Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 14

Találatok száma: 604


Prima Donna of the Lumberyard

In those days, in those days
You could earn 5 marks in an hour
A coffee cost 1 mark and a beer cost 2
And lemonade was even cheaper
When Ruusa came to the lumberyard
Every man got a wound in his heart
They called her a 'Prima Donna'
And I guess she deserved that name
Love raged like wildfire
And it spared no one
Only an ice pack the size of a mountain
Could have cooled us down
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Flower of the sawmill'
So we sung on the top of the timber stack
Lead by Aapeli Jumppanen
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
We exercised madly on the timber stacks
So Ruusa would notice
We laughed at the orders of boss Petteri
Though I guess he was right
In an hour we hardly made a pile
For we had no time for that
We did handstands and somersaulted
To draw Ruusa's eyes to us
We felt as if in midst of planks
A most charming flower had sprouted
Though Jumppanen broke his leg
He took no time off
Boss Petteri hollered and nagged
For we screwed up all the work
The men had their heads in the clouds
And we sang to Ruusa:
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Fower of the sawmill'
Only Petteri grit his teeth
Our gang just kept singing to Ruusa
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
The wise men tell the stupid ones:
Love is nothing but suffering
Petteri gave us a final speech
In the master's cabin
He just said that workers
Who don't even work
Must leave this lumberyard
You got the money and there you go
'You're the Prima Donna of our lumberyard
Flower of the sawmill'
So we sung as the gates closed
And we walked away
I guess Ruusa heard the song
I guess Ruusa heard the song
In those days, in those days
You could earn 5 marks in an hour
A coffee cost 1 mark and a beer cost 2
And lemonade was even cheaper

Az évszázad bűnténye

Ők épp most tervezik az évszázad bűntényét
Na, és mi lesz az?
Mindent elolvastam összeesküvéseikről és hazardírozásaikról
Nagyon megérik a pénzüket
Tehát fizess be és figyeld
Ahogyan ők megbecstelenítik a világegyetemet
Amint haladnak a hitványtól a lehető legrosszabb felé
Kik ezek a vágy, kapzsiság és dicsőség fiai?
Tépjük le álarcaikat és nézzük meg
De ez nem lehet igaz - oh nem, mi történt?
Nézd! Te vagy és én vagyok
(Ez nem lehet igaz...)

Above anything else

Thinking of you puts my heart at ease
The stars line up in the sky
Nothing exists out of here
It looks like all it's already set.
Me who's never sure about anything at all
who still believe in glares and the spark coming from them
It breaks my heart to think that
What we live will be wiped away by the wind
This pain seems never ending
This newly-born feeling
The source of my problem is my passion
There's nothing about us that doesn't make me burst into tears.
Oh faraway lover
Yes, I keep you in my heart
from the horizon, above anything else
I keep you in my heart
Above anything else
My faraway lover
I don't know who I am when I think of you either
I belong to you like the green comes with the lawn
I don't know toward what era you'll bring me to
Falling in love is a natural for me.
Freedom is my damnation
The red thread of a life spent together
Far away from everything, far away from wht I am
Reaching for the sun when the rain washes over the whole world.
Oh faraway lover
Yes, I keep you in my heart
from the horizon, above anything else
I keep you in my heart
Above anything else
My faraway lover
Thinking of you puts my heart at ease
The stars line up in the sky
I always keep you in my heart
In my horizon, above eveything.

