Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 136


We Will Not Stop Singing

If it will be bad, and the taxes will go up
and in Moscow, the gates will be locked1
and the sugar, it will also go up in price
we will not, we will not stop singing
Will not stop singing
will not stop singing
will not stop singing
will not stop singing
If the gas, from Tel Aviv to Ramat Gan
costs you, as much as weekend in Japan
and if the UN, says withdraw and return
we will not, we will not stop singing
Will not stop singing...
If you will sign up, you will want a neighborhood for young couples
when you finally get in, will be (the age of) the city elders
and if we hear Roza Roza from Cairo2
we will not, we will not stop singing
Will not stop singing...
What to do, this is our only country
the future will be good, and it isn't, it isn't a legend3
and will earn the right to see a sunrise of another clear day
And that is why we keep singing
Will not stop singing...
  • 1. refers to the Jewish Aliya from the former USSR which at times was difficult depending on the prevailing sentiment of the Soviet government in power
  • 2. most likely a reference to a call to a Roza prayer for Ramadan
  • 3. refers to Hertzl's famous line אם תרצו, אין זו אגדה' if you want it, it is not a legend'

My Tale

At some point, I thought
The feelings that I feel
I look back at you.
Without talking anything
What you give and receive
Without it, I got to see you inside
The more I do, the more I tell you,
I’m getting out.
with one side of my hidden chest
Do You know that?
I’ll know If I do
What kind of feeling would I have?
Are you looking at me?
I don’t know if I think of you.
When will you know?
I can’t believe
Even if I read it every night,
I want to read again
My Tale
Keep it close
The more you look at it
You and me.
We look alike.
I know you well.
I can’t go any further.
I’m just trying
Look at you.
I’ll know If I do
What kind of feeling would I have?
Are you looking at me?
I don’t know if I think of you.
When will you know?
I can’t believe
Even if I read it every night,
I want to read again
My Tale
In the world where you are
If you let me in,
I’m gonna take you out with my arms around.
I’ll take you with me.
Step on it and run to me.
Run out of there.
I’ll hold you.
I’ll know If I do
What kind of feeling would I have?
Are you looking at me?
I don’t know if I think of you.
When will you know?
I can’t believe
Even if I read it every night,
I want to read again
My Tale


I will remember the moments I laughed with you
I will remember the times I held you
I will long for you, wherever I am
I will long for you as I wait and wait for you
Without leaving out a single day
I will think of you as I rest
Moments we were together
Each and every one of them
You breathe in me
As I exhale my longing for you
You make my heart jump
You breathe in me
I’ve lost everything
As I breathe in your shade
The only reason this world
Can be so beautiful
Is because of you
I will always think of you, even when we’re far apart
I’ll think of you more, the more I long for you
Even if I run out of breath
From chasing after you
Even if I get lost from looking for you
I can’t erase you, I keep thinking of you so I’ll run again
This longing that I can’t hold back,
It sends me to you each day
You breathe in me
As I exhale my longing for you
You make my heart jump
You breathe in me
I’ve lost everything
As I breathe in your shade
The only reason this world
Can be so beautiful
Is because of you
Whichever world I’m in
If I can have you by my side, if I can be with you
I don’t care if that day is my last
Even in that short moment
You breathe in me
As I exhale my longing for you
You make my heart jump
You breathe in me
I’ve lost everything
As I breathe in your shade
The only reason this world
Can be so beautiful
Is because of you

A Fájdalmad Az Enyém

Sikítások a tűz parazsaiból
Egy elveszett birodalom halvány fénye
Az időtlen ködbe omlott
Lámpások lógnak a barlangokban
Ne süssön fény az árnyékember számára
Az amnesztia útján
Megágyazva a névtelen sírban
Az ártatlant elnyelte a homok
Az kéz, amely az életért markol
Tisztán belehasít egy késsel
Minden vágás oly mély
Hogy hangzik a oltalmazott alvás?
Süket fülek a szirén hívásának gyűrűjében
Hallom, hogy énekelnek a mennyben
Soha nem fogjuk hallani a dalt
A fájdalmad az enyém
Én te vagyok egy másik életben
A fájdalmad az enyém
Régen egyek voltunk
Mielőtt a föld
Ellopta a lelkünket
A fájdalmad az enyém
Minden isten búcsút mond fiainak
Amikor jönnek a bombák, fuss
Elkülönítés a golyók sokasága között
Mégegy csecsemő fuldoklik a füstös dicsfényében
Soha nem láttam az igazságot, de most már tudom
Csökkenti az épelméjűségünket
Elszakadtunk a társadalomtól
Az kéz, amely az életért markol
Tisztán belehasít egy késsel
Minden vágás oly mély
Hogy hangzik a oltalmazott alvás?
Süket fülek a szirén hívásának gyűrűjében
Hallom, hogy énekelnek a mennyben
Soha nem fogjuk hallani a dalt
A fájdalmad az enyém
Én vagyok te egy másik életben
A fájdalmad az enyém
Rég voltunk eggyek
Mielőtt a föld ellopta a lelkünket
A festett képek mindig derűseknek tűnnek
De a valóság sokkal durvább, hogy láthasd
És szükségem van rá hogy tudd
Ez a segítség számomra nem elérhető
Vagy legalább higgy nekem
Azt kívánom, hogy békére lelj
De a gondolatban nincs cselekedet
Így egyszerűen elveszett tagadhatatlanul
Az önelégültség és árulás tengerén
És én könyörögtem, hogy kapjatok
Csak egy esélyt, hogy szabad légy
Talán időben, de tudom, megpróbáltam
A fájdalmad az enyém
Fuss úgy, mintha az életed függne tőle
Mert egy nap megtörténik
Sajnálom kölyök
A világ soha nem fordul vissza
És soha nem is fog

