A keresés eredménye oldal 18
Találatok száma: 802
Versions: #2
In a whirlwind as a fire
Carried by fierce battles
One warrior set a blaze
A village he was born in
From mother's bosom a son was taken by a scourge .
Now he curses his fate
Because he is a Jannisary
On the heartstone of a desolate house.
Cried one old mother
Above her a sabre raised
Warrior who pillaged
From mother's bosom a son was taken by a scourge .
Now he curses his fate
Because he is a Jannisary
Dont rise your sabre on me my son
If your know about your sorrows .
I'm your mother because I recognized above your lips a mother's mark.
From mother's bosom a son was taken by a scourge .
Now he curses his fate
Because he is a Jannisary
The jannisary dismounted from his horse .
Threw his sabre dropped his (horses) reins
Mother wanted to say something.
But she didn't say it.
From mother's bosom a son was taken by a scourge .
Now he curses his fate
Because he is a Jannisary
Day, like every Day is
Just sad and worthless,
So many blind do not see
That they need to awake.
So many silent abide it all,
But i go against the destiny.
I try, but it does not work for many keep quiet and abide it all.
Come on, observe the world for a bit, look around you now.
You'll see plenty of vicious people,
You will feel their stench.
So do not be surprised one day
If they seize your whole world.
It will be late, too late,
You shall see that life's not beautifull,
Is not beautifull!
For no one will reach out
Their hand to help you,
No one will help you when
When you're alone, in distress.
Believe no one, they lie to you, they will steal your Day,
When will you finally realize that you must Move on alone?
Move on alone!
Look for a bit, turn around,
Don't let them devour my world.
I'm moving slowly, i'll take it all,
I must reach my goal first
Because they hate, because they trample,
They spit all day long
I'm going, I'm going, for i have to defeat them all on my own.
I Believed You
This morning I really didn’t want to get up
But my mom started to yell
She didn’t even have the time to hug me
“Breakfast is ready, I’m going to work”
At school the words become fighting
Because everyone knows only how to judge
And my feelings are broken bones
And I start to be okay
When at the exit of school there’s always that gentleman
That wants to play with me
This morning I can’t get up
Anyway, my mom doesn’t notice that I’m sick
For I am one of many regrets
That’s why I think about you that you’ll know how to listen
I can’t wait make it to eighteen
To forget all of my pain
Maybe I don’t know if she’ll be able to see me and if
Your sweat will go away with soap
You said that you only wanted to be my friend
And I believed you, I believed you, I believed you
And you promised me that you’d get me an ice cream
And I believed you, I believed you, I believed you
And then Get away with that mouth, the beard hurts me
And let go of my legs, when I grow up, I’ll need them to dance
I’ll need to dance
This morning I can’t accept myself
Who knows at thirty what I’ll think of myself
If I’ll still be able to love myself
Or if someone then will do it for me
But maybe it’s my fault, my fault
That I’m crying alone in front of this mirror
Who knows if you’ll be able to grow old
And where I’ll find that courage to spit on you
You said that you only wanted to be my friend
And I believed you, I believed you, I believed you
And you promised me that you’d get me an ice cream
And I believed you, I believed you, I believed you
And then Get away with that mouth, the beard hurts me
Let go of my legs, when I grow up, I’ll need them to dance
I’ll need to dance, I’ll need to dance
I’ll need to dance
This morning Sara can’t get up
Anyway, no one here notices that she’s sick
why is their skin red?
when do they ask 'Howgh'?
when do they ask just 'Howgh'?
what the Indians know now
they didn't know in the past
but they learn very fast
because they always ask 'Howgh'
hana mana ganda
hana mana ganda
we will translate everything
'hana' is like 'mana'
everyone can understand
why do they say just 'Howgh'?
and sometimes 'Howgh' without purpose?
in books, so it is said, someone who marries
and sees his mother-in-law blurts out 'Howgh', poor guy
and why is their skin red?
why is their skin red?
we'll immediately go back a million years
to our first prince
he kissed a princess, he suddenly blushed
and since then our skin is red
now you heard from our mouths
why our skin is so red
and it's not important what somebody said
you know why we're red
annyira elegem van...
Annyira elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból, elegem van a szerelemből.
Csak haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni, woah.
Annyira elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból, elegem van a szerelemből.
Csak haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni, woah.
Buli, nagyon igyekszem, hogy megismerkedjek valakivel,
de körülöttem mindenki beleszeret a dalunkba.