Warm tears

I open my eyes and it's still the same
The pain isn't gone
A lost thought in my empty chest cus you are not here, my life
And I search where has your love gone
That left me in the oblivion
A lit feeling in my soul aching for seeing you go, honey
I can't forget you, my life, for a moment
I confess...
That today my life hurts, and it hurts like missing air to breath
That remembering you is a rainy day flooded with warm tears
That if this weep comforts this sorrow I endlessly carry
Maybe I think it can be done, I wish I could someday...
Forget you
Night falls down and it's still the same
And your spot is cold
The memories lost, wet in oblivion because you are not here
I look for your hand in my sheets that hold the captive hope
Of you coming back to my side to fly away forever
I can't forget you, my life, for a moment
I confess...
That today my life hurts, and it hurts like missing air to breath
That remembering you is a rainy day flooded with warm tears
That if this weep comforts this sorrow I endlessly carry
Maybe I think it can be done, I wish I could someday...
Forget you
That today my life hurts, and it hurts like missing air to breath
That remembering you is a rainy day flooded with warm tears
That if this weep comforts this sorrow I endlessly carry
Maybe I think it can be done, I wish I could forget you someday... ay ay ay ay
That today my life hurts and it hurts... like missing air ay ay ay ay
That remembering you is a rainy day... and it floods with tears
That if this tears I cry will comfort... this sorrow I feel...


Through the blue summer days, I shall travel all the ways,
Pricked by the ears of maize, trampling the dew :
A dreamer, I will gaze, as underfoot the coolness plays.
I’ll let the evening breeze drench my head anew.
I shall say not a thing,I shall think not a thing :
But an infinite love will swell in my soul,
And far off I shall go, a bohemian,
Through Nature – as happy, as if I had a girl.

I am not in love, I can love

Now I can tell you to go
I can suffice myself
Even I withstand you
I can be me who is new
I can find other loves
I can ignore you
Even if i was mistaken
I may be glad for this
I am not in love, but I can
I can love, i can
I can fall in love 50 percent possibility
I can fall in love, i can
I can do just spite for you
All the moment from now on i can love
I can believe, i can believe
To somebody else
I can be out of my mind
I can, i can
I can be abound reproducing
I can dive to a revel
I can perish ever
I can love crazily
All the days of me is another Laila*
I may be so upset
Doesn’t this heart belong to me?
I can throw it away to the roads
I can love like this
I can be left meaningless
If I became you converting
I would always disacourd to you

I have always searched for the beauty in my destiny

have always searched for the beauty in my destiny
I have always searched for the beauty in my destiny
The musical instrument in me is different, the words are different
The musical instrument in me is different, the words are different
When my wish comes to life in my dreams
When my wish comes to life in my dreams
The picture on the wall* is different, you are different
The picture on the wall is different, you are different
I have fixed a marquee on the heaven, I have sat
I have fixed a marquee on the heaven, I have sat
The life on earth is different, the soul is different
The life on earth is different, the soul is different
Anymore I’m tired of this love, too
Anymore I’m tired of this love, too
The summer rain and winter rain are completely different
The summer rain and winter rain are completely different

Talk to me about spring

If you'd ask me why the days seem to me like passing
At the speed of a snail,
I'd tell you :
I was waiting for you.
If you'd ask me why I feel like I am lost
In an unknown city,
I'd tell you :
I was looking for you.
But because, you see, no star told me when you will come
And how you will come,
I have stopped, yes , I stopped,
And since then, I completely gave up.
Let the weeks pass in their will,
As they like...
But I was still hoping
That you will come.
Talk to me about spring
Like about a truth near,
Which promises you happiness
And keeps its word.
Talk to me about spring
Like how you talk about love
And whole era of youth
I'll keep silent and I'll listen to you.
If you'd ask me how I succeed to make confessions
Even just through glances
I'd tell you :
That's how I am .
I don't feel sorry that I let the weeks pass by
In their will
As they like,
Because I knew that you'd come.
Not about something else, but talk to me...
Talk to me about spring
Like about a truth near,
Which promises you happiness
And keeps its word.
Talk to me about spring
Like how you talk about love
And whole era of youth
I'll keep silent and I'll listen to you.
And whole era of youth
I'll keep silent and I'll listen to you.


