A keresés eredménye oldal 13
Találatok száma: 610
Your pillow
Chorus - Irina Rimes
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
Verse 2 - Irina Rimes
Written in the moon, written in the stars
Little pieces, little pieces
Of words, written in the palms
I added them with care to the smell of your pillow
I added them with care
I left them in your pillow
When she calls you to bed
Feel my presence
I added with care, to the smell of your pillow
Dreams, warm and serene, unstained by cruelty
Of my world, insatiable, selfish, and fatal
Selfish and fatal
I added with care, to the smell of your pillow
Molecules of skin infected with the secretions
Of lethal kills
Lethal, lethal
Chorus - Irina Rimes
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
Verse 2 - Amuly
Last night I flipped out again, just like I used to do all the time
When your boy poured out and crammed like three grams into his blunt
You just popped into my head and said that 'I'll address you'
I think that you sent me a bit of longing to feel on my pillow, I feel it and flinch
And it broke me away from the reality which hurt
It pained me that I watched love die
And it perished in my palms, at my mercy
And it disappeared in darkness, you, my light
I feel the intoxication, I said it's not good like thi
Go, come, go again, come back
I didn't think that my life would get dark over time, my love
I received your gift, we'll love endlessly
Chorus - Irina Rimes
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
When I send you another bit of longing
To wish you 'sleep tight'
Feel on your pillow
All my gentleness
Take a good look around
Deep out of a dream the words shimmer
With a call, fresh as morning,
Carried by your innermost longing
Like an inkling of an inkling,
Like a subterranean song.
Take a good look around on the earth,
Look from blooms to sea and summits,
Feel the fine scents of leaf halls,
Hear nature's secret sounds!
Perhaps it is the final time.
Az éveim elmúltak
Akik szerettek minket
Kiket töröltünk ki?
Kik elől futottunk fiatal életünkben
Szemtől szembe nézünk veled
Ígéreteink indokolatlanok voltak
Szemtől szembe nézünk veled
Ígéreteink indokolatlanok voltak
Ha visszaadnák a fiatalságomat
Ezúttal a legjobban magamat szeretném
Odaadom annak a felét
Bárkit is szeret, szeresd
Bárkit is öl meg, öld meg
Bárkit megnevettet, nevettesd meg.
Nem érdekel izom, szem, rózsaarc
Az éveim elmúltak
Az éveim elmúltak
Gondolj arra, miért jöttünk erre a napra
Kiknek mondtuk, elmegyünk fiatal életünkben
Szemtől szembe nézünk veled
Ígéreteink indokolatlanok voltak
Szemtől szembe nézünk veled
Ígéreteink indokolatlanok voltak
Ha visszaadnák a fiatalságomat
Ezúttal a legjobban magamat szeretném
Odaadom annak a felét
Bárkit is szeret, szeresd
Bárkit is öl meg, öld meg
Bárkit megnevettet, nevettesd meg.
Nem érdekel izom, szem, rózsaarc
Az éveim elmúltak
Az éveim elmúltak
Ha visszaadnák a fiatalságomat
Ezúttal a legjobban magamat szeretném
Odaadom annak a felét
Bárkit is szeret, szeresd
Bárkit is öl meg, öld meg
Bárkit megnevettet, nevettesd meg.
Nem érdekel izom, szem, rózsaarc
Az éveim elmúltak
Az éveim elmúltak
Times Changed
Times changed
Summers and winters are not what they used to be
Times changed
No people, no places, no singing...
