A keresés eredménye oldal 6
Találatok száma: 193
Don't You Worry
Don't think too much, not everything is dark
Things could be better
What would it help to shut yourself in between walls?
Come out, see the light of day
Outside the birds are singing and they're so beautiful
It's all a game of lights
Only me with myself
And what does it worth if there's no one
to share it all with?
Don't you worry, you too shall receive a flower
There's a ship in your horizon as well
Don't you worry, yes you too shall receive a flower
How wonderful it is that there's a ship in your horizon as well
(No, no, no, no) Don't you worry, yes you too shall receive a flower
How wonderful it is that even in your horizon...
Don't you worry, you too shall receive a flower
How wonderful it is that there's a ship in your horizon as well
Don't you worry, yes you too shall receive a flower
How wonderful it is that there's a ship in your horizon as well
A szívem olyan, mint egy kísértetház
Vannak dolgok itt bent, amelyek ki akarnak jutni
Zenélnek éjjelente
És napokon megfélemlítenek
A szívem olyan, mint egy kísértetház
Vannak dolgok, amelyek sikítanak és kiáltanak
Zenélnek éjjelente
Bár találnék módot rá, hogy kiengedjem őket
Emlékszel, hogy a karjaidat a vállam köré tekerted
Ahogyan bóklásztunk a hegyen?
Most már itt vagyok örökké a ködben
És teljesen együttműködök az időjárással, mert
Egyáltalán nem vagyok szabad (Ó, ó, ó)
Egyáltalán nem vagyok szabad (Ó, ó, ó)
Egyáltalán nem vagyok szabad (Ó, ó, ó)
Egyáltalán nem vagyok szabad (Ó, ó, ó)
Egyáltalán nem vagyok szabad (Ó, ó, ó)
Egyáltalán nem vagyok szabad (Ó, ó, ó)
Egyáltalán nem vagyok szabad (Ó, ó, ó)
Egyáltalán nem vagyok szabad (Ó, ó, ó)
[1. verze]
Miért, miért ilyen nehéz?
Ó, miért? úgy tűnik nem tudlak elengedni
Igen, tudom, hogy valószínűleg tovább kéne lépnem
De nem akarom elhinni, hogy mindennek vége
Úgyhogy azt akarom, hogy tudd, tudd
Akárhová mész, én nem fogok elrejtőzni
Én leszek a világítótornyod
Akármit is csinálsz, én leszek számodra a tűz, mikor kint hideg van
Nem érdekel, ha tönkremegyek bele
Teszek rá, én itt foglak várni
Akárhová mész, mindegy mit teszel
Nem kapcsolom le a fényeket
Nem kapcsolom le a fényeket
Nem kapcsolom le a fényeket
[2. verze]
Hogyan, hogyan jutottunk idáig?
Ó, most, most azt kívánom, bár közelebb lennél
Igen, tudom, hogy valószínűleg tovább kéne lépnem
De nem akarom elhinni, hogy mindennek vége
Úgyhogy azt akarom, hogy tudd, tudd
Akárhová mész, én nem fogok elrejtőzni
Én leszek a világítótornyod
Akármit is csinálsz, én leszek számodra a tűz, mikor kint hideg van
Nem érdekel, ha tönkremegyek bele
Teszek rá, én itt foglak várni
Akárhová mész, mindegy mit teszel
Nem kapcsolom le a fényeket
Nem kapcsolom le a fényeket
Nem kapcsolom le a fényeket
Nem kapcsolom le a fényeket
Nem érdekel, ha tönkremegyek bele
Teszek rá, én itt foglak várni
Akárhová mész, mindegy mit teszel
Nem kapcsolom le a fényeket
Capricious Fairy
The lovely dream I dreamt on Sunday,
Seeing you it skipped and flew away.
I'm a bit of a sore loser but
For you I pulled through and did my best.
Feelings of love dwell in my heart,
This must be the faeries' mischievous game.
Dancing in the air, ever capricious.
In an alley filled with the scent of flowers
I saw you two walking together and it hurt.
Happiness and sadness, smiles and tears,
All these things I hold on to, I'm sick of them.
Feelings of love dwell in my heart,
This must be the faeries' mischievous game.
Dancing in the air, ever capricious.
Feelings of love and the need to cry
can't be put into words and accomplish nothing.
Feelings of love and the need to cry
can't be put into words and accomplish nothing.
Versions: #2
There was regret
and nothing but regret was shining in the night
Each spring that dried up,
turned into tears and dropped down our eyes
I'm upset with fate,
I wish there was an end to suffering
If Joseph truly had brothers,
he wouldn't have ended up in a well
The heart was boiling like a fountain,
When God broke people’s urns everyday
And made hearts with the shattered pieces
With the pieces of my heart
He made urns, continuously
Every night,
he turned blood and soil into mud for me
Sow and reap
Reap and donate
God's earth belongs to everybody
Behold and be brave
Be brave and be outspoken
God eternally belongs to everyone
As far as my eyes could see
and as much as I could trust,
My eyes lost trust in all they witnessed
I was a pain-inducing potion,
made from a blend of headache and trouble
With each new medicine, my pain grew deeper
I am more seared [from the sun] than before,
where are you Moon?
In which spring can I find your reflection?
... Here, all I can see is a tight and dark corridor
Here, no matter where I look, I can't find the path to a shelter
... my grand spirit, do you now realize how small the world is?