Joum Triala

(Together, guys
Wolf, wolf, are you here?
Come out to see you
Again, guys
Streets, wonders, fires
So the hearts will be warm
It is the Feast of Fools!)
Every year, on the same day right here
We organize a feast-panic
And whatever anyone can imagine, generally
Happens on the joum trialarei
Joum trialarei means jest
You do and say whatever you want to
You dress up as you like just like on Halloween
(Joum tri-a-la)
Everything is upside down
(Joum tri-a-la)
And everybody drinks, bottoms up
Fun, money, poverty, debts
All of these are joum trialarei
(Joum tri-a-la)
With side drums and trumpets
(Joum tri-a-la)
With girls and tap dancing
Don't tell me that all of this is not enough
Same day, always on
Sixth of January
The joum trialarei happens
Together, guys
Wolf, wolf, are you here?
Come out to see you
Again, guys
With songs and voices
Now hearts will get burnt
Come Esmeralda, come out!
The moment that you all were waiting for
The moment that you only choose
Voice vote, the monster of this year
The most monster will be the king!
Do you all remember last year's king?
Put on something fearful and horrifying
Smudge everything, come along
So we will find the ugliest who will be the king!
(Joum tri-a-la)
Ugly people, where are you?
(Joum tri-a-la)
Step forward and live!
(It will be seen whose is it and doesn't say it)
The joum trialarei is calling you
(The moment that you all were waiting for)
The king
(The moment that you only choose)
Give kisses
(Voice vote, the monster of this year)
Girls, kiss him!
(The most monster will be the king)
And every year on the same day right here
There is a feast-panic
And whoever is the most monster
Becomes the king of fools
And is the king for a year
And there no a joum triala more fashionable than that...
(Joum tri-a-la)
Quasimodo, joum trialarei!

Tbilisian Tragedy

'Nobody' will help you today.
'Nobody' seeks comfort.
'Nobody' will win this war.
And 'nobody' will survive today.
I see tears are choking you,
how can I help you, tell me, I'm begging you,
I see thoughts are intoxicating you,
tell me what are you crying for, why are you suffering?
I have turned flour into liquid,
I have flown as a salt vapour.
Loneliness is my destiny
what this city suffers from - is a tragedy
You, you understand this -
madness, the piece of tin foil.
You, you know this -
you are that 'nobody'
I see tears are choking you,
how can I help you, tell me, I'm begging you,
I see thoughts are intoxicating you,
tell me what are you crying for, why are you suffering?
I see the pain is breaking you, what is it you got so used to and can't let go?
I see death is chasing you, come home today and let's remember the smile.
I see tears are choking you,
I see thoughts are intoxicating you
I see the pain is breaking you
I see death is chasing you
I, I will find a way
I will break away
I, I will find a way
I will manage it.
I, I will find a way
I will swim across the sea.
I, I will find a way
I won't kill myself
I have a taste of chlorine in my mouth
and a smell of dampness in my nose,
the heaviness of these everyday thoughts
is crawling on my brain like worms
What I wanted to tell you,
I couldn't find in me.
When I thought I'd fly up,
I fell into a ravine.
The young are chased by death.
The old probably by 'passing away'.
I will pluck you from the hands of death tonight
and together we will survive this torture.
Romanticizing of our deaths
won't see the light of the dawn,
just like the song of the swan up in the air,
or the meeting of that kipchak