Man changed
He is left without heart and soul
Without love the man disappeared
He lost everything, he lost everything
Only the sea cannot be changed
It will always do things its way
It spites everyone when it becomes enraged
Like a mad poet in his poem
Only the sea cannot be changed
It will always do things its way
It will calm the soul at the break of dawn
Only the sea, only sea
Times changed
Even playing ball isn't what it used to be
Times changed
There is less singing and laughter
For first time
Versions: #1
I want so much
Of kissing you in the morning, just when you get up
But I'm afraid
That you look for someone perfect
And I so flesh and blood
If I could control the time
I would wait again
A thousand times, to see how you wake up
For the first time a beautiful sunrise
For the first time what I want and need
For the first time today heaven sleeps with me
For the first time, I was born again with you
With you
If I have you, I lack nothing
So long it was yesterday and it's almost tomorrow
To give you the kisses that we never gave each other
To tell you nice things I'll always be here
Because I feel good when you feel good
My life is life only with you
If you're not there, it doesn't make sense, love
What i want and need
For the first time a beautiful sunrise
For the first time what I want and need
For the first time today heaven sleeps with me
For the first time, I was born again with you
My life is life only with you
If you're not there, it doesn't make sense, love
What i want and need
My life is life only with you
If you're not there, it doesn't make sense, love
What i want and need
For the first time a beautiful sunrise
For the first time what I want and need
For the first time today heaven sleeps with me
For the first time, I was born again with you
If I could control the time
I would wait again
A thousand times, to see how you wake up
Parsifal (first and second parts)
Clear is the morning that comes from the East,
this forest is yours.
Born pure, wild in the soul
you don't know what is fear.
Those god-like knights
you've never seen them though.
No fear is born inside.
Crowds at dawn you want to know
what is not in the woods.
You have discovered your destiny.
Your destiny in the name you will have.
You will be king of light.
Run, run, run, run.
They will speak to you of God, of the King.
The flower maidens in the journey you will see
in a great ancient dream.
Your lonely new life will push you
and a doubt will win you over.
Her enchanted foreign age
is not glory or wind but sweet reality.
Inside the tall grass at the river,
your weapons in the sun,
you have now given away to the dew.
Sacred you will not become,
your journey stops here.
Composed by C. Facchinetti and V. Negrini
Lead vocals: Dodi Battaglia
Szia! Meghalunk!
A kő finom szemcsékké és porrá robbant,
az ég pedig kettészakadt alant
és a nap árnyasan felbőgött a végtelenből a végtelenségbe,
Szia! Meghalunk!
Ezalatt a kisidő alatt, mikor kiáltalak,mikor te kiáltsz engem
és még forgolódunk,
szólok csak hozzád, csak annyit mondok neked,
Szia! Meghalunk!
Stories to lull adults to sleep
Mangueira, clean the dust from the basements
Oh, clear the way for the heroes of the shanties
From the brazilwood that makes a country of Lecis, Jamelões
They're green and pink, the crowds
Mangueira, clean the dust from the basements
Oh, clear the way for the heroes of the shanties
From the brazilwood that makes a country of Lecis, Jamelões
They're green and pink, the crowds
Brazil, my friend
Let me tell you
The story that history doesn't tell
The flip side of the same place
The struggle we find ourselves in
Brazil, my baby
Mangueira has arrived
With verses that the books have erased
Since 1500 there has been more invasion than exploration
There's inky blood, bruising
Behind the venerated heroes
Women, Tamoios, Mulattos
I want a country that is not in the picture frame
Brazil, your name is Dandara
And your face is Kiriri
It didn't come from the sky
Nor from the hands of Isabel
Liberty is a dragon of the waters of Aracati
Hail the caboclos de julho
Who were steel in the years of iron
Brazil, it's time
To hear the Marias, Mahins, Marielles, Malês
All I Can Do Is Ask Your Forgiveness
All I can do is ask your forgiveness
for those things that I failed to give you—
for the time that you have devoted to me—
for the love that I stole from you.
All I can do is ask your forgiveness
if your dreams were all about me.
I did not understand the joy that you gave me.
I did not know what you were to me.
Those who make mistakes, I know, must pay.
It is justified if you don't want me anymore.
I know I wasted
the most beautiful things
but now I need you.
All I can do is ask your forgiveness
for those things that I failed to give you—
for the time that you have devoted to me—
for the love that I stole from you.
Those who make mistakes, I know, must pay.
It is justified if you don't want me anymore.
I know I wasted
the most beautiful things
but now I need you.
All I can do is ask your forgiveness
if your dreams were all about me.