And I'll draw valleys across your body,
plugging it like it was ground,
I'll erase those marks,
from your last war.
And I'll burn with fire
this bad weed of yours,
and I will make you, with water,
more fertile and more alive.
And I'll pray for the sun
to dry up these tears,
and I'll pray for time
to heal your wounds.
Then I'll build a greenhouse
around your smile,
I will make out of your life
another heaven.
I will be your farmer
ad you will be my ground,
I'll fight with the wind
to not carry you away from me.
Then I'll sprinkle my seeds
in your green valley
ad we will wait together
for Spring to come,
for Spring to come.

My soul is waiting

What's the reason, what are the words my thoughts are waiting for?
Are they trying to tell me to not be afraid?
You'll always be there in my silence.
What's the reason, what are the words my thoughts are waiting for?
Are they trying to tell me to feel a bit, to give some time to love?
My soul is waiting, it remains strong when you're near
It's trying to understand what she's made of and why she's persistent
My soul is waiting, it's always staying near you
It's trying to understand what she's made of and how to endure this
What's the reason that I should endure this?
Is it so I can believe your apology once more?
What's the reason, what are the words that will make you believe in the true love that gets you out of habit?
My soul is waiting, it remains strong when you're near
It's trying to understand what she's made of and why she's persistent
My soul is waiting, it's always staying near you
It's trying to understand what she's made of and how to endure this
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

#RLL (Take Back the Tears)

Sweeter days lived with you
reviewing the images
of something good that isn't there
but when the night comes
my hands in the bed are looking for you
the wounded pride knows forgiveness and forgives however
Take back the tears
give me back the stories
don't get lost and ask me
if i still need you
Far away as an island
the most romantic dreams
promise me that you come back here
with one word for me
how many promisses of happiness
starts you never know and lost on the darkness
if you were a fire already extinguished
my lips would not burn now
the time hurts or heals but it will soon be forgotten
Take back the tears
give me back the stories
don't get lost and ask me
if i still need you
Far away as an island
the most romantic dreams
promise me that you come back here
with one word for me
When you arrive, turn me off
how many times you find me and you lose me
and now I wonder if what I really want is you
Take back the tears
and sweep away the clouds
don't get lost and ask me
if i still need you
Far away as an island
the most romantic dreams
promise me that you come back here
with one word for me
take back the tears


I stay and I think about you
You are better off without me
But I am nothing without you
And each might, I feel that the next day won't come
You know, you know . . .
Please don't leave
Because my heart is crying
Your absence hurts
Who'll wipe away my tear
You say that you love, your heart lies to you
You forget that love is felt first
You know, I don't need words,
You have distanced yourself, you don't feel the same way anymore
You know, you know . . .
Please don't leave
Because my heart is crying
Your absence hurts
Who'll wipe away my tear
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Oh My Spring

Please go away
Don't look at me like that
I just want to be alone now
That's all I want
You won't have me doubting
Myself anymore
I don't care anymore
If you're going to condemn me
For seeking my own destiny
Or if on the day I leave
You're going to tangle me up as always
So that I have no path to follow
Oh my spring
Who ever shall give back to me
What I was before
So that I can find a new path
Slowly, slowly, slowly
Like me
My future is a lie
My past haunts me and weighs me down
Now if I keep quiet down the line
I know that my mouth will burn
I shouldn't keep quiet
Because I'm on a quest to find
A slow path
I'm on a quest to find a slow path
I'm on a quest
To find you, to find me
And to find you on the way
Oh my spring
Who ever shall give back to me
What I was before
When I breathed slowly
When I moved slowly
Slowly like me
When you loved me slowly
When you kissed me slowly
When you believed me slowly
Slowly like me

