Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 5

Találatok száma: 386


Pusztíts el

[1. versszak]
Én hozom a tűzet, te meg a benzint
Felizgat, mikor felgyújtasz engem
Lépj be a véráramomba, te vagy a nikotinom
Kell nekem egy adag, be tudnánk lőni még többet?
Elveszítettem az eszméletem, te vagy a DMT-m
Egy szögesdrótból készített koronát viselsz
Én vagyok az égő gyutacs, te meg a kerozinom
Kell nekem egy adag, kérlek...
Pusztíts el
Pusztíts el
Pusztíts el
Nem akarok leszállni
Nem akarok leszállni
[2. versszak]
Én vagyok az expanzív lövedék, te meg a Berettám
Velem vagy, amikor bosszút állok
Én egy reménytelen eset vagyok, a kórusnak papolok
Kell nekem egy adag, be tudnánk lőni még többet?
Édes menekvés kell nekem, te vagy a heroinom
Adj el nekem egy álmot a képernyőn át, ez amerikai
Te vagy a csábítás, minden, amire vágyom
Kell nekem egy adag, kérlek...
Pusztíts el
Pusztíts el
Pusztíts el
Nem akarok leszállni
Nem akarok leszállni
Nem fog ez örökké tartani
Semmi sem tart örökké
Nem tudom összeszedni magam
Nem tudom összeszedni magam
Nem fog ez örökké tartani
Semmi sem tart örökké
Csak te vagy nekem
És egy zseb, nefelejcsekkel tele
Azután elbaszom, eltévedve, nincs célom
Ez az egyetlen esélyem a megváltásra
Ó kérlek, könyörgöm, kérlek...
Pusztíts el
Pusztíts el
Pusztíts el
Nem akarok leszállni
Nem akarok leszállni
Nem akarok leszállni
Nem akarok leszállni

Brandy & Mr. Whiskers Theme Song (German)

Who gets along like cat and mouse?
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Who cooks the soup, who has to eat it up/face the consequences?
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
They are a lap dog and a rabbit
Tumbling out of the air somehow
Down into the jungle's biology
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Side by side, they live here together
And are always ready to fight
Friend and foe
United in joy and sorrow
See them throw words and other things
They get on each other's nerves
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Friendship thrives slowly mostly
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Be careful not to be eaten
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
You sweet fancy lady, arrogant and spoiled
Radio totally turned off but drowned out
A team that fights, insults and mocks itself
Harmony and consideration, what's that?
Ayayayay Brandy and Mr. Whiskers


Versions: #1
You and I, two lost hearts
Lost in unseen worlds
I wasn't dreaming anymore
For love, we hid from ourselves
Both full of clouds and dramas
I was naked and my soul was hungry
Of love, of life, of air
I found you at sea in an instant
We are hearts
Searching hearts, crazy
Half of them in the world
Predestined to find ourselves
In nameless loves
We are hearts
We suffer when we no longer want love
How to get lost in ignorance
Predestined to find us
In nameless loves
You and I, two souls, it's like
In the depths, with dreams in a boat
We are looking for
Inevitably we approached
We both wanted reason to believe
That we always find ourselves when we get lost
You showed up
You turned my little one into a lot
We are hearts
Searching hearts, crazy
Half of them in the world
Predestined to find ourselves
In nameless loves
We are hearts
We suffer when we no longer want love
How much we get lost in ignorance
Predestined to find us
In nameless loves
We are hearts
And we still lose ourselves sometimes
With hearts, colorless islands
But we find ourselves without knowing
In nameless loves
We are hearts
Through foreign worlds, bright eyes
With hearts, sometimes bows, sometimes violins
We find ourselves without knowing
In nameless loves
We are hearts
We suffer when we no longer want love
How to get lost in ignorance
Predestined to find us
In nameless loves
We are hearts
Searching hearts, crazy
Half of them in the world
Predestined to find ourselves
In nameless loves
We are hearts
We suffer when we no longer want love
How much we get lost in ignorance
Predestined to find us
In nameless loves

