A keresés eredménye oldal 10
Találatok száma: 532
The Cannon of Palamós
The cannon of
If you look intently to it, is quite beautiful:
It has been silent for a very long time!
It has been looking at the sea for a long time
With its rusty chase,
Four wheels and a bore...
From the cannon's muzzle
Only come out the memories
Of the war from those past times
When the people of the provinces
Would kill each other over nothing!
Listen to its voice,
Oh cannons from all over the world
And people everywhere!
There shouldn't be any more wars or deaths,
Nor any more bombs or fire...
I'm the cannon of Palamós!
If the cannons from all the world
Were like this old cannon,
Which is sleeping very peacefully,
Both white and black people would carry
A flower in their hearts:
The !
Listen to its voice,
Oh cannons from all over the world
And people everywhere!
There shouldn't be any more wars or deaths,
Nor any more bombs or fire...
I'm the cannon of Palamós!
I'm the cannon of Palamós...
I'm the cannon of Palamós...
I'm the cannon of Palamós...
His Door is Closed
Bro you've got a frog on your head
You make up in your mind to hit randomly someone
There's an old frog maybe he's 1000 years old
There's fog upon its head and you're at down of that fog
You're in a hall
You consider it as an ocean
However you're in a hall, İsmet is next to you
İsmets come Ismets go away
You win, and İsmet cherishes
The other things becomes rotten in old chests.
You fall but İsmet gives you a hand
Game ends game be quiet
Finally All the cards are open
What I see is not what you see actually
And also what I hear
That you've been hearing at now
His door is closed, he's surrounded
He paves in of us we never see him
His words are made of whispers, and he's hung down
For the sake of an enormous space, his everything's scattered
You can't divide them according to their seasons
Because as you think that they're here or there
They have built another illegal floor
As you're sleeping they got in your home
As you're thinking they found
As you're stalking, they tasted
You were a fish in a pool
However you were mud up
They didn't let you to play with them.
You thought of forward, you couldn't forward
You thought of back, you rewarded to the hole
You forgot who they were
Really who are they bro?
Who the hell are you!
I'm asking to ismet.
I'll build houses with the woods in my hands
Instead why should I take them to hit your neck?
I used to hurt myself to create in the past
I used to spent myself half by half as I was thinking I'll never be ended
To bring an order to this garbage I bared my breast
Then I didn't want my heart to be a prey for a prick or for a lizard
I went out to the street it was mine
It was yours as much as mine
A blind beggar who knew it suddenly went nuts
He said:
'Take this head put it in the basket
Say on thousands of lies'
His door is closed, he's surrounded
He paves in of us we never see him
His words are made of whispers, and he's hung down
For the sake of an enormous space, his everything's scattered
Less Than A Lover, More Than A Friend
That’s great that we finally stopped
being two good friends.
Love turned us into
perfect strangers
and we found out that we were
completely different.
[I want] To start over again
in spite of the time I lived.
I got tired of being
your elder brother,
your best friend,
your business partner, your confessor.
I got tired of being
an expert in love
that you felt for others,
others that weren’t me.
[I want] To start to love
the way I never loved before,
to discover a part of you
that I didn’t know.
And to find another world behind
that you were hiding from me,
and to play those games
that you prohibited me.
I got tired of being
your elder brother,
your best friend,
your business partner, your confessor.
I got tired of being
an expert in love
that you felt for others,
others that weren’t me.
I got tired of playing
a wise professor,
of telling you stories
that even I didn’t believe in.
I got tired of pretending
my understanding,
of giving you advice
and not telling you that I...
I got tired of talking of love
and not making love to you.
I got tired of picking up
the leftovers of your affairs,
of not being the one who every night
stripped you of your dress.
I got tired of being less than a lover
and more than a friend.
I got tired of being less than a lover
and more than a friend.
I got tired of being less than a lover
and more than a friend.
Ancient Word
In the love that I feel
In both my arms and hands
And in the distant smiles
Of the young men from the haven,
There's the sorrowful longing of my grandfather
And his sign of the cross...
Oh, grandfather!
My teacher fisherman
Who calmed the storms, my grandfather...