Before everything

I look for a bit of you in De André's song (Italian artist)
There will be livids to be proud of, others not so much
But the truth is: we're half-identical
I'm just a child you'll call 'dad'
Because I've got Nasa in my head
Because I'm never at home
The heart consumed as an old pair of Vans
And all the slaps taken in the square
The ink on the arms
Everything matches ...
Your mother that kisses me
The first kiss
The first day at school
The first day in trial
The first love
The first mistake
The first sun that burns you
And it's the first time for me, too
that I see you
Before everything
And I took notes for all the times I made a mistake
I've got a manual of instructions where 'instructions' is written attached (in Italian if you attach the word 'istruzioni' with its italian preposition 'd', you obtain 'distructions')
You're the first place in this life that seems new to me
Before everything
Before everything
A ruthless cynical
who had never adapted
who had never enjoyed all the things life gave him
Then you came and everything has stopped
I'd like to teach you everything I've never learnt
Because I've got Nasa in my head
Because I'm never at home
The heart consumed as an old pair of Vans
And all the slaps taken in the square
The ink on the arms
Everything matches ...
Your mother that kisses me
The first kiss
The first day at school
The first day in trial
The first love
The first mistake
The first sun that burns you
And it's the first time for me, too
that I see you
Before everything
And I took notes for all the times I made a mistake
I've got a manual of instructions where 'instructions' is written attached (in Italian if you attach the word 'istruzioni' with its italian preposition 'd', you obtain 'distructions')
You're the first place in this life that seems new to me
Before everything
Before everything
Before everything
Before everything

I say to love

It becomes day, words end
Your wounds, who kisses them?
While your time is winter, who brings it to summer?
I can not know your state
I can not come next to you
i can not caress your hair
Like less, like ice
from the pain, like a trace
Your fire, your burning
that doesn't end, like an ember
I can not find your way
I can not be next to you
I can not count the morning
It happens that one evening
beautiful as always
a person near you
I say to put
I say to love
I say to laugh
I say to love
In my heart
in my thoughts
in me
I say stay
It happens that one evening
beautiful as always
a person near you
I say to put
I say to love
I say to laugh
I say to love


There's a Party Here in Agrabah (first part)

There's a party here in Agrabah,
I can feel so much excitement.
They are all coming to the town,
'cause Aladdin and Jasmine are getting married.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
and everybody will be there.
No matter what your social background is,
just shampoo your hair while rubbing your scalp.
Don't wear a gaudy dress,
don't wear a turban a la gigolo,
also, don't wear a tasteless earring.
You're gonna look gorgeous when I get through.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
I'm going to transform your town.
Wanna see the show?
Follow me, let's go!
The whole world's gonna be talking about
this wedding for centuries.
I'm gonna work wonders for the bride and groom!
Ah, so many crazy things I'm gonna make.
Have you ever heard
about what happens in Hawaii?
It's nothing compared to what you will see.
slap-up meals, you all are gonna pass out from excitement!
Harem Girls:
There's a party here in Agrabah,
it fills up your heart with cheerfulness.
If a tramp will actually ascend the throne,
I can hope for myself, too. Don't get discouraged!
There's a party here in Agrabah,
but I don't know if I'll go, after all:
yes, the princess is aristocratic,
but the groom is poor.
Let's go into the court staterooms,
where everyone has celebrated magnificently.
There's not Jafar, who smells like death by now!
Everybody's happy, nothing goes wrong.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
we're gonna rob'em a bit.
King of Thieves:
While they're eating voraciously,
create a diversion and I'll slip in.
There's a party here in Agrabah
and loot in bulk!
I'm having so much fun, you know?
If I'm nice, I'll get a good present!
We've already ordered a few flowers
and the valets are ready to park.
All guests are out there!
Come on, girls, let's get ready - we're going to start!
There's a party here in Agrabah,
an invitation is prestigious.
But there's something missing, yes, ah, yeah!
Where's the groom?


