Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 99


The world is dawning

The darkness of the room
Will join you
Get dressed, get dressed, get dressed
And this night that you kept, is yours
Get dressed, get dressed
The world is dawning
The world is dawning
With the kisses that I planted
Deep inside you
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up
And the things you won tonight, are yours
Hurry up, hurry up
The world is dawning
The world is dawning

A Glass of Ego

Are you thirsty for identity?
Pour me a glass
When I remake my world
The only miracles will be geysers
Disfigure you by the second
Penetrate you like a probe
Wouldn't you take a glass yet?
And then this girl?
Under her air of shells, she emerges, doesn't she?
And that convoluted laugh
In the stories that she spreads
And that convoluted laugh, in the mirror, that which she likes
And that convoluted laugh, in the stories that she spreads
Look damply on your ego
You subject yourself as a lego
Constraint, enough to make La Boétie1 cry
Slanted look in your retro
You submit yourself like a dingo
Constraint, enough to make a demagogue cum
Are you thirsty for eternity?
Give me a glass.
When you go back to bed,
There's no cure, no more than yesterday
Swallow that last glass
When you're alone in your fall
When this reread this message
The bait attracts your wandering soul.
Look damply on your ego
You subject yourself as a lego
Constraint, enough to make La Boétie cry
Slanted look in your retro
You submit yourself like a dingo
Constraint, enough to make a demagogue cum
Give me, give me
A glass of ego (x4)
Go, again, another glass
And this taste disappears
You try so hard
To prevent yourself from sleeping like a lamppost
Jerky breathing on a sound rock
Mouth ravaged, baroque vibe
Strutting eyes, two shocking bodies
Second-hand vibes, second-hand vibes,
Look damply on your ego
You subject yourself as a lego
Constraint, enough to make La Boétie cry
Slanted look in your retro
You submit yourself like a dingo
Constraint, enough to make a demagogue cum
Give me, give me
A glass of ego (x4)
  • 1. Wikipedia: Étienne de La Boétie was a French judge, writer and 'a founder of modern political philosophy in France'. He is best remembered as the great and close friend of the eminent essayist Michel de Montaigne 'in one of history's most notable friendships', as well as an earlier influence for anarchist thought.

Érezni azt

Nem akarom, hogy várakozz
Ezért hibáztatsz engem, oh
Csak rám bízod a titkaidat
És én is akarom azt, igen
Mert ez rajtad áll, bébi
Csak ez az igaz, igen
Érezni fogom, erősen érezni
Ez az, ami élővé tesz engem
Nem búcsúzhatunk el
Érezni fogom, erősen érezni
Ez az, ami próbál élővé tenni engem
Nem búcsúzhatunk el
Akarlak, téged
Ez tesz élővé engem
Nem búcsúzhatunk el
Akarlak (téged, téged)
Ez az, ami próbál élővé tenni engem
Nem búcsúzhatunk el
Uhm, még ha ezt akarnám játszani
Mert ezt várják el tőlem, igen
Soha nem hagyom hogy elmenj
Ez rólad szól
Mert ez rajtad áll, bébi
Csak ez az igaz, igen
Érezni fogom, erősen érezni
Ez az, ami próbál élővé tenni engem
Nem búcsúzhatunk el
Érezni fogom, erősen érezni
Ez az, ami próbál élővé tenni engem
Nem búcsúzhatunk el
Akarlak, téged
Ez tesz élővé engem
Nem búcsúzhatunk el
Akarlak (téged, téged)
Ez az, ami próbál élővé tenni engem
Nem búcsúzhatunk el

Eső a szívben

Messziről jöttél
Ahol nincsen senki, senki
Visszavinni őt hozzá
Egyedül volt
És elfelejtett úszni ugyanabban a világban
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap
És én csak az esőt láthatom
Hogy van szerelem
Egy dzsungel volt és úgy éreztem, kiégsz
Hogy az szerelem
Gondolatok és illatok próbálnak hűségessé tenni engem a szívhez
Kerestem a sötétben
Szemeidben oly sok könny
Mi emlékeztet rám
Űztem a szerelmet és az álmokat
Néhányszor átszeltem ezt a tengert
Ahogy még soha eddig
Vezettem a félelmeim sötétségébe
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap és én csak az esőt láthatom
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap és én csak azt láthatom
A nap és én csak az esőt láthatom
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap
És én csak az esőt láthatom
Oh nem
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap és én csak az esőt láthatom
Aztán egy nap
Sütött a nap és én csak azt láthatom
A nap és én csak az esőt láthatom

