Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 53

Találatok száma: 2241


The Duet of the Troubadour and the Princess

Versions: #3
A small bird in a gold cage –
Joy of flight is not her page.
Here I am like this birdie
In this keep I am kept.
Dawn is raising over forest,
As for me, dark I stay.
Without princess I'm bound
to not live one more day.
Oh, pray tell, what is this?
What has happened to me?
In the walls of royal chambers
I have lost my peace of mind.


I understand why this desire to burn everything
We pushed into the heart of the magma
Any means were good to cheat
And Mom who played the role of Daddy
Show no sign of weakness, be early
School locks us in, of course we drop out
It's give and take, violent-violent
I know it's hard, hold on with all your strength
Here, it's about earning respect without saying 'thank you'
Fuck the rules and make this life come alive
When violence is the law, the climate breaks down
Where the blind man is king, the witness stutters
Probably because we were missing a frame maybe
But fuck the warnings, who cares what they think?
I'm not even surprised when you lose it anymore
Without realizing that you can lose your life
But tonight, it only took once
From a bad trip, a bad mix
For synthetic drugs to strike you down
And that you go to the angels on the first name
Dislocated brain, hard-core seizures
And no one on board to fly anymore
Just your buddies are taking you home
But it's too late for us to bring you to your senses
The flesh of my flesh has gone to areas too dark
And I discover this fucking scanner that tells us about your deep lesions
Impossible to live normally, I stole the Mona Lisa's smile
And I don't think anything will ever be the same again,
She flew away, the dove
Wounds ruined my skull, but if I have to dry your tears
I'd go dive into the hoop, throw myself into the flames
To help you regain calm, may the curse spare us
I'll leave body and soul there, I have to dry your tears
The verdict is in, you hear voices
You talk to yourself, your brain overloads
And you isolate yourself for months
And it's been going on for fifteen years now
In these hospitals that bleach smells like
You walk around the halls like a ghost
From sordid rooms to sordid rooms
Your mind contains an empty safe
I have nightmares about it, they twist my soul
Awakened at night by my own tears
But what can I do besides watching the ceiling?
Crying in silence and asking for forgiveness?
You, in your corner, that follows care on care
Your back and forth is like in prison
I, in my corner, I roll joints on joints
I heal myself with it, my eyes say a lot
If I reject you, it's because I feel idle
Impotence pushes me to put on blinders
Cowardly reaction, I'm sorry
That you can barely count on your only brother
And the more your fits of madness grow
The more your silences are blades that are pushed into my heart
My emotional shocks in the elevator
Both hands on my ears when Mommy cries
And no one understands why I'm hurt
Why do I look like a death notice?
Memories haunt me, I remember us as kids
Two brothers welded together like the two fingers of the hand
My life is yours, brother, dry your tears
No, I don't know anyone braver than you
And when loneliness disarms us
We do what we can, we stick together
Wounds ruined my skull, but if I have to dry your tears
I'd go dive into the hoop, throw myself into the flames
To help you regain calm, may the curse spare us
I'll leave body and soul there, I have to dry your tears
Wounds ruined my skull, but if I have to dry your tears
I'd go dive into the hoop, throw myself into the flames
To help you regain calm, may the curse spare us
I'll leave body and soul there, I have to dry your tears

All I ever wanted

Moonlight was bright as snow white.
That ever used to be all of my love.
All I ever wanted.
Aroma spread over fingertips.
The royal place was built gorgeously with colorful stone.
All I ever wanted.
It wasn't a dream.
There were my father, my mother, my brother,
and my distinguished palace.
It wasn't a dream.
It was all of mine,
my family and grace.
Don't use your distorted lies
to change what all is belong to me.
I'm a distinguished Egyptian prince
who is inherited the proud history of glory.
All of glory is belong to me.
Here is that all I ever wanted.
All I ever wanted.
All I ever wanted.


preminchadame papam anipisthavee o premaa.......
premante oka shaaapam..
anukona o premaa... avnooo kaadhoooo... adigee veele ledhaa.... mounama... paga sadinthee pantham maaani... chelimee panchumaa...

