A keresés eredménye oldal 12
Találatok száma: 609
Birds are Coming
Birds are coming, birds are coming
Spraying deathrain
Birds are coming, birds are coming
With black tears they'll make you bleed
Somebody tell me, what is life like
Somebody tell me, why it's like this
Somebody tell me why is life beautiful
Somebody tell me, why it's not
Somebody tell me, why is Man good,
Somebody tell me, why he's not
Somebody tell me, why he becomes evil (chorus)
Somebody tell me, why he won't! (chorus)
Birds are coming, birds are coming
Spraying deathrain
Birds are coming, birds are coming
With black tears they'll make you bleed
Somebody tell me, who I should believe
Somebody tell me, who I should not
Somebody tell me, how far can one get
What is the taste of the essence of life
Somebody tell me, the long years
Why do they seem like a moment
Somebody tell me, what is 'it's passed' (chorus)
Somebody tell me, where it's gone (chorus)
Birds are coming, birds are coming
Spraying deathrain
Birds are coming, birds are coming
With black tears they'll make you bleed
Somebody tell me, how to live
My father said 'hurt no one'
Somebody saw, that I've hurt you
Somebody saw, that you hurt me
Somebody tell me, why are we here
My mother said 'to be happy'
But my mother didn't say, why it can't be on this earth (chorus)
My mother didn't say, tell me why (chorus)
Birds are coming, birds are coming
Spraying deathrain
Birds are coming, birds are coming
With black tears they'll make you bleed
Teleportation-Unconfirmed love
While still cannot say 'I like you!'
Your locker, love letter that was taken away
Pink rumors bring two closer together
Ah ah, I am sensitive, passionate, single again
Whistling, kissed by summer breeze
Tore out a page from an English dictionary
With a magic marker wrote 'Wanted my boy friend'
Bad luck, that paper plane hit the teacher
Teleportation, the wings of heart are...
Teleportation, now flying through time
It's just me that, my love, ah, undetermined
One fewer single girl
Unpopular guys suddenly started to wear cologne
No idea how to judge, the recent city boy
Ah ah, I am sensitive, passionate, still single
If there is any worries or whatever else, help
I always can be, conversation partner
With a wink, 'Mami chan, thank you very much'
Can't help, do not easily fall for this charm
Teleportation, whoever at wherever
Teleportation, worrying again
No reason not to say a word, ah, telepathy
Teleportation, the wings of heart are...
Teleportation, even can be used at this very moment
It's just me that, my love, ah, undetermined
Teleportation, teleportation
It's just me that, my love, ah, undetermined
The Son Precious to Me
Is Ephraim a precious son to Me
Is it because he is a delightful child
That the more I speak of him, the more I remember him
Therefore, my inner Being yearns for him
I will surely have mercy, the word of G-d
I Will Wait For You
I will wait for you
extinguish all the lights in your town
and come to our corner
between sheets pure and white
I will wait for you
gather me into you
far away within our mist
between red smoke and clouds
I will wait for you
i will wait for you at the edge of the evening
floating, floating to you, my love
i will wait for you
i will wait for you at the end of the path
take away my tears, my pain
I will wait for you
etched deeply in your heart
our book of stories
that was written in hidden secret
I will wait for you
to breath in deeply within your embrace
within our love
only puzzles however yet unsolved
I will wait for you...
I will wait for you
to struggle inside your body
and thus in our battlefield
to find my death with you, my love
I will wait for you...
