A keresés eredménye oldal 8
Találatok száma: 239
The Day That You Love Me
The soft murmur of your breathing
Caresses my reverie,
How life laughs
If your black eyes want to see me!
And if you are mine the shelter
Of your light laughter which is like a song,
It allays my wound,
Everything, everything is forgotten . . !
The day that you love me
The roses that emblazon
Will dress themselves up for a celebration
With their best color.
To the wind the bells
Shall say your love is mine
And crazy the fountains
Shall tell me of your love.
The night that you love me
From the blueness of the sky,
The jealous stars
Will look upon us passing
And a mysterious ray
Will make a nest in your hair,
Curious firefly
That will see . . . that you are my solace . . !
Crazy heart, do not sorrow and cry
Crazy heart, don't sorrow and worry
There is certainly laugh after cry
Is the revenge taken on enemy thusly
Everyone gets just one's deserts
The faithful worshipping for God
The heartsick find their degree
The lovers who love disloyal beautiful woman
Are sometimes sad like this
The thing called love is a narrow path
A rosebud pains nightingale
When a beautiful girl is willing
She comes to room desolately
This is a old word which is said from all eternity
Beautiful woman wants money, do not listen to lyric
When a beautiful finds a rich lover
She puts off the broke
Katibi*, be patient, future is near
The disloyal don't look out of your moral right
Do not fall for the disloyal beautiful
She smiles on you
Her name was...
She trembled in my hands
it was her first time,
her name was Martha and from then on
she became mine.
Silently she embraced me
and surrendered to me,
she was a messenger pigeon
who gave me a little bit of happiness.
She stuck a thorn in the center
of my soul and said goodbye,
she left one morning and
she left my house full of pain.
She left me crying that I forget her,
God, if only I could...
she left me crying that I forget her,
God, if only I could...
She was a cloud in the sky
drawn by the wind
and only because of my lie,
despite it all I remember her.
Today it's barely grown,
time has passed and she
doesn't ask for me by name,
nor does she write a letter,
she's forgotten it all.
She stuck a thorn in the center
of my soul and said goodbye,
she left one morning and
she left my house full of pain.
She left me crying that I forget her,
God, if only I could...
she left me crying that I forget her,
God, if only I could...
Her name was Martha
that was her name,
her name was Martha
her name was Martha
that was her name....
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
Old wall
of suburb,
your shadow was
my partner.
Of my childhood
without glory
my friend was
your honeysuckle.
When trembling
my first love,
with its hope
kisses my soul,
me with you,
pure and happy,
I was singing
my first confession.
Blooming honeysuckles
that saw me born
and in the old wall
surprised my love.
Your humble caress
is like the love
first and beloved
that I feel for him.
Blooming honeysuckles
that go climbing,
your arm is tough
and sweet like his.
If every year
your flowers bloom again
make my first love
not to die.
Years passed
and my dellusions
I come to tell you
my old wall..
So I learned
that one must fake
to live
that love and faith
are lies
and of pain
people laughs...
Today that life
has punished me
and taught me
its bitter credo,
old wall
with excitement
I come close to you
and I say like yesterday.
Blooming honeysuckles
that saw me born
and in the old wall
surprised my love.
Your humble caress
is like the love
first and beloved
that I feel for him.
Blooming honeysuckles
that go climbing,
your arm is tough
and sweet like his.
If every year
your flowers bloom again
Why my first love
no more returns?
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The Flame
No. Leave me now, forsake. Don't call me to delight.
To love? - To kill with love - that's love's grace and its height.
One instant I'm in love - the next I go away.
With me there was a day - the night falls when I stray.
I don't love you. I feel remorse for baning you.
Escape, while you still can live with no love in you.
I'll be a millstone weight for child-like joints - a quern.
To shine, to warm? Let go! For I can only burn.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
My girlfriend is called Queca
My girlfriend is called Queca
and Gada is her last name
pronouncing it non-stop
I think is a hassle
but what irritates me
and increases my misfortune
is my last name Verdura
imagine the joke
of calling herself married
Queca Gada de Verdura
I'm seeing a lawyer
who's leaving me broke
to fix this thing
of bad thought names
I have a kilo wasted
in lots of papers
and this idiotic doctor
wants to call me Tocino
and to call my wife
Queca Gada de Tocino
I changed my last name again
and we broke the engagement
but soon luck wanted
to fall in love again
and without asking anything
I married like a stupid
and the patience explodes me
because my wife is now
the sweet and beautiful Mrs
Conche Tina de Ricota
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The melody of the sorrow
Today another summer came for me,
but it doesn’t find you anymore.
You tear up yourself from my soul,
Your heart is far away.
The voice of the drums, hundreds of carnival,
a worn latin guitar,
even though it call’s you dancing
For me the summer has been already died!
Since you have been gone
the wind cries sadly,
and just play on the violin through every night.
Since you have been left me
I can’t even hear the sound of my heart,
only the melody of the sorrow.
