A keresés eredménye oldal 11
Találatok száma: 609
The Laws of the Border
Since I saw youI had known that I'd cross
To the other side
To survive
I drag my chain
Doomed to be with you
And I'll go down to hell
I'll go down to hell
I'll follow you
In order to feel your skin
I drag my chain
Doomed to survive
And I'll go down to hell
And I'll go down to hell if I have to die
Since I saw you
I had known that I'd cross
To the other side
Even if it costs me life
In order to feel your skin
And I'll cross the nights of the border
And I'll go down to hell
And I'll go down to hell
And I'll go down to hell
And I'll go down to hell if I have to die
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Na-ra-na-nai, la-ra-ra, la-ra
Nélküled estem szerelembe
Előző este nélküled estem szerelembeBúcsút intettem annak a szívemnek
Ami egyedül ver az udvarodon
Minden fájó seb majd beforr és heggé lesz
Annak emlékére, amit mi szerelemnek neveztünk
És csak az idő a megmondhatója, hogy megszólalnak-e majd a hegedűk
Annak emlékére, amit mi szerelemnek neveztünk
Szerelemnek neveztük...
Előző este nélküled estem szerelembe
A kegyelemdöfés, ami elindított
Egy regényben is megállta volna a helyét
Minden fájó seb majd beforr és heggé lesz
Annak emlékére, amit mi szerelemnek neveztünk
És csak az idő a megmondhatója, hogy megszólalnak-e majd a hegedűk
Annak emlékére, amit mi szerelemnek neveztünk
Szerelemnek neveztük...
Előző este nélküled estem szerelembe
Éjszaka a csillagok nem olyan fényesek és nagyok
Ahogy te próbálod beállítani őket
És minden fájó seb majd beforr és heggé lesz
Annak emlékére, amit mi szerelemnek neveztünk
És csak az idő a megmondhatója, hogy megszólalnak-e majd a hegedűk
Annak emlékére, amit mi szerelemnek neveztünk
Annak emlékére, amit mi szerelemnek neveztünk
The way our lives can shine
At the end of an arduous dreamA nightmarish reality starts fading
Away into the night like
A butterfly taking wing
You realized from my scars
The wages for my sins from old
And took them upon yourself
The flames of perdition foretold
You struggled to free me from the sins you accepted
And said that the web of tragedy
I was embedded in was over
I cast my sorrows upon the haze of heat
As the butterflies soar into the night sky
As their colours meld into the moonlight shadow
You were set free
And all I feel is the warmth of your hand...
As the months and years flash before our eyes
The tears that fell from your eyes
Into the hands bearing our curse
Were beautiful in their sorrow
As the emotions bloom like flickering sparks
The only thing I wish to feel is your heartbeat and warmth
As the heat surges, you declared our end with
'Shall we accept our future today?'
The butterflies' colours have already faded into the darkness
Together with our memories of agony
Even if the bell left from antiquity
Tortures us once more with its toll
We will no longer hestitate
Regardless of how much we need to scream or struggle
The butterflies which shine beautifully in the moonlight
Soar away with me and you showing
The way our lives can shine
I cast my sorrows upon the haze of heat
As the butterflies soar into the night sky
As their colours meld into the moonlight shadow
You were set free
And all I feel is the warmth of your hand...
Man + Woman = 100%
Hatred seethed outFrom the pain in the cheek I hit
If you want to play and do as you please
Then go and play with other men
Let’s settle this
Late night climax
So that we'll never regret it
Man plus woman equals 100%
The jealousy scorching my body
Man plus woman equals 100%
Is turning my love for you inside out
For some reason, your falling tears
Started to touch my heart
This break up game we played countless times
Should have become boring by now
Amidst the silence of
The late night climax
I want to believe in the modesty you showed me
Man plus woman equals 100%
After everything is forgiven
Man plus woman equals 100%
Will love be the only thing remaining?
Man plus woman equals 100%
The jealousy scorching my body
Man plus woman equals 100%
Is turning my love for you inside out
Man plus woman equals 100%
After everything is forgiven
Man plus woman equals 100%
Will love be the only thing remaining?