I looked up at the broken moon
Resembling an unburied heart
Little by little, drawing near
I felt anxious and went away
I was supposed to keep running
But my legs just stood still
In my memories you’re smiling
I pursue your faint scent left behind
“If I’ll be forgiven”, the compensation I wished
In my lone world where I can’t see anything
This sad dream stopped the clock
Even if I close my eyes, it’s dazzling
That far away, shining scene
But they won’t come ever again
Those too warm days
The only thing I’ve chosen
I can say it’s not a mistake
I was frightened by the shadows spreading
Yet how many times there was nothing lying ahead?
Though I call you, my voice won’t reach you
Just like an illusion one can’t grasp
If that’s so, just cut off this string
Even if I redo it again and again
If you’ll only take one breath
It wouldn’t have sense
So let’s end this
Now, let’s break this place
A stopped clock
Won’t move alone
I get it, but
I no longer need anything
The moment I was about to say it
They flowed into cold water
My words will never reach you
In my memories you’re smiling
Even your faint scent is fading
I won’t be forgiven, I’m keep falling
At the sole of this dark water where I can’t see anything
Where this sad dream and my breath stop

Come Back

Come back in rays
Of Spring
Appear unexpectedly and
Embrace me.
Do you know perhaps I am utterly
Like a submarine under
The ice.
Come back to me in the bright
Verses of a couplet,
Come back in a song, where we
Are still together.
That old photo,
A minor chord
A sad coda, sounds.
Every time I hear
A crowd of people,
In a dull echo breathes
Your voice,
Each moment I remember and
Wait for you,
As the desert waits for
The rain.
Come back to me in Summer
In sun-filled wind,
Come back in Winter and
In snow cover me.
Come back to me in the bright
Verses of a couplet,
Come back in a song, where we
Are still together.
That old photo,
A minor chord
A sad coda, sounds.
A sad coda.

Wildly, for example

She's the rarest species, but the poacher is the worst
Wanna bet even a revolver fits in her throat?
Wanna bet that you ain't leaving this square anymore?
I play with her pussy, girl, where is your man?
I turn on Daft Punk, she rolls up a blunt for me
We leave the club, Sauvignon Blanc in hand
Done with kissing her lips, I stick to the screen
I throw money in the air - you catch them yourself, hm
Hey, baby, are you a model or are you fake?
It doesn't matter now, what matters is that you're not a virgin
And if one of yours wants to know
I will find more reasons to put them to sleep
She shakes her mane, you can't be so playful
I puff out the smoke of cannabis towards the ceiling
I seem worse than what I am, I force you to be (/eat?)
I keep with me a bitch I can't get off my back
Hey, this is all so wild, for example (pow - pow - pow)
Uh, we smoke wildly, for example (pow - pow - pow)
Uh, we hang out wildly, for example (pow - pow - pow)
You couldn't make it, but I fucked them wildly (pow - pow - pow)
Hey, this is all so wild, for example (pow - pow - pow)
Uh, we smoke wildly, for example (pow - pow - pow)
Uh, we hang out wildly, for example (pow - pow - pow)
You couldn't make it, but I fucked them wildly (pow - pow - pow)
[Verse 2]
Excuse my straightforwardness
But even in this club everybody's gonna die, someday
My boys tell me that I need to chill
And I keep it on the low, 'cause this bitch is a caveman
Puddles of blood everywhere, I'll help her go around them
But you run-run-run
Marriott is fucking with me, three times on the crime scene
My t-shirt says to me: 'I am the error of the generation'
Hey, this is all so wild, for example (pow - pow - pow)
Uh, we smoke wildly, for example (pow - pow - pow)
Uh, we hang out wildly, for example (pow - pow - pow)
You couldn't make it, but I fucked them wildly (pow - pow - pow)
Hey, this is all so wild, for example (pow - pow - pow)
Uh, we smoke wildly, for example (pow - pow - pow)
Uh, we hang out wildly, for example (pow - pow - pow)
You couldn't make it, but I fucked them wildly (pow - pow - pow)