Sow and reap
Reap and donate
God's earth belongs to everybody
Sow and reap
Reap and donate
God's earth belongs to everybody
Behold and be brave
Be brave and be outspoken
God eternally belongs to everyone
Joseph by Hussein Safa
It could have been love
It could have been love
But it wasn't
It was beautiful for one moment
The 'together' wants a lot of efforts
It could have been love
But it wasn't
It was something smaller, I think
That I continue to live with it
It could have been love
If you had been in pain
As much as I was in pain
If I hadn't had knives in my back
I would have said
At least to pretend
That you went away and something is left here
If you had helped
If I had helped also
It could have been love
It could have been love
But it wasn't
It was maybe the need to find
An open embrace and to enter it
It could have been love
But it wasn't
It was something smaller, I think
That I continue to live with it
It could have been love
Illusanary gem
My collar wavered just a little
as the wind rustles, it seems like something is about to happen
Wanting to make sure, I tightly put my hands around your shoulders
Is this this the warmth of fate?
I turned my back to the faithful story
and an angel touched my wavering cheek
Is your desired ending is to fall asleep after the pain is gone?
You answer, not fearing the tremor in my eyes
Your voice gently calling my name pierces my shroud like magic
I can no longer turn back time...
The voice that starts to dissolve at twilight 'how lonely'
it changes into an incantation at the closing of the night
You just quietly listened to me 'Is this okay?'
as the stars just revolve in the sky
Accepting a difficult story as reality
Like tears shed to the clear sky
If you were say that you are going I would discard my rusty common sense
I will protect the smile that flickered for a moment
Don't break your mind
I embraced closely the prism's color of passion
kicking up at the hands of god
In the chaotic story I wander about in the seaside
The illusions that are born set the gems loose
If you were not to exist in this world darkness would probably dawn on it
So realize that you have the power to illuminate everything
Even if things like our promises would become impossible I would turn back the time with my magic
Since I would finally reach you
Rock This House
Now I’m running on my path
And spreading the wings to my dream
Let's Rock this House
I’m running on my path
And spreading the wings to my dream
Let's Rock this House
These suffocating laws of the world say
“don’t do this, you’re a good kid”
It’s after I met you that I began to feel
That the life I’ve lived up until now was not my own.
I’m throwing away all the hypocrisy and lies that’ve fenced me in
So come on in let’s rock this house
I’m going to find myself
Now I’m running on my path and spreading the wings to my dream
Come in, Let's Rock this Ha Ha Ha House
I’d been living the way the world had planned for me
But that’s not really me, I’m going to find myself
I’m putting everything on the line and butting heads
I’m going to find my youthful dreams and share them with you
I’m throwing away all the hypocrisy and lies that’ve fenced me in
So come on in let’s rock this house
(Come on Come on)
I’m going to find myself
Now I’m running on my path and spreading the wings to my dream
Come in, Let's Rock this Ha Ha Ha House
Yo rock ths house I’ve got no
need for the hypocrisy and standards that suffocate my breaths.
I’m going to live my own way
My well-being comes before caution
I’m throwing away all the lies that’ve fenced me in
Get-up! Get-up! Get-up! Come on!
So, Come on in, Let's Rock this House
(Come on Come on)
I’m going to find myself
Now I’m running on my path and spreading the wings to my dream
Come in, Let's Rock this Ha Ha House
So, Come on in, Let's Rock this House
(Get-up Get-up)
I’m going to find myself
(Get-up Get-up)
Now I’m running on my path and spreading the wings to my dream
Come in, Let's Rock this Ha Ha House
The House of the Rising Sun / az Arany Hajnal háza
Versions: #2
volt egy ház New Orleansban
úgy hívták Arany Hajnal
sok srác élte indult innét
de mind itt is maradt
anyám szabó volt
varrta a farmert
apám űzte, kergette a szerencsét
lent valahol New Orleansban
ha másnak neki miért nem
így okoskodott
nem volt mása egy bőröndje
s ha nyert reggelig ivott
ó anya mondd el kicsidnek
itt fog élni mindig
ezt osztotta ránk a sötét
így vár ránk sok sok év
elmenni innét csak úgy lehet
ha visznek vonaton
bilincs a kézen lánc a lábon
elmenni csak így lehet
volt egy ház New Orleansban
úgy hívták Arany Hajnal
sok srác élte indult innét
de mind itt is maradt
fordította Gaál György István
Felkelő Nap Háza
Van egy ház az Elbűvölő Városban
A Felkelő Nap házának hívják
Megannyi leány megrontója,
És én, Istenem, egy vagyok.
Ha hallgattam volna Anyámra
Uram, ma otthon lennék.
De fiatal és bolond voltam,
Jóképű lovas vezetett tévútra
Menj, mondd el a baba-húgomnak
Soha ne tegye, amit én tettem!
Kerülje ki az Elbűvölő Várost
Amit a Felkelő Nap Házának hívnak
Az Anyám, egy varrónő volt,
Ő szabta az új farmeremet
Az udvarlóm pedig egy kószáló,
Uram, a régi gépén ment.