What should I do about you?
I haven’t felt this way
Up & Down a lot
I can’t control myself
One thing is for sure
I don’t play the game
People say we’re so weird
I just like you so much
You know it so well
And control me
So do I
We’re in a very weird
And strange relationship
We crush each other
And hug each other
(and hug)
You got me feeling like a
Psycho psycho
People keep telling us
As we fight like it’s our last
But then we get along
They don’t get it
It’s so funny
Right Psycho psycho
We’re fools loving each other so much
Without you I feel dizzy and sad I feel low
People say we make a cute couple
Hey now we’ll be ok
Hey trouble
You come without even a warning
I’m original visual
This is who we are Yeah
I’m not afraid
(just find it interesting)
It’s hot! Let me just hop
How can I handle you? Ooh
I don’t know what to do
Even if I calm you down and harshly kick you
You sometimes smile at me
How can I let you go? Ooh
We’re in a beautiful and sad relationship
We make each other shine
(Tell me now)
Like the moon and the river
And we hug again
You got me feeling like a
Psycho psycho
People keep telling us
As we fight like it’s our last
But then we get along
They don’t get it
It’s so funny
Right Psycho psycho
We’re fools loving each other so much
Without you I feel dizzy and sad I feel low
People say we make a cute couple
Hey now we’ll be ok
Don’t look back
Like that let’s be who we are
I feel you with all my body
Everything will be ok
(You got me feeling like a psycho)
Like a psycho psycho
People keep telling us
As we fight like it’s our last
But then we get along
People say we make a cute couple
Hey now we’ll be ok
Hey now we’ll be ok
Hey now we’ll be ok
Hey now we’ll be ok
Hey now we’ll be ok
It’s alright
It’s alright
Hey now we’ll be ok
Hey now we’ll be ok
Hey now we’ll be ok
Hey now we’ll be ok
It’s alright
It’s alright
We’re a little weird
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Endlessly it's trying to destroy me
Just how far will i fall?
You dig deeply into me
Like the thorn of a red flower stuck in me
Filled with poison
Even i can't control myself
I put on a bitter smile over my expressionless face
As you can see, i'm dangerous
Come closer, i need you
My head feels like it might burst
Get away, keep your distance
Game over
I'm psycho I'm psycho, there's somebody inside of me
That's right the psycho taking me over (Game over)
I'm psycho I'm psycho, he's talking to me
That's right the psycho, and i give in (Game over)
What you're seing now
Take a guess, who am i this time?
In a blink on an eye
I can change my face
I feel like i'm going crazy
You probably won't understand me
All of this was you (woo)
As you can see, i'm dangerous
Come closer, i need you
My head feels like it might burst
Get away, keep your distance
Bad girl (Game over)
I'm psycho I'm psycho, there's somebody inside of me
That's right the psycho taking me over (Game over)
I'm psycho I'm psycho, he's talking to me
That's right the psycho, and i give in (Game over)

Mental, yourself

So you want to break me
It won't be a pretty sight
A grown man on his knees
Shirt in snot and tears
Before you cock your gun for good,
There was a couple things I wanted to say
Surely, you cannot have gotten
Any hugs and kisses in some time
There are those who destroy,
Who make deep wounds
I know of several rotten eggs
Who only think about themselves
There are gold and precious gems,
Heroes in secret who stay quiet,
Who always stand on own feet,
Who never get their applause
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it
And you've disappointed me
Now I hold grief in my heart
Pressed me against
My most inner gate
The load goes on your back
The load goes in the water
I miss Mom
And the cat from before
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it


Chorus: Hey, you, this way
Come on, leave every craft
The great day has come
Hey, you, it’s possible
Today no rules nor slavery exist anymore
Today is the day when it’s
Clopin: Possible!
Once a year, and who doesn’t already know?
We turn the whole city upside down
Every king could find himself a clown
Today we are the only ones in command
Today madness becomes an order
And we can do the impossible
Let every madman be welcome
This is their day
Chorus: Topsy-turvy
Clopin: Everything is topsy-turvy
Chorus: Topsy-turvy
Clopin: Everybody seems to have gone crazy
Better stay home, those who are not able
To turn the city upside down
Esmeralda: Hey! You got hurt?
Quasimodo: No-no…I didn’t mean to, I… I beg your pardon
Esmeralda: You didn’t get injured, did you? Come on, let see
Quasimodo: No, no, no…no!
Esmeralda: Here… See? No harm done. Just try to be a bit more careful
Quasimodo: I…I…will
Esmeralda: By the way, nice mask!
Chorus: Topsy-turvy
Clopin: With drums and trumpets
Chorus: Topsy-turvy
Clopin: With trumps and crooks
Let’s give free rein to the worst part of us
For just one day a year
The aim is to cause damage
And to turn the city upside down
This way, hey, you
This is your chance
To discover beauty
For you, here she is
An entity in France
For beauty and rareness
Here for you, Esmeralda
Is here!
Frollo: Look what a revolting display
Phoebus: Yes, sir
Clopin: And now, ladies and gentlemen
The pièce de résistance
Here we go! The feast has already started off
Here is the best of the masks for you
Time for us to be in stitches
Out of all the fools, we’re going to pick the most
Do you remember last year’s king?
Make horrible grimaces and it’ll be you
The ugliest ones, even uglier than gargoyles
Among the fools, my friends, we’ll pick the king
Chorus: Topsy-turvy
Clopin: Who’s ashamed would better stay home
Chorus: Topsy-turvy
Clopin: And they’re going to call “Highness”
Chorus: The ugliest one, winning today
Will become king for this year
Citizens: That’s no mask!
That’s his face!
He’s repulsive
That’s the bell-ringer of Notre-Dame!
Clopin: Ladies and gentlemen, don’t be afraid!
We were looking for the ugliest face in Paris
And here it is!
Quasimodo! The hunchback of Notre-Dame!
All together!
Chorus: Once a year, and who doesn’t already know?
Clopin: Viva the king
Chorus: We turn the whole city upside down
Clopin: He’s our king
Chorus: There’s no limit for madness
Clopin: Girls, a kiss!
Chorus: Today we are the only ones in command
Clopin: That’s the best we’ve ever found
And the watchword is “frivolity”
Then tomorrow we’ll go back down to earth
We’ll drawn in beer
And make a fool of everything
And we’ll never regret it
Yes! Here’s the king of all the ugly
And let the city upside down
Come on, let’s turn everything upside down and glory unto our king!


