Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 4



Big villa with pool and jacuzzi
And a cool massive BMW to cruise in
New boat and riding clothes from Gucci
Shouldn't I get to be juicy?
Own chef and holiday home in Monaco
Eating brunch in my penthouse in Tokyo
Christmas Eve at my château in Bordeaux
If I only had some money on my account
If only I had money, I'd probably be happy
Then I could say anything I wanted on my record
Then I could get a latte with my magazine
And go to a spa and get my exterior cared for
I could go shopping in the city center and act all big
And buy shoes and flowers and all of that nonsense
I could give no damns about parking tickets - not have to walk
I could buy my girls a fancy and delicious dinner
I could score a model and fuck the king bed down
And hold housewarming in my new apartment
Then go to NASA1 and be send away
And end up wobbling home drunk and upset
'Cause I want to be a millionaire
And I'm waiting for it to happen
I can't accept things being fine as they are
- I want more
Big villa with pool and jacuzzi
And a cool massive BMW to cruise in
New boat and riding clothes from Gucci
Shouldn't I get to be juicy?
Own chef and holiday home in Monaco
Eating brunch in my penthouse in Tokyo
Christmas Eve at my château in Bordeaux
If I only had some money on my account
Could money set me free?
Yeah, if it's money, you like
What the fuck do you mean by that?
Could money set me free?
Yeah, what do you think, girl?
I think I believe in dreaming
I think that if I had ten,
Twenty, thirty or a hundred billion, I'd be okay
See the mysteries of life reveal themselves
- nothing could trick me
And I would never have to explain myself (HAH!)
I could buy a piece of the sky2 and give
To the people I like, use my imagination
I could be free from bad credit forever
I could run witch hunts for pedophile perverts! (Really?)
I could buy the rain forest and the paper industry
And invest in some medicin
Buy Sudan and set my people free
Buy all of their oil and become even richer
Everything you can imagine
Can land right in front of your bed
And if you're not too caught up in your own game
Try leaving your door open a crack
Never forget what you really want
And keep off on calling them friends
When the only thing they use you for
Is sucking on your talent
You can travel the world with a circus, to tired cities
And if the night turns to gold, you can raise your pay
Soar around the world on fluffy pink clouds
But if the dream turns to gold, friends turn to vampires
There are a thousand types of success
And some stars will never ignite
And you can use your millions on success
Yes, some stars are never forgotten
Big villa with pool and jacuzzi
And a cool massive BMW to cruise in
New boat and riding clothes from Gucci
Shouldn't I get to be juicy?
Own chef and holiday home in Monaco
Eating brunch in my penthouse in Tokyo
Christmas Eve at my château in Bordeaux
If I only had some money on my account
If and if and if - and if there was a pie in the sky
I could buy happiness for cheap
But I know that's not how things work
So I keep on dreaming, not sure about
What, exactly - I just know I want it
All the bling I don't have, that I don't quite get
All the silly abundance that makes people obsessed
Could I stay the same - do you think I could withstand it?
Could I really benefit from it?
Would I know what the fuck to do with it?
Could it turn my heavy thoughts light?
Or would my good thoughts become bad?
I don't know, but I want to be a millionaire
And I actually believe it'll happen
I can't accept things being fine as they are
- I want more
Big villa with pool and jacuzzi
And a cool massive BMW to cruise in
New boat and riding clothes from Gucci
Shouldn't I get to be juicy?
Own chef and holiday home in Monaco
Eating brunch in my penthouse in Tokyo
Christmas Eve at my château in Bordeaux
If I only had some money on my account
  • 1. A (former) exclusive night club in Copenhagen.
  • 2. The danish words for 'the sky' and 'heaven' are the same, so that's a possible alt translation.

