Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 6

Találatok száma: 201



In the skies of a purple colour
I saw you,
On the golden cloud edges
I spent the day
It happens so not for the first time
You don't ask me 'why'
I'm where I feel I'm happy
A day will follow a day
At night the meteor shower will fall
And then a barefoot morning will pass running
It happens so not for the first time
You don't ask me 'why'
I'm where I feel I'm happy
A day will follow a day
At night the meteor shower will fall
And then a barefoot morning will pass running
Cornflower-blue pins
In your violet hair,
All day long I look
At the skies of a purple colour
It happens so not for the first time
You don't ask me 'why'
I'm where I feel I'm happy
A day will follow a day
At night the meteor shower will fall
And then a barefoot morning will pass running
And then a barefoot morning will pass running
I will paint pictures
I will sing songs
I will write novels
I will burn in the flames
Everything that you wish
I will mix time up with space
Just let me see a breathing in your colours!

Tiszta szerelem

Én tiszta szerelmemet
Ezer lavina temette be
Boldogságom veszett oda
Azt keresem rendületlenül.
E városból elfutok
Hogy ne bámulhasson
Hogy ne készíthessen képet
A szívem állapotáról.
Ami most lassan és biztosan táncol
Az emlékek homokja között
Most bár itt van megcsúfolva és fáradtan
Az emlékek és illúziók közt
Ami valaha tiszta szerelem volt
Ez az éjszaka a mienk
Rohanj sebesen angyalom
Mintha ez lenne az utolsó amiért élni érdemes
És ha az a szerelem lenne
Bánj vele úgy mint egy titokkal
Mint a legértékesebb ajándékkal amit valaha kaptál
Ami elmeséli miért érdemes élni
Miért meghalni
Nem bírom a hazugokat és az árulókat
Ilyenkor odébb állok
És te, mi az amiért élsz? És miért halnál meg?
Még ha az lenne az utolsó szavad
Mondd ki, és talán egy nap visszatérek
Én tiszta szerelmem
Az álmaimban neveltelek fel
A szívemre tetováltalak
Bíztam benned még a hibáidban is
A szerelmemet csakis rád hagyom
Elveszett lovag
És útra kelek, elmegyek messze
Innen, még ha hatalmas is
A fájdalom ami eláraszt.
De nem félek a veszteségektől
A lelkemet átadtam neked, egyedül neked és maradjon a tied.
Ez az éjszaka a mienk
Rohanj sebesen angyalom
Mintha ez lenne az utolsó amiért
élni érdemes
És ha az a szerelem lenne
Bánj vele úgy mint egy titokkal
Mint a legértékesebb ajándékkal
Úgy mint én és te
Én tiszta szerelmem
Akiért majd meg is halok talán
De egy teljes élet nevében
Amit egy álom mentén éltem le
A zenéért, az emberekért akik begyógyították a sebeimet
Azokért az emberekért és azért a zenéért,
Akik megmutatták a jövőt, ez egyszerűen
tiszta szerelem

We are planting corn

We are planting corn
We will make chicha when we're done
We will make purple chicha
We will splatter it well
We are planting corn
We will make chicha when we're done
We will make purple chicha
We will splatter it well
What corn do you need?
(We want white corn)
I have yellow corn
(We want sweet corn)
What corn do you need?
(We want white corn)
I have yellow corn
(We want sweet corn)
We are planting corn
We will make chicha when we're done
We will make purple chicha
We will splatter it well
What corn do you need?
(We want white corn)
I have yellow corn
(We want sweet corn)
What corn do you need?
(We want white corn)
I have yellow corn
(We want sweet corn)

One Step Ahead (Reprise)

They say I'm garbage?
They say I'm a thief?
That's really a shame... but
This lifestyle I have
I'll show you that some day
I will change it
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

korunk gyermeke

Versions: #2
tiéd az édes jelen
kicsiny gyermek
hol jó és gonosz
hol vak gyűlölet tombol
gyilkos fegyver csapódik
téged is elér,
ha nem igazodtál
itt meg nem felelsz,
jó nem lehetsz
minden jóért megfizetsz
ha eddig nem
ne nézz, ne láss
rejtőzz a sötéttől
várd míg világosodik
fordította Gaál György István