The windmills of my heart

Versions: #1
Like a stone that is thrown
In the flowing waters of a stream,
Leaving as it sinks
Thousands of circles in the water,
Like a moon carousel
With its starry horses,
Like a Saturn ring,
A carnival balloon,
Like the round path
That the hours endlessly make,
The travel around the world
Of a sunflower within its petals,
You are spinning with your name
All the windmills of my heart.
Like a wool yarn is tangled
By the hands of a child,
Or like the words of a song
Echo on the harps of the wind,
Like a whirlwind of snow,
Like a seagull flight
Over the forests of Norway,
Over the white waves of the ocean,
Like the round path
That the hours endlessly make,
The travel around the world
Of a sunflower within its petals,
You are spinning with your name
All the windmills of my heart.
On that day near the river
God knows what you told me,
But the summer ended,
The bird fell from its nest
And now on the sand
Our footsteps fade already,
And I am sitting alone at the table
That echoes under my fingers,
Like a tambourine crying
Under the drops of rain,
Like the songs that die
The moment they are forgotten
And the autumn leaves
Meet skies not as blue
And your absence gives them
The color of your hair.
A stone that’s thrown
In the flowing waters of a stream,
Leaving as it sinks
Thousands of circles in the water
Under the wind of each passing season
You are spinning with your name
All the windmills of my heart.

From Gávea To The World

I don't come from Gávea, but one day I got there
Because of a love that brought me to that place
I got used and readily decided to stay
So I buried my roots and there I planted our home
In that neighborhood where I found my girl
Life bloomed and got pleasanter for us
When our kids came to adorn
Putting some joy in this voice of mine
However, I still lacked some samba, some forró
Some choro1, and this was an issue
Having friends along to share
Spreading happiness to all this good vicinity
That was how our dance got bigger and brought over here
So many people expecting to be found
That's so good, and let me tell you something
When I go out on into the world
I know Gávea follows me all along
I don't come from Gávea, but one day I got there
Because of a love that brought me to that place
I got used and readily decided to stay
So I buried my roots and there I planted our home
In that neighborhood where I found my girl
Life bloomed and got pleasanter for us
When our kids came to adorn
Putting some joy in this voice of mine
However, I still lacked some samba, some forró
Some choro1, and this was an issue
Having friends along to share
Spreading happiness to all this good vicinity
That was how our dance got bigger and brought over here
So many people expecting to be found
That's so good, and let me tell you something
When I go out on into the world
I know Gávea follows me all along
  • Samba, forró and choro are traditional Brazilian music genres

It's Not What It Seems

It's not what it seems,
when she appears.
She wanders around and drops on the sofa.
They're not new things,
they're not problems anymore.
Every now and then she's alright with the rest.
Nothing will detour her, look at her.
Are you going to resist?
She won't stop, she won't say... when she's leaving.
Nothing will detour her, look at her.
Are you going to resist?
She won't stop, she won't say... when she's leaving.
She dreamt it a thousand times,
and every time,
she ends up devouring the city.
They're not new things,
but she reinvents herself,
defying the Laws of Gravity.
Nothing will detour her, look at her.
Are you going to resist?
She won't stop, she won't say... when she's leaving.
Nothing will detour her, look at her.
Are you going to resist?
She won't stop, she won't say... when she's leaving.

The heart beats

Versions: #1
How little I need in the life,
If you're here,
I like to wake up with you
And our shared dreams.
How little I need in the life,
If somebody is waiting for me,
But how can I love somebody so much?
You're given to me by divine right!
The heart beats in rhythm with you,
You're my stroke of luck,
The endless love story.
The heart beats in rhythm with you,
And while I live, I can tell you,
I'm ready to spend a lifetime with you!
Stop, close your eyes,
The heart beats next to you,
Stop, close your eyes,
The heart beats next to you.