Figyelni, ahogy elégek

Ne hazudj nekem
Oh bébi, arra gondolok
Tudod, hogy arról álmodom
Megtanítalak némi franciára
Fényszóró, szoros ölelés, nem, nem, nem, nem
Oh bébi, tudod, hogy arra gondolok
Tudod, hogy arról álmodom
Tudod az egyezséget
Ne tegyél ígéreteket, ígéreteket
Magasan szárnyalok
Pont ahol akarod, hogy legyek
Figyeld, figyeld, ahogy égek
Pont ahol akarod, hogy legyek
Halványítsuk a fényt, az én altatóm
Érints meg most, ne színlelj
B* meg, figyeld, ahogy elégek
Mondd, amit gondolsz
Oh, bébi, elveszíteném a fejemet
Tudod, hogy elveszíteném a fejemet, igen
Mit akarsz, mi legyek
Fényszóró, szoros ölelés, nem, nem, nem, nem
Oh bébi, tudod, hogy arra gondolok
Tudod, hogy arról álmodom
Tudod az egyezséget
Ne tegyél ígéreteket, ígéreteket
Magasan szárnyalok
Pont ahol akarod, hogy legyek
Figyeld, figyeld, ahogy égek
Pont ahol akarod, hogy legyek
Halványítsuk a fényt, az én altatóm
Érints meg most, ne színlelj
B* meg, figyeld, ahogy elégek

Ez nehéz nekem

Azt mondtad nekem, hogy szabadon elmehetek
De én függővé váltam tőled
Ez egy hazugság
Ez egy hazugság
Ez egy hazugság
Amikor nem vagyok itt, egyedül vagy
Járhatod a saját utadat
Ne hazudj
Ne hazudj
Ne hazudj
És azt hiszem tudnod kell
Hogy nem tudlak elengedni
Ez mintha milliószor lett volna
Altatódalt énekelek neked
És azt hiszem tudnod kell
Hogy nem tudom elengedni
Azt hittem, hogy ez elég volt nekem
De nem akarok búcsút mondani
És azt hiszem tudnod kell
Nehéz ezt mondani
Minden perc, amit együtt töltöttünk
Nem számított neked
Ez egy hazugság
Ez egy hazugság
Hazug vagy
Mindig, amikor az ajtóhoz sétálsz
Nem hibáztatlak
Nem hibáztatlak
És azt hiszem tudnod kell
Hogy nem tudlak elengedni
Ez mintha milliószor lett volna
Altatódalt énekelek neked
És azt hiszem tudnod kell
Hogy nem tudlak elengedni
Azt hittem, hogy ez elég volt nekem
De nem akarok búcsút mondani
És azt hiszem tudnod kell
És azt hiszem tudnod kell
Nehéz nekem
Nehéz nekem
Ez nehéz nekem
Nehéz nekem
Nehéz nekem
Ez nehéz nekem
Nehéz nekem
Nehéz nekem
Ez nehéz nekem

Dance in the dark

Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
I have a filthy lapse tonight
Just the courage to stay home
I see myself crying in the mirror
While the city is agitated
Come and take me, leave me alone
What don't you understand
I want freedom, I am too fragile
To get by without you
I danced in the dark
Lowered my eyelids
To no longer see you
You seemed to like it
I danced in the dark
Lowered my eyelids
To no longer see you
You seemed to like it
You were angry tonight
But I don't remember why
The reason was secondary
I imitated the Quebec accent
I no longer have morality, I let loose
I believe you don't see it
So you groan, upset
You walk away in a clamour
I danced in the dark
Lowered my eyelids
To no longer see you
You seemed to like it
I danced in the dark
Lowered my eyelids
To no longer see you
You seemed to like it
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
I danced in the dark
Lowered my eyelids
To no longer see you
You seemed to like it
I danced in the dark
Lowered my eyelids
To no longer see you
You seemed to like it
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark
Dance, dance, dance in the dark


