A keresés eredménye oldal 2
Találatok száma: 65
Szavak, szavak...
Versions: #2
-Igazán különös, nem tudom mi fogott el ma este. Úgy nézek rád, mintha most látnálak elõször.
-Csak a szavak, mindig csak a szavak,
ugyanazok a szavak...
-Nem is tudom hogy mondjam el...
-Semmi más,csak a szavak..
- de te vagy az a gyönyörū szerelmes regény,
amit megállás nélkül olvasok újra és újra.
- Egyszerū szavak, törékeny szavak,
de annyira szép volt.
- Te vagy a tegnap és a holnap...
- Túlsàgosan is szép.
- ...Az egyetlen örök igazságom.
-De mostmár vége az álmok idejének,
az emlékek is megfakulnak
midõn feledésbe merülnek.
-Te vagy a szél, mely éneklésre bírja a hegedūket és amely messzire viszi a rózsák illatát.
-Karamella, bonbon és csokoládé
-Olykor nem értelek.
-Köszönöm, én nem kérek belõle, de
felkínálhatod egy másiknak,
valakinek, aki szereti a szelet és a rózsák illatát.
A gyengéd, szelídségbe öltöztetett szavak
a számra szállnak,
de sose a szívemre.
- Csak még egy szó.
-Szavak, szavak, szavak...
-Hallgass meg.
-Szavak, szavak, szavak...
-Szavak, szavak, szavak...
-Szavak, szavak, szavak, szavak, szavak,
mindig csak a szavak, miket elhintesz a szélben.
-Íme az én sorsom: beszélni hozzád...
beszélni hozzád,úgy mint a legelsõ alkalommal.
-Csak a szavak, mindig csak a szavak,
ugyanazok a szavak...
-Annyira szeretném,hogy megérts...
-Semmi más,csak a szavak...
-...hogy meghallgas legalább egyszer.
-Būvös szavak, taktikus szavak,
melyek hamisnak hangzanak.
-Te vagy az én tiltott álmom...
-Igen, annyira hamisnak.
-...az egyetlen gyötrelemem, az egyetlen reménységem.
-Semmi nem állít meg, mikor rákezdesz.
Ha tudnád mennyire vágyom egy kis csendre...
-Számomra te vagy az egyetlen dallam,
mely táncra bírja a csillagokat és a dūnéket.
-Karamella, bonbon és csokoládé...
-Ha nem léteznél, kitalálnálak.
-Köszönöm, én nem kérek belõle, de
felkínálhatod egy másiknak,
valakinek, aki szereti a csillagokat és a dūnéket.
A gyengéd, szelídségbe öltöztetett szavak
a számra szállnak,
de sose a szívemre.
-Még egy szó, csak egyetlen szó...
-Szavak, szavak, szavak.
-Hallgass meg.
-Szavak, szavak, szavak...
-Szavak, szavak, szavak...
-Szavak, szavak, szavak, szavak, szavak,
mindig csak a szavak, miket elhintesz a szélben.
-Mennyire szép vagy!
-Szavak, szavak, szavak...
-Mennyire szép vagy!
-Szavak, szavak, szavak...
-Mennyire szép vagy!
-Szavak, szavak, szavak...
-Mennyire szép vagy!
-Szavak, szavak, szavak, szavak, szavak,
mindig csak a szavak, miket elhintesz a szélben.
I like keeping fire
Close to my face
Dogs gather nightly
Barking my death
I’ll pick a poppy
And watch it while it dies
I’ll smoke it and feel
Red in my insides
Blue clouds I exhale
To make my own sky
That’s why I never left
For evermore I stayed
Such stories exist
That make time stand still
Do not forget to drink water
The flow, your depths to fill
Do not forget to drink water
The flow, your depths to fill
Do not forget to drink water
The flow, your depths to fill
Do not forget to drink water
The flow, your depths to fill
Do not forget to drink water
The flow, your depths to fill
For the time being
You will fade out like an old paper photo
a broken, by the passing of time, mural
that's what you're going to look like.
I will forget you, one of these days this miracle will become true
and the tall dam of desperation
i will manage to break.
For the time being, you don't love me
you are stepping on a different shore
what are you doing in my dreams this Saturday night.
For the time being even the beauty
same as you, cloudy
like a road you filled with spikes, a road of death.
