Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 13

Találatok száma: 398


Don't Call Out

Versions: #1#2
You are chasing yourself
Like you are trying to say 'If this is life, I'm out'
You are driving round and round
Like you are trying to start all over
Wrap up your wound, don't let it fester
Drink a glass of water after it, if there is one
All will slowly come to an end
Next thing you know is an empty room
It is seducing your heart
when it runs crazily in your blood
There is no cure, even when you melt away
It hurts, but wait, don't call out
You wrote this line, that's not their fault
You wanted them to be like this, you wanted them to die
If you could write them one by one
You looked (at them) in a such way
That's all
It's like they break (you)
It's like they love (you)
Actually, it's more like they love (you)


I will remember the sun in the morning
How you were the light of day for me
I will remember the sound of voice
How you left one day and the sky cried
So, don't ask about me
Don't go back to the past
I for you
If I write songs
And if I cry seas
For you
I won't go back
To ask for lost
I will remember that the beautiful moments
Have been lost for us in the yesterday
And won't return again
I will remember that the lost loves
Are ships returning
From nowhere
So, don't ask about me
Don't go back to the past
I for you
If I write songs
And if I cry seas
For you
I won't go back
To ask for lost

You sinned

You took everything from me
mind and soul
I kept nothing
I forgot how many shots I drunk
but still
I can't forget you
You sinned, you hurt me
and where are you wandering now
no matter how much love I gave you
you're giving it somewhere else now
I'm dying every night
In bars and smokes
You sinned even though I had told you
you were all I had
You opened (the door) I got in
and my ego
was totally left out
I thought I had found
the beginning of the world
but unfortunately you were my end
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Oh, for nine months

Oh, for nine months you have been with child,
a fair faced son was born to you,
this, this child is a good sign.
When the midwife says: push, push
and the mother says: God, help me!
and her family says: amen, amen, amen.
The father comes with his guests
and in his hand he holds a fish
and for his wife he brings many good gifts.
This, this child is a good sign.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


From our resemblance with the gods

From our resemblance with the gods
For our own sake let us cease
Judging ourselves exiled divinities
And possessing Life
For a primitive authority
And the agemate1 of Jove.
Haughtily masters of ourselves
We use existence
Like the villa that the gods concede to us
To forget the Summer.
In any other more vexed manner
It isn't worth the effort we use
Indecisive and affluent existence
Fatal of the dark river.
Like how atop the gods Destiny
Is calm and inexorable,
Atop us we construct
A voluntary fate
That when it oppresses us we are
The very thing that oppresses us,
And when we enter through the night inside
through our foot we enter.
  • 1. person of the same age


If all that doesn't fit into your brain
is forgotten lyrics
If all you forgive before even thinking about it
turns into sad tunes
Turn off the light and listen...
While you were here,
this song
was somewhere well hiden
Thoughts like fire
and the lips burst
a song that seems unknown
How does the light inside you
look like a shadow
that meets you at night
Hoe do you become blind
and let your dreams overlook you
Come close and listen...
While you were here,
this song
was somewhere well hiden
Thoughts like fire
and the lips burst
a song that seems unknown

The usual sex

Hello, I’m the one you met at the party,
I’ve only called to hear from you…
Yes I know it’s been barely an hour, but listen:
it’s that somehow I miss your voice.
If you really believe in what you said,
I’d really like you to tell me again.
They say the eyes make an honest man,
so be quiet, don’t even speak.
Can I already see you again tonight?
But don’t think badly (of me) now,
again with the usual sex!
Because you know, it doesn’t happen so often
that my heart jumps so hard within me,
and I’m at a place in my life where everything seems less important
but I like you too much and nothing else matters.
Tell your man that saw us tonight
he can come here and beat me up if he wants to.
But I’m sure it will feel like a caress,
if it's gonna help me get you a little bit at least.
Can I already see you again tonight?
But don’t think badly (of me) now,
again with the usual sex!
I’m gonna close the rainbow’s curve
to imagine it as your crown,
and with the horizon line
I’m gonna make you a bracelet worthy of a queen.
But if only one day
I could sell the entire world
to get your true love in return…
You know, something like “heaven in a room”
is what I felt earlier in your presence.
They say angels love silence,
and into yours I got desperately lost.
I hear you breathing hard in this receiver,
damn thing separating me from your mouth.
Can I already see you again tonight?
But don’t think badly (of me) now,
again with the usual sex!
I will run fast against the avalanches
to gift you the volcano flame,
I’ll breath where the abyss falls down
and you’ll have all the rains in your hand.
But if only one day
I could sell the entire world
to get your true love in return…
Can I already see you again tonight?
But don’t think badly (of me) now,
again with the usual sex!
Goodbye now, it’s late, I’m going to sleep.
I told you everything I had to tell you.