I don't know anymore why we fight like this
Let's stop hurting each other
That the years are passing us by
Impossible for you to leave like this
Stay here another while
Let's wet our lips
Can't you see we love each other
That our hearts
Don't like to be alone
That the feeling is killing us
And we have plenty of reasons
Let's spend all the ammunition
Let's win the battle
That there is still time, go for it
Let's put the rest
But let's change the stage
I don't want to fight with you
What do you think about it?
Let's change of address
Let's go travel for a month
Let's speak another language
Kiss me here on the street
I cross the earth for you
I fight with a thousand lions
I do anything for you
I swim with sharks
Let's have dinner
A candle night with a bottle
Of the best wine
Let's get open
And tear down all the walls
With the same heartbeat
Let's go to the cinema
Let's read a book
Together hand in hand
Like two crazy people, let's go slowly
We'll erase the whole past
Can't you see we love each other
That our hearts
Don't like to be alone
That the feeling is killing us
And we have plenty of reasons
Let's spend all the ammunition
Let's win the battle
That there is still time, go for it
Let's put the rest
But let's change the stage
I don't want to fight with you
What do you think about it?
Let's change of address
Let's go travel for a month
Let's speak another language
Kiss me here on the street
I cross the earth for you
I fight with a thousand lions
I do anything for you
I swim with sharks
Let's change of address
Let's go travel for a month
Let's speak another language
Kiss me here on the street
I cross the earth for you
I fight with a thousand lions
I do anything for you
I swim with sharks
I swim with sharks
Colaboración de Jesús Adín

Tökéletes példa

Nyolc mérföld mélyen a halandók által elfeledett kút
Ó, üresre ittam egyetlen korttyal
Nyolc mérföldnyire a reménytelen völgy
Ó, kitöltöttem az egészet egyetlen ököllel
Ötmillió keresztény úton felénk
Ó, lemészároltam mindet egyetlen csapással (a lándzsámmal)
Ötmillió nő olyan egyedül éjszaka
Ó, bőven kielégítettem őket (minden éjjel egymagam)
Tízezer troll kemény mint a szikla, hideg mint a jég
Ó, futottak, mikor felemelkedtem szembenézni velük
Tíz éhes hullám lenyelte a hajóm
Ó, inkább hazasétáltam (és csak a lábamon lettem vizes)
Nincs egyetlen könyv se, amit ne láttam volna
Ó, nincs kérdés amit ne tudnék megválaszolni
Csak egyetlen lámpa tudja megvilágítani ezt az utat
És az a Sátán szeme

A szarvak árnyékában

A kecske képe a tükörben
Szemei égnek mint az októberi napfelkelte
Mint egyszer, mikor a hegyoldalra bámultak fel
emlékeket keresve
A szarvak árnyékában
csak az első évezred hajnalának királyai által látva
fent a trónokon
A szarvak árnyékában
Megtisztulva, mint az éjjeli levegő
világ vég nélkül
Az átkozott magok fajtájává lettünk
az öt egyesült erőért
az örök hajnalban
a királyok, akik magasra emelik fejüket
A káosz diadala - az utunkra vezetett
körbevesszük a szent Sínai-hegyet - a kardjaink szárnyakat adnak
végtelen gyűlöletünk láthatatlan ereje
magjaink kikelnek ahogy felnézünk az új évezredre
Dicső nagyjaink sírja mellett sírva
a megkeményedett fagy is leolvad
felhők gyűlnek a fagyos hold elé
megcsókolom a kecskét - a boszorkányság még lélegzik

Thrones and People and Cities

Thrones and people and cities
last very briefly-
flowers, like autumn weather
soon dies out.
But new as flowers blossom
when winter flees,
out of earth's soil, generous as before,
cities stand anew.
The anemones spring has awoken
have never heard
what storm, that their relatives
last year has destroyed.
But that safe peace
that little knows,
it's eight day long lifetime
forever they mention.
So Time, that is mild
and relieves grief,
makes us their picture,
blind as they,
that even when we become soil
we dream big-
shadow to shadow whispers trustfully:
'Still lasts what we have done!'