Your goodbye is haunting me, like a sea
a saddness is sleeping inside of me that i didn't call for
your voice's echo is chasing me, for the time being...
In the light your darkest pieces are uniting,
and i am broken to pieces for your eyes
which are looking towards the future whereas i look at the past
for the time being...
I will forgive your few mistakes and lies
and everything i deserve
yes i will suffer the concequences.
You will darken and fade in my trip to memory lane
and if you play the game of appology
you will miss out on a lot more.
For the time being, you don't love me
you are stepping on a different shore
what are you doing in my dreams this Saturday night.
For the time being even the beauty
same as you, cloudy
like a road you filled with spikes, a road of death.
Your goodbye is haunting me, like a sea
a saddness is sleeping inside of me that i didn't call for
your voice's echo is chasing me, for the time being...
In the light your darkest pieces are uniting,
and i am broken to pieces for your eyes
which are looking towards the future whereas i look at the past
for the time being...
People (Parody On Grönemeyer's Männer)
People are hoarding canned food,
thinkin' they're terribly smart,
people hoard toilet paper
to upholster their homes,
and yet they' re so vulnerable.
Maybe they think they're just irreplaceable.
People also hoard pasta,
waiting for it in line at the store,
People buy like crazy,
and go by tram for free.
Oh, people are always ready,
All for money and for gluttony.
People grasp a lot, take it easy,
even if there isn't enough for everyone.
They' re calibrated to egos since they were kids.
When does man become a man?
When does man become a man?
When does man become a man?
People wash their hands,
People are afraid of the GAU.
Buy a hundred masks,
and they think they're so smart.
Oh, people are lonely fighters
and just keep going on like this.
People grasp a lot, take it easy,
even if there isn't enough for everyone.
They' re calibrated to egos since they were kids.
When does man become a man?
When is a man a man?
When is a man a man?
Humans fight wars,
everyone want to be the greatest.
People build rockets,
people fall for Nazis.
People make speeches,
don't get involved in anything.
When does man become a man?
When does man become a man?
People could act differently,
people can be reasonable.
People can not just
help only themselves.
Oh, people would be dependable,
then our world wouldn't be so ugly.
It's not always easy for people,
also because no two are alike.
Only when there'll be enough earth for everyone,
then man will be a human being!
Then man is a human being!
Then man is a human being!
When is one a human being?
When is one a human being?
There is the first star in the sky, there is coolness in the fields
The ferry sails and water sings
Where the river shines by the silent copse
The grey ferryman sails between two banks
There are many partings and different fates in this world
At dawn the ferryman gives hope to the people
They need a left and a right bank
There are a lot of lovers but he is alone on the ferry
Time flows endlessly by the silent copse
The grey ferryman marries the young hearts
But he can't join you and me
We can never return to what we had
There are many partings and different fates in this world
At dawn the ferryman gives hope to the people
They need a left and a right bank
There are a lot of lovers but he is alone on the ferry
There is the first star in the sky, there is coolness in the fields
The ferry sails and water sings
There are many partings and different fates in this world
At dawn the ferryman gives hope to the people
They need a left and a right bank
There are a lot of lovers but he is alone...
There are a lot of lovers but he is alone on the ferry
There are a lot of lovers but he is alone on the ferry
A távoli szavak
Úgy lélegzel be, mint a levegőt
Aznap, mikor elrejtelek téged
Mondatokban, amiket nem hallasz meg
Mert az volt a hibád, hogy úgy szerettél, mintha
Holnap a világ ugyanolyan egyenlő lenne, mint a tegnap volt
Most hadd higgyem azt, hogy ez a valódi,
Hogy érzem a szorongást, ami csak növekszik, a keserű könnyeket iszom
Kérlek, hogy hadd vesszek el a tenger vizében,
Mert a távoli szavak, esküszöm, ki akarom kiabálni őket
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek magamtól
Az idő el fog égetni minden lapot, ami rólad beszél
Velem fogsz sírni a Nap alatt, utána esni fog
Hogy elvigyem a talán felesleges mondatokat,
Együtt fogunk énekelni, de csendben maradunk
Most vigyél haza, mert megijeszt a tél, és a lábaim feladják
Nem látod, hogy túlságosan fázom
Marlena, vigyél haza, mert csodálatos a mosolyod
De tudod, ha most elveszítelek, már egy méterig se látok el többé
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól, igen
Mert távolinak érezlek, távolinak magamtól
Mert távolinak érezlek magamtól
Úgy lélegzel be, mint a levegőt
Aznap, mikor elrejtelek téged
Mondatokban, amiket nem hallasz meg
Steamboat Pushed Onshore...