You hold me, you kiss me, you love meI'll become your dream love prisoner
You hold me, you kiss me, you love me
Our love is fascinating
The palm trees' shadow, your back's cute curves
The 22 story studio apartment, nights of your sharp gaze
Like a deep-sea fish, I swim with a burning chest
Don't mind me anymore, okay?
With all the kind behavior you give me
This glass city's tension
You hold me, you kiss me, you love me
You can always lock me up
You hold me, you kiss me, you love me
Sweet love is fascinating
The room's light slightly shines from behind like a meteor
Taking one passionate breath makes my heart become bare
All the carefree invitations, I mean, there isn't any maturity
I still can't do anything only because
I want to be realistic
Every second's action
You hold me, you kiss me, you love me
I'll become your dream love prisoner
You hold me, you kiss me, you love me
Our love is fascinating
You can always lock me up
You hold me, you kiss me, you love me
Sweet love is fascinating
Roughly good
Dude, don't cry at nightIt's time to look for the essential
Babe, yesterday your reproaches were harsh
It doesn't matter, everything's roughly the same yet
Mum, don't be so worried
Everything's going to be roughly good
Dad, I need some money
So everything could be going roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Dudes, let's make a rock and roll band
'Guitars kept in the closet'
Now we're new rock and roll makers
Calm, everything's going to be roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Stranger, I hope your problems get over
And so get back to the path of good
Stranger, bend your energy in equal parts
And everything's going to be roughly good
Looking at the food already cold
I don't think it's been done with love
It doesn't matter, today we're goint to celebrate as a family
Wich is still roughly as I like it
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
Roughly good
We met, strangelyIn the first evening of the untold.
I observed your gaze
Standing in line for a hot dog.
You had a mainstream face
And I, a face of nostalgia.
Know that I, in time, have come
To understand its magic.
I didn't ask anybody and I didn't even ask permission.
I've always learned as I go.
And I've always gone where I want.
Know that life gives us signs on our journey
And today it has compelled me to say to you:
Let's live like this, as if
Today is the last night.
Tomorrow is so far
When you say to me that you're mine.
Let's live each moment
As if it's the last night.
Tomorrow is so far
When you say to me that you're mine.
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
I was sullied up to my ears
With confetti and with mud.
But I held on as if I'm this way
Every Thursday.
I didn't think too much
And I mustered up the courage to smile at you.
I had a plan and I felt
That I had to hurry up.
Let's live like this, as if
Today is the last night.
Tomorrow is so far
When you say to me that you're mine.
Let's live each moment
As if it's the last night.
Tomorrow is so far
When you say to me that you're mine.
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
When you say to me that you're mine, a-a-a...
Hymn for the Announciation
Let us join Archangel Michael in his way toVirgin Mary
and kiss her since she is the mother and nurturer
of our life
not only the general is allowed to greet the queen
but humble ones too can see her and talk to her,
she, as the mother of God, is being beatified by all generations who are hailing her:
' All hail to you the uncontaminated, all hail, daughter invited by the God,
All hail to you the modest one, all hail to you the pleasant one, all hail, kind,
All hail, beautiful, all hail, unsown, all hail undecayed,
All hail, mother without a man,
All hail, bride without being married.
Τοnight at midnight
Tonight, tonight at midnighti got up to write- my little turtledove
And i didn't even put down a single word
without sighing, my little bird
Oh my Virgin Mary Silivriani
i will bring you a candle tall as him-my little turtledove
if you bring, if you bring back to me my little bird
this week- oh my little turtledove
,, Tetszettél, mert kedves voltálÉs mert olvastál:
Bucowski, Bradbury és Wilde
Mert nem ijedtél meg egy avantgárd és káooszal teli embertől
Mert egy példaértékű okos szőkének tűntél
Felszerelkezett, jó stílusú
Mert volt karaktered
Azthittem, hogy te is másképp látod a világot
Nem tudtam hogy te a boldogságot csekkbe számítod
Újra izzóra léptem
Stoppot kellett volna nyomjak
Vagy azt hogy,, REC'
A nyár Jimi Hendrix, az ősz Miles Davis
Az ajtónál csak,, room service'
Várom hogy egyszer te gyere
Hogy emlékeztesselek arra amit mondtál :
,, Denea, kiszökhetsz a csónakból
Mert az én lelkem is égni kezdett
Te ne félj, ugorj, és én ugrok utánnad
Nem tudtam hogy ilyen jól tudsz evezni....