An ambulance with a siren

Versions: #2
An ambulance with a siren
Rushed through village, by the center.
This is the chairwoman of the
Village council choked by member1.
  • 1. Here the game of the word “member” is used: the literal meaning is “a member of a party or council”, and the meaning in slang is 'a penis'
Евгений Виноградов

Born From the Serpent's Eye

[Verse 1]
Lend me your falcon skin
Sky traveler
Eyes turned upwards
Red eggs spill
Warships circle
Copper shields bedeck
Across the green meadows
Over the river teeming with spears
To the lake of stone
Where nothing lives and nothing grows
The many worlds below
Ungulate with memory and sadness
Through fathoms of green gilt enfolding
[Bridge - Anna von Hausswolff]
The sand glides from my hands
I take a breath
Look at that star
Look at that light
Look at my heart, cold and dark
Away from all light, the water flows1
Down into a depth, out into a sea
Down into a depth, out into a sea
Down into a depth, out into a sea
[Verse 2]
Noose tightens, hammer falls
Thunderheads mount the shore
Drenching twin rivers
Born from the serpent’s eye
  • 1. Not an exact translation. 'att söka sig' = 'to seek oneself to', in the sense of gravitating towards/going somewhere.

Mother Owl, Father Ocean

[Anna von Hausswolff]
Look at your sea
Look at your sea (it remains)
I understand (it understands)
It remains (like in a song)
Like in a song
See how big a sea
See how big a sea (it understands everything)
Here I walk
Look at a sea
How you feel
Here I walk
It understands
It remains

A Mindenség

A vérző horizonton átbukva
Angyalfehérbe burkolózva
Egyesült nemzetek bukott férfiai
Legyetek tanúi, kik vagyunk
Az ember feloldozásának korában
Megtévesztő káosz és zűrzavar
Itt az idő a megtisztulásra
Elküldtünk egy S.O.S-t,
Helló, hallasz engem?
A szükség óráján
Utána kaptunk, mielőtt minden
Körforgás kihull a kezünkből
Egy démon fogai pofájába
Egy esély az életre -
Te a halált választod
A tökéletes tagadás állapotában
Rombolsz és mocskolódsz
Ez a vég
Figyeltünk az idő hajnala óta
És minden pillanat múlásával
egymillió csillag hunyt ki
Ez a vég
Örökké és egy napja figyelünk
Magasztos ősi termek
Ritkán lépve közbe, de ma
Itt az idő, hogy megmutassuk, mi vagy
És az átkozott közbeavatkozásod miatt
Csak egy megoldás létezhet
Hajolj meg most, végül
Egy esély az életre -
Te a halált választod
Minden tumorral, amit te keltesz
Még mindig terjeszted e betegséget
Ez a vég
Figyeltünk az idő hajnala óta
És minden pillanat múlásával
egymillió csillag hunyt ki
Ez a vég

Infantry you are crown of all weapons

Infantry, you are the crown of all weapons
Infantry, you are carrying with pride the heavy burden*
Infantry, you I never forget
With you marches the glory
of Germanies great time
into all eternity
vacation form, you are the most beautiful of all forms
vacation form, all are just thinking
vacation form, when will you be finnally mine?
i want so much once
to go back home
and see my loved once again
payday, you are the most beautfil of all days
payday, at you one forget effort and toil
payday, at you no one stays back
and do we have the coffer full of money
then we feel like the lords of the world
medic, there you lay so lazy in the lawn!
medic, and who is treating my blebs?
medic, yeah yeah he never can!
and you have the hands full with the blebs
then you are as good as dead!
Annemarie, you didn't write for this long
Annemarie, did you remain faithful to me?
Annemarie, yeah i never forget you
Write a long, long letter to me
and put inside much love
and a ten-mark note.

