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Speech of 10th Year

Turkish Nation!
It has been 15 years since we start to combat. Today is a blessed day on which our secular land completes her tenth year.
May it be celebrated!
Now, as a part of this nation, I am in a great excitement and happiness of experiencing this blesses day.
My folks!
We have done so many things in a brief time. The greatest one of those works is the Republic of Turkey which its foundation lays on Turkish braveness and Turkish culture.
We owe that success to the determined working of Turkish folks and their valuable army.
But we can never get enough of what we have done. Because we have to and are full determination of accomplishing more and bigger workds. We shall make our land reach the level of developed and civilised countries. We shall make our land have large and welfare information sources. We shall reach the level of contemporary civilization.
To do so, we should take into consideration the current situation and events of todays world not the the outmoded, the frivolous mindset. Compared to the past, we shall work harder. We shall accomplish greater works at a shorter notice. I have no doubts that we shall succeed this as well. Because, the character of the Turkish nation’s is excellent. Turkish nation is hardworking. Because they knew how to overcame difficulties in a unity. And because, while taking steps in the road of civilization and developing, Turkish nation have science in their mindsets. I have to emphasize it momentously, one of the characteristic feature of excellent Turkish nation is that they teasure art and are making their mark with art. This is why that is our national ideal to always emphasize and annonce the excellent character, sedulity, innate hard brains,the love of arts ,the love of science, the bond of national unity of Turks in any time and make it live with meausures.
The ideal, which suits Turkish nation very well, shall make all people, in the way of genuine peace, reach the accomplishment of national serve.
Great Turkish Nation, you have heard my words promising accomplishments. I am happy that I had never failed with my words that might shake the confidence of my nation.
And today, with the same belief and certanity, I am confiding that the world shall hear about the greatness of Turkish nation taking steps as a unity to national ideal in a brief time for one more time.
For certain, I have no doubts that the forgetten and great cilivizated quality, capability of Turks, with the development hereupon, shall rise like a sun in the great civilised horizon.
Turkish Nation!
With every ten year running down to endlessness, I wish from the deep of my heart you to celebrate this great nation day with greater glories, enjoyments and in peace.
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!
29th October 1933

To Turkish Youth!

Ye, Turkish Youth! Your very first duty is to keep the future of the Republic, and preserve it evermore! This is the sole fundament of yours! This fundament is your most precious treasure. Even in future, there will be external and internal evildoers you’ll face!
One day if it falls to you to defend the future and the republic, you shall not think about the circumstances and conditions you’ll have! Those circumstances may turn out to be extremely unfavourable! Those foes who intend to remean, may be the representatives of an unseen and unmatched victory.
It may be that, by violence and ruse, all the fortresses of your beloved fatherland may be captured, all its shipyards occupied, all its armies dispersed and every part of the country invaded. And sadder and graver than all these circumstances, those who hold power within the country may be in error, misguided and may even be traitors Those powerholders may incorporate with the foes, only for their own wealth. The nation may fall into the extreme-poverty
Ye, the descent of the Turkish Future! Even in this circumstances your very first duty is to preserve the Turkish Republic and her future!
The power you need, can be found in the noble blood in your veins!

To ANZAC Soldiers

Those heroes that shed their blood
and lost their lives ...
You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country.
Therefore rest in peace.
There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours
You, the mothers who sent their sons from faraway countries,
wipe away your tears

Kuvâyi Milliye- Fifth Part

March 16, 1920
Story of
«If it were not this patriotic and brave, Manastirli Hamdi Efendi, what kind of expectation would we have to obtain information on disaster of Istanbul. It has been understood that an individual who is a minister, deputy and commander of our organization present in Istanbul could not think of informing us in a timely manner. That is to say, his words were covered by excitement and palpitation. I don’t know if it is permissible to decide that he was so dazzled to get close to the telephone connecting Istanbul and Ankara? »
(Nutuk, pg. 295, Devlet Basımevi, Istanbul 1938)
March 16, 1920
Before noon
At ten o’clock
The one waiting in front of the machine received this telgraph from Ankara:
«Der-aliye 16/3/1920.
The English raided this morning
Muzika police station at Sehzadebasi.
There was a gunfight.
Now they are occupying İstanbul.
Submitted for information.
Manastirli Hamdi.»
March 16, 1920.
Telgraph office of Harbiye Oversight reached out Ankara:
«English soldiers are wandering around.
Right now
English soldiers are entering to Oversight
Here they are entering.
From the door of Oversight.
Disconnect the wire.
Englishmen are here»
March 16, 1920.
Manastırlı Hamdi Efendi
Found the one in Ankara again:
«Pasha highness,
English classiarius occupied Harbiye Telgraph Office too
They also occupy Tophane as well,
They are dispatching soldiers from armored vehicles.
The situation is getting worse sir.
Pasha highness,
I am waiting the orders of the state.
March 16, 1920
March 16, 1920.
Hamdi Efendi repeated the situation again:
«In the morning while our soldiers were sleeping
As English classiarius troops were occupying the police station
The gunfight began when our soldiers waking up dazzled.
As a result, we have six martyrs, fifteen wounded
The English berth battleship to the pier and
Occupied Beyoglu and Tophane.
Here, Beyoglu telgraph office is not available.
Here comes officers of Beyoglu telgraph office.
They were fired.
This place will be occupied in an hour or so.
I have just heard sir.»
March 16, 1920
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
The infidel fusilladed two of us.
Not all of Englishmen are pigs
They killed us at dawn.
March 16, 1920
Headquarters of Vezneciler was raided.
Wake up man please wake up.
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
Three of us: Abdullah the sergeant, Osman of Sarkisla,
and Abdulkadir from Zile.
March 16, 1920
At the arch of Bozdogan
The infidel fusilladed two of us.
Ahmet son of Nasuh name of my friend was,
Resadiyeli Veli son of Memet mine.
March 16, 1920
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping.
Stabbed the machete to the belly of Osman,
The infidel stepped on his chest cavity.
Father of four Abdullah the sergeant.
It was too early for Abdulkadir.
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
The infidel fusilladed two of us.
March 16, 1920 in the morning,
Opposite the police station
I did not drop my gun,
I wiped the floor with two of Englishmen.
I saved your dignity my dear Istanbul,
I will make the supreme sacrifice for you my dearest.
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
The infidel fusilladed two of us.
Now three of us:
Abdullah and Osman and Abdulkadir,
Their tombs are side by side at Eyup.
Do not look for, you cannot find graves of us,
Maybe in east or in west,
We do not know its places either.
The infidel slaughtered three of us while we were sleeping,
The infidel fusilladed two of us,
Ahmet son of Nasuh name of my friend was,
Resadiyeli Veli son of Mehmet mine.
Also, there is the sixth one,
A martyr with dark long and thin moustache,
Her its last place,
Noone knows his name...