Steamboat pushed onshore. Disaster!
Captain yells: Full steam ahead!
How is such dick head entrusted
With the steamboat? What a dread!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Distant words
Like air you'll breathe me
On the day I'm hiding you
In phrases you won't hear
Because your mistake was loving me as if
Tomorrow the world would be the same as yesterday
Now let me believe that this is real
Because I feel the anxiety that rises, I drink the bitter tears
Please let me lose myself in the water of the sea
Because the distant words, I swear I want to shout them
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away
Time will burn all paper that mentions you
You'll cry with me under the sun, then it'll pour down
To carry away the probably useless sentences
We'll sing together, but remaining silent
Now, take me home because the winter scares me, and my legs are giving up.
You can't see how much I'm freezing.
Marlena, take me home because you smile is wonderful
But you know that if I lose you, I'll never walk a metre again.
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away
Like air you'll breathe me
On the day I'm hiding you
In phrases you won't hear
Wait, Steam Engine Locamotive
Wait, steam engine! Wheels stop pounding!
Conductor, hit the brakes!
I'm off to see my dear mother, who's sick and hungry.
I'm rushing to appear before her eyes.
Mom, don't expect me - your good son,
but expect a escaped thief.
Prison life sucked me in.
And my life is an eternal prison.
And if I'm behind bars in prison,
I'll break through the prison bars!
Let the moon shine its corrupt light,
but I'll run away nevertheless!
But when the prison guards noticed,
that I, a little boy, was gone,
they fired a warning shot - and I kept my head down.
I broke loose of the prison walls and escaped …
If I were to lie in a prison bed,
I'd suffer and die.
And you won't come to see me, dear mother
Never caress or kiss me again.
Wait, steam engine! Wheels stop churning.
Conductor, hit the brakes!
I'm going to see my dear mother for the last time
I'm rushing to appear before her eyes.
Versions: #3
Your' cryin again.
F*ckin shame , you don't know anything else?
Your eyes are bulging ,
....when are you gonna get tired?
The burden that your carrying ,
....from your boyfriend that you can't seem to understand.
You've got another story worthy of TV dramas again!
Like an unending television show ,
.....Until when are you gonna be like this?
Don't you know that this is goin' no where ,
....being so patient on your foolish boyfriend-
....who doesn't seem to know nothing but to make you cry!
In a thousand times that were together ,
...there's only a few moments that I saw you happy.
I am irritated of the thought of him doing this to you.
Maybe he doesn't know your
...real worth.
We even shouldn't talk about this!
I am so tired of me talking!
Your'e not even listening!
Even my mouth is so tired ,
...of you ignoring my counsels.
Thinking your listening but you aint!
I don't even wanna think about it!
I can't understand why you don't have the strength to leave him.
There's so many guys out there.
Don't be troubled that you might not find another.
A man that will love you ,
...and wont take your love for granted.
(repeat chorus)
Sometimes I don't understand.
Some people just like to mess our life up.
This world is so f*cked up!
Other guys just thrashing the one that I'm dreaming for myself!
The light of the words
Time has slowed down,
time has escaped,
feet turn into the color
of the earth that they step.
Now no one writes
black over white,
notebooks are burned
beneath the sun of the land that I live in.
So far away like my ****
can they take me away,
they say that my dreams
will die of hunger
You're no one to tell me 'no'
you're no one to tell me 'enough'
you're no one to tell me 'no'
you're no one to attack what I say.
I will continue on and I won't give in
even if my feet want to
with your help we will move forward together
a single hand will decide if she dies.
I will try to uncover
the code to your soul
I will try to uncover
the history of your life.
I will try to find reason
behind the words,
show me how to uncover
the light of the words.
I will continue on and I won't give in
even if my feet want to
with your help we will move forward together
a single hand will decide if she dies. [x2]
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.