Fake flesh

Where is our world headed?
Look at me.
I'm a new hero, only one out of a hundred.
I walk an overgrown path with nobody behind my back.
Everyone is eager
to judge the high and the mighty.
They lack the will
to become strong themselves.
Nevan1 split the vault asunder
with black and gold2.
His fake flesh sparkles
brighter than the sun.
I am the beginning
and the end of everything.
And in my honour
they build new walls.
A thousand eyes stare
at my holy face.
I know the face of every man
who saw daylight.
I'll reveal the secret
of the high and the mighty.
Do you want Me to reveal the secret?
Do you want Me to reveal the secret?
I am fake flesh
I am fake flesh
I am the beginning
and the end of everything.
And in my honour
they build new walls.
A thousand eyes stare
at my holy face.
At my holy face.
A thousand eyes again
At my holy face.
A thousand eyes again
I am fake flesh
I am fake flesh
  • 1. No idea who that is. Maybe ?
  • 2. No idea what he's referring to

Your Crime

You came over and got me into it
And my body shuddered
Hurt me, made me weak
And the time that passed by
It's my loss
I burned those bridges, I danced at the parties
I let that go
I tore up photos, things that I don't even know
It's not coming back
You don't mean what you're saying
Don't come here to apologise
I think it's past time
To take the blame
Your cime was to fall in love with me
Your cime was to fall in love with me
You came over and got me into it
And my body shuddered
Hurt me, made me weak
And the time that passed by
It's my loss
I burned those bridges, I danced at the parties
I let that go
I tore up photos, things that I don't even know
It's not coming back
You don't mean what you're saying
Don't come here to apologise
I think it's past time
To take the blame
Your cime was to fall in love with me
Your cime was to fall in love with me
Your cime was to fall in love with me
Your cime was to fall in love with me

Drága idő tátongó mélysége

Oly sokan mondják
Hogy az élet csupa szenvedés
Szürke napok tátongó mélysége
És kenyérért kolduló gyermekek sora
Az élet talán gyászének
Az élet talán jó
És talán egy verőfényes napon is
Az éj sötétjét érzem
Ma éjjel oly tiszta és derült az ég
Mélykék és jéghideg
A föld fehér csendben pihen
És az északi fény sátrat ver
És a fejem gondolatokkal tele
Melyek céltalan, estéli vándorlásukon
Keresik ama bölcsességet
Mely vigaszt nyújt nekem
De nem lelek oly bölcsességet
Mely ezen igaz szavakat szólná
Mint vérző madarak, úgy hullanak
Vissza a fehér földre
Mégis tudom, hogy szürke hamvak közt
Rejtőznek kincsek is
Mikor leányok és fiúk, mint csikók
Járnak örvendve táncot
Mikor mellkasomat az ámulat
Öröm, s mélyről jövő vágyakozás
Kétség, s szomorú dallamok feszítik
Akkor is, akkor is
Tudom, hogy az élet ajándék
Drága idő tátongó mélysége
Melyen mindannyian átkelünk
S melyben sodródunk, s időnként elveszünk
Tudom, hogy az élet ajándék
Drága idő tátongó mélysége
Melyen mindannyian átkelünk
S melyben sodródunk, s időnként elveszünk

An abyss of precious time

So many say
That life is endless misery
An abyss of bleak days
And children, who are begging for bread
Maybe life is a mournful song
Maybe life is good
And maybe on a bright day
I can feel the darkness of the night
Tonight the air is so pure and clear
Deep blue and icy cold
The earth rests in white silence
And the northern lights pitch their tent
And my head is full of thoughts
Roaming around aimlessly
In the night, to find that wisdom
Which comforts me
But I find no wisdom
Which would say those words of truth
Like bleeding birds they fall
To the white ground
Still, I know that gems can be found
Hidden among grey ashes
When little girls and boys
Dance around in joy like foals
When my breast is about to burst from wonder
From joy, from deep longing
From doubt and sorrowful tunes
Even then, even then
I know that life is a gift
An abyss of precious time
Where all shall wander through
And drift along and get lost in
I know that life is a gift
An abyss of precious time
Where all shall wander through
And drift along and get lost in

