Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 12

Találatok száma: 407


American Dragon (Opening 02)

It's a volcano
a freezing sol
Here, he will be who will take control,
it's almost supernatural, he's American Dragon
He'll defeat any rival using his powers,
with his dragon body, and his burning fire.
He's so strong,
American Dragon, (x2)
He's American Dragon.
He practices, and is very skilled with is teacher,
it's his destiny, and his reason
today his legacy has came into action.
Amercan Dragon.
From J to A
and from K to E
The coolest dragon, you'll ever see.
Just learning.

O my beautiful beloved

O my beautiful beloved with a face glowing like Venus,you're not aware
that you 're still lovely and I'm still young.
I would love to sacrifice my life for you.
This liveliness, this joyfulness in you isn't to be found anywhere else.
This art of winning hearts in you isn't to be found anywhere else.
I've got both the worlds in your eyes.
If you say a few sweet words with a smile,
it intoxicates my heartbeats even today.
My darling, I'm your lover for eternity.


Why did you forget what I did for you
How much I miss those eyes
How much desire for you
Do you want to return one day?
To go away with you as far as possible
Even in our dreams we are together
And at once I want to tell you
That I can't live without you
I never stopped
With you Alea Alea Alea
Uh baby girl Alea Alea
Oh how much feelings
Only with you uh Alea
We are everywhere together
Uh Alea Uj Alea
Uh you ah you, you Alea
Alea Alea Alea uh Alea
Where did you leave them , where did yiu leave them
The things you told me
Do you have, do you have
Memories from us
With you I want to be every moment
Uh remember
That I donct have anything to do without you
My soul
Even if you won't come tomorrow
Uh remember
That without you my heart hurts
My soul
Oh how much feelings
Only with you uh Alea
We are everywhere together
Uh Alea Uj Alea
Uh you ah you, you Alea
Alea Alea Alea uh Alea
Where did you leave them , where did yiu leave them
The things you told me
Do you have, do you have
Memories from us

sparkling couple

I was chasing the ending season
sandals removed, watching the sparkling waves
listening carefully to your mellow words
gazing up at the fleeting sky, hand in hand
I don't want memories that pass me by
but let me hear your voice as if time's melody will never fade
Stars of sand sway to the twinkling ocean
a couple lying down flat and melting into the white moon
I don't want memories that pass me by
but let me hear your voice as if time's melody will never fade

Halló Amerika

azt mondta neki, van egy hely, olyan, mint a mennyország,
át az óceánon egy 747-esen,
modern világban élünk.
Röviddel ezután tényleg megtudta,
milyen átszelni a nagy kék óceánt,
modern világban élünk.
Műholdon keresztül olcsón beszélünk,
de mindaz, amit kapok,
sima információ, még mindig itt vagyok,
automatikus újratárcsázás.
Halló Amerika (nem megy át az üzenet),
Halló Amerika (ennyit mondott),
Halló Amerika (ott kell lennie),
Halló Amerika (hagyott egy számot nekem),
Halló Amerika …
De csak egy műholdhoz beszélek,
minden éjjel, kétezer mérföldre innen, fent az égben,
modern világban élünk.
Csak ennyit kellett tennem, hogy felveszem a telefont,
az éterben vagyok, próbálok beszélni valakivel,
modern világban élünk.
Hagyott egy számot, amit hívhatok,
de nincs ott senki (de senki),
biztos valami elromlott,
a szám csak csörög, csörög és csörög …
Halló Amerika (nem megy át az üzenet),
Halló Amerika (ennyit mondott),
Halló Amerika (ott kell lennie),
Halló Amerika (hagyott egy számot nekem),
Halló Amerika …
Azt mondta, hív, amikor eltűnt egy időre,
talán hiányzom neki ott a messzi távolban,
modern világban élünk.
Halló Amerika (nem megy át az üzenet),
Halló Amerika (ennyit mondott),
Halló Amerika (ott kell lennie),
Halló Amerika (hagyott egy számot nekem),
Halló Amerika …
Halló Amerika, halló Amerika,
Halló Amerika, halló Amerika …

