A keresés eredménye oldal 9
Találatok száma: 451
I remember my mother
I remember the time
While i was still a little girl
Your warm hugs
I really miss
Cold water from the stream
And green lands
They float in my thoughts
While your hands are hugging me
Chorus 2x
Every pain and sadness
That life can give
Go away, mother
When i see you
I remember the time
My maidenly wounds
First tears
That your hands are wiping
Cold water from the stream
And green lands
They float in my thoughts
While your hands are hugging me
Chorus 2x
Every pain and sadness
That life can give
Go away, mother
When i see you
Chorus 2x
Every pain and sadness
That life can give
Go away, mother
When i see you
When i see you
Helen, my Helen
Helen, my Helen
You're my mullet
And if I don't get you
What's the point of my life?
You play and laugh with others
And you leave me all alone
Think on and on
Be sorry about my youth
Your witch mother
I'll come and make her drunk
So she'll fall asleep
And I'll kiss you sweet
So I can tell you my pain
My adored Helen
That I keep within me
And burns my heart
Nem tudom, valaha megtörtént-e ilyen veled
Hogy beragadni nehéz
A fénytől kezdve
Oly' csodás és elkeserítő
Növekszik és elviselem
Ellenállni, hogy engedjem el
Szenzációt ad
Hogy soha nem ér véget
Meg akarom átkozni
A hátrányt 'mely bennem elviselhetetlen
Ez engemet húz
Megöl engemet
Ha elárulom azt, 'mit nem szabad
Nem lehet
És bűnösnek érzem magam
Van valami, 'mi elidegenít
Bennem rí keservesen
Sikítani fogok
Meg kéne bocsájtanom, vagy eltenni láb alól?
Fogalmam sincs, hogyan ítéljék meg
Fáj nekem, mégis magammal cipelték
Megvan az ára
A lelkem a túlsz
Meg akarom átkozni
A hátrányt amely bennem elviselhetetlen
Ez engemet húz
Megöl engemet
Ha elárulom azt, amit nem szabad
Nem lehet
És bűnösnek érzem magam
Megöl engemet
Ha elárulom azt, amit nem szabad
Nem lehet
És bűnösnek érzem magam
Nézem, ahogyan szebbé és szebbé válsz
Minden áldott nappal,
De tegnap szebb voltál mindenkinél, babám
Felébred bennem az ifjú
Egy régi orosz regényből,
Aki megőrül érted,
Őrültebb mindenkinél
Minden lényegtelen volt
Előtted, most már tudom
Csókoltam és ittam,
De egyedül voltam
És az élet nem volt Isten tudja, mi,
Ha azt mondom, hogy szeretlek
Az égig és vissza,
Hunyd le a szemed, és add mézédes ajkad
Bármibe, amit kérsz,
Ma este beleegyezem,
Csak mondj nekem igent
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
És tudd, hogy mindig támaszod leszek,
Nézem, ahogyan szebbé és szebbé válsz
Minden áldott nappal,
Tudd, hogy szépséged elveszi a lélegzetem
Mikor sétálunk,
A boldogság mindig velünk tart
Te nem ismered a könnyeket,
Én nem ismerem a félelmet
Minden lényegtelen volt
Előtted, most már tudom
Csókoltam és ittam,
De egyedül voltam
És az élet nem volt Isten tudja, mi,
Ha azt mondom, hogy szeretlek
Az égig és vissza,
Hunyd le a szemed, és add mézédes ajkad
Bármibe, amit kérsz,
Ma este beleegyezem,
Csak mondj nekem igent
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
És tudd, hogy mindig támaszod leszek,
Járd el velem ezt a táncot,
Míg süt ránk a hold,
E könnyű dalra,
Mely annyira tetszik nekünk,
Hadd vezessen minket az ébredéstől az alvásig ez a melódia
Kivel volt, kivel aludt... Miért érdekel ez titeket?
Mindet beismerte nekem, innentől ez csak ránk tartozik.
Hát nem jóképű? Felőlem kavarhat mindenkivel,
De mindenki tudja, kié a szíve.*
Hát, igen, lányok, irigykedjetek - ez itt mellettem engem szeret.
Én vagyok az, akit kiválasztott, hogy öltöztessen és vetkőztessen
Hát, igen, lányok, irigykedjetek arra, ahogyan néz a szemembe néz.