Sunday morning, just four o'clock.
Silently passing down the road a young lad.
Backroad's dust is scattering,
clouds rises to heaven.
Purple perishable.
Purple perishable.
Meadows aroma, singing of a night bird
and by the ditch there's a car upside down.
A red dancing shoe, backroad's dust is covering it.
Purple perishable.
Purple perishable.
Shiny purple, brighter than crystal.
It is easier to love than to forgive.
Purple perishable, gray takes and steals.
Easier than forgetting is to bear bitterness.
A shabby lady, from the midst of nettles.
Hurls a stone to barns wall.
One of the shoes is missing, cavalier has walked away.
Purple perishable.
Purple perishable.
Shiny purple, brighter than crystal.
It is easier to love than to forgive.
Purple perishable, gray takes and steals.
Easier than forgetting is to bear bitterness.
hazy fog rises from the river.
Across the bridge passes a young lad.
To stream's gray water he throws that cigarette.
Purple perishable.
Purple perishable.
Shiny purple, brighter than crystal.
It is easier to love than to forgive.
Purple perishable, gray takes and steals.
Easier than forgetting is to bear bitterness.
Shiny purple, brighter than crystal.
It is easier to love than to forgive.

Play back part 2

A crimson porsche goes through the greenery
I'm driving carefree by myself
At a crossroad, the car next to mine scraps my mirror
And because I'm yelled at, I raise my voice too
Don't try to fool me, it was you who did this
Wait a moment, Play Back, Play Back
Play those words back
Don't try to fool me, it was you who did this
Those were my lines of last night
You only embrace me or not according to your mood
After all, a woman always waits
Boy, Where the hell did those ideas came from?
I got tired after all
A distant wave twinkles on a sea-front street
A short trip, I push the accelerator as much as I can
In the middle of the salty wind, if I turn up the radio to the top
Pounding in my heart a wonderful song plays
I don't give a damn, I guess you're leaving
Wait a moment, Play Back, Play Back
Play that song back
I don't give a damn, I guess you're leaving
Those were your lines of last night
You were talking while showing your courage
But in fact, you're a very lonely person
Boy, Where the hell did those ideas came from?
I'm going home too
Back to you Play Back, Play Back
Back to you Play Back
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Stick Blender

On Saturday night, he wanted to make mashed potatoes.
Mashed potatoes tasted heavenly to him.
But while he was making mashed potatoes,
the potato mash turned reddish.
Stick Blender,
you looked forward to this finger so much.
You got it,
it is no longer
where it once was.
Stick Blender,
how you looked forward to this finger!
It touched you,
and you blended it.
Stick Blender.


Hm, hmmm....
Prosperous pub in the neighbourhood
with bitches, ham and mici with beer
The sour smell of pee
takes you to Stere's from the way
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
It's the fresh smoke, whatever
doesn't matter.
At Stere is the good place
that washes the pockets.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Stere has big money
though he spent 4 years in school.
No one has many relations like him
but maybe Titi Manase.
1st cousins, same RH
Why not say, the big is family,
they prosper, and the entyre town
will be stored by them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Ha-ha, it's wonderful
It's wonderful what's happening at Stere
Ha-ha, it's wonderful
and life is a pleasure
Ha-ha, it's wonderful
It's wonderful what's happening at Stere
Ha-ha, it's wonderful
and life is a pleasure
Hm, hmmmm...
At Stere also come cultured people
drinking their drink and asking themselves:
'Where all those money come from, man?!'
and so appears 'The Dillemma'
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Children look on the fence
as their parents drink their beer.
Why would they go to school
when Stere does it so good
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful what I see at Stere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's wonderful at Stere.
Ha-ha, it's wonderful
It's wonderful what's happening at Stere
Ha-ha, it's wonderful
and life is a pleasure
Ha-ha, it's wonderful
It's wonderful what's happening at Stere
Ha-ha, it's wonderful
and life is a pleasure