Gyerekek Amerikában

Egy koszos, öreg ablakon nézek ki
Odalent a kocsik a városban tovasuhannak
Itt ülök egyedül és azon gondolkozom, miért
Péntek este és mindenki mozog
Érzem a forróságot, de az megnyugtató
Lemegyek, keresem a ritmust ebben a koszos városban
A belvárosba mennek a fiatalok
A belvárosban nőnek a fiatalok
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek Amerikában
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek Amerikában
Mindenki az örök zenéért él
Ragyogó fények, a zene felgyorsul
Nézd, fiú, ne nézz az órádra, ne vess rá még egy pillantást
Nem megyek most el, édesem, semmi esély rá!
A nagyágyúk nem okoznak problémát
Később, bébi, azt mondod majd 'mindegy'
Tudod, hogy az élet kegyetlen, az élet sosem kedves
Kedves szívek nem írnak új történeteket
Kedves szívek nem ragadják meg a dicsőséget
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek Amerikában
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek Amerikában
Mindenki az örök zenéért él
Gyere közelebb, édesem, így jobb
Kell új tapasztalatokat szerezni, jól érezni magad
Oh, ne is próbálj megállni, bébi, fogj szorosan!
Kint egy új nap virrad
Kint a külváros terpeszkedik mindenfelé
Nem akarok menni, bébi
New Yorktól kelet Kaliforniáig
Jön egy egy új hullám, figyelmeztetlek
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek Amerikában
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek Amerikában
Mindenki az örök zenéért él
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek
Mi vagyunk a gyerekek Amerikában

The South American Woman

Verse 1
It's a secret, the love that I have here inside
And even if we wasted time
Because life separated us
And I, and I without you
I can't laugh, I can't live
This is killing me
And the magic in the night takes me to you
I remember that you told me before going
That there isn't love like the love of a Latina
Ay ay ay, Latina like (Oooh)
The South American woman
She leaves you with desire, your heart leaps (I want your heart)
Ay ay ay, Latina like (Oooh)
The South American woman
She leaves you with desire, your heart leaps (I want your heart)
Verse 2
I feel you, and I hear your voice in the wind
My heart loves fearlessly
I know that you feel the same
And I, and I without you
I can't laugh, I can't live
This is killing me
And the magic in the night takes me to you
And even if we are between two continents
There isn't love like the love of a Latina
She wants to know, wants to know if I'm loyal, loyal
To know if I will be the master of her skin, skin
And I want her, nama nama
And I have what she needs
She doesn't just want adventure, I know that
She can be seen from afar
She has what I like
That turns me on
Modeling, the South American woman kills me
And I want her for me
I without you (I without you)
And you without me (and it's because I want you)
We are like the sun and the moon, separated
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Amerikai Sportok

Szóval amikor lepillantasz a Föld bolygóra kintről, a világűrből
Az letörli azt az ostoba ábrázatot a képedről?
Láttam ezt az atmoszférát a csatatér felett
Elvesztettem a pénzt, elvesztettem a kulcsaim
De még mindig az aktatáskához vagyok bilincselve
És soha nem gondoltam volna, egy millió éven belül sem
Hogy olyan sok szeretővel találkoznék
Visszakérhetném a pénzem?
A virtuális valóság maszkom rászorult a parlamenti verekedésekre
Vészhelyzetbeli elem csomagom pont időben a heti csevegésemhez
Istennel videóhívással
Fontos hírek veszik az igazságot és folyósítják
Az edző magyarázatát az utaskísérő fogadta el
Egy montázs a legutóbbi ókori romokról
Megzenésítve a 'te nem tudod mit teszel' kórus által
És nem gondoltam volna, egy millió év múlva sem
Hogy ennyi szeretővel fogok találkozni
És az összes izmok általi megbánásom felrobban a szemeim mögött, akár az amerikai sportok
És nem gondoltam volna, egy millió év múlva sem
Hogy ennyi szeretővel fogok találkozni


What can I remember first
About your two eyes
Which victim they made me
And I run away from you to be saved
I fell in love with you,
And I got lost,
From everyone totally
But you're done and I erase you fortunately
Rights, I will give now, to everyone that asks you..
I fell in love with you, you betrayed me
But now I live again
Thousands of colours and names will give me the night
In other bodies, the day will find me
What can I remember first
From your hug now, I?
It looked like summer that turned into winter in one minute
I fell in love with you
And I found myself at the edge of the cliff
Now my nights,
Belong somewhere else