Hold me

Hold me,
abandon yourself to me,
I will not miss you
and you will not miss me.
We will find,
we will find the secret truth
on which our love
will be able to rest forever,
Do not lock yourself from me
do not suffer alone,
do not hide your torment!
Talk to me,
when your heart
is swollen with pain.
Let me hope
that I could soothe you.
Nothing should be kept silent among us
and nothing should be hidden.
I dare to remind you of a deal
that you yourself have made.
Talk to me
and I will answer you
without ever lying.
Let me help you,
because from you
it's so good to me!
“Avoir une autre langue c'est posséder une deuxième âme.”
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.”
- Charlemagne ❤


You are playing with the greate ones now

With the power of Ra...
Mut... Nut... Khnum... Ptah...
Nephthys... Nekhbet... Sobek...Sekhment...
Anubis...Anukis... Seshmu...Meshkent...
Ra... Mut...Nut...Ptah...
So, you think that a word from the great
Makes us tame and completely without end
Excuse the smirk in our eyes
We'll see how tall you stand in the end
You are playing with the grate ones now
Playing with the grate ones now (oh, it's fun)
My games and tricks
Shows that we have power
Playing with the grate ones now!
Playing with the grate ones now
Stop your stupid mission
Here in the presence of wizards
the missionaries get small
you are playing with the grate ones now
With the power of Ra...
Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah
Sobek, Sekhmet, Sokar, Selket
Anubis, Anukis
Hemsut, Tefnut, Meshkent, Mafdet...
You are playing with the grate ones now!
You are playing with the grate ones now
Don't make us beg
You´ll get to kneel now
For the ruler of Egyptian souls
You are intruding
You are driving us out
Instead of being chosen
You can become our messaging boy
but first you must go down on your knees
You play well with words
You play with the grate...
Playing with the grate... (play with the grate ones)
playing with the grate... (play with the grate ones)
You are leeching (they are leeching)
You are playing with the grate ones now!

Talk to me about spring

If you'd ask me why the days seem to me like passing
At the speed of a snail,
I'd tell you :
I was waiting for you.
If you'd ask me why I feel like I am lost
In an unknown city,
I'd tell you :
I was looking for you.
But because, you see, no star told me when you will come
And how you will come,
I have stopped, yes , I stopped,
And since then, I completely gave up.
Let the weeks pass in their will,
As they like...
But I was still hoping
That you will come.
Talk to me about spring
Like about a truth near,
Which promises you happiness
And keeps its word.
Talk to me about spring
Like how you talk about love
And whole era of youth
I'll keep silent and I'll listen to you.
If you'd ask me how I succeed to make confessions
Even just through glances
I'd tell you :
That's how I am .
I don't feel sorry that I let the weeks pass by
In their will
As they like,
Because I knew that you'd come.
Not about something else, but talk to me...
Talk to me about spring
Like about a truth near,
Which promises you happiness
And keeps its word.
Talk to me about spring
Like how you talk about love
And whole era of youth
I'll keep silent and I'll listen to you.
And whole era of youth
I'll keep silent and I'll listen to you.

To the Wind and the Swallows

I no longer hear the bells
Ringing for the party
The party is over
All over the world,
Birds no longer sing
And don't even look to the sky
Swallows, where are you?
I don't see you in the eaves
Could the joy
of May
Also want to run away
So that the desolate
Meadows alone
Cannot smile?
Who silences
The burning mouths?
Lips are gall
Water stirs teeth
I want to go singing
Over there in the meadows
To cast poems in the wind
So that it too
May be born anthem
By kissing the bells
I no longer hear the bells
Ringing for the party
The party is over
All over the world,
Birds no longer sing
And don't even look to the sky
I no longer hear the bells
Ringing for the party
The party is over
All over the world,
Birds no longer sing
And don't even look to the sky
Swallows, where are you?
Swallows, where are you?...


O my highest love, shall I ever die
without knowing whence I came to own you,
in which sun you dwelled,
in which past and hour your time belonged,
    I did love you,
O highest love that outlasts memory,
a heart without a fire I turned into my day,
into which fate did you spin my story,
inside which dreams did your glory show,
    O you my stay?
When I'll be lost even to myself
and split across the endless abyss,
When I'll be endlessly broken
and the present I'm clad in will have
    betrayed me,
shattered by the universe in a thousand pieces,
a thousand moments not yet gathered,
my ashes winnowed in the sky into nothingness,
you'll reform for a strange year
    a single treasure.
You'll reform my name and my figure
from a thousand pieces swept away by the day,
a lively entity without name nor face,
heart of the spirit, O center of the mirage,
    O my highest love.