My soul

My soul is thirsty for you

The day is us

Without you
Dreams do not exist
Without you
Nights do not end
The day is us, only us
The sun will rise if you want it to
But where's my sky
Without you
You're here
Hidden in a tear
You're here
In my loneliness
So I hear you in the darkness
And I get drunk with happiness
But then I come back to my senses
Without you
The day is us, only us
The sun will rise if you want it to
But where's my sky
Without you
You're here
Hidden in a tear
You're here
In my loneliness
So I hear you in the darkness
And I get drunk with happiness
But then I come back to my senses
Without you
Without you
Without you


God sleeps
And his children start a fire
Which they cannot extinguish
And he will never be able to awaken
Every tragedy divides
Before our very eyes
Those things which ought to be loved
And through this endless night
In despair
He can see the dawn
Which will awake him the next morning

And Love

Versions: #1
And love looked at time and laughed
because it knew it didn't need it.
Pretended to die for a day
and to bloom again in the evening, without laws to respect.
Fell asleep in a corner of the heart
for a time that did not exist,
ran away without distancing itself,
returned without having departed,
time was dying and it was staying.

Örökké rád gondolok

Ez rendben lesz, így beszélem be magamnak
Már nem okoz olyan nagy fájdalmat
Rendben van
Rendben van
Egész éjjel a bárokat járom
a haverokkal és jól szórakozom
Rendben van
Rendben van
' Még barátok maradhatnánk'
azt mondtad
Erre azt feleltem:' Ó, remek'
Éjjelente, totál ébren
az utcákon egyedül vezet a léptem
Mióta elmentél tölem
nem tudok aludni sem
Semmi sincs rendben
Egyáltalán nem
A puszta gondolat is megőrjít
Hogy hol alszol ma este
A puszta kérdés is megvadít
Ki mellett fekszel le
Örökké rád gondolok
Teljesen mindegy ki az, aki engem épp megérint
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
Ha valaki éppen elcsábít
Napok óta nem folytak a könnyeim
Egyedül is mennek a dolgaim
Minden rendben
Mi más is lehetne?
Egyedül alszom a díványon
A közös ágyunkban ezt már nem bírom
Minden rendben
Még ez is megy
Egyedül a lakásban olyan, mintha börtön lenne
De mindig is a tied az ágyam másik fele
Semmi sincs rendben
Egyáltalán nem
A puszta gondolat is megőrjít
Hogy hol alszol ma este
A puszta kérdés is megvadít
Ki mellett fekszel le
Örökké rád gondolok
Teljesen mindegy ki az, aki engem épp megérint
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
Ha valaki éppen elcsábít
Éjjelente, totál ébren
az utcákon egyedül vezet a léptem
Mióta elmentél tölem nem tudok aludni sem
Semmi sincs rendben
Egyáltalán nem
Egyedül a lakásban olyan, mintha börtön lenne
De mindig is a tied az ágyam másik fele
Semmi sincs rendben
Egyáltalán nem
A puszta gondolat is megőrjít
Hogy hol alszol ma este
A puszta kérdés is megvadít
Ki mellett fekszel le
Örökké rád gondolok
Teljesen mindegy ki az, aki engem épp megérint
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
A puszta gondolat is megőrjít
Hogy hol alszol ma este
A puszta kérdés is megvadít
Ki mellett fekszel le
Örökké rád gondolok
Teljesen mindegy ki az, aki engem épp megérint
Remélem, néha gondolsz rám
Ha valaki éppen elcsábít

I always have to think of you

I talk myself into believing, it would be okay
It doesn't hurt that much anymore
It's ok
It's ok
I'm out all night roaming the bars
With the guys and have a good time
It's ok
It's ok
'We can remain friends after all'
you said.
And I was like, 'It's cool.'
It's okay, anyway
And I drive at night, wide awake
through the streets alone
Since you've been gone
I can't sleep
Nothing's okay
Nothing's okay at all
I drive myself mad at the thought
Where you'll sleep tonight
I go crazy over the question
Next to whom you'll lie down
I always have to think of you
No matter who is touching me
I hope you'll think of me
When somebody or other is seducing you
I haven't cried in days
I'm doing just fine on my own
It's ok
So what's the big deal?
I am sleeping alone on the couch
I can't stand it in our bed.
It's ok.
I can handle that as well
And it's almost like a jail in the flat, alone.
Half of the bed is still yours
Nothing is okay
Nothing's okay at all.
I drive myself mad at the thought
Where you'll sleep tonight
I go crazy over the question
Next to whom you'll lie down
I always have to think of you
No matter who is touching me
I hope you'll think of me
When somebody or other is seducing you
And I drive at night, wide awake
through the streets alone
Since you've been gone
I can't sleep
Nothing's okay
Nothing's okay at all
And it's almost like a jail in the flat, alone.
Half of the bed is still yours
Nothing is okay
Nothing's okay at all.
I drive myself mad at the thought
Where you'll sleep tonight
I go crazy over the question
Next to whom you'll lie down
I always have to think of you
No matter who is touching me
I hope you'll think of me
I hope you'll think of me
I drive myself mad at the thought
Where you'll sleep tonight
I go crazy over the question
Next to whom you'll lie down
I always have to think of you
No matter who is touching me
I hope you'll think of me
When somebody or other is seducing you