Nos, az egyetlen dolog, ami a kószálóknak kell,
Az egy bőrönd, meg egy fegyver,
És az egyetlen alkalom, amikor elégedett volt,
Ha száguldhatott
Feltöltötte a tankot
És vitte a fájdalmát a városba
És az egyetlen kellemes dolog, ami az életében adódott,
Ha más ember életét is megnyomorította
Az egyik keze a fojtáson,
A másik a féken
Visszamegy Redwood-ba
Hogy elvegye az apja jussát
És én csak várok az Elbűvölő Városban
Hogy visszajöjjön az egyetlen szerelmem
Itt maradok életem végéig,
Lent, a Felkelő Napnál
Itt maradok életem végéig,
Lent, a Felkelő Napnál
Her beauty
Her scent, her words
Her feet, her arms
Her clothes, her hands
Her neck, the necklace on it
On top of her bathtub with her in it
The floating bubble, in English it's bubbles
Her bubbles, her bubbles
Disappears so easily, yeah
On top of the easily fallen leaves
Pour hot water to make tea
Waiting for it to brew is boring
I have no patience, sadly
I have no patience, sadly
Leave my personality so it can change
Leave my personality so it can change
Sad things all have some kind of meanig
If I'm sad over the sad things, you're somewhere else
It's a fatal mistake of calling it obsession
I'll let it go, straighten my shoulders
Take a deep breath and give a seductive glance
Love is like a game of kickball
I'm feeling you and feeling you
I'm feeling you and feeling you
Drooping my shoulers and bending my back
If I droop my shoulders, I can hug you
I can know you
I can buy you
Even if I don't have money
I can buy you
I can buy you
I can buy you
I can buy you
I can buy you
Please don't say that you ain't lying
I know Oh
Please don't watch me burn alive
Thoughts mixed with miscellaneous thoughts get deeper
I've been tryna get it straight but it's fucked up
I've been lovin' you
Since I woke up
Oh huh
Tell me no no no no baby
I’ve been loving you oh you oh you
Face it up and promise
that you call
Girl love won’t you please
A fatal mistake
I haven't sinned but I became a sinner
Typical things pass by typically
Love is the main event right now
I'm so angry, I'm trembling
You're so scared, you're trembling
Whether our memories are great or bad
It transforms beautifully into dust
The thing you put on your face
The thing we brushed off
You look at me like I'm a criminal
You're disgusted, seeing your arrogant
Face drives me crazy
Makes me lose my mind
Holding you twice for everyone time you held me
Why is that a sin
Her beauty
Her scent, her words
Her feet, her arms
Her clothes, her hands
Her neck, the necklace on it
On top of the her bathtub with her in it
The floating bubbles, in English it's bubbles
Her bubbles, her bubbles
Disappears so easily, yeah
Disappears so easily, yeah
Disappears so easily, yeah
Disappears so easily, yeah
You're getting smaller than the dust
This place is an empty house
That was brighter than anyplace else
You greeted me
It will pass, you used to say,
I don't know if you remember it or if you have already forgotten,
It will pass, you used to say, this night I deserted,
A night l recall and still get angry over.
Now I finally understand what you meant
When I asked you if you loved me and you remained silent.
And through the whole night you held my hand,
You greeted me, you greeted me.
Now I finally understand what you meant
When I asked you if you loved me and you remained silent.
You would only look into my teary eyes
And you greeted me, you greeted me.
It will pass, you used to say, what's happening with you
It's just a night, a night will pass.
It will pass, you used to say, what is going on inside your mind,
Nothing happened, scenarios in your mind.
Now I finally understand what you meant
When I asked you if you loved me and you remained silent.
And through the whole night you held my hand,
You greeted me, you greeted me.
Now I finally understand what you meant
When I asked you if you loved me and you remained silent.
You would only look into my teary eyes
And you greeted me, you got over me.
Translated by dudiloni
I had an appointment
Versions: #2
There is the crowd all around, winding out of breath.
Stepping faster on the pavement, hurried steps on the side.
There is the city, vertical lines piling up in a capital.
I define my life in its wake, even taxis are out of time.
I had an appointment, but, I had an appointment, but,
I had an appointment - Tell me, what is it we are chasing?
I had an appointment, but, I had an appointment, but,
I had an appointment - Tell me, what is it we are chasing?
There are trains in the fog, no certainty in people's eyes
Just trajectories in the daily strife, would we come back if we got lost?
There is this ever faster race where all limits are wiped out.
Running pointlessly, but as it's done, to think we're so alive.
I had an appointment, but, I had an appointment, but,
I had an appointment - Tell me, what is it we are chasing?
I had an appointment, but, I had an appointment, but,
I had an appointment - Tell me, what is it we are chasing?
There are days when we get bored, and nights when we don't care
There are billions of ants that would rather not be forsaken.
There are days when we get bored, and nights when we don't care
There are billions of ants that would rather not be forsaken.
I had an appointment, but, I had an appointment, but,
I had an appointment - Tell me, what is it we are chasing?
I had an appointment, but, I had an appointment, but,
I had an appointment - Tell me, what is it we are chasing?
I had an appointment, but, I had an appointment, but,
I had an appointment - Tell me, what is it we are chasing?
I had an appointment, but, I had an appointment, but,
I had an appointment - Tell me, what is it we are chasing?
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
We just pretend
We pile up worries,
worries waiting for things
to happen without a hitch,
without a hitch and for a while.
We hold on as long as we can,
as long as we manage, after all
not so well. Believe me or not,
believe me or not, I don't care.
We just pretend, and after all it works pretty well.
What we say about what we see is so normal.
We just pretend, and after all it works pretty well.
We just pretend, it's better that way.
We think it will get better tomorrow,
it will get better, and yet we know
we'll grow old at the same spot
We'll grow old holding hands,
always talking about the same things,
saying the same about the same things,
about our sappy love story
that went a bit too mushy.
We just pretend, and after all it works pretty well.
What we say about what we see is so normal.
We just pretend, and after all it works pretty well.
We just pretend, it's better that way.