Dance Dance Dance
Yo, Jack Parow's here,
Fuckin' better than a steak on fire
Fuckin' dance, bro
Fuckin' check it out
Here he fucking comes now
Hos ya
Fuckin' dance on the speaker
Fuckin' dance on the ground
Fuckin' jump on the tables
Fuckin' mess fuckin' around (mess around)
Fuckin' here fuckin' there
Fuckin' everything's a mess
Fuckin' Jack Parow, bro
Fuckin' dance on the bar
Fuckin' dance on your own
Fuckin' dance in a group
Dance with a six-pack, fuckin' dance with a belly
Fuckin' dance on the dance floor
Dance around a corner
Dance with a cupcake (someone hot)
Dance with a cake
Drink till you're drunk
Drink till you vomit
Drink till you're strong
Drink till you clash
Drink with the brunettes
Drink with the blondes
Drink with the cool kids
Drink with the scum
Jack Parow sits on books on a molehill
Jack Parow shoots lyrics with a headshot
Jack Parow lets all the puppies run around crazy
Jack Parow leaves all the old ladies with their fuckin' mouths hanging open
Dance, dance, dance
I want to fuckin', fuckin' dance (x3)
Watch out, Jack Parow fuckin' raps right
Anybody, Jack Parow fuckin' taps that
Jack Parow, I can't fuckin' believe it
Jack Parow, I've never heard this before
Other rappers cut their fuckin' wrists
Join us, let's fuckin' bounce toghether
Sit by the fire and cook another sausage
Drink my brandy clean 'cause I don't want a mess
Jack Parow doesn't own a Porsche
Jack Parow drives around in a Volkswagen
Jack Parow 'fucks up' if you're not bouncing
Jack Parow causes chaos
Most people don't get the point
Jack Parow says 'go smoke another joint'
Jack Parow get's lost in a blur
Jack Parow was born in the spur
Jack Parow coughs with a fuckin' open mouth
Jack Parow from the roof to the ground
Dance, dance, dance
I want to fuckin', fuckin' dance (x3)
The simplest thing gives me a headache
Rivers of blood flow past my door
All the smoking discolors my fingers
My bread is buttered on both sides
Where did I come from all of a sudden?
My use of language is very catchy
Jack Parow makes you stu-stu-stu-stutter
Parow's penis is as long as a putter
Jack Parow rolls with cool cats
Jack Parow drives in cool cars
Jack Parow from your head to your leg
Jack Parow is better than sex
Jack Parow, the best thing since sliced bread
Jack Parow wants breakfast in bed
Jack Parow says 'shut your fuckin' mouth'
Jack Parow - it's mother fuckin' me
Dance, dance, dance
I want to fuckin', fuckin' dance (x3)
If you liked my work, don't forget to show it. :) Click the 'Thank you' button and rate.
Homework: by tomorrow, you’re going to write ten common names, ten given names, ten collective nouns, ten abstract nouns, ten concrete nouns, ten primitive nouns, ten derived nouns, ten diminutives, ten augmentatives, ten pejoratives, ten compound nouns, ten masculine nouns, ten feminine nouns, ten independent nouns, ten common-gender nouns, ten defective nouns, ten indeclinable nouns, ten overabundant nouns, ten archaisms, ten neologisms, ten barbarisms, ten cataclysms…
We have words for selling,
words for buying,
words for making words.
Let’s go look together
for words for thinking.
Let’s go look together
for words for thinking.
We have words for faking,
words for hurting,
words for tickling.
Let’s go look together
for words for loving.
Let’s go look together
for words for loving.
We have words for crying,
words for keeping silent,
words for making noise.
Let’s go look together
for words for talking.
Let’s go look together
for words for talking.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV
Paper boat
That's how betrayal is felt
By all the broken hearts,
They moaned, cried, and wept
From the beginning to the end.
A little at a time disappears
Boring black-white world.
And again in your arms I melt
In the embrace of your love.
I'll inhale the air dense and humid
No strength, sinking to the bottom,
Sinking as a paper boat,
Left the harbor, left and that's all,
I'll inhale the air dense and humid
No strength, sinking to the bottom,
Sinking as a paper boat,
Left the harbor, left and that's all,
I don't need anyone but you,
I am your beloved, you are my fate,
And on this earth for all the time,
No one was needed as I need you
Let us whirl in the carousel's bustle,
Most important is to sleep in one bed,
Dreams and reality, illusions of plots,
Closed circle, everyone talks about.
What's within the reason, trap of subconscious,
Mystery of space, secrets of creation,
Destiny or fate,
But at night I dream in color,
Love will awaken you at start of spring!
Secret for the mind, mystery for soul,
Why iare there cabbage patch kids,
Stressful moments in relationships at times,
My queen, I am your movie hero.
