Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 13


Flag high

The sun has set, it took our dreams away
Black emptiness is yawning over us
Is it right for us to daydream today?
Dreams certainly won't feed our children
Is it right to remain in oblivion,
To hurt ourselves and people around endlessly?
And where our life starts?
Merciless centuries stole our dreams
We were dreaming about the future that's already gone
Europe is burning but what does it mean today?
Life is a story of one man
Can we wait for a turning point endlessly?
Look into our eyes, they're fixed at the sky all the time
Crying over miserable vain desires
Is it possible to persevere when the sun is already gone?
Whose fault is that our life is failed?
Egoism and pride burnt these fields
But they could yield such wonderful crop...
We're waiting for dawn in vain, so naive
Dreaming that everything will build itself on its own
We're so carefree, still without any sense of guilt
Dreams certainly won't feed our children
But somehow nobody wants to understand
The flag is high but the hands are still idle

I will come back to you, I will

Last stop is the beach
the world here is ours
in the shade I dream secretly
when I come back again
The time is coming
when you're done waiting
adieu blue sea
adieu white beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
only a few more days keeps us away
I know you miss me
like a sea misses a beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
if you still keep hoping
To the banks of Hron
where our motherland is.
Hey, hey, folks, everyone hands, hands
Hey, hey, hop
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Magical tones
nights in Adriatic
From the sea resounds
a wanting call
In my mind I fly
where my home is
from the fields and slopes
I wave to the morning 1
(Let's go!)
Come back, I will come back, I will
Hey, hey, now all the ladies scream
Fantastic, excellent
Oh ey, now let's go once more
everyone hands, hands, hands
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
only a few more days keeps us away
I know you miss me
like a sea misses a beach
I will come back, I will come back to you, I will
if you still keep hoping
To the banks of Hron
where our motherland is.
  • 1. In the attached video, they instead sing 'I wave to the distance'

She was digging a well

She was digging a well, she was looking into it,
whether it is as deep, as it is wide,
she'd jump into it, oh, she'd jump into it.
And from that she let a peacock drink,
a young lad is asking, a young lad is asking,
to which lord do i belong, oh, to which lord do i belong?12
Do not ask young lad, 'cause i myself don't know,
come over in the evening, come over in the evening,
you'll get to know from mother, oh, you'll get to know from mother.
  • 1. Text switches from 3rd person singing about the girl, to the girl singing about herself in 1st person.
  • 2. For those who speak Slovak as well and seeing that the translation doesn't fit, do not worry, I know what I'm doing.

You are the woman that I love madly

We met in the spring
When the flowers were blooming in the meadows
I had picked the most beautiful roses as a gift for you
And I gave you all my love
You are the woman that I love madly
And the one my heart hopes for
I hope to see you again in my life
In the early spring
I could never forget
The summer we spent together
The touch of your hand,the tears in our eyes
Our farewell when we said goodbye
You will be in my heart forever
Even though you're far away from me
I have heard that you didn't find happiness with him
So come and stay with me

Crazy Sea

I never know what the night has in store for me
When stillness spreads across the harbour while it sleeps
Then I wonder if the moon still sleeps inside her hair
And I let myself to some sea of mine to carry me
Crazy sea, my crazy sea
How am I to calm you down?
When I shout that I'm coming
When I spread my arms for you.
Crazy sea, my crazy sea
You knock down all my castles
And every dawn you leave
Just pain in my soul
What are you hiding from me, my sea of dreams? Tell me now.
Did she go away from me or is he looking for me?
And so I sail like an abandoned ship, waiting for a miracle
As the crazy sea melts with the horizon somewhere