Thus, my grandpa, went into the sea, so far away...
An ancient word
His voice used to murmur
And, over the raging waters,
Standing on the ship's bow,
With a magic knife,
He would make the sign of the cross...
Oh, grandfather!
My teacher fisherman
Who calmed the storms, my grandfather...
Thus, my grandpa, went into the sea, so far away...
Tumba, palo, cocuye
Tumba, palo, cocuye
Tumba, palo, cocuye
Tumba, palo, cocuye
Tumba, palo, cocuye
Mielőtt elmész
[Verse 1]
Az út mentén estem el, mint mindenki más
Utállak, utállak, utállak, de csak áltattam magam
Az összes közös pillanatunkat elkezdtem újragondolni
Mert most, hogy elvesztek, csak a szavakat hallom, amiket mondanom kellett volna
Amikor a felszín alatt fáj,
mint a zavaros fagyos víz
Hát, az idő fel tudná melegíteni, de ezt nem fogja
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
Volt bármi, amit mondhattam volna?
Hogy jobban érezd magad?
Ha csak tudtam volna, hogy benned vihar dúl
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
Volt bármi, amit mondhattam volna?
Hogy megállítsa a fájdalmat?
Megöl, hogy milyen értéktelennek tudod érezni magad.
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
[Verse 2]
Sosem volt megfelelő idő, akármikor is hívtál
Apránként múlt el, amíg végül már semmi sem maradt
Az összes közös pillanatunkat elkezdtem újragondolni
De én csak arra gondolok, ahogyan néztél
Amikor a felszín alatt fáj,
mint a zavaros fagyos víz
Hát, az idő fel tudná melegíteni, de ezt nem fogja
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
Volt bármi, amit mondhattam volna?
Hogy jobban érezd magad?
Ha csak tudtam volna, hogy benned vihar dúl
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
Volt bármi, amit mondhattam volna?
Hogy megállítsa a fájdalmat?
Megöl, hogy milyen értéktelennek tudod érezni magad.
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
Jobb lenne most nekünk,
ha én leengedtem volna a falaimat?
Talán, gondolom, most már sosem tudjuk meg
Te tudod, te tudod
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
Volt bármi, amit mondhattam volna?
Hogy jobban érezd magad?
Ha csak tudtam volna, hogy benned vihar dúl
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
Volt bármi, amit mondhattam volna?
Hogy megállítsa a fájdalmat?
Megöl, hogy milyen értéktelennek tudod érezni magad.
Szóval, mielőtt elmész
Igen, változom
Dühöngtem, későre járt
A démonaim által megművelt világban
A legfurcsább érzés járt át, de nem gyűlölet volt
Ez egyszer
Igen, változom, igen, elmentem
Igen, idősebb vagyok, igen, tovább lépek
És ha szerinted nem bűntett, te is gyere
Az élet mozgásban van, nem látod?
Neked és nekem nem maradt jövőnk
Vég nélkül kerestem és reménykedtem
De bébi, mostanra nem maradt semmi, amit tehetnék
Szóval ne légy szomorú
Vár rád egy másik jövő
Én máshogy láttam, be kell vallanom
Elkaptam egy pillanatot és megyek utána
Azt mondják, az emberek nem változnak, de ez baromság
Igen, változom, nem tudom megállítani
És még ha akarnám se tudnám, hogyan kell
Azt hiszem, egy másik verziómat találtam meg
És nem bújhatok el mindig
Elátkozom az élvezeteket és lenézem a hírnevet
Odakinn van egy világ, ami a nevemen hív
És a tiedet is hívja, lány, a tiedet is
A tiedet is hívja
A tiedet is hívja
A tiedet is hívja
Téged hív
Kelj fel és sétálj tovább
(Az idő tovább forog)
Az ajtó mögött egy világ hív téged
(Az idő tovább forog)
Kelj fel és sétálj tovább
Téged hív
(Hallgasd, ahogy hív)
Kelj fel és sétálj tovább
Egy világ az ajtó mögött
(Hallgasd, ahogy hív)
Téged hív
Black dove
Versions: #1
I am tired of crying and not getting out of bed
I don't know whether to curse you or pray for you
I'm afraid of looking for you and finding you
Where my friends assure me you go
There are moments in which I would just rather crack
To yank out the nails of my sorrow
But my eyes are dying without looking in your eyes
And my affection with the dawn returns to hoping
And all on your own you took off with the parranda (festival)
Black dove, black dove, where can you be?