I'll inhale the air dense and humid
No strength, sinking to the bottom,
Sinking as a paper boat,
Left the harbor, left and that's all,
I'll inhale the air dense and humid
No strength, sinking to the bottom,
Sinking as a paper boat,
Left the harbor, left and that's all,
I'll inhale the air dense and humid
No strength, sinking to the bottom,
Sinking as a paper boat,
Left the harbor, left and that's all,
I'll inhale the air dense and humid
No strength, sinking to the bottom,
Sinking as a paper boat,
Left the harbor, left and that's all,
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.
Boat-less Oar
Versions: #2
My eyes are two arrogant soldiers
that have been away from their loved one for a long time
Two soldiers that two lonely women
are washing clothes in their worries
My hands are two handle-less knives
Two big hand-tied locks
Two oars, two boat-less oars
Two ships with ten tired anchors
My throat is the most unfrequented dead-end alley
My head is the most intractable fountain of the square
A cup of coffee in the most woeful café
A passenger in the stray streets
I closed my eyes and opened them and saw
that someone has made a sky out of my closed wings
Someone has become an incubus, pressing my chest
Someone has made a ladder out of my bones
My head: a bunch of shabby books
A hot air balloon with a torn rope
A person who is sentenced to death
Who has no hope for life
But life still attracts him
It was not that life was more than I deserved
Neither it was written on my forehead to be little
Either way, I was not mugging
I just wanted to be like myself
I ruined my throat from singing
but these people said
That I'm mental, and not a lover
Nobody believed that this shape-less man
agrees with nothing but love
Boat-less Oar by Hussein Safa
The locomotive rushes along valleys, ...
The locomotive rushes along valleys, along hillocks,
It rushes nobody knows whither -
The little guy named himself a cheat and thief,
And his life is an everlasting play.
Wait, locomotive, don't bang the wheels
Conductor put on the brakes.
I am going home to mummy with the last greetings
I want to appear in front of her eyes.
Don't wait for me mama, for the good son,
Your son isn't the one, how he was yesterday.
I am swallowed up by a dangerous quagmire,
And my life is an everlasting play.
And if they put me behind bars,
In prison I shall test the bars,
And may the moon shine with her corrupting lights,
All the same and I'll escape.
And if the prison guards notice,
That I, the little guy, is missing.
Alarm and a shot will be fired, and with the head down
I'll fall under the wall of the prison.
I shall be in a bed of the prison,
I shall lie and die.
And you'll not come, my dear mummy,
To kiss me before my death.
The locomotive rushes along valleys, along hillocks,
It rushes nobody knows whither.
I am going home to mummy, ill and hungry,
I hurry to appear in front of her eyes.
Wait locomotive, don't bang the wheels.
It is time to look fate into the eyes.
It's not too late to make a stop.
Conductor, put on the brakes.
The Music of Those Who Can't Sleep
And congratulations to you
That can't understand
That you have to wake up at four o'clock in the morning
Thank you
For not able to sleep
Ma este nem állok meg
Ma este nem állok meg
A sors elválaszt minket
Zavarba hoz bennünket, ez vezet minket
Egy másik világban mindig az Ön oldalán leszek
De most nem lehetek
Közel hozzám, segíts nekem
Álmodni tudok
Már láttam a hangodat
És láttam egy bolygót ezer fényévre
Biztos vagyok benne, most megyek
Hogy megnyerjem az utat
Meg foglak találni, megtalállak
Én leszek érted
Ma este nem állok meg
A felhők között táncolok
Veled nincs kiút
sem javítás
Egy percre volt szüksége
Talán egy örökkévalóság
Ahhoz, hogy közelebb kerüljek ahhoz, amit igazán akarok
És a város megvilágítja az elmémet
Ijesztő utazás
A félelem nem tudja elhomályosítani ezt a vágyat
Sem az út, hogy ragyogjon
Közel hozzám, segíts nekem
Álmodni tudok
Már láttam a hangodat
És láttam egy bolygót ezer fényévre
Biztos vagyok benne, most megyek
Hogy megnyerjem az utat
Meg foglak találni, megtalállak
Én leszek érted
Ma este nem állok meg
A felhők között táncolok
Veled nincs kiút
sem javítás
Szükségem van egy percre
Talán egy örökkévalóság
Ahhoz, hogy közelebb kerüljek ahhoz, amit igazán akarok
Okot keresek, amit mondok
Amit gondolok, én ezt teszem és kérem
Amit együtt élünk, nem felejtem el
Csak szeretlek, szükségem van rád
Ma este nem állok meg
A felhők között táncolok
Veled nincs kiút
sem javítás
Szükségem van egy percre
Talán egy örökkévalóság
Ahhoz, hogy közelebb kerüljek ahhoz, amit igazán akarok
Ma este nem állok meg
A felhők között táncolok
Veled nincs kiút
sem javítás
Szükségem van egy percre
Talán egy örökkévalóság
Ahhoz, hogy közelebb kerüljek ahhoz, amit igazán akarok
Éjjel nem hagyom abba
Találtam a javítást
A karod között levesszük az ég felé
Word of man
At the edge of Zaïre river, one evening
A young black girl told me the story
of three strangers
She told me about Gino, from Palerme
Gino was Sicilian
Gino, for a firm chest
Gino would give his hand
And came Miguel, It's was a Spanish
Miguel, from Andalusia
It's seems that he was a crazy blade player
Miguel, he was very jealous.
