Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 203



Nélküled a lelkem világtalan
És a testem, mintha nem lenne a sajátom
Nélküled csak a ködöt látom
Nélküled mindenhol víz van körülöttem
Bármerre nézek nem látom a szárazföldet
Nélküled mindenhol megtévesztést találok
Szárnyal a lelkem
Téged keresve,
Mert tudja – én ott vagyok ahol te
Nélküled szerelmem,
olyan mint egy vörös nyaklánc
ami a hóban hever.
Körülvesz a fagyos éjszaka
és szánszándékkal hideget süvít.
Hajnalodik, a lelkem nem alszik
Szárnyal a lelkem
Téged keresve
Mert tudja – én ott vagyok ahol te
Kezed karnyújtásnyira és nem tágít
Még akkor is, ha nem vagy itt
Tudom, hogy – ott vagyok ahol te
Ahol te vagy, én is ott vagyok
Ahol te vagy, én is ott vagyok.

Light a candle for Ukraine

Light a candle! Your light of hope
Today it shall shine for the world
Light a candle! Your sign of life
See how our light illuminates the night
It shines for the people, who are afraid,
for the children threatened by war
It shines for prayers that we whisper
God of peace, help us in need
Light a candle! Your light of hope...
It shines for justice and freedom,
for the strength to resist hate
It shines for the courage, not to give up,
even if we don't see a way out yet
It shines for the world in all places,
Kyiv, Kharkiv, Warsaw and Berlin
It shines for the power that connects us,
for the people fleeing terror
Light a candle! Your light of hope
Today it shall shine for the world
Light a candle! Your sign of life
See how our light illuminates the night

Nem a te háborúd

Csata a hajnalban. Napfény és füst.
Szinte senki sem tudja, később milyen sors vár rá.
Holnap mi lesz majd a fiatalok fejében?
Az egyik reménykedik, a másik retteg.
[Refrén 1]
A téli bangita virágának ágai lehajlottak.
Anya mégis kihez imádkoztunk?
Hány gyermekedet fog még elragadni tőled
a háború ami nem a tiéd?
A lányok és a fiúk szülőkké váltak,
éjjelente álmaik színekkel voltak tele.
Hazug szavak kezeit csókolgatták,
Nappalaikkal fizettek a csendes éjjelekért.
[Refrén 1]
Régen oly szép volt minden,
mikor nem volt izzadság és könnyek.
Mindannak azonban semmi értelme nem volt –
Én így nem bírom, te mégis hogy vagy képes rá?!
[Refrén 2]
A téli bangita virágának ágai lehajlottak.
Anya, rosszhoz imádkoztunk!
Hány gyermekedet fog még elragadni tőled
a háború ami nem a tiéd?

Make me

I love you, I feel you, I feel you again
And in every second I fall in love with you
I love you, I choose you again
In every glance, you melt into me
And every drop that your skin drops, is for me
Because each time you have me inside you
You make me laugh, make me cry
Make me suffer until you arrive
Make me die, make me live
To the Sunrise
Make me feel, make me doubt
Make me lie, Make me swear
Make me pretend, make me wish
Make me one more time my love
I love you, think of you and start writing again
And each word brings you to me
And every moment that I caress your skin is for you
Because every time you have me inside you
You make me laugh, make me cry
Make me suffer until you arrive
Make me die, make me live
When the Sun rises
Make me feel, make me doubt
Make me lie, Make me swear
Make me pretend, make me wish
Make me one more time my love
Make me die
Make me live
When the sun rises
Make me suffer until you arrive
Make me one more time my love

Better Than Myself

I don't want to be better than anyone
Maybe the same or less
I only want to be better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself
I don't want to be better than anyone
Maybe the same or less
I only want to be better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself
I want to abandon my flaws
Not to do anyone harm
I want to enjoy my rights
And I won't give up on that, for anyone
Who failed
Who succeeded
I don't want to know
Who won
Who lost
I only want to be a litle bit better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself
I don't want to be better than anyone
Maybe the same or less
I only want to be better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself
I want to abandon my flaws
Not to do anyone harm
I want to enjoy my rights
And I won't give up on that, for anyone
Who failed
Who succeeded
I don't want to know
Who won
Who lost
I only want to be a litle bit better than myself
Than myself
Than myself
Than myself

The rain poured down

The rain poured down without stopping,
We walked soaking wet.
The headwind beat in the face
And doesn't let open eyes to look the path.
Where are those days
When thunders rumbled, rains flooded.
Will they not go away irrevocably
Like my yester youth.
The rain poured down, I recalled you
As my youth that had been left far away.
You break my heart with longing for you
Like sand that flew away from the palm.
Where are those days
When thunders rumbled, rains flooded.
Will they not go away irrevocably
Like my yester youth.
The years fly like birds.
The rain pours incessantly.
Maybe we'll remember in the rains
Unforgettable first love.

Because time moves so fast

You used to be important to me
Just like this song
If you were a melody
I'd be a dull beat
We made little sketches
Everything pretty simple
Everything that was important to us
Was safe in a secret compartment
Still we both go our seperate ways
And Bruce plays without the E-Street-Band again
Because time moves so fast
And so little of what once was remains
Because the light breaks so easily
We sometimes see the things strangely odd
Our pictures are blurred
Because we won't return
What remains is only the smoke
One loves to dive into
Before it becomes clear again
I'd better leave as well
Because so many people talk about important things
Tell great stories
But we're slowly getting tired
Of petrified poems
And we won't burn
In the pictures we know
No, we never wanted to be like this
And we will never be like this
The comfort is that I know two people who will learn from all this
One of them is probably you
The other one is the one I'd like to be
Because time moves so fast
And so little of what once was remains
Because the light breaks so easily
We sometimes see the things strangely odd

Brave Afghan Boy

Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Of the world tongues1, you know them all
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
You hail from Kabul or Mazar, from Paktia or Kunar
You are unique in your courage and chivalry
You hail from Kabul or Mazar, from Paktia or Kunar
You are unique in your courage and chivalry
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Brave Kabul boy, you are shy and hold your tongue in front of me
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Of the world tongues, you know them all
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
You hail from Harat or Ghor, Ghazni or Badakhshan
You are brave and proud, if you are from Kandahar
You hail from Harat or Ghor, Ghazni or Badakhshan
You are brave and proud, if you are from Kandahar
Oh blondie, you captivate my heart
Oh blondie, you captivate my heart
I sing to you, sometimes in Pashto, sometimes in Dari
I sing to you, sometimes in Pashto, sometimes in Dari
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
Brave Afghan boy, you are proud and eloquent
You are always known for your loyalty and chivalry
  • 1. languages

the night horn

Tender and favorite woman in over eight,
wish me a happy, happy night,
when so my heart looks at you faithfully,
that makes all my force and strength lively
on steady view,
so i don't pine
miserable and lonely,
and there is no one
to comfort me
but you.
with you I crave to sleep,
so I think of you every night