In Denmark I Was Born

The world is big, mark my words
I thrive where I live
But I miss Sudan and the red sand
My dad, my sister and my brother... ye-ah
So the world is big, mark my words
I miss my mom
When I follow my heart to where the pepper grows
And where music lives in every word... ye-ah
In Denmark I was born
'Tis there my home is
From there my roots, and
There my world extend1
But I hesitate year after year
I can't figure out where in the whole wide world
I should grow old, settle down and build my farm...
Should I stay with my mom
And the hard winters in the cold North?
Or should I go south, following a tropical trail of rhythm?
Help me Odin and Thor!
The world is big, mark my words
I thrive where I live
But I miss Sudan and the red sand
My dad, my sister and my brother... ye-ah
So the world is big, mark my words
I miss my mom
When I follow my heart to where the pepper grows
And where music lives in every word... ye-ah
I travel away again to ease my melancholy
Full gallop in the warm desert wind
The horse was named and bought by Bin Laden
I'm the first woman to win a race and Sudan loses its mind
Nowhere else have I felt as loved and as at home
Family and smiles make me forget
That the Danish tongue is as soft as Mother's voice is2
Calls for me before long, with a sigh I wipe my wing
So I can turn due north again
But something drags me towards the Caribbean
There is a melody, so simple and so free
I sing along 'cause it's stuck inside
The world is big, mark my words
I thrive where I live
But I miss Sudan and the red sand
My dad, my sister and my brother... ye-ah
So the world is big, mark my words
I miss my mom
When I follow my heart to where the pepper grows
And where music lives in every word... ye-ah
Denmark, you freeze now
People are shuddering now
Your winter is long
I hum the one about hyacints, but
I know the sun is gone again
And I'd have to travel far to find it
So I work on my music, I grab pen and paper
I write songs about mixed blood
And about the storm raging in my head
About picking and choosing, about being, about showing courage
And energy
The world is big, mark my words
I thrive where I live
But I miss Sudan and the red sand
My dad, my sister and my brother... ye-ah
So the world is big, mark my words
I miss my mom
When I follow my heart to where the pepper grows
And where music lives in every word... ye-ah
It's completely irrelevant just how Danish I am
I will always be 'that little dark girl'
'Are you adopted?'
'Are you from India?'
'Do you have a dad?'
'Where are you from?'
And I have to answer: 'Islands Brygge, obviously!'
I feel Danish and it's easy to blend in
But there'll always be a Pia, a Johnny and an Evartsen3
Who thinks I'm stupid and ugly and should be send home
But fuck them, I know the whole world is my home!
Try again!
In Sudan I have family and love
But lack the career and won't be married off
Jamaica has my career in check
There's gallop and there's backup when I flex lyrics
'Watcha...Yo tha little white girl deh can sing
Bombocloth yo little white girl eah go be
Where tha white girl come from
Where you come from again?'
I run the show when I talk like them
I hear my songs rule Irie FM
And even though they like me and love my voice
I'm very white and smell heavily of money, ey
I try my luck year after year
And I know exactly where I stand
In Sudan I'm a paleface
And in Denmark, the black sheep... baa
  • 1. Direct quotes from H.C. Andersens 'Denmark, My Native Land'.
  • 2. Another direct 'Denmark, My Native Land' quote - literally 'that the Danish language is my mother's voice'.
  • 3. Likely references to Pia Kjærsgaard, Jonni Hansen and Ruth Evensen