Tell me to come
Versions: #1
I feel you're touching me blindly
Appearing behind the wall
Behind my memories
I feel yesterday's touch
Those lips I'm looking for unaware
I wanna see you on the inside
And among the calls I searched for
A secret message I found
And I wanna know
Tell me you believe me
Tell me you believe me
Tell me what you see upon seeing me
Or whenever I walk away
Whenever I'm not here
Tell me to come, come, tell me to come, come
Tell me again you haven't forgotten me
Tell me you wanna see me again
No matter what will come
Tell me to come, come, tell me to come, come
Every space
Every place
Every timeless word you have repeated
I record your sound in my body
And everytime I wanna dream
Just need to think about the start
And about what destiny will bring us
I search for faith in words
Yesterday's faithful touch
Because I wanna know
Tell me you believe me
Tell me you believe me
Tell me what you see upon seeing me
Or whenever I walk away
Whenever I'm not here
Tell me to come, come, tell me to come, come
Tell me again you haven't forgotten me
Tell me you wanna see me again
No matter what will come
Tell me to come, come, tell me to come, come
Tell me you believe me
Tell me you believe me
Tell me what you see upon seeing me
Or whenever I walk away
Whenever I'm not here
Tell me to come, come, tell me to come, come
Tell me again you haven't forgotten me
Tell me you wanna see me again
No matter what will come
Tell me to come, come, tell me to come, come
Beragadt szerelem
Elfutottak az érzéseim
Nem tudtam hogyan bánjak velük
Talán ha hittem volna nekik, itt maradtak volna
Remélem egy biztonságos helyen vannak
Egy látomásban élnek
Egy dalt énekelve amit nem tudtam eljátszani
De ha meglátnám őket az utcán, azt mondanám
'Gyermekeim, gyertek vissza hozzám'
Mert beragadt a szerelmem a fejembe, a fejembe
Beragadt a szerelmem a gondolataimba, a gondolataimba
A szívemben kell tartanom a szerelmem
A szívemben kell tartanom a szerelmem
Beragadt a szerelmem a torkomba, a torkomba
Kint hagytam a szerelmem a hidegben, a hidegben
A lelkemnek kell adnom a szerelmem
A lelkemnek kell adnom a szerelmem
És el kell engednem
Elrepült az angyalom
Nem tudtam hogyan tartsam őt
Isten tudja, kellett volna hogy maradjon
Remélem kitárja a szárnyait
Egy napsugáron lustálkodva
És egy dalra táncolva amit nem tudtam elénekelni
De ha meglátnám ők az utcán, azt mondanám
'Kicsim, repülj vissza hozzám'
Mert beragadt a szerelmem a fejembe, a fejembe
Beragadt a szerelmem a gondolataimba, a gondolataimba
A szívemben kell tartanom a szerelmem
A szívemben kell tartanom a szerelmem
Beragadt a szerelmem a torkomba, a torkomba
Kint hagytam a szerelmem a hidegben, a hidegben
A lelkemnek kell adnom a szerelmem
A lelkemnek kell adnom a szerelmem
És el kell engednem
És talán csak idő, csak idő
Kell hozzá, csak idő kell hozzá
De nem akarok várni, már ma újra akarok szeretni
Elfutottak az érzéseim
Nem tudtam hogyan érezzem őket
Mert beragadt a szerelmem a fejembe, a fejembe
Beragadt a szerelmem a gondolataimba, a gondolataimba
A szívemben kell tartanom a szerelmem
A szívemben kell tartanom a szerelmem
Beragadt a szerelmem a torkomba, a torkomba
Kint hagytam a szerelmem a hidegben, a hidegben
A lelkemnek kell adnom a szerelmem
A lelkemnek kell adnom a szerelmem
És el kell engednem
A lelkemnek kell adnom a szerelmem
A lelkemnek kell adnom a szerelmem
És el kell engednem
Olyan letört
Fel kell, fel kell világosítanom az elmém
És lángra, lángra kell lobbantanom a lelkem
De most olyan letört vagyok
Most olyan letört vagyok
Újra fel kell, újra fel kell nyitnom a szívem
Valaki újat kell beleengednem
De még mindig törött
Most annyira letört vagyok
Most olyan letört vagyok
És én hiszek, én hiszek a fájdalomban
Igen, hiszem, hogy ez az út hogy újra békét találjak
Próbálkozom, igen, próbálkozom
Olyan letört, most olyan letört vagyok
Fel kell, fel kell hangosítanom a zeném
Úgy kell énekelnem mintha, mintha büszke lennék hogy életben vagyok
De most olyan letört vagyok
Most olyan letört vagyok
És én hiszek, én hiszek a fájdalomban, haver
Igen, hiszem, hogy ez az út hogy újra szerelmet találjak
Igen, én próbálkozom
Igen, én próbálkozom
Igen, én próbálkozom
Olyan letört, olyan letört, olyan letört
Igen, én hiszem hogy ez az út hogy újra megtalálj
Igen, én próbálkozom
Igen, én próbálkozom
Igen, én próbálkozom
Igen, én próbálkozom (Olyan letört)
Igen, én próbálkozom (Olyan letört)
Én próbálkozom (Olyan letört)
Én próbálkozom
Az állás
Hé (Hé hé)
Mondd el a gyengeséged
Ó én azt titokban tartom
Jaj ne már, csak egy bűnt
Rendben, az vodka jéggel
De akkor ott vannak a nők biciklin
Vagy csak a nők akik a bakon ülnek
Ó, mostmár egész maréknyi vagy
Kihagytam a markolásokat
Mondd el a félelmeidet
Oké, az mindenki itt
Úgy érted, egyszerűen az összes ember?