Don't play with my honor, parrandera (musician for parrandas)
If your caresses must be mine, and not anyone else's
And although I love you madly you don't return
Black dove you are the bars of a jail
I want to be free to live my live with whomever I want
God give me strength because I am dying
To go look for him
And all on your own you took off with the parrandas
A kapcsolatom a fenti emberrel mostanság
A habozás kezdi megtöni a józan eszem
Egy kifordult társadalom bemocskolása
Megtorlás, amikor tele vagyok szorongással
És annak születtem, aki csak akarok lenni
Kurva aljasnak neveltek, műremek vagyok
A szentségtörés újra találkozik egy erkölcstelen viláfban
Gyerekek sírnak, anyák sikítanak, apák isznak
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Sebtapasz egy még vérző lőtt sebre
Elzsibbaszt, míg már nem érzel egy istenverte dolgot se
Egy generáció tele anti-józansággal
Egy generáció, ami tele van szorongással
(Tele szorongással)
És annak születtem, aki csak akarok lenni
Kurva aljasnak neveltek, műremek vagyok
A szentségtörés újra találkozik egy erkölcstelen viláfban
Gyerekek sírnak, anyák sikítanak, apák isznak
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Minden hang a fejedben folytatja a beszédet
Minden vér a bőröfben kúszik tovább
Minden hang a fejedben folytatja a beszédet
Minden vér a bőröfben kúszik tovább
Minden hang a fejedben folytatja a beszédet
Minden vér a bőröfben kúszik tovább
Minden hang a fejedben folytatja a beszédet
Minden vér a bőröfben kúszik tovább
És annak születtem, aki csak akarok lenni
Kurva aljasnak neveltek, műremek vagyok
A szentségtörés újra találkozik egy erkölcstelen viláfban
Gyerekek sírnak, anyák sikítanak, apák isznak
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Ti fattyak mind sikítotok
Life, life
Where the good song was playing,
where there was strengthening the soul, body
That is where it always led my heart to
To the new morning to rise up,
I was losing nights, days
Where a women's body got undressed.
Hollow underwear and a jacket,
I spent all my money,
Life took the last penny
Empty pockets, full soul
I tried everything I wanted
So I could calm this body
Life, life, I gave you all
But you don't have anything and nor do I
And when you will take my last word
My song will go as a tear
Youth, love, and beauty
Everything that matters in life
Everything my heart gave
But from everything that was
And for a soul and for a body
There is just a little that is here (that stayed).
Not for love not for luck
You don't have to light up a candle
Luck wasn't good to me
But this soul knows
that there is still a hope
That I can live my last hour,
Life,life I gave you all
But you don't have anything and nor do I
And when you will take my last word
This song will go as a tear.
Who are you and I
On the other side there's you
I have no clue where we are
Only air is around us
We're just waiting
With you, there isn't a lot of words
I have no clue who they are
But all around us
We're traveling somehow
And I'm just watching you
Skip the waiting with me
Because I'm not a child anymore
No more babblement
There will never be again
Like there is going to be now
Because first time it's always gonna be
First time it's always gonna be the first...
Let's be alone together you and I
We're together in a desert
Let your voice out and let it ring
Squint your eyes and find out who are you and I
On the other side is I
I'm looking at myself
But I have no clue where I am?
Why are you not here?
Your GPS location
Doesn't exist on my map
Where are you now
When are you gone?
Because first time it's always gonna be
First time it's always gonna be the first...
Sometimes I want to consume you
Let's be alone together you and I
Every hour
I follow more and more
Something that's non-existent
Something that's carrying us
Every day
I understand better and better
That something that's non-existent
Is what's carrying us
I wake up in loneliness
With your scent under the duvet
I see your message and I remember
It's time for vacation
I know your breathing pattern by heart
Why are you breathing like somebody else?