Többet nem is mondok, már anélkül is rosszul alszotok.
Milyen vagyok, kivel voltam... Már megint kezded?
Akármilyen vagyok, az övé vagyok. Ez zavar titeket, ugye?
Nézzétek, mennyire boldoggá teszem, hadd kavarjon mindenkivel,
De mindenki tudja, kié a szíve.*
Hát, igen, lányok, irigykedjetek - ez itt mellettem engem szeret.
Én vagyok az, akit kiválasztott, hogy öltöztessen és vetkőztessen
Hát, igen, lányok, irigykedjetek arra, ahogyan néz a szemembe néz.
Többet nem is mondok, már anélkül is rosszul alszotok.
French Heels
So sounds the melody of her steps
And the boy already is by the window
The maiden is gone yet again
The boy is alone and restless
So familiar is that sound
He hears it every day
He won't have peace at night either
And even asleep, he waits
He wishes that only for once
Those french heels would halt
And that even for a little time
He would get to see that girl
So sounds the melody of her steps
It's the only song for the boy
Oh, where is his girl?
The boy's heart is so restless
Once by the park gate
He suddenly heard the steps
He knew a word of French
'Cheri', he whispered
So sounds the melody of her steps again
But still, the window is closed
The boy took the girl away
And to his girl, he whistles
And to his girl, he whistles
Talk to me
Every night I go out, I stay up all night
Every night I wander alone
I greet the passersby
I stare at strangers
But compared to you, they all seem
Like ordinary mortals
I notice your beauty
For it to never be messed with
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me. talk to me
If only you knew what you mean to me
Come and steal me tonight, for me to become something to you
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me
If only you knew what I mean to you
Come dance with me tonight, I want you to be mine
Leave if you're not having fun
If this is taking us nowhere
And in the end it is only tiring us
Leave if you're not having fun
Even if you don't care
But before you leave, tell me how I'm gonna take this
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me
If only you knew what you mean to me
Come and steal me tonight, for me to become something to you
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me
If only you knew what I mean to you
Come dance with me tonight, I want you to be mine
It is obvious that you are for me
Stay tonight until the morning comes
Kiss me now, make me yours
Hold me tight I want to become your perfume
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me
If only you knew what you mean to me
Come and steal me tonight, for me to become something to you
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, talk to me
If only you knew what I mean to you
Come dance with me tonight, I want you to be mine
Mostanában annyira távol állsz tőlem
És újabban
Nem is akarlak babynek hívni
Láttam ahogy megöregszünk
Elégetjük a pirítósokat
Az elvárásaim túl magasnak bizonyultak
Rád várok az emeleten
Miért csinálsz úgy mintha ott sem lennék
Édes,olyan mintha
Mintha nem is érdekelne
Miért nem veszed észre hogy milyen ritka vagyok?
Mindig ott vagyok
De te nem teszed ugyan ezt
És ez nem fair
Nincs minden meg
De nem is várom el
De tudom hogy különleges vagyok
És lefogadom hogy van valaki oda mint
Aki azt mondja hogy ritka vagyok
Aki ritkaságnak éreztett
Ne akarsz hogy össze számoljam
Az okokat hogy veled maradjak
Miért és nem futottunk mi ketten be?
Láttam ahogy megöregszünk
Elégetjük a pirítósokat
Az elvárásaim túl magasnak bizonyultak
Rád várok az emeleten
Miért csinálsz úgy mintha ott sem lennék
Édes,olyan mintha
Mintha nem is érdekelne
Miért nem veszed észre hogy milyen ritka vagyok?
Mindig ott vagyok
De te nem teszed ugyan ezt
És ez nem fair
Nincs minden meg
De nem is várom el
De tudom hogy különleges vagyok
És lefogadom hogy van valaki oda mint
Aki azt mondja hogy ritka vagyok
Aki ritkaságnak éreztett
Nem fogok könyörögni neked
Nem fogom engedni hogy megsírass
Nem tudok eleget kapni belőled
Nem tudtad hogy nehezen található vagyok?
Láttam ahogy megöregszünk
Elégetjük a pirítósokat
Az elvárásaim túl magasnak bizonyultak
Rád várok az emeleten
Miért csinálsz úgy mintha ott sem lennék
Édes,olyan mintha
Mintha nem is érdekelne
Miért nem veszed észre hogy milyen ritka vagyok?
