Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 136


Pszicho őrült

Azt mondod
Ezzel most feldühítettél
Azt mondom
Felhagysz azzal
Hogy megpróbálsz helyrehozni
Vagy a dolgok rosszra fordulnak
Ha csatát akarsz
Kapsz tőlem háborút
Azt hiszed, irányíthatsz
Nem tudod, mire vállalkozol
Gyere csak nekem
Gyere csak
Majd meglátod
Gyakorolj rám
Gyakorolj rám
Gyakorolj rám nyomást
Ha őrültet akarsz
Kapsz tőlem pszichót
Úgyhogy ne dühíts fel
Idegbeteg leszek tőle
És megmutatom, amiről még nem tudsz
Ha őrültet akarsz
Kapsz tőlem pszichót
Azt mondod
És, hogy ez mind csak a fejemben létezik
De ne
Forgasd ki
Csak félreértetted
Te vagy ennek az oka
Még a végén ballisztikussá vállok
Vagy jobb tébolyultan
A kényszerzubbonyomban
Tűkkel és gyógyszerekkel
De el ne felejtsd
Te kezdted ezt az egész szarságot
Ha őrültet akarsz
Kapsz tőlem pszichót
Úgyhogy ne dühíts fel
Idegbeteg leszek tőle
És megmutatom, amiről még nem tudsz
Ha őrültet akarsz
Kapsz tőlem pszichót
Ha őrültet akarsz
Kapsz tőlem pszichót
A végén mindig úgy alakul
Hogy te kontra én az állás
De én aztán nem török meg
És ezúttal harcolok magamért
Mindenért, amitől megfosztottál
Úgyhogy gyakorolj csak rám
Gyakorolj rám nyomást


You are beautiful, you act beautiful,
You are dying for me,
Tigdada-la-la-la your eyes are beautiful!
You are beautiful, you act beautiful,
You are dying for me,
Tigdada-la-la-la your eyes are beautiful!
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips,
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips.
You are a powerful gipsy man,
Your talent is big
Tigdada-la-la-la your eyes are beautiful!
You are a powerful gipsy man,
Your talent is big
Tigdada-la-la-la your eyes are beautiful!
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips,
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips.
You are beautiful, you act beautiful,
You are dying for me,
Tigdada-la-la-la your eyes are beautiful!
You are beautiful, you act beautiful,
You are dying for me,
Tigdada-la-la-la your eyes are beautiful!
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips,
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!34
Hey, mami, kiss my lips.

WE will never be brothers

Versions: #1
We will never be brothers
not by motherland, nor by mother.
You don't have a spirit to be free-
even as stepbrothers we cannot be.
You are dubbed yourself as 'older' brothers-
we could be younger, but not like the others.
There're so many of you, but, what a pity you've no face.
You're huge, but we are great.
And you're squeezing... you keep on toil,
you will choke on your envy and oil.
The word freedom, to you is unknown,
you are in chains since the day you were born.
In your houses' silence is gold' will prevail,
and we're burning Molotov cocktails,
yes, we're hot blooded in our hearts,
so, what kind of blind kin you are to us?
And we all have fearless eyes,
without a weapon we are still dangerous guys.
We are grown up and became brave like the knights
we are all in the sniper’s sights.
The executioners brought us to our knees-
we have rebelled and fixed everything.
And in vain, the rats are hiding and preying-
they will bath in their blood just the same.
You are getting the new directions-
and we are here, burning fires of insurrection.
We have democracy and you have the Czar,
We will never be brothers, we are.

Boldog születésnapot!