I can see only you everywhere,
however I know, you are not been for a long time ago,
today you love is belongs for other,
the distance took you away.
But I still search you, I call you, I want you,
because the lack of you still hurts.
Because of the twilight of our love the landscape turned bloody red again!
Don’t be angry on me, my love, my old(love).
Now my heart belongs to somebody else, and I have a desire to love with him
I leave you now! If only your heart wouldn’t hurt!
I will no longer yours in this world!
Sexy and Paunchy
I’m sexy and paunchy, a scarce set of virtues
I’m what the world wants or what it may be, I’m sexy and paunchy.
I’m a good combination of Homer Simpson and Rolling Stone,
I take advantage of confusion, ‘cause I know I’m sexy and paunchy.
I regard disregard and compassion, I don’t always let things out,
Inside every, every candy today, there’s a paper and it’s written:
Sexy and paunchy.
I owe you the washboard, I’m an old-fashioned type of man
But I know that I can make you happy,
Even being so ugly, but sexy and paunchy.
I regard disregard and compassion, I don’t always let things out,
I’m inside every, every candy, there’s a role and it’s written:
Sexy and paunchy.
Everyone has their nail, and everyone has their cross,
Everyone has their evil side, everyone has a side.
Sexy and paunchy.
I have d’Artagnan’s musket,
And a house with ten pine trees in Saigon,
I show off in class, a boorish type
I’m all-out sexy and paunchy.
Everyone has their nail, and everyone has their cross,
Everyone has their evil side, everyone has a side.
A sexy side, sexy and paunchy.
Paunchy but sexy, paunchy but sexy.
You know that love doesn't listen
I traveled on my own
I was a no good for nothing
Suddenly years have passed
I haven't asked for anything
I have had no luck in love whatsoever
I have never seen love
You know that thing called youth, right
It went by within a smile, I couldn't hold it for a second
Should it happen? It shouldn't happen! Let the problems stay away from you!
Let it go and let it never come back the break ups, never!
Oh god please don't ever take your eyes off me! Ay, ay!
When you tell it to stop, it wont stop! You know that love doesn't listen!
Did you love it or did you not?
Did you stay silent or did you tell it?
If you told me I would've listened,
I couldn't tell my love
Since the day I saw you
Not dying not alive
I have been on fire and cooled back down, I died more than a billion times
I looked and saw it everywhere
Should it happen? It shouldn't happen! Let the problems stay away from you!
Let it go and let it never come back the break ups, never!
Oh god please don't ever take your eyes off me! Ay, ay!
When you tell it to stop, it wont stop! You know that love doesn't listen!
I'll find a talking baglama
I'll find a talking* baglama
like a crying person
so I can hit its cords
and it'll tell my pain
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
There's not enough room for the pain
in my defiant heart
my baglama remains
as my last solace
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
I'll find a talking* baglama
to make him my friend
since no one feels me
i'll die with him
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
*talking/ nagging/
The men of my life
You bathed me and put to sleep
Lifted me back on top of my bike
Healing scratches by breathing on them
When I felt bad and was defying
I found a firm shoulder
A line for my life you showed
The men of my life, strong and tender
The men of my life, great and small
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
You listened and waited
Breaking down my uncertainty
Loving right, you tamed me
The men of my life, strong and tender
The men of my life, great and small
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
In the swing of a playground small carrier of light
The speed and laugh, the bliss on bottom of my tummy
I hold you on my lap, you're always part of me
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
The gift of time,
The gift of heart,
that fears nothing, that fears nothing
Salma Ya Salama (francia nyelvű)
Egy férfi a homokban
A Fák nélküli síkságon
El akarta hagyni a hazáját
Túl a dűnéken által
Hogy szerencsét próbáljon
Mert a paradicsom számára
Nem más mint egy kert
Ahol esik az eső
Salma ya salama
Üdvözöllek ya salama
Salma ya salama
Én visszatérek bessalama
De az embernek a homokban
Ahhoz, hogy ő elutazzon
Nincs egyebe, mint remény az ő szívében
Egy nap mégis megérkezik
Ő megérinti a vízpartot
Megátja maga előtt a virágokat
A boldogság nagy folyóját
Salma ya Salama
Üdvözöllek ya salama
Salma ya salama
Én visszatérek bessalama
Ez csak egy délibáb
Nem volt ott semmilyen folyó
És a jóságos és bőséges
friss és gazdag anyaföld
Nincs ott más, csak homok
Ezért ő folytatja az útját
Egy másik forráshoz
Végül nem talál egyebet,
Mint a szabadság kútját
Salma ya Salama
Üdvözöllek ya salama
Salma ya salama
Én visszatérek bessalama
Láma a nappalimban
A szomszédom kopogott és én óvatosan ajtót nyitottam,
egy kicsit úgy nézett ki mint Ron Jeremy.