Mindig ott vagyok
De te nem teszed ugyan ezt
És ez nem fair
Nincs minden meg
De nem is várom el
De tudom hogy különleges vagyok
És lefogadom hogy van valaki oda mint
Aki azt mondja hogy ritka vagyok
Aki ritkaságnak éreztett
I swear (bad word )
Versions: #2
I don't know,if it has happened to you
To hit hard and deep
From a thunder
Beautiful and sad
That grows you and gets you tired
Resisting to let it go
Gives you a feeling
Without any ending
I want to swear
Every time I can't hold
I hold tears in
It pulls me slowly
I want to murder it/kill it
That (thing) that I can't share/seperate
And it makes me feel guilty
There is something else
In me groans
To scream
To forgive or to kill?
I don't know how to judge
It hurts me but I can handle it
There is a price
This hostage of my soul
I want to swear
Every time I can't hold
I hold tears in
It pulls me slowly
I want to murder it/kill it
That (thing) that I can't share/seperate
And it makes me feel guilty
I want to murder it/kill it
That (thing) that I can't share/seperate
And it makes me feel guilty
Elveszteni téged, hogy szeressem magam
(Verse 1)
A világot ígérted és én elhittem neked,
téged helyeztelek a középpontba és imádtad.
Lángra lobbantottam a belsőmet
és hagytad, hogy égjen.
Hamisan énekelted a dalaimat,
mert nem hozzád tartoztak.
Láttam a jeleket, de nem törődtem velük,
a rózsaszín köd mindent elborított.
Lángra lobbantottad a terveimet
és hagytam őket leégni.
Felizgatott a fájdalom,
amikor nem te szenvedted el, yeah.
Mindig vakon éltük meg,
de el kellett veszítenem téged, hogy megtaláljam magam.
Ez az egész körforgás lassan ölt meg,
úgyhogy meg kellett utálnom téged, hogy szeressem magam, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, yeah.
El kellett veszítenem téged, hogy szeressem magam, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, yeah.
El kellett veszítenem téged, hogy szeressem magam.
(Verse 2)
Mindenem neked adtam és ezt mindenki tudta,
darabokra téptél és ez most már látszik.
Két hónapba telt, hogy túllépj rajtunk,
mintha ez ilyen egyszerű lenne.
A gyógyulás közben azt értem,
hogy megérdemeltem mindezt.
Mindig vakon éltük meg,
de el kellett veszítenem téged, hogy megtaláljam magam.
Ez az egész körforgás lassan ölt meg,
úgyhogy meg kellett utálnom téged, hogy szeressem magam, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, yeah.
El kellett veszítenem téged, hogy szeressem magam, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, yeah.
El kellett veszítenem téged, hogy szeressem magam.
A világot ígérted és én elhittem neked,
téged helyeztelek a középpontba és imádtad.
Lángra lobbantottam a belsőmet
és hagytad, hogy égjen.
Hamisan énekelted a dalaimat.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, yeah.
El kellett veszítenem téged, hogy szeressem magam, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, yeah.
El kellett veszítenem téged, hogy szeressem magam.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, yeah.
És most egy fejezet teljesen lezárul.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, szeressem, yeah.
Szeressem, yeah.
És itt az ideje a búcsúnak, kettőnk búcsújának.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
Helena Lanari's Poem
I like to hear Brazilian Portuguese
Where the words recuperate their total substance
Concrete like neat fruits like birds
I like to hear the word with all of its syllables
Without losing even the fifth of a vowel
When Helena Lanari said 'coconut tree'
The coconut tree became much more plantlike
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
So Cold
Something's breaking inside me,
Didn't you hear it?
You're killing me
With this glance,
You're killing me
With this glance that has nothing,
Nothing for me.
You're killing me
With these lips,
You're killing me
With these lips that lack any
Thirst for me.
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (
Oh, well, I tried anything. (
There's no thirst…)
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (
There is)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (
You stay away,
You don't touch me anymore
And as silent as a stone,
Closed in your castle,
You're looking down on me
And something deep inside me
Is breaking apart, (
Something's breaking deep inside me.)
Didn't you hear? (
Something's breaking, didn't you hear?)
You're losing me… Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (
Oh, well, I tried anything. (
There's no thirst…)
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (
There is)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (
All around me appear
Faces in love.
With arms in love they hug
Bodies in love.
With a loud laughter I hide away
How lonely I am.