Verze 1:
Kérlek, fogadd el a bocsánatkérésem, vajon mi lettél volna?
Egy kisangyal lettél volna, vagy a bűn angyala?
Rohangáló Tomi fiú, aki lóg az összes sráccal?
Vagy egy bandita, gyönyörű barna szemű kisfiú?
Fizettem a gyilkosságért, mielőtt meghatározták a nemed
Saját életünket választottuk a te életed helyett, ez a halálodat jelentette
És sosem volt lehetőséged, hogy kinyisd a szemed
Néha elgondolkodom, hogy vajon magzatként küzdöttél-e az életedért?
Lettél volna egy kis zseni, aki szerelmes a matematikába?
Játszottál volna az iskolai ruháidban, és megőrjítettél volna?
Olyan kis rapper lettél volna, mint a papád da Piper?
Leszoktattál volna a dohányzásról azzal, hogy megtalálod az egyik öngyújtómat?
Eltűnődöm a bőrszíneden és az orrod formáján
És azon, hogyan nevetnél és gyorsan vagy lassan beszélnél
Gondolok rá minden évben, ezért tollat ​​ragadtam
Boldog születésnapot, szeretlek, akárki is lennél
Boldog születésnapot...
Amit álomnak hittem (kívánj valamit)
Olyan valóságos volt, mint amilyennek látszott (Boldog születésnapot!)
Amit álomnak hittem (kívánj valamit)
Olyan valóságos volt, mint amilyennek látszott
Verze 2:
Millió kifogásom van arra, hogy miért haltál meg
Fogadjunk, hogy az embereknek megvan a saját okuk a gyilkosságra
Ki mondja, hogy működött volna, és ki mondja, hogy nem?
Fiatal voltam és küszködtem, de elég idős ahhoz, hogy az apád lehessek
A félelem attól, hogy olyan lehetek, mint az apám, sosem tűnt el
Gyakran töprengek, miközben a sörömet kortyolgatom
A családról alkotott elképzelésem erőltetett és hamis volt
Tehát amikor eljött az idő megteremteni, hibát követtem el
Most van egy kisöcséd, talán tényleg te vagy az?
Talán tényleg megbocsátottál nekünk, tudván, hogy össze voltunk zavarodva?
Talán mindig, amikor ő mosolyog, te vagy az, és büszkén tudod, hogy apád most helyesen cselekszik?
Sosem mondom meg egy nőnek, hogy mit csináljon a testével
De ha nem szereti a gyerekeket, akkor nincs buli
Gondolok rá minden évben, ezért tollat ​​ragadtam
Boldog születésnapot, szeretlek, akárki is lennél
Boldog születésnapot...
Amit álomnak hittem (kívánj valamit)
Olyan valóságos volt, mint amilyennek látszott (Boldog születésnapot!)
Amit álomnak hittem (igen, kívánj valamit)
Olyan valóságos volt, mint amilyennek látszott
És az égből az anyaméhig és újra az égbe
A végétől a végéig, sosem kezdődött el
Talán egy nap találkozhatnánk szemtől szembe?
Egy idő és tér nélküli helyen
Boldog születésnapot...
Az égből az anyaméhig és újra az égbe
A végétől a végéig, sosem kezdődött el
Talán egy nap találkozhatnánk szemtől szembe?
Egy idő és tér nélküli helyen
Boldog születésnapot...
Amit álomnak hittem (kívánj valamit)
Olyan valóságos volt, mint amilyennek látszott (Boldog születésnapot!)
Amit álomnak hittem (kívánj valamit)
Olyan valóságos volt, mint amilyennek látszott

As I Feel

My heart beats with passion for you before you look
Without your affection, I can not live a moment longer
These words are all my truth all my reason
I know you'll come and feel it the way I feel it
How to live without the illusion just for the world
Oh how to suffer in the immensity without you
Some time ago already in my loneliness was born an illusion
And little by little you're going to invite yourself into my heart
I am the man who for the first time feel freedom
And you know that this time as my love you too will feel it
Ay love for love time will tell you'll have to want me
Oh, if you're not here, I'd rather leave forever.
How to live without the illusion just for the world
How to suffer in regret without you
Ay love for love time will tell you'll have to want me
Oh, if you're not here, I'd rather leave forever.


You are beautiful, you dance beautiful,
You are dying for me,
Tigdada-la-la-la you are beautiful, look!
Ypu are beautiful, you dance beautiful,
You are dying for me,
Tigdada-la-la-la you are beautiful, look!
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips,
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips.
You are a powerful gipsy man,
Your talent is big
Tigdada-la-la-la you are beautiful, look!
You are a powerful gipsy man,
Your talent is big
Tigdada-la-la-la you are beautiful, look!
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips,
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips.
You are beautiful, you dance beautiful,
You are dying for me,
Tigdada-la-la-la you are beautiful, look!
Ypu are beautiful, you dance beautiful,
You are dying for me,
Tigdada-la-la-la you are beautiful, look!
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips,
Hey na na na, my mum, la-la-la!
Hey, mami, kiss my lips.