A Piece of Heaven

Versions: #3
Why in His name?
We have a name, too.
When will we take responsibility for our dramas?
He's being needed far too often.
It's all indefinite, all indefinite.
What army is sacred?
You don't believe better than I do!
The Bible isn't meant for seclusion
Planet Earth is our responsibility!
It is friendly, friendly -
We're rather not.
A piece of heaven,
A seat, assigned by God,
A chair in orbit,
We're all in the same boat!
Here is your house,
Here's what counts.
You are canopied
By a magnificent world.
Religions are to be conserved,
They are made for morals.
There isn't just one noble teaching,
No god has thought wiser than the other,
Or is has an advantage, has an advantage.
What ideal justifies all means?
Who's gonna stop the fire now?
Legions of crusaders
Furiously came to a deadlock
It's all indefinite, why indefinite?
Crude time.
A piece of heaven,
A seat, assigned by God,
A chair in orbit,
We're all in the same boat!
Here is your home,
This is your goal.
You are one of a kind,
Playing your own oracle.
There is too much belief,
And too little is being told.
It's the stories
That unify this world.
Hardships, legends, destinies, life, and death,
Happy endings, desire, and comfort.
A piece of heaven,
A seat, assigned by God.
There are billions of colors,
And each one is a different type of red.
Here's your home,
This is our time.
We do many things right,
But we don't choose the easy way.
This is my house,
This is my goal.
Whoever proves nothing
Actually proves a damn lot.
There is no foe, there is no victory.
Nothing can spoil anything for anyone,
Nobody has earned his life.
There's enough for everybody,
There's lots of easy money,
We have plenty,
And we share this world,
We are obliged.
Planet Earth is friendly,
So why aren't we?
It is friendly,
So why aren't we?

Know Who You Are (Austronesian Cover)

Malay: The tears that flow
I have crossed the horizon to find you
Malagasy: Recount the separation
And now you're here
Tagalog: Remember me!
In the waves of the sea and in the stars
Hawaiian: Your sister
Our ancestors followed
Samoan: I want to meet you again
Javanese: Like a thousand years ago
Ma'anyan: If you are far
Maori: Come back to me


Verse 1'
I loved him all my life
And today he got another one
When you don't try it, they say you pass it
No sleep for me
I will never forgive you
How you left me, how you left me
Keep it, keep it for yourself
Do you think you found it?
I was born for you
I was born for you
Keep it, keep it for yourself
Do you think you found it?
I was born for you
I was born for you
Verse 2:
You will love me all your life
Keep lying yourself
When you sleep with her
you watch me
No sleep for me
I will never forgive you
How you left me, how you left me
Keep it, keep it for yourself
Do you think you found it?
I was born for you
I was born for you
Keep it, keep it for yourself
Do you think you found it?
I was born for you
I was born for you

The cars are running, here is another rushed by..

Versions: #2
The cars are running, here is another rushed by us-
All of them towards precise and ultimate aim,
Perhaps, from the song of Ancharov- *'MAZ',
Loaded with Caspian herring.
I wander the roads, like a beggar sack in the hand,
Wisely all my kopeks saving
And also wisely use up my strength,
And in a quilt jacket muffle my scream.
Where to am I and why?- one can live, if he knows it.
And you can, without any straining
To wake up and get up, if only I could sleep,
And if not for a blizzard, then to sing.


Where are my strongest girls
Where are my best girls
All my ladies are divas
Drink and drink and drink and drink
Drink all the glasses because they are from Roni
Girls are here
What are you drinking?
You guys don’t even know
I have my friends and they never leave me alone
If one gets a boyfriend so do all the others
What happens between us we all discuss it
If you want, we make the fire
Kill em kill em a hey
Leave me your friends
They don’t like their self anymore
Kill em kill em a hey
We are the same we are the same
Where are my strongest girls
Where are my best girls
All my ladies are divas
He wants me to make him breakfast
He wants to serve his guests
I won’t, I’m going out for fun
Go out go out go out we take the night slower
We went out with no money eyo
We run we run we run and we light the grass and we run from the police eyo
Drop drop drop take off your clothes I don’t want to know where you’re coming from eyo