Utálom ezt, iszom egy rövidet, mert nem bírom már,
de nem hiszem, hogy elég erős lesz, úgyhogy kitartok inkább.
Annyira elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból, elegem van a szerelemből.
Csak haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni, woah.
Annyira elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból, elegem van a szerelemből.
Csak haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni, woah.
Idegenek, idegenekkel töltöm a magányos éjszakáimat,
és amikor elmennek, én visszatérek a dalunkhoz, kitartok.
Rohadtul fáj, elveszek a zajban,
mélabús leszek, mintha még mindig itt lennél.
Nem tudlak nem hiányolni, szükségem van rád most
Annyira elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból, elegem van a szerelemből.
Csak haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni, woah.
Annyira elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból, elegem van a szerelemből.
Csak haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni, woah.
Annyira elegem van a szerelmes dalokból,
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból (valaki vigyen haza),
elegem van a szerelmes dalokból, elegem van a szerelemből.
Csak haza akarok menni,
haza akarok menni (mert nem tudok egyedül lenni),
haza akarok menni, woah.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.
EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.
Hazudj nekem (Tagadás)
Mondogasd magadnak, hogy most vége van
Próbálj megölni egy megszegett esküt
Ha csak össze tudnád a bátorságodat
Hogy megöld az emlékeket
Ezek az üres oldalak sosem fordulnak
Meggyújtod a lángot és elégeted őket
Megpróbáltál nagyon mélyre eltemetni
De hogy mi áll a háttérben
Vajon a reményed egyedül fog meghalni?
Vajon egyedül fogsz elmúlni?
El tudsz csak fordulni
És elengedni engem?
Hazudj nekem, ha érzed
Hogy ez a szerelem sosem volt igaz
Sétálj el
Ha meg tudsz tanulni szeretni újra
Hazudj nekem, ha el tudsz menni
Én akkor is itt leszek, mikor meglátod
Nem vagy egyedül
Nem kell elfutnod újra
És itt hagynod engem tagadásban
Az összes titkod bemászik
Biztonságban tartod, elrejted őket
Érzed, ahogy magukba isszák a fájdalmad
Hogy megöljék az emlékeket
Szóval csukd be a szemed és hagyd, hogy fájjon
A belső hang elkezd mocorogni
Emlékeztet mindarra, ami régen voltál
Vajon el tudsz fordulni és elengedni engem?
Hazudj nekem, ha érzed
Hogy ez a szerelem sosem volt igaz
Sétálj el
Ha meg tudsz tanulni szeretni újra
Hazudj nekem, nézd, ahogy vérzek
Igen, én akkor is itt leszek, mikor meglátod
Nem vagy egyedül
Nem kell elfutnod újra
És itt hagynod engem tagadásban
Az összes fájdalom, amit érzel
Elkezd nőni odabent
Újra életre kel
És nem tudod hagyni, hogy elhaljon
Szóval, tényleg elhiszed, hogy sosem fogsz találni
Egy okot, hogy újra szeress
Hazudj nekem, nézd, ahogy vérzek
Igen, én akkor is itt leszek, mikor meglátod
Nem vagy egyedül
Nem kell elfutnod újra
Hazudj nekem, nézd, ahogy vérzek
Igen, én akkor is itt leszek, mikor meglátod
Nem vagy egyedül
Nem kell elfutnod újra
És itt hagynod engem tagadásban
Ha meg tudsz tanulni szeretni újra
Hagyj itt tagadásban
Ha meg tudsz tanulni szeretni újra
Hagyj itt tagadásban
Igen, igen, igen, igen
Vörös Hideg Folyó
A nap újjászületett
Küzdjünk kézzel
Az alatta maradt fájdalom
Az élettelen él újra
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Az élet hidegen és átkozottul hagyott engem
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Ez a szerelem véget vetett nekem
Maradj meg újra
Töröld ezt a tökéletes világot
A gyűlölet alul maradt
A sötét a háború kóbor kutyája
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Az élet hidegen és átkozottul hagyott engem
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Ez a szerelem véget vetett nekem
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
Próbálj meg okot találni az életre
Próbálj meg okot találni az életre
Próbálj meg okot találni az életre
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
(Próbálj meg okot találni az életre)
Az élet hidegen és átkozottul hagyott engem
(Próbálj meg okot találni az életre)
Egyáltalán nem érzek semmit
Ez a szerelem véget vetett nekem
Fuss, fuss, fuss
Vörös hideg folyó
You Must Believe Me
You must believe me—you have to believe me.
Perhaps I'll leave you but only because
I want to discover if, far away from you,
I can—I can—I can live.