Neked egy megszokott dolog
Egy hülye szerelemmel a zsebében
Egy szavak által megpofozott
Elszámolhatsz 10ig vagy akár ezerig
Nincs szándékomban felállni egy olyanért mint te
Feltételezzük azt, hogy technikailag vesztettem
U.I viszlát
És mintha nem lennék tátott szájú, de mégis elestem
És mintha nem lennék naiv, de mégis hittem
A Sci-fi mesékben
Üres szavakban, műanyag mosolyokban
Egyhasználatú mosolyokban,
Te megszokásból csináltad
Te csak az elszámolásért tetted
Inkább nevezem választéknak
És egy újabb reggel
Kényszerrel alszom el, hanyingerrel kelek
És kérdem vajon én ki voltam?
A világ ura, vagy egy újabb bolond?
A nyár Jimi Hendrix, az ősz Miles Davis
Az ajtónál csak,, room service'
A barátoktól legalább egy tanácsot kérnék
De minden,, Jack ' üveg üresnek tűnik, hallgatok
Te tönkrettél, no stress, csak érdekből
Mintha megrendeltél volna az AliExpressről
Mintha arany oldalakban találtál volna
A szerelem és csekélység vasútja gyerekeknek
A nyár Jimi Hendrix, az ősz Miles Davis
Az ajtónál csak,, room service'
Egykor azt vártam hogy csak te gyere
De mostmár nem.. '
A True Friend
No one knows until it's testedIf you have friends then.
Promises are forgotten surprisingly fast
when the pitch dark night falls.
Yes, they say when the pitcher runs out of ale,
quickly the friend leaves.
Therefore I say, if you've got a true friend
For your sake, praise be God.
Because sometimes people mess up
They need a strong hand then
When life, suddenly
seems worthless.
It's good to be able to talk to
someone who understands you.
A true friend can do
a miracle.
I messed up and I got judged hard
I strayed from the right path
Therefore I say, if you've got a true friend
For your sake, praise be God.
Because sometimes people mess up
They need a strong hand then
When life, suddenly
seems worthless.
It's good to be able to talk to
someone who understands you.
A true friend can do
a miracle.
Because sometimes people mess up
They need a strong hand then
When life, suddenly
seems worthless.
It's good to be able to talk to
someone who understands you.
A true friend can do
a miracle.
The world doesn't see your simplicity
Tried to found friend but found war,Beautiful boy will disappear in lie.
People won't understand the warm under heart,
Under sign of heart wasn't found soul.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply doesn't know how to say.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply offended again.
Tried to found summer but found February,
Under the snowy plaid you will get frozen again.
You'll come home and once again turn on your favorite film about love.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply doesn't know how to say.
The world doesn't see your simplicity,
You simply offended again.
Come Live in My City
Don’t be harsh to the camels1!O cameleer! Stop the litter2!3
O my love, stay with me
O residing spell, be my blazing flares
Be my rose-garden’s spring, burning of Bizhan’s4love
Share food with me, be my family
Wolves made me lose direction
Oh, your angelic beauties chained my soul
Your wine-bearers stoned my [wine] pitcher
O your insignia is in your heralds' hands
O my nights’ moon, look forward to me
Be an eye eyeing me in my path to no end
Can’t find my way to you without your moon of a face
Come to me, your tresses lead my heart to your vicinity
O my soulmate, master of my heart, my musk deer5
And may the stars let me,be my poor heart's granted wish
O lost lover, come live in our faraway city
Be a turquoise, my love, come live in our Neyshābūr6
O angelic face
In this far, far land7
Your longing
Keeps me [so, so] sad
O illuminated sea
Tokyo starlit sky
Thinking about you the day comes to an endAnd a sigh escapes me again tonight
I live in this city where we lived together
I feel like we will meet again before long
Ah ... what a beautiful starlit night!