Promise The Star

How long has it been walking around?
Spending every day being frightened?
Misunderstandings and selfish acts are like the swing of a sword.
We’ve been torn apart.
It’s the continuous dream that I kept seeing.
That’s right.
I’ll rub salt into the wound.
So I waited and waited.
Stood up and waited for the future.
“I’ll live forever”
Is what I felt like.
So I waited and waited for you.
Waited and waited for the future.
Suddenly, we met by chance.
We were a miracle.
How much of what I’m saying do you understand?
Don’t you think every time,
“Paint that sky.”
Promise the star
How long has it been standing around?
Spending every day being frightened.
Puzzling memories that left and came back.
We’ll surpass them.
It’s the continuous dream that I kept seeing.
That’s right.
I’ll light up the days that shine red.
More of my unchanging thoughts.
I wish I could show.
But only this much.
I have thought about.
So I waited and waited for you.
Waited and waited for the future.
There are no such things as solid promises.
Only God knows the results/
Don’t you think everytime,
“Paint that sky.”
(Woo oh oh ooooooh)
(Wo oh oh oh oh ooooooh)
Suddenly, I realised that you’re right by my side.
Until we fulfil our greatest vow.
So I waited and waited.
Stood up and waited for the future.
“I’ll live forever”
Is what I felt like.
So I waited and waited for you.
Waited and waited for the future.
Suddenly we met by chance.
We were a miracle.
How much of what I’m saying do you understand?
Don’t you think everytime,
“Close your eyes.”
Don’t you think everytime,
“Paint that sky.”
Promise the star.
-Translated by NakataNoGyaku a.k.a. Atakan.

Könnyek a szemedben

Megláttam azokat a könnyeket a szemedben,
Melyek felégettek engem, ott legbelül,
Amikor megtaláltalak
Én soha nem siklottam keresztül a te arcodon
Mindent örömmel és keggyel adtál
Amikor megtaláltalak
Megláttam azokat a könnyeket a szemedben,
Melyek felégettek engem, ott legbelül,
Amikor megtaláltalak
Megláttam azokat a könnyeket a szemedben,
Melyek felégettek engem, ott legbelül,
Amikor megtaláltalak
Én soha nem siklottam keresztül a te arcodon
Mindent örömmel és keggyel adtál
Amikor megtaláltalak
Amikor megtaláltalak
Megláttam azokat a könnyeket a szemedben,
Melyek felégettek engem, ott legbelül,
Amikor megtaláltalak
Én soha nem siklottam keresztül a te arcodon
Mindent örömmel és keggyel adtál
Amikor megtaláltalak
Amikor megtaláltalak
Megláttam azokat a könnyeket a szemedben,
Melyek felégettek engem, ott legbelül,
Amikor megtaláltalak

I Still Miss My Ex-lover

I ran into my ex in Shibuya
The same place we had last met
Just like when we said goodbye
It was raining that night too
Without an umbrella in Aoyama
Talking about the past in Akasaka
As if we were lovers once again
We had a drink alone together
I doubt I could forget him
He talked as sweetly as before
Don't cuddle my heart that way
Because it could easily surrender
I still miss him, my ex-lover
I still miss him, my ex-lover
Hanging around in Mamiana
The twinkling lights of the tower
What an unexpected night we had
Cupid must have played a prank
A little bit lonely in Nogizaka
The same old Hitotsugi Doori
I think I should go home now
Because it's raining this night
I doubt I could forget him
He talked as sweetly as before
Don't cuddle my heart that way
Because it could easily surrender
I still miss him, my ex-lover
I still miss him, my ex-lover

I love a purple-honeyed blossom of a roseate west

I love a purple-honeyed blossom
Of a roseate west
And a milky-ginger copper
Of a stubbornly fiery east
In the night, it all shines brighter
Beneath silver-snowy Moon,
Which one day, there is no doubt,
Brought us together with you
Heads of grains stretch up endways,
As tulips in a far away land
Sprinkled with gentle gold,
Awakening grace within me
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

