Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 18



Isten a legnagyobb
Tanúsítom, hogy nincs más isten, csakis Allah
És Mohamed az ő küldötte
Jöjjetek imára
Jöjjetek a boldogságra1
Nincs más isten, csakis Allah2
Az ima jobb, mint az álom.
  • 1. az üdvözülésre
  • 2. a reggeli ima esetén

Amina mother / Prophets birth

Amina, mother of prophet Muhammed
she gave birth to a pearl, a grain of pearl
when Amina was hamila with him
a lot of sings she had seen
the father of our prophet, Abdullah
He chose the benefactor haqq-Allah
When the time came near for him to be born,
Every good thing is coming to you.
it was time of Rebiul-evvel, spring,
Monday night twelfth is coming.
When Muhammad's mother gave birth,
She said she saw a miracle.
As a lightning from the house falls on us,
Nur flies from him to the heavens.
On the hewai an angel lays a mattress
from a paradise named Sundus is.
I saw three flags crucified,
listen to what I am telling you.
On the maghrib, on the mashrik two ayans,
The third flag is right from the Kaaba to the attic.
I knew immediately that he was the best slave,
To dear God, from everyone the favourite
lots of angels came from heavens,
Surrounded our house like Kaba.
The wall dissolved, and I looked,
I saw many miracles next to me.
From the paradise came three Hurries,
They praised Muhammed in everyway
Blessed are you, happy mother, they said,
And with words of praise they spoke of my son
A mother has never given birth like this,
Blessed are you who carried him.
And when the time comes for me to give birth,
The good that will come for me to see.
Thirst came to my soul,
They gave me a cup of sherbet.
colder then snow and whiter,
It was sweeter than sugar and prettier.
And the sherbet they gave me when I drank,
The whole of me drowned in nur.
I drowned in the nur certainly,
And I didn't know for my self.
A white bird accepts me,
Again, all my strength came to me.
And the king was born of the faith at that hour,
And in nur the whole world drowned.
You bring salawat to him,
You will acquire paradise from God.
It is good to bring salawat
And to water your eyes with tears.
Who ask that the fire doesn't hurt him,
Let the heart awaken with salawat.

The black mantle of God's house

The black mantle of God's house1
Is causing my heart to yearn
Oh, God's messenger, please seek2
For the Ummah3 to burn with ishq Covering of God's house is black
It caused wound in my heart
God's Prophet
1, thou come and search
Let your ummah 2 go with your love
God's Prophet, thou come and search
Let your ummah enthuse with your love
Pilgrim's go there part by part
Whose who don't go would be sick
God's Prophet1, thou come and search
Let your ummah 2 go with your love
God's Prophet, thou come and search
Let your ummah enthuse with your love
Head of the lovers in the two worlds
Let your ummah go with your love
Head of the lovers in the two worlds
Let your ummah enthuse with your love
  • Muhammad
  • the whole community of Muslims bound together by ties of religion.

I've been praying for years (O Medina)