Versions: #2
Leültem a büntetésem és ki akarok jutni,Annyira túláradó -
a sors - nem egészen fed, A lélek nem vibrál eléggé
A leszámolás, az iszonyat,
Csomagolás, felfordulás,
Álszent perverzió,
Menjetek, forgassátok fel a sivatagjaitokat, menjetek, ássátok ki a sírjaitokat
Majd tömjétek meg magatokat az összes pénzzel, amit majd addig megspóroltok
Belesüllyedni, újra kisebbnek lenni
Kész vagyok! Elkezdődött! Nem én vagyok az egyetlen!
És az eső mindannyiunkkal végez
A falnak vetjük magunkat
Mégsem veszi észre senki
A bennem lévő megőrzött mártírt
Repedéses az út, amin fekszünk
De ahol a templom elbukik
Ott a titkok megőrültek
Ez nem újdonság, de mikor mind lemészároltuk
Csak a gyűlölet volt velünk
Kinek kell egy újabb zűrzavar?
Mert akkor mindent újrakezdhetnénk
Csak nézz a szemembe, és mondd, hogy tévedek
Most csak üresség van mindenütt
Epés, érdektelen
Azt hiszem végeztünk. Nem én vagyok az egyetlen!
És az eső mindannyiunkkal végez
A falnak vetjük magunkat
Mégsem veszi észre senki
A bennem lévő megőrzött mártírt
A hulla határai!
A hulla határai!
A hulla határai!
A hulla határai!
Hamis antifasiszták hazudoznak - (pszichoszociális)
Próbáltam elmondani, de - (pszichoszociális)
A bíborvörös szívetek feladja - (pszichoszociális)
Ha vadászati idény van - (pszichoszociális)
Nem tudok leállni egy gyilkos ötlettel - (pszichoszociális)
Ezt akarjátok? - (pszichoszociális)
Nem én vagyok az egyetlen!
És az eső mindannyiunkkal végez
A falnak vetjük magunkat
Mégsem veszi észre senki
A bennem lévő megőrzött mártírt
És az eső mindannyiunkkal végez
A falnak vetjük magunkat
Mégsem veszi észre senki
A bennem lévő megőrzött mártírt
A hulla határai!
A hulla határai!


It was evening, a normal Sunday, when you said
That she's coming over and borrowing my side of the bed for a bit
Obviously, I went home and said
I'm never coming back
Forget that I ever did the same thing
I'm laughing out loud,
I got angry, I
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs
Sometimes I cry just like you do
It's been awhile
But I don't need an idiot like you anymore
Don't sit there and say you understand
All the times I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get ahold of you
I gave you up for awhile
It only took you a day to
Find someone easier than I was
But you said you were better off without me
Heard she's a pyscho so she's perfect for you
Was she better than me?
Was it from her phone that you wrote
That it would be the two of us?
All the times I waited for an answer
All the nights you kept me around
Don't sit there and say you understand
All the times I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get ahold of you
I gave you up for awhile
It only took you a day to
Find someone easier than I was
But you said you were better off without me
Heard she's a pyscho so she's perfect for you
You said it would just be the two of us
You said you would take us there
You said it would just be the two of us
You said you would take us there
You said it would just be the two of us
You said you would take us there
You said it would just be the two of us
You said you would take us there
Don't sit there and say you understand (You said it would just be the two of us)
All the times I was (I was) afraid that
I wouldn't be able to get ahold of you (You said it would just be the two of us)
I gave you up for awhile
It only took you a day to
Find someone easier than I was
But you said you were better off without me
Heard she's a pyscho so she's perfect for you
But you said you were better off without me
Heard she's a pyscho so she's perfect for you
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.

Fekete Mamut

A bolondok aranyát, kiszippantották és eladták a halál kereskedői.
Halott szellemben, és mostmár halott testben.
Az erőszak lángjaiból született a halott táj
A gyökerek felszívják az esőt, égve a savaktól.
A sebeket kiégették, és hagyták kötözetlenül.
Elhervad a nap alatt, elszárad és károsodott.
A tragédia örökre uralkodik.
A tömegek ünnepelnek. A törzsek összeomlanak
Az anya sír az utolsó lélegezeteiben
Emelkedj fel hamvaidól, ó beszennyezett Fekete Mamut
Halott szellemben, és mostmár halott testben.
Szent földed taposv, mérgezte és kifosztotta
A síkságok békéje, elvéve a vadember álltal
Az ősi gyakorlatokat kiírtják és eltűnnek
A modern barbárok, új az átjárás rítusa
A tömegek ünnepelnek. A törzsek összeomlanak
Az anya sír az utolsó lélegezeteiben
Emelkedj fel hamvaidól, ó beszennyezett Fekete Mamut
Halott szellemileg, mostmár halott testben.
A tragédia örökre uralkodik.