Ah ... a sad dream
Ah ... now embrace the radiance of love
Ah ... softly hug me
Ripples that stir up sweet memories
Sleeping this night with the lingering scent
Leaving the lace curtain open
Drunk with the kisses we exchanged then
Ah ... at least I want to hear your voice
Ah ... Looking up at the sky
Ah ... Not hearing anything
Ah ... alone in this city
Ah ... at least I want to hear your voice
Ah ... Looking up at the sky
Ah ... Not hearing anything
Ah ... alone in this city
Mindent elpusztítok
Amikor a tükörbe nézek,Nem tudom kit látok
ez reménytelen, én Reménytelen vagyok,
de nem bánom, amit tettem,
megérdemelték, mi mindannyian meghalunk egy nap.
Azt teszem, amit a hangok mondanak.
Mindig könnyebb úgy ölni,
ha már legbelül halott vagy,
Zárj be,
mert rohadtul elvesztettem az eszem.
Ide-oda ringat, megöl, megborzongat.
Ide-oda ringat, hogy holtan lássalak.
Mindent elpusztítok
A véredben fürdök.
(Mindent elpusztítok, mindent elpusztítok)
És ha meg is próbálod
itt senki sem hallja, ha sikoltasz,
ide senki sem ér el.
Amikor mindet megöltem
az életért könyörögtek, de én elvettem azt.
Most itt vagyok
és ismét lekaparom az összes festéket a falról.
Az eső egy üdvözlő ígéret,
hogy a holnap még rosszabb lesz.
Mint a ma és a mindörökké,
örökké énekelni fogunk.
Kérlek, adj valamit, amiben hihetek,
Úgy érzem, mintha az elmém szétcsúszna,
Nem tudom elnyomni az érzést, hogy közeleg a vég.
Ó Istenem, Ó Istenem, Ó Istenem, mi a faszt tettem?
That Which Preserves You
Arms, fingers, legs, nails,Ears, nose, mouth, hair
And you?
When you open your eyes, you're back where you were before
Still inside the same dream you're always having
If you wave your hand, it might dissipate
This world that's pretending to be you
Everything vanishes
And manifests again,
Look now! All the promises you've made are being broken
This new world is all that preserves you
The you of you,
The you for you
Arms, fingers, legs, nails,
Ears, nose, mouth, hair
If you close your eyes, it'll fade away
Within nothing but spreading darkness,
You remove your armor, your weapons
One by one
You feel much better
Finally you speak
Hey, come on, come out of your shell
Even if you cast off your body you'll be preserved
Look now! All the promises you've made are being broken
This new world is all that preserves you
The you of you,
Deciding to choose
The you for you
Good omens
You're talking, I'm silent,I want to hear only you,
I try to find the happy features
In all with you.
You see, the rocket is flying, like a star,
And it's a good omen.1
Up half the sky is in golden colours,
And it's also a good omen,
The lake is covered in fog,
And it's a good omen too,
Love has found us
In accordance with all omens.
Your hear, there's the steamers rot call somewhere,
And it's a good omen,
The birds began to sing before the dawn,
And it's also a good omen,
The summer is sonorous, like a string,
And it's a good omen too,
Love is coming
Towards you and me.
I'm talking, you're silent,
You'll understand the shyness and forgive the courage,
And then you'll add many good omens
Back at me.
The lake is covered in fog,
And it's a good omen too,
Love has founds us
In accordance with all omens.
- 1. Why is this good?