I know what you're thinking,
what you're about to say, about to do:
filling silences with sighs and keeping quiet.
Stepping into the dance of slightly bitter memories,
Taking a step back from each other and then seriously
going out for a breather.
We just pretend, and after all it works pretty well.
What we say about what we see is so normal.
We just pretend, and after all it works pretty well.
We just pretend, it's better that way.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
It's Life
Versions: #2
It's life which takes us along.
Each day, we improvise.
It's life which puts us on scene.
All the days, we disguise ourselves.
It's life which burns in our veins,
which promises us,
which walks us.
It's life, it's not sorrow
which surprises, which overworks us.
It's life, it's not a dream,
but it's life which frees us.
It's life, it's not a dream,
but it's life that frees us.
It's life which resembles us
Each day, we unmask ourselves
It's life which resembles us
All the days we move.
It's life, the bohemian life
which promises us, which promises us
It's life, not a poem,
which surprises us, which overworks us.
It's life, it's not a dream,
but it's life which frees us.
It's life, it's not a dream,
but it's life which frees us.
It's life, it's not a dream
It's life, the life we love.
Each days reinvents itself.
It's life, the life we love.
All the days we begin anew.
It's artificial life
which promises us, which promises us.
It's life which calls us.
It's life, it's not a dream,
but it's life which frees us.
It's life, it's not a dream,
but it's life that frees us.
It's life, it's not a dream,
but it's life which frees us.
It's life, it's not a dream,
but it's life that frees us.
When the sun will rise, the screen of light will show
Scents in various colors intoxicate me
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway
Now it's moon time, we'll scatter to the stars
'What are running from? Are you scared', she asked me
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway, anyway
Behind the sun there's a place that's only yours and mine
And an evening wind reminds me of who I am
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway, anyway
Better Alone
Love is uncalled for
No need to pain this heart
Where is the one that I used to love and cry for?
People have changed
What has happened to them?
They all stiffen their hearts
For the kind ones of us
(I’ll be) better alone
No love and no dear one
In need, a hundred friend is ready to sacrifice for me
The one who loves you, love him back
And throw away the one who hates you
Oh, she (lit. they) has betrayed the heart
And (never) asked about me (lit. us) (again)
Let the days pass
Forget the sorrow and fall asleep
And the one who rubs his own tears
Is (still) living and okay with that
Your hurt will make stronger
Believe me partner
Hurt the one who hurts you
And cross the past away
I always love her
But she didn’t love me even for a single day
She has witnessed my eeriness
How cruel this life can be
But there will be a day coming
Where there is heaven and hell
And I was the one suffering
May God punish the unjust
A smiling flower
With laughter as boisterous as it even seems foolish
For now we are turning the world around
If you laugh, the sky will laugh its head off
And birds will sing on a little higher key
We, straying from the way at night,
are waiting for you to come from the window over there
As a smiling flower blooms
An everything-is-brand-new today
Lies before us in the sunshine
Like sadness is in the past
You'd better smile it away
And I'd rather laugh along with you
I'd rather laugh along with you
Splashing around the water pooled in my heart
I'm gonna bridge a rainbow covered with mud
If only you nudge me in the shoulders
Each and every hard feeling up to yesterday will fade
Even if the door is frozen and tightly closed
Your sweat will work in older to melt it away
As a smiling flower blooms
A gentle as always whistle
Is blowing as if it erases the tomorrow's shadow
Like sadness is in the past
You'd better smile it away
And I'd rather laugh along with you
I'd rather laugh along with you
As you grow older, you'll see
Your smile gets even brighter and glitters all around
As a smiling flower blooms
An everything-is-brand-new today
Lies before us in the sunshine
Like sadness is in the past
You'd better smile it away
And I'd rather laugh along with you
I'd rather laugh along with you
As a smiling flower blooms
An everything-is-brand-new today
Lies before us in the sunshine
Like sadness is in the past
You'd better smile it away
And I'd rather laugh along with you
I'd rather laugh along with you
along with you, again and again
Everyone is looking down on others
[First verse: Sokół]
Marysia was in bit of a shock. Proud as a peacock.
Quite curvaceous, smart. Girlfriend material.
She wanted to chill out and went for a pizza
somewhere in north Śródmieście area.
She was writing him a text.
She thought to herself that she feels kinda like
the first time she gave a paper downloaded from the internet for checking.
But this time the excitement was bigger.
Today she cheated on Rysiek for the first time.
She felt better than him and that she deserves better.
Ryszard – cabbie working on a freelance basis.
He met Marysia three years ago during holidays.
Apart from cuckolding him today she also has her master’s defense.
She’s super nervous so she’s stuffing herself with double pepperoni.
Although she usually watches her figure, this time she doesn’t give a fuck.
Now few words about him. Rysio – taxi driver.
Similarities with ” Klan” are coincidental. (Polish soap opera in which there was a
character named Rysio/Ryszard who was also a taxi driver)
He’s overcharging his client, using Rate 4.
She’s pissing him off cause she smells of greengrocer’s.
He’s looking over his shoulder to check if she’s not leaving any dirt on the back seat.
Meanwhile Janina, that’s the name of the hag,
is thinking about the dubious lout who’s driving the cab.
This is the last time she’s catching a taxi on the street.
She doesn’t do it too often. She spends most of her time
at her son-in-law’s fruit and vegetable shop.
But he’s not in today and hoodlums with knives showed up again.
Janina cannot take it anymore.
And even though he forbade her to report this to the police,
cause it may only make things worse,
she closes the shop, put the takings in an envelope, catches a taxi
and heads to the police station.