…So cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (
Oh, well, I tried anything. (
There's no thirst…)
Why are you being so cold?
Why are you being so cold?
Didn't I give you all? (
There is)
Oh, well, I tried anything. (
…So cold? (
You stay away…)
…So cold? (
Don't you want me anymore?)
Nothing… (
Didn't I give you all?)
There's no (
I tried anything…)
Thirst for me.
There is nothing.
EN: If you have any suggestions about improving a translation (even if I haven't enabled the proofreading option), feel free to do so, I'll be really grateful for your help. In case you would like to use any of my translations anywhere, all I would like you to do in return is nothing but to mention where you've taken it from, and to notify me if possible. After all, other people's content should be given proper credit, right?
BG: Ако в някой превод има нещо, което не ви звучи добре (дори и да не съм включил опцията за проверка на превода), не се стеснявайте да ми кажете – ще съм благодарен за помощта. В случай че бихте искали да използвате който и да е от преводите ми някъде, бъдете така добри да споменете откъде сте го взели и по възможност да ме уведомите. Все пак чуждият труд е редно да се цени, нали така?
Létre hozok csak neked egy világot
Mert a mostani túl kicsi és soha nem fogod megtalálni
Azt aki majd meggyógyítja a nagy szíved, ha valaki megbántja
Az idő nem múlik a gravitáció nélkül
És még ha a hazugok igazat is mondanak
Lesz egy házunk a Marson időmegosztásban
Te vagy a hercegnő, aki ha megcsókol egy békát
Herceg lesz belőle
A testőr leszek, aki mindig melletted van
Aki neked adja az életét
A rosszak már eltűntek a veteránok miatt
Vissza kellett, hogy vonuljanak
Aztán jött egy cigány, aki a tenyeredből olvasott
Azt mondta nekem, hogy repülni fogsz
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Veszek neked egy dinoszauruszt akit Juannak fognak hívni
Ezerszer több ereje van mint Szupermannek
Hogy nyaralni mehessen repülve
Mert egy kicsit nagy ahhoz, hogy furgonba üljön
Ha minden szeretetünket leírom egy darab papírra
És az összes történetünk a tengeren van
Ha arra hajózol, elolvashatod őket
Így egy új világot hozol létre
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Szeretni foglak
Szeretni fogsz engem
Még ha nincs is tökéletes végzet amit neked adhatnék
Csak neked fogom megírni, ki kell, hogy találjam
Habár nem ismerlek, nem ismerlek jól
Van valami a szememben, ami mindig a tiéd lesz
És minden éjszaka egy új történetet hozok létre
Mert egész életemben az én Elenám leszel
It doesn’t matter from where you’re writing now
lyrics Sergei Ivkin - at vk.com/vershitell
music Alexei Belyaev – at bards.ru
perf. Elena Bushueva - at
translation by Dmytro Zelenskyy -- August 30, 2016
It doesn’t matter from where you’re writing now, dear -
which shore or life stage,
doesn’t matter which language your children will have to learn there –
is it English, Hebrew, or French,
whatever the country you’re in, on which side –
of planet, or river Styx -
doesn’t matter, because all we have - is to say
memorizing some pic[ture]s.
And even if it smells and sounds like immigrants’ woes –
like Bruegel, like Brodsky,
That’s how it’s repeating itself, dear, once… –
once you feel yourself as an orphan.
We grow through each other besides any
actual contacts.
We all are connected to something Above,
we are Whole in the Common -
you know this now.
* There is nobody who’s love is fairy
/// by Dmytro Zelenskyy – 11/29/2016
There is nobody who’ll love us, fairy,
like was promised in early days.
Each September tacks ring to tree’s belly -
nothing more needs be said.
Time is chipping off nutshells from our selves,
what’s inside - will be visible then.
Do not kiss my forehead – buss the thin* bays,
walk me through to the end.
To the corner, to border, to edge…
It is grace now to live any place.
The eternity grows in us, stretching
unforgettable* [irreplaceable] days.
We are funny with blank* superstition,
touching hands makes us tremorring still…
Golden autumn in* final transition [does]
executing my will…
There is nobody who’ll love us fairy,
like was promised in early days.
