هي هي...

I Passed By Just To Have a Look

Here was a paintbrush and we are two
Drawing a painting within colors, so they won't fade away
Here was a castle and a river flowing without water
I passed by just to have a look
The castle stood atop a small hill
Many words fell in it, that no one have yet said
The flowers whistled some kind of tune that compliments nature
Today it is a very well known song
No, there's no more castle, don't look at it, it's gone
There's no reason to run like that, there are no more skies
The lady is already dead
There's no river without water
I passed by just to have a look
The walls are cracked, it's all frozen
And you sit with your head high, ready to rule
Take both of my hands and see with your own eyes
Everything is less ablaze nowadays
No, there's no more castle, don't look at it, it's gone
There's no reason to run like that, there are no more skies
The lady is already dead
There's no river without water
I passed by just to have a look
Here was a paintbrush and we are two
Drawing a painting within colors, so they won't fade away
No, there's no more castle, don't look at it, it's gone
There's no reason to run like that, there are no more skies
The lady is already dead
There's no river without water
I passed by just to have a look

Oh my falcon

Oh my falcon I spent time training you well how to hunt
So that I can practice my hobby (hunting), and you be up to my expectations
When Houbaras 1 fly up in the sky
Escaping predators to somewhere safe
Fly fast and catch that bird
Aim for their leader, the largest one of them
Catch them from the neck like a wolf
I don't think the bird is brave enough to do the same to you
Let the wind spread this bird's feathers everywhere 2
And the one who has a falcon that is not a good hunter
Will feel sad and disappointed
Especially when we gather up after hunting
And talk about our falcons and their hunts today
And the one who stays late in the hunting field 3
We'll send him a Jeeb to bring him in, while we prepare our meal 4
  • 1. Type of birds often falconers train the falcon to hunt it. It's large in size, hard to hunt and very fast.
  • 2. While hunting and as a result of the fight/attack the feathers of the bird will spread on the ground, then the wind will spread them everywhere
  • 3. Maybe waiting for his falcong to hunt something
  • 4. From the hunts of today
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!

Valaki már összetörte a szívemet...

Te jöttél, amikor szükségem volt egy megmentőre
Valaki, aki megállít valahogy
Sokszor szétszakítottak
Már fájt annyiszor
Tehát, most számítok rád.
Valaki már összetörte a szívemet...
Valaki már összetörte a szívemet.
Itt vagyok
Tehát ne hagyd, hogy elakadjak
A sor végén
Lógni a hazugság szélén
Sokszor szétszakítottak
Már fájt annyiszor
Tehát, legy óvatos és legy kedves.
Valaki már összetörte a szívem
Ha valakinek veszíteni kell, nem akarok játszani
Valaki már összetörte a szívem
Nem, nem mehetek vissza oda.
Te jöttél, amikor szükségem volt egy megmentőre
Valaki, aki megállít valahogy
Sokszor szétszakítottak
Már fájt annyiszor
Tehát, most számítok rád.
Valaki már összetörte a szívem
Ha valakinek veszíteni kell, nem akarok játszani
Valaki már összetörte a szívem
Nem, nem mehetek vissza oda.
Dana Kósa