I will be able to live without the world that you
have created for me, and I will want to know
if, even without you, that world has any meaning.
You must believe me—you have to believe me—if I leave you.
Yet, without that, the world will collapse on you.
I see already your eyes filling with tears.
Why don't you think I'll come back to you?
I will return—I will return.
No, no, don't cry—no, no, don't cry.
You will not lose me—I understand that never, ever
will I leave you.
You must believe me—you have to believe me.
And, even without you, that world has any meaning.
You must believe me—you have to believe me—if I leave you.
Yet, without that, the world will collapse on you.
I see already your eyes filling with tears.
Why don't you think I'll come back to you?
I will return—I will return.
No, no, don't cry—no, no, don't cry.
You will not lose me—I understand that never, ever
I will leave you—
I will leave you.
Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának
A sötétben élünk
Nem a mennyben bízunk
Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának
Készek vagyunk a távozásra
Nem a pokolban bízunk
A szeretet türelmes
A szeretet jóságos
A rosszat nem rója fel
A szeretet nem dicsekszik
A szeretet nem gőgös
Fény, mikor minden remény eltűnt
(Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának)
Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának
A sötétben élünk
Nem a mennyben bízunk
Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának
Készek vagyunk a távozásra
Nem a pokolban bízunk
Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának
A szeretet mindig bízik
A szeretet mindig remél
Mindig kitart
A szeretet nem tapintatlan
Érted jön
A kéz, hogy felszárítsa könnyeidet
(Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának)
Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának
A sötétben élünk
Nem a mennyben bízunk
Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának
Készek vagyunk a távozásra
Nem a pokolban bízunk
Szívünket adjuk az Elveszettek Urának
Tudod, miért szeretek az esőben sétálni?
Mert senki sem látja, hogy itt egész nap sírok
Szeretek a mezőn aludni a halottak között
Mert senki sem látja, hogy itt haldoklom inkább
I am woman
Against me, whatever comes
It's welcome if it brings
Equality and disarray
I am woman
Shameless to win
I learn while living
And I don't change my path
I can say
What I want and the pleasure
Becomes stronger, I don't lie
But I disarm
I can show
What I feel and fight
Body to body, I don't lie
And I don't hide
That the desire
Is bigger
Than fear
I am woman
And I take whatever comes
Mouth to mouth, without forgetting
The lipstick and my destiny
Without moaning
I'll reap you and want to
Give you a name when you die
I'll call you 'my little boy'
I can say
What I want and the pleasure
Becomes stronger, I don't lie
But I disarm
I can show
What I feel and fight
Body to body, I don't lie
And I don't hide
That the desire
Is bigger
Than fear
Törött Tündérmese
Lépj be a törött tündérmesémbe
Varázslatos, de egyben sötét is
De a csillagok nem ragyoghatnak sötétség nélkül
A sötétségben gyönyörűség is lapul
Álmodjuk el magunkat
Egy sötét, teremtett világba
Hagyjuk a valóságot
A képzeletemre
Lépj be a gótikus regényembe
Romantikus, de egyben szörnyű is
De a szenvedély nő, még ha szívtelen is vagy
A dolgok olyan mélyek lesznek itt a sötétségben
Álmodjuk el magunkat
Egy sötét, teremtett világba
Hagyjuk a valóságot
A képzeletemre
Álmodjuk el magunkat
Egy sötét, teremtett világba
Hagyjuk a valóságot
A képzeletemre
Üdvözöllek elmém lapjain
Találkozunk a következő fejezetben?
Légy a történetsor része
Légy a gyönyörű katasztrófám
Örökké a tragédiám
A boldog, boldog tragédiám
A boldog befejezésem
Álmodjuk el magunkat
Egy sötét, teremtett világba
Hagyjuk a valóságot
A képzeletemre
Repülj el velem
El a messzi fekete, fekete égbe
Tárd ki a hártyás szárnyaid
Az éjszakához tartozunk
Álmodjuk el magunkat
Egy sötét, teremtett világba
Hagyjuk a valóságot
A képzeletemre
I Believe in Love
Love, you recall
our first date
together on the Thames, laughing for hours—
and, like old friends, parting in a moment—
and how our love saw Paris—
and then, in Milan and Rome, those dinners in cafes.
For those who love Italy, the country is poetry—
to end evenings by watching a movie together
and to give yet one more kiss with our parting word.
You know I had closed
this heart forever.
Love, you arrive,
and I believe in love.