Can't without you

Versions: #1#2
I woke up alone this morning
Can't without you
Familiar smells arent there
Can't without you
My breakfest was meaningless
Can't without you
Even my first cigarette was tasteless
Can't without you
It seems i addapt
Can't without you
I get two when i give one
Can't without you
Love is a thing of instability
Can't without you
A love which transforms to stability
Can't without you
I couldn't stay without asking me again
Why i want you so, why i cant figure it out.
loneliness is hard streets are dead ended
Can't without you
Always monotone everything is flat
Can't without you
Understanding is not enough to solve
Can't without you
A little excitedly, fearful
Can't without you
the night has arrived my bed is empty
Can't without you
You are away, i'm reclined
Can't without you
Understanding is not enough to solve
Can't without you
Time wont pass, morning wont arrive
Can't without you
I couldn't stay without asking me again
Why i want you so, why i cant figure it out.

You never cried

You went away and left
My life empty again
You went away and from your cold eyes
The heart froe
I didn't find a reason to keep you
To get hurt for one more time
Go wherever you want to
Live however you want to
Your life doesn't concern me
You never felt pain
You never cried
I went through everything alone
And all I asked
Was for the love to be kept alive
You never felt pain
You never cried
Not even now that love
Has fallen on earth like a teardrop
And the road
Has no return
You went away and the hours seem like a year
In loneliness
You went away and one more pain
Spread its wings
And took away everything I loved forever
I am not holding any grudges, be well
Go wherever you want to
Live however you want to
Your life doesn't concern me
You never felt pain
You never cried
I went through everything alone
And all I asked
Was for the love to be kept alive
You never felt pain
You never cried
Not even now that love
Has fallen on earth like a teardrop
And the road
Has no return

A Hold felkel

[Luna hercegnő]
Most, eljött végre az idő
A lágy és halványodó fény
Keresztezte a nyugati horizontot
És jó éjszakát rendelt el
És micsoda remek éjszaka ez
Hogy egy holdfényes mezőn sétáljunk
Hogy lássuk a lágyabb árnyékokat
Amelyeket most a csillagfény felfed
Szóval, miért is van az, hogy most
Mikor minden csendes és pihen
Mikor a gyertyák fénylenek és az egész világ
A legjobb
Equestria pónijai
El kellene zárniuk magukat
Hogy elrejtőzzenek a Hold elől és helyette várjanak
Nővérem napsütéses napjára?
A Hold árnyékban van
[Luna hercegnő]
És olyan rossz vagyok, mert azt kívánom, bárcsak ők is
Úgy látnák a világot, mint én?
És olyan rossz vagyok, mert úgy hiszem
Hogy talán engem is szeretnének?
Miért ne kellene imádniuk engem?
Nincs jogom hozzá?
Nem leszek beárnyékolt!
Nem az enyém a kevesebb fény!
Eleget vártam már
Rájuk, hogy idejöjjenek
És bár a Nap könyöröghet és fenyegethet,
A Hold megállja a helyét
Végül eljött ez is
Nem fogom többé átengedni az eget
Ha nem tudnak, csak egy hercegnőt szeretni
Látod, a Hold felkel
Eljött, hogy magának követelje a mennyeket
És mind megtudják a csodáját
A sötét és ékesített egemnek
Mikor az egész világ egy
Örök altatódalba van becsomagolva
Szóval mondjatok jó éjszakát ennek
A Nap végső nyugvásának
[Luna hercegnő és Nightmare Moon]
A holnap sötétségre virrad
Az éjszaka...
[Nightmare Moon]
... elkezdődött!
Ma este!
[Nightmare Moon]
[gonosz nevetés]

