A keresés eredménye oldal 4
Találatok száma: 239
(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)
(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)
Though the fleeting excitement was barely noticeable,
That brief moment we touch is enough to make me start dancing
Meant for no one but me
You unwittingly cast a spell that opens the door to my heart
My entire being has fallen into your trap
Hoping to enable 'making me the center of your world'
I say love, I say love, I say love,
Though you do not notice, I know you.
I'm right here! To all the corners of this world:
I say love, I say love, I say love,
I want to see the world stained with you.
I want to stare at the blue moon in the open sky, right by your side...Ah!
(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)
(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)
(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)
And so, whenever I start singing,
I put in all those feelings of mine and turn it into a letter
I couldn't possibly show them to anyone till the day my dreams comes true
I'll use them only to find the courage to answer you then
Putting my lips to that milkshake,
It was sweet but made me little embarrassed
I want to remember that favorite flavor of yours
Checking to see if you feel the same leaves me about to cry,
As it all starts growing dim, I know I'm still caught here in your trap
Hoping to enable 'making me the center of your world'
I say love, I say love, I say love,
Though you do not notice, I know you.
Don't stare at me! To those annoyed, slightly blushing cheeks:
I say love, I say love, I say love,
I want to see the world stained with you.
I want to shout about a love that connects us
Yes, I'll knit this love together
If you hear my voice then come looking for me
Gently take my hand awaken this waiting heart of mine...
To enable, May I get me cosmic axsis?
I say love, I say love, I say love,
Though you do not notice, I know you.
becoming me who am wonderful.
May I get me cosmic axis?
I say love, I say love, I say love,
I want to see the world stained with you.
Always be with you. Oh, yeah!
May I get me cosmic axis?
I say love, I say love, I say love,
Though you do not notice, I know you.
becoming me who am wonderful.
May I get me cosmic axis?
I say love, I say love, I say love,
I want to see the world stained with you.
Always be with you, coming true for dream,
together? Yes, I am.
(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)
(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)
(I say love, I say love, I say love, forever.)
Whether you come or not
Whether you come or noteither way i'll drag my heavy steps there
lying my tired body
over the secret, deserted rock.
And i shall await and i shall die
and i will resurrect - i speak, i stay-
with your speech
Whether you come or not i will hug you
and i will fit in my mind
your depiction .
Night. I will go and search in the soil
to fight your footprint, to grasp
and kiss in my handful the soil
and i will enclose inside my hands
the coolness of grass and of the branches
as if it were the coolness of your flesh.
Away from my country, here and there
mocking of me, the oil lamps
will evoke me your ghost.
With all the lamps of the night
i will search to find your passage.
And with the shaking of the pale terror
or staring ecstatically
towards the familiar side of the street
Even if you'll come, even if you won't, i shall wait for you.
Crazy perseverance, all around me
the secret, silent night
my heart shall be fulfilled
only by your chanting voice.
And the warriors who shall pass by me
and everything rooted around me
shall announce something about you
and shall deprive me of something of you.
For your sake I found again and I took again
my twenty-year-old lyre,
and i covered
my bent shoulders with the purple color of the alluring passion.
I am the son of ardour
you are the breath of wild lilys
you are my worship, the amulet
of lovelorn barn owls.
Is this a last curse, an evil fate
this yearning, close to you, away from you
or is it the wish of a compassionate angel
that is, to pass away saying your name?
Whether you come or not ,
either way i'll drag my heavy steps there
lying my body over the secret, deserted rock
over thy feet, oh shadow.
Xote of Happiness
Versions: #2If one day someone decides
What I should be and what I should like,
I wouldn't know who I am and I would change,
To be that which I had always wanted.
And maybe if you tell me
That you dream of being happy one day
Come on, get serious
Why cry about your despair?