The Small Bar

I first saw you in the bar
A small bar with a white door
You were alone with your back to me
When I saw your long and thin neck
And found you very cute
Again I saw you in the bar
My usual bar covered with roses
You played the guitar with your fingers
Shaking a little as if mumbling something
I found you charming
I first talked to you in the bar
A small bar made of red bricks
Lowering your eyes as I gazed at you
You just remained silent from shyness
I wanted to hold you
As usual I'm waiting in the bar
A lonely bar you'll never return to
I can see your face In the candle flame
Where are you gone little girl, I can't forget you
Where are you gone little girl, I can't forget you

The Neighbors Will Hear

Hola, mami
I'll do anything just for you
I'll conquer the world, I'll start a rebellion
But I'm the kind that goes forward, not backward
Hey mamacita, when I move, I wreak havoc
We were at the tracks, we burned hundreds again
Ring ring, I keep the numbers secret
Sometimes, I'm fucked up
Fucked up like Wiz Khalifa, hey
The soils, they're so pretty, ay
They're the other stories, bae
When we fight, we fight so that the neighbors will hear
We make up so that the neighbors will hear
Let's end this vendetta
Let's let the past be in the past
We'll party so that the neighbors will hear
Bam ba bam bam
They're knocking on the wall
Bam ba bam bam
Could you stop it already
Let's move, into our own house
You're so hot, you'll start a fire
A fire, yeah, a fire, yeah
Your booty is bouncing like a rubber ball
Let's continue the festival
The neighbors are flipping us off, ay
I don't understand your text, ay
Because I only speak Spanish
And they're yelling at our faces, I say si si
Take it easy, take it easy
Next summer, you too will be looping ths song
This song, bih
When we fight, we fight so that the neighbors will hear
We make up so that the neighbors will hear
Let's end this vendetta
Let's let the past be in the past
We'll party so that the neighbors will hear
Bam ba bam bam
They're knocking on the wall
Bam ba bam bam
Could you stop it already
Oh no
The neighbors are at the gates
And I'm giving them tortillas
But they're not amused
When we've got a party on your property
Hey mamacita
Hey chicks, stuff will be happening at the back yard, ay
Stay low
Watch out when I'm banging on the bass drum, hello
When we fight, we fight so that the neighbors will hear
We make up so that the neighbors will hear
Let's end this vendetta
Let's let the past be in the past
We'll party so that the neighbors will hear
Bam ba bam bam
They're knocking on the wall
Bam ba bam bam
Could you stop it already
Bam ba bam bam
They're knocking on the wall
Bam ba bam bam
Could you stop it already
The neighbors will hear
The neighbors will hear
The neighbors will hear
The neighbors will hear

The Invitation From Pretty Cure

fly away, every time you aim for the top
Break down the fence and go beyond its limits
And leap into the other side of the unknown
Together we will face the wind as the time to grow up draws near
We will not be afraid of the pain that our memories bring, we will surpass it
Watch as we strike and bring down the towering wall
That is blocking us from reaching out future
We will surpass any and all encounters that we meet
My invitation from Pretty Cure has arrived
“My friends and I will never lose'
My hairs gets tangled as I run
Through these freshly opened roses that are decorated with smiles
With you beside me, I have no doubt
That the path each of us have chosen
The bridge the gap toward our progress
Don’t talk about a dream that has you shaking, instead grasp at its end
Though you are desperately clinging to life, remember to laugh every now and then
With the invitation from Pretty Cure in my chest!
Within my heart is a legendary warrior
When you forgive all things, you will discover your own strength
For the light and the darkness are standing next each other
fly away, Aim for the top each and every time
Break down the fence and go beyond its limits
And leap onto the other side of the unknown
My hair gets tangled as I run through
The freshly opened roses that are decorated with smiles
fly away Aim for the top each and every time
Leap onto the other side of the unknown
With you beside me, I have no doubt
That the path each of us have chosen
Will bridge the gap toward our progress