Waking up in the morning to find you next to me—
to not be alone while drinking my coffee—
to understand the meaning of fear and nostalgia
as soon you have to go off to work.
These are things I haven't thought about for a long time.
The zest for life—you gave it back to me.
Ever since I met you and looked into your eyes,
I no longer can say 'I'—and I say only 'us.'
You know I had closed
this heart forever.
Love, you arrive,
and I believe in love.
Love, you remember the first date.
It seems to me like yesterday but yet it was so long ago.
Of the time I have left, I would give it
to be sure that you will never leave me.
Paris or London, I care no more.
I am your shadow—the world is me and you.
If we have a child one day, he will resemble both of us—
and the way I love you, he will certainly love you as well.
You know I had closed
this heart forever.
Love, you arrive,
and I believe in love.
March of the Defenders of Moscow
We’ll attack in steel columns,
We’ll firmly march forward.
(To) Defend our home capital,
Our turn to our appointed leader.
We will not break in the defense of our capital,
Our dear Moscow roads.
(We’re) an unbreakable wall, made of impenetrable steel
Crush, decimate our enemy!
In marches of equal platoons.
The ground roars underfoot
For us and our native plant!
And under the Kremlin’s Red Stars. (x2)
For our own joy
We built our city
For every shattered stone
We will be paid back.
Don’t count our strength as heroes,
Our might alone will repulse the fire.
We’ll bury the fascists in their own grave!
In the foggy battles encircling Moscow!
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.
And If We Break Up
The first day of a gray autumn is coming
Soon storms will fly past my face, silently
Each passing day does not calm me down
And soon things will drop from my heavy hands
How will I manage, when in every corner I remember
the feeling that we felt for hours
And if we break up
Then let there be peace between us
And speaking of peace
Then let there be someone who will watch over us
And if we leave, then let's leave everything behind
Until the day where someone will bring us together
The far off heights in which we traveled
Have become an old, long dream with no tracks
Writing letters and throwing them among the shadows
I have a feeling it would take me hours
And if we break up
Then let there be peace between us
And speaking of peace
Then let there be someone who will watch over us
And if we leave, then let's leave everything behind
Until the day where someone will bring us together
A Vörös Ruha
Mindig láttam, mindig mondtam
Ha felnövök és szabad leszek
Veszek egy ruhát a legvörösebb vörös színben
Olyan szépet, amilyet valaha láttál
Hogy sétálás közben viseljem, ravaszul és lassan
Egy nyári napon
És egyetlen valaki lenne, aki látná
És a fejére állítaná a világot
És a férfi gáláns lenne
Csillagokkal a szemében
És haja fémes a napsütésben
És ajkai túl melegek a hazugságokhoz
Mindig boldognak és jónak láttam magunkat
Nagyra becsülve a városban
Most felnőtt nővé értem
Megvan az a buta ruha
Let’s go, Bodhisattva!
Versions: #2
Sitting with buddy and drinking the wine,
Engaged in this pastime for quite awhile.
Nicotine clouds escaping through door,
Reserve of my wines is getting too short.
My buddy said: - We are both Bodhisattvas,
And I replied: Yes, but it’s our time to go to the store.
Let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, - it’s our time to go to the store.
In the store we bought two bottles of wine,
But finished them both in no time.
However, none of us under the fumes,
It just turret crane have entered the room.
My buddy said: - We are both Bodhisattvas,
And I replied: Yes, but we better go to the restaurant soon.
Let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, - let's go to the restaurant soon.
In the restaurant we got a bottle of cognac,
Life became beautiful, all colors came back.
With cognac finished, got my watch to see
It showed precisely - twenty eight zero three.
My buddy said: - We are both Bodhisattvas,
And I replied: Yes, but let’s make run for the vodka, grab a taxi!
Let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, - let's run for the vodka, grab a taxi!.
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, Bodhisattva, let’s go!
Let’s go, - to the enlightenment!
© Uncommon
Rég Elfelejtett, Magányos Álmom
Rég elfelejtett, magányos álmomban
Te és én együtt nyugodtunk békében
Vajon csak a szívem álma volt?
Most sírok, nem tudom miért
Honnan jönnek ezek a könnyek?
Senki sem tudja felszárítani ezt a forrást?
Ha rám találsz, ahogy a sötétben sírok
Kérlek szívből szólítsd a nevemet
Énekelj nekem egy pici őszi dalt
Sírd el nekem az elmúlt napok dallamát
Öltöztesd a testem fehér virágokba
Szóval a halandó nem láthatja
Hova tűnt minden emlékek?
Be kellene barangolnom ama dombokat?