[Chorus: Sokół]
Everyone is looking down on others – sons of bitches!
Treating another person as if he/she was nothing.
Everyone is the smartest – fuckers – they think they’re special.
Everyone, unfortunately…
Words fail me when I see such attitude.
[Second verse: Sokół]
Some time ago a guy named Grzegorz
left his village and moved to the capital city in search for a better life.
He knows a guy from his county who works in a pizza parlour since ’99.
The dude’s name is Karol. He’s in the “dough business”.
Grzegorz decided to try his hand at catering himself.
He got out at Warsaw East Station.
Happy that he didn’t pay for the ticket.
He spent the trip in the toilet and smelled of shit afterwards.
His legs were a bit numb but who gives a fuck, right?
He was happy that he saved a few quid. Please…
A bit confused Grzegorz was askin’ people about the way to the pizza parlour,
when all of a sudden he was approached by patrolmen.
He starts to explain that he’s on his way to see a friend.
He looked like an ordinary guy
but had a brown sweater and violet sweatpants on him.
He matched the description perfectly.
He was cursing, apologizing, jawing away.
Later that day. Ms Janina closes the door of Rysio’s cab.
” What a thief ” she’s thinking to herself.
“POLICE” sign. She enters the bulding, testifies.
Line-ups are usually a fuckin’ joke.
They’re just rounding up whoever.
And even though there are few young men standing in front of her
she’s certain that it’s the guy in violet sweatpants and brown sweater.
Grześ is completely stunned, copper strokes his moustache.
He holds them both in contempt.
Grześ is like, but I just got here!
But he dodged the fare and screwed himself over.
And that’s that.
[Chorus: Sokół]
[Third verse: Sokół]
Unsuspecting Karol made few pizzas.
He wasn’t aware that Grześ was on his way to see him.
As usual, clients came to eat.
Sometime around 2 p.m. friend of his came up with a dope ass idea.
To put LSD in pepperoni.
Someone will eat it unconsciously.
Who is who?
Check this out.
The very same Marysia, cabbie’s girlfriend, ate the pizza.
And as you can imagine the exam she’s about to take may not go well.
She thought that the pizzeria’s employees were checking her out
cause she’s the most beautiful chick in the neighbourhood.
I, being the storyteller, wished that they knew she was just
about to have her master’s defense. They would be laughing their asses off.
But they’ve witnessed her first acid trip.
Sweat drops on her forehead were shining like diamonds.
Karol and his crew are having a blast. She’s euphoric. For now.
Believe me when I say she was ultra-shocked.
She reached the pith and core of the subject matter.
She decided to share it with her examiners.
Sunday victims and torturers.
Everyone looks down on others – everyone’s the smartest.
Old Janina is sitting in a rocking chair, thinking about Grześ.
“Why I’ve done this?”
She wasn’t hundred percent sure, but pointed her finger at him.
Today she had the upper hand in this unfair fight.
To her all these young, bald men are the same. Scum!
She really thinks that way.
Karol finished work around that time.
He was laughing about the prank he played on the girl.
Then all of a sudden – flashback.
And even though he hasn’t seen Grześ for ages
I could swear he started recollecting his homeland.
He was standing there for awhile, looking abashed.
Here’s what went down.
Beer-house. Evening time.
Local birds. Karol and Grześ are sitting by the table.
Grzegorz peed in a mug and Karol drank it unconsciously.
Some fuckin’ prank.
And…back to reality. Bus stop near the pizzeria.
Karol, few lads and hidden pain.
Ryszard – the cabbie is eating French bread pizza
from a food stand situated near the Palace of Culture and Science.
Neoplan stopped nearby.
Two female tourists got out. They look quite young.
Rysiu turns his head and start checkin’ them out.
Both got nice legs, decent size breasts and cute face.
He would fuck them both hard
He took a last bite
and glanced at a guy in “PROSTO” sweatshirt
as the bloke was getting into a cab.
“Where to?” he asked
and lets finish the story here.
The Love Calls
Silence, when I
When I see you for myself
Smiling, your memory
I say that I want you again
So I can
Feel the love in my mind
Far too long
We have been individual
If we just could
Let our hearts find the way
That when we meet
That time everything was a game
The love calls
We can feel the loss day and night
The love we can feel the has possessed
Because when the love calls
It is hard for us to find a way
But we need to try
Because you are the only one for me
Because the love calls
Calls, calls for you
When I
When I hear your words
Dance. With me
While I remember what we did
And I can feel,
That loss has left its print
The love calls
We can feel the loss day and night
The love we can feel the has possessed
Because when the love calls
It is hard for us to find a way
But we need to try
Because you are the only one for me
Because the love calls
The love calls
You are the only one for me
You are missed in my heart
We seem far from each other
So far from ourselves
It's you I want to feel
Yes, it is you, I call for
Call for
The love calls
We can feel the loss day and night
The love we can feel the has possessed
Because when the love calls
It is hard for us to find a way
But we need to try
Because you are the only one for me
Because the love calls
Because the love calls
Because the love calls
The love calls
Feel the fight of Life
Feel the fight of life (feel the fight of life)
In this moment
It encompasses night and day
It rains out there
So hold us now
It burns up (it burns up) like the eternal's song
Listening to its prayer
To the thorns deep again
Let the live's fight
Sing in the emptiness
Fight the heart's loss
Rains come now
I am here, take me toward
Éjjel jössz,
A gitár dallamára táncolsz
És aztán mozogsz
A fekete hajad, a vörös ajkad
Csak úgy ringasz
A többi nem számít
Mint a Nap
Lángra gyújtasz és felébresztesz
A szemeidben van
A dél és a tűz
A bőrömben vagy
Baila Baila Ó!