I did not understand the joy that you gave me.
I did not know what you were to me.
Before Tomorrow
Before tomorrow, the world might end.
Let's not waste time, just say yes.
But, if at dawn, you see that the earth still turns,
I'm not part of it—it is not my fault—
no, no, no.
(It will be a night realized)
(a wait will be spared)
(and, in the end, in the depths of your thoughts)
I know you will thank me.
Before tomorrow, the world might end.
But if you love me, it does not matter to me.
But, if at dawn, you see that the earth still turns,
I'm not part of it—it is not my fault—
no, no, no.
(It will be a night realized)
(a wait will be spared)
(and, in the end, in the depths of your thoughts)
I know you will thank me.
Before tomorrow, the world might end.
But if you love me, it does not matter to me.
The Breakers
If I fall asleep now
then the mist departs
then I can see what you see
I find the real there
The night takes me
into the unknown
the breakers carry me away
to the end of the world
Sweep me away
away from you
far away from you
hide me away
where no one can see
no one can see
my tears
If I wake up now
into a new day
and forget everything that was
the moments spent with you
Feloldozás (Túlvilági Angyal)
Versions: #2
Tovatűnő minden egyes nap, egy karcolat a falon
Mint egy éj, hol nem jön az ébredés
Az igazság elveszett, és talán sosem kerül meg
Mint némajátékom árnyai
Mikor az egész világ összegyűlik az utolsó vacsorára
Lesz ott valaki, aki hisz majd bennem?
Hangok visszhangoznak torzult elmémben
Valóság ez, vagy csak álom?
(elveszítem az eszem? Nem félek, kedvesem)
Énekelj nekem, túlvilági angyal, csendesíts le
Ködfátylam merő káosz
És fordítsd jóvá a rosszat a mennyei fényben
Add meg a feloldozásom
Mondd, mit mondanak, mit kéne tudnom
Mondj el minden apró részletet
Segíts, hogy az igazság megmutatkozzon, mint távoli emlék
Mint a képek az ezüst vásznon
Minden világossá válik
Az igazság feltárul
Örökkét ott leszek neked és énekelek
Énekelj nekem, túlvilági angyal, csendesíts le
Ködfátylam merő káosz
És fordítsd jóvá a rosszat a mennyei fényben
Add meg a feloldozásom
És most hagyj magamra
Töröld az emlékezetem
Nem akarok hallani, nem akarok látni
Nem akarok gondolni a hazugságra, mely követ engem
Minden világossá válik
De senki nem akarja meghallgatni az igazságom
Én vagyok a túlvilági angyalod, lecsendesítelek
Ködfátylad nyugalma
És mikor a rossz jóvá olvad a mennyei fényben
Odafigyelek az igazadra*
Énekelj nekem, túlvilági angyal, csendesíts le
Ködfátylam merő káosz
És fordítsd jóvá a rosszat a mennyei fényben
Add meg a feloldozásom
(Körbe-körbe rózsával
Teli zseb bokrétával
Hamu, hamu
Meg mi sem maradunk)
Mivel ajándékozzalak meg, most így hogy tavasz van?
Most, hogy itt a tavasz mit adjak ajándékba?
Felhőkből varok: lám itt egy könnyű szoknya,
Hóvirágokból övet szövök neked,
Nyakadba gyöngyvirágfüzért is teszek.
Ibolya topánkát lábaidra húzok, ó a kis cseppek
Hogy a városi lányok közül te légy a legeslegszebb
Szeretnél karkötőt is? Még fülbevaló is netán kellhet?
Berki szellőrózsákból készítek neked egy egész szettet.
Elfogyott mind, tudod jól. Vessünk hát véget!
Rád költöttem vagy három mezőt ’s rétet!
Még akarsz békét, örömöket és egészséget is?
Ezekből nekem nincs, Istennél van az összes
És akkor majd szeretettel letérdelek
Imádkozom hozzá, adja ezt mind neked!