Sparkling Pearly Eyes

In the hurdle race over a thousand ifs and buts
instead of straight to an unknown goal.
I'm in my own way again
Where is a place to rest in this game without borders?
I think too much about the day after tomorrow
Think too much about me,
I've changed my view to now and here and you
and you do this:
You fix me 1 with your sparkling pearly eyes,
It does me good, there's so much for me there.
It helps much more than any speech, any thought
Only feeling, only touching makes sense now.
The waves are almost closing over our heads
but with you in the boat I'll suffer any rough sea
The wind whips in my face again
but with you behind me it hurts half as much
Don't leave me alone with myself
Let me into you
I want to feel so much, you and now and here,
and what do you do?
You fix me with your sparkling pearly eyes,
It does me good, there's so much for me there.
It helps much more than any speech, any thought
Only feeling, only touching makes sense now.
It's like a balsam, like a real little miracle,
it heals much better than any medicine
Come and hold me
Hold me tight and squeeze me
as tight as you can
You fix me with your sparkling pearly eyes...
  • 1. dictionary has 'glare' but that seems too negative

I am

I'm blind in your breaths.
I am ready as well.
This is the biggest battle.
I am ready as well.
I am a happening.
I am a trust.
I win every loss.
I am, I am.
That fire which will never be ceased.
I am, I am.
That happening which will never stop.
I am.
I am high and no one can bring me down.
I am, I am.
As long as I am alive.
The sunrises in my eye.
I am strength, I am sunlight.
I am a sign,
therefore the sky and earth began working, and stopped.
At the house of light, this blind face.
What is to happen?
I am, I am.
That fire which will never be ceased.
I am, I am.
That happening which will never stop.
I am. I am high and no one can bring me down.
I am, I am.
As long as I am alive.
That fire which will never be ceased.
I am, I am.
That happening which will never stop.
I am.
I am high and no one can bring me down.
I am, I am.
As long as I am alive.

To Pure Pain

Excuse me, if I'm calling you at this time
But I needed to listen you again
Even be an instant your breathing
Excuse me, because I'm violating our oath
I know you're with someone that is not the time
But there is something urgent to tell you today
I'm dying, dying for see you
Agonizing, very slow and very strong
My Life, give me back my fantasies
My desire of live life
Give me back the air
Honey mine, without you I feel empty
Afternoons are a labyrinth
And the nights taste me
To pure pain
I would like to tell you that today I'm great
That I was not affected by your departure
But with one only finger does not cover the sun
And I'm dying, dying for see you
Agonizing, very slow and very strong
My Life, give me back my fantasies
My desire to live life
Give me back the air
Honey mine, without you I feel empty
Afternoons are a labyrinth
And the nights taste me
To pure pain
I'm dying, agonizing to pure pain
To pure pain
Agonizing, I do not have you by my side
I'm dying, agonizing to pure pain
To pure pain
To pure pain
Come back please


Április kegyetlen időszak.
A nap is akár már ragyoghat
A világ mégis homályosnak tűnik,
Amint lassan szétesik, tovatűnik.
Még mindig ömlik az áprilisi eső
A völgyek már telítődtek fájdalommal
Kérdőn nézek a szürke égre
De Te sem tudod, mindez mivégre.
A szomorúságnak máshol kell lenni
Szürke ég elég belőled ennyi
Kérdezem miért, miért kell ennek így lenni.
Sírni fogok, nem tudom. és.nincs mit tenni
Talán egyszer egy idő után
Elfelejtem és mosolyra fakadok
De újra eljön életem alkonyán
Egy vég nélküli áprilisnak az érzése.
Egy áprilisnak mely magányos akár az a lány .
Elmém fél(a)homályba
Átlátok az árnyékvilágba
De már nincs mit tenni
Nem érzem a napot
És a tavasz sötétje elragadott.
Szürke ég idővel kékbe réved
A szürke égen is látnom kell Téged
Kérdezem miért, miért kell ennek így lenni
Sírni fogok, nem tudom..(van még mit tenni?)
Nem tudom…

Let's celebrate (Reprise)

Merry, merry Christmas
I don't want to let Anna and Elsa down and, yet I am

The bell of celebration (Reprise)

It was when I was still just a child,
father would ring the bell
Together with all the people of Arendelle,
we listened to it
I remember it