Every hour
I follow more and more
Something that's non-existent
Something that's carrying us
Every day
I understand better and better
That something that's non-existent
Is what's carrying us
Call me when you're down so I can come down
I'm carrying CD
Just drive while it's playing on repeat
It's time for vacation
You're so close to me
That our souls are kissing
We're going to lose everything
And find ourselves
don't come back
Why can't I forget
This world what was once before
Why can't I forget
This world, this world
I don't see your shine anymore
Eyes are used more for looking at sky
For rain to fall on them
I don't know how much of myself I am
Eyes aren't watching you,
They're watching me
Because my skull is melting
Under the sun's shadow
Makes me want to tell you to let out your voice
My mind is replaying it
I understand what I want and I feel that
Don't come back, don't come back
Just stay under the sun's shadow
I hear everything that's written
Thoughts are floating and dancing
On Atlantic Ocean
They're provoking and dancing
I'm controlling all of the sounds
I hear what you want
The world is mine because it's not yours anymore
Have what you want
I don't ask for your touch anymore
Hands are used more to
Fight for themselves
As they penetrate into the sky
Now that I'm not myself anymore
He's standing on the platform
Everyone's looking at me
At my face without any shadow
Makes me want to tell you to let out your voice
My mind is replaying it
I understand what I want and I feel that
Don't come back, don't come back
While I walk over you, cheat on me
While I'm healing my wounds, cheat on me
That simply doesn't mean anything
Don't be fooled, don't be fooled
Just stay under the sun's shadow
They say
They say we come to the world to suffer
that life is a lie
that if you play you gotta play to win
that you are what you have
and you have what you deserve
You live, you win, you lose
They say that's how it is.
They say there's nothing left to discover
that everything has been invented
that there is only one road that you must follow
and that we are here just in passing
and it's better not to play with luck
luck, life, death
They say that's how it is.
And sometimes they say, they say, they say
and they don't know what they're saying.
I've come to this world to live
life is a gift
and if I play is because I like playing
I am nor more nor less
I don't even know what it is I deserve
I feel, I live, I think
what more can I ask for?
And sometimes they say, they say, they say
and they don't know what they're saying.
They say we come to the world to suffer
that life is a lie
They say that if you play you gotta play to win
that living is a sin.
They say there's nothing left to discover
that everything has been invented
They say that there is only one road that you must follow
and that we are here just in passing
And sometimes they say, they say, they say
and they don't know what they're saying.
Cover my shoulders
[Verse 1]
Look around and you'll see it
The same old streets, the same feet
Even the same shoes consumed by all your troubles
The street doesn't count the steps you take
And look inside your pocket
It's emplty, but there's still the hunger to make it
To throw away all the melancholy
Hoping that it comes back in the form
Of fantasy
Cover my shoulders 'cause it's cold outside
'Cause tomorrow I'll look at me in the mirror and I'll be old
Thing is, I realized that good things wither
And that secret wishes rot
And that people never trust too much
And that words find the time they can find
That you can't die twice in a row
And that if it rains outside, it snows inside me
(And that if it rains outside, it snows inside me)
[Verse 2]
Look around and you'll see it
The same old stories, the same ones, believe me
Even the same face consumed by your age
The fact is that, damn, only the troubles you make matter
You see, at the end it doesn't matter
Which way the wind blows, but what matters
Is that if its blow is good, it takes you far away
Just like a song
As far as an airplane
And cover my shoulders, 'cause it's freezing outside
And night doesn't cover mistakes, but it calms them
The fact is that I realized that good things wither
And that secret wishes rot
And that people don't trust too much
And that words find the time they can
That you can't die twice in a row
And that if it's raining outside, it's snowing inside me
(And that if it's raining outside, it's snowing inside me)
(And that if it's raining outside, it's snowing inside me)
The rain would fall
Versions: #1
The rain would fall, but it cannot fall.
The sun would shine, but it cannot shine.
All because of the sorrow of Ibrahim-Bey*.
Bound Ibrahim-Bey is being taken away...
Bound, being taken away to be hanged.
Following him is his brother Aliya**...
Aliya my brother, look after my children!
Look after mine the same as your own!