I’m scared

Versions: #2
[Introductory Poetry]:
“No one knows my youth.
The scent of a kid bursts out of my beard,
Moonlight out of my mouth.
Ever since I hung my jacket up on the rain,
I've been reading dangerous poetry
and standing up against the world.'
My autumn is cross with the spring,
My face with the rain,
My sorrow with the mountains.
My eye is cross with the mornings,
My life with the earth,
My sorrow with the mountains.
My cause is darker,
My sorrow is more refugee than the night.
I'm scared of my heart not coming back.
I'm scared, beautiful, I'm scared.
They'll ask for me.
They'll find me.
They'll wear me out, love.
They'll hold me.
They'll burn me.
They won’t have mercy on me, love.
My dark cause is questioned.
My refugee sorrow is shot.
I'm scared of my heart not coming back.
I'm scared, beautiful, I'm scared.

I Exist

Asked me “Who are you?”
“I don’t know”, I replied, I change everyday.
“I can’t see any difference between you and me while dancing here.”
“I can’t fit in forms”
I said:
Look, stars are eternal, limits are imaginary
I’m not looking for delineative words
The same words, thus
Take us from ourselves away!
(Uuu) I’ve come, I’ll be gone, always change!
(Uuu) I’ll live this short life full blast!
(Uuu) I’ll blow like a wind, soar through the sky
When they ask me “Who are you?”, I’ll only say “I exist”
“Come with me”, i said, “it’s cold but you get used to it”
“Are you in?” i said, “I’m in” (he) said, “I’m leaving the identities, adjectives off” (Uuu)
I said:
You and I, two ephemerals, whose spirits are runaway
Are putting our lines away
The same words, thus
Escapes from our lips
(Uuu) I’ve come, I’ll be gone, always change!
(Uuu) I’ll live this short life full blast, full blast...
(Uuu) I’ll blow like a wind, soar through the sky!
When they ask me “Who are you?”, I’ll only,only...
‘I exist’, I’ll say
When they ask, “Who are you?”, I’ll only,only...
‘I exist’, I’ll say
Even if they don’t let, luckily, luckily...
‘I exist, i’ll say
When they ask “Who are you?”, I’ll only,only...
‘I exist’, i’ll say
‘I exist’, I’ll say
‘I exist’, I’ll say
‘I exist’, I’ll say...
...to my heart’s content!


I'm not giving up my existence
Like a dying man in the flesh
The sorrow doesn't remain behind
A victim to whom loss now sticks
I am the witness to my mortality
The witness to my own death
Here I am and I just watch myself
Death spreads over me
I am a witness to my death1
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
As a true witness to my own death
I experience dying, here in my own body
Oh, as a true witness to my own death
Oh, I experience dying here and now in myself, ah, ah, ah
My street doesn't end there at the gate
To step through it is forbidden to the body
But my body will finally set me free, me free, me free
Trapped here inside myself
Where death can't get me
No peace, no going back
No comfort and no sorrow
No peace, no going back
No comfort and no sorrow
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
As a true witness to my own death
I experience dying, here in my own body
As a true witness to my own death
Oh, I experience dying, here in my own body
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
I am a witness to my death
  • 1. From the German text, I'm assuming this is what is meant here, in which case it should be 'Testis sum meo morti'. For 'It is witness to my death': 'Testis est meo morti'. Any suggestions welcome.
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Change of spirit

A change of spirit, the conversion of victors1
A change of [?], the conversion of animals2
Dissected by psych tests
Just like a book
That it was forbidden to read
Some pages stolen
The envelope sealed
Name changed
Air to breathe taken away
Hidden away in a box
Stuck to other life
Tied up as one
Boxed in as one
Wrapped in [my/our etc.] own fear
Forgetting to defend [my-/our]selves
As a human, far too naked
As a sacrifice, not yet naked enough
  • 1. Assuming this is what he means by the Latin, the original should read 'victorum'. 'Victores' is the nominative, accusative, and vocative plural.
  • 2. Again, no idea what he's trying to say. 'Constrates' is presumably meant as a form of 'constratus', but considering that means 'thatched', the sentence makes little sense to me. 'A conversion of animals': 'Conversio animalium'. Alternatives could be 'Conversio animalis' ('An living conversion') or 'Conversio beluina' ('A bestial conversion'). Any suggestions for the Latin in this song are very welcome!
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