Az ejjeli égbe ma este szállnak a varázsi énekek,
vad nép és Lilith fajtája,
leselkedő szellek utazzatok titkosan.
Hadd menjünk a tüzekhez,
nyögve markoljunk meg a csillagokat,
jó és rossz szót ma is elviszünk arrébb és arrébb.
A fűzfában el fognak hangzani az álmaink
és a szelek énekelni fogják a dalaink.
Hadd ugorjunk a szikrákkal a tüzen át,
Hallgassátok a hegedűket, hallgassátok a hegedűket,
a tüzeket már rakták!
Kövessetek a körtáncot, kövessetek a körtáncot
Féktelenül a hegedűk játékában
forog az éjjeli körtáncunk
és vadul és szabadon csatlakozunk
ehhez a régi varázslathoz.
Egyszer csak a nagy körben
táncolunk ily módon,
amíg nem az első reggeli fény
széttöri álmaink szöveteit.
A fűzfában el fognak hangzani az álmaink
és a szelek énekelni fogják a dalaink.
Hadd ugorjunk a szikrákkal a tüzen át,
Hallgassátok a hegedűket, hallgassátok a hegedűket,
a tüzeket már rakták!
Kövessetek a körtáncot, kövessetek a körtáncot


The meaning of the word “unknown”
Has been mistaken all this while
People who don’t know it have started to overlap it with “hate”
Those people who know nothing
And have no wish to try to know
Why do they talk about “hate”?
Circulating it all around
Because the “unknown” is frightening
We spit out ugly words, trying to deceive
So that we won’t be disliked
“I don’t want to be left alone
Stay here with me”
Please don’t close off your heart
Just because you’re unable to speak these words
“I won’t leave you alone
Everything’s alright”
I want to become strong
So that I can say those words back to you
“Life” is
Full of problems that arise
So I used to think that we’re just problem solving programmes, but
I’ve realized
Something like the “present”
Is a special present that allows us to live as we like for decades
So I’ll look forward to
Slowly opening it up
I’ll gift those words to myself
Because I always forget them
“I don’t want to be left alone
Stay here with me”
Please don’t close off your heart
Just because you’re unable to speak these words
“I won’t leave you alone
Everything’s alright”
I want to become strong
So that I can say those words back to you
Even if the world with you now
Is so painful it makes me want to cry
Even that is a “present”
And days of smiles will surely come
Having been left alone
I realized
That there are so many people
Whom I really treasure
“I won’t leave you alone
Everything’s alright”
I want to become strong
So that I can say those words back to you


Mama, csak egy kicsit alszom
Megkínáltál egy kis... erős... löttyel
Szedd ki belőle a kását, és öntsd ki az ablakon
Hogy a hasam
Hogy a kicsi hasam beszéljen
Mama, levegő van az ágyam alatt
Ami suttog, ami suttog amikor pihenek
A szoknyákat só és ecetbe, ecetbe mártsd
S tartsd közel
Ó, tartsd közel a fejem alá
Mama, a víz növekszik
Hosszadalmas hajam bezöldült
Én leszek az úszó erdő szigeted
Megkérlek, hogy sétálj biztonságban, biztonságban át rajtam
Mama, a kezeim kutattak
És a lábaim, a kicsi lábaim zsibbadnak
Kérlek, add át karcsú alkatod
S védelmezd az erőmet
Vezesd be becses erőmet ketrecébe
Mama, mostanában rakoncátlan voltam
Álmaimban, s beszédem közben
Fúrj kicsi lyukakat szemhéjaimba
Így hát látlak
Így hát látlak amikor...
Mama, a víz növekszik
Hosszadalmas hajam bezöldült
Én leszek az úszó erdő szigeted
Megkérlek, hogy sétálj biztonságban, biztonságban át rajtam
Én leszek az úszó erdő szigeted...