They woke the tiger in me
They said “You’ll never learn to be something great”
Grandma said “Live more if you have time”
So I said goodbye and left the village
I’m more than the ability to move mountains
Turning everything grey into colour
I’m gonna figure out who I am
During my journey of discovery
Life is an adventure
Beyond the village, my adventure begins
And there along the road I caught sight
Of a girl with black eyebrows
We got married in clothes of silk
The dress she wore was sown by my mom
And we danced to the music the folk singer played
Everyone from the village had come there
Grandma had walked her last mile
Stroked my cheek and whispered
“When she gets lost, be her beacon”
With butterflies in my stomach on an adventure
With butterflies in my stomach on an adventure
Life is an adventure
Beyond the village, my adventure begins
Life is an adventure
The years have passed, I’m older now
It’s been too long since I’ve seen my wife
My journey is reaching its end soon
My son, now it’s your turn to go out
Catch a butterfly but let it fly
Further on a new adventure
Life is an adventure
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Proofreading and corrections are encouraged// Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar


This my tribute, this is my story
A legend that the world should know
A salutation, worthy of commemoration
A gratitude that you were born
Unbelievable, the're like a superhero
They face every challenge, some of which are no joke
They have a mission so they go head on fearless
Lives that rely on their dream
Like a movie, action, adventure, drama
There's some comedy, love story for the commonfolk
Started from nothing, you thought it's over then,
It's revealed they're the hero leaving folks speechless1
In shouting, yelling, celebration
The world's left wondering, a unique occasion
Raise your hand and yell a 'hey' (hey)
This is your day, the Filipino hero
We salute
The heroes that exhibit their skills in this league of life
We salute
The champions, the greats who never give up, never hesitates
We salute
With inspiration, additional power
Thanks to you choose the right path
We salute
We salute you all, salute
No plan to give up, no plan to fall apart
Only success, they give nothing but their whole heart
Faced every wall, even abuse
Remains faithful to their dream until they gain fame
The positive life is an aggresive one
That's why they're hailed Filipino Heroes
Heads high even if snub-nosed2, didn't fail, get confused, or stopped
Now the critics are all silent
They now say that same words as you do
Until they became trending, garnered many likes, will never be forgotten
Front page, headlines, they will be talk of the town
We gather for hope, a hope that never runs out
They gave it all, until the very end
Alive and well, neverending
We salute
The heroes that exhibit their skills in this league of life
We salute
The champions, the greats who never give up, never hesitates
We salute
With inspiration, additional power
Thanks to you choose the right path
We salute
We salute you all, salute
They say there's no hope but they fight on
They say it's impossible but they did not fear
They say it's hard but the pursued
So that's why now they just let them be
When they retreated, they pushed forward
When they fell, they didn't get drowned
They learn how to work in the water of faith
God serves as their charm so that's why they can do it all
We salute
When I grow up I like to be like you
We salute
We take pride in you to the whole world
We salute
You're the reason why I will not give up
We salute
Sincerely thanking you, you're a legend
We salute
The heroes that exhibit their skills in this league of life
We salute
The champions, the greats who never give up, never hesitates
We salute
With inspiration, additional power
Thanks to you choose the right path
We salute
We salute you all, salute
  • 1. 'paos' means someone who has hoarse voice
  • 2. A common stereotypical feature of someone who is ethnic Filipino.


As always, again,
the new year came and I bought it,
laying in the sand I read all
the chinese book that increases faith.
The tarot told me,
this is my year, finally it is,
I'll flirt a lot at the club,
I'll have health, money and love.
But april pulled my petals and I'm still alone,
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
In the year of the horse, may, alone,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
Harassing the ichi
I achieved a veredict of a better time,
I stimulated the Chakras and the chi,
I feeded my inner being.
This time I felt it,
that fortune would come to me,
that the planets would align,
that I'd have a clean sweep in Mar del Plata.
I sold my soul to the devil,
and the unsold fish.
I removed my hair on winter
because I don't lose my faith.
And now we're on august,
alone, on deficit,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
In the year of the horse, alone, in comma
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
And december found me again naked,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My heart ain't crazy

It ain't my eyes' fault,
don't know what happened to 'em
Many have seduced them
And so did you
My heart ain't crazy
don't know what happened to it
It took off like a bird
To be wounded by you
My soul ain't sinful
don't know what happened to it
It agreed that you punish it
with solitude