Igen és az összes társuk
És az összes állatuk és az összes csilláruk
És a cigarettáik
Évek óta nem dohányzom!
Alig bírom a látványát (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom a hangját (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom az ízét (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom a szagát (Az egésznek)
Beszélj az űrről
Hát az egy gyönyörű hely!
De olyan rohadt hideg!
Csak az emberi fajnak
De a bolygóknak és csillagoknak
És minden másnak és a Marsnak
Olyan mint a paradicsom
Kenőkéssel szétkenve
Alig bírom a látványát (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom a hangját (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom az ízét (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom a szagát (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom ki, alig bírom ki!
Mindenki el van b-va és nem is tudják
Mindenki el van b-va és nem is tudják
Alig bírom a látványát (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom a hangját (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom az ízét (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom a szagát (Az egésznek)
Alig bírom ki, alig bírom ki!
Mindenki el van b-va és nem is tudják
Mindenki el van baszva és nem is tudják
Szó szerint
Női fehérneműt hordok
És bepózolok a teljes testes tükrömben
Összeteszem a lábam mint egy buzi
A libidóm erős ha közel van egy nő, ja
Mi definiálja egy heteró férfi heteróságát?
Vajon a boxeralsó vagy a tizenkét unciás steak?
Megmondom neked mit szeret a legjobban egy nő
Egy férfit aki tud ütni de simogatni is
A szélben az igazság szembeszele van és meztelen
Szószerinti és remeg
Nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nem, nincs több felajzás
Nincs több listátlan meghívó
Egy kórház mellett élek
És mindennap elsétálok a beteges ablakai mellett
Embereket látok ott meghalni
De az érzékeny korom miatt nehéz érdeklődést mutatnom
Hulladékégető és egy nagy adag füst
Egy fallikus szimbólum és megnevettet
Csak egy szívrohamra van szükségem
A kurva életbe
Péter szerelmére
Tényleg azt hitted hogy szerethetsz egy olyan csávót mint én?
Én vagyok a kaks reggel
Én vagyok a fővezér
Én vagyok a bokszoló az alsóban
Én egy tizenkét unciás steak vagyok
Ja, ez szószerinti
És ja, meztelen
És ja, remeg
Remeg, remeg, remeg
Manuel, went to heaven
Manuel, went to heaven
On his way to work, tired, at six in the morning,
listening on the radio, panties and brassiere.
That was funk music on the radio, the train was very crowded,
he thought about his salary, he felt miserable.
If I was an American,
my life wouldn't like that.
Manuel, went to heaven
Manuel, went to heaven
Day by day, he listened what his gramma usually says,
the world is fabulous, but human beings are not.
That was funk music on the radio, the train was very crowded,
he thought about his salary, he felt miserable.
If I was a politician, life wouldn't like that.
No, no, no, no.
When the rein is put on its head
The steed named Black Hawk can't bear the neigh
The mountainous black eagle is walking on the ground
It is the never-tiring black eagle
The horse black eagle worshipped in people's hearts
It has surpassed everything in the heart of the owner Sandma
Hundreds of horse racing Black Hawks always win
The black eagle's vigorous posture is already the king of horse racing in people's minds
[Producer's Tag]
Dincy, Dincy, Dincy
Where do I come from?
I wonder where do I come from? (Ey)
The nights leave marks
I look on the life behind a tiny window (Oh, oh, oh)
Where do I come from?
I wonder where do I come from? (Ey)
Nights leave marks
I look on the life behind a tiny window (Oh, oh, oh)
Nights leave marks
I faced myself in the mirror
He talks, just our bodies are same
We're two crazy men in different universes
We couldn't find out which one of us is right
My soul had no mate, oh
Where did the stranger in the mirror come out from?