I don't have it in me
I can't keep loving your nor can I stop,
Once I leave your gaze,I return to drown In your eyes,
Through the murkiest darkness your smile,
Guides me to safety like a lighthouse,
This is the beginning of the end of my lonely days,
I wasn't alive until I've met you,
Dock my boat on the land of life that is yet to come,
Hide me in your eyes for I have no friend but you,
My days of wondering the lonely seas are over,
For I have you as a harbor for my sunken heart,
The nightmares in my sleep torment me causing me to scream,
I'm Running away from my memories,
I'm scared of the past to return,
And nervous of what tomorrow might bring,
I wake to your voice and touch,
Feeling as if have been resurrected, born anew,
You're my medicine and all I wish for,
You're the angel approaching from afar,
Dock my boat on the land of life that is yet to come,
Uragirimono no Requiem
Faith is just another worthless sign
I will live my life as a godless soul
My fear is gone, it is all gone
Only rage is left in my faithless world
Since I have betrayed my god
Always dawn, our revenge
This fate is mine
I will survive on my own
This is my way to stay gold
Oh, yes! It’s eye for an eye
For the betrayer and thief
Requiem, oh Whoa whoa
Fight with me, there is no hope I’ve tried
Won’t give up it’s my destiny
Don’t care, don’t you ever give me mercy
When my life is gone with the wind
Will our prayer vanish into dust?
Hell no! Starting over, Golden Wind
Nothing more to lose, there’s no more
Firey sword burned every road to have passed
Days have gone by so fast
Don’t let your soul drown into the
Power of the ripples
Stand up and incite yourself
Make it your own story
Oh, yes! Show some pride
For the betrayer and thief
Requiem, oh Whoa whoa
Fight with me. With your greatest fist
Let your soul burn indiscriminately
Don’t care, I’m on my way to the true wisdom
We’ll all fight with our hearts of fate
Do I need to kiss the nobles foot?
Hell no! It all begins with Golden Wind
Ohh, we go to win!
Fight with me, there is no hope I’ve tried
Won’t give up it’s my destiny
Don’t care, don’t you ever give me mercy
When my life is gone with the wind
Will I pray that it’s over now?
Hell no! Starting over, Golden Wind
I dedicate my songs to you
Your words of love
I can not forget, darling, and I will not forget
Thinking of you, I live both day and night,
Let it hear your heart
I dedicate my songs to you, only you
I dedicate my songs to you
I ask the moon for you,
Probably hard for you to live in a foreign land
And today you look at the moon, I think
And through it you will find me
Looking at the brightest star
I stand today thinking of you
My soul covers melancholy
My heart is cold today they
Come, O ye come!
Turkey is the true mother!
There is no place other than her bosom where you can escape!
Come, O ye come! Mother never casts away any one of us!
Crimea Crisis
Oh my friends if only we had
Ukraine's peninsula and a Tsar!
With no international observers
We'd have a democratic election!
Then, comrade, we'd have no worries
Only one percent object to the conquest
Oh my friends if only we had
Ukraine's peninsula and a Tsar!
All peoples unite and rejoice
Everything's allowed except anal!
Do not touch your brothers
For a good slav doesn't do the gay!
Lead by Putin we march
Towards the Soviet sunrise
Let its rays always shine
Brighter than the rainbow!
It Was Spring
To you,
who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
then love, then love, love.
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'
It Was Spring
To you, who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
and then so much love, love.
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'
What gift do I make to you now that it is spring ?
What gift do I make to you now that it is spring ?
From clouds I sew a light dress,
From snowdrops¹ I make a belt,
At neck I put a necklace of lilies-of-the-valley.
I put to on you shoes of violets,
To be the most beautiful from the city.
Do you want bracelets too? And even earrings?
I make a complete set of brebenei².
And this is all! I don’t have anymore, you know well,
That I’ve spent about three meadows with you!
Do you still want peace, joys and health?
I don’t have these. God has them all.
And then, with love I’ll kneel,
Praying Him, to give them to you !
