Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 431



Love for you means
Happiness and joy
It radiates with comfort
And gives peace
Love cannot evaporate
Like steam
Because love itself
Creates wonderful miracles
Love is what we give to everyone from our hearts
Cause when love is lonely
Its soul breaks
Love signifies that
When one embraces another
And when someone joyfully
Rushes to meet someone
Love is also the birds
Singing a song to the summer
Because with love no one can
Feel longing
Love is also
When... young people
With great love
Stand in front of an altar
Love is a magic
To make all people smile
So you too now
Be happy forever

bűnös élvezet

rólad álmodtam múlt éjjel,
ébredj fel, nem voltál ott
zsinórban öt éjjel
az álmaimban, amiket sose osztanék meg
figyelmeztetés nélkül jöttél
kora reggel,
az időzítés sosem volt nekünk való
magamra hagyni a bűnnel,
az egyetlen szuvenírrel, amit hoztál
én mással vagyok együtt, és te egy titkos kincs vagy
ő csupa odaadás, te egy bűnös élvezet,
vele vagyok, és ez az igazi élet, édesem,
azt hiszem, a vicc nem vicces többé
vele vagyok, míg a halál el nem választ,
de ez nem elég ennek az éhes szívnek
vele vagyok, de őrjöngő fejemben
mindig te vagy, és azt mondod:
'elfutnál velem?'
egy szerelem elég,
ez minden, amit megkaphatsz,
legalábbis ezt mondják neked,
mégis, én nem tudok felejteni
a szemek akár az égő parázs,
míg a napfény villog
nem tudom felidézni azt, amit tanultam
rabul ejtett a zivatar,
ami elkapott
én mással vagyok együtt, és te egy titkos kincs vagy
ő csupa odaadás, te egy bűnös élvezet,
vele vagyok, és ez az igazi élet, édesem,
azt hiszem, a vicc nem vicces többé
vele vagyok, míg a halál el nem választ,
de ez nem elég ennek az éhes szívnek
vele vagyok, de őrjöngő fejemben
mindig te vagy, és azt mondod:
'elfutnál?' (elfutnál?)
'elfutnál velem?'
'elfutnál?' (elfutnál?)
ebben az életben semmiképpen,
ebben az életben maradnom kell (elfutnál?)
ebben az életben semmiképpen,
ebben az életben
én mással vagyok együtt, és te egy titkos kincs vagy
ő csupa odaadás, te egy bűnös élvezet,
vele vagyok, és ez az igazi élet, édesem,
azt hiszem, a vicc nem vicces többé
vele vagyok, míg a halál el nem választ,
de ez nem elég ennek az éhes szívnek
vele vagyok, de őrjöngő fejemben
mindig te vagy, és azt mondod, mondod, mondod:
'elfutnál?' (elfutnál?)
'elfutnál velem?'
'elfutnál?' (elfutnál?)
ebben az életben semmiképpen, (elfutnál?)
ebben az életben maradnom kell (elfutnál?)
ebben az életben semmiképpen, (elfutnál?)
ebben az életben


Parts of my body are synthetic
Trauma programmed my thinking and my actions
I'm a woman, so I'm too little or too much
Displeasure mutated to anger and anger mutated into a weapon
No longer limited to the comprehensible, carnal, in their opinion feminine, humanly possible
Always been the loudest and quietest, smartest, dumbest, fattest, thinnest, prettiest, ugliest, first and last
Where boundaries blur, I let myself drift
Why decide on something?
It's not going to stay the way it is now
The day will come where I wash myself clean from them
Even if it has to be in the red river from their veins
How I define myself, show my body and present myself online, dress and articulate, sexualize myself, love myself beyond all measure, radically accept myself.
They can't censor that!
Oh, if only the ground would open up and loop into the embers
Those who wronged us since the beginning of time
On the wings of rage, from the depths

Light a fire on the sand

Before you'll be lost and send the moon far away
light a fire on the sand
as my last wish
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
like when both of us as children in the nights
upon the same fire
we kept our love alive
with our kisses, the dawn woke us booth
on the shore where we planned our journies
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
before all things turn the same forever
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
even you will be gone far away from me
I'll be beside you like the sun
and touch your body as an erotic caress of the sky
I will be everywhere around you as the wind
Come back to me once again
even for only a night
Before this night covered upon us both
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
before I will be caught in your magic spell
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
I'll be beside you like the sun
and touch your body as an erotic caress of the sky
I will be everywhere around you as the wind
Come back to me once again
even for only a night
I'll be beside you like the sun.
Even my life will run ahead of me
I will stay beside the same fire
and I will sing my songs only for you
Light a fire on the sand, if you feel so
light a fire on the sand, if you feel so


Versions: #1
Women as small as stars,
some want them pretty,
woman only for a few days,
then they treat you like a porno.
Women small and raped,
many of them from the [poor] suburbs,
but those men are tough,
those men want to do it like animals(1).
Woman like sea water,
those who get wet want the sun too,
the ones who want her for one night,
and there's the ones who instead beat her.
Woman like a bouquet of flowers,
when she's alone they take you out,
woman, what will happen
when he/she doesn't come back home?
Woman let yourself be jumped on,
in that street, no one walks there,
women let yourself be tied to the pole,
and your hands hurt.
Woman who doesn't feel cold
when the cold gets to his heart,
he doesn't have time anymore,
and he's gone, blowing in the wind.
Woman like sea water,
those who get wet want the sun too,
the ones who want her for one night,
and there's the ones who beat her instead.
Woman like a bouquet of flowers,
when she's alone they take you out,
woman, what will happen
when he/she doesn't come back home?