I ask you: 'Where do you come from?'
I wonder where do I come from (Ey)
Even If I'd know the answer, I couldn't tell you, I can't
I look on the life behind a tiny window (Oh, oh, oh)
Our toughts, our looks, It's confusing
But I had no soul mate
How did he show up, appeared in the mirror (Oh, oh, oh)
Nights leave marks
I faced myself in the mirror
He talks, just our bodies are same
We're two crazy men in different universes
We couldn't find out which one of us is right
My soul had no mate, oh
Where did the stranger in the mirror come out from?
I ask you: 'Where do you come from?'
Even If I'd know the answer, I couldn't tell you, I can't
Nights leave marks
Nights leave marks
Nights leave marks
(Dincy, Dincy, Dincy)
One Love
That person has been searching up and down the sky
Tie up his fool heart
Waiting for the day love comes to his life
This time he wants to love
Love for long and ever
This time he wants to love
Love dearly only her
One love, whole heart
One love, ever-giving
One love to look at tomorrow with faith
A glorious tomorrow with bright sunlight
And he has found that love.
The passing road ephemerally likes in a dream
Those great old days
only for those living far from the present
Joy is in your hands
No need to look far anymore
Since now he will love
Love dearly only her
One love, whole heart
One love, ever-giving
One love to look at tomorrow with faith
A glorious tomorrow with bright sunlight
And he has found love.
Though life road sometimes is boring
Don't let the sadness chasing you
Keep your faith through the difficulties
Don't let the hope ever fade away...
The thread of the heart
The sun goes up and the morning curtain opens
To wash away the sadness until tomorrow
Remember, that I'm here
Don't forget, by the road that we walked
While I follow the thread of the heart
I repeat the past days over and over
While I fumble the thread of the heart
I want to search for the sequel of the dream
If I could turn back time
I could live without showing tears
but I think of the happiness of spending
Ordinary days, now, alone and closing my eyes
Without untying the thread of the heart
I can't leave this city
Tying again the thread of the heart
I'll walk without hanging my head
Without untying the thread of the heart
I can't leave this city
Tying again the thread of the heart
I'll walk without hanging my head
Conversing from the heart of a man (including dialogue)
No matter how much time changes, white is white and black is black
If I don't make it clear
There'll be no sense in this world
I want to be called old silly man
For me, only the reason of life
Is what I want to follow closely
If I'm stubborn, my sympathy withers
If I hang on to dreams, I'll collide
That's the world deliberately
I'm a man and I decided my way
Don't cry, don't wet, night rain
All humans have
In the body and the soul
One or two wounds they can't express
For this reason
I don't want to make
Someone else cry
For a woman, when she says she's in love
Is what she feels even if she's married off
If they ask me, I offer my live
Now the ferryboat of sorrows
Is carried and sinks in love
No matter how well I swim
Life is only one
If I don't use it as I thought
Coming to this world would be useless
Being only strong doesn't make me a man
A bamboo screen of rain blocks my way
Shaking a broken umbrella upside down
I abandon a memorized dialogue
If I don't do it, who will?
Standing in the wind
If there are days I'm puffed up with pride
Blown by the mountain air
There are also times I hang my head
Hit by the wind and the rain
While people live in this world
They're zigzagging through a long road of hills and mountains
In life, we do what we have to do
Even if the north wind blows
Even if the head wind blows
Without shrugging nor being discouraged
I prefer to go only staring ahead
Even if I'm covered in mud and spill tears
I carry a honorable flower in my heart
In life, we do what we have to do
Even if I'm swallowed by the wind and the tides
Of the generations that come and go
Without making noise nor mourning
I'll face them doing my best
It's helpless that is a road of thorns
But it's a road we have to walk
In life, we do what we have to do
In life, we do what we have to do
It's ok with me?
For a man in love I could die
I surrendered to your embracing eyes
It's ok with me? It's ok with me?
By knowing your troubles I offer my umbrella
Your smiling face is too dazzling
Our last sake before departing
Is moved to tears with the thinness of your dyed nape
It's ok with me? It's ok with me?
Stars aren't seen in this night of travel
Your sleeping face is too lovely
Suddenly grasping your back
I say I'll follow you to the next world
It's ok with me? It's ok with me?