Sosem pihenhet a lelkem
Míg a nevemen nem szólítasz
A nevemet mondod, szívből
Rég elfelejtett, magányos álmomban
Valaki megcsókolt, szerelmes szavakat suttogott
Ez csak a szívem vágyakozása?
Micsoda békés pillanat
Honnan jönnek ezek a könnyek?
Emlékek nélkül, miért kellene sírnom?
Sosem pihenhet a lelkem
Míg a nevemen nem szólítasz... a nevemen szólítasz
A nevem szólítasz, a lelkemhez szólsz, szívből
Home wherever
This rocking chair knows a thousand and one tales
And the pretty gather around
Here, even with closed eyes the trees knows as well
And the sky
The one who sit, who stand, who live, allways the mouth reach the ear
On the squares run the sillence and flies above us
The wind slips into it, it finds his home this way
It doesn't matter how long you've been here
You can say anything it tempts me
Yes, eternal love exist
You know well, you're already in your place
But 4 wall isn't enough,
You make it into a home
The road hugs sunshine
His ray is crayon drawing, goes in flames
The smile of the sky is blue
His joy sticked to us a long time ago
The one who sit, who stand, who live, allways the mouth reach the ear
On the squares run the sillence and flies above us
The wind slips into it, it finds his home this way
It doesn't matter how long you've been here
You can say anything it tempts me
Yes, eternal love exist
You know well, you're already in your place
But 4 wall isn't enough,
You make it into a home
In our tale there is a glass mountain
But out of best places, we only need one
You only need to follow your heart
You find your way home
It doesn't matter how long you've been here
You can say anything it tempts me
Yes, eternal love exist
You know well, you're already in your place
But 4 wall isn't enough,
You make it into a home
Comet Parade
The street shines from the rain shower
Now it's bothersome to have the umbrella
I want to touch your hand
But if I get close, I feel like breaking down.
I planted the seed of an unknown flower
That madder dyed overhead railway...
It's beyond there.
This feeling will never change
Even if my heart is disheveled
I can't hide this pain
Even if night and day is no more
The picture slideshow story is already over
Only the pictures remained
'I will never forget this'
At least say it
The tilted shadows sparkles on the water surface
I've kept my hair long until it touches my scarf
Even though I want to be reflected in your eyes
When I realize it, I am running away
I've come to like the colors I used to hate
The horizon fades into summer haze
This hope will never change
Even if my heart is dirtied
I can't get rid of this sorrow
Even if night and day come and gone
The confetti is dancing all around town
The parade still continues
It will not come back
I've always known
For now a beautiful lie is fine
I want to be fooled
A dream that never ends, a comet that's unnamed
Searching. Seeking.
Finding. Losing.
I do not know of that future
Where the pain still lingers
We will meet again
I will believe and keep smiling.
Wherever the problem appears
It's like she's hanging out with a gang
When she thrusts a heel on her legs
Her phone rings non-stop (hello)
And every her move is followed
And every her touch is remembered
She slides along the body like Masserati
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
[Verse 1]
She never invites anyone over
Says she likes when we're alone
I feel like Offset
Because it turns me on like Cardi
But she defies with her temper
That body is like a sculpture from Louvre
And whenever she turns off the light
The temperature rises
And every her move is followed
And every her touch is remembered
She slides along the body like Masserati
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
[Verse 2]
I want everything with her in one breath
This night I can't rest
She still calls my name
Bottega Veneta parfume
But she defies with her temper
Her look tells me a lot
Only when she turns off the light
That's when her phantasy works
And every her move is followed
And every her touch is remembered
She slides along the body like Masserati
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi
And tells me in papi, papi
Papi, papi, papi, papi
I need to believe
I have faith in the silences one step away from courage
When I try to understand the meaning of my journey
I have faith in things that are waiting for me tomorrow
In the shoes that I wear, I have faith in these hands
I have faith while I feel my faith flowing
Embarrassed energy that builds up
An illuminating space that gives a purpose to this life
The faith is like a weapon for combating every challenge
I have faith in you and I have faith in love
To describe the faith though words are not needed
The faith is a conductor between a doubt
And this immense when the rest loses the meaning
A step away from tomorrow
A step away from you by now
But what makes humans