100 Kroner

You knew when you first saw me
I was born a winner
I understood you
Not like the other women here and there
But when you couldn't reach me
You couldn't get any further
You saw that you could rip me off
Like the other women here and there
And here and there
When I opened up, it was gone
When I opened up, you were gone
Cause you stole all my millions
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner1
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
Well, like a thief in the night
Through the storm, the rain and the thunder
You saw you could take it
If it works, well, then it works
Here and there and here and there
When I opened up you were gone
Cause you stole all my millions
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner1
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
You, now I sit broken
And the bar is open
Can't get what I want
How can you make sense of that
You have been leading astray
Like a wolf amongst lambs
And transfered to Sweitzerland
If you were here you would be given tar and feathers
Cause you stole all my millio-o-o-ons
Now all I have left is a hundred Krone-e-e-er1
Yes, you have stolen
Now all I have left is a hundred Kroner1
And what's to use that for
What's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
What's to use that for
Yes, what's the use of tha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-at
  • Danish Krone, the currency in Denmark


Versions: #2
We made the night into day again.
Got my breakfast at 8 pm.
My thoughts move slow like molasses.
My head's heavy as lead.
My knees are trembling.
Slurred oaths in redblue light,
Equilibrium at 40%,
Gray matter in a soft explosion,
Visions of sunup and sundown.
What's the matter?
What happened?
I just massaged my nerves.
Alcohol is your paramedic in a time of need,
Alcohol is your parachute and lifeboat,
Alcohol is the tightrope you're standing on,
Alcohol, alcohol.
High society dreams of cocaine,
And the school loo smells of pot.
The pharmacist takes Valium and speed
And when it's getting dark they go for the bottle.
What's the matter?
What happened?
I just massaged my nerves.
Alcohol is your paramedic in a time of need,
Alcohol is your parachute and lifeboat,
Alcohol is the tightrope you're standing on,
Alcohol is the ship you go down with.
Alcohol is your paramedic in a time of need,
Alcohol is your parachute and lifeboat,
Alcohol drives the chaos in your head,
Alcohol, alcohol.

Flying machines

After dusk, the old lady from the fifth1 floor
is smoking cigarettes on her ebony balcony.
Ten square meters, that her accute agoraphobia
barely stood for years.
And from up there, she beholds
secretly the life
of the opposite lovers.
She dreams up a parallel life.
Smiling, eyes stuck to a pair of binoculars
while she doesn't even know their names.
She prefers their cross-buildings relations
to remain anonymous
And the years go by and the peeping tom gets worried.
No more shadow puppets, no more mist on the windows.
In their room, the lovers turned into sleepwalkers.
The wild sleepless nights are a thing of the past.
It's the lovers' demise,
now they sleep in separate rooms
and the Richter scale has flatlined,
under a common roof of parallel solitudes.
In anonymity, a dream of something grandiose and sensual.
Now tonight, planes are on their way2
The neighbour's counterpane is their air terminal.
Secret dates folded in paper,
poems only Jardin3 would write.
' Tomorrow at midnight sharp, on the roof,
I'll wait you there. Signed: anonymous '
After dusk, in their Sunday's best,
the lovers meet, oblivious to the trick.
On a skyscaper's roof, you can see the light
of their engagement, like under the sun.
The watercoloured4 night carries their reunion,
and the old lady smiles,
eyes stuck to her binoculars.
  • 1. or 6th on the other side of the pond
  • 2. lit. 'planes have the trajectory'. The sentence is sightly broken, and 'trajectory of' would mean the paper planes follow the trajectory of the counterpane, which is hardly likely to fly across the street!
  • 3. . A novelist and political activist, advocating direct citizen actions for the greater good. His most famous novel (le zèbre) is about a man who comes up with surreal ideas to try and rekindle the flame of his jaded couple.
    Very fitting for this salvage operation :).
  • 4. that's an invented word
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Why lemons are sour

I would really like to point out that
Long ago lemons were—
Exactly when, I no longer
recall—as sweet as candy
Until they once said, 'We lemons,
We want to be big like melons!
We also find our yellow color abhorrent,
And would rather be red or bluish!'
God above heard their complaints
And said, 'No, that will never do!
You must remain as you are! I'm sorry!'
And that's how lemons became sour…

Whose side are you on?