Elmebeteg Gyerekek

Képeket látok a fejemben
Egy világ, ahol a szenvedők halottak
És nem tudnak harcolni vagy kegyetlenül letartóztatni
Bárkit a bőrszíne miatt
Elmebeteg gyerekek, nem tudják, mit akarnak
Elmebeteg gyerekek, irányítás alatt kell tartanunk őket
Egy hajszárítót ejtettem a kádba
Az ilyen áramütésektől mosolyognom kell
Olyan mókás nevetni, mikor szomorú vagy
Boldog, gyerünk, hadd legyek boldog
Miért akarod visszafordítani az időt?
Gyere és lovagolj az elmebeteg elmémben
Miért akarod visszafordítani az időt?
Gyere és lovagolj az elmebeteg elmémben
Miért akarod visszafordítani az időt?
Gyere és lovagolj az elmebeteg elmémben
Miért akarod visszafordítani az időt?
Miért akarod visszafordítani az időt?
Elmebeteg gyerekek, nem tudják, mit akarnak
Elmebeteg gyerekek, irányítás alatt kell tartanunk őket
Elmebeteg gyerekek, nem tudják, mit akarnak
Elmebeteg gyerekek, irányítás alatt kell tartanunk őket
Anyukám azt hiszi, heroint használok
És az apám azt hiszi, eltűntem
De ők kibaszottul nem tudnak semmit
Mondd: 'A fiatalságot elvesztegették a fiatalok'
Anyukám azt hiszi, heroint használok
És az apám azt hiszi, eltűntem
De ők kibaszottul nem tudnak semmit
Mondd: 'A fiatalságot elvesztegették a fiatalok'
Elvesztegették a fiatalok
Elvesztegették a fiatalok
Elvesztegették a fiatalok
Elvesztegették a fiatalok
Elmebeteg gyerekek, nem tudják, mit akarnak (mit akarnak)
Elmebeteg gyerekek, irányítás alatt kell tartanunk őket (irányítani)
Elmebeteg gyerekek, nem tudják, mit akarnak (mit akarnak)
Elmebeteg gyerekek, irányítás alatt kell tartanunk őket (irányítani)
Irányítás alatt kell tartanunk őket
Irányítás alatt kell tartanunk őket
Elmebeteg gyerekek, nem tudják, mit akarnak


Add a little bit of color
Let our lips touch
Green is for happiness
White is for an eternal love
I have black silk on me
My lips are made of matte lipstick
And there's a glass of red wine
Add a little bit of color
Let our lips touch
Green is for happiness
White is for an eternal love
You carry a scent of summer with you
And your lips taste like honey
I need your love
Add a little bit of color
Let our lips touch
Green is for happiness
White is for an eternal love
Add a little bit of color
And color my dreams pink
Green is for happiness
White is for love
Add a little bit of color
Let our lips touch
Green is for happiness
White is for an eternal love


Egy néma szobában állok
És mindenki kezet fog
Zsúfolt sírrá változtatom
Ha bárki is kockáztat
Azt mondtad, férfi leszek
Olyan, aki majd belátásra bírja őket
Azért szeretnek, aki vagyok
De csak gyűlöletet kaptak tőlem
Az egyetlen utamon rohanok
Ez kell tennem
Pszichopatának hívnak
És ez az, amit kaptam tőled
Szóval öld meg mindet
Öld meg mindet
Ez az, amit akarnak, hogy megtegyek
Ezer kis hangot hallok
De a legrosszabb, amit hallok, az te vagy
Szóval öld meg mindet
Öld meg mindet
Ez az, amit hallok, hogy mondanak
Mindegyiket összegyűjtöttem
De a lelkiismeretem útban van
Szóval, mi lenne, ha most látnál engem?
Felismernéd a fiadat?
Csalódást okozok neked?
Tudnád, hogy mit tettem?
Szóval, mi lenne, ha meg tudnál ölni most?
Mi lenne, ha véget vethetnél ennek itt?
Mi lenne, ha élhetnél valahogy?
Elmorzsolnál egy könnycseppet?
Segíts, anyám
Mit tettem
Még mindig büszke vagy
Az egyetlen fiadra?
Tűnj ki a fejemből