Te, te az én gyönyörű andalúzom vagy
Olyan gyönyörű, amilyen féltékeny
Amikor táncolsz az idő megáll
Összezavarodtam, elvesztem a fejem
Te vagy az én gyönyörű spanyolom
Ahogy ringatod a vállaid
Nem látom többé a világot körülöttem
Talán ez az ami a szerelem
A kelet levegője
Egy mosoly és egy lángoló szív
Ében pillantások
Igen, szeretem nézni, hogy úgy mozogsz, mint egy királynő
A gondolataim már becsapnak
Mint a fény
Igen, csak te gyújtasz fel engem
A hangodban van
A meleg és a hideg
A bőrömben vagy
Baila Baila Ó!
Te, te az én gyönyörű andalúzom vagy
Olyan gyönyörű, amilyen féltékeny
Amikor táncolsz az idő megáll
Összezavarodtam, elvesztem a fejem
Te vagy az én gyönyörű spanyolom
Ahogy ringatod a vállaid
Nem látom többé a világot körülöttem
Talán ez az ami a szerelem
A Moment
Uhh, the loneliness fills our being
It is like that all walk on the same road
Ohh, I was secure in only that silent demand
Slowly prisons are our fate to a loss
We long for a heart’s quiet port
Where a simple moment contains everything we have and get
Where we are together and dare to let go
And see how alike we are in hues of emotions
Can we let fun fall in the life, in the light
Our tired minds and old pains
Ohh, Lost the grasp
Ohh yes, yes, yes
Uhh, in the seconds the stars swarm/overrun
Is the life fragile like no other
Ohh, when we see what value they have given the life, yea
Can we feel the emptiness in our
We long for a heart’s quiet port
Where a simple moment contains everything we have and got
Where we are together and dare to let go
And see how alike we are in hues of emotions
Can we let fun fall in the life, in the light
Our tired minds and old pains
Uh, a moment we just have, are we all alike? Yes
In a moment’s loss we feel the life, feel for ourselves
Where a simple moment contains everything we have and get
Where we are together and dare to let go
And see how alike we are in hues of emotions
Can we let fun fall in the life, in the light
Our tired minds and old pains
Ohh, Lost the grasp
A ház, amelyet sosem építettünk fel
Összetörtem még egy poharat
a házban, amelyet sosem építettünk fel.
A tél mindig kemény hideg,
elég hideg ahhoz, hogy öljön.
Csak egy kis jázmin,
csak egy kis só a sebeimre …
Mi lesz, ha elmondom,
elmondom neked az igazat?
Mondd, hogy szereted őt,
és elmegyek!
Mondd, hogy szereted őt,
és hogy az én szívem egyszerűen rossz!
Csak egy szót mondj, és én sarkon fordulok,
egy hang nélkül eltűnök,
és porig égetem ezt a házat.
Olyan, mintha sosem hagytam volna el
a házat, amelyet sosem építettünk fel.
Összetörtem még egy tükröt,
csak a 21 év maradt.
Csak egy kis balszerencse,
csak egy kis só a sebeimre,
közöld velem kíméletesen, kíméletesen!
Mondd, hogy szereted őt,
és elmegyek!
Mondd, hogy szereted őt,
és hogy az én szívem egyszerűen rossz!
Csak egy szót mondj, és én sarkon fordulok,
egy hang nélkül eltűnök,
és porig égetem ezt a házat.
Porig égetem …
Érzem a meleget az arcomon,
nézem, ahogy lobognak a lángok,
porig égetem,
porig fogom égetni.
Mondd, hogy szereted őt,
és elmegyek!
Mondd, hogy szereted őt,
és hogy az én szívem egyszerűen rossz!
Csak egy szót mondj, és én sarkon fordulok,
egy hang nélkül eltűnök,
és porig égetem ezt a házat.
Hoćeš li me voljeti i sutra
Noćas si moj potpuno
Daješ svoju ljubav tako slatko
Noćas je svjetlo ljubavi u tvojim očima
Ali hoćeš li me voljeti i sutra?
Je li ovo trajno zadovoljstvo
Ili samo prolazni užitak?
Mogu li vjerovati čaroliji tvojih uzdaha?
Hoćeš li me voljeti i sutra?
Noćas neizrečenim riječima
Kažeš da sam jedina
Ali hoće li moje srce biti slomljeno
Kad noć naiđe na jutarnje sunce?
Voljela bih znati da je tvoja ljubav
Ljubav u koju mogu biti sigurna
Zato mi reci sad jer neću pitati opet
Hoćeš li me voljeti i sutra?
Moram znati
Hoćeš li me voljeti i sutra?