Boldol dal

Versions: #2
Szellem, hadd halljuk!
Szellem, hadd halljuk!
Elegem van
Van egy hang a fejemben
Mondja, hogy jobb hallottnak lenni
De, ha velem énekelsz
Egy kurvára kicsit hangosabban
Egy boldog dalra
Jobban leszek
Fel akarod adni
Add ide mindened, amid van
És még nincs elvágva
De, ha velem énekelsz
Egy kurvára kicsit hangosabban
Egy boldog dalra
Jobban leszel, mert
Mindig és újra megkapjuk azt az érzést
És nagy üres bennünk kinyílik
És én nagyon kívánom, hogy tudnál segíteni
De a fejem olyan, mint egy körhinta
És én körbe megyek
Én körbe megyek
Szellem, hadd halljuk!
Szellem, hadd halljuk!
Mindannyian megszállottak vagyunk
Mindannyian elbaszottak vagyunk fejünkben
Egyedül és depressziósan
De, ha együtt énekelünk
Egy kurvára kicsit hangosabban
Egy boldod dalra
Lehet, hogy elfelejtjük, mert
Mindig és újra megkapjuk azt az érzést
És nagy üres bennünk kinyílik
És én nagyon kívánom, hogy tudnál segíteni
De a fejem olyan, mint egy körhinta
És én körbe megyek
Én körbe megyek
Ne ébressz fel minket, mi inkább álmodoznánk
Mert a rémálmok a fejünkben már eléggé rosszak
És én nagyon kívánom, hogy tudnál segíteni
De a fejem olyan, mint egy körhinta
És én körbe megyek
Én körbe megyek
A világ egyesült
A gyűlölet és a nyugtalanság
Hatalmas zűrzavarává
Akkor, énekeljük együtt
Egy átkozottul kicsit hangosabban
Egy boldog dalra
És tettessük, hogy minden rendben van
Akkor énekeljünk együtt
Gyerünk, énekeljük együtt
Egy kurvára kicsit hangosabban
Egy kurvára kicsit hangosabban
Nos, míg addig amíg nem érzed sokkal jobban magad
Szellem, hadd halljuk!
(Nos, ez a szellem!)
Szellem, hadd halljuk!
(Igen, ez a szellem!)


Versions: #2
Néha azt gondolom nem vagyok elég erős
De van egy erő, ami hordoz engem
Elegem van a kis szívemből,
Ami acélból készült
Elegem van azokból a sebekből,
Amik soha nem gyógyulnak be
Mert adósságban éltem az életem
A napjaimat mély megbánással töltöttem
Igen, én pirosban éltem
Oh, mert nem tudok megbocsátani és felejteni
Felejteni, felejteni, felejteni, felejteni
Nincs idő megbánásra
Itt az idő felejteni
Mindaz óta, mióta tudom az eszem
Az élet egy borravaló skála volt
Mint egy golyós számológép, amivel játszok
Számlál minden nyereséget és veszteséget
Mert adósságban éltem az életem
A napjaimat mély megbánással töltöttem
Igen, én pirosban éltem
De én megfogok bocsátani és el fogom felejteni
Felejteni, felejteni, felejteni, felejteni
Nincs idő megbánásra
Itt az idő elengedni
Oh, kicsim tudod,
Hogy miről beszélek
Nincs semmit veszítenem és semmit bizonyítanom
Oh, kicsim én kilépek
Igen, táncoltam az ördöggel
Szeretem, ahogy játssza, hogy törödik
Ha egyszer a mennybe jutok
Amikor egy millió dollár visz oda
Oh, mind az az idő, amit elpocsékoltam
Nyúlakat kergettem a lyukba
Amikor teknősnek születtem
Arra születtem, hogy egyedül sétáljak
Feletkezz meg róla
Feletkezz meg róla
Feletkezz meg róla
Felejteni, felejteni, felejteni, felejteni
Nincs idő megbánásra
Magam mögött hagyom a múltam
Elegem van, én kitörök
Nincs megállás, kitörlöm, visszatekerem
Az a gondolat lánca, ami követett
A pénzemet oda tettem, ahol a szám van
Életemben először
Hibáztam , de hittem, hogy
Mindent megér a küzdelem
Mert végén az út hosszú
De csak azért mert ez tesz erőssé
Tele van csúcsokkal és csavarral és fordulattal
Néha meg kell tanulnod megfeledkezni róla