It hurts

You dedicated our last few weeks
to the cruelest lies.
When did you give me the last, honest kiss?
Since when were you ready to jump off?
You sneakily and ruthlessly followed
your yearning for new land, steadiness
and the appeal of new skin to skin,
and I idiot trusted you.
Oh, I must have been struck with blindness,
because I need you, relied on you.
Was all of that just a first attempt for you,
why did you exchange this ring with me?
It hurts, over and done with.
It hurts, does everything fall into pieces?
All those years of deception,
you disappointed me profoundly.
It hurts.
I would like to hate you,
but I still love you way too much.
If only I could just let you go,
no smell, no picture, no more memories.
Yes, I also know, that you're sorry
to have cut me off so mercilessly.
But you too are a slave of cowardice.
Why did I have to lose you so shabbily?
It hurts, over and done with.
It hurts, does everything fall into pieces?
All those years of deception,
you disappointed me profoundly.
It hurts, over and done with.
It hurts.
And I hope your conscience
sleeps in thunder and
all of this makes sense in the end.
No, I won't break down
I know, someday
I will have understood it and then
you'll no longer be inside of me.
But right now it hurts
over and done with.
It hurts, does everything fall into pieces?
All those years of deception,
you disappointed me profoundly.
It hurts, over and done with.
It hurts.
It hurts, over and done with
It hurts, does everything fall into pieces?
All those years of deception,
you disappointed me profoundly.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.

Out of curiosity

Because of that mouth I'm yearning to bite
I don't sleep, I don't sleep anymore
Because of your eyes and your curves, honey
I am love sick, I don't know what to do
That black dress you wear
Got me analysing you from north to south
I am on the highway of your hips
All night long
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear
I was bored
And now, with you by my side, everything is fun
I don't ask what day is it anymore
I don't even look at the clock
I was bored
And now, with you by my side, everything is fun
I don't ask what day is it anymore
I don't even look at the clock
That black dress you wear
Got me analysing you from north to south
I am on the highway of your hips
All night long
That way of dancing you have is killing me
With such rhythm and such attitude
That drives me crazy, drives me crazy
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear
Out of curiosity, when lights turned off
I went up to kiss you and you liked it
Out of curiosity, that's what happened
And now here I am, trying to find a place for us
With this downpour (I was bored)
Let the rain fall, I am about to burn (And now, with you by my side, everything is fun)
With this downpour
Let the rain fall, my dear

Capriccio Farce

An empty defendant's seat, a visitor's gallery with nothing but junk
Come, let's begin this farce called a trial
'Only one of the vessels that we're seeking out by orders of god remains
If it's the case you know its whereabouts, make your testimony, 'Sorceress of Time''
'Transcending time, changing forms, changing masters, it's already making its debut on stage
Even so, not knowing the whereabouts myself right now, I fear it's likely that it's in her hands'
'Search, search, search for that jerk, left, right, or down
She holds all the keys, search for 'The Master of the Hellish Yard''
'How long is this farce going to continue? There is nothing after that'
'Soul of Adam who fell in the trap, there's nothing you can accomplish anymore
Swinging scales, a disordered scenario, vessels sullied in sin
Each playing their song their own way, a discordant capriccio
The story has already let go of the hands of demons and gods and walks alone
If they were in this place, they would probably make this lament:
What was truly terrifying was the desire of humanity
'Let's sort out what few facts we have, lowly man descended from a demon
I'll give you permission, so tell us of the time you came to this forest'
'There is an unpleasant curse dwelling in my body, seeking my original ancestor's sword
That has become necessary to solve this, I arrived at this forest alone'
Kill him, eat him, if we can't, arrest him, this insolent fool who entered the forest
Judge, judge, at any rate judge him, trial! Sentence! Death!
'When I resolved myself after I was arrested, the fickle girl extended her hand'
'I wanted a charge right for doing chores'
'And so I became 'The Gardener''
'Sorceress of Time' 'Cursed Gardener,' substitutes for the unawakened vessels
Each keeping their goals close to the chest, unsettling invaders
'The Director Doll,' 'Master of the Graveyard,' 'Gear,' 'The Waiter,' 'Master of the Hellish Yard'
When the end of everything arrives, who will be laughing, I wonder?
Lu li la lu li la lu li lu li la, the resounding beat of Irregular
Friendship, trauma, justice, illusion, hope, destruction, dreams, greed, love, death
All of it continues to melt and turn the Clockwork Lullaby
Just before the solitary man's death, he constructed a theater
Will the utopia he wished for be completed?
Come, let's see with our own eyes, this farce called life