Be careful where you're going
Who you look
Who you're following
Little guy wants to become gangsta
Like MC in tv, to live in America
Little guy wants to become gangsta
To tell that he sell drugs
To tell that he does the half alone
Little guy wants to become gangsta
Knives, guns, transaction and black money
Little guy wants to become gangsta
To live whatever he pretends because he scared of seeing
Himself in the eyes
In the neighborhood with the heads down you went in the central
You were listening in the headphones stories about money, gangs, deals and deaths
Your favorite rapper translates what they say for them
The half doesn't do even the half from what they do , but you listening to them faithfully
And like that the culture of gangs becomes something natural in your head
When you won't have money to go and sell this will seem natural to you
Like you hadn't a choice
Like you grew up in ghetto
You want to become a man ,not to cough when you drink it straight
You grow up, break up, cut down, weigh, give, drink ,blur you want to do too
Like they say do your gang , you have to plow
He has a knife inside the adidas
But you don't know if you have the guts
To ''plant'' it in someone's body when the times comes, and things go bad
You weren't careful from who you got it, some asshole will be caught and betray you
Whoever gonna dirty his hands never stayed in the first dose
Be careful who you chase after
Who you look
Assholes in the street embroider the truth in your mind
What you say , who you look
Little guy wants to become gangsta
Like MC in tv, to live in America
Little guy wants to become gangsta
To tell that he sell drugs
To tell that he does the half alone
Little guy wants to become gangsta
Knives, guns, transaction and black money
Little guy wants to become gangsta
To live whatever he pretends because he scared of seeing
Himself in the eyes
Be careful where you're going
Who you look
Who you're following
In the neighborhood with the heads down you went in the central
You were listening in your headphones stories for money mc's true thungs
From the park you found it, you went , got , drunk and got high
You felt that like that you seemed like your teenage legend
You broke, stuck, turned, burst, drink, get bored, heard, learnt, went, bought , broke, and break in
Now more you get high and refused
Who has kill you in the deal
Who knows, what you do from the neighborhood , what night you will drink a little more , and your mother will find you dead with foam
I have anxious friends from this life, creased, paranoia , chasing , fake samples from OKANA
I have anxious friends with dirty criminal accords from nothing with trials , outlays and anxious , they didn't get the message in time
Little guy wants to become gangsta
Like MC in tv, to live in America
Little guy wants to become gangsta
To tell that he sell drugs
To tell that he does the half alone
Little guy wants to become gangsta
Knives, guns, transaction and black money
Little guy wants to become gangsta
To live whatever he pretends because he scared of seeing
Himself in the eyes
Be careful where you're going
Who you look
Who you're following
Little girl wants to become diva
Diamonds, make up
A guy with money
Little girl wants to become a diva
In cosmic shops
Money and drugs
And a heart in the trashes

Nobody has kissed me doing the twist

Mama, papa and uncle Hans
Can't stand the twist
But why should I
avoid the twist when I'm dancing?
Nobody, not a single person, has kissed me doing the twist
Because it's very difficult while doing the twist
Nobody, not a single person, has kissed me doing the twist
Because it's very difficult while doing the twist
It's harmless, honestly, it's just the twist
I've never kissed while doing the twist
It's harmless, honestly, it's just the twist
I've never kissed while doing the twist
It's fun to do the Mambo
It's nice to tango
And also the Cha-Cha-Cha
I think yes, I think yes, I think yes
Nobody, not a single person, has kissed me doing the twist
Because it's very difficult while doing the twist
Nobody, not a single person, has kissed me doing the twist
Because it's very difficult while doing the twist
Nobody, not a single person, has kissed me doing the twist
Because it's very difficult while doing the twist
Nobody, not a single person, has kissed me doing the twist
Because it's very difficult while doing the twist
It's harmless, honestly, it's just the twist
I've never kissed while doing the twist
It's harmless, honestly, it's just the twist
I've never kissed while doing the twist
It's also possible
To kiss while waltzing
However, with the twist, oh no
That can't be, can't be, can't be
Nobody, not a single person, has kissed me doing the twist
Because it's very difficult while doing the twist
It's harmless, honestly, it's just the twist
I've never kissed while doing the twist
I've never kissed while doing the twist