Hercegnő halál

Hagyd a koporsót nyitva amikor megyek
Hagyd a gyöngyeimet és rúzsomat rajta, hogy mindenki csodálhassa
Csinos lesz a kép, amit itt hagyok
Híres késekre fekszem, hogy mindenki csodálhassa
Kifehérítem a sötétséget teljesen
Lenyelek minden peroxid cseppet
Valaki, akit ismerek szeretethetne és megmenthetne önmagamtól
Talán csak letisztítom a szart ezekről a díszes cipőkről
Egy hercegnő halál leszek és veled meghalok
Bárcsak erős lehetnék
Bárcsak hibás lehetnék
Bárcsak megbirkózhatnék
De bevettem a pirulákat és hagytam egy levelet
Éhes vagyok egy anorexiás szívből
Próbáltam elmondani, hogy hogyan érzek
De nem volt egy okos ötlet
Selyembe betakarva, ami egyiptomi királynőknek készült
Megcsinálom a medencében
Hogy mindenki csodálhassa
Kifehérítem a sötétséget teljesen
Lenyelek minden peroxid cseppet
Valaki, akit ismerek szeretethetne és megmenthetne önmagamtól
Talán csak letisztítom a szart ezekről a díszes cipőkről
Egy hercegnő halál leszek és veled meghalok
Hercegnő halál
Látni akarom sírni
Hercegnő halál
Hercegnő halál
Látni akarjuk sírni
Hercegnő halál
Bárcsak erős lehetnék
Bárcsak hibás lehetnék
Bárcsak megbirkózhatnék
De bevettem a pirulákat és hagytam egy levelet
De bevettem a pirulákat és hagytam egy levelet
Bárcsak mehetnék a gazdag pasim limojával
Rögtön ami után eljegyzett egy 16 karátos gyűrűvel, rozé aranyba zárva
A fotóssokkal körben
A fehér Louis Vuiton ruhámban
Ó ez nem olyan mély
Tehát biccentsd fel a fejed egy újabb halott szőkéért
Aki igazi herceg az a mennyben van
Ő csak aludni szeretne
Az élet végső felvonása a saját kezeimben lesz
Egy hercegnő halál leszek és veled meghalok
Tapsol. Neked.

Sétálj el

Az ajkaim vérvörös rúzs alá rejtem,
És a szemeim sötét napszemüveg mögé
És elmegyek oda, ahová nem kéne,
Bárcsak visszatérhetnék a saját köreimbe, de
Nekem ami könnyű, az nem általános,
Lehetetlen jobban megmagyarázni.
Mikor a poklot élem át, táncolok.
Nézd, milyen jól tudok táncolni!
Az őrület határán vagyok, de te normális vagy,
Neked az őrület határán állni velem nem szokásod, de
A múlt nem ismétli magát,
Csak ne üss le az útról!
Ez az én, én életem elve!
Ez az én, én saját stílusom!
Sohase hívd, hogy visszajöjjön,
Az akit egyszer már te elküldtél!
Sétálj el, ne búsulj!
Sétálj el!
Sétálj el és ne búsulj!
Attól, akit már elküdtél!
Visszhangzik bennem újból a hangod,
Éjjelente a lépteid hallom
De úgy tűnik, mindenre kész vagyok
Hogy visszatérhessek a köreimbe, de
A múlt nem ismétli magát
Csak ne üss le az útról!
Ez az én, én életem elve!
Ez az én, én saját stílusom!
Sohase hívd, hogy visszajöjjön,
Az, akit egyszer már te elküldtél!
Sétálj el, ne búsulj!
Sétálj el!
Sétálj el és ne búsulj!
Attól, akit már elküdtél!
Ez az én, én életem elve!
Ez az én, én saját stílusom!
Sohase hívd, hogy visszajöjjön,
Az, akit egyszer már te elküldtél!
Sétálj el!
Sohase hívd, hogy visszajöjjön,
Az, akit egyszer már elküldtél!
Ez az én, én életem elve!
Ez az én, én saját stílusom!
Sohase hívd, hogy visszajöjjön,
Az akit egyszer már te elküldtél!