Knowing all along that we'd fall,We only flew higher
Seeing the world for the first time was both beautiful and sad
Knowing well that we'd crash,
We only flew higher
Our days together were happy, and therefore sad
In the cold wind, we hid our hurt wings from one another
Without a promise or pledge, we only hoped for time to stop
Knowing well that we'd crash,
We only flew higher
Our days together were happy, and therefore sad
We tired of flapping our wings and leaned on each others' shoulders
We wanted only to dream forever within a never-ending dream
Knowing all along that we'd fall,
We only flew higher
Seeing the world for the first time was both beautiful and sad
I’ve been workin all dayYou used to be with me on my bad days
Even if I'm alone, I need to get it done erryday
I'm going to forget it, your birthday
You can call me son of a what
Season got changed
Now I got a chance
Things from the past
I'm trying to forget, but I still write about you
You might hate it, but you'll still look for me
When I saw every truth that you lied to me
Everything turned to ash but you ran away
I stayed up nights
And threw it all away
I lived like that for a long time
But it's not worth it anymore
The weight of the smoke I exhaled
In comparison to yours,
Is just like air
I know everything but still get fooled
You must be laughing now
Knowing that I can't do anything
If I call you late at night
Please block my number
Late night
Every night
I’m lost in you
When I
When I
Needed you
You just left me
Our love has turned to ash
I threw away the memories you gave me
You used to smile on me
Now you fade from me
Why'd you ran from me
I don't wanna be ash
Just leave me alone
You'll just add fire
To the flames
I'm going crazy
I need to trap you
But the more I try
The more it burns
From deep below, the fire spreads
Everything turns black
Ever since I ripped you out of my heart
You used to be with me on my bad days always
You can't escape me
Take it take it take it
You're always in my vision
I feel good today, surrounding you
It's like fate
You feel the same as me
So that's why I wait for you
You make me going crazy all day
Late night
Every night
I'm lost in you woo
When I
When I
Needed you
You just left me
Our love has turned to ash
I threw away the memories you gave me
You used to smile on me
Now you fade from me
Why'd you ran from me
I don't wanna be
Our love has turned to ash
I've erased the reason you cried
You used to ride on me
Now you feelin' nothing
Why'd you ran from me
I don't wanna be ash
I put my ear against your back and hugged youThis body like a boundary is a nuisance, right?
It's like I'm going somewhere
But if I keep silent it'll be torn apart
That's what it feels like
I want to get closer to you
In a world no more than 3 meters in radius
Taking turns on the pedals
Running past bowing sunflowers 1
Steadily taking in the wind
Like I'm about to fly
Feeling your warmth for the first time
I want to be stronger than anyone else
Two hearts getting together
With a hot rhythm
Lips to lips, eye to eye and hand in hand
God doesn't forbid anything
I love you, I love you, I love you
I still haven't learned my lesson
An adult wouldn't understand 2
It's painful and cruel
I want to show you, I'll about to burst
I'll look the other way and wait
So take your hesitating hand from your pocket
And touch me in the cheek
Put a spell on the power of being in love
We always took the long way home on our way back
The sky like falling bitter oranges
Looked kinda happy and sad
What were we born for?
We're halves, right?
I try thinking about it by myself
But really, I'm not good at that
I've envied those strong shoulders
That could throw a ball so far
That you couldn't see it anymore
And wanted to be a boy
Soft like clear waters
I want to be stronger than anyone else
Like when we were really young
Odd, right? I'm shedding tears
Lips to lips, eye to eye and hand in hand
We're the same and feel the same
I love you, I love you, I love you
I still haven't learned my lesson
An adult wouldn't understand
It won't get through, even though it was said
I want to jump as I am
I'll give you a good-bye kiss
So hold close the last step's distance
So that the sun never sets
We watched the lone setting sun together
Even though it was so beautiful
Somehow it's hard to say
Somehow it's not enough
Like Nostradamus predicted
The day this world explodes
I want to become one with you 3
Two hearts getting together
With a hot rhythm
Lips to lips, eye to eye and hand in hand
God doesn't forbit anything
I love you, I love you, I love you
I still haven't learned my lesson
An adult wouldn't understand
It's painful and cruel
I want to show you, I'll about to burst
I'll look the other way and wait
So take your hesitating hand from your pocket
And touch me in the cheek
Put a spell on the power of being in love
So that the sun never sets
Aurora Girl
On a ship deck headed to the north country,I watched the towers disappear.