* There is nobody who’s love is fairy
I'm going to invent a world just for you
Because this one is very small and you will never find
Who heals such a big heart if it's badly wounded
The years won't pass nor the seriousness
And even liars will tell the truth
We will have a house on Mars in timeshare
You are the princess which if kisses a toad
A prince will be found
I will be the soldier who always by your side
Will give you his life
The villains were gone that already by veterans
They had to retire
Then a gypsy came and reading your hand
He told me that you were going to fly
I will love you
You will love me
If there is not a perfect end to give it to you
I'm going to write it just for you, I'll have to invent it
I buy you a dinosaur named Juan
He has a thousand powers like Superman
To go on vacation he has to fly
Because it's a little big and it doesn't fit in the van
If all our love I write it on a piece of paper
And all our stories are on the sea
When you are navigate you can read them
So that you can invent a new world
I will love you
You will love me
If there is not a perfect end to give it to you
I'm going to write it just for you, I'll have to invent it
I will love you
You will love me
If there is not a perfect end to give it to you
I'm going to write it just for you, I'll have to invent it
Although I don't know you, I know you well
There is something in my eyes which you will always have
And every night I will invent a new story
Because all life you will be my Elena
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
Big Party
I'm still going to win the Festival
With a song of macramé
I will appear on a newspaper cover
Flaunting an alligator
I hope your mouth drops to the floor
'Cause I'm ready for the big party
And you with a cigar and wearing a robe
With a harpoon sticked to your forehead
I still hope to be a hurricane
To have a waist of a ballet dancer
Dragging my jewels on the floor
Waving from a chaffeured Porsche
I hope your mouth drops to the floor
'Cause I'm ready for the big party
And you with a cigar and wearing a robe
With a harpoon sticked to your forehead
I still hope to have something carnal
In my chalet's armchair
To kill this cannibal hunger
'Cause I'm so tired of coffee
I hope your mouth drops to the floor
'Cause I'm ready for the big party
And you with a cigar and wearing a robe
With a harpoon sticked to your forehead
'Cause I'm ready for the big party
O'er The Edge Of Our Town
O'er the edge of our town
Foxbat MiG was flying by,
On the logs I've fallen down,
Popped my cherry on the fly.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Gloria, barely 15
She's run away from from home
Her jeans are tight, her hair is long
She's looking for dreams
In the streets of the big city
Scared of missing out
On what all the others have got
If you only listen closely
You'll hear the devil laugh
Through the neon-lit night he's shouting: 'Gloria!'
Gloria, you're trying hard
Inside of you, a fierce hunger for life
Is burning like a fire
Invisible voices are shouting:
'You'll be free' – they're shouting: 'Gloria!'
Gloria (Gloria), you keep thinking:
'I'll lose all my chains now'
'The night is full of songs'
But if you only listen closely
You'll hear the devil laugh
Through the neon-lit night he's shouting: 'Gloria!'
A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha
Gloria, you still believe in miracles
You've got to learn how to fight
For whoever is weak will go down here
Don't let anyone take away your future
Don't let anyone take away your smile
The dream enticing you is as sweet as poison
But tears are bitter
If you only listen closely
You'll hear the devil laugh
Through the neon-lit night he's shouting: 'Gloria!'
Gloria, you're trying hard
Inside of you, a fierce hunger for life
Is burning like a fire
Invisible voices are shouting:
'You'll be free' – they're shouting: 'Gloria!'
Gloria (Gloria), you keep thinking:
'I'll lose all my chains now'
'The night is full of songs'
But if you only listen closely
You'll hear the devil laugh
Through the neon-lit night he's shouting: 'Gloria!'
I watch as you fade away
I recognize your style: you don’t appreciate fakes
Don’t stress the playlist
And begin to turn up the sounds
I fix the colors in the photo
Why is all the light here?
We begin the dangerous dance
And tomorrow it’ll all be normal again
Share, share with me
Share your mood
Your stormy and turbulent feelings
What are we doing so late in the morning?
But our bodies are so drunk
We go into the noir, we’ve got zip
What are we doing so late in the morning?
But our bodies are so drunk
After all, we got zip, and we go into the noir.
You search through thousands of words.
The blood running under our skin is warm.
You can hide, you are selfish
I don’t give a damn, just smile!
We’ll mix the fuels and go
Shot with one round
We start to dance a dangerous dance
And tomorrow it’ll all be normal.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.
Set the Battery Down
Set the battery down, I don’t have time for this
I’ll tell you about tastes and trivia
There is only an address, and there they fell in love.