Murderer United States

Get out of my country
Murderer, murderer United States
You have used up us for years
Murderer, murderer United States
She antagonizes a state to another
She lies down in an ambush like a dog
She makes them shed their blood, she sells guns
Murderer, murderer United States
The brat who ate Japan
The only regret of the world
Hypocrite prostitute nation
Murderer, murderer United States
She fools people by saying that ice is water
We became unwary submissively
The world's nastiest
Murderer, murderer United States
The contemptible contagion of the human
The half of the world is vexed with her
The filthy wife of Vietnam
Murderer, murderer United States
Mahzuni Şerif, don't sleep through
The time is up, it got dark
Greetings from us to Vietnam
Murderer, murderer United States

Sverige (US of America)

Now let's go with a nice song here then,
would you like to start then, Tore
and read from the top up here
Sweden where the wind is sizzling through birch trees and the rivers are rushing,
where we walk on top of mist covered mountains and deep valleys
though fir forest and pine trees' halls
up onto lingonberry-red grass lands we walk past cottages
we hear birds chirping and midsummer girls giggling
thou ancient, thou free, do you want to live or die,
now it's your turn
I thank the roadwork department for your zealous and classy service,
every morning you come and pick up my car
the housing agency that registers my prayers
and gives me hope while waiting in line
and I thank all the department offices for documents
and letters and that I did not have to understand what you wrote
I thank you for all the punk rockers and alcoholics
so that my wife and kids don't have to be alone in the city
and grandma and grandpa thank you for the new old waltz
and for not having to leave the house at all. It's so darn great!
I thank the media that makes the life more rich
by making me understand
that drug lords, robbers, lawyers
and tax evaders have a really hard life
I thank all the city planners that
old houses are not allowed to exist
so that you don't have to remember
And I thank the school system for their new tidings
so that we avoid education, hey!
Regulations, prohibitions, rules and laws
so that noone has fun or knows how to complain
and that the number of qualifying days of sick leave increases
so that I have to be sick longer
I thank all the politicians and their flow of words
so that I don't have to make decicions regarding my own destiny
I thank all the employers and unions
for that you fight for our wages
so that I don't need to have my own fund for my sons
and the police because they are motorizing and expanding
so that you don't have to meet anyone on patrol
And the health care for personnel quotas and the tailored production
so that we avoid relations and emotions.... yeeah!
I thank the liberal education of our youth, free from strict rules
they create such funny artwork in Stockholm's subways.... hihihi!
I thank evolution and the concience of enterprises
so that we don't have to worry about work
and I thank all computers and their pieces of code
so that I don't have to find solutions myself
and I totallly don't have to think at all myself - quite adequate!
Sweden where the wind no longer is sizzling through the birch trees
and the rivers no longer are rushing
where we walk among power plant mountains and fenced-off nuclear valleys
cut down fir forest and pine trees' empty halls
thou ancient, thou free, what the hell not being good any more

Lord's prayer

And after I've laid myself in you,
Now lay yourself in me,
This is my creature.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Are you sleeping?

Are you sleeping,
Are you sleeping
We have to start hunting
We have to start hunting
So, get up
So, get up!

American fleet

I would rather enlist in the American fleet1
to roam the seas toward new continents.
My engagement is signed, my insurance against sorrows,
to forget the girl, the girl I loved so much.
I'll send the SOS of my love life in distress
right to the bottom of the sea, to stop worrying too much.
I'll see perfunctory smiles2 in every harbour
to welcome merrily the [man in a] foreign suit.
I would rather enlist in the American fleet,
and my heart will only hoist an unknown flag,
the flag of happiness, a one week affair.
The moorings are cast off, we'll never meet again.
I would rather enlist in the American fleet,
for a good sailor makes for a poor husband,
and I would not like to have a dull job
nor a housewife who would tidy my life away3
  • 1. Iwould rather expect the US Navy, but that would be 'marine américaine' in French
  • 2. maybe he meant 'polite smiles' but the French really means the kind of insincere smile you cast when you feel compelled to
  • 3. 'ranger' is both meant as 'tidy up' and 'put away' here
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