Spring is just a name for the piercing cold wind
Your smiling face is too dazzling
I'm dead like Buddha
When I wake up, I'm inside the ground
When I stretch my hands, I only crawl through the dark
In my lifeless lips, the embers of love tremble
Who left me like this?
While thinking you were a bad man
I dreamed of having a home
Serving you like this, I became an obstacle
Have you fell into temptation?
You sucked me to the bones and revived me
When I noticed it was a lie, you left me
'Goodbye to this world'
Yells my spirit
For saying 'I love you' I took the risk
And in the name of Buddha I punch you
When I was young I was that pampered
I'm not old enough to worry for the appearances
I'm a woman drowned in a sweet kiss
But a man suddenly laid his hands
With your innocent face you appear on TV
The world knows nothing about the truth
Sudden strong rain and lightnings
Take me back to my hometown
The eyes seeing other person and evilness in dress are forgivable
Just your way of holding chopsticks is unjustifiable
I'm leaving this world
My spirit understood
Sorry mother
I want to eat Mitarashi Dango
Even if the sun rises in the west and the moon turns back
I can't become Buddha
And I'd embrace a man again
Welcome is my amulet
That smiling nostalgic face
Is of someone who understands me
Without me saying once
'I often returned and have lunch'
Once I wasn't going well
And couldn't see tomorrow
I seemed to abandon everything, but...
That word 'welcome'
Is my amulet at all times
Because it always supported me
Saying 'you're well'
On every bad moment
Everytime I returned
A kind voice protected me
Saying 'You surely could walk'
That little was
This nostalgic river?
This way
Time passed?
What doesn't change is only the shore smell
And the sky that leads to anywhere
I'm back
To when I was young
Finding and following dreams
I could only see the future
But I didn't notice on those days
The closest thing I had
Precisely because I had this place
I said 'You surely could walk'
When I say 'I'm back'
Tears overflow
No matter how many times
My heart wants to say 'thank you'
Someday I'll give
My welcome to you too
For you to become familiar with this place
That hides sadness and loneliness
To this warm place
Thanks from the heart
Furious drums
Will I be naked when I die?
If that's a dream, this is a dream too
I don't want to grumble, I was raised in Genkai
As a man, I devote my life to compassion
Hitting the drum furiously
About alcohol and fights, I don't recede
I'm a wild horse, brave and proud
I must not fall in love with someone with honor
The waning moon shines and knows me
Matsugoro is a man who cries
The lights of the turret drums sway
Here comes the summer where all wear the same yukata
Nobody beats me in handling the drumsticks
Why my man's heart is misunderstood?
I'm the well known Muhoumatsu of Kokura
Furious drums (alternative version)
Will I be naked when I die?
If that's a dream, this is a dream too
I don't want to grumble, I was raised in Genkai
As a man, I devote my life to compassion
Hitting the drum furiously
Is that the sound of the waves in Genkai
When the Kuroshio current blows?
Or is the furious hit of the drums
Resounding in the Gion Matsuri?
A thread of love sways tied
To the red paper lanterns
Matsugoro, a cherry blossom among flowers
Is a wild horse striking powerfully
When they think he'll use the right, he uses the left again
When their drumsticks burn in flames
It's sea spray flying about the rapids
In pride, bravery and arms
He's a chivalrous man in a lawless generation
The lights of the turret drums sway
Here comes the summer where all wear the same yukata
Nobody beats me in handling the drumsticks
Why my man's heart is misunderstood?
I'm the well known Muhoumatsu of Kokura
Shore Daraye, Shesh Barer Moto - Stepping Aside, For the last time
Someone is coming through the fog
The light of lantern drains my fear
Where am I going this late at night?
He asks me
I can't tell
I don't know
Where am I?
In the middle of what, how?
Darkness, darkness everywhere
Lightning flashes, burns my my eyes
Walked this path, watched darkness many times
Many times
Many times
The morning talks are coming back
Remembering bits of civilized noon
Afternoon-Evening Night after Night meaningless pain
Plans to make everything right
Come back, don't leave me in the dark
Everything's gonna work this time, please listen to me
The angel of death, won't take me
Broke the old place down to come here
Please take me
Please take me
Please take me
Where am I?