If not a limit
A step away from the will we had and that is no more
I need to believe
I need you
I have faith in the holes where I have stumbled
In my broken knees and in the days when I have mistaken
Because today I won't break and will never lower my gaze
And if I am so strong I owe it only to my past
I have faith in you and I have faith in the color
In your immature responses that spread astonishment
The faith is an impression of always having you near
When I have walked a lot
A step away from tomorrow
A step away from you by now
But what makes humans
If not a limit
A step away from the strength that we had and that is no more
I need to believe
I need you
I need air, air under the feet
From a prison with no bars let me escape
I know what I am looking for but I cannot explain it
Now listen to my breathing, I wait
A step away from tomorrow
A step away from you by now
But what makes humans
If not a limit
A step away from the anger that we had and that is no more
I need to believe
I need you
I need to believe
I need to believe
3D at night
The way you are
A few people already have wondered
If you came alone
The way I am
I'm sure that you have an answer
And that you're very sure
The way she is
They'll all probably be heated up
In a second
I won't be able to stop
And nobody will interrupt us
Well, maybe you
3D games at night
If you want to see what we do
Come closer
3D games at night
Lace and ring from Donatella
Me, fresh, with snapback, no haircut
This crib is fire, I'm from the north
I need water on the beach to put everything out
We touch the clouds
The world sees that they put dashes on the story
The glass is passed like in the schoolyard
In the club, it's poured, but not soda
And there's still a girl with a dynamite chest
Even though none of them have silicone
Mine asks me if I want us to take her
And then I laugh, I look at her, and I start to pour
Aha, the glass is cold, but the situation burns
I feel that she'd like to leave, it resulted in Rose and lipstick stains
From six, we'll be three in her shower
3D games at night
If you want to see what we do
Come closer
3D games at night
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
I Won't Do Good Anymore
I won't do good anymore,
That is gonna teach me.
I have praised male dog next door,
He's turned out bitchy!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Vörös Hajú Idegen
A vörös hajú idegen Blue Rock, Montanából
Belovagolt a városba egy nap
És alatta egy tomboló, fekete csődör
Mögötte pedig egy tarka pej sétált
A vörös hajú idegen szemei olyanok voltak, mint a villámlás
Ajkai szomorúan összepréselte
Kicsi, elveszett szerelme a domboldalon aludt
És a szíve olyan nehéz volt, mint az éjszaka
Ne keresztezd útját, ne irányítsd
Szomorúságában olyan vad
Lovagol és elrejti fájdalmát
Ne harcolj vele, ne bosszantsd
Várj holnapig
Talán újra tovább lovagol
Egy sárga hajú hölgy kihajolt az ablakán
És nézte, ahogy a férfi elhaladt előtte
A csődör láttán félelmében visszahúzódott
De kapzsi szemeket meresztett a tarka pejre
De honnan tudhatta volna, hogy az a táncoló tarka pej póni
Többet jelentett a férfinek, mint az élete
Mert ez volt az a ló, amin a kicsi, elveszett kedvese
Lovagolt, mikor még a felesége volt
Ne keresztezd útját, ne irányítsd
Szomorúságában olyan vad
Lovagol és elrejti fájdalmát
Ne harcolj vele, ne bosszantsd
Várj holnapig
Talán újra tovább lovagol
A sárga hajó hölgy lejött a kocsmába
És megnézte ott az idegent
A férfi vett neki egy italt és adott egy kis pénzt
Úgy tűnt, nem érdekelte
A hölgy követte őt, ahogy felnyergelte a csődörét
És nevetett, mikor megragadta a tarka pejt
A férfi olyan gyorsan lelőtte őt, nem volt idejük figyelmeztetni a lányt
Sosem hallotta, hogy valaki is azt mondta...
'Ne keresztezd útját, ne irányítsd
Szomorúságában olyan vad
Lovagol és elrejti fájdalmát
Ne harcolj vele, ne bosszantsd
Várj holnapig
Talán újra tovább lovagol'
A sárga hajú hölgyet napnyugtakor temették
Az idegen szabadon távozott, persze
Mert nem akaszthatsz fel egy férfit, amiért megölt egy nőt
Aki megpróbálta ellopni a lovát
Ez a meséje a vörös hajú idegennek
És ha keresztezné az utadat
Maradj távol a tomboló fekete csődörtől
És ne érintsd meg a tarka pejt
Ne keresztezd útját, ne irányítsd
Szomorúságában olyan vad
Lovagol és elrejti fájdalmát
Ne harcolj vele, ne bosszantsd
Várj holnapig
Talán újra tovább lovagol
Be prepared
- Too right
You only think of your stomachs
Your heads reek(of) empty(iness) (tat>boş qoqar)
You need to be prepared always
We'll soon be heading out onto the march
Our colleagues (aqran?) are really serious
The world will change, I'm sure
I will be the king, a certain promise
I would come to the throne with you(r help)
This opportunity is once in a lifetime
It is possible to change the history
Bright is my future
I will mount the throne
- Yes, what good is that for us?