I've been making Du'a1 for years,
To go to Hajj2 one day.
To perform the Ka'bah Tawaf3,
To utter 'Labbayk Allah4!'
At the Maqam-e-Ibrahim5,
To perform Namaz6,
To drink Zamzam7 water,
To heal my Iman8.
O , o Medina,
Will I get to see your beauty?
Will I be granted Naseeha9,
To be your Musafir10?
All the Hajjis11 which were there,
Utter the same words:
Medina is the most beautiful,
And Nur12 is coming out of it.
O Allah, when will I see,
All the places of our Rasul13,
And pray two Rakat14
In his Jami'a15?
Every night I'm getting up,
To pray Qiyamu-l-Layl16.
While crying in Sajdah17, I say:
O Allah, make me one of your Hajjis.
The Mecca and Medina,
To see with my own eyes,
To die, and not regret,
And that my eyes remain open.
  • 1. 'Du'a' [Arabic: دعاء] = 'invocation / prayer' ()
  • 2. 'Hajj' [Arabic: حج] = 'pilgrimage' - to Mecca, holiest city in the religion of Islam. ()
  • 3. 'Ka'bah Tawaf' [Arabic: كعبة طواف] = lit. 'circling the Cube'. - the ')
  • 4. 'Labbayk Allah' [Arabic: لبيك الله] = literal translation is 'I am here to Your service, o God!' or 'I am responding to you, o God!' - this invocation is known as the 'Talbiyah' and it is the prayer said during the Hajj pilgrimage. ()
  • 5. 'Maqam-e-Ibrahim' [Arabic: مقام إبراهيم] = 'Station of Abraham' - a stone in Macca which is, according to Muslim belief, considered to contain an imprint of )
  • 6. 'Namaz' [Persian: نماز] - 'prayer' - also known as 'Salah' [Arabic: صلاة]. 'Namaz' is the word of Persian origin, while 'Salah' is of Arabic origin. Both words signify the same thing. ()
  • 7. 'Zamzam' [Arabic: زمزم] = Name of a well located in Mecca. ()
  • 8. 'Iman' [Arabic: إيمان] = 'Faith'. ()
  • 9. 'Naseeha' [Arabic: نصيحة] = 'advice' / 'recommendation' / 'guidance' - in this case, it's used with the latter meaning, as 'guidance' or 'leading', in the sense of 'Will I be lead towards being your guest?' ()
  • 10. 'Musafir' [Arabic: مسافر] = 'traveller' or 'guest' - in this context, it means 'guest'. ()
  • 11. 'Hajji' [Colloquial Arabic: حجي or حاجي], also 'Haaj' [Formal Arabic: حاج] = 'pilgrim' ()
  • 12. 'Nur' [Arabic: نور] = 'Light'. ()
  • 13. 'Rasul' [Arabic: رسول] = the 'Messenger' (of God Almighty). In this case, refering to the )
  • 14. 'Rakah' [Arabic: ركعة‎] = one 'cycle' or 'unit' during prayer in Islam. Each prayer consists of a certain number of Rakat. ()
  • 15. 'Jamia' [Arabic: جامعة] - also known as 'Masjid' [Arabic: مسجد] = ')
  • 16. 'Qiyamu-l-Layl' [Arabic: قيام الليل] = 'Standing of the Night' - the nightly prayer - a Muslim prayer performed late in the night - it is a voluntary prayer, and not one of the five obligatory prayers. Also known by the name 'Tahajjud' [Arabic: تهجد‎] - whose meaning is close to 'vigilance', or, 'staying awake at night'. ()
  • 17. 'Sajdah' [Arabic: سجدة] - also known as 'Sujud' [Arabic: سجود] = 'prostration' during prayer. ()

Yusuf where are you

All that Waqt1
He was making Dua2
And from Allah3
Asking for Yusuf4
Yusuf, Yusuf, where are you?
Yaqub5 cries, and speaks:
Yusuf, where are you?
Yusuf was thrown,
By a brother, in a well,
Who brought his shirt
Covered in blood
Many sleepless nights
Yaqub has spent crying
From all of his cries
He lost his sight
Allah doesn't allow
The sorrow to the Rasul6,
After all the many years,
He had seen Yusuf again 2x
  • 1. 'Waqt' [arab. وقت] = 'time'. ()
  • 2. 'Dua' [arab. دعاء] = prayer/invocation/supplication/plea. ()
  • 3. 'Allah' [arab. الله] = 'the God'. ()
  • 4. 'Yusuf' [arab. يوسف‎] = Joseph. ()
  • 5. 'Yaqub' [arab. يعقوب‎] = Jacob - also known as 'Israil' [arab. إسرآءیل] = Israel. ()
  • 6. 'Rasul' [arab. رسول] = 'Messenger' [of God (s.w.t.)]. ()

This world has a short span

Dunya1 has a short span,
Pay attention to what awaits you.
Akhirah2 is our destination,
Where will your soul end up?
Your life will pass so quickly,
Akhirah is our place to go.
There will be no rioting there,
For everyone will account for themself.
Chorus (2x):
Take care, o Mu'min3 brother,
To which group you will go.
Do not scold anyone then,
But rather rely on yourself.
May all the sinners know,
That's where the Justice reigns.
The Judgement will be right,
Nobody will be hiding anything.
Chorus (2x).
All will have a concern then,
When they read the Book.
If the Book comes from the right,
Then fortune will dawn upon you.
But if you receive it from the left,
Then you'll suffer with a great anguish.
If doesn't give Mercy,
You will be an eternal misery.
Chorus (2x).
  • 1. 'Dunya' [arab. دنيا] = a word signifying 'this world' - material/physical/perishable/earthly world. Arabic language has three words for 'world' - 'Dunya' (material world - of this life), 'Akhirah' (spiritual world - of afterlife) and ''Alam' (a general word for 'world'). ()
  • 2. 'Akhirah' [arab. آخرة] = word which signifies the 'other world' - the spiritual/metaphysical/eternal/transcendental world. One of three Arabic words with the meaning of 'world'. ()
  • 3. 'Mu'min' [arab. مؤمن] = 'Believer' / 'Faithful person'. ()