Patrick, him, came from Ireland
Patrick, from Dublin
He's warrying lots of strip clips ammo
And firing machine-gun with one hand
I give you my word of man
I give you my word of man
I hear the sound of the bull-frog
I see the Kilimandjaro
I hear the sound of the bull-frog
Fuck, fucking hot weather
They wearing bush hat
Bracelets in elephant hair
They had face to scare
They had teeth to eat diamonds
Some deviated from their way
They sweat the Katanga war
It stay only 7 villages
To the lake, the Tanganyika lake.
I give you my word of man
I give you my word of man
I hear the sound of the bull-frog
I see the Kilimandjaro
I hear the sound of the bull-frog
And on the bridge of a old cargo ship
A sailor disillusioned
On a banjo out of tune
Body wallowed on a hamac
think he was Jean-Sebastian Bach
When the rocket fall on them
The were all dreaming
to a child, to a wife
Fuck, fucking hot weather
Harana- Serenade
Versions: #3
Are serenades still in style?
Maybe you're wondering why
Who's this guy, making a fool of himself?
Stumbling to sing
Singing out of tune out of nervousness
Also carrying roses, wearing
Faded jeans
And all his friends are there
In formal style, singing worse than minus one and sing-
The heavens/sky filled with stars
And the air is so cold
But in you're eyes, I'm going crazy, my dear
And with this song
I hope you'll love it
I'll pour out my whole heart
In a little serenade, for you
Isn't it just like a movie
A romantic film
And aren't you the leading actress
And I'm you're leading man
In a story that ends in a neverending love
The heavens/sky filled with stars
And the air is so cold
But in you're eyes, I'm going crazy, my dear
And with this song
I hope you'll love it
I'll pour out my whole heart
In a little serenade, for you
Kebab [Parody of Astronaut by Sido]
A Kebab
With all 3 sauces
and extra onions too
Make me a big one now!
My stomach is rumbling like hell
I'm walking around
I am totally fed up
My stomach is empty
And I quickly realize
that I haven't had you since days
When it comes to such great hunger
one must get something delicious.
A döner maybe,
nothing better comes to mind
I have already eaten you in the morning
early at 6 in the subway
There's nothing else other than it
I've been warming it since yesterday
I leave everything behind
Because you are the only one I love this much
You can satisfy me much better
than Schnitzels and sausages
The voice of reason has been silenced for long
I cannot hear anymore
And I'm only thinking of how good
having a döner would be now
There is no turning or going back anymore
Because the line is long.
But finally it is my turn
And I will order from the man
A kebab!
A kebab
with all 3 sauces
and extra onions too
Make me a big one now!
My stomach is rumbling like hell
I've postponed it since so long
I'm extremely looking forward to having it
And my tears almost fall,
When I chew the first bites...