The sparkling complexes, and the stardust lights.
She sees them too, while she’s in your room.
Lonely Girl from north country.
I’m making my way home, bag in hand,
Lonely Girl from north country.
To the windswept wheat fields.
I’ll take the stylish clothes you made me wear,
Girl from north country.
And shed them like a little bird.
When I bring my watch to my ear, eyes shut,
The time I spent with you sways around.
That day she left her flower patterned umbrella behind
And I acted happy, pretending I hadn’t noticed.
Lonely Girl from north country.
Where hyacinths lie by the stream.
Lonely Girl from north country.
Lipstick doesn’t suit me.
I couldn’t become the beauty you desired.
Girl from north country.
Not to the very end.
Ah, I can’t give up on you. Ah, I’ll tear the shreds of love,
Ah, and throw them to a seagull tomorrow.
Lonely Girl from north country.
The shining aurora in the north,
Lonely Girl from north country.
Is a mirage akin to sorrow.
Approaching the sea named ‘Memories,’
Girl from north country.
The ship’s whistle sounds.
Tree of life
A tree of life to those who hold fast to it,and all who cling to it find happiness.
Its ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all its paths are peace.
A tree of life to those who hold fast to it,
and all who cling to it find happiness.
Its ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all its paths are peace.
Its ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all its paths are peace.
New World
Thinner air than usual, making an artificial expressionYour heart is frigid, soaked in nonstop rain.
Aren't you always worried about not having an umbrella? What are you doing?
I want to hurry to you, but the promised time has already passed.
Just rush out, you can just selfishly scatter it.
Always feeling the things that you can't change
Well they keep on tellin' me
Only love yourself.
I want to love, but I can't love. I'm sick of simply bearing with it day after day.
Just do it
Again and again, flipping through the scribbled notebook pages
Our new world, written on a brand new place
Let's wish that you receive it as well some day.
Showing off my bravery like a fool, swinging without making a single scratch.
When you loudly laughed at that, I suddenly needed you.
When the sky comes fallin' down
Getting out of a long, deep hole
I was touched by your love, everything changed, and now
I can't go back, but why
Be relieved, start sobbing, why
Laugh together, embrace one another, even now
I want to see you, I want to see you, I said it until my voice went hoarse.
I love you.
Again and again, bringing our overly-incomplete selves a bouquet.
Just fill the world with this aroma.
Painted in all kinds of colors, shine like you're going to destroy
Even this starless black night sky. Because I'll repaint it white one more time.
A new world, let's grasp it one day with these hands.
Again and again, I'll hold your hand that's always there by me
The Dice of The Unfortunate*
Even if I’m using this obeying heart as a collateralJust like drawing a circle down,
I keep redoing them, saying a quick prayer
Before long the no-side game starts
Being swept away, always getting involved
Admitting to it, admiring them,
Anything goes.
Moreover, I’m not interested
on things like Zero-G at all
Hands that seemed brand new are connected to someone, somewhere
Someone who is imprisoned in a life full of procrastination
Being swept away, always getting involved
Admitting to it, admiring them
Don’t make me say the same thing over and over again
Show must go on
They say if you show them through action while saying nothing, then there’ll be nothing left to do
Show must go on
Are we that stupid to the point we can’t understand that?
You don’t even deserve a simple “goodbye”
Things such as excuses won’t make up for your past
Grasp the happiness that happens to be there
Who the hell decides that what they say is the truth?
It’s not like they won’t notice it, so I want to swallow it up,
I want to spit out my hesitation, yes, I want to refuse them
By the time I want to call it off, it’s too late
The dice of the unfortunate
My esteem needs fit my self-assessment that was smeared by bluffs
It’s worthless, is there even any meaning to be announced as the victor
Being satisfied, being disturbed
Getting bored, getting dazzled by it
I’m going to repeat the same thing over and over again
Show must go on
They say if you show them through action while saying nothing, then there’ll be nothing left to do
Show must go on
Are we that stupid to the point we can’t understand that?