Versions: #1
Ez egy kis lépés a nőnek
Nagy lépés a nő-fajtának
(Ariana Grande)
Inkább egyedül leszek ma éjjel
Mondhatod hogy szeretsz a telefonon keresztül ma éjjel
Tényleg nem akarok a karjaid között lenni ma éjjel
Csak a takarómat fogom használni hogy melegen tartsam magam ma éjjel
Szerintem jobb lesz nekem egyedül ma éjjel
Nem jelentkezem be mikor hazaérek ma éjjel
Csak meg akarok bizonyosodni, hogy jól megvagyok egyedül is ma éjjel
Akkor is, ha nincs semmi baj ma éjjel
Igen, csak azt mondom
Hogy nem igazán tudlak hiányolni, ha veled vagyok
És ha hiányzol, az megváltoztatja azt, ahogy megcsókollak
Baby, tudod hogy előnyös a külön töltött idő
Mintha én lennék az univerzum, te pedig a NASA
Neked adom a világot, térre van szükségem, térre van szükségem
Tudod, egy csillag vagyok

This lady always makes fun of me

This proper lady always makes fun of me
When I pass in the street
The silly flirt, the foolish lady, can only laugh
Let's all laugh to make her happy
Ah, ah... let's all laugh, let's all laugh to make her happy
Ah, ah... let's all laugh, let's all laugh to make her happy
Let's all laugh to make her happy
Ah, ah... let's all laugh, let's all laugh to make her happy
Ah, ah... let's all laugh, let's all laugh to make her happy
Let's all laugh to make her happy

Light of my life

Light of my life, I be-beg of you one thing
Light of my life, I be-beg of you one thing:
This evening kindly lend to me your ear
Lend to me your ear
And if anyone should come and find you there
Just shout, just shout:
'Anyone got any eggs for sale?'
And if anyone should come and find you there
Just shout, just shout:
'Anyone got any eggs for sale?'
Don’t be afraid, just come, don’t trouble to knock
Don’t be afraid, just come, don’t trouble to knock:
Push the door and it will let you in
And it will let you in
And if anyone should come and find you there
Just shout, just shout:
'Anyone got any eggs for sale?'
And if anyone should come and find you there
Just shout, just shout:
'Anyone got any eggs for sale?'
At the window I shall wait till two o’clock
At the window I shall wait till two o’clock
At the window I shall wait to let you in
To let you in
And if anyone should come and find you there
Just shout, just shout:
'Anyone got any eggs for sale?'
And if anyone should come and find you there
Just shout, just shout:
'Anyone got any eggs for sale?'

Not essential

I'm going to go out and walk for a time,
Stop for a while, look at the skies
And on the roofs, the sun will set down its golden reflection.
I'm going to love that, since it's not essential.
I'm going to sit on a bench —a little five minutes only for myself,
Look at people

Crying in the Limo

Ah, ey
Ey (ey), I lost my friends
Look how cute I look crying in the limo (wow! let's go)
Sing with me


I'm not my mouth
Or my words
You're not the eyes that look at me
I'm not my home
You're not your work
I'm not my friends
You're not your children
You're not your mother
We're not our city
Our car
Our stuff
Our desires
We're not even
Our thoughts
We're the love that we radiate...