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
This night I don't stop
A destiny seperates us two
It confuses us, it drives us away
In another world, I will always be by your side
But right now, I can't be
Near you, help me
To dream, I can
I saw your voice
And I saw a planet a thousand light years away
Sure I am, now I go
Win my way
I will look for you, I will find you
I will be there for you
This night I don't stop
Between the clouds I dance
With you there's no way out
nor repair
I need a minute
Maybe an eternity
To bring me closer to what I really want
And the city can enlighten my mind
A dark journey
Fear can't ease this desire
Nor the way to shine
Near you, help me
To dream, I can
I saw your voice
And I saw a planet a thousand light years away
Sure I am, now I go
Win my way
I will look for you, I will find you
I will be there for you
This night I don't stop
Between the clouds I dance
With you there's no way out
nor repair
I need a minute
Maybe an eternity
To bring me closer to what I really want
I look for a reason for what I say
For what I think, do and ask
What we live together I don't forget
I only love you, I need you
This night I don't stop
Between the clouds I dance
With you there's no way out
nor repair
I need a minute
Maybe an eternity
To bring me closer to what I really want
This night I don't stop
Between the clouds I dance
With you there's no way out
nor repair
I need a minute
Maybe an eternity
To bring me closer to what I really want
This night I don't stop
I found my repair
In your arms we take off into the sky
A song of a little train from Romashkovo
A big field, a green forest...
So many roads and ways in spring
It's so good to live in the world
Shy, the sun!
Wish us a good way, the wind!
A good
A good
A good way!
The most, the most,
The most good way!
Everything is interesting, wherever you look
A harmonious song sounds over the world
It's so good to live in the world
Shy, the sun!
Wish us a good way, the wind!
A good
A good
A good way!
The most, the most,
The most good way!
A big field, a green forest...
So many roads and ways in spring
It's so good to live in the world
Shy, the sun!
Wish us a good way, the wind!
A good
A good
A good way!
The most, the most,
The most good way!
Ezer szó csöndjében
Ezer szó csöndjében
Van, aki egy hang nélkül álmodik
Most már nem tudom,
Mit is akarnék csinálni
Arra gondolok, hogy milyen édesen alszol
A citromból készült testedre
És arra, hogy egy üvegben várlak
Vagy valami hülye érzelemben,
Amitől szenvedek
Ezer szó csöndjében
Eszembe jutsz, mint egy parancs
Nevetsz-e vagy nem
Játszol-e még
Én, másrészről, szeretkezni szeretnék
Oda vinni vacsorázni, ahol dohányozni is lehet
Belegondolok, de nem megvalósítható
Ki tudja, van-e megfelelő alkalom, hogy elmondhassam,
Hogy téged szeretlek, téged szeretlek
Nem érdekel, ha nevetséges
Téged szeretlek, téged szeretlek
Nem érdekel, ha lehetetlen
Ha olyanok vagyunk mint azok,
Akik bántva szeretik egymást,
Ha már elkéstünk, mint azok,
Akik visszatérnek, hogy elszökhessenek
Én még gyorsabban szököm el
Ezer szó csöndjében
Meztelennek érzem magam, ha nem érzem az illatod
Csak egy kicsit gyere vissza
Mindig csak dolgozol
Vedd ki a szabid, és Áprilisban indulunk
Kevés ember van olyankor, és olcsóbb az utazás
Belegondolok, de nem megvalósítható
Ki tudja, látlak-e még, hogy elmondhassam,
Hogy téged szeretlek, téged szeretlek,
Mert hiszek a tündérmesékben
Téged szeretlek, téged szeretlek
Ki mondta, hogy lehetetlen
Ha olyanok vagyunk mindig mint azok,
Akik bántva szeretik egymást,
Kíváncsiak, mint azok,
Kik elhibázzák, hogy megtalálják
Fuss, fuss gyorsabban
Legalább had halljam a hangod
Ebben a hülye csöndben,
Ahol semmi nem valóságos
Ezer szó csöndjében
Annyi ember és még mindig a te neved
Nem tudom,hogy mit akarok csinálni
Van, aki azt mondja, hogy jobb aludni
Mert az este elfelejtet mindent
De ébren maradok, hogy várjak
Ezzel a hülye dallal együtt, és minden kezdődik újból
Words Don't Lie
I lose everything outside, I lose you,
on the inside, I feel myself exploding.
Nothing else can be saved,
I can only search for...
...Answers, things to say
But I look at you, I cannot respond.
Here I search for you, underneath the dust,
between the pages.
Words don't lie, (x3)
We are the only ones who lie. (x3)
I feel everything outside except for you,
on the inside I let myself be deceived.
Soon there'll be that fruitless smile
That doesn't have anything to say.
Turn around so you won't suffer and then
discover yourself more aware.
If I lose you, I find only myself
between the pages.