When you have new clothes made for your children,
have it made for mine as well yours,
so they wouldn't look like orphans.
John, be...
John, be up on Mount John, I'm expecting you in the evening
John, don't be sleepy, because I can't take that
Oh Johnny, I want to hear it, confess your love, this is my only wish
John, be up on Mount John, I'm expecting you in the evening
Oh Johnny, I want to hear it, confess your love, this is my only wish
John, be up on Mount John, I'm expecting you in the evening
Oh Johnny, I want to hear it, confess your love, this is my only wish
John, be up on Mount John, I'm expecting you in the evening
Oh Johnny, I want to hear it, confess your love, this is my only wish
John, be up on Mount John, I'm expecting you in the evening
Till Morning
Your eyes are glowing blue
a divine garden [can] grow out of your [benevolent] hands
I see myself in your tears
[and with your tears] I grow out of your hands like a tree
not much time has left till tomorrow morning
and yet we have hundreds of unfinished tales [to go through]
we ought to escape from this dark [and irreverent] town
instead [of being part of the reality] we shall become part of tales
oh dear , I can't express my feelings [as it relates to my love]
I wonder will I survive this, will I?
oh dear , I can't express my feelings [as it relates to my love]
I wonder will I survive this, will I?
every autumn I fall out of your eyes
and every time I find myself reincarnated into a different being!
once again your eyes are like a devastating hurricane
this autumn (time) slows down if I be allowed to touch your hair!
stories become sweater with you
but I have no part in them
we ought to escape from this dark [and irreverent] town
instead [of being part of the reality] we shall become part of tales
moors ahead
cities and rain in sight
gardens are flourishing
[but all I have to do is to deal with my] hidden tears
oh dear , I can't express my feelings [as it relates to my love]
I wonder will I survive this, will I?
oh dear , I can't express my feelings [as it relates to my love]
I wonder will I survive this, will I?
Your eyes are glowing blue
a divine garden [can] grow out of your [benevolent] hands
I see myself in your tears
[and with your tears] I grow out of your hands like a tree
oh dear , I can't express my feelings [as it relates to my love]
I wonder will I survive this, will I?
oh dear , I can't express my feelings [as it relates to my love]
I wonder will I survive this, will I?
Úgy tűnik, már nem tudlak megmosolyogtatni
Már nem, már nem
Mi történt a ruhákkal
amiket korábban hordtál?
Látom, látom
Táncolsz ma este
Az ő utca lámpái alatt
Látom, látom
Elsodródsz tőlem
Az idő nem lesz elég
Hogy egyáltalán belém szeress
Jobban szeretem a tűt
A karomban akarlak tartani
De te nem akarsz tőlem semmit
Úgy tűnik, nem tudom elérni ma, hogy szeress engem
Oh ma
Csak látni szeretném
Ahogy a homlokod kisimul
Látom, látom
Táncolsz ma este
Az ő utca lámpái alatt
Látom, látom
Elsodródsz tőlem babám
Az idő nem lesz elég
Hogy egyáltalán belém szeress
Jobban szeretem a tűt
A karomban akarlak tartani
De te nem akarsz tőlem semmit
Ezek a kicsinységek, amiket csinálsz babám
Annyira megőrjítenek, hogy
Látni szeretném
Ahogy minden alkalommal elhagysz engem
Amikor elsétáltál
Mindig emlékszem majd arra a napra
Már nem tudtam szeretni többet
Csak kisétált az ajtón
Szükségem van a maradására
Az idő nem lesz elég
Hogy egyáltalán belém szeress
Jobban szeretem a tűt
A karomban akarlak tartani
De te nem akarsz tőlem semmit
Ezek a kicsinységek, amiket csinálsz babám
Annyira megőrjítenek, hogy
Látni szeretném
Ahogy minden alkalommal elhagysz engem
Palestine Song
As he wanted to take pity on us,
here he suffered grim death,
he, most rich, on us, most poor,
that we might escape from woe.
That he was not vexed by this,
this is a miracle all too great,
beyond all other miracles.]
Thence the Son rode to hell,
from the grave wherein he lay.