Hey, yeah
We're having quite good time
Instead, we're balancing
Between self protection and being a bit irritated
I'm drunk again
Finally numbed again
I'm loud, I'm honest, loud instead, yeah
I ain't defending myself
I'm acting dumb, yeah, that might be pulling me down
Though the only thing
That bugs me afterwards, is the Harry Styles' new record, yeah
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Three days Paris
And I'm in love again, I'm in love again
Paris, Paris, bro, I'm in love again, yeah, yeah, mhm
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Yeah, I'm giving up
Can't do this anymore
We weren't here since ever
All the pain, Paris, yeah, it was worth it, yeah
Mhm, all the pain, oh, Paris, Paris, bro
I'm in love again, yeah, yeah mhm (yeah, oh)
All the pain, it was worth it, yeah
Mhm, mh-mh-mhm

I Have A Dream

I have a dream
I'll sing it out
It will help me
Gather myself together
See how many miracles
Life is a fairy tale
The future will be yours
Will you win it or not?
I'll believe angels
'Cause in everything there's a lot of good
I'll believe angels
And my time will find me for sure
I'm going into the world
I have a dream
This dream
Is a fantasy
It will help me
Gather myself together
My goal is unknown
But it's somewhere there
The sky over the waves
Will clear up
I'll believe angels
'Cause in everything there's a lot of good
I'll believe angels
And my time will find me for sure
I'm going into the world
I have a dream
I'm going into the world
I have a dream
I'm going into the world
I have a dream

Stuki Kész Fegyver

Csendesedjetek el, most énekelnem kell
New York!
Csendesedjetek el, most énekelnem kell
Csendesedjetek el, most énekelnem kell
Csendesedjetek el, most énekelnem kell
Bejönnek az ablakon át
Bejönnek az ajtón át
Ledöntik a nagy falat
És fújják a kürtöt
Mit akarsz?
Stuki kész fegyver1
Mit akarsz?
Leégett a tűz
Mit akarsz?
Stuki kész fegyver?
Láss hozzá, láss láss hozzá
Ideje új rizsát köpni
Király vagyok ezen az új dalon
Népszerű2vagyok majd meglátod
Megküzdök veled, csak hogy béke lehessen
Nehézsúlyú birkózó
Küzdj meg velem a takaródban
Hagyom, hogy te legyél a jobb
Szennyes vagyok dühhel3
Csendesedjetek el, most énekelnem kell
New York!
Csendesedjetek el, most énekelnem kell
Csendesedjetek el, most énekelnem kell
Csendesedjetek el, most énekelnem kell
Megdolgozom keményen a darabod
A szumó fogásod ellátta a bajomat
Szerencsére szeretem szarul érzni magam
Az állóképességem kibírja
Gimnasztika, szuper fitt
Fegyver tárában az izom
Harapás, fogak és orrvérzés
Összekötve egy sállal4
Mit akarsz?
Stuki kész fegyver
Mit akarsz?
Leégett a tűz
Mit akarsz?
Stuki kész fegyver?
Láss hozzá, láss láss hozzá
Irányíthatok én?
Szereted ha védtelen vagyok?
Fegyver van nálam és egyenjogú vagyok
Még több móka az embereknek
Fizikai, nyers erő
Acél, oroszlán, te vagy főnök
Igen, nagyon el tudnám veled képzelni
Dörzsöld magad hozzám,5cukor, só
Mit akarsz?
Stuki kész fegyver
Mit akarsz?
Leégett a tűz
Mit akarsz?
Stuki kész fegyver?
Láss hozzá, láss láss hozzá
  • 1. M.I.A.-t megkérdezték egy interjúban, hogy mit jelent a 'Bucky Done Gun' és azt válaszolta, hogy nem tudja.
    Hozzátette, hogy a 'bucky' a brit szlengben 'fegyvert' jelent és, hogy azon járt az esze mikor ezt írta, hogy mi lesz a jövője a gengszter kultúrának a rap-ben.
  • 2. Vagy 'szexi'.
  • 3. Ez egy utalás a 'Szenny és düh' c. dokumentumfilmre, ami a The Sex Pistols nevű punk együttesről szól.
  • 4. Vagy 'Összekötve egy sállal, béke'. A 'piece' (darab) és a 'peace' (béke) homofón szavak.
    A szám videóklipjében a béke jelet mutatja az énekesnő ennél a résznél.
  • 5. A grinding egy tánc, aminek során a nő a fenekét a férfi ágyékához dörzsöli, ott mozgatja.