Between heaven and hell, among the famous wilderness
Which Holy Spirit thoroughly avoids by flying away
There is an old inn, in which the phantoms of drunkards
Are celebrating triumphs of frenzy, their drunken toils
Mephisto1 himself comes too
He sits in this inn
Nightmare from the worst dream
Is also waiting here for sure
The miser who while dying swallowed his amethysts
Will find a perpetual rest here just for two cents
And the criminal who puts all his faith in the knife
Will have an opportunity to meet more than one victim here
Our whole inn is turning into the abyss
The nightmare of the worst dream calls you 'Come here!'
The viper harlot seduces the fat man
That fell in love with her before he died
The musicians are also playing furiously in their band
The whole wild crowd is dancing happily
Our whole inn is turning into the abyss
The nightmare of the worst dream calls you 'Come here!'
Between heaven and hell, among the famous wilderness
Between heaven and hell, among the famous wilderness
Our whole inn is turning into the abyss
The abyss is what our inn is turning into
Between heaven and hell, among the famous wilderness
Which Holy Spirit thoroughly avoids by flying away
The whole abyss is in the abyss
The abyss is what our inn is turning into
Only one old woman is sitting near the furnace
Mother of five hanged men - she is not listening to this whole noise
Gloomily bent down, she silently recalls again
A wonderful, first love fulfilled in the attic
Suddenly she jumped
Drunk all the wine from the pitcher
Polka2 in the blink of an eye
She played on the comb
  • 1. Mephisto is a demon featured in German folklore. He originally appeared in literature as the demon in the Faust legend, and he has since appeared in other works as a stock character.
  • 2. Polka is a traditional Polish dance.

Édes, de elmebeteg

Oh, ő édes, de egy elmebeteg
Egy kicsit elmebeteg
Éjszaka azt sikítja
Oh, dögös, de egy elmebeteg
Szóval igaza van
Éjszaka azt sikítja
[1. versszak]
Átkozódni fogsz miatta, de ő egy áldás
Egy pillanat alatt letépi az ingedet
Vissza fogsz jönni, vissza a repetáért
A tányéroddal, nem tudsz mit csinálni
Nem, nem, együtt fogsz vele játszani
Hagyod, hogy vezessen
Azt fogod mondani 'nem, nem'
De aztán 'igen, igen, igen'
Mert szórakozik a fejeddel
Oh, ő édes, de egy elmebeteg
Egy kicsit elmebeteg
Éjszaka azt sikítja
Oh, dögös, de egy elmebeteg
Szóval igaza van
Éjszaka azt sikítja
Megragadja egy zsaru fegyverét, elég őrült
Ő egy méreg, de ízletes
Igen, azt mondják 'fuss, ne sétálj el'
Oh, ő édes, de egy elmebeteg
Egy kicsit elmebeteg
Éjszaka azt sikítja
[2. versszak]
Látod, valaki azt mondta, ne idd meg a főzeteit
Érzelmek nélkül fogja megcsókolni a nyakad
Mikor undok, tudod, hogy szereted
Mert annyira édes az íze, ne szépítsd
Nem, nem, együtt fogsz vele játszani
Hagyod, hogy vezessen
Azt fogod mondani 'nem (nem, nem, nem, nem), nem (nem, nem)'
De aztán 'igen, igen, igen'
Mert szórakozik a fejeddel
Oh, ő édes, de egy elmebeteg
Egy kicsit elmebeteg
Éjszaka azt sikítja
Oh, dögös, de egy elmebeteg
Szóval igaza van
Éjszaka azt sikítja
Megragadja egy zsaru fegyverét, elég őrült
Ő egy méreg, de ízletes
Igen, azt mondják 'fuss, ne sétálj el'
Oh, ő édes, de egy elmebeteg
Egy kicsit elmebeteg
Éjszaka azt sikítja
Olyan vagy, mint én, elment az eszed
Tudom, hogy különös, mindketten a bolond fajtából vagyunk
Azt mondod nekem, hogy őrült vagyok
Fiú, ne tettesd, hogy nem szereted a fájdalmat
Oh, ő édes, de egy elmebeteg
Egy kicsit elmebeteg
Éjszaka azt sikítja
Oh, dögös, de egy elmebeteg
Szóval igaza van
Éjszaka azt sikítja
Megragadja egy zsaru fegyverét, elég őrült
Ő egy méreg, de ízletes
Igen, azt mondják 'fuss, ne sétálj el'
Oh, ő édes, de egy elmebeteg
Egy kicsit elmebeteg
Éjszaka azt sikítja

My soul is waiting

What's the reason, what are the words my thoughts are waiting for?
Are they trying to tell me to not be afraid?
You'll always be there in my silence.
What's the reason, what are the words my thoughts are waiting for?
Are they trying to tell me to feel a bit, to give some time to love?
My soul is waiting, it remains strong when you're near
It's trying to understand what she's made of and why she's persistent
My soul is waiting, it's always staying near you
It's trying to understand what she's made of and how to endure this
What's the reason that I should endure this?
Is it so I can believe your apology once more?
What's the reason, what are the words that will make you believe in the true love that gets you out of habit?
My soul is waiting, it remains strong when you're near
It's trying to understand what she's made of and why she's persistent
My soul is waiting, it's always staying near you
It's trying to understand what she's made of and how to endure this
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Medicine & Psychiatry

It's the morning of a brand new day
You with your questions and I with my answers
Give me medicine, give me psychiatry
I don't give you anything but my time
It's the morning of a brand new day
With my discomfort and your pleasure
You look at me and draw your conclusion
And in Dieter Meyer's name. . .
You draw your conclusion in Dieter Meyer's name
They undress me, they undress me, they undress me
They ask me questions and I give you answers
But I've been thinking, and I've been thinking and thinking
This is my day. Now I run
Because I want to get out, I want to get out, want to get out
They admitted me, but only because I was fooled
I will be bleeding here, bleeding until I die
Now I will run away during your shift, Mr. Director
It's the morning of a brand new day
Not one second longer. That's for sure
No way that I'll be lying here on the day that I die
Now I will run away during your shift, Mr. director