Versions: #2
I forget the world, when you do it
Make love with me, my love.
I forget the world, when you do it
Make love with me, my love.
Like a blackout...
I forget the world, when you do it
Make love with me, my love.
My love...
A moment with you
In the dark
A moment with you
In the dark
Like a blackout...
You're the light
You're the light
I forget the world, when you do it
Make love with me, my love.
I forget the world, when you do it
Make love with me, my love.
Like a blackout...
I forget the world, when you do it
Make love with me, my love.

For the First Time in Forever (Reprise)

You don't have to protect me
I'm not afraid
Please, Elsa, don't close in on yourself
Please, don't
Don't distance yourself from me again
For the first time in forever
I understand you well
Maybe (for the first time) since forever
We'll hold our hands again
When we're together we'll make it through
And the fear won't stop us
For the first time in forever
I'll be by your side
You have a home
Return there
Follow your happiness and don't be alone
Yes, but
You love me
But please understand
I'm free and life is burning inside of me!
Away from me, it'd be best if you stayed
Anna: Maybe not so much
Elsa: What is not so much?
Anna: Haven't you heard by now?
Elsa: Have I heard about what?
Anna: Arendelle has sunk in snow quite deep
Elsa: Excuse me?
Anna: You brought eternal winter... everywhere
Elsa: Everywhere?
Anna: Don't worry, you'll just unfreeze it
Elsa: No, I can't, I don't know how!
Anna: You can do it, I know you can!
Anna: For the first time in forever
Elsa: Oooh, I'm not free, I'm in captivity
Anna: We'll overcome your weakness
Elsa: But darn, the storm is still inside of me!
Anna: We'll start from the beginning
Elsa: It's not under my rule
Anna: And the ice we'll melt
Elsa: Anna, stop! The cold remains inside of us
Anna: Believe me
Elsa: And this fear
Anna: There'll be warmth
Elsa: You're in danger!
Anna: We'll start from the beginning
Elsa: No...
Anna: It'll be colourful instead of white
Elsa: Aaah....
Anna: The world will be beautiful once more
Elsa: Stop


Versions: #2
You're still here where I don't want you to be
You're stil anxiety which i move everywhere
When soul gives to soul,either she's here forever either she didn't love
I know,you will dissapear with first rain,i will bloom on snowy road,you won't hear 'stay'.
Because you will die only once,you won't ever understand how immortals love.
You're still here where it hurts.Every flight is a fall when one loves.
Step by step to dream.
You fell asleep beside her,awareness killed me.
I know,you will dissapear with first rain,i will bloom on snowy road,you won't hear 'stay'.
Because you will die only once,you won't ever understand how immortals love.

Wolf Tracks

I follow your trail
In the lily white new dress of the world
That dropped down from the sky overnight
The impression of your tender foot
Dawn reds in white
Still unaffected so fine and slender
What disturbed your dream
when you slept by my side?
What drove you into the black night?
So you finally
went without clothes and shoes into the cold?
What drove you to do that?
There, a second track,
which almost covers yours
I run, my heart is almost standing still
In my mind arise
Long sharp teeth, already bleached
And wild eyes that see you
Before the sun rises
And the tracks eradicated
Run as fast as I can
And between us, there is the beast
I begged the wind to turn
And he does not tell you about you
I'm always a bit too late
Have missed you around hairbreadth
The moon fades at the heavenly tent
Time is running out, the sun is rising
And water is already on the trail
I run on panting
Looked at the floor
Come, show me, where are you?
Before the sun rises
And the tracks eradicated
Run as fast as I can
And between us, there is the beast
I begged the wind to turn
And he does not tell you about you
I'm always a bit too late
Have missed you around hairbreadth
I begged the wind to turn
And he does not tell you about you
I'm always a bit too late
Have missed you around hairbreadth
Have missed you around hairbreadth