Words don't lie, (x3)
We are the only ones who lie. (x3)
Run away from the truth in order to
look at it from a distance,
escape from my reality in order to
search for your hand.
Outside it seems like a fragile day,
outside it seems like such a day.
Outside it seems like a fragile day,
outside it seems as such.
Words don't lie, (x3)
We are the only ones who lie. (x3)
Outside it seems like a fragile day,
outside it seems like such a day.
Outside it seems like a fragile day,
outside it seems as such.
A need for me to take you
Need to take you
as they dumped you
alone, adrift and orphan
my little child, how i feel for you.
The silk garment
in the river I threw it
poor rags i give you to wear
my little child, how I love you.
A long path I took you, a distant path
night and day walking
I got hungry and suffered
but I can't let you go.
In dark days and cruel
I wash you and baptize you
in the frozen water
do not cry and don't be embittered.
In my opinion,translations can always be subjective. Feel free to give feedback :)
C'è solo un gran conflitto tra ragione ed emozione!
A legnagyobb szavak
Kiírtam magamból a legnagyobb szavaimat
Úgy ömlöttek ránk mint a jégeső
Esernyőként szolgáltam, de ha jobbá válik az idő
Nem veszed hasznomat
Esernyőként szolgáltál, de ha jobbá válik az idő
Nem veszem hasznodat
Oldalakat és oldalakat írtam, hisz tudod
Kívül ragyog a nap, remélem majd látod, és
Kicsikét rám gondolsz, de távol leszünk egymástól
Egy nap felkelsz, és ugyanúgy felöltözünk
Felveszem a szemüvegem, amit te ajándékoztál nekem
És te újból majd magad a főnököd miatt
És lenne bátorságod otthon maradni lustálkodni
Nem sírnál a vállamon
Kiírtam magamból a legnagyobb szavaimat
Úgy ömlöttek ránk mint a jégeső
Esernyőként szolgáltam, de ha jobbá válik az idő
Nem veszed hasznomat
Esernyőként szolgáltál, de ha jobbá válik az idő
Nem veszem hasznodat
Elakad a szavam
A karjaimban vittelek a lépcsőn
Összekevertük a cukrot és a sóval
Lefényképeztük magunkat, ahogy a semmin nevetünk
A bénán sikerült selfizés közben
Az eső felhígította a koktélt, ugyanolyannak kellett volna maradnia,
Forog a világ körülötted, amíg a jég darabokra bomlik
Lassan aludj el, majd ha szeretnéd később beviszlek
Miközben ott maradok, hogy nézzelek.
Mondj valamit, ami megmarad
Ennél többet ne tegyél, a pillanat tökéletes
Miközben téged nézlek, már felderült minden
Elakad a szavam...
Próbáld a szemeiddel elmondani, amit nem tudsz másképp
Amikor te vagy a központban a mozdulataiddal,
Amikor rájövök, hogy tényleg létezik a szerelem,
Elakad a szavam....
Felhangosítod a rádiót, és hátradőlsz a székben
És a Piazza Della Scala (tér) mintha repülne körülöttünk
A szemeidhez teszem a kezem, várj még a beszéddel
Igen, ne leskelődj...
Határtalan terek, végtelen idő és zivatar
A cseppek versenyt futnak az üvegen
Ezt a filmet be kell fejezned
De késő van már, maradj itt
Ha nem, akkor lelövöm a poént
Mondj valamit, valamit, ami megmarad
Ennél többet ne tegyél, a pillanat tökéletes
Miközben téged nézlek, már felderült minden
Elakad a szavam...
Próbáld a szemeiddel elmondani, amit nem tudsz másképp
Amikor te vagy a központban a mozdulataiddal,
Amikor rájövök, hogy tényleg létezik a szerelem,
Elakad a szavam....
Elakad a szavam...
Elakad a szavam...
Elakad a szavam...
Mondj valamit, valamit, ami megmarad
Ennél többet ne tegyél, a pillanat tökéletes
Miközben téged nézlek, már felderült minden
Próbáld a szemeiddel elmondani, amit nem tudsz másképp
Amikor te vagy a központban a mozdulataiddal,
Amikor rájövök, hogy tényleg létezik a szerelem,
Elakad a szavam....
Elakad a szavam...
Elakad a szavam...
Elakad a szavam...
Elakad a szavam...
További dalszöveg fordítások