I was bluffing
You who dumped me were a jerk
I who gave up on you was a fool
The two of us were supposed to be perfect
There were some nights when we nodded to each other in happiness
Before we knew it
A wall had materialized between us
I found myself at a crossroads between black and white
Walking with linked arms was a long time ago
There was a time when we glared at one another
Ah, I wish I could say I never loved you
I no longer regret it, though
Wondering if I had chosen the other path
My fate could have been better
Of course, my impatience must have bothered you
The two of us have completely forgotten
We have forgotten true happiness
Passing memories make me cry
In front of me, my room is in order more than necessary
Pretending to be tough doesn't pay, after all
I dared to swear at you knowing that I would get hurt
Ah, I was in love with you
Seriously, it's not a lie
Enough of days of regrets
I want you to show up as if nothing happened
Ah, since the day I let you go
I've hardened my heart
I'll never bluff again
So I want you to fall in love with me one more time
Ah, I wish I could say I never loved you
I no longer regret it, though
Wondering if I had chosen the other path
My fate could have been better
Ah, I was in love with you
Seriously, it's not a lie
Enough of days of regrets
I want you to show up as if nothing happened
Be prepared
- Too right
You only think of your stomachs
Your heads reek(of) empty(iness) (tat>boş qoqar)
You need to be prepared always
We'll soon be heading out onto the march
Our colleagues (aqran?) are really serious
The world will change, I'm sure
I will be the king, a certain promise
I would come to the throne with you(r help)
This opportunity is once in a lifetime
It is possible to change the history
Bright is my future
I will mount the throne
- Yes, what good is that for us?
-Don't utter many words here!
Those walk after me
Will never regret
Let us be together from now on
When I become the new king
This is soon
-Yes, get ready, be yous prepared
-Hmm, why?
-To the death of Our King.
-Has he become sick?
-You fool, we'll kill him (Aqılsız biz anı öldürermiz)
-It's Simba
-Good idea! Who needs the King?
-There won't be a king. La la la laaa
-You fools, there'll be a king!
-Hey, you've said it...
-I'll be the king! If you were to be with me, from now on you won't be hungry...
-Right, long live the new king!
(Long live the king! Long live the king!)
We'll head out for the war
We'll die for the king
If you present me your help
We'll win in this war
A new life appears
Our fortunate days are arriving
But, if you don't come after me
You'll all die of hunger
Get ready quickly, we'are leaving
Our march is long and tough
I waited for so long to mount the throne
I'm so clever and I'll be the king
You'll all see at the end
You'll all adore me
This world will only be mine
When I become the new king
This is soon
When I become the new king
This is soon
-Ha ha ha ha haaa!
Vespertine (Én bíbor arám)
E sorokat egy sivár falra véste fel
Hogy ne feledje az álmait követni
Ám a lázas fajdalma ködén át
A gondolatai nehezen érthetőek
Név nélkül született a legsötétebb napon
A jövője előre meg volt írva
Miként a fantáziák költeményekké váltak a falon
A világ hirtelen élővé vált
Emléke mosolyra fakaszt engem
Bár évek teltek el azóta
Jöjjön éj, jöjjön nap, a bíbor arám
Az arany mezőkön táncol
E kép sose fakul meg
Azokon a napokon
A kezedet fogtam
Sosem hagytuk el a bársony kalitkát
Vespertine, az emlékeink újra égnek
Az ellenállhatatlan végzetem
Emléke mosolyra fakaszt engem
Bár évek teltek el azóta
Jöjjön éj, jöjjön nap, a bíbor arám
Az arany mezőkön táncol
E kép sose fakul meg
Homályos a kép körülöttem
És fagyszínű az éj
Jöjjön éj, jöjjön nap, a bíbor arám
Az arany mezőkön táncol
E kép sose fakul meg
Jöjjön éj, jöjjön nap, a bíbor arám
Az arany mezőkön táncol
E kép sose fakul meg
Out Slowly We Went
Out slowly we went, pale was the night,
The lights flickered in the distance
And you were as beautiful as your eyes,
While the tears were restrained in them.