Going to Bed

In this city where I always wake up
I look through the car window
I see all the bright street lights
Tonight, looks like a funny star
In this city where I always wake up
I look through the car window
I see a convenience store glowing
And this lonely autumn night makes me laugh
Ah, the sun will rise in 2 hours
But it's so boring to drive alone
Ah, looks like tomorrow will be cloudy, will tomorrow be cloudy?
I feel the loneliness, just the loneliness
Just to run away from goodbye
A lonely tomorrow, just lonely
Just to forget my memories
In this city where it never changes
I look out the train window
The neon lights are glowing
She looks like a funny star
In this city where it never changes
I look out the train window
I see a convenience store glowing
It's a lonely autumn night that makes me laugh
Ah, the sun will rise in 2 hours
Tonight is so boring when I'm alone
Ah, looks like tomorrow it will rain, will it really rain tomorrow?
Running to the loneliness, so loneliness
Just to run away from goodbye
Getting to the loneliness, so loneliness
Just to forget my memories
I'm just wanna hold you, hold you, hold you again
In my dreams you're still kind
I'm just wanna hold you, hold you, hold you again
You're still inside me with your love
I'm just wanna kiss you, kiss you, kiss you again
When I remember your smile I start to cry
Time passes and I can't get over you
I'm just wanna hold you, hold you, hold you again
I feel the loneliness, just the loneliness
Just to run away from goodbye
A lonely tomorrow, just lonely
Just to forget my memories
Running to the loneliness, so loneliness
Just to run away from goodbye
Getting to the loneliness, so loneliness
Just to forget my memories


Dead earth, dead stones.
Mud in brackets, gray, did you guess?
You're not so deeply buried, I find you, poisoned by insomnia.
With a feeling of death, with trembling hands, I engage in the game of hiding.
I follow the steam (salt) with inflamed eyes.
Another (sat), another (sat), another (sat), another (died).
Storage and consumption.
Blindness with narrowed eyes.
I'm in darkness with dazzling thoughts.
I am drunk in vain,
What makes me angry?
Tomorrow won't keep, today won't keep.
Another (sat), another (sat), another (sat), another (died).

Combination! VrooMagine

Nice - it's so unstoppable
Now, with the rumbling engine of curiosity
Like - just like a dream
A dream that we need to focus on
Life - what do you want to do
Asking questions and saying answers beyond this maze
Live - on the forefront
Always think of today
Passing through the days of the past
With the strength to protect others
Searching for the chances to change
You can make it
Just step on the roads of unknown
Let's go, rumble on, let's go with more magic
Don't give up together
We need a friend rather than being alone
It's possible when we are united with the world
Unite, ZenkaiOh
Look at the combination, combination, combination
Fake - kick them all away
Now, with the sense of intelligence
Grace - that's so wonderful
Waking up with a stick
Shake - what do you want to do
There are days that are just ordinary
Take - this precious treasure
Because you and I have a bigger passion
Breaking the sealed worlds
All of them like before
Now's the chance to return to a sparkling battle
You can make it
Flying towards the skies of tomorrow
Let's go, dragon, let's go with more dump
Don't give up together
A friend that casts a magic spell and courage
Let's resonate and unite with the world
Combine, ZenkaiOh
Look at the escalation, escalation, escalation
Let your tears pour down with the colors of happiness
Always look forward to the future in harmony
Let's grab this opportunity, alright
In high spirits we go, we fight
Let's go, rumble on, let's go with more magic
Don't give up together
We need a friend rather than being alone
It's possible when we are united with the world
Unite, ZenkaiOh
Look at the combination, combination, combination

With the black eyes

Mum don't leave me alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
From whom will I take so I want?
I travel, I walk, I'm not a child anymore
My pleasure, my dear mum
Is to become a bride
I've seen black eyes
Beautiful black eyes
I travel, I walk, I'm not a child anymore
My pleasure, my dear mum
Is to become a bride
Is to become a bride

A Coat of Many Colors

A coat of many colors was worn by the garden
And richly woven garments were the clothes of its grass
And a tunic of chequer work was donned by each tree
Which then showed its beauty to every watching eye
Each flower bud has rebloomed for the new springtime
And laughed as spring drew near
But then the Lily passed before them
A King for high is His throne
Out He came from His prison cell
And changed out of His prison uniform
Whoever does not drink wine in His honor
Is a sinner, who shall be punished.

My love

Versions: #2
My Love
My love please,
don't go away.
I will count the hours until I see you.
My Love
My love please,
don't leave me.
I will count the hours until I see you again.
Come back to me
I will not return,
I will not return.
I don't want to remember.
I don't want to remember.
Back to me
I will not return,
I will not return.
I don't want to remember.
I don't want to remember.