Although the Prophet isn't with us anymore

As it was said by Muhammad (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam1):
'All my followers will enter the Jannah2,
Except those who refuse entering the Jannah.'
'Who will be the ones which will refuse it?',
- The Sahabah3 asked.
'Whoever follows my Sunnah4 will enter Paradise,
And whoever doesn't follow my Sunnah is the one who refuses (to enter the Jannah).',
He replied.5
Chorus (2x):
Although the Peygamber6 isn't with us anymore,
His Sunnah will be with us forever.
All your deeds we will practice,
Your Sunnah, we will revive.
O Muhammad, your Ummah7 is breaking apart,
As much as you are not with us.
They are fighting against your words,
Making up something which isn't Islamic.
Chorus (2x).
Those which know your Sunnah,
Those which know the Haqq8.
Your As-Sahabah were truthful,
But since a long time they've been under the earth...
Chorus (2x).
Now we are striving to live,
Your Sunnah, to practice,
For we know that only through you,
We can achieve the Jannah.
Chorus (2x).
As said by Muhammad (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam):
'The Ummah of Jews will split into 71 sects,
The Ummah of Christians will split into 72 sects,
And my Ummah will split into 73 sects,
72 of which will be in jahannam9, and one in Jannah.'
The Sahabah asked:
'Who are they, ya Rasul Allah10?'
He said: 'Ahli Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah11!
Those which will follow, and live my Sunnah,
in the Jama'ah.'12
  • 1. 'Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam' [arab. صلى الله عليه وسلم] = 'May Peace and Blessings be upon him'. ()
  • 2. 'Jannah' [arab. جنّة‎] = 'Paradise' / 'Heaven'. ()
  • 3. 'Sahabah' [arab. صحابة] = 'Companions' (of the Prophet Muhammad [s.a.w.s.]). ()
  • 4. 'Sunnah' [arab. سنة] = 'Teachings/Practices/Habits/Customs/Tradition'. ()
  • 5. Sahih al-Bukhari 7280 (Book 96, Hadith 12):
    'Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, 'All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse.' They said, 'O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! Who will refuse?' He said, 'Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it).'
    Also see:

  • 6. 'Peygamber' [pers. پیغمبر] = 'Prophet' / 'Messenger' (of God Almighty). ()
  • 7. 'Ummah' [arab. أمة‎] = 'Community'. ()
  • 8. 'Haqq' [arab. حقّ‎] = 'Truth'. ()
  • 9. 'Jahannam' [arab. جهنم‎] = 'Hell' / 'Inferno'. ()
  • 10. 'Rasul Allah' [arab. رسول الله] = 'The Messenger of God'. ()
  • 11. 'Ahli Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah' [arab.أهل السنة والجماعة] = 'The people of the )
  • 12. Sunan Ibn Majah 3992 (Book 36, Hadith 67):
    “The Jews split into seventy-one sects, one of which will be in Paradise and seventy in Hell. The Christians split into seventy-two sects, seventy-one of which will be in Hell and one in Paradise. I swear by the One Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will split into seventy-three sects, one of which will be in Paradise and seventy-two in Hell.” It was said: “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?” He said: “The main body.”
    Also see:


O leader of all Prophets

O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
What wil make my hardship ease? Only with you, oh father of Zahraa!
And with the rights of Ahlulbait [1] and the ten [2], it will become easy.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
He saw my eyes but he didn't see (what i saw), like Ta-Ha [3] in our worries.
Better than whats above the heavens, and purified the people.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
And the prayers of Allah aren't removed, You are guided by the one who made you a protector.
And that is for eternity.
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand.
Hope it was useful to you :D