The burnt one*

They call me 'the burnt one'*1 wherever I go
because my hands were burned by the gunpowder.
between bullets I lived through the revolt,
the revolution has left its mark on me.
There was never a man I have ever come to love,
among all the troops none fancied me,
only to my father was I a loyal soldadera2,
and the poor man was killed by a bullet.
And when I hear this song sung
I almost feel like crying,
but I hold it in because I am 'the burnt one'
because through my bravery I came to be a general.
I saw my father die in my arms
and I also saw the traitor that killed him,
I shot that wretched man four times
and left his heart like a sieve.
From that day on I was no longer a soldadera:
with my cartridge belt full and my rifle
I was always the first one in the battle
and shoot-outs only make me laugh.
And when I hear this song sung
I almost feel like crying,
but I hold it in because I am 'the burnt one'
because through my bravery I came to be a general.
  • 1. it's sort of a play of words for me on 'chamuco' (which is what we also call the 'devil' which is often depicted as a burnt and miserable being) and the word 'chamuscar' which is to burn or scorch something.
  • 2. Soldaderas, often called Adelitas, were women in the military who participated in the conflict of the Mexican Revolution, ranging from commanding officers to combatants to camp followers. 'In many respects, the Mexican revolution was not only a men's but a women's revolution.'Although some revolutionary women achieved officer status, coronelas, 'there are no reports of a woman achieving the rank of general.'Since revolutionary armies did not have formal ranks, some women officers were called generala or coronela, even though they commanded relatively few men. []
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Airplane Trails

Long ago I used to shelter behind you
I wish I could go back to those days
I'll be eating dinner alone tomorrow too
I can't be with you as often as before
The empty lot I played catch in as a kid
Now it's occupied by a tall building
The white trails across the blue sky
Following the wings like my memories
I'll remember the days we walked together
Forever even when It blows hard
I don't know when I began to live life
Thinking of you striving for something
My admiration changed as time went on
And now I know it's what's called love
These days I find myself a little bit shy
I should open up my mind if awkwardly
The white trails across the blue sky
Long gone but still firmly on my mind
We'll have to part one day but I'll live
With an eternal smile in my heart
No words could fully express my feelings
Thank you so much, and I love you
I know I'm not the person you wanted me to be
I'm so sorry, so sorry, so sorry for that
Every time I try to tell you so I get tongue-tied
The white trails across the blue sky
Following the wings as I'm still doing
With hopes of surpassing you someday
I'll keep on running
I'll send my voice to you across the sky
Singing in my heart even if it blows hard

Goodbye, America!

Versions: #3
When all the songs quiet down,
The songs I've never heard of,
[Then] my last paper steamboat
Will screech in pungent air in dismay.
Goodbye, America, oh,
Where I have never been.
We're parting for good,
Pick banjo uke
And play farewell for me!
La-la-la-lai-la-la-la-lai-la, La-la-la-lai-la-la-la-lai-la,
La-la-la-lai-la-la-la-lai-la, La-la-la-lai-la-la-la-lai-la...
Your tattered jeans grew too small,
[And] too tight for my liking.
We've been taught for a long time
To love your sweet and ripe forbidden fruits.
Goodbye, America, oh,
The place where I will never be.
Will I ever hear
Your song that I'll remember evermore?
Goodbye, America, oh,
The place where I will never be.
Take heed of my sad song,
Resembling mournful knell of churchyard bells.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

We love you America

I came to New York City, I danced one night
with pale transvestites who death will soon take.
They wanted to beat me happy with leather whips.
This is another thing than to be flirting with the little girls from Karlstad.
We love you, America. As well as your syndrome:
To want to come first and never give up.
To compete to win, that style suits me.
It is said that if you have the right components, things will solve themselves..
I met Miss Fonda, the unredeemed mother.
It was at Three Mile Island, where terror still lives.
She stood there with the detector among the half burned cows.
It is another thing, little Karin, than your own childhood faith!
I traveled down to Florida and went to Disneyland,
where Goofy became president and Mickey Mouse the right hand man,
and Pluto looked after the books in Black Pete's stable.
It is another thing Mr. President, than our own Chapparall!
Then we flew home to Sweden, I dozed in my seat
when the priest at my side completely suddenly drew out his gun.
Then he shot down the captain, and smiled at me and said
'Everything under us is yours, I am taking everything over us.'
We love you, America. As well as your syndrome:
To want to come first and never give up.
To compete to win, that style suits me.
It is said that if you have the right components, things will solve themselves..