My thoughts

My, my thoughts
My, my thoughts, uh huh
I didn't call, I didn't write to you
I blocked you everywhere and it's good for me this way
I'm still trying to drown you
In glasses of wine, to be able to forget you
And I won't admit out loud
That I miss us
Any song I hear takes me back
Into your car, I know it's too late now
But my thoughts
Speak only of you and
They ask if you're not coming back
Why can't you leave
My thoughts
They turn against me again
I can't escape your memory anymore
Why aren't you leaving, why aren't you leaving
My, my thoughts (my, my)
My, my thoughts, uh huh
New places, new people
And here I'm thinking about what your eyes see and
If I'm nostalgic for late nights
And walks in the rain
But I won't admit out loud
That I miss us
Any song I hear takes me back
Into your car, I know it's too late now
But my thoughts
Speak only of you and
They ask if you're not coming back
Why can't you leave
My thoughts
They turn against me again
I can't escape your memory anymore
Why aren't you leaving, why aren't you leaving
My, my thoughts (my, my)
My, my thoughts, uh huh
My, my thoughts (my, my)
My, my thoughts, uh huh
Like in a labyrinth
Is kind of all that I feel
But all I do, all I do, all I do
Is lie to myself
How do I get out of here
How do I forget you exist
And I won't hear, won't hear, won't hear
Everything you say to me
But my thoughts
Speak only of you and
They ask if you're not coming back
Why can't you leave
My thoughts
They turn against me again
I can't escape your memory anymore
Why aren't you leaving, why aren't you leaving

Filozofálok, nem tudom mi

két uborka vagy
két padlizsán - attól függ
az étvágyad

Violin, Wine, Brandy

Violin, wine, brandy
I fell into the ditch
Violin, wine, brandy
I fell into the ditch
I fell into the ditch
You have nothing to do with it
I fell into the ditch
You have nothing to do with it
I ran away from home
I went to the pub
I ran away from home
I went to the pub
I went to the pub
You have nothing to do with it
I fell into the ditch
Violin, wine, brandy
Let's have another brandy
Add a good vodka too
Let's have another brandy
Add a good vodka too
Let's invite mommy
Drink her drink
Let's invite mommy
Screw her daughter
Violin, wine, brandy
I fell into the ditch
Violin, wine, brandy
I fell into the ditch
I fell into the ditch
You have nothing to do with it
I fell into the ditch
You have nothing to do with it
Let's have another brandy
Add a good vodka
Let's have another brandy
Add a good vodka
Let's invite mommy
Drink her drink
Let's invite mommy
Screw her daughter
I ran away from home
I went to the pub
I ran away from home
I went to the pub
I went to the pub
You have nothing to do with it
I fell into the ditch
Violin, wine, brandy

Philosophy of remorse

Versions: #1
Imbibe much wine and you’ll whine
Look at flowers - don’t eat what’s of flours
Wait! Lest you’ll need to lose weight!

Drink much wine - you'll whine!
Look at flowers - pains cause flours!
Wait, weight loss - a mess!

Just a little

Away from here
away from here
I'd like to go away from here
immediately, I'd love to.
I'd leave, I'd run
towards a different truth.
Believing that just a little
would be enough, I'm sure I'd leave.
Away from here, away from here
immediately, away from here.
In a different reality
finding myself just a little
to see a space in front of me
Away from here,
away from here
away from here.
Μια ...   I can't think of a reason as to why you might give up
But still I know that you have those sad and empty days
I want to see every flash of greatness as if it were the last
Even so we keep on meeting over and over again
Being alone is so boring but being together is everything
This has given me the the biggest reason to be strong
I'm meant to cheer so loud, what is it with this role?
You always give me the courage to stand tall and face anything
They cheer so loud, everyone is cheering with everything
When I see the look in your eyes I know I can run anywhere
Let's go carve the best ever finale
C'mon, let's go on an adventure far away from here
But what do we do about all the doubts and the fears?
Although I'm awkward as ever from always being alone
I still want to go and seek out our very own true goals
No matter what type of bad people plague this world
At least I have you here as my one true friend
Let's cheer real loud so we can run hundreds of miles right now
It's alright to stop and rest as long as we continue
The loud cheering is like a flower that's blooming up
Everyday there's new miracles
The future is here for us with unending excitement, it's right here in front of us
We've all made mistakes and couldn't love ourselves but we love ourselves right now
I can almost touch it, this source of great power
Let's laugh at anything that comes right in front of us
I'm meant to cheer so loud, what is it with this role?
You always give me the courage to stand tall and face anything
They cheer so loud, everyone is cheering with everything
When I see the look in your eyes I know I can run anywhere
With my own burning eyes I'll go and run as well
Let's go carve the best ever finale
Because you're my true hero