Take life by the hand (Thread of soul)

If you want to see miracles coming true
Sew all your injuries with one thread of soul
Time is passing by wasted
It's your worst enemy
So take this life by the hand
And even if the darkness around you has become too dense
The sun will rise again!
Look up and believe that you'll find the way
Put your dreams in front of you so you could see them
You can ...

Fool's Festival [Topsy Turvy]

Come on, perform
Close the church
And extinguish the candle
Ignore the rules
On your boot
Perform, perform
Come enjoy yourself
Top and bottom
Clown's nose on
Tell a joke
Put the world up side
Once a year
The work is put down
Everything turns and straight is crooked
And crooked is straight
Make the servant a king
And the king servant
Everyone on the street
Does nice and silly
Release the devil in you
You can do it
And on this day
Authority is being bullied
Everyone can sit
At the fool's festival
Turn, turn
One, two, hupsakee
There you go
Turn, turn
Mask on and let them guess
Legs high
It's prom out here
Everyone celebrates the fool's festival
Turn, turn
Play the trumpet and drum
Turn, turn
Throw confetti
Make a mess
Donkeys are
The best horse in the stable
It is the time for fun and bullshit
On the sixth of January
Everyone celebrates the fool's festival
Come on, perform
Farmers, citizens
Take your chance
Pray a rosary
Come on, perform
She puts you in a deep trance
Are you ready?
It is now on
Dance, la Esmeralda!
Here it is
That long-awaited moment
The moment is here
Who is it, you or me?
Who delivers us
The greatest fright?
Who will be king of this festival?
Ugliest face
Immediately takes the throne
Imitate a gargoyle
You get a crown
Make a scary face
Then you will be foolish king
Turn, turn
Who is the prettiest ugly?
Turn, turn
Step forward
I recommend that
Making funny faces
To that stable
Be the king
From this festival
All together!
Once a year
Everything is turned upside down
Once a year
Is ugly beautiful once noticed
Hear the drum roll
Light the trumpet
Once a year
Thanks to this festival
Do something different today
Never once can or should
What could be more pleasant than a smile?
Come on, enjoy the coronation again
Ugliness gets a reward
No one can enter his house, no?
Everyone will be playing all day long
Turn it!
Turn, turn
One two
Hupsakee, there you go
Turn and turn with it


This is for the sisters all over the world
Because I know how hard it is in this male world
Whether it's in the ghetto or anywhere else
It's not easy being a Romani when everybody's judging you
It's nothing but tradition, our elders say
A tradition where only the male is in charge
Where there's no choice whether you want it or not
Where others decide who you live and who you die with
Be one of those that will say no
Prove that women too can be proud
Because I know it's hard to put an end to those stories
But that's the first step to putting a smile on their faces
Know you're not alone, you wouldn't be the first
So many Roma sisters went barefoot through thorns
And everything can change, don't let them poison you
Sing loudly with me, let everyone hear you
I'm a Romani and I've had enough
I won't listen to your rotten stories anymore
This is my life, and I'll do what I want
My decisions from now on I'll make for myself
Because I'm a Romani, and I've had enough
I won't listen to your rotten stories anymore
Because this is my life, and I'll do what I want
My decisions from now on I'll make for myself
How hard it is to live among people
Who don't let you live your life like everyone else
To finish school and find a normal job
Go out for the weekend and see your friends
How hard it is, I can see that with my own eyes
They sell you for money like cheap merchandise
And everyone feels great, the whole family is celebrating
And it's normal for everyone because it's tradition
Don't let them poison you, you're the owner of your life
Don't listen to promises, don't listen to that idiot
Go your own way, live how you know
Achieve your goals, that's your only salvation
And if they say that you're worth a lot less
Show everyone they're wrong, don't spare your words
Just say what you've always wanted to say
Live your life and don't let anyone lie to you
I'm a Romani and I've had enough
I won't listen to your rotten stories anymore
This is my life, and I'll do what I want
My decisions from now on I'll make for myself
Because I'm a Romani, and I've had enough
I won't listen to your rotten stories anymore
Because this is my life, and I'll do what I want
My decisions from now on I'll make for myself
I'm a Romani and I've had enough
I won't listen to your rotten stories anymore
This is my life, and I'll do what I want
My decisions from now on I'll make for myself
Because I'm a Romani, and I've had enough
I won't listen to your rotten stories anymore
Because this is my life, and I'll do what I want
My decisions from now on I'll make for myself

ships seem like souls

Lyrics: Dimitris Yfantis
Music: Dimitris Yfantis
1. Triphono
Ships are similar to souls
and if you seek out (their) winds,
on a voyage in their holds
(your) memories set sail.
A gleaming anchor
and golden mooring lines
secure and tie the ship
briefly to (your) life.
Ships are similar to souls
across time they're floating
in darkness they have as a guide
the stars that shine brightly.