The American

I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
In a suburb of London
While speaking Indian
To a Chinese who is stunned
To be so far...
The time of a burst of laughter
The time past is not far
Help me to remind myself
That all is well
There's sunshine in the windows
Birds in the garden
And perhaps you hear them
Because i know nothing of them
I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
At a Broadway terrace
In a Berlin cafe
You will speak Japanese
To a Brazilian
The time of a passing song
The time past isn't far
Help me to make a face
Give me your hand
It's raining on the capital
And the rain is from sorrow
You've got your name in the stars
I see it wwll
As I'll see you again always
A cigar in your hand
I'll see you again one day
The American
In a neighborhood in Harlem
Or a square in Austria
I'll hear myself say 'I love you'
In American

Bitter times

Oh, how pleasant it is to live
during these times of today.
We are the agraristas,
still some people don’t believe it.
It is no longer the time of Porfirio,
When before they would cry for the master,
That when they’d meet him, they’d shake his hand,
and button his pants.
If one day the steward
became angry with a laborer
it was because another was closer
to the snaps of his pants.
And the one that had pretty daughters
there they would give him a job as a night watchman
or he would get a very good job
at least as a payroll clerk.
The one that had a pretty wife
they didn’t leave him alone nor let him rest,
they would get them up very early
to work like the oxen.
I bid you farewell my friends
there they excuse my frankness,
bitter times of the Porfirista
that I sing to them here in my song.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Number one

Number one!
Number one!
Now listen up:
Here's a lesson to trick!
Few are the things to learn!
If you want to be bad, you can:
You just have to chase this guy!
Furtive and safe, as light as a flower,
Be careful not to make any noise.
No! Don't touch it!
What are you doing?
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Look at this net, follow my plan:
When I say it, throw it far.
Throw it on him, not on me! Oh, let's try something else.
What will I do? Look here:
Anyone passing here will fall to the ground!
Oh! What are you doing!?!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one.
Hey! Hey!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Captain America

Moving, crystal towers
ubreakable before me,
Fall over me,
the supermarket chains,
'buy cheaper',
they fall over me,
'move to the bottom'.
And if I can't see where I'm going,
it seems I went too far.
I must be in South America,
very in the south,
Splashing over me
over the recently washed clothes
with soap powder,
Que los cumplas feliz.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My little sea

Oh my bird, become a sea
And I'll become the seaside
So that you'll come with the waves
Straight to my embrace
I opened up an almond seed
And I drew you in its inner part
Leaving is saddening
The 'goodbye' makes me dizzy
And the 'welcome'
Brings so much joy.
Oh sea and salty water
I cannot hold it against you.
Drop after drop,
The marble is split apart.
And loving from afar
Must not exist to begin with.
Oh my sea, my little 'sea',
Bring my little bird back
Oh sea and salty water
I cannot hold it against you.

Defend the Headquarters of Revolution

Ah...The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
Held in our hands on each bayonet
Is the sacred oath of defending our General
The flying Red Banner
The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
The Headquarters' defence is a spirit we'll pass down
The passionate hearts of ours will forge a new fortress
The heartland of Korea
The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
Ah... Ah...
Defend to the death Kim Jong-il
Defend to the death Kim Jong-il
Fight to the death for our General, sacrifice our lives for this cause
To our soldiers is will be the greatest honour
From victory to victory
The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death
Ah...The Headquarters of Revolution
Millions will become guns and bombs
And defend you to the death

On your weak shoulders!