It’s a lineup full of important people
Forgetting, loving, torrentially, I’m deserting all my losses and gains
I guess I’ll just talk while standing too, huh?
Cut through everything, all the gust of morals and ethics
Just as what “God” had said
That guy, this guy, even those guys says “it’s somehow your fault”
Push against the distortions
Just how much did I misunderstand, saying “this is fine”?
You don’t even deserve a simple “goodbye”
Things such as excuses won’t make up for your past
Grasp the happiness that happens to be there
Who the hell decides that what they say is the truth?
It’s not like they won’t notice it, so I want to swallow it up,
I want to spit out my hesitation, yes, I want to refuse them
By the time I want to call it off, it’s too late
The dice of the unfortunate
I wonder what started all of this
There are still things that I don’t like
Keep redoing them, saying a quick prayer
In the end, it’s a suicide game
My soul
My soul is thirsty for you2021.04.02.
An unrequited love is OK
Don't you like my face?You filled my chest since who knows when
Your facial expression is changing, your hair sways
I have enough with being seen from here
An unrequited love is OK, being by your side
Maybe because I love you so much that is nothing
It's not painful, just with seeing
Someone this way I'm happy
Your big ears, your slim finger
I have enough with seeing them from here
An unrequited love is OK, being by your side
Maybe because I love you so much that is nothing
An unrequited love is OK, you can hate me
Because I'd hate to wake up without letting you show my dreams
It's fine if you don't know my feelings
Because they suffer in the place I threw them
An unrequited love is OK, just like now
If I don't make a strange move, all will go perfectly
An unrequited love is OK, just with being seen
What scares me the most is to be hated
The shapes of a boyfriend and a girlfriend loving each other
I imagine them and I hate them to the point of puking blood
But what can I do? But what can I do?
I'm not in her heart
Is it ok like now? There's nothing beyond
Could I like someone else against my will?
You can pity me, I'll say it doesn't hurt me
Because an unrequited love is OK, just like now
Ali Baba
Even on holidays, he used to wear a patched robe, that Ali Baba.But he has once discovered a cave full of treasures, that Ali Baba!
He could have lived like a padishah, that Ali Baba,
But he hated keeping his wealth in chests, that Ali Baba!
What are those sapphires and diamonds, pearls, and turquoise about?
He would gladly give everything he has got
For the beloved eyes!
Once he has noticed a gentle look from under the veil, that Ali Baba.
So he threw a feast for the whole world, that Ali Baba.
In the morning, he put on his patch robe again, that Ali Baba,
Saying: 'I'm now rich indeed!' That's Ali Baaba!
What are those sapphires and diamonds, pearls, and turquoise about?
He would gladly give everything he has got
For the beloved eyes!
What are those sapphires and diamonds, pearls, and turquoise about?
He would gladly give everything he has got
For the beloved eyes!
The Elegy of Puzzle
What words do you use to adorn your love?Illuminated by the moonlight, it's shaking, your form
What do your fatality tell with your supple hands?
A wine that you can drink while eating
The image of goodbye conquer my heart
Lamentation puzzle the one left
Elegy puzzle I'm too scared to find it
Where is the exit of the maze of love?
Politely withdrawn, I'm about to be separated
I want more than the sweetness of the kiss
Lamentation puzzlе the one left
If you bury thе mourning puzzle, that's it
I believe in you now
Lamentation puzzle the one left
Elegy puzzle left behind and rocking
If you bury the mourning puzzle, that's it
Óriások lehetnénkMikor áltunk meg?
Csak mond a szót, s a tiéd leszek
Tudod, én nem felejtek soha
Remény és sértés
Élt mélyen bennem
De a mocsokban is van arany
Csak nem szántam rá időt, hogy észrevegyem
Bár láttam az értékét
Mikor mellettem sétáltál
És kezem kezdbe simult
Ahogy a szellőbe kapaszkodnak egy madár szárnyai
Óriások lehetnénk
Mikor álltunk meg?