My Soul Thirsteth for Thee

My soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee,
in a dry and weary land,
where no water is.
So have I looked for Thee in the sanctuary,
to see Thy power and Thy glory.

Without soul

I didn't ask for your words
I didn't ask for your time
My sweet hazel eyes
My faded gold star
I didn't ask your words
I didn't ask for your time
(I wanted) To get into your little embrace
For once
Don't leave me alone
I can't stand the rain
How can I enjoy life
Without soul?
You didn't talk to me
You didn't give me time
My sweet hazel eyes
My faded gold star
Don't leave me alone
I can't stand the rain
How can I enjoy life
Without soul?
You didn't talk to me
You didn't give me time
You didn't allow me
To get into your little embrace
Without soul


My heart’s pounding
hazy memories
You keep pulling me
My once ordinary days
Now slowly is turning interesting
It’s Interesting
I didn’t want to reveal my hidden self
But seeing you tremble
Makes me dance
i want you
I want your breath
I want your hair
I want your fear
Please don’t ask me why
I want your breath.
I want your hair.
I want your fear
Please don’t ask me why
My smile and my face
You probably won’t know
What it means
No one can stop me
Only fear awaits
I didn’t want to reveal my hidden self
But seeing you tremble
Makes me dance
i want you
I want your breath
I want your hair
I want your fear
Please don’t ask me why
I want your breath.
I want your hair.
I want your fear
Please don’t ask me why
Please don’t ask me why
Please don’t ask me why


One, two, back and forth
After so many hours
I found you
I was careful.
You are truly meaningful
and more important to me
I must have come to you
farther than I though
With the way you looked at me
I’m waiting for you
to tell your story
The uncountable times
and my mind that I couldn’t bring out
Not even one thing
It can’t be completed without you.
You’re the last piece.
This is how I get to know you.
Your eyes are on me.
It’s more precious.
I think it’s left to you
deeper than I thought
Now I realize what it means
I’m waiting for you
to tell your story
The uncountable times
and my mind that I couldn’t bring out
Not even one thing.
It can’t be completed without you.
You’re the last piece.
That’s why it’s you.
Now I know
If this story without you,
It’s a lie. In other words,
It only makes sense if you’re in it
That’s the reason why
I need you now.
Cause you’re the reasons of my life
Everything is full of you.
It filled with to overflowing
Not even one thing.
It can’t be completed without you.
You’re the last piece.

No Soul

No soul seems foreign to me
No soul
All the dust of the world
And everything else left
Live inside me
No soul
For every heart
That you burn and it hurts
For every heart
I'll become a tree
To birth hearts
To give you shadow
Come close
Before the earth falls
Out of the wound
That I have and can't reconcile
With life
Since I was a child
Spring find the way
On earth
Unique and alone
The hands with contact
Spread the pain
Share the pain
Before sunrise
I throw to the universe
A white bird
There they love me
And I spread love
So that they can birth to earth
Love to earth
You live in my eyes
And if I cry don't leave
Don't drown on me
Web inside the body
You wrap everything
Body of soil
Don't be afraid

Little by Little

Little by little
I see you one step at a time
without saying anything to say
I think I can hear you.
I’m looking for a place to rest.
We’ve been back for a while.
Thank you so much for being you.
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I mean, whatever you look like
You’re gonna make me feel better
every little look of your face
It makes my heart flutter.
Everyday everynight
Do you think my prayers will pass?
Let’s be together like this
Can you hear this sound?
When I close my eyes
the whispers of the day
stories that I couldn’t tell you
Where it came from?
I don’t know where to go.
My heart has found you
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I mean, whatever you look like
You’re gonna make me feel better
every little look of your face
It makes my heart flutter.
Everyday everynight
Do you think my prayers will pass?
Let’s be together like this
In the world outside the door,
What could there be?
Even the nights that I cried alone.
Will it all be forgotten?
I wish I had a dream.
Even if it’s a moment,
With you and only you
Whatever you look like
You make me smile
Maybe someday we’ll be able to…
Even if you’re away for a while,
Your smile, Your pain, You are my all
I’ll remember.
Thank you. Because it’s you.
I met you at the end of my difficult time
Thank you so much for that