For he was an eternal companion to the Father,
and to the Spirit, which no one may
divide: They are all One,
straighter and smoother than an arrow-shaft,
as He appeared to Abraham.
Having humiliated the devil there,
such that no emperor has ever fought better,
he travelled back to this land.
Then began the Jews' sorrow:
Your bare feet
Your bare feet
on my military boots
you're hugging me, closing your eyes
Your shadow behind the glass
The destiny touched my shoulder
And told me
To follow her
Dear one, here, as sweat from my forehead
I'm whipping compassion
I'm whipping compassion, principles
Dear one, now I'm alike
And I am one of them
'Cause I'll be bastard and rustler
I'll become a spaceship
Because I have to see you again
And I'll be a mouse, home traitor
Devil's son's acquaintance
Because I have to live for you
Your bare feet
on my military boots
you're hugging me, closing your eyes
Your shadow behind the glass
The destiny touched my shoulder
And told me
To follow her
Dear one, here, as sweat from my forehead
I'm whipping compassion
I'm whipping compassion, principles
Dear one, now I'm alike
And I am one of them
'Cause I'll be bastard and rustler
I'll become a spaceship
Because I have to see you again
And I'll be a mouse, home traitor
Devil's son's acquaintance
Because I have to live for you
Your bare feet
on my military boots
Paloma Blanca
Yes we know the homeland
Every scrub and every tree
We move around towards the south,
That was always our dream
High palms, colourful flowers
A beach so white like snow
Yes we wanted to experience it
And so we stuck out in the sea
A Paloma Blanca
Dreamboat of love for two
A Paloma Blanca
You make us happy and free
Surrounding us only sky and sea
In the little fishing villages
There was fish and bread and wine
Yes and outside on the pier
Lay the boat in the sunshine
After the many beautiful days
Came the time to go from the decks
And we said: white dove,
We will see you once again
Paloma Blanca
When the Sun says hello again
Like a sunflower, golden yellow
And when the sky turns blue
May you have a nice trip
Fly into the sky
That you know oh so well
And fly over all the mountains
To tell her I said Hi
Fly paloma blanca
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
I'm writing her a letter again
In which I tell her I'm hers
Though we're not close anymore
I'm beside her every moment
Fly paloma blanca
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
I'm following him in my thoughts
It's like he's here with me
How I want to get him back
That's love, he knows about it
Fly paloma blanca
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
Fly paloma blanca
My opulent darling
Your eyes are two seas that drowned my heart,
Tonight, my dreams are boats in the deep.
I loved you and as long as I love I will breathe for you
When you're far, each minute feels more and more like death
But if you ever need me and you want to return, and you can't find the strength to face me again
Leave one of your tears, my soul on my front steps.
If you ever need me on a winter night, come, cherish it and kiss me on the mouth
Hide your silence in the colour of the moon
My opulent darling
My opulent darling
Your eyes are two witches that took my mind
And my nights are lit up by my grievances
But if you ever need me and you want to return, and you can't find the strength to face me again
Leave one of your tears, my soul, on my front steps.
If you ever need me on a winter night, come, cherish it and kiss me on the mouth
Hide your silence in the colour of the moon
My opulent darling
My opulent darling
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
Old Photograph
We even took a photograph
When I was holding you
And the sun was falling down like a river
On your curly hair
Small black and white photograph
In the square's white stairs
It was midday on a Sunday
The blue sky was shining
And the way you were holding my hand
I believed you were strong
I squeezed your beautiful hand
The nice summer ended
Then winter took you away
The world's longing stole you away
Only the old photograph
Remembers the light of our love
Only the old photograph
That looks smiley and a little funny at the same time
We had rented a house
Looking at a small yard
Children were playing with all their heart
You used to tell me you loved me very much
One night you were late
And the key wasn't on the door.
Ilyen az Élet
Ilyen az élet
A leveleid már bebarnultak?
Szét fogod-e szórni őket magad körül?
Ilyen az élet
És akkor hogyan tudhatnám,
Ha nem hagyod a szerelmed megmutatkozni?
Ilyen az élet
(Kórus) Ó, ó, ilyen az élet
Ó, ó, ilyen az élet
Ki tudja, ki törődik velem...