In the middle of what, how?
Darkness, darkness everywhere
Lightning flashes, burns my my eyes
Walked this path, watched darkness
Many times
Many times
I want back the old
I want back the old
I want back the old obscure
The obscure faded, drowned laughter
Come back, you've gone too far away
Come back, let's go now
Go somewhere and sit
Come back, you've gone too far away
Come back, let's go now
Go somewhere and sit
As long as the world exists
Like who fell in love for the first time
My heart is disordered and can't sleep
People are born, they love other people
And know happiness
I like you, I like you so much
Stay the way you are
Probably you'll understand my feelings
I want to hold you tenderly
I'll swear you as long as the world exists
You will have no regrets
I was born, I loved you
And I became happy
The Twilit Sky
Versions: #1
Can you see the twilit sky?
Collecting tears upon your little eyelids
You have yet to know
That you’re not alone
That there’s a friend
Waiting somewhere, somewhere for you
To whom you open your heart
With whom you talk, in whom you believe
The twilit sky is the color of your blood
The red oath to carry love, to help each other
Can you see that distant road?
Nobody would've known
There was a flower blooming down there
You have yet to know
That you’re not alone
That there’s a forever bosom friend
Waiting somewhere, somewhere for you
Though the sun fades and storms rage on
Down that distant road you are heading
Dreams are far away, farther than anywhere else
a peaceful new year
Spring brings love from all families
Bring harmonious lyrics
Love happiness reunites
Tet this year, warmly filled
Rain falls gently, the wind brings the fragrance
Cradling in the wings of a distant bird
Each beat of the past seconds, the heart recoil.
Spring to branches and leaves sprout
How sad and happy are over
Bring me back in peace, with my family full of gratitude
The apricot tree blooms with more color
Gentle in the fresh pink spring sunshine
Come home quickly, parents are waiting.
Friends are happy to show off their new clothes, spring comes, expose them
These neatly lucky money, lucky, fresh
The fragrant banh chung, fainting spring, filled the buds in many places
The morning sun opens smiling lips, gentle spring come
Ề ô ố ô ố
There is a voice of joyful poetry peeling off gifts
Ề ô ố ô ố
There are spring winds, glad to congratulate the grandparents
Laugh forever, a peaceful new year, a peaceful new year.
It Calls You Blessed
My all existence calls your holy name blessed
I sing new poems about praising my savior
In a new morning and a fresh sunrise
I'm singing a new poem
No matter what happens, until night
I'm singing the poem of you praise in my heart
My all existence calls your holy name blessed
I sing new poems about praising my savior
You get angry late and you are full of goodness
And when I remind your kindness
For singing about your goodness
...I find thousands reasons in my heart
My all existence calls your holy name blessed
I sing new poems about praising my savior
When my life is over
When I come to you in the sky
For thousands years and even forever
I'm singing the poem of you praise
My all existence calls your holy name blessed
I sing new poems about praising my savior
The praising of my savior
The praising of my savior
Gently Touch My Heart For A Bit
Gently touch the eyes
Gently touch the shoulder
Gently touch the lips
Tomorrow (you'll) be far from me
Gently touch the memory
Gently touch the dream
We have touched each other in our innocent days
I love a girl who's tiny
(Who) believes in lyrics of songs
(Who) believes that crying in the rain will ease the pain
I love a girl who's of that age
(Who) believes in fantasies
That holding hands will keep (us) together for the rest of (our) lives
Time erases the innocence and things quickly like in dreams
Leaving behind pointless pain, without surprises
Early tomorrow you can feel it in the chest
You will hurt when you miss me
So don't cry right away, please hold my hand tight (and) you'll be at peace
Don't kiss (him) if your lips haven't forgotten the sweet taste we have given each other
Don't hug (him) if you feel he can't give you comfort
Don't believe (him) if (during) break up, he says that he doesn't deserve you
And don't cry right away, I'm still here to give you peace
Gently touch my heart (for) tomorrow (we'll be) far (away)
Gently touch the eyes
Gently touch the shoulder
Gently touch the lips
Tomorrow (you'll) be far from me
Gently touch the memory
Gently touch the dream
We have touched each other in our innocent days
I love a girl who's tiny
(Who) believes in lyrics of songs
(Who) believes that crying in the rain will ease the pain