Rámkiáltott 'Baszki te kis Albatrosz!',
miközben chipstől és Calvadaoztól bűzlött.
Azt kérdezte mi a franc folyik itt,
mi ez az Isten verte morgás?
Nem úgy hangzik mint a Rock 'n' Roll.
Az mondtam sajnálom, de mutatnom kell valamit,
talán jobb ha tudsz róla.
Így hát beengedtem Őt.
Nem tudom miért,
de hirtelen elájult.
Én azt gondoltam, hát oké,
most már nem tudom tagadni,
hogy egy láma van a nappalimban.
Egy láma a nappalimban,
egy láma a, láma a, láma a, láma a,
láma a, láma a, láma a...
Egy láma van a nappalimban.
Van egy
láma a nappalimban.
Van egy,
van egy láma a nappalimban.
Láttam ahogy a szomszédocskám remeg a földön,
sosem láttam még senkit így ezelőtt.
A konyhaajtóig sem jutott el,
biztosan azt hitte, hogy egy dinoszauruszt látott.
Aztán kinyitotta a szemét és azt kiáltotta 'Megölöm ezt az izét!'
és a nagy kezei enkezdtek lengedezni.
Próbáltam lenyugtatni, azt mondani, hogy mostmár lazuljon,
ez csak a Chow Chow nevű lámám.
Hirtelen felpattant és azt kérdezte 'Mivan?'.
Azt feleltem, sajnálom de nem tudom abbahagyni,
most már tudod mim,
tudod mim van.
Egy láma van a nappalimban.
Egy láma a nappalimban,
egy láma a, láma a, láma a, láma a.
Egy láma van a nappalimban.
Van egy
láma a nappalimban.
Van egy,
van egy láma a nappalimban.
Egy láma van a nappalimban.
Egy láma van a nappalimban.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
Now He's Calling Me
[Intro: Karol G]
Now he's calling me
Saying that his bed misses me
Knowing that I'm not havin' it no more, no more
Now I just wanna go out with my own squad
Because the night is mine
I'm gonna enjoy it without your company
[Pre-chorus: Karol G]
Now I wanna live life, day by day
Anyway, this life is mine, mine
I left with my heart broken and I don't want nothin'
Now I just want the best drinks and clothes brought from Dubai
[Chorus: Karol G]
And call it whatever you want
Whatever you say slides right off me
I'm just living my way
And call me whatever you want
Whatever you say slides right off me
I'm just living my way
[Verse 1: Bad Bunny]
Baby stop stalking, or I'm gonna block you on Instagram
She wants to get back with me and don't give a fuck
And you used up all your strikes
And I'm not gonna talk to you any more than you're liking my pics
I don't have 4 babies, I have 23 like Mike
I'm doing so much better single
I hang, I drink, I smoke, I do everything I want
Don't talk to me about true love
I got a Colombian girl and I stick the whole thing in (yeah)
I'm doin' my thing
The squad that I trust
Grew, and I'm never falling out
Don't fuck around baby and fuck off
[Chorus: Karol G]
And call it whatever you want
Whatever you say slides right off me
I'm just living my way
And call me whatever you want
Whatever you say slides right off me
I'm just living my way
[Verse 2: Karol G]
I love the lifestyle that I've been living for a little bit
I'm single, I do whatever I want and nobody lifts up my skirt
I was naughty before
Now comes the new version and it's naughtier
I'm still making a reputation
After I see that I bring pleasure to my bed
Living in love, I don't miss that anymore
I'm the owner of my life, and no one's in charge of me
(I'm the owner of my life, and no one's in charge of me)
[Bridge: Bad Bunny]
I'm doing so much better single
I hang, I drink, I smoke, I do everything I want
Don't talk to me about true love
I got a Colombian girl and I stick the whole thing in (yeah)
[Pre-chorus: Karol G]
Now I wanna live life, day by day
Anyway, this life is mine, mine
I left with my heart broken and I don't want nothin'
Now I just want the best drinks and clothes brought from Dubai
[Chorus: Karol G]
And call me whatever you want
Whatever you say slides right off me
I'm just living my way
[Outro: Bad Bunny]
Karol G
Bad Bunny baby
(Ovy On The Drums)
Hear This Music, baby
Tell it to Luían
Hiábavaló csilingelés
Sokkal jobban fáj, mint a papír, ha belehasít az ujjadba
A bűntudat nyomot hagy, nem múlik csak úgy el
Ami a szívemen, az a számon
A józan eszem már régen elhagyott
A fülemben számtalan hiábavaló apró csilingelés*
Csak nem rám gondol éppen valaki? Azt hiszi, szeretem
Régen hátrahagytam mindent, elsöpörtem a múltat
Az arcára sem emlékszem már
Hát van a szívemnek olyan része, amit ne tört volna össze?
Valamiért mást tesz, mint amit mond
A hazug embert előbb-utóbb úgyis utolérik...**
Hagyjátok, hadd higgye azt, hogy ő nyert