Csordultig Reménnyel

[1. vers]
Táncolni, színfalak mögött
A színfalak mögött - Sadi Rani
Ő az, aki élteti az álmot
Egészen reggeltől, az éjszakán túl
A fény végéig
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
[2. vers]
És Táncolni, színfalak mögött
Színfalak mögött - Asha Bhosle
Ő az, aki életben tartja az álmot
Egészen reggeltől, az éjszakán túl
A fény végéig
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
[3. vers]
És énekelni, megvilágítani a fő utcákat és a mozi folyosókat
Nem érdekel a kormány figyelmeztetése
Az egyszerű életről szóló promócióról
És a gátakat, amiket építenek
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Az enyém a negyvenötösön'
Mohammed Rafi (negyvenöt)
Lata Mangeshka (negyvenöt)
Félvezetős rádió (negyvenöt)
Ferguson mono (negyvenöt)
Bon public (negyvenöt)
Jacques Dutronc és a Bolan Boogies
A Heavy Hitters és a chi chi zene
All India rádió (negyvenöt)
Kettő az egyben (negyvenöt)
Argo kiadó (negyvenöt)
Trojan kiadó (negyvenöt)
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Az enyém a negyvenöt
[4. vers]
7-7.000 tagos zenekar
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből, az enyém a fordulatszámon'
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
Túlárad a lemez reménnyel
Nos, ez a lemez tele van reménnyel
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Mindenkinek kell egy párnára mellekből
Mindenkinek egy mell
Az enyém a negyvenöt'

Sooner or later, love comes

At a railroad crossing
far away from the world
on a sunny August day
a bored station manager
saw in the window
of an express train
a dark-haired woman
...and didn't work anymore.
He spent his evenings
looking at the moon
and the trains crashed
but he didn't hear them.
Sooner or later, love comes.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Open to me your door

Open to me your door, fresh rose, for I’m trembling like a reed leaf.
I won’t’ open the door, oh I won’t open it until the sun raises on the high seas.
Open to me your door, fresh rose, for I’m trembling like a reed leaf.
You're resting in your bed, and you leave me outside the door
like a pilgrim wandering in the countryside his painful life.
Open to me your door, fresh rose, for I’m trembling like a reed leaf.

White Dream

On your white shirt that swells with the wind...
My eyelids feel prickly somehow.
Sakamichi suberu jitensha no kage
Tooku naru hodo kokoro ni
Ookiku natte namida yobu kara
Nanimo ienaku naru
Dreamy Scene
Dreamy Hearts
Soon, the calendar turns into a white landscape...
Wavering memories become a little distant.
At night surrounded by all sorts of dreams...
I wanna to hear your voice...
I feel as though I can, definitely go with you...
To the morning, hiding somewhere.
Stitching up disrupted times...
We open up the canvas in the sky...
Undoing the ribbon that ties our wings...
I want to fly our dream.
Dreamy Scene
Dreamy Hearts

Over The Rainbow

We lay as we watched the same sky
that day, that cloud, as if it had nothing to do with us
our first meeting was very brief
over the fence, only the sound of us hating each other
How was today?
will you tell me?
I want to hear it
Even if we are far away we saw the same dream
Even if you are not next to me you are warmer than the nostalgia
even now you will be looking at the sky,right?
there, that cloud, as if it has nothing to do with me
How was today?
will you tell me?
am I a cloud?
Looking at my empty hands, the scent I felt from you
wraps around me, spins me
stop telling me that every day will get better
I hate listening to it
How was today?
will you tell me?
what are you doing tomorrow?
Stars fall
I see you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.