Ilyen az élet
Egy szerető lángját égeted?
Megmaradtak-e neked a vágy hamvai?
Mint a tenger
Létezik szerelem, ami túl mély, hogy megmutassam
Már elvitte a vihart, mielőtt a szerelmem megeredt neked
Ilyen az élet
(Kórus) Ó, ó, ilyen az élet
Ó, ó, ilyen az élet
Ki tudja, ki törődik velem...
Ilyen az élet
Mint egy dal
A dallamon és az időn kívül
Minden, amire szükségem volt, az egy rím neked
Ilyen az élet
Napról napra élsz?
Nincs olyan dal, amit eljátszhatnék neked?
Ilyen az élet
(Kórus) Ó, ó, ilyen az élet
Ó, ó, ilyen az élet
Ki tudja, ki törődik velem...
Ilyen az élet
Don't fall in love with me
I'm not what you think and if you let yourself go
I can't be held responsible if your heart doesn't recover
You are good, I am evil
And I do not usually get used to
Nobody taught me to love
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Your heart can go,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me, no,No, no, no
I'm from those who when it's weekend, go to parties (On exit)
That one who ignores you if you try to get closer
Tell me, what makes you think I'll be for you? (For you)
Tell me if my hips are who excite you
Because I know they don't forgive
Wild as amazon
There's no one who could tame me (Tame me)
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Your heart can go,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me, no,No, no, no
My body is art
No one touches it, I'm like the Mona Lisa
I let him, he dies to play it hurry
Only win who get me goosebumps
Don't fall in love, forewarned is forearmed
I make them sin with my hip and smile
I make him spend his Visa inadvertently
Who-Who-Who can, can, and I can
Baby, if I surrender, take advantage of it
Everything is discreet, I don't believe in others
In this case it's not you, it's me
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me,No, no, no
Your heart can go,No, no, no
Don't fall in love with me, no,No, no, no
Feel like English-Spanish, mami, your life
But don't fall in love, daddy (Daddy)
Paloma Mami (-ma Mami)
Hear This Music (Music)
Rimas de Balcón (de Balcón)
What's up, Jowny (What's up, Jowny)
DJ Luian (DJ Luian)
Mambo-Mambo Kingz (Mambo-Mambo Kingz)
(No, no, no)
(No, no, no, oh)
(No, no, no)
(I make them sin with my hip and smile)
(I make him spend his Visa inadvertently)
Not Steady
As you arrive to me at seven a day
That they want me to have
And I'm not looking for love
Or anything that could compromise me
I know you imagine yourself testing my body
But in order to win, you have to be an expert
No one dominates me
Daddy, I'm your adrenaline
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
They try to fall in love with me
They will not be able to
If you want to play, we can do it
As long as you do not fall in love with me
So that is looking for another shawty
I want a guy who likes me
With me, It does not help all that lip
You want it to be yours and I'm not from anyone
Everyone wants what's mine and I do not want anyone
Boy you been wasting your time
Don't try to front I ain't callin' you mine
Lying on my name I don't know why you try
Baby tonight I plan on leaving you dry
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
Holding you there
Lying in bed while i'm kissing your neck
The shit unsaid
Sorry if you misunderstood what i said
Got me second thinking
Bout you and me linking
Then I realize real quick
Who the fuck I am
I don't change for no dick
Please don't get me twisted
I ain't with that lame shit
Have me trippin man
As you arrive to me at seven a day
That they want me to have
And I'm not looking for love
Or anything that could compromise me
I know you imagine yourself testing my body
But in order to win, you have to be an expert
No one dominates me
Daddy, I'm your adrenaline
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
You call, I dub
I don't pick up
I don't give a fuck
I think it's done already
Get lit and have some fun
And meet no one
My heart is gone
You know i'm not steady
Magda Lemonnier kivág szavakat az újságokból
mindenféle méretű szavakat
és kis dobozkákba teszi
Egy piros tároló
a dühösen-vadaknak.
Egy zöld szelence
a szerelmes szavaknak.
Egy azúrkék dobozka
a semlegeseknek.