Your Sister's Favourite Song

I'm very glad that you're undressing because,
Because you wear f*ck knows what.
I'm ashamed of haning out with you,
You're crazy, you kissed asphalt.
I mistook the bed up and f*cked you on the mom's one,
That's improperly.
Lump in my throat. I'll explain everything later.
I'm very glad that you're undressing because,
Because you wear f*ck knows what.
How long can you dance? You're everlasting.
To snort, not to sleep, not to sleep.
I understand you no more, you cry with no reason,
You're a real f*cking namby-pamby.
Lump in my throat. I'll explain everything later.
I'm very glad that you're undressing because,
Because you wear f*ck knows what.
I'm ashamed of haning out with you,
You're crazy, you kissed pavement.
How should I understand this? How should I understand this?
I'm very glad that you're undressing because,
Because you wear f*ck knows what.
I'm ashamed of haning out with you,
You're crazy, you kissed pavement.
How should I understand this? How should I understand this?
Hpw should I understand this?
That's all...
Please give the credit link and my nick name (ENVY) if you use my translation somewhere.
Пожалуйста, при использовании моего перевода подписывайте мой ник-нейм (ENVY) и оставляйте ссылку на меня.

Horzsolások & Harapásnyomok

Két magányos szív tűzben ég
jelenleg bizonytalanságban épp
Ahogy a gátlások elhullnak
alakul egy koncentrált pillanat
Horzsolások és harapások nyomai
fájdalmat okozni nem képes akárki
Szenvedély szól,
elragadtatott álmok sikolyaiból
Félni jöttél ide
itt harapás az ajkak szerepe
Használjuk ki a percet már
üssük el az estét, bukjunk el mint egy sztár
Érezd, hogy nő a varázs
kifőzzük ezt a bukást
Izzadtságból és alkoholból lesz
Közben indulhat a hálószoba meccs
Te hozod, ami kötél és lánc
én meg ami szer és játék
Mutathatok fájdalmat
és a nevemet kell majd mondjad
Elhiszed, amit hazudok
Hogy én más pasi vagyok
A szememben a csillogás
Csak az egyik kamuzás
Félni jöttél ide
itt harapás az ajkak szerepe
Használjuk ki a percet már
üssük el az estét, bukjunk el mint egy sztár
Érezd, hogy nő a varázs
kifőzzük ezt a bukást
Izzadtságból és alkoholból lesz
Közben indulhat a hálószoba meccs
Félni jöttél ide
itt harapás az ajkak szerepe
Használjuk ki a percet már
üssük el az estét, bukjunk el mint egy sztár
Érezd, hogy nő a varázs
kifőzzük ezt a bukást
Izzadtságból és alkoholból lesz
Közben indulhat a hálószoba meccs
Félni jöttél ide
itt harapás az ajkak szerepe
Használjuk ki a percet már
üssük el az estét, bukjunk el mint egy sztár
Érezd, hogy nő a varázs
kifőzzük ezt a bukást
Izzadtságból és alkoholból lesz
Közben indulhat a hálószoba meccs

További dalszöveg fordítások

Radiohead - No Surprises dalszöveg fordítás

Nincs váratlan fordulat

A szív úgy tele van, mint egy szemétlerakó,
a munkád lassan megöl,
a sérülések nem gyógyulnak.
Olyan fáradtnak és boldogtalannak tűnsz,
takarodjon el a kormány is,
mert nem, nem téged képvisel.
Csendes lesz,
kéz a kézben a szén-monoxiddal.
Nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat,
nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat,
nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat,
csak csend és csend.
Ez az utolsó rohamom,
az utolsó görccsel.
Nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat,
nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat,
nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat, kérlek, ne.
Csak egy szép kis ház, szép kis kerttel …
Nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat, (engedj el innen),
nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat, (engedj el innen)
nincs vészjelzés, sem váratlan fordulat, (engedj el innen), kérlek.