The jackal howled, and to the vineyard you went,
And your tear dropped like resin,
And you remembered those hours before
We went out through the narrow path to battle.
And you remembered our laughter, so like a brook,
And you remembered a dance and harmonica,
And you remembered that stack of hay,
And the touch of his hand...
And if you remained, and the loneliness embraces
And you slowly pace through the vineyards,
You shall wait, then, oh so quietly,
We separated and smiled with a glance.
Where are you from, mate
Ever since I can remember I’ve spent my whole life on the road
I’ve traveled this mortal world from end to end
Literate, illiterate, poor and rich all the same
Finally, I’ve come to know right from wrong
As if humanity is on sale, bread is in the lion’s mouth
No one offers a man some hot soup
He who has built four walls has shut the door and locked it
No one offers a man a soft bed
Just one question, where are you from, mate
This world is my homeland
No mate, I mean where are you really from
This world is my homeland
Repent, repent, repent!
Every one holds forth about fraternity and equality
Yet they ask why you have darker skin than me
They take up arms and run for death for no reason
Yet no one asks what the orphan and widows eat and drink
Poor Gaye couldn’t find a way out so he talked and talked
No one says, Come on let’s all get along
Our earth is already broken and uninhabitable
No need to divide it more and more
Just one question
Where are you from, mate
This world is my homeland
No mate, I mean where are you really from
I told you already
This world is my homeland
Repent, repent, repent!
Circle of Life (Crimean Tatar)
Versions: #2
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
This world is both bitter and sweet
You'll quickly understand this
Darkness for (to) light, emnity for (to) friendship
And wealth along with poverty
This life, my friend, is so different
Every answer gives birth to questions
But this living is a very big present
Now, you came to this world (From now on, you are in this world)
Go out, the truth is hidden on the roads
Understand this secret, understand this
A great love, if you understand this secret
Embrace your friends and step towards the sky
Go out, the truth is hidden on the roads
Understand this secret, understand this
This love is one and only, if you understand this secret
Embraces your friends and steps towards the sky
It flows in songs and tales
Strong is that sun shining
and the source of songs accompanies them in the valleys
strong is this sun warming
and the valiants brings to my mind,
caresses them
From this sun of my time
shine centuries at dawns
and the gun of the Albanian, fire, fires
O there is no like you, O my Albania,
O noble on the stone.
It flows in songs and tales,
high forehead with flag!
Strong is that darkness falling
and the lute the sounds brings away,
conduces them
Strong is that darkness falling
Partisans brings my mind brings,
it's bringing them.
From this voice of my land
speak the centuries with thunders,
also the shots of the Albanian flows
generation after generation.
O there is no like you, O my Albania,
O noble on the stone.
It flows in songs and tales,
high forehead with a flag!
I would tell you one day what is left in my mind ( (what I've in my mind)
So many waters passed between the ice and steam
Why it is still not over while it was such a short summer.
Foggy midnight, the time stopped within me
Why your taken picture never talks
We are late and couldn't fix the mistakes
Truths could burn the glance if we were arriving early,
I was so drunk so I deserved to live.
I run away from home to home.
Spread the wound to salt
I was right to arrive late so regularly to every appointment
The sky wasn't for me and don't even mention the ground
The sky was so itself and don't even stand on the ground
I found a door within what l lived and I exit
I loved you therefore I existed
I loved you, you were home among houses
I have returned and the decoration fell suddenly with my return
You rise with a black pen in your hand
Some made you a lover
Some created the love
Writing in wine with the ashes of butterflies
This is reading
I mean, the soil gets continuously dry while waiting for a rain
I wouldn't tell you too much
I was born as a requested scenario
I had children that they can die anytime
I counted on chemistry
I found myself in black clothing
While I was looking at a girl continuously
I stopped, I have cried to myself for thousands of years
I am saying that my mom and dad can die anytime
So what if they die
The worst could be having so much sadness fulfilling every gap
God may not protect anyone from the death
Without death, that miserable life could be tasteless
You are dead by leaving but killing while staying
If I am dying by staying because of your aliveness
This is it, whatever is we say is the life.