See you there, see you there.
Mind your words and close your eyes.
And I kiss you intimately
Mind your words and close your eyes
But when you’re with her don’t mention us
It is visible in the mirror how the stars fade
And why do I go crazy without you
And for a moment under the ashen sky it begins to warm up
Don’t warm up yet, oh, come on not yet.
Set the battery down, I don’t have time for this
I’ll tell you about tastes and trivia
There is only an address, and there they fell in love.
See you there, see you there.
Mind your words and close your eyes.
And I kiss you intimately
Mind your words and close your eyes
But when you’re with her don’t mention us
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.
Body Curves (Body Contours)
Just kiss sincerely
Otherwise, I don’t want another one
And from your eyes, sparks begin to fly
In which I drown.
(We’re) Pure in our style
We leave shadows
And the sounds around the apartment
Leave no traces to where we are.
Only the smooth curves of our bodies
From the dark coffee walls
(I) See how you’re
Keeping me crazy.
Only the smooth curves of our bodies
From the dark coffee walls
With every breath
We fall deeper in love
Losing it all
(We’re) Like moths in the light
Casting sharp shadows
And how many hours we’ve been at it
Have been lost
(We’re) Pure in our style.
We cast shadows
And the sounds around the apartment
Leave no traces to where we are
Only the smooth curves of our bodies
From the dark coffee walls
(I) See how you’re
Keeping me crazy.
Only the smooth curves of our bodies
From the dark coffee walls
With every breath
We fall deeper in love
Losing it all (x2)
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.
God made the universe in seven days, the big and the insignificant
He made man, too, both small and superhuman
They were all made with wisdom, with love, and with substance
And on the eighth day, he made the Greek
And so he solved the world's greatest riddle
And so the world became more wise, more beautiful, more amorous with God's will...
God made the unobtrusive in seven days, he blessed love.
He made everything proper, a world without borders
Everything was made with wisdom, with love, and with substance.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
It seems to me that every fall,
Your voice is opiate for me.
That it sounds an express despatch,
Which delights us at the same time,
It seems to me marvel, I dont kneel,
Going and having a good cry to you,
And coming down to our yard,
Standing there as Aznavour himself.
Standing and singing to me, who likes whom,
I love you for sure, you love me conceivably.
Singing to me, to I could sleep.
It seems to me marvel, I dont kneel,
Going and having a good cry to you,
And coming down to our yard,
Standing there as Aznavour himself.
Standing and singing to me, who likes whom,
I love you for sure, you love me conceivably.
Singing to me, to I could sleep.
Standing and singing, standing and singing to me...
The better ones stay
I respect the law…
So that the chosen ones vanquish,
The better ones stay
The better ones stay
I benefit with my performance,
Entitlement to live like a gladiator...
The better ones stay
The better ones stay
Step in the dark
I looking for a umbra,
Flight from cobwebs,
And it seems to us that it is bad dream,
Of broken transparent people
Around us 3x,
Somebody will believe with difficulty,
That life's not at stake,
To survive the first of the last,
Calendar days.
Perhaps in the next century,
Everything is changing for the better.
A black angel goes to bed,
We wont tell a lie anymore.
I know, one world is not enough for us
Dreams arent safe anymore.
Step in the dark 2x,
It is not impossible to live above the abys, we will go there, where we can dream.
Step in the dark 2x,
We lose more every now and then,
Rub has no face each time,
But the craving is the same,
With slight participation,
We pass through wall.
That won't stop us.
Somebody will believe with difficulty,
That life's not at stake,
To survive the first of the last,
Calendar days.
I know, one world is not enough for us
Dreams arent safe anymore.
Step in the dark 2x,
It is not impossible to live above the abys, we will go there, where we can dream.
Step in the dark 2x,
Today is not the best, so you wish something...