Full soul

You leave me alone on the corner of loneliness
With the shadows of myself to fight with
Without being able to find the switch to my heart
To close the light and turn everything around
Soul, carnation on the lapel
And I will use a veto
A heart shared in two
Waiting for you
Soul full of love
In an empty bed
No one to cry for
But where can I find a solution
Double crossing at the tunnel of your body
And all the roads take me to exits
Falling forwards on your minds wall
And I want you like crazy, sorry
Soul, carnation on the lapel
And I will use a veto
A heart shared in two
Waiting for you
Soul full of love
In an empty bed
No one to cry for
But where can I find a solution

Őrült gyilkos

Nem tudok úgy tenni, mintha szembenéznék a tényekkel
Feszült vagyok és ideges, nem nyugszom
Nem tudok aludni, az ágyam lángokban
Ne érj hozzám, túlpörögtem
Őrült gyilkos
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Sokkal jobb
Őrült gyilkos
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Sokkal jobb
Elkezdesz egy mondatot, be sem tudod fejezni
Rengeteget beszélsz, mégsem mondasz semmit
Amikor nincs, mit mondanom, becsukom a szám
Mondd el egyszer, minek ismételni?
Őrült gyilkos
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Sokkal jobb
Őrült gyilkos
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Sokkal jobb
Hiúk vagyunk és vakok
Utálom, ha valaki nem illemtudó
Őrült gyilkos
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Sokkal jobb
Őrült gyilkos
Qu'est-ce que c'est
Sokkal jobb

Suicide is Legal

When everything will be decided,
When there's no more doubts,
It isn't night yet, but it's already dark,
All the talks sound like rave.
If you're going to draw yourself
draw only in black.
Alcoholism is the sure way to kill yourself slowly.
To be gone while drunk — ideally.
Alcoholism is my way to commit suicide
And it is legal!
I have nothing to pay with,
But I have a dream, I'm ready to sell my dream.
Nobody will buy? Nobody?
Yes, all my words are drunk delirium.
I'll give you the answer for anything.
My poems are immoral.
Remember, it's legal to kill yourself.
The disgusting, sticky cold of floor.
In the toilet are vomited leftovers of yesterday's evening.
I remembered yesterday's evening because of idiotic talks
And the scent of subway.
Actually, this song begins only from here.
I'm sordid and cynical, yes, I am sordid and cynical.
Even that drunk bitch have told me about this.
Well, Hell with her.
Fuck it all! Fuck everything!
Fists and teeth are tightly clenched.
If they'll ask me how things are
I'll say: 'Fine'
And I'll continue to lie here,
For it is legal to kill yourself.

Bad Morning (Zlovo utra)

The leaden sky atop, dirty asphalt at the bottom.
My view from the window looks like a badly tightened scar,
Everything is gray, far too gray.
Morning — meet my hungovers.
Morning — take everything with you
In this world outside the window, where I was not
invited, let it burn with fire!
I thought I won't live, I won't live till the morning,
Raggy clouds, shards of glass,
I'm glad to see you.
I'm not even going to remember what happened this night,
I remember your smirk, in poor attempts to appear seductive.
Your blowjob was bad, I finished unconsciously.
But I couldn't make it to sleep...
After the 'marathon' I can never fall asleep.
Thoughts — words,
Stains on the floor — words,
My world from the window, I still
hate you! Bad morning to you!
People-stubs of reality, bad morning to you too!
Bad morning! Bad morning!


I'm not one of those who believe in fate.
I'm not one of those who searches for fleeting pleasures.
I am ordinary nobody, I'm late everywhere.
I'm not one of those, who live up to the old.
I don't try to explain my dreams,
I get only fits of fatigue from them.
The fear of death often visited me,
I'm not one of those, who live up to the old.
Sticky gray everyday life.
I'm terrified by how disgusting my thoughts are.
I don't wait for anything, I'm late everywhere.
I'm not one of those, who live up to the old.1
Nightingale has a nice song —
A song of requiem for my head.
Blossomed — dissipated, grew — as for knife-making,2
And now suddenly it hung down, like lifeless.
Thoughts, my thoughts! Pain in temples and crown.
I have spent my youth prematurely, untimely.
How it happened, how it came by, I do not understand myself.
At night I press a hard pillow against my heart.
Go flowing, sonorous song, pour out a sad thrill.
In the dark it seems to me - I embrace my sweet.
Drink, sing in your youth, hit your lives without a miss —
Anyway, your beloved one once will fade out like a cherry.
I have fade, don't know where. In the drinking may be? In the glory?
They liked me in my youth, and now they have left me.
That's why the nightingale's song is nice —
A song of requiem for my head.
You're nonentity, you're nothing,
You've spent everything on your drinking.
  • 1. Lines below belong to russian poet Sergei Yesenin.
  • 2. The poet compares the head of his lyrical hero with a bird-cherry tree, which is often used for making knife handgrips.