I Know The Road

If you're not coming, I'll pick you up
I'll take a shortcut and arrive
I'm not afraid of the dark
I know you with the palm of hands
I know the road
That leads to your heart
If you don't call me, I'll call you
(If you don't call me, I'll call you)
When we want we don't let it pass
There'll be no barrier or fog
I want to set fire to this passion
I know the road
That leads to your heart
I'll turn around and look for you
I won't leave what is mine
I'll turn around and go without hesitating
I'll give back the love that is yours
I'll go, the stars will be my guide
And the moment I embrace you
There'll be no explanation
I'll go, the good weather will help me
I know the road
That leads to your heart
If you don't call me, I'll call you
(If you don't call me, I'll call you)
When we want we don't let it pass
There'll be no barrier or fog
I want to set fire to this passion
I know the road
That leads to your heart
I'll turn around and look for you
I won't leave what is mine
I'll turn around and go without hesitating
I'll give back the love that is yours
I'll go, the stars will be my guide
And the moment I embrace you
There'll be no explanation
I'll go, the good weather will help me
I know the road
That leads to your heart
I'll go, the stars will be my guide
And the moment I embrace you
There'll be no explanation...

Beautiful Angel

How good it feels to live like that
Feeling the gift of being happy
It can only be an angel
Touching my heart
Sometimes without a reason
My heart explodes, goes boom
You are a beautiful angel
Touching my heart
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
How good it feels to live like that
Feeling the gift of being happy
It can only be an angel
Touching my heart
Sometimes without a reason
My heart explodes, goes boom
You are a beautiful angel
Touching my heart
And when I think I'm alone
There's someone else around
The sound of that angel
Comes, touching my heart
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
You are a beautiful angel
And I live like that
Seeing angels celebrating
And with them I dance
Mixing up with them, I sing
Is it real, is it a dream?
Am I awake or only dreaming?
With a strong feeling
Getting through my heart
Sometimes without a reason
My heart explodes, goes boom
You are a beautiful angel
Touching my heart
And when I think I'm alone
There's someone else around
The sound of that angel
Comes, touching my heart

Itt Ragadtam Veled

Hey, yeah
(Ezt csak szórakozásból)
Verse 1:
Nem vagyok olyan aki itt ragad
Egy lövés és neked kifele van
Nem érdekel ha őrülten hangzik
De te sosem hagysz cserben
Ezért van az, hogy ha a nap felkel, maradok
Még mindig az ágyban fekve, azt mondom
Oh oh oh oh
Ennyi idő van a kezeimben
Talán le is mondjuk a terveinket
Itt tudnék maradni egy életen át
Szóval zárd be az ajtót és dobd ki a kulcsot
Nem harcolhatok ezzel többet, csak te és én vagyunk
És nincs semmi, semmi amit tehetnék
Itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled
Szóval gyerünk, kergess őrületbe
Baby jártasd a szád, így sem fog változtatnék azon hogy
Itt ragadjak veled, itt ragadjak veled, itt ragadjak veled
Itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, baby
Verse 2:
Nem kell hogy máshol legyünk, nem
Így jobban megismerhetlek
Remélem hogy itt leszünk örökké
Nincs senki az utcákon
Ha azt mondanád, hogy vége lesz a világnak
Nem lenne más módja, ahogy eltölthetném
Oh oh oh oh
Ennyi idő van a kezeimben
Talán le is mondjuk a terveinket
Itt tudnék maradni örökké
Szóval zárd be az ajtót és dobd ki a kulcsot
Nem harcolhatok ezzel többet, csak te és én vagyunk
És nincs semmi, semmi amit tehetnék
Itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled
Szóval gyerünk, kergess őrületbe
Baby jártasd a szád, így sem fog változtatnék azon hogy
Itt ragadjak veled, itt ragadjak veled, itt ragadjak veled
Itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, baby
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Baby gyere, vedd el az időmet
Gyerünk, érd el hogy elveszítsem az eszem
Megvan mindenünk, amire itt szükségünk van ma éjjel
Bezárom az ajtót és kidobom a kulcsot
Nem harcolhatok ezzel többet, csak te és én vagyunk
És nincs semmi, semmi amit jobban tennék
Itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled
Szóval gyerünk, kergess őrületbe
Baby jártasd a szád, így sem változtatnék
Az összes szeretlek-en, utállak-on, akarlak-on
Itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, baby
Itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled, itt ragadtam veled

Still Mine

You are, you are here.
You are
as I thought
still, still, still,
still mine.
You are mine.
I waited for you, you know.
It does not matter to me to know
how many stories you want to stifle.
You might have better than me.
You are too essential to me.
Like water, like air,
I cannot give up on you.
If then, it's you,
you will go away
as I fear
still, still, still,
still away.
You will go away.
I will wait for you.
I give you the time to understand
where a flight can end,
and one night you will return
still mine.
To search for me as now,
to breathe the fire on me now,
as only you can do it.
We still together,
too alike to hate ourselves,
too alone to leave.
I want you to be
still mine.