Ne álmodd, hogy vége
Létezik szabadság bent, és létezik kint
Próbáld felfogni az özönvizet egy papírpohárban
Csaták vannak, és sokat elveszítenek
De sosem fogod látni az út végét
Míg velem utazol
Hé most, hé most
ne álmodd, hogy vége
Hé most, hé most
Mikor betolakszik a világ
Jönnek, jönnek,
Hogy falat építsenek közénk
Tudjuk, nem fognak győzni
Épp vontatom a kocsim, a teteje lyukas
A vagyonom gyanússá tesz, de nincs bizonyíték
Az újság háborúról és veszteségről mesél
De te rögtön a tv-műsorhoz lapozol
Hé most, hé most
Ne álmodd, hogy vége
Hé most, hé most
Mikor betolakszik a világ
Jönnek, jönnek,
Hogy falat építsenek közénk
Tudjuk, nem fognak győzni
Most újra egy dob ütemére sétálok
És a lépéseket számolom a szíved ajtajáig
Csak a háztetőn halványan derengő árnyak
Ismerik a felszabadulás és megkönnyebbülés érzését
Hé most, hé most
Ne álmodd, hogy vége
Hé most, hé most
Mikor betolakszik a világ
Jönnek, jönnek,
Hogy falat építsenek közénk
Soha ne hagyjuk őket győzni
Papír Házak
[Verse 1]
Ebben a törött szívekkel teli házban
Szeretjük egymást kártyahalmokon
És igen, megpróbáltunk erősen kapaszkodni
Hogy meggyógyítjuk a szívünket, nehéz harcolni
A papír házaink elérik a csillagokat
Meddig össze nem törünk és kilóméterekre nem hullunk szét
A papír házaink a csillagokon
Miért mászunk?
És esünk messzire?
[Verse 2]
Fogjuk a lapjainkat, magasra emeljük őket
Túl közel kerültünk a fényekhez
Így megfogtam a kezed, majd szétváltunk
Szeretek önmagam lenni
A papír házaink elérik a csillagokat
Meddig össze nem törünk és kilóméterekre nem hullunk szét
A papír házaink a csillagokon
Miért mászunk?
Hogy ennyire messze essünk?
A papír házaink elérik a csillagokat
Meddig össze nem törünk és kilóméterekre nem hullunk szét
Yeah, nem akarom elhagyni ezt az érintést
Nem akarom hogy ennyire fájjon
Érzem ahogy elszökik
A papír házaink elérik a csillagokat
Meddig össze nem törünk és kilóméterekre nem hullunk szét
A papír házaink a csillagokon
Miért mászunk?
Hogy ennyire messze essünk?
Miért mászunk?
Hogy ennyire messze essünk?
Parallel Lines
Let's break free of the solar system and intersect our parallel lines
Parallel lines that stretch on like our shadows
I'll blame my lack of courage on the times
However long passes, I still can't put my thoughts to words
Trying just not to break, I trace the same day again and again
Looking for a place for my immobile wish to belong
I want to be the words that spill from your lips
Let's break free of the solar system and intersect our parallel lines
Taking with us that ungranted wish and my cowardly voice
Once I have shed all my emotion, I will begin to draw it out
Parallel lines now stretch a hand toward our shadows
I'll blame my lack of courage on electronics
All that passes my lips are words of betrayal
'Even if we're not at each other's sides, you have a place in my mind'
'Someday I want to make a song that saves you
So I'm living here'
I want to be the light that tears apart your suffering
I want to overturn the solar system's accepted knowledge and lay hands on you
That dreamlike story spins through my head and vanishes
Fearing change, I quietly began to draw
parallel lines that separate me into two
Without beginning, we will walk to the ends of the earth
Without beginning, a story has brought about a miracle
Once outside of the solar system, parallel lines will intersect
If I have scooped up an answer
beyond that nighttime dream
Let's break free of the solar system and intersect our parallel lines
Taking with us that ungranted wish and my cowardly voice
Once I have shed all my emotion, I will begin to draw it out
Parallel lines now stretch a hand toward our shadows
Tudod hogy, Nem vagyok jó ...
Versions: #2
A földszinti bárban találkozunk és tárgyalunk
A ruhád ujja feltekerve és koponyás póló van rajtad
Azt mondod: “Mit csináltál azzal a sráccal ma?”
És úgy kiszippantottál, mintha Tanqueray gin lennék
Mert te vagy a barátom, a pasim
Idepasszolod nekem a söröd és repülsz kifelé
De mire én is az ajtóig érek
Úgy széttéped a férfiakat mintha Roger Moore lennél
Megcsaltam magamat
Mintha tudtam volna, hogy megtenném
Én mondtam neked, hogy csak bajt okozok
Tudod, hogy nem vagyok jó
Az emeleten vagyok egy ágyban az exemmel
Ő élvezi, de én nem jutok örömhöz
Rád gondolok az utolsó fájdalmaimban is
Ez az a pillanat amikor megszólal a csengőm
Kiszaladok hogy találkozzunk, chips és pitta van nálad
Azt mondod: “Amikor megházasodunk” mert nem vagy elkeseredve
“Többé belőle már nem marad semmi sem”
És én a konyhapadlón sírtam neked
Megcsaltam magamat
Mintha tudtam volna, hogy megtenném
Én mondtam neked, hogy csak bajt okozok
Tudod, hogy nem vagyok jó
Édes a viszontlátás, füvezünk és iszunk
Megint úgy vagyunk, mint azelőtt
Én a kádban fekszem, te pedig ülsz
A szádat nyalod ahogy megáztatom a lábam
Aztán észreveszel pár zúzódást
A hasam összeszorul és a gyomrom kavarog
Te csak megvonod a vállad és ez a legrosszabb
Ki is döfte a kést a másikba először?