The Earth was white, full of fairy tales
And the music sounded happily and for long.
If the strings break in it, we will be wounded,
But such scratches only suit us.
The feeling will pass under the thin skin.
We will shout at each other and perhaps minutes turn into weeks.
I did make you, although, in theory, what was it worth to you?
(Though, in theory, what was it worth to you?)
Whose side are you on, my guardian angel?
You looked for an ally in me, but did not see it.
In love, as in war - you keep hoarding, but never spend any of it.
Whose side are you on, my angel-traitor,
Whose side are you on?
Flawless in love, yet invisible in my dreams -
You're the first one I've met, the last one to not survive.
Although those are just the happiest of myths,
We are too stubborn for a happy end.
The Earth was white, full of fairy tales
And the music sounded happily and for long.
But with a sharp-sight of a bird, the poise of a warrior
You can be proud of yourself, it was worth it!
(You can be proud of yourself, it was worth it!)
Whose side are you on, my guardian angel?
You looked for an ally in me, but did not see it.
In love, as in war - you keep hoarding, but never spend any of it.
Whose side are you on, my angel-traitor,
Whose side are you on?
Whose side are you on, my guardian angel?
You looked for an ally in me, but did not see it.
In love, as in war - you keep hoarding, but never spend any of it.
Whose side are you on, my angel-traitor,
Whose side are you on?
Whose side are you on?
Whose side are you on?
Whose side are you on?
Whose side are you on?

Budi moj dragi

One noći kad smo se sreli, znala sam da te tako trebam
I da sam imala priliku - nikad te ne bih pustila
Zato, nećeš li reći da me voliš?
Bit ćeš tako ponosan na mene
Za nama će okretati glave
Kamo god krenuli
Zato nećeš li, molim te,
Biti moj mili dragi
Reci da ćeš biti moj mileni
Budi moj dragi sad
Usrećit ću te, dragi
Samo čekaj i vidjet ćeš
Za svaki poljubac koji mi daš
Dat ću ti tri
Oh, od dana kad sam te ugledala
Čekala sam na tebe
Znaš da ću te obožavati
Do vječnosti, zato nećeš li molim te,
Biti moj mili dragi
Reci da ćeš biti moj mileni
Budi moj dragi sad
Budi moj mili dragi
Reci da ćeš biti moj mileni
Budi moj dragi sad
Budi moj mili dragi
Ooo, ooo....

The boss

The boss doesn't give us any money1
He always tells us to work
And we [can] only eat the bitter part2
For that dirt measly salary that he gives us.
The boss today came to us,
He wanted to tell us:
'Be careful, everything is going to blow up'
And then he beat us.
[There is] so much light, there is no more misery,
In Paradise we are [finally] going well
And no-one wants to boss us around.
The Lord gives no salary at all,
[But] always tells [us] to pray:
If we pray Holy Mary
Something on the Earth may change.
The Lord today came to us,
He wanted to tell us:
'What's the matter with you?
Even in Heaven you must work'
[There is] so much light, it's impossible to stay here in Paradise:
Not even the dead [ones] are going well,
And we have not even bitter parts to eat3.
  • 1. lit. 'two coins'
  • 2. lit. 'We only eat the lemon'
  • 3. lit. 'We have no lemon to eat'

It was an illusion to love you

I know!
Maybe i was pushing your feelings for me
Too much
I wasn't able to be in touch with
Your thoughts
(wasn't able) to know what you wanted to
Get from me
By leaving me like this...
I don't know!
Would it be that i deceived myself
All the time because of the look in your eyes?
Despite all that i have lived
I let myself go with the flow
What an illusion it was to love you...
You will find
Someone that you love
And that does to you
What you've done to me
And you will cry
Every single tear that I
Ever cried because of wanting you
Because of loving you
And you will feel
The pain of indifference
Coming from this someone who just
Deceives you
You will learn to live
And to value the love
Of the one who loves you...
I don't know!
Would it be that i deceived myself
All the time because of the look in your eyes?
Despite all that i have lived
I let myself go with the flow
What an illusion it was to love you...
You will find
Someone that you love
And that does to you
What you've done to me
And you will cry
Every single tear that I
Ever cried because of wanting you
Because of loving you
And you will feel
The pain of indifference
Coming from this someone who just
Deceives you
You will learn to live
And to value the love
Of the one who loves you...