I love a girl who's of that age
(Who) believes in fantasies
That holding hands will keep (us) together for the rest of (our) lives
Time erases the innocence and things quickly like in dreams
Leaving behind pointless pain, without surprises
Early tomorrow you can feel it in the chest
You will hurt when you miss me
So don't cry right away, please hold my hand tight (and) you'll be at peace
Don't kiss (him) if your lips haven't forgotten the sweet taste we have given each other
Don't hug (him) if you feel he can't give you comfort
Don't believe (him) if (during) break up, he says that he doesn't deserve you
And don't cry right away, I'm still here to give you peace
Time erases the innocence and things quickly like in dreams
Leaving behind pointless pain, without surprises
Early tomorrow you can feel it in the chest
You will hurt when you miss me
So don't cry right away, please hold my hand tight (and) you'll be at peace
Don't kiss (him) if your lips haven't forgotten the sweet taste we have given each other
Don't hug (him) if you feel he can't give you comfort
Don't believe (him) if (during) break up, he says that he doesn't deserve you
And don't cry right away, I'm still here to give you peace
Gently touch my heart (for) tomorrow (we'll be) far (away)
I can't tie my ponytail
Stopping a car at the beach in the ending summer
I dance the last dance of loneliness
With the song of that day on the radio
I cried painfully
Leaning on the wall
I kept seeing you dancing
When the candles went off
Our august announced the end
I'm so sad
I loved you
I can't tie my ponytail anymore
Because if I return to the city
I'll cut my long hair
I wiped with the little finger
A tear hanging in my cheek
When the sea muttered your name
The ribbon of my hair and your breath
Still sway me like that day
I won't forget the ballad we danced
Embracing our shoulders and sunburnt
I'm so sad
I fell in love barefoot
I can't tie my ponytail anymore
The retreating figure of summer
Looks like loneliness
Because in the city where the west wind blows
I'll cut my long hair
I want to embrace you
When we meet is fun
But when we part, I'm twice lonely
I don't want to go home in the evening
Sorry for embarrassing you
Girls at first are abrupt
Will you scold me for my feelings?
I want to embrace you
Even if I have thin and weak arms
I want to embrace you and wrap you
I want to be warmth
Even if you split form me
My heart is full of you
The day I saw your sad face
I was worried all day long
If I had a little bravery
I want to be so close to you
I want to embrace you, I like you
Because the thread of words is thin
I want to embrace you and touch your skin
I want to be warmth
If I had a little bravery
I want to be so close to you
I want to embrace you
Even if I have thin and weak arms
I want to embrace you and wrap you
I want to be warmth
I want to be warmth
I want to be warmth
I want to return to you (Dancing in the ehart)
'I became an adult alone'
That day you cried
What was important for us two?
We haven't understood
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
I want to return to your chest
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
And revert my sad tears
Ay ay ay ay
Ay ay ay ay ay
Even if I notice you in the city
I can't call you anymore
Probably you don't like
Thee girls who suit with a flashy rouge
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
I'm still dancing alone
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
Just embracing memories
Ay ay ay ay
Ay ay ay ay ay
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
I want to return to your chest
Dancin'in the heart woo woo woo
Dancin'in the heart
And revert my sad tears
Ay ay ay ay
Ay ay ay ay ay
A Tune Lacking Its Lyrics
We withstand the passing of time,
the two of us are like these hearts
nothing can erase anymore
even after the oak tree grew old.
Granted, without you around
and your body to keep me warm
I am a life lacking a childhood,
a tune lacking its lyrics.
I could, if you wanted, draw for you
lacking its towers,
Pierrot lacking his Columbine,
Columbine lacking love.
Granted, I could even picture
the silence of the birds,
but not my life without yours,
my tune lacking its lyrics.
You and me, the two of us
Where in the future shall we go?
Sadness is breaking me and I'm about to die
In the starry sky there's cries echoing round
In this wide world, what shall I sing?
Sadness is overflowing and I'm about to cry
As I tightly grip that hand, it's getting kinda cold
Sadness is breaking me and I'm about to die
In the starry sky there's cries echoing round
Sadness is overflowing and I'm about to cry
And your voice is disapearing, going to the other side
AaAaAa A-A-AAa