If you are drowning in agony
Instead of making a big deal of things
Dance the Xote of Happiness
Szállj (A Magányos Pásztor)
Szállj, szállj(Gyere és szállj velem)
Szállj, próbálj elérni egy csillagot, magasan és oh eddig repülni
Szállj, gyere és szállj velem
Oh, szállj a fantáziával az eksztázis földjére
Szállj el velem
Nehéz idők a gettóban, itt az ideje lassítani
Kisember a blokkban hatalmas tervekkel
Ki tudsz jutni a gettóból, ha eléred a csillagokat
Amikor egyre nehezebb idők jönnek, csak a szívedre hallgass
Körülvesz a szeretet és néha gyűlölettel van befedve
Minél több a szeretet, annál kevesebb az erőszak és az érzés nagyszerű
Néha csukott szemmel repülök, és látom az utamat
Amikor a szemeim nyílni kezdenek, látom, hogy min haladtam át
Egy nap rossz utat választottam és engedtem a fájdalomnak
Most tanulok a hibámból és többé ez nem fordul elő
Hallottam a lövéseket, ahogy elhagyják a helyszínt, a test halott
És mélyen a lelkembe nyúlok, hogy továbbra is békét hirdessek
Mindannyiunknak repülnünk kell, és a fejünket az ég felé tartani
És most megígérem, hogy segítek a rászorulókon a halálom napjáig
Vajon miért halt meg a királynő mert te örökké több vagy
És kitárom a szárnyaimat, és repülök, mert az élet megy tovább
Szállj, próbálj elérni egy csillagot, magasan és oh eddig repülni
Szállj, gyere és szállj velem
Oh, szállj a fantáziával az eksztázis földjére
Szállj el velem
Szállj el.
Szállj, próbálj elérni egy csillagot, magasan és oh eddig repülni
Szállj, gyere és szállj velem
Oh, szállj a fantáziával az eksztázis földjére
Szállj el velem
Magasan repülni egy olyan helyre, amely messze túl van a mi oldalunktól
Éjszaka látok egy fényt amely örökké fényes
Amikor az utcán erőszak folyik és még így is tudnak működni
Amikor néha széttárom a szárnyaimat, úgy érzem magam, mint egy madár
Kisember a pisztollyal, kislány a késsel
Mondd meg nekik, tegyék le, nézzenek az égre, és követhetik, ahogy szállok
Mert az utcákon nincs más, csak a pusztulás és a halál
És a tervem a világ megmentésére a tudáson és a bizalmon alapul
Tartsd a szemed a jó dolgokon, amelyeket az élet kínál
Minden nap hálát adok édesanyámnak és édesapámnak
Hogy megtanítottak, hogyan szálljak, ha gyorsan változom
Ha úgy érzem, hogy nem vagyok rá képes, a nevét szólítom
Mi mindannyian repülni fogunk, ez csak idő kérdése
Amikor szétszórom a szeretetem, remélem, hogy a lelkedbe jut
Csak a szeretettel harcolok a támogatásodért
És együtt fogunk repülni odafent a mennyekbe
Szállj, próbálj elérni egy csillagot, magasan és oh eddig repülni
Szállj, gyere és szállj velem
Oh, szállj a fantáziával az eksztázis földjére
Szállj el velem
Szállj, próbálj elérni egy csillagot, magasan és oh eddig repülni
Szállj, gyere és szállj velem
Oh, szállj a fantáziával az eksztázis földjére
Szállj el velem
Ooh, szállj
Versions: #1My actions didn't represent my true desires, how shall i tell you this
'As the years pass i will change my behaviour
Act manfully
Act manfullyStand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
From the curse of our desolation
In our work we must find salvation
Remember man that thou art dust
In the yoke of the cross we trust
Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
The world’s pattern in our undoing
Be reformed in your mind’s renewing
Holy writ, the scholar’s plume
Ignorance of the law is doom.
Brethren, be sober and watch
because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion goeth about
seeking whom he may devour
Whom resist ye, strong in the faith.
But thou, O Lord, have mercy on us.
Thanks be to God.
Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
The grieving Mother stood
Weeping beside the cross
Where Her Son was hanging
the sword has passed.
Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
Stand in faith with deep conviction,
Love thy brethren, endure affliction,
In your scabbard keep your sword,
Holy soldiers of the Lord.
We praise thee, O God : we acknowledge thee to be the Lord.
All the earth doth worship thee : the Father everlasting.
We therefore pray thee, help thy servants :
whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood.
Make them to be numbered with thy Saints : in glory everlasting.
O Lord, save thy people
And bless thine heritage.
Et govern them : and lift them up for ever.
O Lord, in thee have I trusted : let me never be confounded
Act manfully
Stand fast in the faith
Act manfully
And be comforted
Prayer unceasing, sacrifices,
Purge your soul of all its vices,
Quam bonum et quam iucundum,
Habitare fratres in unum.