A fülünkön jön ki

[1. versszak, Polina Gagarina]
Nincs kit okolnunk a szeretet hiányáért
Nincs szükség hangos szavakra és közönyös tekintetekre
Tudod, hogy nincs nekem hely melletted lenni.
Végtelen hazugságokba süllyedtünk
A próbálkozásainkkal egymást lélegezzük be
És nem látom értelmét tovább ezzel együtt élni.
Nincs kit okolnunk a szeretet hiányáért.
Mindent a saját két kezünkkel csináltunk.
És ez, hogy te voltál az első, aki rám követ vetett...
Nekünk nincs mit megbánnunk és nincs kihez mennünk
A szavaid már rég óta nem melegítenek fel,
De ami nem öl meg, az csak megerősít.
Mostmár egymás fülén jövünk ki,
Erősebbek lettünk a célkeresztben állva,
Továbbra is csak ütni verni fogjuk magunkat a saját céljainkért,
Még ha többet nem is ketten együtt.
Most egymás fülén jövünk ki,
Erősebbek lettünk a célkeresztben állva,
Továbbra is csak ütni verni fogjuk magunkat a saját céljainkért,
Még ha többet nem is ketten együtt.
[2. versszak, Polina Gagarina]
Nincs kit okolnunk a szeretet hiányáért,
Most mi egyszer s mindenkor kvittek vagyunk,
Össze sem kell szednünk, ami teljesen szét van verve
Mi nem egymás mellett vagyunk, hanem minden ellen,
Egymást szeretni egyszerűen nem tudjuk,
De ami nem öl meg, az megerősít...
Mostmár egymás fülén jövünk ki,
Erősebbek lettünk a célkeresztben állva,
Továbbra is csak ütni verni fogjuk magunkat a saját céljainkért,
Még ha többet nem is ketten együtt.
Most egymás fülén jövünk ki,
Erősebbek lettünk a célkeresztben állva,
Továbbra is csak ütni verni fogjuk magunkat a saját céljainkért,
Még ha többet nem is ketten együtt.
Most egymás fülén jövünk ki,
Erősebbek lettünk a célkeresztben állva,
Továbbra is csak ütni verni fogjuk magunkat a saját céljainkért,
Még ha többet nem is ketten együtt.
Most egymás fülén jövünk ki,
Még ha többet nem is leszünk ketten együtt.

Because of the longing for you

(Florin and Laura)
I count the days,
Maybe you don't even know,
Weeks pass by,
I'm waiting for you to come back.
Nobody would be able
To tell what you think.
I know I am your love
And you still love me.
Because of the longing for you, day by day, I feel like dying.
Tell me something: do you miss me?
Because of the longing for you, day by day, I feel like dying
And a day seems like a life because you don't come back.
(Play AJ)
Who's the one I miss and makes me feel like dying?
You are far away from me and this is not easy for me at all.
I can't resist without you even for a day.
I can't sleep at night but you don't know it.
I can't get used to the thought you left me,
I turned so many nights into days waiting for you.
It's difficult for both of us
And a day without you seems like forever.
(Florin and Laura)
You teached me
How love is going on,
How to listen to your silence
While you talk to me.
I count the days,
Maybe you don't even know,
Weeks pass by,
I'm waiting for you to come back.
(Play AJ)
Maybe everything would turn back to the way it was before
But it is pointless
To make our relationship
Go worse.
You can't take away my feelings,
You know well that I want you,
I know well that you want me.
I'm so lonely now that you left me,
Don't forget that I've truly loved you.
Why do you want us pretending we don't love each other?
Come back, it's pointless to break up.

If I loved you a bit less

I love you so much
that I no longer touch ground,
or step on earth
I love you ever so much
as much as the blue colour
of the sky is
If I loved you a bit less
I’d only be
just another of the thousand nothings of the world
a good for nothing drop of water
in the desert
If I loved you a bit less
I would be but an unimportant moment
of the 20th century
I love you so much
that my every word is no longer said,
but sung
I love you so much
that I feel as if God has chosen me
only for that

With much love and affection

I'll do it, darling, a nest
With love, much affection
For you to dwell
I'll give you love so pure
That a greater love I swear
You won't find
And between clouds of kisses
Your wishes will be mine
My love, I give it to you and it's so sincere
That, my love, I hope
You won't want to leave me
And when at the end of the road
My beloved
The sad winter arrives
I'll have more love to give you.
Make my arms your nest
I have love, much affection
And I'm giving it to you
And when at the end of the road
My beloved
The sad winter arrives
I'll have more love to give you.
Make my arms your nest
I have love, much affection
And I'm giving it to you