Egy újjabb péntek este
Felhívsz a telefonon
Megpróbálom elmondani hogy te túl jó vagy neki
Azt hiszem, ez után
A belédzúgás elkerülhetetlen volt
Most aggódom az államért, ahol vagy
De ha haza akarsz menni
Baby, én leszek a kísérőd
Ha haza akarsz menni
Akkor vissza megyek az ágyamba egyedül
El akarnál szaladni
ha azt mondanám neked, hogy szeretlek?
El akarnál szaladni
ha azt mondanám, hogy törődök veled?
És én csak több akarok lenni, mint a barátod
El akarnál szaladni
Ha elmondanám, mit érzek?
Nem tudom emlékszel-e
Aznap este a bárban, néztelek téged
Kétségbeesetten próbáltam kideríteni, hogy hol állok
Most már tudom, szükséged van
valaki olyanra mint én, nem pedig egy másik szerelemre
De amikor készen állsz rám, én itt leszek
És ha haza akarsz menni
Baby, én leszek a kísérőd
Ha haza akarsz menni
Akkor vissza megyek az ágyamba egyedül
De el akarnál szaladni
ha azt mondanám neked, hogy szeretlek?
El akarnál szaladni
ha azt mondanám, hogy törődök veled?
És én csak több akarok lenni, mint a barátod
El akarnál szaladni
Ha elmondanám, mit érzek?
El akarnál szaladni?
El akarnál szaladni?
Ne szaladj el


Time goes by too fast
I won't be able to spend as much time as I want with him, once again
The time when he will leave me is coming
And I'll lose him until the next time
But when he's about to leave I hug him
I hold him very tightly and I yell
Time, time
I ask you for a favor
Forget me here forever
Time, time
Preted that you haven't seen me
I love him very much
Time, time
My time is ending
Don't do this to me
Time, time
Stop right at this moment
Go back to the start
I'd like to be able to freeze time
While he holds me into his arms
And he tells me he only wants me
And that he's never felt before what he feels now
And when he's about to leave I hug him
I hold him very tightly and I yell
Time, time
I ask you for a favor
Forget me here forever
Time, time
Preted that you haven't seen me
I love him very much
Time, time
My time is ending
Don't do this to me
Time, time
Stop right at this moment
Go back to the start
But when he's about to leave I hug him
I hold him very tightly and I yell
Time, time
I ask you for a favor
Forget me here forever
Time, time
Preted that you haven't seen me
I love him very much
Time, time
My time is ending
Don't do this to me
Time, time
Stop right at this moment
Go back to the start
Time, time
Time, time

Do Not Talk To Me

Do not talk to me, do not talk to me, no.
Do not talk to me, do not talk to me, no.
no no.
Do not talk to me. no.
Puts my phone on silent. silent.
do not talk to me.
No, fuck it i'm timeless, over me like night and day,
I know, they know that b#tch is crazy
(cra- cra- cra- crazycrazycrazy)
That b#tch is crazy.
Do not talk to me. no.
You think you know me know me, no.
Do not talk to me. no.
Won't know you know you. And I know you like it when I hold it all back, all back.
Ringing me
I don't want to talk . Don't want to talk.
Did not talk to you but you still tried, do not talk to me.
Calling me at night just press end, do not call me aha. Me and my bathroom honeys aha, I roll with the bad honeys.
So do not talk to me like you think I'll be home with you. So just take it to you, take it to you, will not f#ck with you, f#ck with you.
Do not want to talk to you talk to you.
So do not talk to me, do not chat with me, do not talk to me. Do not talk to me, no.
Do not talk to me, do not talk to me, no.