-Don't utter many words here!
Those walk after me
Will never regret
Let us be together from now on
When I become the new king
This is soon
-Yes, get ready, be yous prepared
-Hmm, why?
-To the death of Our King.
-Has he become sick?
-You fool, we'll kill him (Aqılsız biz anı öldürermiz)
-It's Simba
-Good idea! Who needs the King?
-There won't be a king. La la la laaa
-You fools, there'll be a king!
-Hey, you've said it...
-I'll be the king! If you were to be with me, from now on you won't be hungry...
-Right, long live the new king!
(Long live the king! Long live the king!)
We'll head out for the war
We'll die for the king
If you present me your help
We'll win in this war
A new life appears
Our fortunate days are arriving
But, if you don't come after me
You'll all die of hunger
Get ready quickly, we'are leaving
Our march is long and tough
I waited for so long to mount the throne
I'm so clever and I'll be the king
You'll all see at the end
You'll all adore me
This world will only be mine
When I become the new king
This is soon
When I become the new king
This is soon
-Ha ha ha ha haaa!
Be Prepared!/آماده باشید! [ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
It has radiated to my dark heart
the hard darkness of grudge
We must do something
to make me a satisfied lion
I have a view of the future
I am evil-minded
From now on, I am free in this kingdom
If you'll be my friends from now on!
Come on, my dear brother!
I dreamt a tiny dream (=I have an evil plan for [killing] you)
He entreats under my knees
I don't understand
Just listen to me!
I'll rule to this kingdom
I'll shout the destruction
Vanity fits to me
when this word becomes my name!
The king!
Yeah, be prepared! Haha! We're prepared! ah! For what?!
For the death of the king!
Why? Is he sick?
No, fool! We're going to kill him (&) also Simba!
Great idea! Who needs a king?
King, no king! la la la la la la!
Ridiculouses! There will be a king!
Hey, but you said…
I'll become the king! Stick with me, then you'll never be hungry!
Hurrah! You're the best! Alright!
We need the king!(2)
We're under your command, the king of darkness!
I command my army
to kill the only brother!
On this kingdom, come (& stick with me)
I'll warmly accept you well
I'll become the lion king
You'll fill the stomach with preys!
The fire of my anger spreads
The brother makes me angry
I'll make his child
sad & alone
He'll be tired & groaning
He'll be deplorable & distressed
I'll capture the throne
The prosperity will come to me
I'll reach the top of the world
We'll make the earth deplorable & poor
The king!
We'll make the earth deplorable & poor!
The king!
Spirits of our ancestors
A distant world was young and fresh
How sweet the mountain air
Across the wilderness man sought a path
Mother Nature gives a sign
In wild amazement in the vast land
The three brothers made a home
In the heart they sought guidance
heaven knows, only heaven knows the answer
All the spirits of our ancestors
Lead us by our hand
With Their wisdom as a gift
Brothers in spirit
We are One
standing on equal footing
through thick and thin
like brothers we’ll all be
knowledge and power will follow
one day we'll reach our dream
find the right path and
choose a direction
His life a prepared plan
Gaze in wonder at all the world has to offer
Each creature hides a secret
If you lose your breath don’t lose your hope
this time, because this time there is no end
All the spirits of our ancestors
Lead us by our hand
With Their wisdom as a gift
Brothers in spirit
We are One
standing on equal footing
through thick and thin
All the spirits of our ancestors
Lead us by our hand
With Their wisdom as a gift
Brothers in spirit
We are One
standing on equal footing
through thick and thin
like brothers we’ll all be
through thick and thin
Если любовь
So much that I don’t know
Honestly, it’s hard
I don’t know the right timing
Why do things keep messing up?
My heart has slow footsteps
So with all my strength, I chased after you
Each step you take
I’m right there so why are you hesitating?
Ooh love love is, what is it, what is love?
Ooh love, what do I do? What if love?
You’re probably my
one one one my one
the only one one one you are
If this is love love love if love
What should I do, what should I do? what if this is the love
I’m looking at you for a while
Wondering if you feel the same way
Of course, I really don’t know
It’s still so hard
My heart has slow footsteps
So with all my strength, I chased after you
Each step I take
You’re right there so why am I hesitating?
Ooh love love is, what is it, what is love?
Ooh love, what do I do? What if love?