...Where Brave Warriors Shalt Meet Again

Souls are drunk with Rage
Hearts are filled with Hatred
By the Werewolves Rapacious Pack
By the Steel of Berserkers Sights
At last their Spears are aimed forth
Glittering are Valkyries Armours
Squalling Vortex of Einherjers Hate
Where is no Place for pity
There where Cold Winds are singing
Glory to Warriors that fell in Fight
Glory to Those who gave Their Lives
With no doubt in the name of Their Faith
Where Snows are sweep high the Mounds
To Those Who stepped against foes till the end
To Those Whose braveness is unknown
To any damned christian sheep
Descendants of Gods stared in Death’s Eyes
And held tight in a Hands their Swords
Their Bodies are swallowed by Funeral Pyres
And their Ashes by Rains washed away
There where the Last Battle begin
Where Ragnarok Storm roll
With a loud yell ”Heil Wotan!”
Winged Brother of Wolf shalt drink Mead of Our Wounds
Where Black Sun ascend high
Where is no Place for compassion
Where the Halls of Swords and Shields are –
Where Brave Warriors shalt meet again
Descendants of Gods stared in Death’s Eyes
And held tight in a Hands their Swords
Their Bodies are swallowed by Funeral Pyres
And their Ashes by Rains washed away
There where the Last Battle begin
Where Ragnarok Storm roll
With a loud yell ”Heil Wotan!”
Winged Brother of Wolf shalt drink Mead of Our Wounds
Where Black Sun ascend high
Where is no Place for compassion
Where the Halls of Swords and Shields are –
There Brave Warriors shalt meet again
In Valhalla We Shalt Meet Again!
Heil Odin!

What Shall We Drink

What shall we drink
Seven days long
What shall we drink?
What a thirst!
There's plenty for everyone
So we'll drink together
So just dip into the cask!
Yes, let's drink together
Not alone!
And then we shall work
Seven days long!
Then we shall work
For each other!
Thenn there will be work for everyone
So we shall work together
Seven days long!
Yes, we'll work together
Not alone!
But first we have to fight
Nobody knows for how long!
First we have to fight
For our interest!
For everybody's happiness
So we'll fight together
Together we're strong!
Yes, we'll fight together
Not alone!
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!

Colonials and overseas

Oh sailor, oh sailor
I love you, I die for you
I chase you to Mozambique
even if I drown I go with you
May I go with you to heaven
I'm going sailor without your permission
from Macao to Callao and Honolulu
and even Mindanao even if you don't want it
Your eyes are clean like the sea
there are reflections of gold in your look
and a blue sapphire background that is guessed
behind the mirror of your pupils
your hair reminds me a lot of the sea
like a vision of tempest,
and the wind shakes it and crowds it around
ebbs and flows that fascinate me
Your voice is deep like the sea
with distant echoes of loneliness,
and in its silence there's an echo
of great holes and of distance
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Prince Ali

Prince Ali
There he comes, the Prince Ali
Hail Prince Ali
Open the way in your bazaar
You're going to see the great Ali passing by
And who wants to see him
Come here, come closer
The bells are ringing*,
The drums are rolling*,
To welcome the boy
Prince Ali is this one, Ali Ababwa
Kneeling, bowing down, will be cool
I hope he loves you,
As he listens to your 'salam'**
Greeting his sensational entourage
Prince Ali reigns here, Ali Ababwa
He's strong and tough, the great Ali
Thieves he's fought
And has beaten more than one hundred
Who frightened them away
Was Prince Ali
He's got seventy golden camels
Aren't they wonderful?
And peacocks, he's got lots of
Fabulous, I love the feathers!
He's also got some rare mammals
He looks like the Sultan
Don't you think?
It's fantastic, the collection
Prince Ali, the most handsome here, Ali Ababwa
He's got a body I'd like to have for me
There's no doubt he's attractive
And looks very inteligent
And above all, he's amazing
All the girls there, get yourselves ready
Drop your veils down and look
Take a good look at him and go crazy for Prince Ali
He's very elegant
A prince to fall in love with
And looks like he's going to be a great lover
He's got more than one hundred little monkeys
One hundred little monkeys! We want to see them!
Who wants to see them can do it here
And without having to pay for it. He's so good!
He's got slaves and servants
Ready to serve
And to do what he wants
All serve him, Ali, with frenzy
Prince Ali
Prince Ali lives smiling, Ali Ababwa
He's heard that a beautiful princess lives here
For that he adorned himself
And quickly came here
With his elephants, hairy llamas
Bears, lions, trumpets too
Fakirs and cooks and birds
Who sing in 'si' and 'mi'***
To Prince Ali
Have a nice day! God bless!