Egy sárga pikszis
a elkedvetlenedeteknek.
És végül egy átlátszó skatulya
szavaknak, melyek mágikusan hatnak.
Néha, Magda kinyitja mindet
szájukkal az asztalra fordítja,
hogy a szavak keveredjenek ahogyan szeretnének.
Aztán a szavak megmondják
Mi történik és bejelentik mi jön még.
Valaki, akit szerettél
Elsüllyedek és attól félek, hogy most nem lesz senki aki megmentene
Ez a minden vagy semmi teljesen megőrjít
Szükségem van valakire, aki meggyógyít
Valaki, aki ismer
Valaki, aki az enyém
Valaki aki ölel
Könnyű ezt mondani
De ez sosem lesz ugyanolyan
Szerintem egy kicsit szeretem, ahogy eltüntetted a fájdalmat
Most a napok átmennek
És nem vagy itt
Hogy átvészeljem
A pajzsomnak vége
És te kihúztad alólam a talajt
Lassan pedig olyan lettem, akit szerettél
Elsüllyedek és félek, hogy nem lesz senki, akihez fordulhatok
Ez a minden vagy semmi miatt van az, hogy nélküled alszom
Most szükségem van valakire, aki ismer
Valaki, aki meggyógyít
Valaki, aki az enyém
Csak, hogy tudjam milyen érzés
Könnyű ezt mondani, de sosem lesz ugyanolyan
Szerintem egy kicsit szerettem, hogy segítettél elszökni
Most a napok átmennek
És nem vagy itt
Hogy átvészeljem
A pajzsomnak vége
És te kihúztad alólam a talajt
Lassan pedig olyan lettem, akit szerettél
Hajlamos vagyok lehunyni a szemeimet, mikor fáj
A karjaidba zuhanok
Biztonságban leszek a hangodban addig, míg vissza nem térek
Míg a napok átmennek
És nem vagy itt
Hogy átvészeljem
A pajzsomnak vége
És te kihúztad alólam a talajt
Lassan pedig olyan lettem, akit szerettél
De a napok átmennek
És nem vagy itt
Hogy átvészeljem
A pajzsomnak vége
És te kihúztad alólam a talajt
Lassan pedig olyan lettem, akit szerettél
A pajzsomnak vége
És te kihúztad alólam a talajt
Lassan pedig olyan lettem, akit szerettél
Poor Man's Palm Tree
The palaces
Along the seashore
Where the rich are crowded
And the promenade
Of those old sick English folk
Under the palm trees
Well aligned
It's not the place I dreamt
Best for me to take you
Far away from the jam-packed beaches
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
Where we have
The sun, love and the sun
Within reach
Under the poor man's palm tree
All's well
I imagine myself
In the Grenadines
Where my boat sinks
Then I swim
Along a beach
Bathed in clear water
Brilliant blue
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
I see us
(Under the poor man's palm tree
Under the palm man's palm tree)
All's well
In this place I dreamt
Where I'd like to take you
Far away from the jam-packed beaches
The sun, love and the sun
Within reach
Under the poor man's palm tree
All's well
Under the poor man's palm tree
Which has no worries
Under the poor man's palm tree
Where we have...
Your words
How I love it when you talk like that, when you say
you miss me, that when I'm not around you only think
of me, and there are moments you can't help it but just call me.
Those words make me so happy, I truly love you.
I will not change you for anything, I'm only yours. With your
embrace you tied me up to your soul, and always
it dawns, I want to search for you, my eyes ask me
to look at your heart again, it can't help it, you are its need.
It's so nice being with you, having you close,
the moments you give me I won't forget,
with you theres no more solitude. How I love your
...words, and hear you saying, slowly
that you die for me, and in life I'm your
dream, and you'll never go away.
I will not change you for anything, I'm only yours. With your
embrace you tied me up to your soul, and always
it dawns, I want to search for you, my eyes ask me
to look at your heart again, it can't help it, you are its need.
It's so nice being with you, having you close,
the moments you give me I won't forget,
with you theres no more solitude. How I love your
words, and hear you saying, slowly
...that you die for me, and in life I'm your
dream, and you'll never go away.
Just learning.