I gathered roses in my though

I gathered roses in my though
for maybe you'd come by the night
to collar them on around your neck
as the silence goes down
I gathered roses in my though
so they'd tell you
that I could never love as I love
since I know you...
As long as I live,
my heart
is gonna keep you
the light...
They're not poems
they're not harmonies
There are no words in the language
They're neither violins
nor treasures
to sing you...
As long as I live,
my heart
is gonna keep you
the light...
As long as I live,
my heart
is gonna keep you
the light...

I beseech you, daughters of Jerusalem

On my bed, all through the night,
I have been seeking him whom my soul loves

For a Greater Love

How are you? How am I? We're bloody alone.
I think of you, I think of myself, it's such distress.
You know how to hide the pain, the feelings well.
Maybe not, I don't know but I'll wait for you.
Look at me, I'm still here between hell and paradise.
I don't know what year it is anymore but I'll look for you.
Your antics, my fixations won't be my fault anymore
but, you see, reality seems like a lie.
For a greater love,
the dawn will burn the doors the heaven is opening for us.
For a greater love,
try to be fair because being unfair can hurt you.
One day, now I'd like to see you alone.
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
Where are you? Where are you going? You're afraid of being wrong.
I don't know what it is, what ties me up to you.
It's a god, paying him can be a sin.
The truth is crueller - you're leaving, my love.
For a greater love,
I will fight, I will save you even if it costs my life.
For a greater love,
I'll tell you how much I love you.
One day, now I'd like to see you alone.
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
(For a greater love...)
One day, now I'd like to talk to you alone.
(For a greater love...)
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
For a greater love.
For a greater love... you're here.
One day, now I'd like to see you alone.
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
(For a greater love...)
One day, now I'd like to talk to you alone.
(For a greater love...)
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
(For a greater love...)
One day, now I'd like to see you alone.
(For a greater love...)
A sun that is born again for a greater love.
(For a greater love...)

I am falling in love

Versions: #1
I have kissed many lips but none like yours
I have lost myself in eyes but none like yours
What do you have that makes me crazy about you?
I know that it's hard for you to believe what I say
The have hurt you, I know they have lied to you
But believe me you made me crazy about you
I am falling in love with you
I am falling in love with you
I am...
And it's useless to pretend (otherwise)
I am falling in love with you
I am, I am...
Falling in love with you
It's because your love in me has conquered
Where others have been defeated
You have teared down walls I myself haven't been able to
And though there have been many times in my life that I've said it
I say it today like I've never felt it before
I am falling in love with you
I am falling in love with you
I am...
And it's useless to pretend (otherwise)
I am falling in love with you
Falling in love with you
No, no, no
I don't want to live alone without you
I don't want to, no
I don't want a second or this world if you're not by my side
I am falling in love with you
I am falling in love with you
I am...
And it's useless to pretend (otherwise)
I am falling in love with you
I am...
I am falling in love with you
I am falling in love with you
I am...
And it's useless to pretend (otherwise)
I am falling in love with you
I am, I am...
I am falling in love with you
I am, I am...
I am falling in love with you