Tiltott szerelem
Ma látni akarlak egy kis őrült vágyakozással
Remélem, ez a pillanat, amikor hallgattam a hangodat
És mikor végre igazán együtt vagyunk,
Már nem számít, mit mond anyukát és apukád
Itt most csak a szerelmünk számít, szeretlek
A tiltott szerelmet morogják az utcán
Mert különböző társadalmakból vagyunk
A világon mindenki azt mondja nekünk: tiltott szerelem
A pénz nem számít se neked, se nekem
És a szívnek sem...o-ó, bébi
Bár szegény vagyok, minden, amit neked adok
Többet ér, mint a pénz, mert, igen, ez a szerelem
És mikor végre igazán együtt vagyunk,
Nem számít, mit fog mondani a társadalom
Itt most csak a szerelmünk számít, szeretlek
Refrén (x3)
Aimless All-nighters
The guilt was always protecting your faults
You say that you weren't to blame yet you seek forgiveness
Your new path seems excellent
But unfortunately I won't change my opinion
Don't ask me to overturn the situation
But find the courage to look into the mirror
I will be a representation for you
It's clear that you're not going to change
And don't make aimless all-nighters for me
I'm not returning to lost years
Nothing changes, you are nothing
And you remain, let bygones be bygones.
And don't make aimless all-nighters for love
Don't drink sees to drown a tear
Nothing changes, on top of the waves
May you fall and tonight it won't become anything
It won't become anything...
It won't become anything...
Now your shame has already become an accomplice
To a crime of love without fear
How much I wanted you to come out of the abyss
You were lost with your own way.
I won't accept your returns, that I swear
I leave you here on your lie to live
There is no other meaning to you for me to care about
It's late, I don't want you to come back.
And don't make aimless all-nighters for me
I'm not returning to lost years
Nothing changes, you are nothing
And you remain, let bygones be bygones.
And don't make aimless all-nighters for love
Don't drink sees to drown a tear
Nothing changes, on top of the waves
May you fall and tonight it won't become anything
It won't become anything...
It won't become anything...
And don't make aimless all-nighters for me
I'm not returning to lost years
Nothing changes, you are nothing
And you remain, let bygones be bygones.
And don't make aimless all-nighters for love
Don't drink sees to drown a tear
Nothing changes, on top of the waves
May you fall and tonight it won't become anything
It won't become anything...
It won't become anything...
I Wish
I wish for light in darkened nights
I wish that we would not stay lost
I wish for joy in chores and work
When it gets better
And these worries fade away, I wish
For your warming hand in my hand
I wish
(I wish)
For a smile up to my eyes
I wish for a touching look
I wish that one could actually
Love, as if for the first time
Dreams can finally pass, I wish
For the bubbling bliss of life
I wish comfort for the lonely
I wish for bridges between us, I wish
Warmth for those in need, it alone will keep the heart safe
And guard it the best, I wish
That those fears of ours might die
That one could actually
Love, as if for the first time
Dreams can finally pass, I wish
For the bubbling bliss of life
I wish for the serenity of a child
I wish for belief in the power of love
I wish for a path towards the new
And for inner peace, as I go
Trusting in tomorrow again
I wish
(I wish)
For our faded hope to come true
That one could actually
Love, as if for the first time
Dreams can finally pass, I wish
For the bubbling bliss of life
Full moon melody
I saw a black heron
Giving a combat to a river
Like this it’s how your heart fall in love
with mine
Full waning moon, moon, moon
Full waning moon, moon, moon
Let go my boy to the house
And bring me back the rifle
To shoot this sparrow hawk
which doesn’t leave me hens
The moon is looking at me
I don’t know what it seeing me
I have clean clothing
Yesterday I washed it
Full waning moon,moon moon
Full waning moon, moon, moon
7 enchanted days, zen and full of sin
Without lipstick and foundation
7 cursed days, sometimes I keep you far
And everything's a mess, clearly
And it's cold, hot
But you're cold, hot
You're worth ten, I burn intermittently.
And it's cold, hot
But you're cold, hot
You're worth ten, can I call you turboman?
You have a stamp which gets you out in your ID card
You don't need to make any sense
What's yours is put aside, sometimes you're carried away
I don't know how but I still love you
Without, without, without, without thinking
I'd choose you anyhow
I'd choose you anytime, without blinking
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
I take as much as you give me
There is one me, there is one you
in order to meet in love
You´re so beautiful, like a picture
I´m here to keep you from being alone
I don´t have any plan
but I have a weak side
Firstly, you need to know that
I take as much as you give me
it would be good a little bit of love
and that you kiss me slowly, like that, somehow
and everything else, and everything else come naturally
There is one road, it follow us
like we´re walking among the stars
there is one verse, there are a lot of them
I wrote them all just for you
I don´t have any plan
but I have a weak side
I don´t have any plan
but I have a weak side
And everything else, and everything else come naturally