Give Me Denmark Back

Versions: #2
Ey Denmark, what's wrong with you?
I miss you, I want you back
Like in the old days when a spade was a sp... yo!1
I want you back
Like in the old days when a free bird was free
And people meant what they said
Ey Denmark, I miss you
I freaking fucking miss you
You scare me
I want you back, I'm embarrased of you
I can see it happen, it's alas, it's alack
It's Satan and he's doing his very best
It's night over day, it's poop over diaper
It's death over life, it's slave over free
It's meat on a knife, it's yells, it's screams
It looks like a war and it's a waste of police
It's deathly poison in my herbal tea
And it's something they like in the Danish party2
Completely fucked up on snow
Wow, did I say that?
You have to listen to a lot, God bless my mood
So take a bit of air, come to your sense and try to get it:
The Freetown3 was fine and they'll never be able to replace it
The whole people became a joke from the day they occupied it
Now it's worse than the wild west, we could have told them that
And then they give the youth house away to a fanatical sect
With a cross up my ass, that's rude!
Give me my country back like in the old days
Give me the free spirit that hides under the city's roofs back
Give me Copenhagen back, my colourful, old friend
Give me back the youth house (We want the youth house back!)
Get heroin off of Istedgade and let the Freetown be the Freetown
If you tighten the yarn, you, you're asking for trouble4
It's talk, it's rubbish, it's top rhetoric
It's not politics, it's piss and polemic
We're doing so well here that we're bored
We have insight, how about a third world look
Yo, the Earth is weary, kids are broken
Believe me, in Denmark, we're fine
So unbelievably well that it's our duty
To do something good where it's shit
The world is our future but we don't get it
We're too busy thwarting our own business
So give me Denmark back like in the old days
Give me the free spirit that hides under the city's roofs back
Give me Copenhagen back, my colourful, old friend
Give me back the youth house (We want the youth house back!)
Get heroin off of Istedgade and let the Freetown be the Freetown
If you tighten the yarn, yo, you're asking for trouble
A completely unique energy
But see, economy is completely void of empathy, has no manners
Ex-hippies, closet smokers, who choose to be silent
Get to it, I think you have something to say
Red wine and pills, the whole fucking country's chilling
The youth's getting wilder
More and more sniff sniff cocaine from Cape Horn to Berlin
Yo, a junk free weed market is a pretty rare thing
But we had one
You have to listen to a lot, God bless my mood
Do they really think they can rid the whole city of it?
See, the top don't know a thing about what they're doing
That's how it'll be, that's how it's always been
The language we speak is called kroner and øre5
And a greedy man has never been hard to seduce
See, greed goes hand in hand with power
And bigger wants bigger, more wants more
The state is completely out of control
Take a bit of air, come to your sense and try to get it:
That Denmark's fine and the US can't replace it
Give me back the youth house (We want the youth house back!)
Give me Copenhagen back, my colourful, old friend
Give me the free spirit back (We want the free spirit back!)
Give me Denmark back like in the old days
Get control of Istedgade and let the Freetown be the Freetown
If you tighten the yarn, yo, you choke the child
I miss you, I want you back
Like in the old days when a spade was a sp... yo!
I want you back like in the old days
When a free bird was free
And people meant what they said
Ey, give me my Rabalderstræde6 and get control of Istedgade...
Arh, come on, for fuck's sake!
  • 1. As in the (common accross languages) figurative phrase 'to call a spade a spade'.
  • 2. Danish People's Party, a far-right political party in the Danish parliament.
  • 3. Freetown Christiania, a commune in Copenhagen known for sale of marijuanna.
  • 4. 'If you tighten the yarn you choke the child' is a lyric from a famous Danish Christmas song.
  • 5. The Danish currency.
  • 6. A reference to a famous Danish rock song from the 70s.

My Bonfire Is Burning Out

More wood for my bonfire, give me more
More wood so that the temperature will rise
More wood for my bonfire, give me more (The bonfire is burning out)
More wood so that the temperature will rise
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Hurry up, baby, get going, going
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Come on, baby, give me love
You say that love is boring
And to get it, you must give and give
Ready to give more
'Cause you can't get enough
Without you, my body's freezing
Oh baby, warm me up
I melt bit by bit
When love gets love
I'm fire, baby
When it dies, I disappear
Now that you've light me up1
Please don't forget me
Night after night, I want to get ind
Love, oh, please come here
Now that you've light me up
Please don't forget me, no
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Hurry up, baby, get going, going
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Come on, baby, give me love
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Hurry up, baby, get going, going
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Come on, baby, give me love
What do you think about when you light me and run away?
You really ruin my day
The fire is burning for you now, it's you I want
And you've gotta give me firewood, cause the bonfire will burn down some day
So give me the thing that you give me so easily
And I'll give back to you
Very much and for very long
Over and over
Give me more wood for my bonfire, give me more
Give me more wood so that the temperature will rise
I'm fire, baby
When it dies, I disappear
Now that you've light me up
Please don't forget me
Night after night, I want to get ind
Love, oh, please come here
Now that you've light me up
Please don't forget me, no
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Hurry up, baby, get going, going
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Come on, baby, give me love
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Hurry up, baby, get going, going
My bonfire is slowly burning down, give me firewood
I need your attention
Come on, baby, give me love
I wait and I wait for you alone
I wonder if you'll look in my direction
You're toying with me again
Lighting me and distracting me
You can only get something for something
Throw more onto my bonfire
I melt bit by bit
When love gets love
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Hurry up, baby, get going, going
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Come on, baby, give me love
My bonfire is slowly burning down
I need your attention
Hurry up, baby, get going, going
My bonfire is slowly burning down, give me firewood
I need your attention
Come on, baby, give me love
Give me more wood for my bonfire, give me more
Give me more wood so that the temperature will rise
Give me more wood for my bonfire, give me more
Give me more wood so that the temperature will rise
More firewood for my bonfire, give me more
Give me more firewood so that the temperature will rise
More firewood for my bonfire, give me more
Give me more firewood so that the temperature will rise
  • 1. 'Tænde' can also mean to turn someone on.
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.