Csak mond a szót, s a tiéd leszek
Tudod, én nem felejtek soha
Mi voltunk a dallam a csendben
De a jelen utolér
Csak mond a szót, s a tiéd leszek
Tudod, én nem felejtek soha
Tudtam a kezdetektől
Szabaddá teszel
Az a nap a parkban
Mikor elrejtőzött tőlem a fájdalom
A szemeidnek fel kellett ismerniük, oly régen volt már
Te vagy a hold és a csillagok, és minden, mire tekintenek
Az idő nem lassít soha, mire vársz még?
Mire vársz még?
Óriások lehetnénk
Mikor álltunk meg?
Csak mond a szót, s a tiéd leszek
Tudod, én nem felejtek soha
Mi voltunk a dallam a csendben
De a jelen utolér
Csak mond a szót, s a tiéd leszek
Tudod, én nem felejtek soha
Csak mond, hogy fogsz
Fogsz emlékezni e napokra?
Mikhez ragaszkodtam
Ma estéig
Ha azt mondod, fogsz
Magam mögött hagyom őket
Emlékszel még azokra az időkre?
Óriások lehetnénk
Mikor álltunk meg?
Csak mond a szót, s a tiéd leszek
Tudod, én nem felejtek soha
Mi voltunk a dallam a csendben
De a jelen utolér
Csak mond a szót, s a tiéd leszek
Tudod én nem felejtek soha
Óriások lehetnénk
Ó, de én még mindig szeretlek
De én még mindig szeretlek
Be my fire or a waterfallBe my the most-most sweet poison
Without you, everything is light off, as the sparks of the sunrise
Do love me as white lilies
Be my fire or a waterfall
Be my the most-most sweet poison
Without you, everything is light off, as the sparks of the sunrise
Do love me as white lilies
You were sprinkling by the empty phrases
But in fact, it had been so much unspoken
And we don't bound to be together
But if you're not being hugged
In another embrace, and your soul with me
Just dial-up me
And I'll drop down the whole world in sake you alone
Be my fire or a waterfall
Be my the most-most sweet poison
Without you, everything is light off, as the sparks of the sunrise
Do love me as white lilies
The wind will flutter the wounds, curtains, in my memory
and we're in the Nevsky at once
Again I'm talking about my personal pain
I was changing the cell numbers and habits
The word 'love', the word 'friends'
had been taken in quotes
Yes, everything was going as usual
You're biting me and hitting me, you're a hysteric girl
You were cutting my heart by the Catana
But you hugged it as my Mom did
And this good sadness is my best driver
The place is Moscow, but alas
My mood is St. Petersburg
But if you not being hugged
In another embrace, and your soul with me
Just dial-up me
Ans I'll drop down the whole world in sake you alone
Be my fire or a waterfall
Be my the most-most sweet poison
Without you, everything is light off, as the sparks of the sunrise
Do love me as white lilies
The Forgotten
I am so captured by your love...like a deer captured in a trap
I am so captured by your love
...like a deer captured in a trap
Sometimes I cry for my incurable pain
Sometimes I smile at my bad state
Sometimes I cry for my incurable pain
Sometimes I smile at my bad state
Am I not like Majnun?!1 Can I let my love go?! (No, I can't) 2
So if you are a wise person, (don't waste your time and) don't advise me in a vain (to forget her)
If you call my name3 when I'm asleep (dead) in my grave
...my sorrowful soul would calm down
I have a soul that I am ready to sacrifice it for the dust of your steps4
Whether you be nice with me or hurt me
Am I not like Majnun?!5 Can I let my love go?! (No I can't)
So if you are a wise person, don't advise me in a vain (to forget her)
- 1. : The well-known lover
- 2. If we translate this verse literally it means: 'I am not like Majnun to let my love go'. But it's counterintuitive, because Majnun never let his beloved Leyla go, but on the contrary he loved Leyla so much, that is why people called him Majnun=crazy, because he was crazy about Leyla. So I think the verses should be a question as I translated it.
- 3. The poet is addressing his beloved
- 4. It is an exaggeration, one of literary devices. The poet means I'm ready to give up my life for you
- 5. The well-known lover