You’re probably my
one one one my one
the only one one one you are
If this is love love love if love
What should I do, what should I do? what if this is the love
It’s so foggy between us
Nothing is clear
If I want you, if I desperately want you
In the end, will I be able to reach you?
one one one my one
the only one one one you are
this is the love love love I know
this is the love this is the love
I know this is the love
Why don't you come?
Today I come back to our house
Nothing is the same as before,
Not even a sign remained,
Not even a rebellious scent,
I don't see any book, any picture
Everything is deserted and empty . . .
And I feel like I've really lost much, much more
Than I thought that I'd ever lose
Why don't you come? (Why don't you come?)
Why don't you hear my voice? (Why don't you come?)
Why does the night have your flavor
It's hard for me without you . . . (Why don't you come?)
Why don't you come, just another day
Why, why, why don't you come?
And I feel like I've really lost much, much more
Than I thought that I'd ever lose
I want to turn back time
I want to call love again in two,
I don't know where I'll find
Your former love again?
Why don't you come? (Why don't you come?)
Why don't you hear my voice? (Why don't you come?)
Why does the night have your flavor
It's hard for me without you . . . (Why don't you come?)
Why don't you come, just another day
Why, why, why don't you come?
Why, why?
Why, why?
Why don't you come?
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Story with an ordinary ending
I meet you at the same table
Where, sometime, just the two of us sat.
You're with another girl,
I, with another boy.
And we glance at each other more indifferently
Than two strangers,
Without emotions,
Just with an amiable smile
How much you've changed!
Or maybe I've forgotten.
I can't find in you again
Anything that had charmed me.
And how much I thought
That time wouldn't change us!
Today, the answer to everything
Is right in my face.
What blame do you have?
What blame do I have?
Losers in love
It's not just us in this fleeting game.
I meet you at the same table
You're not with another girl,
And neither am I with another boy.
Maybe this story has
An ordinary ending.
We all know that tomorrow, tomorrow
Maybe it'll begin again and again . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
I need you to tell me openly
You need to be loved
I need you to tell me openly that you
You need to be loved, now
Because nobody but you
Can say . . .
You need to be loved
I need you to tell me openly that you
You need to be loved, now
Because nobody but you
Can say
That love is nothing but smoke
Come on, try, tell me all that you want
This evening, it's better
Succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
I need you to tell me openly that you
You need to be loved, now
Because nobody but you
Can say
That love is nothing but smoke
Come on, try, tell me all that you want
This evening, it's better
Succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
Because nobody but you
Can say
That love is nothing but smoke
Come on, try, tell me all that you want
This evening, it's better
Succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
Come on, try, tell me all that you want
This evening, it's better
Succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
Come on, try
Come on, try
To succeed in understanding
Why you don't
Why you don't believe in love
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Minden Mérföld Számított
Terítsd ki a térképet az asztalon a kávéfolttal
Tedd az ujjadat a helyekre, mutasd meg, merre jártál
Az ott Kalifornia, ahol a könnyeid felszáradtak?
Georgiát bekarikáztad, elmondod miért?
'Kellett volna', 'lehetett volná'-kat látok
Ráírva az arcodra
Rossz kanyarok és felégetett hidak
Dolgok, amiket meg akarsz változtatni
Ez történelem
Nem tudod újraírni
Nem arra vagy elrendelve, hogy csapdába ess benne
Minden könny ide vezetett
Minden bánat összegyűlt
Igen, ez történelem
És minden mérföld számított
Számított, számított, számított
Számított, számított, számított
Vedd le a dobozt a legfelső polcról, a fekete-fehér
Fényképekkel a régi önmagadról egy jobb színben
Szellemek és megbánások újra visszajöttek, látom a szemeidben
Küldd haza őket, engedd el
Nem gondolod, hogy itt az idő? igen
Ez történelem
Nem tudod újraírni
Nem arra vagy elrendelve, hogy csapdába ess benne
Minden könny ide vezetett
Minden bánat összegyűlt
Igen, ez történelem
És minden mérföld számított
És minden út és minden kanyar
Minden seb és keserű vég
Minden, amit elpazaroltál és minden, amit elköltöttél
Számított, számított
Kegyelem mindig megtalálja az utat
Hogy kegyelmesen becsomagolja a hólyagod
És minden autópálya, amit eltöröltél
Számított, számított
De ez történelem
Ez nem határoz meg téged
Szabadon elmehetsz
Mind mögötted van
Minden könny ide vezetett
Minden bánat összegyűlt
Igen, ez történelem
És minden mérföld számított
Minden mérföld számított