Act manfully (Lord, Son, Spirit)
Stand fast in the faith (Holy Trinity)
Act manfully (Mary, Angels)
And be comforted (all saints of God)
Seven times a day I praise Thee
I have loved Thy commands that raised me
Let my prayer come near Thy sight
Lead my heart in the way of right.
Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit
Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit
Thou hast redeemed us O Lord, God of truth
I commend my spirit
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto
Into Thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit
I don't say goodbye
It seemed like it was the last timeAnd there's hundreds of miles between us, time is going
I wanted so much, I constantly caught your eye
But everything was like in night dream, and everything is against us
I don't say goodbye to you
There's full moon above the sea far away
I don't say goodbye to you
Fires above waves won't go out
I don't say goodbye to you
I know you're waiting far away
I don't say goodbye to you
My love is with me inside me
It seemed like the ground is slipping from under our feet
And I could not stand on my feet, and you couldn't
I wanted so much to wear wings
To hug world around me from the height of orbits
I don't say goodbye
I don't say goodbye
Estadio Azteca
Versions: #1Holding onto
your empty bottle,
the one that always, had a taste of nothing.
Squeezing my fingers, holding it, giving it my life,
to that avalanche-stopper
When I was a kid
and I met the Estadio Azteca,
I froze up, it overwhelmed me to see the giant,
when I was older that happened to me again,
but I was already frozen long ago...
It's said that there is
It's said that there is,
a world of temptations,
there's also candies
in shape of hearts...
It's said that there is,
bad, good,
It's said that there is kind of.
It's said that there is something to have
that not many of us have,
that not many of us have...
Holding onto,
your empty bottle,
that one that always, had a taste of nothing.
If Only I Could Hold Her
If only I could hold herand not let anyone talk to her
I'd water her with my tears
and present her my heart in my hands
And I'd take years off my lifetime and give them to her
Give them to her .. Give them to her
If only she knew how much I love her
and how much I'm suffering in my love for her
O, my heart, go bring me her heart
I'm gonna melt just thinking about her
I'd take years off my lifetime and give them to her
Give them to her .. Give them to her
If only I could hide her
and not let anyone talk to her
I'd water her with my tears
and present her my heart in my hands
I'd take years off my lifetime and give them to her
Give them to her .. Give them to her
If only she knew how I pray for her
To appear before me just once
This complex problem needs a solution
I've got go to talk about it
I'd take years off my lifetime and give them to her
Give them to her .. Give them to her
If only I could keep her
and not let anyone talk to her
I'd water her with my tears
and present her my heart in my hands
I'd take years off my lifetime and give them to her
Give them to her .. Give them to her
Allah, How much I love you
Allah, How much I love youLove to the point of madness
You are the only one in my life
You are the only one I want to be with
You are my love
I am ill
Versions:I don't dream anymore, I don't smoke anymore,
I don't even have a history anymore.
I'm dirty without you,
I'm ugly without you,
l'm like an orphan in a dormitory.
I no longer feel like living my life,
my life stops when you go.
I no longer have a life and even my bed
turns into a train station platform
when you go.
I'm ill,
completely ill!
Like when my mother would go out at night and she would leave me alone with my despair.
I'm ill,
utterly ill!
You come, one never knows when.
[You go]*, one never knows where.
And soon it's going to be two years
that you don't give a damn.
Like to a rock,
like to a sin,
I'm clinging to you.
I'm tired, I'm exhausted
from pretending to be happy when they're here.
I drink every night
but all the whiskeys,
to me, taste the same
and all the boats fly your flag.
I no longer know where to go
Nice To Meet You (Again)
I say nice to meet you again!We've been apart for so long
I couldn't say how much my heart misses you
Now I'm happy to get together again
Farewells make my heart miss
It's been a long time I haven't looked at your face
Now everything has already passed
Don't let this opportunity miss...
I say nice to meet you again!
We've been apart for so long
I couldn't say how my my heart misses you
Now I'm happy to get together again
I hope that you've remembered our promise
Don't ask me about it anymore
Until now, my heart is still the first
I want to be with you always
I say nice to meet you again!
We've been apart for so long
I couldn't say how my my heart misses you
Now I'm happy to get together again