Look my gypsy, listen my gypsy,
Look, look, look at me, I want to drink a coffee
A coffee with you only
A coffee with you only, a coffee
A coffee with you only
A coffee with you only, a coffee
I just want some money
And I don't have, don't have any more money
I just want some money
to drink my coffee
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Look, look at her,
look, look at her...and away she goes
Look my gypsy, listen my gypsy,
Look, look, look at me, I want to drink a coffee
A coffee with you only
A coffee with you only, a coffee
A coffee with you only
A coffee with you only, a coffee
I just want some money
And I don't have, don't have any more money
I just want some money
to drink my coffee
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love
Give me a little bit, a little bit of coffee
With a little bit, a little bit of your love (4Xs)
Coffee, coffee, coffee...


My friends and my cousins understand me
Because I have a very happy heart
Let us make love
Let us make love
We are gypsies who have heart (x2)
Don't tell me no (x2)
Don't tell me no (x2)
Let us make love
Let us make love
We are gypsies who have heart (x2)
My friends and my cousins understand me
Because I have a very happy heart
Listen to the words and the song of love (x2)
Let us make love
Let us make love
We are gypsies who have heart (x2)
Don't tell me no (x2)
Don't tell me no (x2)
Let us make love
Let us make love
We are gypsies who have heart (x2)

Eyes Of A Homeless Dog

Today I saw the emptiness in his eyes,
Aimlessness of his eyes, a detachment,
This indifferent, not even expressed fear.
Now I know exactly how I am weak:
After all, I could never see In the eyes of a Homeless dog.
All of these roadways, all these streets,
Drenched streets, the eternally gray city,
They sucked all the juice out of your life emaciated body.
It's your last day, I know for sure!
Oh, if I don't drink away My last money, I'd buy you at least A piece of sausage.
But you seem to fuck everything.
You did not even notice that I sat next to you.
For you I'm another drunk who remembered?
That He, you see, He loves animals, When he is drunk.
Yes, you're right, my God, you're right.
I have another drunken scum, crouched beside you.
But how can I forget your eyes, how? How can I forget?
Someone might say that like you, are millions. You are like them, just hit the wrong time at the wrong place.
And where is the right place??? Where is the right time? Where? Where?
You shiver beats.
Yes, the municipality will take care of you:
You will burn in a landfill, after you go astray Some drunk driver.
The Earth absorbs what is left you.
If I could turn back time, I would like to never look into the eyes of this Homeless dog.

Who you are? Is up to you

The Journey which I've taken for you is long.
I've already known you.
I know, life once robbed you.
(But) this doesn't redraw you.
Your heart is waiting for a new destiny.
Who you are? Is up to you.

The Big Drum Beats

Tomorrow I'll be going to the sea to have fun,
Farther away from the city, I escape.
Don't have much time to pack up
I grab a bottle of water, I want to tan!
In the car I turn on the radio,
I want a cool tune blasting loud,
I want that in the club too, when I get there!
Refren: (x2)
Loud loud beats the big drum,
Let's get the girls moving.
A sunny day, people are having fun,
In the summer at the beach the girls dance!
I saw her and I said eooo,
This girl really has no ego.
We're getting ready to party, all of the Romania,
Atmosphere is heating up here, with Gya.
Eh, it's Friday evening, we're partying all night.
On Saturday evening we'll party all night,
Evening after evening, we party all night,
Come tonight, we'll party all night!
Refren: (x2)
Loud loud beats the big drum,
Let's get the girls moving.
A sunny day, people are having fun,
In the summer at the beach the girls dance!
I grab my iPhone, make a call
At 2 I can't sleep and my head 'dum-dum'!
The car 'vrum-vrum'
My best friends are with me now
Girls are on the way, boy!
See you either way, to go 'boom-boom'
When I get to the club they ask 'how-how'
Sunglasses off, to make 'zoom-zoom'
Red eyes are not from the smoke, smoke, smoke, boy!
Refren: (x3)
Loud loud beats the big drum
Let's get the girls moving
A sunny day, people are having fun
In the summer at the beach the girls dance

One love

Versions: #2
One love
I lived only one love
And she was telling me
The words of God
Crying for you
It's all with love
One love
I lived only one love
Crying and already tormented
And she was telling me
The words of God
Crying for you
It's all with love
Now to live beside you
I am going to fall in love with you
Without your kisses, I can't live anymore
and I cant remember anymore
I would have wanted
for understanding it,
to have one love, or to know what I would want
already tormented
The words of god
Crying for you
It's all with love

The Silly Song

I'd like to dance with both of my feet,
But they won't keep in rhythm
I washed them both today,
And that's why there is no rhythm
Ho, ha, it's a silly song
That has no meaning
And if it is so silly,
Then who is willing to sing it?
(I am...)
I chased after a cat way up a tree
And when I got to him, he jumped back down
Ho, ha, it's a silly song
That has no meaning
And if it is so silly,
Then who is willing to sing it?