It's said that the woman is weak
She's weak when no one can see..
That she's sometimes powerless, no , no
How can she be weak, when a mother she can be
But different days are coming
And then we're becoming monosilabics
And mountains so heavy they're grasping up , grasping
up easily
On your weakened shoulders...
On your weaken shoulders
It raise up our love
Beats up my heart
On your weaken shoulders
Older betrayals, new friends, there's also sun and also rains
And i , in love, i'm feeling so at home at times
On your weaken shoulders
You've shared your love how you could
You've comitted yourself, you've comitted yourself so much
And never you didn't ask nothing in exchange of your suave
calm, of the love that now i'm feeling !!
But different days are coming
And then we're becoming monosilabics
And mountains so heavy, they're grasping up , grasping
up easily
On your weakened shoulders....
On your weaken shoulders
It raise up our love
Beats up my heart
On your weaken shoulders
Older betrayals, new frinds, there's also sun and also rains
And i , in love, i'm feeling so at home at times
On your weaken shoulders
On your weaken shoulders
Up, down(S)
Stairs', stress
You're again falling slowly
You pretend
That you're not feeling
Waves' that destroys
'Holes that blinds
At times, but you feel how ...
On your weaken shoulders
It rais up our love
Beats up my heart
On your weaken shoulders
Older betrayals, new frinds, there's also sun and also rains
And i , in love, i'm feeling so at home at times
On your weaken shoulders
The sky is upon your weak shoulders

God Bless America

In any case... Banjo!
Even though we lost almost every war
We're chosen to keep things in order
And if you don't drink Coke and feed on Burgers
In any case you'll be a bloody fuckin' terrorist..
First it was the Indio's turn
We sent them back to Manitou, to chew their Pemmican (1)
No matter if Ku-KLux-Klan with a texan hat
Wherever we go, everything's gonna be alright.
USA a-o USA, God bless America!
USA a-o USA, before we're called, (we're already there)
USA a-o USA, God bless America!
USA a-o USA, before we're called, (we're already there)
In any case... Banjo!
In Vietnam we weren't really treated gently
From Cuba and Korea too, we had to ride home with sorrow
But during 'Operation Desert Storm' and in Hiroshima
Our groove hit home like a bomb - made in America.
We're not about power, money or oil
We only want one thing: the whole damn world
So we can build a Disneyland in every place
and sing in unison: Mickey Mouse for President!
Now play it again, Uncle Sam!
In the good ole' days of the New World
Uncle Tom stood by the cotton plantation
Today he's ruining our country charts with his rap game
And soon he's also gonna own Hollywood
Then we're gonna take him along to Iraq
To dish out a serving of 'whoop-ass' among friends
We're gonna make this democracy thing work out
And the best way to do it is by being a torturer (2)
In any case... Banjo!
Translation Mine if no other Translation Source is given. Soon as a 'Source' field with a weblink appears below, it is not my translation, but taken from another website.
If you have corrections. i will consider them if they are made in a courteous way, including stanza and line, and what it is that needs to be replaced. If you only type one or two words into the comment box, without giving the location, I will simply ignore it.
Another option is you correct the entire song and paste it so I can in turn copypaste it, which is less work for me. You can also take my translation and make your own translation using mine as a basis.
If you start a fight over commas, apostrophes, grammar, syntax, lower and upper case, english dialects that you don't understand cause your english is just too poor, as it has now happened for the last couple weeks constantly. I promise you soon as you start monkeying around and bossing me around with your comments that I can't delete. I will delete the translation instead. and Keep it on my computer where it belongs.

American Dragon: Jake Long Opening 01 (German)

The Guy is cool and he know what counts
So young and fast he's chosen
Don't let yourself shock
from the American Dragon
To see how he fights for the truth is a adventure
dragon mouth, dragon tail attention he spits fire
very monstrous
American Dragon
Hey! Hey!
American Dragon
He's called American Dragon
Dragon's awake
He always is cool
Thanks to Grandfather's school
He does not shirk his duty
If he has to, he also steps into the spotlight
American Dragon
From the J to the A to the K to the E
I do Action on the land in the air and on the sea
Got It?
American Dragon
American Dragon
Ey to work Jake!
American Dragon
Oh man!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

American Dragon Jake Long Opening 02 (German)

The Guy is cool and he know what counts
So young and fast he's chosen
Don't let yourself shock
from the American Dragon
To see how he fights for the truth is a adventure
dragon mouth, dragon tail attention he spits fire
very monstrous
American Dragon
Hey! Hey!
American Dragon
He's called American Dragon
Makes Dragon carreer after grandpa's apprenticeship
He does not shirk his duty
If he has to, he also steps into the spotlight
American Dragon
I guard here as dragon this big city
cause New York would had a big problem
Got it
American Dragon
Hey! Hey!
American Dragon
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Stargazer of the leaden sky