(Verse 1)
Felkeltetted az érzéseim, minden értelemben
Próbálok várni, de mostanában, próbálom valódinak tartani
Nincs több biztonságos játék, csak vidd végig
Csak mondom, hogy
Próbálok időt szakítani rád
Esküszöm, ez jó neked
Mintha ez a p**ci neked lenne kitalálva
Ötből tíz rajtad
Tudom hogy sorban állnék érted
Lefogadom hogy jól nézek ki rajtad
Kinyitom az elmémet érted
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Mire vársz?
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel
(Szemérmetlen akarok lenni)
Ma éjjel
(Szemérmetlen akarok lenni)
(Verse 2)
Ígérem, úgy adom neked, ahogy még sosem kaptad
Olyan jól csinálom, hogy nehéz lesz megtörni a szokást
Olyan vagy mint egy egész csillagkép, úszol, mintha nyaralnál
Ígérem, akkor is szeretni foglak, mikor felébredünk reggel
Próbálok időt szakítani rád
Esküszöm, ez jó neked
Mintha ez a p**ci neked lett volna kitalálva
Ötből tíz rajtad
Tudom hogy sorban állnék érted
Lefogadom hogy jól nézek ki rajtad
Kinyitom az elmémet érted
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Mire vársz?
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
(Verse 3)
Ismered a bizsergést, nem akarok több időt veszíteni
Fogd ami a fejedben van és váltsd valósággá
Mondd a haveroknak, hogy pattanjanak le
Váltsunk az ágyról a kanapéra
És ismerd meg, milyen vagyok belül
Olyan sok beszélgetés, édes szavak
Olyan jól nevelt voltam mindig is, de gyenge vagyok
Igen, a testemnek mondania kell valamit neked
Ez az egyetlen mód hogy elmondjam, az igazat beszélem
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Mire vársz?
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Mire vársz?
(Mire vársz?)
Nem akarok várni vele
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni
(Ma éjjel)
Ma éjjel szemérmetlen akarok lenni


(Verse 1)
Mondd, miért van olyan érzésem
Hogy tényleg be akarsz indítani
Mondd, miért van olyan érzésem
Hogy tényleg magadévá akarsz tenni
Mert látom hogy próbálkozol, tudat alatt próbálkozol
Hogy lásd hogy én leszek-e az, akivel majd énekelsz
Bevallom, ez izgalmas, egy részemnek tetszeni is fog
De mielőtt rávezetlek
Baby mondd, mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod? (Ah)
Szóval mondd, mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod? (Ah)
(Verse 2)
Megérzem a kamut egy mérföldről is (ne mondd)
Akarsz, ha nem tudsz visszajönni értem
Ki kell hogy kosarazzak, ha nem tudsz egyenes lenni (csak mondd)
Mondd, amit szeretnél, mert talán megkapod
Mert látom hogy próbálkozol, tudat alatt próbálkozol
Hogy lásd hogy én leszek-e az, akivel majd énekelsz
Bevallom, ez izgalmas, egy részemnek tetszeni is fog
De mielőtt rávezetlek
Baby mondd, mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod? (Ah)
Szóval mondd, mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod? (Ah)
(Verse 3)
Úgy bánsz velem mint az arannyal
Most le akarsz vadászni
Trófeát akartál vagy le akarsz vadászni, baby?
A nyakadra akarsz, mert tiszteletet akartál
Mert valamilyen háborút vívsz
Nos, elő kellett hoznom az öklöket, fel kellett építenem egy falat
Nem bízom a telósokban, baby
El kell mondanod, hogy mi a szándékod
Mert ott a cukrod a karodban
Nem kell cukormázba öntened a hazugságainkat
Mondd amit akarsz, szükségem van rá, jóhiszemű vagyok
Meg tudod ígérni, hogy mindet hozod ma éjjel?
Mert szükségem van rá, hogy bölcs legyél
Mondj el mindent, ami a fejedben jár, gyerünk
Baby mondd, mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod? (Ah)
Szóval mondd, mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod?
Mi a szándékod? (Ah)

No One Like Me

Versions: #1
So many lies that love hides
I don't know
So many secrets without being resolved
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
I was in a place where the loneliness (affected me)
Trying to heal this pain
And I never knew how to walk (with effort)
of being able to be who I always wanted to be
Even though I am without you
And I tried, I tried, tried, tried
To get into your heart
Your skin, I penetrated, making you my woman
But it didn't work
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
With the desire to see you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy
Without being able to have you
She left without leaving any reasons
Choices without any thinking, she made
Even though she greatly destroyed (greatly destroyed)
And the days turned dark and into depression
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me will you ever see
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
No one like me will you ever see
No one like me
Never will you change your way of being
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl
Well, good luck girl