[Prince Royce]
Yo Marc
Yesterday I fell in love
And the blonde that was really hot
Spoke to me in English
Also French
Yesterday I promised the Russian to take her
Shopping at a mall in Paris
She said yes
[Marc Anthony]
Everything has already been delivered
Almost everything has been sold
You have nothing left
I am your only friend
You are desperate in search of affection
But you like them all
And you have no finger for such a ring
[Prince Royce]
She dances me where there are no lights
I pay the price, she shines
So many memories of that room
I admit I am an addict
[Prince Royce & Marc Anthony]
Twenty-five hour addict
Ten dances a day
You enter at night
You leave by the day
Twenty-five hours
Ten dances a day
I enter at night
I go out for the day
I admit I am an addict
Yesterday I found you
There spending everything you had
With more than three
And I worried
Friend I know
I know you're right
But what to do to prove you
I fell in love
[Marc Anthony]
Everything has already been delivered
Almost everything has been sold
You have nothing left
I am your only friend
You are desperate in search of affection
But you like them all
And you have no finger for such a ring
[Marc Anthony & Prince Royce]
She dances you where there are no lights
You pay the price and she shines
So many memories of that room
I admit I am an addict
Twenty-five hour addict
Ten dances a day
You enter at night
You leave by the day
Twenty-five hours
Ten dances a day
I enter at night
I go out for the day
I admit I am an addict, ohhhh
[Prince Royce]
Yo’papi I got you
I'm cut up man
Yo’ it’s that I love them
Oh, why not? been there
It's gonna be alright
[Marc Anthony & Prince Royce]
She dances you where there are no lights
You pay the price and she shines
So many memories of that room
I admit I am an addict
Addicted to
Twenty-five hours
Ten dances a day
You enter at night
You leave by the day
Twenty-five hours
Ten dances a day
I enter at night
I go out for the day
I admit I am an addict, ohhh


The knot is untied and I can't extinguish
The sixth sense of lonely soul
As if a thin sprout through the sand of hurts
Like the flame trying to get free
Who will show me, what love is?
And maybe even a few words is enough
To free the mind, from iron chains
And to build the lightning rods
One day the feelings will cool down
And the emptiness forever will let go
And in a meantime I will turn into art
This loneliness of love
Thousand times per second, the heart is beating like crazy
Again the sadness flows like a river over the edge
The people are passing by and all that's left instead of them
Alone with me, my melancholy
Towards destiny to make a slow step
Straighten the shoulders, if the hands are shaky
How to join this thin thread
When in the heart is ice, than flame
One day the feelings will cool down
And the emptiness forever will let go
And in a meantime i will turn into art
This loneliness of love
Thousand times per second, the heart is beating like crazy
Again the sadness flows like a river over the edge
The people are passing by and all that's left instead of them
Alone with me, my melancholy
Thousand times in second
The people are passing by and all that's left instead of them
Thousand times per second, the heart is beating like crazy
Again the sadness flows like a river over the edge
The people are passing by and all that's left instead of them
Alone with me, my melancholy, melancholy.

summer love

it was summer in a sandy place
you held tight my hand
i told you 'hi'
without thinking we feel in love
and one another we promised love
like me so you also
we both made dreams
but with the first rain
we broke up without a bye
like me so you also
we both drifted /carried away
in a love from the beginning
it was only a joke
yesterday by chance
we met again
in the same company of friends almost face to face
you shook my hand but said nothing
and then later you went with the other
you went and sat (with her)
like me so you also
we both made dreams
but with the first rain
we broke up without a bye
like me so you also
we both drifted /carried away
in a love from the beginning
it was only a joke

What hard things we went threw

I remember, i remember
what hard things we went threw
and we walked only ahead, and i walked only ahead
we loved and we turned back (x2)
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
always together, always together
we went threw good and bad
today we have a good life, today we have a good life
because we alqays stayed united (x2)
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
I remember, i remember
what hard things we went threw
and we walked only ahead, and i walked only ahead
we loved and we turned back
always together, always together
we went threw good and bad
today we have a good life, today we have a good life
because we always stayed united
when you believe in love you stay where your spot is
when you believe in love, whatever it is you can't leave (x2)

Sabrina The Animated Series (Greek 2nd Intro)

with her little kitty
she does a magic trick
and with her broom
she flies in to the sky
a small witch
very sweet
and naughty
in a magic world
if you want as well
come! together with sabrina
a small witch
very sweet
and naughty
watch out
she will enchant you
sabrina x3
she will enchant you
watch out

with a look

the mind is small
and it cant fit your life
im trying but
i dont believe it anymore that
im not with you
the heart is small as well
and it cant fit love
and im travelling far
i says that im well
but something always is missing
with a look i love you
and with a bye i lose you
tell me what words can i find
i want you and i cant
to live away from you anymore
with a look youre here
and with a funny im sorry
i change discuss ,mind
name,country and number
but i dont change opinion
sit next to me
we will leave hugging each other
and you should not care about what will happen after that
with a look i love you
and with a bye i lose you
tell me what words can i find
i want you and i cant
to live away from you anymore
with a look youre here
and with a funny im sorry
i change discuss ,mind
name,country and number
but i dont change opinion x2