I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
no matter how much I attempt to strain my eyes,
I just can't find
that one star,
not even in the night I was looking up at
The asphalt gives off the smell of rain
Our arms are entwined under my umbrella
It's okay if my left shoulder gets wet
while you're walking by my right side
I remember us enthusiastically telling each other stories about constellations
while we headed to the planetarium together
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
it was beautiful even though artificial, wasn't it?
You, radiant,
are laughing
and I'm just staring at you
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
If we stretched out our arms,
we'd be able to feel each other
and embrace in that gentle and loving star
It's so bright it's impossible to see
from this house's veranda
You loved the sleepless city's
breathing, didn't you?
Now I can't get used to the days after you left
I seek you out like in the stories about constellations
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Aren't you the light
peeking through the rifts in the clouds,
drifting softly
and wavering a little?
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Even if I can't see where to stretch out my arms,
let me feel you
in that star
at least one more time
The last things in my mind
were your smile covered in clouds
and the comets
spilling down your cheeks
With the regrets of that time
weighing my chest down,
my tale shall be
to seek you out
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
no matter how much I attempt to strain my eyes,
I just can't find
that one star
while looking up on my own
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
Today, too, I'm searching through the rifts in the clouds
Now that you aren't here,
is it too late to say
that my life has no meaning?
I'm a stargazer of the leaden sky -
If I stretched out my arms,
I'd look up at the night
where the gentle and loving star
in which we touched each other is in
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with lots of love, care and time, so it'd be great if you credit me when re-posting them somewhere else :D


The dry leaves pile up
The path I always walk through
looks like a red and yellow mat
The cheerful sound of her footsteps
attracts me more than usual
I can feel a smile
forming on my face -
I want to touch her...
nothing but my Venus
all I ever wanted
Is she1
an angel or a demon?
Gently, gently,
my feelings pile up
The topics of our conversations
were the guys she liked,
her grumbling, her problems and things like that
I hope that,
from those comic-like chats,
love manages to sprout inside her
I'm pathetic,
so pathetic -
I just want to touch her...
nothing but my Venus
all I ever wanted
Is she
an angel or a demon?
Gently, gently,
my feelings pile up
nothing but my Venus
all I ever wanted
a demon disguised as an angel
Gently, gently
nothing but my trouble
nothing but my heartaches
won't you give me your love?
Gently, gently,
my feelings pile up
nothing but my Venus
a demon disguised as an angel
Gently, gently,
my feelings pile up
Like the dry leaves,
  • 1. I know this isn't what it says, but it'd be grammatically incorrect if I left it like that.
Hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with lots of love, care and time, so it'd be great if you credit me when re-posting them somewhere else :D

The siesta(nap)

It's afternoon
I take from the hand
my white tedy-bear
and i wave at you
I enter alone
in my bedroom
without begging
to have rest
Sleep, sleep my tedy-bear
sleep,sleep to me too
Sleep, sleep my tedy-bear
sleep,sleep to me too
It's afternoon
whoever doesn't know it
hear that
little voice
the good child
in a bed
has to lay
to sleep
Sleep, sleep my tedy-bear
sleep,sleep to me too
Sleep, sleep my tedy-bear
sleep,sleep to me too
It's afternoon
I take from the hand
my white tedy-bear
and i wave at you
I enter alone
in my bedroom
without begging
to have rest
Sleep, sleep my tedy-bear
sleep,sleep to me too
Sleep, sleep my tedy-bear
sleep,sleep to me too

A song in the rain

My nights have been shipwrecked into a corner of the map
And i'm coming back home again in the morning
My eyes couldn't stand,
They drawed a map
And i went for East
I owe my breath and two lifes
Into your warm linen
I raise my glass
You make a grin and i follow you
My heart needs fire
A look into the cloody weather and sirens nowhere can be found
A song in the rain
Trees and birds listened to me
My memories open
And the sun rised up
I keep in my hand a thread, in my mind a responsibility
To break through the dreams from souls
The world was locked into a glass into a nonsense serenith
But wishes are flourishing when we meet