Everyone goes by dying, we stay by living
We're staying so much
that the frame would be so dispersed
and the world wouldn't accept each of us as alive
This is the living
To have to stay together (unwillingly) while everyone goes
?So bitchy so lies
? So welcomed
I played the role of my life and you were starring
What a storm it was with your hair
How we were so sunburned, did you ever considered me (?)
We sat on the yard while holding the hands
I would tell you someday what is left in my mind (what I have in my mind)
Depressed Police Officer
Depressed police officer, throw away your badge
Killed cop, if I had known
Like a chihuahua, following the scent
It seems like after a while
We get used to it
She is no longer alive
Reported missing
Where were you, lights and sirens?
I hear screaming
Depressed police officer, throw away your badge
Anonymous letter at the crime scene
Up in smoke
Take, take me to the hostage
Lock, Lock me up before I kill him
She isn’t alive anymore
Reported missing
Where were you, lights and sirens?
I see you dancing
Reported missing
Where were you, lights and sirens?
I see you dancing
Reported missing
Where were you, lights and sirens?
I hear screaming
Depressed police officer, throw away your badge
Anonymous letter at the scene of the crime
Up in smoke
Sleeps right next to the sun
I pray for the day when she wakes up
You Are Your First Love
I look in the mirror and try to find
That girl who used to be so sweet
With a smile in her eyes
But that cute girl is gone
All that's left is me
I'm a little cold, perhaps a bit crazy
But the mistake wasn't mine
But I can say that, even so, I love myself
I can say that I'm the only one who can care for me
I can say that I never needed you
I never depended on you in that way
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
My friend, listen, I may not even know you
But from afar, I can feel your vibes
Don't let anything put you down
I'll always be by your side
Don't get upset, don't cry
Love always comes at the right time
Pick your head up and take care of yourself
For I'm here, and I won't leave you alone
The time has come for you to think about your dreams
Respect your body, you are beautiful and have value
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
You are your first love
You are your first love
You are your first love
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
You are your first love
Could it be that this reflection is true?
Could it be that the problem is only mine?
I want you to know that I'm here
That strength you need is within you
You are your first love
First of all I invented Myself
I worked for six days in a row, a hell
Finally on the seventh I rested
I created the stars, the world and nature
I drew up geography, mountains, and plains
Then life, starting from the cell
Then so forth, the goat, the sheep, to spin the web
I made the monkey evolve, I put an apple into its hand
I cataloged virtues, a little bit of intelligence
I put it into man and created science
And he thought that then, all creation
Wasn't enough to satisfy an innate desire
To strive alas, for eternal well-being, never satisfied
So he recreated me in every way, alone, in groups, powerful or punitive
Self-referencing dictator, with the old supervisor, with the new testament
With the white beard long or bald, with the double chin
But it seems that not even my anthropomorphic appearance
Is enough to satisfy an innate desire
To strive alas, for eternal well-being, never satisfied
And so he invented a few things to govern himself
The hat, the hood and the umbrella to cover himself
Then the shower to refresh himself
He put holes in the ozone and its extinction
He left it to the Mayans and to superstition
He poured the cement that was armed
And then so many organizations that negotiated
He invented the pencil eraser, white-out, board eraser, and continues to mess up every day
With his first grade writing he writes badly, so he could interpret better
But it seems that not even this, his creation
Is enough to satisfy an innate desire
To strive alas, for eternal well-being, never satisfied
And so you doubted my dispositions
And from the eighth day you change my approach
You try, move everything, a job that has long since been completed
But you don't listen to the words of a father, loved so much
That the good for a child isn't excellence
But to fill in the gaps of inexperience
And I, the father of myself, have learned it
But you don't want to understand, in love with life
And you seek eternal and satisfied well being
And now you're looking for a cure to my biggest creation
But infinity lasts so long and it's just frustration
That the cure to my best invention doesn't exist
It's precisely morality (morality)
It's precisely morality (morality)
It's precisely morality, the right cure