The Greatest Tragedy

I can't fool even myself anymore
Winter '69 summer was what it was
To die in a hotel, too romantic
You'll live a decent life, it's real
May I have a late check-out if I still enjoy for a bit
Loneliness, like an astronaut
May I have a late check-out if I still enjoy for a bit
You lived a decent life
You'll live a decent life
You'll live a decent life
You'll live a decent life
You'll live a decent life
You'll live a decent life
You'll live a decent life
(You'll live a decent life)
(You'll live a decent life)
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

For This Love

Forget everything
Even the dreams that can never come true
Just live
As if nothing happened
Just like long ago, when we didn’t know each other
Like the flower without a name, blooming on the road
A person I can never see again
Is farther away than the stars
Forget this love that only hurt you
For this love
But even when I close my eyes
The light doesn’t disappear
My dazzling memories is only about you
Our promise that can’t be kept
Shines as a sad light in the night sky
A person I can never see again
Is farther away than the stars
Forget this love that can’t be withstood
Days that were happy because of you
Tears that I couldn’t hold back in the end
For this love that I’ll long for forever
For this love

Prince Ali

- What is this? Oh! There is music! Jafar, go, look!
Wow! Wow! This is Prince Ali!
Vivat! This is Prince Ali!
Hey, step aside
and give him the road!
Hey, you let me through!
Meet the Star!
Well, it's more joyous
Thanks be to heaven!
Don'y stand there like a ram
But beat the drum!
Well it's him, finally
Prince Ali -
The sun of the earth
Ali A-ba-boo!
Near you
Slow down
Reveal good fortune!
Honor the Prince Ali!
Allah pray dearly
to meet with him
nearing a glorious moment
Prince Ali -
The pride of the earth
Ali A-ba-boo!
He is stronger
hundreds of times
of all the strongmen!
He defeats the troops!
And his saber in heavy! Gin introduces a child, a fuzzy pronunciation [/ fn]
Famous through the ages
our Prince Ali!
Leads hundreds of costly camels
And the peacocks float in a dream!
His zoo is a rare miracle
And there he has countless animals
And birds too in the thousands!
Prince Ali -
Joy of the earth
Ali A-ba-boo!
He is a standard
Looks like a model!
Girls, go out to the yard!
An idol has come to us!
Scandalously known as
the thief of hearts!
He had monkeys in white livery,
He shows them for nothing
He has servants, slaves and footmen
Every moment they're happy to serve,
Glad are they, overflowing with love
To Ali! To Ali!
Prince Ali -
The radiance of the earth
Ali A-ba-boo!
We heard
Your daughter's
Beautiful as a dream
Therefore, he had made the time
To come visit you
He brought his Elephants
And (...) camels, monkeys,
Bears, lions, and trumpeters
His astrologers, dieticians,
And the birds sing songs!
This is - Prince Ali!

Through Heaven's Eyes

When you shall add a bright thread to the carpet,
You do not appreciate the product of her full beauty
And the stone that crowns the peak where winds do blow,
Is it more important than those winds that form the strength of the mountain?
What is the price of your life? Do you have a talent?
No mortal knows the truth
And the fog will dissipate as you attain the heavenly plan
What good are mountains of gold, when thirst and the heat tortures you?
For the lost sheep the shepherd is the best king
To the one who has lost everything in this world nothing has any value
Can your life be a chance for a new beginning?
So is the meaning the purpose of life, the wealth of silasan (?)
These important actions or fruits, you will know
As soon as the postman descends, then you will attain heavens plan
In distress it is he who had a good heart that did help
Did share the last bit, who himself has know misfortune
And who knew what limits flow into your life?
Athough you may not know how to do something, just take the first step
And come to us and dance
What shall we await from life: suffering or miracles?
Everything makes sense on the path, zatam, because it is heaven's plan
You will understand, comprehend the design
Also comprehend heaven's plan

Queen's reprise

So all that I've known till now
And believed myself to be, is a lie.
No, you have become a son for us
And we love you.
Why did you choose me?
Not us, but Moses
This is the finger of the gods.
Know, this is your house, Moses.
The basket with you,
The flow of the river for us has declared
That you live here.
Despite this revelation
Believe god, that you are my son.
Also the blessing of the gods
Do not search for a reason.