Megcsaltam magamat
Mintha tudtam volna, hogy megtenném
Én mondtam neked, hogy csak bajt okozok
Tudod, hogy nem vagyok jó
Megcsaltam magamat
Mintha tudtam volna, hogy megtenném
Én mondtam neked, hogy csak bajt okozok
Tudod, hogy nem vagyok jó
Get on me girl, let’s set this night on fire
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Get on me girl, let’s set this night on fire
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Holup let me tell u some
Beep, it’s a full house tonight
Feeling satisfied, energy recharged, drunkenness flows
Feel it from your head, shoulders, knees and toes
Your eyes getting unfocused
Turn up turn up yeah dats ma jam
When I trend every year like the common cold
I’m stronger than last year
Your youth is being wasted till 6 am
Welcome to the jungle
yeah we goin’ apeshit
We travel in groups, all black everything
Our gang is always cool
Everywhere I go, I turn into a hooligan
I don’t wanna go home right now
After party DJ turn it up
Come down on a pole like the devil
But keep your cool like Hong Jin Kyung
Get on me girl, let’s set this night on fire
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Get on me girl, let’s set this night on fire
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Get on me girl, get on me girl
Get on me girl
Get on me girl
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
This is just a song
Rhythm hold up
Well-come to K town
Hajimemashite for the Japanese
Nihao, bonjour
Receive your drink with two hands
When you’re drinking with adults
But today,
you can drink like an elephant
Don’t pay attention to what you’re wearing
He’s wearing a soccer uniform
Among the girls,
there’s no one badder than Chaerin (CL) nuna
If we lock eyes, we’re getting together
Flashes burst like a photo wall
But I won’t pose
Just dance
Water is bursting like Coway
There’s no time for intros
Don’t run away, go for it
It’s too loud, just signal me OK
Get on me girl, let’s set this night on fire
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Get on me girl, let’s set this night on fire
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Get on me girl, get on me girl
Get on me girl
Get on me girl
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Let’s go to Hong Kong all night
Climb on me, I’m like King Kong
Oh no no take no photo
Get on me, let’s go loco
Let’s go to Hong Kong all night
Climb on me, I’m like King Kong
Oh no no take no photo
Get on me, let’s go loco
Get on me girl, let’s set this night on fire
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Get on me girl, let’s set this night on fire
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Get on me girl, get on me girl
Get on me girl
Get on me girl
Let’s rock girl
Let’s rock girl
Megtévesztjük a világot, hazugságokkal elrejtjük az igazságot
Kiderül, hogy a mosolyok mögött egy kétségbeesett szív lakozik
Az igazság elesett
Illúziók lettünk
Nem tudjuk legyőzni a félelmet
Bezárkózunk az ürességbe
Össze vagyunk törve
Egyedül vagy
Láss át ezen az üvegházon, mi hívunk haza
Egyedül vagy
Pusztítsd el a fájdalmakat
Igen, megmutattad
Hogy a lelkeink szüntelenül ebben az üvegházban vannak
Tegyél minket újra teljessé
Tegyél minket teljessé
Harcoltunk azért, hogy lásd az eget
Színjáték van köztünk és a háború közt
Eddig elhitettük
Most már vége
Egyedül vagy
Láss át ezen az üvegházon, mi hívunk haza
Egyedül vagy
Pusztítsd el a fájdalmakat
Igen, megmutattad
Hogy a lelkeink szüntelenül ebben az üvegházban vannak
Tegyél minket újra teljessé
Tegyél minket teljessé
Rohanok elkerülve a falakat, a szív csapdába esett
Az ajtó nyitva, kérlek gyere, és ments meg
Soha nem akartam a hegek mögé bújni, de megtettem
Egyedül vagy
Láss át ezen az üvegházon, mi hívunk haza
Egyedül vagy
Pusztítsd el a fájdalmakat
Igen, megmutattad
Hogy a lelkeink szüntelenül ebben az üvegházban vannak
Tegyél minket újra teljessé
Tegyél minket teljessé
Tegyél minket újra teljessé
Erősebbnek kellene lenned nálam
Erősebbnek kellene lenned, mint én,
hét évvel vagy idősebb nálam.
Te lennél (ebben a kapcsolatban) a férfi, ugye tudod?
Nem például egy haver, mint akinek hiszel engem, hogy vagyok.
Mindig mindent át akarsz beszélni – nem érdekel!
Mindig a kedvedben kell járnom, amikor ott vagyok,
simiznem a fejedet – ezt kell tennem.
Már el is felejtettem, milyen boldogságot is okoz a friss szerelem,
amiben nőnek érezhetem magam, de te nemigen viselkedsz férfiként.
Erősebbnek kellene lenned, mint én,
ehelyett inkább egy nehezen olvadó fagyott pulykára hasonlítasz.
Miért kell mindig parancsolnod nekem?
Csak annyit szeretnék, hogy töltsd be a férfi szerepét.
Mindig mindent át akarsz beszélni – oké.
Mindig, minden nap a kedvedben kell járnom.
Ezeket kell csinálnom – hát meleg vagy te?
Már el is felejtettem, milyen boldogságot is okoz a friss szerelem,
amiben nőnek érezhetem magam, de te nemigen viselkedsz férfiként.
Azt mondta: „Ahhoz, hogy kivívd az elismerésemet, még nagyon sok leckét kell venned.”
Erre én: „Te nem tudod, mi a szerelem – fogd vissza magad!”
Úgy hangzanak ezek, mintha valami ócska forgatókönyvet olvasnál.
Sosem fogok találkozni anyáddal,
Csak annyit akarok, hogy dobd a testedet az enyémre,
Hát mondd meg, miért olyan nagy bűn ez?
Már el is felejtettem, milyen boldogságot is okoz a friss szerelem,
amiben nőnek érezhetem magam, de te nemigen viselkedsz férfiként.