My Soul is Silent

Free in the sand, you
Think of tomorrow by the sea
My feet are warm in the sand
But the heart is still cold
Like yesterday and the day before
My mind is silent to you and why
I'm here, free and alone
My mind is silent to you and why
I'm free, happy dreaming
Like a soaring bird
I shout your name
On a small waved Venus dream
Salty blood flowed to me
But the heart is wetted with a brush
Oh, how much more
Will I be here alone?
Oh, how much more
Will I be here alone?
Free in the sand, you
Think of tomorrow by the sea
Your heart is already cold
Like the sea sweeping me
To space
My mind is silent to you and why
I'm free to go from here
My mind is silent to you and why
I will also return by the sea tomorrow
I shout your name
On a small waved Venus dream
Salty blood flowed to me
But the heart is wetted with a brush
Oh, how much more
Will I be here alone?
Oh, how much more
Will I be here alone?
Free in the sand, you
Think of tomorrow by the sea
My feet are warm in the sand
But the heart is still cold
Like yesterday and the day before

In Your Time

Versions: #1
The story remains so cold
It’s still so clear to me
In those fairy-tale like times
I’m only filled with fear of being left behind
I’m going to try to let go of this frozen heart
So I can find the lost times
After meeting you once again
I’m finding the pieces of you that have been erased
Past the painful times
I’m holding onto you
I’m still living in your time
Forever more, forever more, I cry
Forever more, forever more, I cry
All the feelings you gave to me
Now I’ll give it back to you and fill you up
Let me hold you
So I can erase your sadness and painful memories
After meeting you once again
I’m finding the pieces of you that have been erased
Past the painful times
I’m holding onto you
I’m still living in your time
I’m afraid you’re still in pain
I’m afraid you’re still waiting for me
So I still can’t erase you
I’m still pacing back and forth in that place
After meeting you once again
I’m finding the pieces of you that have been erased
Past the painful times
I’m holding onto you
I’m still living in your time
Forever more, forever more, I cry
Forever more, forever more, I cry


Our stuff Our grace All the precious things are alive
If you took out your kingly sword at least slice some radish. If you can't see the end, you tremble because you're mad.
Even if you get farther from your dream , don't ever get sad and just run, you're still young.
It's not over until it's over, Korean people follow through until the end.
Everyone rise up, everyone rise up right now, everyone rise up, something big is happening.
Lift it and stand up, lift it and stand up right now, lift it and stand up so that we're KOREA.
KOREA louder KOREA even louder KOREA stronger KOREA woahhhh (x2)
The music is ringing, the music is ringing The shouts of 50,000,000 are ringing and spreading out.
Yaya, yayayaya yayayayayayaya woahhhh(x2)
Who is testing me That test is dangerous If I say once that I'll do it then I'll do it, and when I do it it'll be grand.
The shouts of 50,000,000 are our sound, the Korean peninsula's sound KOREA
It's not over until it's over, Korean people follow through until the end.
Everyone rise up, everyone rise up right now, everyone rise up, something big is happening.
Lift it and stand up, lift it and stand up right now, lift it and stand up so that we're KOREA
KOREA louder KOREA even louder KOREA stronger KOREA woahhhh (x2)
The music is ringing, the music is ringing The shouts of 50,000,000 are ringing and spreading out.
Yaya, yayayaya yayayayayayaya woahhhh(x2)
Until it's over
It's not over
They do it until the end
It's the Korean person.

Ileana Ileana

I've let it known to be for my people in the favella, My
dear Ileana, Ileana
That the chosen one to wed i've found, My dear Ileana, Ileana
So i'll make such a marvellous wedding, My dear Ileana, Ileana
With my beautiful Ileana, My dear Ileana
Ahh, ah .. for i to marry my dearly Ilenutza
I'm so gonna give, gonna give (all the wealth things of i),
My dear Ileana, Ileana
Till the moment ye'll gonna be mine , my dearly Ilenutza
And i'll give it all, My dear Ileana, Ileana
For i to have ye as my wife, my dearly Ilenutza
My mother, Here's my Ileana, Ileana , Ileana
She's of such a beauty like none ever seen
She's beautiful and of such finesse
That this soul of i, she conquered
Ahh, ah . ..Thre's none word left to say , none else to do
She's my dearly Ilenutza